Archives — 2011

December 2011

To Be or Not to Be

2011 Dec 14 [Wed]: 

of the

To extinguish the White race as a race and replace it with dark-skinned non-Whites under cover of “compassion,” “anti-racism,” “justice” and “equality,” and thereby to terminate not only civilization but biological evolution and intelligent life on the planet once and for all.

The eighth-largest bankruptcy of U.S. history was suffered in October by a mega-fund called MF Global.  At its helm was a former U.S. senator and governor of New Jersey, Jon S. Corzine who, reading a lawyer-written script in a monotone voice on Thursday, 2011 Dec 08, said, “I simply do not know where the money is, or why the accounts have not been reconciled to date.”  He also gave the obligatory apology to the investors and others who are now suffering the dire consequences of his “mistake.”  Even though he was the company’s head, he just doesn’t know what happened.  And, oh yes:  the creature also contributed heavily to the creation and election of the chimpanzoid now sitting as U.S. president.  Golly, gee whiz.  Another tiny misstep by a leftist politician and WallStreeter.

This news came on the same day that the Wells Fargo bank was forced to pay $148 million in fines for various financial crimes.  Ho hum.  Just another day at the office.

It is also beginning to look like the chimpanzoid’s office knew about, and approved, the “Fast and Furious” operation by which the government sold guns to Spic narco-syndicates to be used in killing American border-control agents among others.  More information is still being dug out on this by various senators and agencies.

But not to worry:  Whitey is helping all those needy darkies at home and abroad, which is much more important than the fact that he himself is being impoverished by the promoters of anti-racism.

The swirling vortex of the politics-and-money commode is becoming ever darker, and it is becoming impossible to tell the difference between briber and bribee.  The multitudes are so conditioned by Pavlovian propaganda that they have become irrelevant except as pawns.  As long as the current power elite gives the masses a little cut of the ill-gotten gains, they will not care about their progeny or even their own futures.  The ultimate consequences of their votes are irrelevant, and extinction is the last thing they can imagine.

So, since Yuletide has once more come around, it is time again to review the fundamental basis of human existence, and the context in which the current anti-White war is being waged by the elites:

Ultimately the question at issue is existence itself.  And to that question the answer, be it positive or negative, is religious.  For the vast majority of the elites — whether financial, political, academic or scientific — the answer is negative:  life is meaningless, a happenstance blip in the cosmos to be exploited for momentary fame or pleasure and then thrown into oblivion, if necessary with great violence.  In other words, the elites of the West are nihilistic.

For the unschooled majority, there is a vague sense that there is some kind of meaning to life, due to a God (or gods) who put the world in motion to begin with.  In America the dominant ethic is a generalized but weakening Protestantism which believes in an anthropomorphic divine Daddy who will cuddle the dumb little sheep and make everything better after death, especially if the White believer gives up his race and replaces himself with non-Whites.

In fact, however, neither the nihilism of the elites nor the childish credulousness of the herd has any resemblance to the real situation, even though it is as clear as the noonday sun.

Half a millennium before Christ, an Indian contemplative called Siddhartha Gautama perceived a metaphysical foundation underlying all of existence.  That foundation, he reported, was “suffering” (“dukkha,” sometimes also translated as “disquietude,” “misery” or something similar).  This revelation was his “First Aryan Truth.”  He went further and stated that the reason for suffering was “craving” (“tanha,” or “thirst,” etc., i.e., for life) — his “Second Aryan Truth.”  His “Third Aryan Truth” was that the way to stop suffering was to stop craving.  And his “Fourth Aryan Truth” was that the way to stop craving was to engage in special practices and attitudes (meditation, indifference to external conditions, purity of soul, etc.).  If one succeeded in stopping craving in this way, one would achieve the “out-blowing” (“nir-vana”) of the flame of existence (no more reincarnations).  Thus, contrary to popular Western interpretations, “nirvana” does not mean some Buddhist “heaven,” but rather the radical cessation of existence altogether.

Hence Buddhism, at its core, is nihilist.  Yes, most of its versions are pacifist (although not Japanese Zen!), but not because they wish to enhance life.  On the contrary, they wish to extinguish it altogether.

Along came Jesus Christ a while later, a shaman/mystic more profound than Siddhartha.  He was not only a preacher but also a doer.  He brought on himself a physical demonstration of the First Aryan Truth by incurring the penalty of death by crucifixion under a Roman præfectus, Pontius Pilate, at the insistence of the Jewish elites (Sadducees).  Death by crucifixion is not exactly painless.  But since Jesus was asserted to be the incarnation of God himself, it confirmed, in the subsequent teaching of his followers, suffering as genetically transmitted from the very start (“original sin”) of the first humans — a mythic explanation of the pain-embodying quintessence of human existence.  In psychological terms, Christianity and Buddhism are in substantial agreement about the idea of suffering as inseparable from being.

But then there is the matter of the Second Aryan Truth, that suffering (existence) is caused by craving, and the Third Aryan Truth, that the way to stop suffering is to stop craving, and the Fourth Aryan Truth, that one should achieve this by certain contemplative and behavioral practices.  Here Christianity took an opposite position.  It said that, yes, craving causes suffering and hence life/existence, but that is a good thing, not a bad one.  And the craving should be affirmed as “love” (meaning especially caritas or love of one’s neighbor, though by no means excluding eros or sexual love).

If, now, one views both suffering and love under the microscope of careful thought, it becomes clear that suffering is a form of awareness, of information that something is diminishing one’s life in some way, either physically or psychologically.  It is, in other words, a biological function meant to preserve life — more or less agreeing with Siddhartha’s insight.  Love, on the other hand, is the urge to maintain and proliferate the life of the species as a whole, i.e., beyond the self — even if this means self-sacrifice.  This dynamic, like suffering, is found in more primitive forms in evolutionarily lower creatures all the way down to the bacterium.

In other words, both suffering and love/craving spring from the deepest taproot of life, and are ultimately the same thing, just as in physics the four forces of nature (electromagnetism, the weak and strong forces, and gravity) are different aspects of the same ultimate underpinning of nature.  There is a two-pronged, primordial dynamic within biology that drives life forward.  Furthermore, that dynamic proceeds by increasing the amount of knowledge in biology:  the terms “lower” and “higher” in evolutionary theory (“evolutionary epistemology”) refer primarily to the amount of knowledge incarnate in an animal or plant.  Evolution itself, that is, is a knowledge process.  And this drive to increase knowledge is built into life as its innermost motivator, a fact that most rationalists ignore and most religious believers never suspect.

Through the centuries in Roman and Orthodox Catholic Christianity, the oddities called mystics have often engaged in self-inflicted suffering (e.g., hair shirts, etc.) as “penance,” and in displays of virtually indiscriminate love — notably for the poor and downtrodden, but not limited to them.  This is not because of any dogma issued by some ecclesiastical prelate, but because they somehow sense the mysterious, trans-rational source of being through such practices.  Eastern mystics, in contrast, seek radical self-annihilation and thus have a rather stoic and negative approach (perhaps “benign indifference”) to existence.  But despite different naming conventions and interpretations, both classes acknowledge the reality of the cosmic inframind.

In recent decades astronomy has devoted more attention to the search for exoplanets — planets outside the solar system.  One of the motivations involved is to discover whether there are any planets around similar to earth, planets which might support life of some type.  This search often concentrates on what are humorously called “Goldilocks zones.”  These are orbits around galaxies, and then around stars within those galactic paths, in which temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold, so that some form of life based on carbon and liquid water might arise.  While such zones are clearly very rare — perhaps only one in several trillion —, and while there are many other conditions which are necessary for the emergence of even the most primitive biology, the number of galaxies in the current universe (and there may be a multiverse of others) is so huge that such planets almost certainly exist (have existed, will exist).

But where such nurseries actually give rise to life, there must also be the same nisus vitalis or life urge involving the psychological drive to maintain biological integrity (expressed as suffering) and the psychological drive to continue the species beyond the individual instantiation (i.e., something analogous to love).  Otherwise the flame of life will be extinguished as soon as it arises.  We know from brain research and near-death experiences that mental thoughts and images are connected with, if not identical to, brainwave functioning, that is, electromagnetic fields.  Such fields, however, are infinite in extent (even though attenuated with spatiotemporal distance).  As mentioned above, they also emanate in some way from the “unified field” in which the four forces of physics are rooted.  It is this field which is the best candidate for the basis and residence of the mind, “psyche,” or soul.  The evidence from psychokinetic phenomena (e.g., hauntings, poltergeists, etc.) reveals that this aspect of human existence can also affect physical forces other than electromagnetism.  (Yes, yes, it is true that most scientific types deny anything paranormal, but these people long ago limited their ideas thereof to dwarfed, childish forms of religion and to Hollywood caricatures of the “supernatural.”)  And it would accordingly be this same substratum from which the life urge would influence “dead” matter to become alive and evolve.

Many physicists like to assert that quantum events (like the postulated one which birthed our universe in the Big Bang) emerged at random out of “nothing.”  The only problem with this assertion is that ex nihilo nihil fit :  out of nothing comes nothing.  People who make such magical claims ignore the fact that the cosmic bedrock under discussion is different from ordinary physics not in quantity but in quality.  Decades ago physicists Kip S. Thorne, Charles W. Misner and John Archibald Wheeler (at the end of their massive, 1970 tome, Gravitation) suggested that the true foundation of the physical universe was a mysterious realm of logic transcending mathematics.  In other words:  Mind.

This Mind is the true reason for the countless “coincidences” of history and evolution.  There is, in other words, a “cybernetic” underpinning to evolution, seen in the repeated catastrophes of earth:  being repeatedly struck by comets (or, very early on, by the moon) at just the right times;  in the seemingly mindless devastation and horrors of human deviation from reason;  and today in the consequences of the American-led failure to follow a eugenic path of reproduction.  Such disasters are built into nature.  They occur as an automatic reflex to aberration from the trajectory toward higher intelligence.  The impending global collapse is another example — and perhaps the final one — as we refuse to meet nature’s goal.  Not even all the Monopoly dollars the Judeo-Negroid regime can print will save us from that collapse.

For the universe is not senseless.  The best argument for a positive, non-nihilistic valuation of being, of life, and of progressive biological evolution is the existence of the universe itself.  To be or not to be — that is the question.  And the (non-Buddhist) answer from the cosmos itself is:  be!

This answer is transcendent, not trivial.  It obligates man — the highest form of life on this planet — to strive forward biologically, not in vaporous, propagandistic terms as uttered by popularity-seeking politicians, but in real, physical and disciplined ways.

The closed sphere of the earth itself dictates this direction.  The limits to growth are ultimately fixed and immovable, despite the arguments of economists about quickly resorting to resource B after resource A has been exhausted.  Moreover, the maintenance and promotion of races that are intellectually or culturally unable to advance by themselves can lead only to squandering the remaining resources which might enable us to reach a higher level of life.

Neither the masses nor the politicians who feed off of them will accept these fact-based conclusions.  They assume that a divine, anthropomorphic Daddy or “human creativity” will somehow enable us all to muddle through, and will enable growth-oriented Business-As-Usual to continue forever, while the White race is dragged down to Negroidal levels through miscegenation.  They cannot imagine that an entire planet could fail.

They have another think coming.


2011 Dec 06 [Tue]: 
“Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory’s Tevatron powered down [Friday, 2011] September 30, ending 26 years of colliding protons and antiprotons.  During the 4.26-mile-circumference (6.9 kilometers) accelerator’s lifetime, scientists discovered two fundamental particles — the top quark and the tau neutrino.  Fermilab, located outside Chicago, Illinois, will switch its focus to smaller experiments to explore rare interactions.”
“The end of the U.S. particle accelerator”
Astronomy Magazine
January 2012, p. 24.

With the above-mentioned shutdown of Fermilab, the United States falls back yet one more step from the race for knowledge (scientia) — which is the mission of man.  Together with the end of the final flight of NASA’s Space Shuttle on Thursday, 2011 July 21, it was just one more sign of Whitey’s general desire to give up the urge to survive.  After all, evolution is too hard;  and anyway, we need the money to help the lower rungs on the hominid evolutionary ladder.

The masses not only feel helpless;  they want to feel helpless.  They want to return to the crib and have mommy Government change their diapers for them.  The infotainment pumped out by the media feeds their dreamworld:  recently the media, looking for something to oppose the Tea Party (which they hate as being far too White), have created another mass bowel “movement” affectionately known as the “Occupy” phenomenon, complete with the usual police overreactions due to media-sponsored agents provocateurs and the accompanying opportunities for lawyer employment.  This strategy is apparently selling a lot of soap these days.  After all, the TV-hypnotizees want more reality shows with things such as public defecation on screen.

The political scene has become little more than a series of talk shows.  The chimpanzoid is staying out of sight for the time being, letting his media Jews launch all the attacks on the Republican presidential candidates, while he himself eliminates White jobs everywhere in government, inserting non-Whites, especially ThirdWorlders, into make-work positions wherever possible.  Since acknowledgement of such facts would disturb narco-fantasies of the average White genosuicidist, they are conveniently ignored.

Meanwhile the elites eviscerate the economy and with every greater power doom the White race to extinction.  In fact, destruction of the White race is necessary to the empowerment and enriching of these same elites.  The weaker and dumber that Whitey is, the more powerful they become.  And now that the “buying season” is upon us, White bank accounts and brains will be exhausted all the faster.

On Saturday, 2011 November 26, the Pakistani military in Pakistan fired on NATO troops in Afghanistan.  In response, a NATO air attack killed at least 24 Pakistani soldiers.  Naturally the Wogs now claim that their soldiers were all innocents doing nothing but quietly reading the Koran, and for that reason their government has now blocked the two main NATO supply routes into Afghanistan.  (Take that, Whitey!  And by the way, we want more $billions from you.)  They have also decided to boycott a conference in Bonn, Germany, on Afghanistan next month, to display their indignation.  The real reason, of course, is that they cannot admit that they were attacking NATO forces in Afghanistan, and they might be asked some embarrassing question about that at the conference.

The original reason America went into Afghanistan was because it believed that Islam was a religion like, say, mild-mannered Presbyterianism.  And then-president George W. Bush thought that, as with Germany and Japan in WW II, he could bomb Afghanistan into a totalitarian “democracy” subservient to the U.S.  He, like White Americans in general, is neurotically blocked from recognizing the fact that Mohammedan countries are not nations but rather zoos.  Ultimately, the problem with American involvement is not Arabistan, but the White race-guilt complex itself.  Thus we can expect only a Vietnam-type disaster to result from our meddling in Muslim mudlands.

The general level of theft, duplicity and outright criminality of the United States government is approaching that of the Russian or Chinese regimes, restrained only by the relative civility of the White majority.  The masters of the Jewbox, however, are working hard to destroy that majority and corrode whatever remains of that civility.  With the perversion of the legal system and the massive bribery of legislators at all levels, one can only wonder how long it will be until the entire edifice caves in.

Whenever the crimes of the banksters and political elites are uncovered, excuses in the guise of good-intentioned stupidity are used to justify the misdeeds:  “Mistakes were made.  But we meant well.  Sorry about that.”  And the taxpayers are forced to pay the penalty.

Since, as everyone knows, “growth” is necessary to service debt (pay the interest on it), if there is no growth, borrowing is reduced to theft under a different name.  The world is now reaching that point.  For most human beings on the planet, their support now comes from government money transferred (and often stolen) from other sources.  The majority make no substantive contribution to civilization, and their “jobs” are make-work inventions to keep them from rioting.  In reality the globe is vastly overextended with Negroids, mulattoes and other darklings whose only ability is to jerk tears from Whitey.  Whitey himself, in his American incarnation, is increasingly interested only in his next supply of narcotics.  If, given the current situation, the U.S. should be so arrogant as to bomb Iran (another fantasy of those who see war as a romantic repeat of killing Whites in World War II), America can forget about any jobs except federal employment.  Of course, the end of growth is coming anyway, it is just that terminating Iranian oil supplies would greatly accelerate it.

As a result of half a century of TV hypnosis, many American Whites now unconsciously believe theft is not just permissible but actually a positive thing to be practiced by everybody.  “Greed is good” is the new national motto.  This is demonstrated not only by the vast number of “subprime” housing loans made to undeserving buyers, but by the unrepayable loans made to young people earning bachelor’s (or master’s or even Ph.D.) degrees in Women’s Studies, Organizational Leadership, the Sociology of Slavery in America, and other, similarly vaporous non-disciplines.  The endebted youth know they will never be able to repay the huge debt they are undertaking, but they assume that the all-loving government will rob from the “rich” (though not from the financial industry which pays for chimpanzoids in the White House) to satisfy the loan.  The theft-is-good mentality is also promoted by the millions of illegal immigrants from World Three.  Add to this the sobstory-preaching religions and the growing Mohammedanism (which is not a religion but a political ideology of world conquest).  So it is impossible to turn back the clock and fantasize about such things as a “balanced budget” or “living within our means.”

It is often said that “people” are unaware of this or that problem, such as Peak Oil, which may be of dire consequence.  Strictly speaking, this is only half true.  The fact is that they are often at least dimly aware that there is something seriously amiss in regards such things, but actively choose to dismiss it from consciousness.  In fact, they will often attack those who bring it to their attention.

Since politicians must pretend to want the same things their electorate wants, it is critical that they express the same willful blindness.  Hence the violent insistence that all men are created equal, and anyone who denies that must be imprisoned or worse.  And hence the absolute confidence that the American Way of Life is non-negotiable.

On Tuesday, 2011 November 22, Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich, spouting obligatory blather about WW II, said that America needed to repeat the “seriousness” it showed in defeating the nasty Nazis, and had to open up the American oil sources, which would collapse the gasoline prices within a year.  Various commentators have attacked this statement by Gingrich, showing that it is patently false and impossible.  But what all such commentators have missed is what in the debate’s transcript appears written as “(APPLAUSE).”  As an intelligent man and smart politician, Mr. Gingrich knows that the mass mind must be catered to.  If that mind wants to believe the earth is flat, then, by God, it will be “self-evident” that the earth is a smooth pool table standing on the back of a stack of big turtles reaching all the way down.  Mr. Gingrich is simply telling the people what they want to hear.  Nor will he be contradicted by the chimpanzoid in the White House, who at this point needs every vote he can get.

And incidentally, the only mention of the narcotics epidemic in the above transcript is a short section in which Congressman Ron Paul in effect advocated canceling the war on drugs and allowing narcotics free reign.  He too got “(APPLAUSE).”  In other words, it is clear that the masses want their brains destroyed with these poisons.  The federal regime, of course, is helping them out.

The rest of the world, of couse, just keeps getting more interesting.  On Thursday or Friday, 2011 December 1-2, the U.S. lost a super-secret “stealth” spy drone (the Lockheed RQ-170) to the Iranians.  The high-tech gizmo was trying to capture information about Iranian nuclear work, but lost contact with its handlers and landed somewhere in the target country.  The Persians, of course, will be exhibiting the new toy to Russian and Chinese specialists, no doubt to help out their economies.  It’s called sharing the wealth.

But then, Whitey really couldn’t care less.  After all, the prospect of extinction gives him such a warm, fuzzy feeling, as one can tell from all the ads featuring mulattoes, ThirdWorlders and Negroid males with blond females.  So the motto of the whole story is, “What?  Me worry?”

November 2011

Hopelessness & Stagflation

2011 Nov 25 [Fri]: 
Section 8 - Powers of Congress
  • The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

  • To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

  • To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

  • To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

  • To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

Section 10 - States prohibited from exercise of certain powers.
  • No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;  grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal;  coin Money;   emit Bills of Credit;  make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;  pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

— United States Constitution, Article 1

From the above commandments of the United States Constitution, it is clear that the only legal tender of the nation should be gold and silver, rendered as coin by the U.S. Congress.  This clear directive, however, has been turned into mush by modern administrations eager to extend their power by beggaring the citizenry as well as foreign countries.  For gold and silver — physical elements of limited quantity — lie outside the manipulatory powers of any single nation.  But through massive inflation, “quantitative easing,” hidden forms of fiat currency and various other circus tricks, the money manipulators have undermined the monetary foundations of this country and, through it, the world.  This calls for a bit of review:

  • As the U.S. begins to pull out of Iraq after losing 4,500 dead in that Mohammedan madhouse, World 3 is looking for its next opportunity to exploit Whiteland.  It is not just that Iraq itself will relapse into its historical role of death desert, but the entire American attempt to civilize the uncivilizable will be seen for what it was and is:  another example of White liberal psychosis.

  • The fact that on Wednesday, 2011 November 16 the U.S. debt climbed past $15 trillion means nothing to the Jew-riddled elites in this country.  Nor does the ongoing dissolution of the mass mind into a narcotic haze supported by the drug syndicates of Latin America.  Only the control by corrupt aristocrats matters.

  • This control has its capital in Washington, D.C. and depends on its military domination of Europe — Germany above all —, then the rest of the White world, followed by Japan in Asia.  The elites pretend to be aiming for a worldwide Disneyland, a target which attracts countless deluded supporters.  The real and mostly subconscious goal, however, is the termination of White existence on this planet, and thus of evolution.  This reality is glaringly manifest whichever way one turns.

  • As each new crisis arises, the powerholders take some additional, yet more corrupt or criminal step to “solve” it, ignoring any possible consequences, no matter how ominous.  We can only expect more of the same as the difficulty of obtaining enough oil further drains the economic power of nations.  Global inflation and beggaring one’s neighbor is the current preferred method.  What comes next?

  • The usual technique is to cry wolf over some problem, using any available poster children and omitting all counter-arguments, and thereby justify taking money or power away from others, including other nations.  Of course, if the exploitation can be done stealthily — say, through obscure legal machinations executed in the middle of the night, or by some form of cybercrime —, then that way is preferred.

  • To avoid acknowledging that the current world economic malaise is due to fundamental physical and demographic realities, the media has decided to find double-digit-IQ types and escapees from the nation’s insane asylums who will give their opinions about how evil (usually middle-class White) manipulators are stealing their money and how we need to be Communized and negrified.  Such opinionators are readily found in the current “Occupy” gangs whipped up by the media around the country.

  • While the masses are busy submerging their brains in the TV dungheap, the politicians are busy slurping in money from the Latino narcogangs under cover of importing “people who do the work Americans don’t want to do.”  The elites refuse to stop the flood of brain poison coming across the border and destroying the youth of the country because they are making too much money off of the narcotrade.  They have a thousand excuses, but their final answer is always the same:  do nothing and let the physical destruction of the nervous systems of America’s young people continue.  It is impossible to fight the criminals at the top of the power chain, since the masses ardently desire fantasy.  While politicians profess to obsess over “jobs,” they are engineering the deaths and insanity of millions of Americans.  The fact is that the political system itself, regardless of its own self-congratulation, is diseased.

At the core of the storm is the struggle for power.  In the last analysis there are no rules in this struggle, just whatever works.  Thus resource-poor contenders will typically reach for outside help whenever and wherever it is available, which usually means making a bargain with the devil.  The petitioner may win the crown but, one way or another, the devil will always get his due.

Thus the politicians in the American power struggle, looking for support from any source, typically find politically savvy Jews, many in the financial markets, ready with moneybags to help.  We also now know that large flows of liquid cash from international criminal organizations are being laundered through these markets.  As a result, American politicians make sure to be ignorant of the true sources of their support, but they mysteriously and inevitably take actions which favor those sources.  Since the propagandists have infinite numbers of poster children of all ages at their disposal, as well as cloying clichés about old people reduced to eating dogfood, not to mention the mind-numbing quasi-religious blather calling for “helping the poor,” it is quite easy, using such means, to justify any grab for more power, no matter how egregious or corrupt.  The self-absorbed masses simply cannot imagine that nefarious motives or deadly consequences might be involved.  They are trapped inside the cages of their own psychoses.

America is consequently today a bloated miscegenationist monster wrapped around the face of mankind.  In its view, human beings are “consumers” first and foremost, meant to submit to the Jew and, if White, obligated to destroy their own race.  Increasingly, this monster is being forced to contend with other agencies (e.g., nations) and factors for existentially necessary resources (starting with oil) which are increasingly hard to get.

Of course, the miscegenationist elites of America and their European marionettes and copycats cannot imagine that there are transcendant laws of evolution that are going to put a savage end to this shortsighted irrationality.  That is why they keep postponing any serious decisions about anything and using various shell games to mask the global limits to “growth.”  They have an uneasy feeling that something ominous is going on beneath the surface, some invisible tectonic shift which might deprive them of power.  Because for them, power is the only thing there is.  And since that power is today based on the destruction of the White race, they are seeking to destroy it all the faster, in the desperate hope that the Disneyland promised by Karl Marx and Robin Hood will yet arrive.

On the current international scene, the U.S. is busy sending agents provocateurs from Turkey and Lebanon into Syria to stir up a “spontaneous” revolution there.  The objective is to destroy the Mediterranean ally of Iran, the ultimate target.  Any frontal attack on Iran itself (which Yidland would like to see) would be disastrous for the world’s oil-based economy and have unpredictable consequences.  So the idea is to work around the edges:  a little revolution in Syria here, a little assassination of Persian nuclear scientists there, and so forth.  But given the fire-breathing intensity of the anti-Saudi Mohammedans, who actually have an ideology other than consumerist Disneylandism, there is not a large chance of success in that area, especially since those friendly Iraqis are now ejecting American troops from Mesopotamia.  The hoopla about a possible future Iranian nuke is merely an attempt at justification of the U.S. effort to suppress Iranian hegemony over the Mideast.  In reality, it can be argued that Iranian Shia is slightly less barbaric and animalistic than almost any variant of Sunni Islam, Arabian or not.  But America is more oil-dependent on Saudi Arabia than on Iran, so Washington tilts in favor of the Saudis.  This will last until the Ghawar oilfield (declining at ~8%/yr) is exhausted and the Saudis have to use all of their oil for domestic consumption.

The Greek thing is also attracting large crowds to the world stage.  Since there is no solution to Hellenic laziness and corruption, we can expect more frenetics out of the European miscegenationist elites as they try to camouflage the issue.  Funny thing, though:  the money markets don’t seem to be listening to the elites.  The global economy is stagnant, while the U.S. tries to inflate its way back to Business-As-Usual for a bit longer.  The preferred name for this process is called “stagflation.”  Given that America is economically based on the idea of counting one’s chickens before they are hatched, the chimpanzoid’s eggheads in the nation’s capital cannot understand why this model is no longer working.  Too many chicks are dying frozen in the egg, and Asian chicken hawks are devouring others.  Since all this is politically impossible to admit, the bribe-ocrats need to proclaim more loudly that they can arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic better than can their opponents.  And that they can import illegal aliens faster.

As an added bit of humor, the “Supercommittee” (officially “Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction”) came to nothing on 2011 November 21, thereby further demonstrating the fact that the U.S. has reached the end of the line.  Barring another newsworthy event, the country will continue in suspended animation until at least 2012 November 6, the next presidential election.  The juvenile Negroid at the helm will similarly continue his now four-year-long election campaign, fed with $millions from Goldman Sachs and friends.  The American plebs, obsessed with watching Negro-populated “sports” and freak shows on TV, will find yet more excuses to demand Business-As-Usual without dethroning the political masters who hold up mirrors to the populace.  This is the way the system works:  the unschooled masses demand entitlements to which they are unentitled, while being persuaded by the self-called “conservative” media that they are all hyperintelligent demigods who deserve heaven on earth.  Without question, this self-defeating history will continue undeviatingly on its glide path, and with it the cancer of anti-Whitism.

Perfect Storm

2011 Nov 14 [Mon]: 
“Maj Gen Peter Fuller, deputy commander of Nato's Afghan training mission, said in an interview with Politico the country's leadership was ‘isolated from reality’.
“It is not clear whether Gen Fuller will be reassigned or will retire.

“Gen Fuller also said that he tried to make Afghan generals understand that the US was involved in Afghanistan despite economic uncertainty at home.

“‘You think that America has roads paved in gold, everybody lives in Hollywood,’ he said.
“‘They don't understand the sacrifices that America is making to provide for their security.’
“Politico have reported that the general appeared to be irritated when referring to a recent comment made by Mr Karzai — that Afghanistan would side with Pakistan if the country ever went to war with the US.

“‘Why don't you just poke me in the eye with a needle!  You've got to be kidding me.  I’m sorry, we just gave you $11.6bn (£7.2bn) and now you're telling me, "I don't really care"?’ Gen Fuller said.
“The general also likened the Nato training mission in Afghanistan to teaching a man to fish.
“‘You can teach a man how to fish, or you can give them a fish.  We’re giving them fish while they’re learning, and they want more fish!’
“‘[They say] "I like swordfish, how come you're giving me cod?"  Guess what?  Cod’s on the menu today,’ he told Politico.”
— “US General Peter Fuller fired as Afghan training chief ”:
A senior US commander has been dismissed
after he made disparaging comments
about Afghanistan's leaders.

BBC News, US & Canada
2011 November 4 @ 22:20 ET

Some historians have spoken of Europe in the years preceding World War I as having been a “powder keg” waiting to explode.  There was French revanchism against Germany for having humiliated it in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71;  England was terrified that Germany was building a navy which might soon equal her own;  Russia was expanding economically but had a tottering tsarist dictatorship;  the Balkans were full of anarchists;  and Marxist Communism promised to kill the rich and distribute their goodies to the indigent, all under the label of “science.”  In addition, life was generally boring and people wanted some excitement.  The solution to it all was to go insane, have World War I and kill millions of fellow Whites, thereby leading to World War II, to murderous Communist domination of hundreds of millions of people, and to the suffocating self-righteousness of the United States atop what was left of the West.  It was the beginning of the decline of Whiteland.

On Friday, 2011 Nov 5, U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said the nation’s economy was expected to grow “slowly” from 2013 on.  This is government-speak for “not at all or maybe negatively.”  To be sure, in no communications will officials ever add the facts of Peak Oil into their calculations.  They know what those facts are, but they also know that they have to keep the financial markets from being “spooked.”  The fact that we now have a live spook at the head of the government makes their job all the harder, since they have to deny what is visibly indicative of the future.

For several decades now, the American economy has been shifting away from producing substantive goods and switching to financial “services” which involve the creation of money out of thin air.  Like a man gorging himself on fattening foods, the nation’s girth has expanded mightily while its strength and even surviveability has greatly decreased.  Mexico is also contributing to the “services” of narcotics addiction in American youth, while tsunamis of invading ThirdWorlders are making ever greater demands on traditional Whites.  Most of the popular religions preach White genosuicide behind the mask of “charity.”

In Mexico itself, the death march continues.  On Friday, 2011 Nov 11, Mexico’s Interior Minister, Francisco Blake Mora, was killed in an “accidental” helicopter crash with seven others.  He is the second Interior Minister of the Calderon regime to die in a flight crash:  In 2008, his predecessor, Juan Camilo Mourino, and 15 others died in the crash of a Lear jet.  Chalk up two more deaths of high anti-drug officials for the narcogangs, who are clandestinely supported by corrupt Spic politicians.  The American chimpanzoid in the White House pretends to lament the loss, but will in fact do nothing to halt the flood of Latino drugs into Whiteland.  After all, it might injure his base among Spics.

All the while, Whitey directs most of his attention to the Jewbox, his main interest being evaluating the various actors and Negro sports “stars” in the entertainment arena.  Whatever lies ahead for him does not bother him in the least.  He will continue to vote for more of the same until the swarthy invaders come to kill him and his family after raping the females.

On Wednesday, 2011 November 2, Major General Peter Fuller, as a senior commander in Afghanistan, revealed in an interview (see box, above) that the Afghan government was, in effect, a failure.  He was, of course, promptly removed from his post.  He was the second U.S. General in Afghanistan to have terminated his own career in this way, the first one being General Stanley McChrystal, former commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, who was forced to resign in June 2010 after exposing the corruption and ineptitude of the primitives there and the incompetence of the chimpanzoid now holding the office of U.S. president, along with the superficiality of White lackey, the vice president.  After all, we mustn’t let the truth out.

Neither of these generals made a “mistake” in talking too freely to leftist media.  The fact is, the American general staff is tired of being forced to do an exercise in futility and at the same time to lie about it.  McChrystal and Fuller had simply had enough.  They, like all other American military officers, had originally bought the fairy tale that “all men are created equal” and were then surprized by reality.  They did not know that America is a living lie until they were forced to admit it by the ongoing deaths and wounding of their troops because of the duplicity and primitivism of the Mohammedan wogs, not to mention the hypocritical criminality of the American Executive and Congressional branches of government.

Now that the president of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, has said (Saturday, 2011 October 22) that he will stand with Pakistan in a war against the U.S., at least a few in the U.S. general staff are coming to understand that the muds in southern Asia are simply taking Whitey’s wish for extinction at face value.  Given this realization, the commanders are confronted with exposing the truth or continuing to be paid as hypocrites and falsifiers.  McChrystal and Fuller chose honesty.

Ultimately, the problem resides in the fact that the average White American is deeply neurotic with oedipalism.  He often seeks to shield himself from all rational exposure of his neurosis by oxymoronically claiming to be at one and the same time socially liberal and economically conservative, ignoring the fact that this is a contradiction in terms.  “Socially liberal” means stealing from Peter to pay Paul, which utterly defeats economic conservatism.  So does forcing racial integration down Peter’s throat and racial self-extinction.  Political schizophrenia, in other words, does not work.

America is the land of escapism.  This is the true meaning of seeking a so-called “better life” in this country.  In the last analysis it is escapism from evolution itself, and from the Power behind evolution.

Today, however, the limits to growth are closing off the escape routes for the American weasel.  Peak Oil is here, now.  To disguise this, the massive Jewish con job of turning an economy of production into an economy of fantasy is in full flower.  We are eating the seed corn.

Whitey’s answer, in other words, is genosuicide.  The party is over, so let us now end it all and turn the fruits of thousands of years of struggle over to the lower races.  Exit left.

Among the many defects of the “solutions” (or “cris de cœur”) of the lefties who follow the Peak Oil commentaries are the calls for a “smaller, kinder, gentler” America where everyone loves his neighbor and copulates interracially.  This includes the calls to pull American troops back from the zillion locations in which they are “advising” the governments of love-exuding, dark-skinned regions around the planet.  All this would have been nice if the American regime had followed their advice before dragging us into World Wars I and II.  Now, however, the U.S. is inextricably caught in a trap of its own making.  This trap is the prospect of the Power Vacuum.  Although the extent of current deployments of the military are certainly overkill, some locations (e.g., Pakistan-Afghanistan) are so unstable that any withdrawal would lead to a paroxysm of criminality and barbarism with unpredictable but dire consequences for the entire world.

White genosuicidists cannot grasp this fundamental reality, just as they prefer not to grasp a number of other basic facts.  The killer ape within the anthropic primate has never been content to “give peace a chance.”  Shortly after a defenseless society appears anywhere, its neighbors invade and extinguish it.  This, in short, is the history of mankind.  The brief respite from evolutionary constraints we have experienced more or less since the middle of the last century is due, more than to any other single factor, to abundant oil.  This expanded the ecological niche in which humans live.  But because that niche has now stopped expanding, the world is returning to normal.  Among other things, extensive bribery of the political elites has effected the decriminalization of financial crimes, thereby resulting in the rape of the global financial system.

The rise of cybercrime and cyberwar (e.g., China) adds a new dimension to the predator-prey contest.  Anyone who imagines that hackers will all turn into nice ecumenical Christian world-citizens needs psychiatric help.  The prospect, not just of Peak Oil, but of general collapse, grows greater each year.  No Negroid as president, no anti-White flower child, no Marxist Robin Hood is going to, or can, change this tectonic movement.  One can only prepare defenses against it, which American Whites refuse to do.  In other words, not much hope or change.

While we continue in Dreamland, the news is chattering about a possible attack on Iran by Yidland, complete with American assistance in order to assure Jewish support for the chimpanzoid’s reelection in November 2012.  To prevent a disaster to world oil exports, that assistance would of course include the destruction of all of Iran’s mobile missile batteries which could target Saudi Arabia’s Abqaiq oil hub.  Thus, as the Wall Street Journal mentioned, such an attack is unlikely because of the global economic consequences.  On the other hand, given that the Middle East, with its superabundance of lower races and mulattoes, has always been a source of madness and twisted thinking, such a blowup is not exactly unthinkable.  That possibility is all the more reason for the U.S. to stop overburdening and endangering itself with more illegal aliens.  Alas, facts of this nature have little bearing on American politics.

— Source:  “Cheap oil isn’t coming back”
The Motley Fool
Wednesday, 2011 November 2

As Richard Heinberg has pointed out until he is blue in the face:

  1. Cheap energy led to mass production, which led to advertising and credit.

  2. Payment of debt requires future growth.

  3. Increasing debt for consumers increases wealth for banks, leading to increased power for financials.

  4. We are living at the end of history's greatest credit bubble.

  5. Our economic future will have persistent high unemployment, declining income and net worth, financial instability.

  6. We need to build local resilience, but that is at odds with economic efficiency.

  7. Rapid economic growth is an artifact of the fossil fuel age.

  8. We can have a better quality of life with reduced consumption.

The possibility of a “better life” mentioned in the last point is illusory.  Because of the culture of genosuicide, the American “consumer” will not cease voting for miscegenationist absurdities that promise everything except survival.  And today the multiplex of growing problems threatens the disappearance of America in the twinkling of an eye.  It is not that “those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”  It is that those who do not learn from evolution are condemned to extinction.

In the last analysis, the issue is politics.  So-called “democracy” is in fact not the rule of the “people”;  it is the rule of a momentary coalition of disparate groups within a population, as that coalition is assembled and orchestrated by an assembly of interested parties and their propagandists within the political battlefield.  These coalitions come and go, shift with the wind, and twist as the power brokers persuade them to.  What we are seeing today in the demands of the dominant coalition of lefties, the slothful, muds, Negroes and the illegals for more freebies is the abrogation of legality.  Contracts are now to be broken, money created out of thin air for their benefit, debts to be abolished, mortgages defaulted on, and theft legalized.  In other words, rule by a jerry-rigged majority against justice.  The politicians agree with this majority and gain money and power in the process.  All in the name of “democracy.”  And we know from history where this leads.

Whistling in the Dark

2011 Nov 04 [Fri]:  Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, the late, well-known investigator into the depths of the human soul, pointed out that the first stage of the so-called “grief cycle” (better:  grief trajectory) was denial.  Denial is today becoming the most prominent expression on the Peak-Oil-driven scene — indeed, on the civilizational-decline scene.  The Greeks, who convinced the European Union to accept their Trojan Horse in 2001, are now rioting because they have been found out.  The effects of Peaking Oil exposed their parasitism, and they now insist that Troy be pillaged for their benefit.

Similarly in Italy:  the legislators there are engaging in fistfights in parliament because they cannot face the fact that, to remedy the problem of Italian profligacy, some want to raise the retirement age to 67 by 2026, as well as to impose other belt-tightening measures.

In the U.S., the White House chimpanzoid is claiming that he has a plan for hope and change that will continue Business-As-Usual.  Even the pope has gotten into the act by issuing a publication calling for a new world government to transfer wealth from productive and industrious peoples to lazy and shiftless ones.  (Where have we heard that before?)

The Jewish media are inciting “Occupy Wall Street” (or “Occupy” whatever) demonstrations eveyrwhere to attract readers and viewers in order to compensate for falling revenues.

And so it goes.

Innumerable Peak-aware commentators have expressed the forlorn hope that mankind (they mean Whitey) will calmly and rationally prepare for post-Peak times with this or that race-mixing plan.  The race-mixing is of course happening, but without the preparation for the inevitable.

For the denialists, man is separate from the universe;  he is some kind of godlike being who can fashion his own destiny.  And, of course, that fashioning must include infantile niceness and racial “inclusivity” all around.  Never mind the savagery of the Mohammedans, the Latin-American drug lords, the African primitives or other ThirdWorlders.  Only the genosuicide of Whitey matters, and will solve all problems due to Peak Oil.

As part of the denial, on Wednesday, 2011 October 26, the Eurozone invented another delay mechanism for dragging out the Greek bankruptcy crisis.  The financial markets jumped for joy, and all was well again.

Until the next bill comes due for Greece and no one — not Germany, not China, no one — offers to assume its debt.

But slowly, piece by piece, one corporation at a time, the world of the White genosuicidists is beginning to disintegrate.  In America, individual states are losing the ability to pay their bills;  some are shutting down insane asylums to save money.  Police and fire departments are being cut to the bone, if not abolished altogether, although government employee unions are still strong due to their ability to bribe lawmakers.

Meanwhile, large multi-national corporations — including international oil and gas companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Anadarko, to mention only a few of many — are given vast subsidies, tax breaks and other benefits so they will continue their contributions to the campaign coffers.  The military is bloated beyond comprehension.  The bribe-ocracy spends more time raising money and running for office than it does in the business of governing the country.  There is no possibility of reforming campaign financing, the casino called Wall Street, or the tax code because the elites are accumulating too much power and money.  The masses are diverted with blather about racism, abortion, and cultural insensitivity while being encouraged to game the system through unjustified and unjustifiable unemployment benefits, welfare benefits and other drains.  Amidst it all, bribery rules.

A primary reason for the fall of the western Roman Empire to comparatively small bands of Goths in the fifth century was essentially that the elites became so obsessed with competing for power and fixated on obsolete customs that they ignored the business of governing.  The same thing is occurring in America today, as the energy foundations and economics of the entire system become subverted and distorted beyond recognizability.  But the elemental fact is that the electorate wants it this way.  It truly and fanatically believes in Disneyland and the tooth fairy.  The cultural degeneration of the youth is but one manifestation of this.  Thus a reset of the entire system is impossible and collapse is inevitable.

Due to the refusal of a now genetically polluted America to acknowledge reality, the political system is simply responding accordingly.  For instance, according to Shadow Government Statistics, the “methodologically adjusted” numbers given by the Negroid’s regime vary considerably from reality:

Economic Statistics
Gov’t SGS
Unemployment: ~9% ~23%

Inflation: ~4% ~7% (according to methodology used in 1990)
~10% (according to methodology used in 1980)

In other words, since the electorate wants fakery, the government is only giving it what it wants.

Of course, the big players in the financial markets are not “rich people” but nations.  Other nations are currently in the process of reevaluating their trust in the American-dominated economic system.  They are slowly trying to reduce their dependency on the inflating dollar.  This means (Oi vey!) disintegration of the world as White genosuidists have known it.  The corruption and façades that have been at the core of the Greek, Italian, Spanish and other meltdowns are now bringing about the same results in America.

But the political and financial elites who run the show are gaining too much power and money to stop the runaway train.  And the TV-hypnotized masses are committed to the nation-destroying importation of non-Whites and the suppression of those who strive to prevent White extinction.  Hard work, especially of the intellectual kind, is neglected if not despised.  The idea of shipping illegal aliens back to their points of origin is regarded as “racist.”  White suicide, we are told, is preferable to that.  Narcotics are viewed as the preferred “lifestyle” by increasing numbers of Americans.  And let us ignore the complete disintegration of slaughterhouse Mexico into failed narco-state status.  (While Mexico’s biggest oilfield, Cantarell, is drying up fast.)  Et cetera.

Collapse, therefore is assured and, indeed, is already in the offing.

October 2011

Eurozone Problems

2011 Oct 25 [Tue]: 
Decision Paths and Sequels
Now Italy
demands it
too …
oh, and so
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • France
  • Ireland
  • Belgium
doesn’t let
to spend
Let Greece
as is
— Main source:  Stratfor, 2011 September 28

Now (i.e., 2011 Oct 20 [Thursday]) that the White governments of America and Western Europe have used bombing (inadvertently, they say) to force Libya’s former dictator, Moammar Qaddafi, into being murdered by insurgents hired by the West, Whitey can get down to the serious business of giving welfare to Libyan Sand Negroes for the next century and importing them as “economic refugees.”  The fantasy that Libyan oil will benefit Europe is grossly overrated.  The Libyan oilfields have been damaged and mostly shut down, so it will take a year or so to return them to some kind of profitability.  Moreover even that length of time may not enable oil companies to reach pre-aggression levels of output.  The fields’ over half-year shutdown has severely reduced reservoir pressure, which can be only partially restored with water/gas injection.  In fact, some of them may already be damaged beyond repair.

All of this is to say nothing about the political status of the Mohammedan desert nation, which will be turmoil as far as the eye can see, thereby making effective production of oil for export a highly questionable proposition.  Another “success” for the White missionaries of bribeocracy democracy and racemixing.  But not to worry:  the U.S. regime’s main objective here, as with the Rome of old, is to insert its own puppets into subjugated nations, no matter at what cost or consequences.

According to the playbook of standard Sheeny economics, any time the supply of a critically needed resource runs short, its price rises and by magic a substitute is found, enabling Business-As-Usual to continue.  It now turns out that the “magic” includes war, as in Iraq and Libya.

There is a new term in the language called “Available Net Energy” (“ANE”).  This is the amount of energy (chiefly oil) left over after the oil-producing countries (Saudi Arabia et al.), China and India have taken their cut of total production.  By 2020, calculations show, ANE is projected to decline to a little more than half of what it was in 2010.  So the U.S., with its compulsion to give freebies to all dark-skinned parasites, will have to make much more use of “magic” in order to satisfy its obsession.  And that magic will be black.  American TV-hypnotizees are already conditioned to call black white, so that will be no problem.

In fact, the only problem will be reality itself, which pays no attention to the standard Sheeny model of economics.  Due to America’s palming off of its explosive debt onto all other nations via the dollar as reserve currency, the rest of the world is becoming economically unstable.  Added to this is the fact that Club Med (Greece to begin with, then Italy, Portugal and Spain) and now Belgium (through its now nationalized bank, Dexia) expect Germany to pay for their corruption and profligacy.  (See the decision chart, above, for but one example.)  The picture of the happy mulattoization of Whiteland is turning dark.

The hate-filled genosuicidal elites are becoming terrified that they will not have enough money to imprison all the Whites who would like their race to survive.  Thus there is high-level meeting after high-level meeting, summit conference after summit conference, to figure out how to keep the White masses terrified of objecting to their extinction and to maintain Business-As-Usual at least until the next election.  Then they can concoct yet more draconian measures with which to attack Whitey.

In fact, however, their “solutions,” besides destroying Whitey, will also terminate the West — which at that time will of course no longer be White.  Blindness to this elemental fact is an innate characteristic of elite genosuicidism.

The chimpanzoid is in fact an extremely weak president, a puppet of the Jews who put him in office and “advise” him.  The main direction of the regime now is to depend increasingly on the military, especially since the new generations of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or drones, have a certain amount of effectiveness in persuasion (as seen, e.g., in the targeting of Qaddafi).  But while these comparatively cheap devices temporarily help boost the Negroid’s domestic popularity, it must be remembered that other countries with the requisite brainpower — such as even North Korea — can build and deploy them.  Thus we are now entering a phase of military uncertainty in which the declining average IQ of Americans (whence fewer scientists, engineers and technicians) entails increasing mortal risk.

Adding to the general fun and games was a report in the UK Guardian on Saturday, 2011 October 22, that the United Nations thinks it possible for the global population to reach 15 billion by 2100.  The seven billionth human is expected to have been born this month (October 2011).  The UN would never mention it, of course, but the non-Whites are the ones who are leading the charge to planetary overshoot, while the White population is decreasing drastically.  Precisely this overshoot and White extinction is the automatic consequence of Business-As-Usual, the obsession of modern White civilization.

Jew-dominated punditry maintains that Whitey is the greatest evil on the globe and all darkies are oppressed and need to be given more money from the disappearing Whites.  Such transfer of wealth is indeed happening in many ways.  But with the over 50% decline in sperm counts in White males over the last half century and the tsunami of estrogen-generators in the food supply and petrochemicalized environment, there is no way of stopping the decay.  The future is obvious for any who care to see.

Oil & Iran

2011 Oct 18 [Tue]: 
“A long-time Washington, DC, energy observer recommended caution as the Obama administration considered possible responses to an alleged Iran-based conspiracy to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the US (OGJ Online, Oct. 11, 2011).

“‘I think there will be great pressure on the White House to do something dramatic,’ Charles K. Ebinger, energy security initiative director at the Brookings Institution, told OGJ on Oct. 12. ‘It certainly isn’t going to do the region’s stability any good. I think the United States will feel that it has to respond in some manner. I hope cooler minds prevail.’

“The US Department of Justice announced on Oct. 11 that Manssor Arbabsiar, a naturalized US citizen holding both Iranian and US passports, and Gholam Shakuri, an Iran-based member of the Qods Force within the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard, had been charged for allegedly participating in a plot to murder the Saudi Arabian diplomat in the US.

“There could be oil-market implications, another Washington expert suggested. ‘I can’t imagine there wouldn’t be,’ said Jon B. Alterman, a director and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies Middle East program. ‘I think Saudi Arabia may try to persuade people not to buy Iranian crude and replace with Saudi crude. There also may be efforts to hamper Iran’s clearing trades and delivering fuel.’

“The main question quickly became was whether the conspiracy was sanctioned by Iran’s government or simply a scheme devised by a rogue faction within it. A spokesman for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suggested that it was a US government effort to divert attention from domestic problems.”

Caution urged as US mulls responses to alleged Iran conspiracy
Oil & Gas Journal
WASHINGTON, DC, 2011 Oct. 12
By Nick Snow”

The announcement that someone from Iran was trying to liquidate a Saudi ambassador must be considered with a cool head.  The U.S. and Yidland did not merely try to, but actually did assassinate a couple of Iranian nuclear scientists last year, and no big fuss was made over it in the controlled media.  Now, however, the U.S. is desperately seeking to stop Iran from growing stronger in any way.  According to DEBKAfile (Special Report 2011 October 7), the U.S. is sending warships to the eastern Mediterranean to “monitor” a military threat by Israel, Turkey and Jordan against Syria, which has provoked no one.  The operation is clearly being organized by the U.S. in order to weaken Syria, which is Iran’s ally and has been undergoing a U.S.-supported “Arab spring” for the past several months.  As are virtually all Mohammed countries, Syria is a dictatorship.  However, if the U.S. decides to turn it into a “democracy” à la Libya, it could have a serious impact on the global oil markets, and the world might find out sooner rather than later what Peak Oil really means.

Along with Israel, Saudi Arabia (Sunni) is terrified of losing its preëminence in the Persian Gulf to Iran (Shiite), and would like the U.S. to bomb Iran or undermine it somehow.  This is not a matter of who is “moral” or some such thing, since everybody involved slits throats.  It is simply a matter of power, the only thing that really matters.  So the U.S. is trying to generate a proxy civil war in Syria under the pretext of a popular uprising, in order to keep Iran in line.  Also, getting the media to focus on the (surprise! surprise!) nastiness of a Mohammedan regime will divert the attention of the American masses.  They will ignore the irresolute chimpanzoid’s incompetence and switch to a TV extravaganza on another foreign revolution, thereby making possible the reelection of the darkie.

The idea that the current regime is somehow touched by the Syrian government’s killing of several thousand (allegedly spontaneous and unarmed) demonstrators is a joke.  From February to March of 2011, there were anti-government demonstrations in Bahrain, seat of the U.S. Sixth Fleet.  The demonstrators were violently suppressed by Saudi Arabian troops invited in by the local monarch (King Hamad) and his gang, resulting in at least 42 deaths and around a thousand wounded, although the figures are official and therefore suspect.  The American government quietly supported the suppression (praising it with faint condemnation) and the media attention dissolved.  Indignation over “anti-democratic” governmental brutality is highly selective and depends on the choice of the enemy.  In Syria there is no American military base, so it is a simple matter to confine U.S. anger to that country alone, since it is friendly with Iran and hostile to Yidland.

Meanwhile the political elites have erected a fecal monstrosity on the Washington, D.C. mall:  a statue of the long-dead guilt-expiator for White genosuicidists, a Negroidal puppet called M. L. King.  Funny thing is, the slow pincer movement of Peak Oil, the financial Jewing of America, the massive corruption in Congress, and general national decline have evoked the standard Kübler-Ross response:  denial.  In fact, the election of the hopey-changey chimpanzoid was itself an expression of that denial:  don’t face reality;  elect a Negro, any Negro, and a magical return to business-as-usual will occur along with absolution from the sin of being White.  The JUDEO-Christian Yahweh will smile on us once more, forgive our insane indebtedness and replenish our exhausted bank accounts so we can get back to consuming wildly.

In fact, however, the only card left in the American deck is the military one.  The big stick is the guarantee of American “exceptionalism.”  Still, given the cancerous explosion of parasitism in the nation, it is a question as to just how long even this guarantee will last, no matter how many drones are built or how many CIA agents provocateurs are sent into ThirdWorld countries.  Especially as Peak Oil takes its toll.

The Failure of “Democracy”

2011 Oct 11 [Tue]: 

“In an unprecedented public condemnation on Thursday, Admiral Mullen said [about Pakistan] that the country's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency was actively supporting a network linked to al Qaeda and blamed for an assault on the US embassy in Kabul last week.

“Admiral Mullen accused Pakistan of ‘exporting’ violent extremism to Afghanistan by allowing militants to act as an "arm" of the intelligence service.

“‘In choosing to use violent extremism as an instrument of policy, the government of Pakistan – and most especially the Pakistani Army and ISI – jeopardises not only the prospect of our strategic partnership, but also Pakistan’s opportunity to be a respected nation with legitimate regional influence,’ he told US senators. ‘By exporting violence, they have eroded their internal security and their position in the region.’”

— Admiral Mike Mullen, revealing the truth about the wogs in Pakistan.
Reported by Rob Crilly of the UK Telegraph on Thursday, 2011 Sep 22, @ 11:36PM BST.

Of course, the chimpanzoid and his puppeteers at Mendacity Central in D.C. immediately “disagreed” with the facts exposed by Admiral Mullen.

As reported elsewhere, Admiral Mike Mullen, retiring Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has made it clear that the Pakistanis have been blackmailing the U.S. into supplying them with “international aid” money to help the Taliban and Haqqani insurgents kill Americans in Afghanistan.  Of course, he would never also admit that all those wonderful Sand Negroes differ not only culturally but also genetically from American Whites of European extraction.  It was the assumption, in 2001-2002, by George W. Bush and everybody else in the political establishment that, just like Germany in World War II, Sand Negroes could be converted into “democratic” people if you bombed them enough.  Even today, the fact that this assumption was not backed up by the facts will never deter them from clinging desperately to it.

History shows that human beings prefer fantasy to reality, or anything to escape the hard experience of consciousness.  This preference is exploited in religion, politics, commercial advertizing and many other areas.  But in America, fantasy has been combined with Protestant oedipalism (hatred of the father) as nowhere else.  Here, modern TV has made it possible for Jewish screenwriters to portray Negroes, Sand Negroes and Spics as highly evolved creatures and White males as contemptible throwbacks of low intelligence and/or criminal bent.  White women, of course, are presented as all-knowing, caring beings whose main thrust in life is copulating with non-Whites and lecturing benighted White males about their insensitivity.

But that is not the limit of American fantasizing.  An essential part of it is the delusion that material prosperity is an inherent right for all, no matter how primitive or lazy.  Thus Peak Oil can not happen and must not happen.  No matter what the obvious facts are, reality must be suppressed.

In the so-called Great Depression, the then primarily White, but severely oedipal electorate elected an anti-White, Jewess-copulating cripple, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as president four times.  This diseased animal actually made the Depression worse by his socialist interference in the economy.  But it made no difference in the elections.  The masses swallowed the poison as if it had been lemonade.

We can now expect the same suicidal behavior in the elections of 2010 if the political elites have their way.  The White House chimpanzoid is no longer counting on pointing to actual achievements of economic performance.  He now asks for compliance by the multitudes “if they love him.”

So we can expect a repeat performance of the elections of the 1930s.

The fact is that democracy has failed.  The masses cannot govern themselves.  The so-called “Democratic” party is little more than a tribe of wishdreaming dictators, while the “Republican” party is a collection of money-obsessed backstabbers.  Both parties are focussed on extracting money and power from the White middle class to the greatest extent possible.  Today the way to do that most effectively is to further narcotrafficking and alien smuggling while pretending to be unaware of this crimewave.  The loudmouthed ignorami currently holding incoherent demonstrations on Wall Street and in various American cities are meanwhile promoting refried Communism — another Sheeny-run, “democratic” solution which likes to slaughter by the tens of millions.

A small indication of the participation of our “democratic” government in the criminal underground is the recently revealed gun-smuggling operation known as “Fast and Furious.”  In effect, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives exported weaponry used by narcogangs down to Mexico for several years, allegedly for “informational” purposes.  After Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered with some of the guns last December, a whistleblower (ATF agent John Dodson) let the media know about it.  It now turns out that the Negroidal head of the Bureau, Eric Holder, has known about this operation for a long, long time.  Just how long is the subject of an ongoing investigation.  It is a question whether the responsibility for this Murder Incorporated affair reaches up to the Oval Office’s chimpanzoid himself.  One can, of course, expect all of the standard denials, finger-pointing and blame-shifting typical in Washington.  But the dark-skinned criminal at the head of it all will be shielded by the Heeb media, as usual.

As a result of this kind of thing, the slaughterhouse of Mexico is now expanding into California and the rest of the American southwest;  narcotics are destroying the future of wide swaths of American youth;  the nation’s demographics are becoming those of any crime-ridden Third-World country.  And the insane theft perpetrated by the political and economic elites has reached the point where America is tottering on the brink of a new Dark Age.

Then consider the fake “super committee” recently invented to pretend it was cutting $1.3 trillion from the Democrat budget:

“The supercommittee’s K Street connections”
The Washington Post,
Friday, 2011 September 2

“Nearly 100 former aides to members of the new budget-cutting
‘supercommittee’ now work as K Street lobbyists,
often representing clients with a vested interest in the panel's
decisions.  A half dozen former lobbyists are also currently
employed by the lawmakers.  The connections mean that
many lobbyists are now trying to convince their former
employers to go easy on their corporate clients.”
The members are:

  1. Sen. Max Baucus
  2. Sen. John F. Kerry
  3. Sen. Patty Murray
  4. Sen. Jon Kyl
  5. Rep. Dave Camp
  6. Sen. Rob Portman
  7. Sen. Patrick Toomey
  8. Rep. Fred Upton
  9. Rep. Xavier Becerra
  10. Rep. Jeb Hensarling
  11. Rep. James E. Clyburn
  12. Rep. Chris Van Hollen
According to the Washington Post,
  • 90 former staffers are lobbyists
  • 7 current staffers were lobbyists
Lobbying on
43 Health-care
22 Defense
40 Energy and Transportation
37 Technology and Media
29 Agriculture
27 Financial
58 other sectors
— Sources:  Washington Post analysis of data
from Center for Responsive Politics,
Sunlight Foundation and congressional lobbying records.

All this is transpiring while the zeitgeist compels everyone to lie — first, about race and genetics, then about the role of the Jews in the destruction of the White race and its culture, and, finally, about the extreme gravity of the situation.

While the masses claim to be “conservative” (whatever that means), they in fact, like children, want free benefits of every kind — all paid for by someone else.  In short, America and the global edifice it has established under its control are self-destructive.

Because of the fact that the so-called “democratic” system of the U.S. has encouraged lying about Peak Oil, about American unwillingness to do tough work and hiring illegal aliens to do it, about the immigration horror, about the need to pay for goods and services, about the rising ability of Asia to outcompete us, about the disaster in primary and secondary education, about race, about crime — to mention only a few things —, the nation is standing on the brink of the precipice.  The RepubliCrat regime, exploiting the fact that the dollar has hitherto been the world’s reserve currency, has printed and endebted us into oblivion.  Other players in the international game — Brazil, Russia, India, China (BRIC), not to mention OPEC — are now moving away from being financial victims in this Ponzi scheme.  (They are inventing a new “basket” of currencies to replace the dollar.)  The International Monetary Fund is even suggesting a global currency called the “Bancor” with a global central bank to administer it and prevent America from ruining everyone else.  The entire U.S. debt structure now looks like something out of a Greek tragedy.  No matter which way one turns, we face a dead end.

In sum, with the generally accepted American ideology of oedipalistic egalitarianism as steered by Yids and their compulsive-obsessive disorder fixating on “anti-Semitism” being now fatally squeezed by reality, America is slowly dissolving into madness.  The world is returning to its normal state of want, poverty and bare survival, and the now exhausted U.S. will no longer be the exception.  Due to the complexity of the current situation, no one can predict exactly what will result from the impending chaos.  But it will not be nice.  After us, the deluge.

September 2011

Sleepwalking into Catastrophe

2011 Sep 19 [Mon]: 
National SAT Scores
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Reading 501 500 499 500 497
Math 514 514 514 514 514
Writing 493 493 492 491 489
Evidence of slow decline in SAT tests
due to government-imported ThirdWorlders
Thursday, 2011 Sep 14
“SAT reading scores fall
to lowest level on record”
(SAT scores, incidentally, are really
just another measure of general mental ability.)

On Sunday, 2008 September 14, the U.S. government, deciding it was best not to shove good money after bad, gave financial giant Lehman Brothers permission to declare bankruptcy.  The result was a major financial crisis of worldwide proportions from which the globe has not yet recovered.  Shortly thereafter the juvenile majority of the electorate voted an incompetent, White-hating Negro into the presidency.  Today the nation is stagnant economically and deteriorating demographically.  We have reached the peak of our history and are about to descend.

An amusing part of the entire melodrama is the fact that the topic of Peak Oil, like that of the genetic bases of low intelligence in Negroids and other less evolved types, is never discussed seriously.  As with the issue of racial intelligence, simplistic explanations and solutions are proffered.  Various pseudo-answers and diversions confront the average man on the street, who remains blissfully unaware of facts he would rather not know.  Increasingly the multitude is looking for a miraculous solution, some wizard who will wipe away all their tears and give them a magic carpet to fly whithersoever their dreams take them.

As opposed to this smiley-faced, happy-day American Wishdream, it is instructive to read the main points of the most succinct and clearest of the global oil situation published to date:

The reality, I believe, is that both groups [i.e., economists and scientists] have part of the answer but that Peak Oil is, in fact, a complex but largely an economically driven phenomenon that is caused because the point is reached when:  The cost of incremental supply exceeds the price economies can pay without destroying growth at a given point in time.

“… the geologists are right that the depletion of low cost oil will produce Peak Oil but it will not be caused by a shortage of oil resources.

“The economists are right that there is no shortage of oil resources or oil substitutes but have so far failed to recognise that there is an oil price which cannot be afforded and this constraint will create and define an economic Peak Oil to be differentiated from a geological Peak Oil.

“This in turn poses a terrifying question: Would this higher price tolerance mean developing economies could keep developed economies in growthless stagnation by paying oil prices that were just above those that bring developed economies to an economic halt?

“Thus, on current trends, the oil companies will be approving projects that deliver oil at prices literally unaffordable to the advanced economies.

“If adaptive responses were fast enough and large enough, oil prices might be broadly stable. They clearly are not.

“The dating of Peak Oil using this economic approach gives almost identical results to calculations based on net incremental supply (new capacity minus depletion) with both approaches showing 2014/2015 as the crunch point. This coincidence is not surprising as most of the remaining oil development projects are high cost (Deepwater, Tar sands, Arctic).

“Unless and until adaptive responses are large and fast enough to constrain the upward trend of oil prices, the primary adaptive response will be periodic economic crashes of a magnitude that depresses oil consumption and oil prices. These have the effect of shifting consumption from incumbent consumers—the advanced economies—to the new consumers in the developing economies.

“This is exactly what happened in the last recession when between the start of the recession in January 2007 and its effective end in 1Q 2011 demand rose by 4.3 million b/d in the non-OECD area and fell by 4 million b/d in the OECD area.”
— Chris Skrebowski,
“A brief economic explanation of Peak Oil,”
Oil Depletion Analysis Center,
ODAC Newsletter — September 16 2011

Bizarrely, those of the propaganda elites who talk about the economy are talking only about the economy, not about the material foundations of civilizational existence.  This is in a way odd, because it appears that 99% of the Peakists (i.e., those who are aware of the imminence of Peak Oil) are liberals and leftists.  There appear to be no conservatives or rightists who recognize the fact that mankind is at the end of the good-intentions, happy-days road.  The fantasy which various sources — on both sides — bandy about is that we can somehow get cheaper oil if we develop this or that renewable liquid fuel or drill here or there.  The average TV-hypnotizee wants to believe this, and so the politicians and various boondogglers reflect that hallucination back to them.  To listen to the chimpanzoid, the solution is to tax “Big Oil” (but not, of course, the Arab oil companies).

A good example of such fantasizing is the Saturday, 2011 September 17 article “There will be oil” in The Wall Street Journal by anti-Peakist Heeb Danny Yergin, chairman of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates.  The article is long on innuendo and generalities about innovativeness while being short on clarity.  He repeats the usual cliché that there is lots of oil shale and human creativity is infinite.  In short, we will be saved by greater efficiency, says Mr. Y.  And, of course, he sidesteps the actual definition of Peak Oil which, as explained above by Chris Skrebowski, is the point at which “[t]he cost of incremental supply exceeds the price economies can pay without destroying growth at a given point in time.”  Alas, all that innovativeness and efficiency cost money and time, among many other catch-22s.  Reaching the “presalt” oil off Brazil and wringing usable oil out of Canada’s tar sands are expensive, and getting costlier with time and growing global demand.  (Not to mention that safeguarding the world’s petroleum supply against pious Mohammedans entails expensive military activity.)  The mythmakers also fail to recognize that the developed world, precisely through its efficiency, has squeezed all redundancy, and therefore resilience, out of its economies, whereas the “developing” world, with its inefficiency, still has enormous unexploited resources on which to fall back, so it can afford higher oil prices than the developed world can.  But of course, the WSJ scribble will convince anyone who has not studied the issue in any depth.  Not to worry, according to the smiley-faced author:  “Hubbert's Peak is still not in sight.”  One can only wonder just who is paying him to write such diverting opinions.

Perhaps the WSJ was trying to confirm the fairyland forecast on the previous Sunday, 2011 September 11, by investment bank Goldman Sachs, that by 2017 the United States would become the world’s largest oil producer.  GS apparently concocted this projection by redefining “oil” as including natural gas liquids and liquefied refinery gases — stuff that will not help in producing transportation fuel in the least.  But hey, any fraud will do for a company that has already defrauded Americans out of many billions of dollars through subprime loans and other machinations, and has given so much political mother’s milk to the chimpanzoid’s election campaigns.

The power elites are meanwhile trying to destroy the work of evolution as fast as possible.  Whiteland must be turned into a Third-World sewer immediately.  Together with the narcotics plague, this drive is overwhelming Whites everywhere, to the glee of Jewry, which nurses its hatred to keep it warm.  Few, of course, have the vaguest idea of what civilizational collapse means.  The implication of what Mr. Skrebowski is saying in the above quotes is that Whiteland will be starting its descent to the level of Darkland by the middle of this decade, no matter what.

The importation of ThirdWorld dross into Whiteland, of course, will only accelerate this descent, since Whitey believes that the dusky aliens, legal or illegal. “must” be given all the benefits of native Caucasians.  To boot, the current housing disaster (subprime loans, underwater mortgages, unemployment interrupting hitherto regular mortgage payments, etc.) is only the very beginning of the Permanent Depression.  As the additional ThirdWorld welfare burden imposed by the White-House Negro’s regime wreaks disaster on the entire system, it will be explained away as a simple and unforeseeable accident — not caused by anybody in power, of course.  Yet, as Mr. Skrebowski points out above, after the current stagnation, the downslide will begin in earnest in 2014/2015.  There will be no “recovery.”

From the middle of the nineteenth century, when the Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei was published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, until the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Communism was all the rage among not only the Jews (whose pet project it was) but the White elites in general.  In WW II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt urged Americans to fight hand-in-hand with “Uncle Joe” Stalin, who had quietly murdered tens of millions of his own citizens.  The FDR-approved, Commie “liquidation” of around a hundred and fifty million people worldwide up to and including the present (Cf. R. J. Rummel’s estimate) was — and still is — somehow overlooked by the Yid media.  Only purported “anti-Semitic” nastiness by Adolf the Great continues to be broadcast as the greatest evil of all time.

The twisted refusal by most Whites to recognize these historical and present facts boggles the mind.  It can only be explained by a profound insanity of the type seen most pronounced in those Whitest of countries, the Scandinavian lands of Norway and Sweden.  The idea that we are in charge of our own destiny is clearly in error.  There are dark forces which compel lemmings to conform to the dictates of evolution.  Those same forces are at work within us.

Death Watch

2011 Sep 11 [Sun]:  Christianity is a wonderful religion.  By telling people that they will have a glorious reward (only after death, of course) if they destroy their own race and replace it with mongrels and non-Whites, and by instilling guilt in them if they even think otherwise, you can gain enormous power and money.  The believing stooges will immerse themselves in the conviction that suicide is the way to go and will do anything you want.  Pay now and fly later.  The Roman Empire, the medieval Catholic Church and modern Mohammedanism have all used variations on this technique to the hilt.  Today the American government uses a modified but highly effective version of it.  Based on the now unexpressed, but very real and intense, assumption of supernatural guilt and reward, White genosuicidism is all the rage.  The affluent White suburbs in America are obsessed with importing orphans (at least they are claimed to be orphans) from Ethiopia, China, Vietnam, Mexico or anyplace else wishing to make money by selling their offspring.  Yup, God will reward the importing Whites later.  Trust us.

In order to keep this psychodrama afloat, the country is told that we can easily pay for the current fantasia, based, it is assumed, on cheap oil.  The source of that oil is now supposed to come from the Bakken area in northwestern North Dakota and surrounding areas.  Unbeknownst to the religified masses is the fact that northwestern North Dakota is today being swamped with ThirdWorlders, allegedly imported to help out with the oil drilling or to “study,” but in fact to become permanent parasites on Whitey.  Not to mention is the fact that the Bakken will never supply more than a small percentage or our needs, its economically available supply of petroleum will be exhausted within ten years.  Then we will be left with the additional millions of imported non-Whites on welfare.  Similar boondoggles are being invented and implemented everywhere as the entire Disneylandish system becomes more and more constrained.

On Labor Day, Monday, 2011 September 5, the chief chimpanzoid met with (who else?) a mass of labor-union thugs and effectively told them that he had a plan to make them rich again.  They of course will pay him handsomely for the effort with campaign contributions and other emoluments.  The only block to “progress,” he told them, is the evil Republicans, the conservatives, the Tea Party or anyone else who disagrees with him.  Nary a word about Peak Oil or the limits to growth, let alone about the high crimes and misdemeanors practiced by the financial industry he gets so much money from.  Then on Thursday, 2011 September 8, the same mouthpiece made a “major announcement” to a joint session of Congress that he was going to spend lots of money to revive the dying economy.  No specifics, of course.  Those are promised to follow in a week, although no economists have the vaguest idea of how the spending is going to be paid for or whether his proposals will even ever be passed by Congress.  In other words, more hot air for consumption by the gullible.  The next day, the stock markets replied by falling 350 points.

On that same Thursday, a large regional electrical power outage hit San Diego and many surrounding areas, including Tiujana and the Baja.  L.A. and Arizona were also affected to some degree.  Given that the weather away from the coast was in the 90°s or even triple digits, people in that area got a chance to feel what life is going to be like as the oil-fed lifestyle slowly ebbs.  In fact, the entire urban southwest is going to enjoy a major change.  The denizens just don’t know it yet.

The country is in the grip of a mass psychosis, itself led by a horde of psychotic Yids whose mortal hatred of the White race is leading us to extinction.  With the depletion of oil and countless other resources, with environmental degradation and with — that Sheeny speciality — monetary ensnarement, we are already past the point of no return.  It is now impossible to stop the torrent of ThirdWorld trash inundating us as the immigration lawyers enrich themselves.  The government of the U.S. is in effect a death machine for the White race.  But the vast majority of Whites is unable to cut the umbilical cord of Judeo-insanity and expunge the cancer.

In order to avert even the thought of such an action, the leftist elites like to inject pretended “moderates” into the media environments.  These creatures claim to be “conservative on economics, liberal on social issues.”  Of course, they never admit that those two stances are diametrically opposed to one another, since the “social issues” (like importing another hundred million ThirdWorlders and paying for their social freebies) always require the emptying of the national treasury.  The “moderates,” in other words, are nothing but decoys, albeit often effective ones.

One of the countless self-contradictions in the chimpanzoid’s regime is the Environmental Protection Administration.  Whether good or bad, the magistrates of this particular bureaucracy are blocking economic development everywhere it can (especially in petroleum exploration and development), often with stupefyingly absurd laws and regulations.  While the D.C. Negro claims to be encouraging job growth, the EPA is in fact working against any such idea.  In short, national schizophrenia is leading to permanent stalemate.

On this Sunday, 2011 September 11, the tenth anniversary of the Mohammedan attack on the Pentagon and the World Trade Towers — which led to more deaths than the Roosevelt-engineered attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor — the United States is mired in the beginning of the end.  Its dilemmas are so vast and intractable as to make the economic problems of Greece look like child’s play by comparison.  Moreover, as opposed to the case of Greece, there is no outside help for the U.S. — not even China, which is trying to extract itself from the noose of unpayable American debt.  And the vast numbers of Third World sewage now sloshing into America will only accelerate the progress of the disease.  All one can do is watch as this massive genosuicidal leper putrefies.

Political Corruption

2011 Sep 01 [Thu]: 
“As a Democratic strategist [and pollster], Pat Caddell is expert at ‘Understanding the Culture Wars.’  Mr. Caddell maintained that ‘America is too young to die’ but is strongly threatened.  Our next generation may not be assured a better life enriched with freedom and virtue.  How did we let thieves steal our riches?  The government never stops spending, Mr. Caddell explained, and he continued that politicians of both parties are at fault.  ‘None cares about us, only about re-election.’  So unconcerned are they about Americans’ freedom and prosperity, to fund their runaway spending, they have made China our banker.

“Freedom of the press is essential for our freedom.  Our nation’s founders viewed the press as our protection from government.  Now the media side with the statists.

“Mr. Caddell characterizes our elected officials as elitist, inept and partisan, governing for their own benefit.  Democratic Party leaders are corrupt and statist.  ‘If you knew them as I know them, you wouldn’t sleep at night.’  Republican Party leadership is unable and unwilling to fulfill their mandate to repeal Obamacare and cut government spending. They approved Eric Holder as Attorney General without a fight.  Both parties require our legislators to knuckle under and vote as party leaders, not their constituents, dictate.

“Worse than the economic waste, political corruption circumvents the Constitutional balance of power and destroys our Constitutional freedoms.  We must restore common sense and proclaim once again that power resides exclusively with the people.  We should require truthful discourse.  Right and wrong do exist and virtue must be upheld.  Only in a free-enterprise economy can personal freedom flourish.  We must hold our officials accountable to the criterion ‘Act worthy of your office.’”

— Peg Brady of Centennial, Colorado
Summit Diary of a Tea Party Patriot
Wednesday, 3 August 2011 03:17,
summarizing part of the
Western Conservative Summit 2011
at the Marriott Denver City Center,
2011 July 29-30

With the gradual slowing of real domestic growth in the U.S. in the 1980s, it became ever clearer to the financial world that it could make more money by fraud than by honest work.  Its elites began to corrupt our venal Congress with enormous bribes, and the entire economic system headed into decline, unbeknownst to the average citizen.  Today, due to loss of real productivity and the phenomenon of Peak Oil, the game is entering phantasmagorical territory.

The American financial industry is riddled with criminal Heebs, from bankbuster Georg Sörös to Ponzi-scheme artist Bernie Madoff, and the political elites both feed off of them and twist the laws to enrich them further.  Congress and the White House have become little more than funnels for money stolen from taxpayers to pass through to the money mafias.  All of this at a time when the world has now reached the long-prophesied “bumpy plateau” of Peak Oil.

The masses, meanwhile, are diverted with contrived conflicts over things like “gay marriage.”  It is asserted that such things are necessary because “love” should not be blocked by tradition.  And yet to come are the more “progressive” issues of polygamy, bestiality and pedophilia, all of which could be claimed to involve “love.”  Anything to distract the taxpayers from the apocalyptic levels of theft now taking place.

After all, the taxpayers have always needed their circuses alongside their bread, and American politics indulges them to the fullest.  The ringmaster Presidents attempt to portray themselves as the morally ideal icons of the electorate, a kind of political high priest.  The current ill-omened demigod, whose darkness enables mindless Whites to imagine that their Whiteness will not be held against them, is portrayed by the Kike media as a virtual celestial being descended from planet heaven for the salvation of the benighted Caucasian.  Actual results (such as dealing with the narcotics plague and its attendant criminality, or with the dying economy) do not matter.  We are in the Hollywood version of Greek mythology here.  Mass hypnosis is the name of the game.

“Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in June indicates that economic growth so far this year has been considerably slower than the Committee had expected.”  Thus spake the Federal Reserve on Tuesday, 2011 August 9, saying further that it will remain frozen in place until at least mid-2013.  In other words, it has become obvious that the general economy is for the most part outside of the Fed’s control.  The laws of nature are now taking over.  Yet the people who bribe the politicians are pretending not to notice.

The globalists of the financial world, with Georg Sörös leading the pack, are currently in charge of American politics.  This means that America and Europe will continue to import hundreds of millions of dark-skinned, violent and shiftless ThirdWorlders until the entire system collapses.  Naturally, the globalists do not believe in collapse, nor do they believe in evolution.  Their religion is pure utopian growthism with a heavy admixrue of Marxism for the proletariate.

Peak Oil, of course, is also missing from the globalist fantasia, since that would disturb their plans for conning the White man out of his life’s savings.  Denial and distortion of history, and of reality generally, is a primary tool of their power, since their ability to corrupt language enables them to corrupt politics.  In Europe, anyone who expresses truth about the 60 million Whites murdered by Jewish Communism, or the idea that the hallowed “six million” figure was only about 1¼ million (by no means all Hebroid), faces a prison sentence.  Fear keeps the European masses in line, so that the controllers can enjoy their reign of terror permanently.  The powerholders’ motto is the same as the one mouthed by the Roman emperor Caligula:  “Let them hate, so long as they fear.”

Thus the future (after 2012) will see massive depression amidst vast numbers of imported civilization-destroying aliens on welfare, along with their narcotrafficking and other crimes, and a government which is a dictatorship masquerading as a democracy.  In other words, the Sörös dream fulfilled.

There is absolutely no way national debt slavery can now be averted without regime change.  That would mean completely replacing the entire Congress and all of the current “opinion leaders” (propagandists) in the media, to say nothing of their paymasters.  None of this, of course, will happen, so American bankruptcy is assured.  The thieves, who advertized themselves as “responsible” while eviscerating the nation, will win.  Lawmakers — such as Arizona Senator John McCain (“Mr. Conservative”) — who import illegal aliens and threaten Whitey with impoverishment and imprisonment if he resists are the victors.

It seems to be going unnoticed that the only states where business is still growing — Texas and North Dakota — are the ones producing a good deal of petroleum.  Elsewhere Peak Oil is already beginning to show its effects.  After 2012, regardless of which party “wins” the charade of national elections, it should become clear even to the dullest and intellectually laziest Whites that the game is over.

To be sure, it is true that most Whites may actually prefer intellectual laziness and dullness to recognition of reality, on the principle that “what they don’t know can’t hurt them.”  In addition to the long tradition of American anti-intellectualism, there is abundant evidence that the general IQ level has been sinking below the threshold of civilizational sustainability for a long time now.  With the importation of large masses of Third World ignorami and the aversion toward science evident in the media, in politics and even education;  with the substitution of political correctness and anti-racism for knowledge;  and with the pervasive duplicity in advertizing, the manifest trajectory is dysgenics.

Since the basic principle of evolution (inherently a “racist” concept) is the survival of life forms which “know” their environments the best (the technical term for this is “evolutionary epistemology”), diminution of intelligence is tantamount to choosing doom.  This is a fact that no amount of money or “quantitative easing” can erase.  And it means that, no matter what make-work projects or other schemes are devised by the political and societal elites to employ the stupid, the imported aliens, and the sad sacks, we are headed for barbarism.

August 2011

Righteous Nuking

2011 Aug 21 [Sun]:  After the A-bombing of two Japanese cities, many excuses for it were manufactured for public consumption, the most common one being that it was done to save American lives in the effort to impose unconditonal surrender on the Japs.  This particular lie is the one most widely accepted today.  Of course, it ignores the fact that the mass murder of civilians by bombing had long been the general war policy of the U.S. and Britain regarding both Japan and Germany.  Fire bombings of Tokyo, Hamburg, Dresden and many other purely civilian targets had been simply de rigueur.  The Limeys even had a sadistic strategic planner they lovingly called “Mad Bomber Harris” (or sometimes just “Butcher” Harris), because he specialized in targeting innocent Germans for bombing.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Yid pal, United States Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., designed a plan for “converting Germany into a country primarily agricultural and pastoral in its character” after the war.  U.S. occupation directive JCS 1067 began to implement this scheme of Jewish hate until it was replaced by JCS 1779 in 1947, in the early part of which year Britain, France and the Soviet Union were still using four million German soldiers as slave labor.

The Jews, of course, were delighted at all this, and would have been even happier had the Morgenthau plan been completely implemented so as to murder seventy million Germans.  In that way they would have been able to match the sixty or so million Russians they had already killed in Russia through Communism.  Luckily, FDR died, possibly by suicide, before he was able to complete his massacre.

Indeed, in the long and bloody history of warfare, no combatants, however savage, have caused the deaths of as many non-combatants — or of other humans of any status — as the United States through its direct participation in war and its nursing of early Communism, the proxy for its missionary utopianism.  Moreover, it has always chosen as its victims the more advanced forms of mankind and furthered the lower, more animalistic forms.  Thus it not only destroyed Germany, the highest European culture, but also Japan, the highest Asiatic one.  And the Jewish-Communist horror which it unleashed everywhere always put to death the most productive people in its grasp, whom it labeled “capitalists.”

Of course, Jews and “patriotic” Americans will reject and suppress these facts on the grounds that America was fornicating for virginity:  it meant well, and its victims were simply unavoidable accidents of history in the crusade for a “better world.”

But now that the Empire’s ability to truncate all higher evolution has been exhausted, the United States is faced with the blowback from its militant oedipalism.  Negroes and other lower types, their numbers strengthened by massive illegal immigration from the Third World, are swamping its vaunted economy due to their infinite demands and minimal contributions.  The natural resources of its land have been drained to the point where it is increasingly uneconomic or even counterproductive to exploit them further.  And its financial system has become a Gordian knot which can no longer be undone.

In order to maintain the fraud of American righteousness and superior morality, a regime of rigidly enforced political correctness has been imposed on the other countries of the West.  In Germany and Austria, anyone who denies the official dogmas about the evils of National Socialism or the victim role of the Jews is simply imprisoned.  This practice is tantamount to the lèse majesté of the French monarchy, inherited from the læsa majestas (literally, “injured majesty”) technique of the Roman imperial dictatorship, or to the “antistate activity” accusation used in Communist countries to eliminate political enemies (to say nothing about what goes on in Mohammedan countries).  The tyranny has spread to the whole of Europe and Canada, where any statements about the inferiority of inferior races likewise land the speaker in prison.  In the U.S., the media are under strict censorship by Jews to allow only approved statements about non-Whites and to forbid any at all about Jewish supremacy itself.  In short, the entire West is trapped in a dictatorship which allows only the pseudo-freedom of making money, not of racial survival.  Intellectual freedom is non-existent in the media.  Narcotics trafficking is subtly permitted, but refusing to sell or rent an abode to a non-White leads to court-imposed impoverishment or worse.  When Negroes rape and kill Whites, as they frequently do, Whites are encouraged to “understand” the perpetrators;  but in the rare cases where Whites kill a Negro, it is treated as the most heinous crime possible and punished accordingly.

In other words, we have a universal dictatorship of genosuicidism.  Such general censorship is a primary means of maintaining the power of the political elites, and nothing less.  Freedom of speech is the linchpin of all political liberty, and the West has little of it left, Europe and Canada almost none.

Thus the Occident is frozen in place.  It cannot change substantially and is condemned to continue on the present Business-As-Usual trajectory to collapse, because business is the only activity allowed to the masses.

Seen from the perspective of evoluion, the current phase of human history amounts to the beginning of a new contraction, or “bottleneck,” as the evolutionary biologists say.  The exuberant overgrowth of our species has now reached its limit, and dieoff will follow after an extended period of panicky stagnation lasting perhaps a century, if we are lucky.

The genosuicidism of Western Whites will ensure their extinction and, with them, the extinction of all of their parasites — the Negroes, mulattoes, Latinos, etc.  Only a race determined to survive at all costs has a chance of making it through the bottleneck:  perhaps the Japanese, Chinese or possibly a ruthless, resurgent Russia.  Given the ominous thunderclouds ahead, even a perverted state like North Korea has a better chance of survival than the tumor-bloated U.S.

Thermonuclear war seems a highly probable event in the coming reduction of human numbers, with America among the initial targets.  The Taliban would love to test Pakistani nukes on Yankee soil  The average American does not have the mental stability even to envision such a scenario, much less to do anything to prevent it, since that might mean (horrors!) racist thinking.  Of course, after the fact it will be too late.  Future historians, if any, may simply record that America’s day in the sun began and ended with nuclear bombings.

Worthless Worthies

2011 Aug 17 [Wed]:  In the days following the First World War, when the Jews, through their beloved creation of Communism, were starving to death and outrightly murdering countless millions of Ukrainians and Russians, their propaganda organs in the West (such as the New York Times) made sure that all news of it was suppressed.  Rather, glowing quotes of various Russia-visiting stooges were broadcast such as, “I have seen the future and it works.”

Indeed, it did work — for the Jews.  They were finally taking their vengeance out on the hated goy.  Of the fact that the Jews had long been the main slave traders not just between Europe and Mohammedanism but also in the 16th-to-18th-century Americas, plus modern White slavery, nothing was remembered.  In the U.S., which does its best to obliterate all historical memory, Communism became the new religion of the elites.

When Europe finally rebelled against Kike domination and, in the midst of a war for survival executed about a million and a quarter (i.e., about 1,274,166, not “six million”) Jews, Yid propaganda portrayed it as the greatest, utterly unjustified crime of all time.  This six-mill myth has been used since WW II to suppress all serious freedom in Europe — and now in Canada as well — in order to destroy the White goy once and for all.

In order to keep the White masses asleep, a combination of TV-hypnosis and historically unprecented prosperity has been employed.  The proletariate, thus, has been hitherto utterly unconscious of the doom to which it is being led.  Racial miscegenation is all the rage, and feral blacks are celebrated as the ideal for all Whites to follow.

Today, the real worry of the political elites is the global economic decline.  They had thought that religious faith in the American dollar, no matter how valueless, would enable them to continue “growth” and keep the machinery of White death operating.  Now, however, things seem to be slowing down, due in particular to the peaking of oil, but also to limitations being imposed by a number of other factors.

The distasteful fact is simply this:  a democratic form of government, where the legislators depend on monetary contributions to get elected (“money is the mother’s milk of politics”) is designed for takeover by wealthy parasites.  The contributors with the most money win.  These agents are international corporations, rich Jews, and any other element with enough money to bribe politicians.  Thus the idea of a “government of the people, by the people and for the people” is a myth.  In the end, corruption is preordained to win.  The masses themselves will be persuaded to accept whatever the moneyed elites decide.

Exploiting the fact that the world economy has been relying on the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. government for a long time now, moneyed interests, leftist pressure groups and corrupt politicians have turned the American financial system into a massive con job whose motto is “Trust me, stupid.”  But the clock is ticking.  Beside agriculture, America itself produces little of substance today.  The economy consists largely of “services” — rather like everyone taking in everyone else’s laundry.  The nation now depends on foreign sources (imports + exports) for ~30% of its economy, a number increasing ~10% each decade, so that another “stimulus” dropped out of helicopters is not going have much effect even now, let alone in the future.  Much of the major manufacturing has been shifted abroad, while fantasy projects such as high-speed rail are used as domestic make-work programs to maintain Business-As-Usual and put more foreign parasites onto the national welfare rolls.

The European drama continues as well.  Greece, whose leaders are little more than thieves, now expects Germany to pay for its profligacy, while Jews everywhere are taking advantage the occasion to spew out their undying hatred of Germany itself, demanding that it go bankrupt to support Mediterranean criminals.  The German political elites are terrified of Jews and consequently seek to tyrannize their own citizens to the point of financial exhaustion.  Of course, it is also true that Greece is seen as necessary to the EU because it hates the Turks and serves as a block to their joining the Union, so the land of Socrates and Aristotle has at least some utility as a kind of barrier to Turkish and Mohammedan entry.  The German taxpayer is thus being squeezed between a rock and a hard place.  Only the need to maintain the mask of “democracy” prevents the bureaucratic demigods there from establishing a full-blown Communist dictatorship.

Off the coast of Europe, the hypocrite nation of Britain is frantically seeking to cover up the racial facts of the Negro riots now adding to its attractions.  The usual excuses are dished up:  Whitey has not provided enough jobs to the darkies, has put them into ghettoes, has not given them enough money, etc., etc.  It is amusing to watch the media contortions as the usual UK propaganda sources avoid direct facial shots of the jungle bunnies and issue drivel about unidentified “youths” torching Merry Olde England, while using academic stooges to assure the world that equal numbers of White Anglo-Saxons are helping to destroy Her Majesty’s fun house.  Yup, almost like the Negro turbulence in the good ol’ USA, all of it similarly made possible by the machinery of “democracy.”  The result is just what the “anti-racists” of the British Commonwealth have so long been working for:  a theme park of burnt-out rubble infested by subhuman life forms.

Meanwhile, global demand for oil continues to increase, portending increasing prices for petroleum products everywhere.  The (largely Yid) political elites, obsessed with short-term dominance, are importing ThirdWorlders faster than ever before, counting on these new cancers to keep them in power.  Peak Oil is the least of their highnesses’ concerns.  Thus the entire Euro-American system rots further each day.  The recent shouting match in Congress over raising the debt ceiling, quickly followed by Standard and Poors’ degradation of the national credit rating, was but a small indication of the massive weakening of an overladen system.

In sum, we are now in a “slow-growth” situation just a bit above stagnation.  The White House Negroid will try to jawbone Whites into throwing their savings away (“restore confidence in America”), but even if that happened, it would have only a temporary effect;  growth is going to stop, like it or not.  The reality is that the American economy is melting into the global economy, and the whole conglomeration is sinking slowly into the morass of a failed planet.

Bumpy Plateau

2011 Aug 11 [Şur]: 
“Since coming back to work [from a sabbatical] on Jan. 1, [mutual fund manager Bob Rodriguez] has found himself galled once again by what he sees.  Fund managers, emboldened by their mammoth gains, clamor for risk.  Junk bonds remain wildly popular.  Even more stunning, says Rodriguez, is the government's failure to address its debt.  ‘I know one thing from business,’ he says, his voice quavering as he tries, mostly successfully, not to yell.  ‘Unless you correct the problems that are already occurring, you don't add on new leverage and new, other responsibilities until you correct the old!  All you're going to do is capsize the ship!’

“Rodriguez argues that the U.S. debt as a percentage of GDP ratio (currently 64%) is massively underreported because it doesn’t count off-balance-sheet entitlements such as Medicare, and debt owed by Fannie and Freddie.  If you factor in those liabilities, he says, the actual ratio is greater than 500% and growing.  The U.S. must reduce that before 2012, Rodriguez says, because it’s unlikely to accomplish anything during the election year.  If nothing changes, he adds, investors will start to get nervous about the amount of debt on the U.S. balance sheet.  As lenders balk at buying Treasuries, rates will spike, causing borrowing costs to skyrocket across the financial system.  ‘The financial system is held together with a very thin filament called confidence,’ says Rodriguez.  ‘When you clip that, all hell breaks loose.’”

Bob Rodriguez:  The man who sees another crash
CNN Money
June 6, 2011: 5:00 AM ET
By Mina Kimes, writer

As the global limits to civilizational growth are approached by mankind’s expansion and consumption, the general level of belligerence and desperation rises concomitantly.  In this regard, the most interesting theater of action, if not yet the most violent, is the central government of the Imperium Americanum.  Long accustomed to military-industrial expansion under the guise of missionary benevolence spreading a superior morality, it has finally exhausted its resources both physical and spiritual.  This, of course, is not yet recognized by the inmates of the national system, since they are culturally conditioned to ignore reality.  Hundreds of years of abundant natural resources have led them to assume a superiority complex often euphemized as “American exceptionalism.”  This is in turn based on the military subjugation of Europe and the slow destruction of the White race.  But that is a small matter not discussed in polite company.

At the global level, one word suffices to describe the approach to supply and demand:  more.  Today this attitude finds expression in the drive to continue business as usual (BAU), more commonly known as “growth.”  The problem is that most of the world today depends economically on the White race, particularly America and northernwestern Europe.  But with the gradual equalization of wages between America and World 3, this dependency is beginning to cause serious unemployment problems in World 1.  The covert re-introduction of slavery through government-supported illegal immigration is contributing to the difficulties.

Inability to face facts and the façade of BAU are leading to an economic catastrophe.  Utterly apart from the issue of Peak Oil is the practice of paying off debt by adding yet more debt — by the government’s taking on, in effect, additional mortgages to pay off the original ones.  This is dangerous for individuals, but suicidal for a government.

The real name of the game, however, is power, not economics.  We can forget about anything such as adding a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution.  The United States Congress and presidency will not do anything serious about balancing the budget because it would offend too many Democrat constituencies, and the Democrats hold both the presidency and the Senate.  The masses and lobbyists, all of whom believe in the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy, are convinced that nothing needs to be changed and that their various “entitlements” and subsidies must continue without interruption or diminution.

As anyone who has paid attention knows, this means that the government is planning to inflate the money supply, as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has already said in so many words.  Interest rates, consequently, will rise dramatically and the U.S. will sink yet further into the global quicksand.  Truthful figures on the economy are increasingly hard to find because the authorities keep changing definitions to conceal the facts.  The usual figure for the government (“public”) debt is $14.3 trillion, but sometimes it may be estimated either as low as $13.6 trillion or at other, higher, levels.  In any case, it is expected (except by the chimpanzoid’s administration) to rise to unsupportable levels within the next decade or even half-decade, depending on the source consulted.

Behind all of the smoke and mirrors, both major parties know — know! — that the world and national economy will be declining seriously from now on in perpetuity.  None other than crypto-Jew Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, talking on NBC's “Meet the Press” on Sunday, 2011 July 11, admitted that, for many people, “it's going to feel very hard, harder than anything they've experienced in their lifetime now, for a long time to come.”  The aim is therefore to put the blame for this ongoing decline on the opponent party and thereby secure power through propaganda.  Currently the Democrats have the best chance at succeeding in this propaganda duel since they have the “bully pulpit,” the presidency, as well as the Senate, in addition to the countless parasites Congress has created, promoted and imported, to say nothing of the Semitic leftists in the media.  The essence of the Left is the communistic idea of absolute equality among all featherless bipeds no matter what the cost — an ideology beloved by the lower life forms.  At bottom this is the ideology of nihilism.

Thus, under no circumstances will BAU be stopped.  The ship of state will continue without altering course, with each party claiming it can better adjust the deck chairs on the Titanic.  Meanwhile, Japan is plummeting like a rock due to several decades of depression and the recent catastrophe of the tsunami;  Europe is laboring with economic insanity in Greece and mounting instability in the rest of Club Med;  And the global oil supply has peaked and will begin declining in the teens.  Still, the Camp of the Saints insists on, e.g., importing Mohammedan pseudo-peaceniks and suppressing anything that looks like keeping Whiteland from committing genosuicide.

For many weeks before 2011 August 2, the U.S. Congress put on a theater of pretense about doing something to avert the slow collapse of the Empire.  The main attraction was the seeming battle between those who wanted a no-strings rise in the debt ceiling (i.e., wanted to keep spending without restraint) and those (mainly newly elected Republicans) who wanted to introduce a constitutional amendment for a balanced national budget as the price for raising the ceiling.  The Negroid-led Left won, and the idea of a balanced budget was cast aside.

It is obvious what happened.  The powerholders at the top know very well that, due to unusual historical and geographical circumstances, the U.S. has dwelt in the economic highlands above the rest of the world since World War II, but that now this country and the world as a whole are inevitably and inexorably headed to a far lower level.  In effect, we are headed into a permanent depression.  Two ways were proposed to adjust to this unavoidable decline.

  • The first way was to continue BAU by various financial tricks and political masquerades to the point of exhaustion;  upon reaching the edge of the cliff, the nation would simply fall catastrophically over the edge, and the imperial masters would claim that no one could have expected it, it was all the fault of the previous administration and intransigent Republicans, etc., etc.

  • The other way was to accept reality and begin a slow, comparatively soft decline to the economic lowlands through the aforesaid imposition of a balanced-budget amendment.
Since the masses cannot accept the idea that the party must end, the first way was pushed through by the current, Leftist, rulership.

Thus there will be no letup in the importation of ThirdWorlders, no diminution in the handouts to countless parasites, no cessation of the march of the lemmings.

The lending markets, of course, are not fooled by the smoke and mirrors.  On Friday evening, 2011 August 5, the financial rating institution, Standard and Poors, degraded the U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA+, i.e., declared it to be less trustworthy than the prime borrowers.  The following Monday, the chimpanzoid and his Jews tried to kill the S&P messenger by claiming its message was meaningless.  Regardless of that claim, the financial markets suffered a serious case of the jitters, bouncing far down, then back up in the following few business days.  Indeed, because of U.S. infantilism along with the problems in Europe caused by the shaky positions of Italy and Spain, the entire world economic system is now slowing down.  The other major credit-rating agency, Moody’s Investors Service, refrained from adding to the anxiety on the hope that the U.S. will eventually wake up and restrain its profligacy.  However, Moody’s may still follow in S&P’s path if there is no positive change by 2013.  So we are clearly on the “bumpy plateau” due to Peak Oil and other peaks.  After this “plateau” there will be only decline, as predicted by Tainter.

Because it is not nice to fool Mother Nature.

July 2011

Afghan Nam

2011 Jul 09 [Sat]: 
“From the biography of Mao, which I trust (for those who might question it, look at the hundreds of interviews Chang and Halliday conducted with communist cadre and former high officials, and the extensive bibliography) I can now say that yes, Mao’s policies caused the famine.  He knew about it from the beginning.  He didn’t care!  Literally.  And he tried to take more food from the people to pay for his lust for international power, but was overruled by a meeting of 7,000 top Communist Party members.

So, the famine was intentional.  What was its human cost?  I had estimated that 27,000,000 Chinese starved to death or died from associated diseases. Others estimated the toll to be as high as 40,000,000.  Chang and Halliday put it at 38,000,000, and given their sources, I will accept that.

Now, I have to change all the world democide totals that populate my websites, blogs, and publications.  The total for the communist democide before and after Mao took over the mainland is thus 3,446,000 + 35,226,000 + 38,000,000 = 76,692,000, or to round off, 77,000,000 murdered.  This is now in line with the 65 million toll estimated for China in the Black Book of Communism, and Chang and Halliday’s estimate of “well over 70 million.”
Professor Rudy J. Rummel (2005-11-30).
Getting My Reestimate Of Mao’s Democide Out”.

The reigning chimpanzoid in D.C., in announcing the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan within three years, beginning with an immediate pullout of 10,000 this year, assured the nation that the puppet government there will be able to protect itself against the Taliban.

Within a week of that Negroidal assurance, around 10 p.m. on June 28, eight or nine Taliban suicide terrorists attacked a major Kabul hotel (the InterContinental), one supposedly well protected, killing at least a dozen people including a local judge (aside from causing major damage to the hotel itself).  The Afghan “soldiers” were unable to defeat the last of the attackers and had to call in “NATO” (i.e., American) helicopters to kill them on the roof — after about eight hours.  Proof, of course, of the great strength, effectiveness and valor of the Afghan military and police.  And also proof of the Taliban’s ability to score great propaganda victories at low cost to themselves.

For the average American White, carefully programmed with feelings of racial guilt as he is, the event in Kabul is merely another distraction from the evening’s TV sitcoms.  Where is Afghanistan, anyway?  In Antarctica maybe?  Whatever.  And don’t say anything negative about Islam.

The obsessive fear of recognizing unpleasant facts of any kind in America is counterbalanced by an equally obsessive belief that pain, suffering and hard work can no longer be allowed to be part of America.  Thus the left-leaning, comfort-seeking masses elect politicians who refuse to stop bestowing lavish benefits on them, thereby bankrupting the country.  Hence the importation of tens of millions of non-Whites to take over the messy jobs or to do the hard intellectual work Americans cannot or will not do.

White guilt-trippers have elected the perfect exponent of their mentality:  a Negro who promises to fulfil all their wishdreams, satisfy their need for guilt, and lead them to extinction.  The blackie in the White House — justifiably — has nothing but contempt for these sniveling masses, and intends to lower the nation to the level of Brazil, with the same degree of racial miscegenation.  In this aim he is of course supported by the media Jews, by the international billionaire Jews like Georg Sörös, and by the Wall Street Jews.  White idiots savants like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet help lead the general death march.

As a result, Afghanistan is going to be lost.  After having dismissed one general (Stanley McChrystal) of the theater of operations and changed the assignment of another (David Petraeus), the darkling will be handing over the Mohammedan wasteland to the Taliban.  The politician-purchasing Jews, whose only interest is getting Germany to pay yet more for a supposed “Holocaust,” will be unconcerned, since they view America primarily as a host for Yid parasitism, the best one yet.

But once the Mohammedan firebrands have Afghanistan back in their hands, their jihad will truly begin.  Pakistan is already half Talibanized.  Despite the anodyne assurances of American politicians whose only concern is keeping Whitey asleep, it will not be long before the warriors of Allah have control of nukes.  And from then on it will be a whole new game.  For the primitive and apocalyptic mindset of the true Muslim will brook no opposition, spare no expense, to take over the world.  This will be all the easier, given Whitey’s desire to die.

As China was abandoned to the Commies because Americans were too insane to admit that they had killed their own brothers in WW II in order to help the monstrosity of Kike Communism, so now Afghanistan is going to be abandoned because we are too insane to recognize that Islam is a killer religion.

As the ancient Greeks knew long ago:  man learns by suffering alone.  But the results of abandoning Afghanistan will cause truly terminal suffering.

On Friday, 2011 July 8, two events of symbolic importance made the news:

  • The first was that America’s “international” space shuttle had embarked on its final mission after 30 years of service.  There will be no replacement.  The shuttle program will now be shut down and all of the technical knowledge gained through decades of hard and expensive work will be dissipated forever.  Yes, the information will still be around gathering dust in archives, and the machinery will be viewable in museums.  But the ascendancy in American mathematics and science will be dissolved.  The termination of the program symbolizes the spiritual exhaustion of a decadent White race in the U.S.  The money is now needed to support the Negroes, the illegal aliens with their anchor babies and every other parasite within and without the borders.  Unbeknownst to the masses or their leaders is the law of evolutionary epistemology — the fact that knowledge is the nature of, and the reason for, evolution, and that the abandonment of the struggle for scientific and technical knowledge entails obsolescence followed by death.

  • The second straw in the wind was the government’s release of the tallies for employment and joblessness for the month of June, 2011.  Instead of a hoped-for increase of 100,000 jobs, only 18,000 were created, while unemployment rose from 9.1% to 9.2%.  At the same time that the presidential chimpanzoid was focussed on expanding “rights” for his homosexual fellows, official figures show that the world’s largest economy is continuing to stagnate and can no longer grow in a real sense.

These two indicators make it clear that the anti-White Disneyland is following the same curve as oil:  the parasite-riddled behemoth too is peaking and has nowhere to go but down.

While the Negro-friendly, Yid-paid politicians do their best to deny Peak Oil to the public, there are signs that the regime does in fact recognize the increasingly bleak future of the economy — not only of the nation but of the world.  In a bizarre attempt to circumvent reality, it has imposed the self-defeating boondoggle of taxpayer-supported ethanol on the country, a fuel whose manufacture consumes almost as much oil as it replaces.  Then, too, the last decade has seen an amazing explosion of “wind-tree farms” all over the country, each with countless wind turbines marring the landscape.  These are the acts of desperate politicians.

Meanwhile, in other critical areas such as the oil industry or communications technology, retiring technical and scientific personnel are not being replaced by enough young blood.  This fact in itself portends an ominous future.

All this and more is happening at the same time that the U.S. is not only involved in two and a half very expensive foreign wars, but is sinking ever deeper into unpayable and uncontrollable debt.  The Sheeny-driven political Left believes that money grows on trees or can be stolen from “the rich” (the way the Communists like to do it — see box, above), while the Right imagines that non-Whites, drug-stupefied addicts and ignorami can be magically transformed into creative citizens at the same time that millions of ThirdWorlders are imported as low-cost labor or to satisfy the guilt complexes of White TV-hypnotizees.

It is increasing burdens and absurdities such as these that are going to compel the U.S. to abandon Afghanistan in the same humilitating way it abandoned Vietnam in the 1970s.  The results will be incalculable:  for the first time, America will learn what evolution means.

June 2011

U.S. Nervousness

2011 Jun 28 [Tue]: 
“The U.S. Department of Energy announced June 23 that it would release 30 million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), the country’s emergency energy storage facility, over the next month.  The release is being conducted in concert with other developed states of Europe and East Asia that will collectively match the American release.  The SPR is stored in a series of massive underground salt domes on the U.S. Gulf Coast, immediately adjacent to several internal energy transport hubs.  The oil released will be used almost exclusively in the United States.”
— “Obama Taps Strategic Petroleum
Reserve Without Good Reason”
Forbes, posted by STRATFOR
Thursday, 2011 Jun 23

The SPR was originally created as a reserve for “emergencies” of critical nature (e.g., hurricanes, war).  However, the mere existence of the large pool of black gold is simply too tempting for a chimpanzoid seeking reelection, as well as for the rulers of 28 other countries now squandering their own reserves.  So at the urging of the International Energy Agency, on Thursday, 2011 Jun 23 the mass profligacy began.  By the end of July, 60 billion barrels of high-quality crude (2.4% of world production) will have flowed into world markets, 30 billion of it from the U.S. SPR.  The excuse is the loss of Libyan production due to the U.S.-British-French war on Libya.  (Of course, there is no mention of stopping that attack.)

While 30 billion barrels is not a large percentage of the SPR, the drawdown is the camel’s nose under the tent.  The Negro will get a small bump (mainly from his racial kin, who already vote 90% for him) in the polls after so much bad economic news in recent months (like the Fed chairman Ben Bernanke’s lament — coincidentally the previous day, June 22 — that he “didn’t expect” such economic lethargy);  but public favor is fickle.  The next time the cost of gasoline goes up, the negrifying masses will demand that the prices somehow be brought back down.  Thus it will be all the easier, given this precedent, to seek respite by resorting to the SPR.  The pilferage may also again be forced through by a political establishment anxious about its power and unconcerned about the future.  And then the next time after that ….

Anyone who has been paying attention to the global economy over the last few years cannot help but notice the increase in anxiety all around.  The fear that Business-As-Usual may be nearing its final days is palpable.  The moneyed elites (~50% Yid) who have appointed themselves the new arbiters of world (i.e., White) morality are doing their best to find new ways to shift money from Whites to non-Whites.  While Euro-American civilization sinks ever lower under the weight of parasites of every sort, these elites pay politicians to eliminate all borders.  The idea is to implement Georg Sörös’s plan of an ex-White “open society” thoroughly muddied with Afro-Asians.  In the feverish brains of these superrich, biology plays no part in the behavioral differences amoung races and cultures.  Of course, such movers and shakers would never themselves dream of living in the drug- and violence-prone sewers which they plan for Whitey.  They like their gated compounds just fine, thank you.

But the fact of depleting oil is adding an element of concern.  Whitey might get the uneasy feeling that something is wrong.  He might even stop watching TV (especially if he is unable to pay his electricity bill).  On top of that, the Negroes might go on their customary rampage again.  So it is necessary to import as many Spics, wogs, Chinks and other non-White parasites as possible, as quickly as possible, so that the demographic change in the electorate will keep power in the hands of the elites.

Other factors:  the Greek Trojan Horse;  the shutdown of Libyan oil due to another meaningless war;  the impending loss of Afghanistan for the sake of political gain in the forthcoming U.S. elections;  the widespread fraud in the American financial markets;  the deterioration of marginal nations into failed states, and the demand of non-Whites everywhere that Whitey give them yet more freebies — all of these things and more portend an ever-darkening future.  If the couch potatoes really believe that things are going to improve by re-electing an incompetent mulatto, they are going to be sorely disappointed.

The incapacity of the White world to understand the nature and reality of evolution amounts to a mass psychosis.  The global precariousness is revealed by the fact that a minuscule decline in the amount of oil available has caused major consternation in the same White countries whose military aggression against Libya has caused that decline.  Moreover, even if England and France succeed in conquering Libya before year’s end, the damage to the global infrastructure will have been done.  Humpty Dumpty is beginning to crack even now.

The ubiquitous official denials of Peak Oil reflect political anxiety about loss of power.  None but the Jews with their paranoia-masked hatred of the White race understand the genetic basis of civilization and of supremacy within it.  Hence the incessant drumbeat about White guilt, White racism, and White “responsibilities” to make silk purses out of non-White sows’ ears.

The general delusion that positive thinking can return us to the fun-filled glories of Europe-destroying yesteryear keeps BAU on life support.  Hence the stream of excuses;  hence pinning all the blame on minor-league profligates of the past.  And hence the regime’s attempts to build a time machine:  their eminences are magically transfusing the wealth of future generations into the bloodstream of the present.  Or so they tell us.  So there is no need to do anything to survive in the long term, Whitey.

Tinkering with taxes and exploiting new technologies and regions may delay the reckoning with reality a bit.  But the limits to “growth” are showing up everywhere:  the Greek riots may provoke a default which entangles the U.S. (think Goldman Sachs).  This may cause a number of other dominoes to fall, the U.S. credit rating in particular.  Strong real growth is required to support the grotesque overspending of the U.S. and the U.K. — but today’s growth is anemic.  From history we know that overspending is inherent in governments of virtually all types.  And now that the energy supply has reached the top of its curve vis-à-vis demand, only war, economic cannibalism and international theft lie ahead.  After all, we have to support those blacks and browns somehow.  The increase in national debt does not seem to be working.

We are in a situation where the debt car’s accelerator is stuck.  The car keeps going faster and faster, and no one, least of all the Divine Negro, can unstick the accelerator.  Before long we will become airborne and lose all control.

Yes, the chimpanzoid’s release of SPR oil, conveniently coming just as Quantitative Easing 2 ends (on 2011 June 30), will temporarily keep the price of gasoline from going much higher.  It will also speed up global depletion.  That, of course, is seen as a small price to pay if brings about the reelection of the chimpanzoid.  Why worry about a civilization constructed by evil Whites?  It is only the prospect that Whitey might actually decide to avoid racial extinction that makes the rulers nervous.

Small World

2011 Jun 22 [Wed]:  Once upon a time the world seemed big.  Then Fernando and Isabel, respectively the king and queen of Spain, after ridding their land of Mohammedans and Jews, sent a crusading religious visionary and navigator named Christopher Columbus west across the Atlantic to discover what he thought was the “Indies.”  The end effect of what followed was a shrinking world, with an American nation that today thinks it can control the entire earth and make the globe into a tributary of the Imperium Americanum.

A major technique in this imperial lunge for power is the lie.  All governments lie, but the U.S. is today blazing new trails in mendacity.  It is forcing down the throat of the entire world the fib that evolution never happened and cannot happen, as justification for its domination of the globe.

Just last week the U.K. government was revealed as lying about the fact that it had been officially warned about the imminence of Peak Oil and yet ignored the warning.  At the other end of Europe, the profligate Greeks, so they could be part of the EU, have been lying for most of the past decade about how they could support themselves, and now insist on extracting money from the taxpayers of northern nations to pay for their fun.  (They are putting on riots to force the northerners to shell out.)  Meanwhile the U.S. is telling everyone that things are going to get better, unemployment will subside, oil will become cheap again, and that the hopey-changey chimpanzoid is the savior of the world.

Increasingly oil-thirsty England and France, incapable of fighting wars on their own, have now again dragged the U.S. into their designs for war.  This time the target is Libya, a desert with some of the earth’s finest oil, much better than that of Saudi Arabia.  The rationale given is, of course, another lie — that the aggressors have to “protect civilians” from the local dictator, Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi.  The protection, by the way, involves bombing civilians throughout the city of Tripoli.  The chimpanzoid in the White House is helping with the slaughter because he can.  It takes his mind off of Afghanistan.

The wars, the lies and the refusal to stop the ThirdWorld invasion into Whiteland are all taking place against a backdrop of the slowly increasing price of oil.  The chimp blames the worsening economic woes on his predecessor, President Bush, while never mentioning the matter of liquid fuel, let alone his own policies.  Hollywood Jews, with their innate hatred of White gentiles, are only too eager to further the darkie’s claims.  Indeed, they can hardly wait for Whitey’s impoverishment.  There might even be a chance for them to have another go at imposing their favorite creed, Communism, on the world.  They only murdered 61 million people under Trotsky and Stalin (and helped Mao Tse-Tung take over China, resulting in the deaths of about 76 million Chinese, to say nothing of lesser mass-murdering Reds.).  But Whitey is not supposed to notice that and should focus only on a supposed “holocaust” of 6 million (inflated from an actual number of 1¼ million) of the Semitic kind, during a war pushed by Yids.

Unbeknownst to the TV-hypnotizees of the West, the shrinking world now includes Chinese Communism 2.0, which last year became the world’s largest consumer of energy, surpassing even the U.S.  So competitor Chinkland is now using “our” oil, thereby causing the price to rise.  Will America, thus, next decide to “protect civilians” in China?

The oddities never seem to cease.  On Monday, 2011 Jun 20, Kenneth E. Melson, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, was pressured by some of the few honest Congressmen to resign for allowing loads of heavy-duty guns to be purchased by straw buyers for shipments to the drug cartels in Spicland south of the border.  After all, Spic narcotraffickers help the Negro’s economy.  Melson’s operation bore the cute name of “Fast and Furious.”  Through this largesse, the cartels got as many as 2,000 semiautomatic rifles — apparently another part of the Groid’s “hope and change” agenda.  But never mind, Whitey.  Keep moving on — nothing to see here.  Switch to the nightly sitcom and notice how the Sheenies and non-Whites in it are all so nice and smart.

The excuse for the deliberate gun shipments, of course, will be that “mistakes were made.”  Nobody was really at fault.  Melson really meant well, just like the chimpanzoid, and that is all that matters.  The river of lethal weaponry to the criminal gangs just “happened,” sort of like the Japanese tsunami.  And, of course, no one (and especially no bureaucrat or chimp supporter) was paid off.

Against this background of murderous insanity is the global debt crisis caused by the American mendacity machine.  In 2008 there was about $30 trillion of worthless, lie-based U.S. debt sloshing around the world, about half of which has since evaporated.  It is possible that the rest may evaporate in the next six months.  China and the rest of Asia are getting nervous about buying more such worthless debt, even though domestic and world dynamics are forcing them to do so.  At this point it is helpful to remember what Joseph Tainter (The Collapse of Complex Societies) pointed out a couple of decades ago:  it is no longer possible for just a single nation to collapse;  because the world is now so small with all the major economies intertwined with one another, they will all collapse together.  (Though if Europe can somehow detach itself from Anglo-American financial markets, it might survive a bit longer.)  The Jew-dominated Europeans meanwhile, having now run out of erstwhile Nazis to chase, are inventing new ways to imprison anyone who voices any objections to Kike control of their countries.  (The Euro-elites hate the American First Amendment.)  That will divert the masses until the collapse comes, which will probably be blamed on anti-semites.

In addition, there is the looming disaster of Vietnam II, otherwise known as Afghanistan.  As in Vietnam, the enemy has an asylum into which it can withdraw in order to lick its wounds, then return and attack when it is ready and finds an opportunity.  In Vietnam that secure area was North Vietnam.  In Afghanistan it is Pakistan.  On Wednesday, 2011 Jun 22 the chimpanzoid announced he would begin to withdraw American troops;  thus it is just a matter of time now before the Taliban, following the Viet Cong playbook, return to Kabul and resume control, to include training “martyrs” for attacks on the “crusaders.”  As in Vietnam, Congress will ignore presidential promises about helping Afghanistan defend itself and simply give up trying to support President Hamid Karzai and his corrupt government because the U.S. electorate is tired of hearing pessimistic news.  Besides, it’s too expensive in the age of increasingly dear oil, so the argument will go.  We will then accept another million or so refugees from the war-devastated country, just as we did after Vietnam.  Southwestern Asia, including Iraq, will subsequently turn into a feverish hotbed of anti-White Mohammedan maniacs, and the oilfields of Saudi Arabia will be seriously threatened and perhaps shut down.  The œdipal, infantile White American male who thinks he is entitled to a comfy life if he just imports enough ThirdWorlders will soon thereafter discover otherwise.

It is indeed a small, small world.


2011 Jun 14 [Tue]: 

Huge Investments for Highly Technical Oil Projects

— Pierre Mauriaud, TOTAL,
Talk before the 9th ASPO Conference

The history of mankind is the history of war — a sport derived originally from that part of the natural process of “survival of the fittest” in which males battle males for sexual possession of the females and, hence, the right to reproduce.  The genetic inheritance from our earlier primate ancestors has been one of lethal conflict between organized groups of males since pre-human times.  Despite all of the femininst blather of the past few decades, females have never been gripped by the communal bloodlust which lurks deep in the heart of all males.  In the few cases where political correctness has placed women in real battle, the results have been as ridiculous as they have been disastrous.  Yes, individual empresses, queens and prime ministresses have given orders for men to go to war, but contrary to myths about Amazon tribeswomen, they themselves have never participated as foot soldiers in the massed mutual slaughter of the battlefield.  Sporadic instances of individual women acting as suicide bombers do not change this reality.

In the last half-century the chemical pollution of American food has greatly diminished the maleness of the nation’s men.  Average sperm counts are half of those of 1950.  Male effeminacy is all the rage in the Yid-dominated entertainment media nowadays.  The art of organized killing is now the preserve of ever smaller numbers of specialists.

Having been chemically castrated, the vast majority of American White “men” are now interested in war only as entertainment in video, various spectator sports and movies.  The imperial leadership must accordingly fight wars on the cheap, using electronics, sophisticated hardware, or proxies.

This strategy has worked quite well thus far.  But it may now be reaching its limit of effectiveness.  While the U.S. is running out of money for its mercenaries, a million Mohammedans are seething to wage real and maniacal war against Whitey to help him with his death wish.  And they, as opposed to him, are not castrati.

If the chimpanzoid in D.C. surrenders in Arabistan as his supporters want him to, and pulls all troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and abandons those feudal states as was done in the case of Vietnam, the fun and games will really begin.  Iraq’s battered oil industry will be severely impaired by sabotage and terrorism, Afghanistan will return to Taliban control, and Pakistan with its nukes may dissolve into civil war, with the resulting risk of nuclear war with India.  With a U.S. retreat interpreted as defeat, Yemen will turn completely jihadist and Iran will do its best to undermine Saudi Arabia (the oil cow), further endangering the already declining oil flows from the region.  And none of American high technology will be able to stop the resulting slide into the night.

Whitey, with his self-loathing, his embrace of negritude and his suicidal wish for a “more perfect” society (i.e., more entitlements for everybody) will find to his dismay that the American wishdream is evaporating.  Then there is the additional contribution of the distortion of reasoning powers caused by widely used stupefying drugs:  vast numbers of what is left of “majority” America habitually smoke marijuana, convinced, contrary to the medical facts, that it does no harm to their brains and bodies whatsoever.  Considering that we now have a “president” who openly admits to having been a hophead, this fact alone probably gave him enough votes from other hopheads to put him in the catbird seat.

Empires are born in blood, live by blood, and die in blood.  America reached its present pinnacle only through fratricide.  It murdered its brothers in Germany, surrendering half of Europe and most of Asia to Communism and that ideology’s incomprehensibly vast slaughters — all to the delight of the Marxist Jew.  Now the U.S. is about to face the logical consequences of that massive crime.  The savage hordes of Darkland will put an end to the only civilization ever to have risen above the level of the common killer.

The luxurious living enjoyed by lazy consumers in the U.S. is even now in the process of ending.  The problem is, of course, that the sloths have decided that they have a “right” to their traditional lifestyle.  Yes, in theory, we could reduce our consumption by over half and still have a reasonably comfortable life while the Chinese, say, moved up a bit in their standard of living.  But the death-seeking White masses, driven by propaganda about “growth” and demands by various unions along with other factors, are unlikely to tolerate this.  After all, they would have to give up subsidizing the average Negro to the tune of $9 or $10 thousand per year, not to mention the outlays for countless other parasites and ThirdWorld invaders.  So when the rising costs of their Disneylandism force them to do so, it is very likely that they will seek some excuse to have the Empire drop bombs on somebody or invade oilrich countries — without, of course, participating in the nastiness themselves.

In the graphic above, which shows French oil company Total’s estimate of costs for various types of oil extraction, the world is moving toward the upper right.  This is the reality which those who imagine facile solutions fail to acknowledge.  Oil is the substratum of the modern world.  As it increases in price, the global economy slows and the electorate’s frustration grows.

Along with this mounting stress, another element, one commonly ignored but conceivably even more ominous, must be considered:  the emerging threat of cyberwar and the electronic theft of information from government and national industries by adversarial nations.  Due to the increase in computer hacking via the internet, it is often extremely difficult, if not impossible, to determine the true source of such theft or attack.  The usual suspects in the case of military-industrial i-espionage today are the Chinese and sometimes the Russians, both of which of course deny any such activity.  However other nations are engaging in this game as well, Israel and India among them.  This is to say nothing of common e-criminals and kiddie hackers.  Scarely a month goes by nowadays without hearing about the databanks of some large bank or financial organization having been electronically compromised.

The resulting loss of technical superiority is a much greater threat than Mr. TV-viewer understands.  If (to take an imaginary example), say, North Korea were able to disable U.S. military networks and make it seem that the cyber attack were coming from Zimbabwe, American power would be instantly reduced to the level of, perhaps, the U.K. — which is to say, to a joke.  Similary, if Vietnam stole American car-making designs or Israel clandestinely downloaded U.S. biotechnological discoveries, we would soon lose our competitive edge in the relevant markets.

What weed-smoking Whitey prefers not to grasp is that attempts — some of them increasingly successful — to do such things are already occurring.  With the increasing stupidification of the lethargic American masses, there are fewer and fewer experts capable of dealing with such threats.  Unbeknownst to the populace, we are already engaged in a low-level war, one in which a major breakthrough by a hidden foe could bring us to our knees very quickly.

On Tuesday, 2011 June 14, the presidential chimpanzoid was in Durham, North Carolina visiting the Cree LED Light Company, saying it had helped the American job market.  The only problem is that Cree, a recipient of $39 million in Recovery Act funds from U.S. taxpayers, is sending jobs to China, where more than 50% of Cree’s employees are.  Obviously that is what Whitey wants, since he voted for the darkie who has now taken the White man’s tax money and passed it through Cree to the Chinks.

With a Negro as emperor, the U.S. does not need military enemies.  It will be defeated by the incompetent jungle bunny at the top of the political pyramid.  He has introduced us to a new type of war.  We have seen the enemy, and he is us.

Peter & Paul

2011 Jun 06 [Mon]: 
It isn't that we're collectively stupid.  It's that we're individually stupid.  There seems to be a belief in the United States that a 55 or 56-year-old auto worker can make $55 an hour because he or she can employ technology better than a 22-year-old Indian auto worker.
— Rick Rule
Founder, Global Resource Investments
2011 May 25
Oil Will Be Major Economic Driver
321 Energy, 2011 June 2
“In this [final] chapter we have considered the criticisms of the view that the genetic quality of modern populations is deteriorating.  These are that there is no genetic determination of intelligence, conscientiousness, crime, educational attainment or socioeconomic status;  that there can be an inverse association between intelligence and fertility without genetic deterioration occurring;  that there are no genetic differences between the social classes;  that there are no such things as bad genes;  that the genes for genetic diseases should be preserved, especially in other people, because they make a positive contribution to creative achievement;  and that all human types, including the mentally retarded, criminals and psychopaths, are equally valuable.  All these arguments have been examined and found wanting.  Only one verdict is possible concerning the critics of eugenics who have advanced these arguments, and that is that they have not taken the trouble to examine the research evidence.  The eugenicists believed that modern populations are deteriorating genetically.  The evidence set out in this book shows that they were correct.”
(Italics added.)
Dysgenics:  Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations
by Richard Lynn.
Westport, CT, London:  Praeger Publishers, 1996, p. 210

America entertains some bizarre ideas.  Perhaps its fascination with narcotics of all kinds has something to do with it.  But then, it has always fancied itself as morally superior to those who have had fewer resources than U.S. citizens.  (From the quintessentially American saying “if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich,” Whites here have jumped to the conclusion that it is their wealth that makes them intellectually superior to their European kin.)  Indeed, in the Yankee mind, evolution not only does not apply to the United States, it never happened at all.  American “ingenuity” (whatever that is) makes Americans superior to all other peoples, especially to European Whites.

Having devastated Europe and handed its eastern half over to Communism in order to show American moral superiority, the political elites are now confronted with a shrinking resource base, a loss of power with which they cannot cope.  Their reaction is to manipulate symbols of egalitarianism, of unity with Negroids and other dark-skinned types, and of universal love, in order to seduce the masses into supporting the Yids and White genosuicidists who control the imperium.

Naturally, the seduction also requires purchasing the votes of key segments of the electorate.  This, in turn, requires ever-increasing government largesse.  In simplified terms, it means robbing Peter to pay Paul.  Including those Peters who have not yet been born.

As throughout the universe galaxies are centered around massive black holes which either produce those galaxies or are produced by them, so empires are centered around cutthroat imperial courts at whose core stands a single man, an emperor.  The American empire with its electoral system has thus far been able to restrain the more vicious tendencies of its emperors in their domestic policies, though with less success in their foreign ones.  But the electoral system has been weakening over the decades, with a corresponding growth of presidential power.  Negroids, college-educated women, Liberals, Democrats, Hispanics, Union members, Big Business (especially the financial sector), the media, homosexuals, Jews (for whom Republicans are insufficiently genosuicidal), Muslims, Amerinds and other minorities, are all automatic voters for the chimpanzoid, regardless of the disintegration of the economy.  Congress is filled by representatives from “safe” districts — where the political preferences of the voters have long been fossilized.  The so-called “independents” (99.9% White) are not truly independent;  they are simply individuals who do not like to be labeled.  But in reality at least 50% of them will vote for the chimp in order to expiate their media-programmed racial guilt.  And with an estimated 40% of the populace on “entitlements,” it is anyone’s guess whether any anti-entitlement candidate can win, regardless of the sick state of the economy.

Given this reality, we can expect that the slow decline of resources (especially oil) and national competitiveness will result in increasing leftism as the masses demand the continuation of their “rights” to Business As Usual with its increasing importation of ThirdWorlders and monetary inflation.  In order to keep the multitudes happy, “rich” Peter (i.e., the remaining decent Whites) will be held up for ransom.  He will be told that it is his “patriotic duty” to pay for the sludge clogging the system.  As an assiduous viewer of TV, he will succumb without any serious protest.  After all, it is productive Peter’s obligation to surrender his well-being so that parasitic Paul can be supported in the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed.

The genetic deterioration (dysgenics) referred to in the quote above has now proceeded to the point where manifest lies by the politically savvy intelligentsia are widely accepted as divine truth by the masses.  These lies are used as pseudo-moral arguments to attack political enemies (“racists”).  And they are eagerly snatched up as part of the justification for leftist or even Marxist impoverishment of the declining percentage of intelligent and productive classes (an impoverishment which will ultimately target the intelligentsia itself).  The whole argument for importing low-IQ ThirdWorlders rests on the assumption that the imports will have only positive effects and no lasting negative ones.

The denial of Peak Oil and other, closely following, peaks rests on the more fundamental denial of the fact of genetic inequality, of dysgenics and of biological evolution in general.  This denial is a prerequisite for what is today called “democracy” in the Western World.  Having destroyed European eugenicists in two World Wars, the deniers have proceeded to assert that the nutrients in the planetary Petri dish are infinite and may be consumed without restraint by expanding, increasingly dysgenic populations.  In actual fact, this psychopathic, compulsive lying is leading not only to the destruction of the White race but to the final termination of all higher civilization on this planet.  After all of the easily accessible resources have been exhausted by knowingly striving to destroy our own genetic inheritance, there will be no second chance for the earth.  Since Whites have decided to give up without a fight and to use their supposed guilt as an excuse not to have children (or to import ThirdWorldlings as replacements), Whiteland is committing not only suicide but planeticide.  And the innumerable Pauls will enjoy every millimeter of the plunge into the abyss.


2011 Jun 01 [Wed]: 
World Oil Exports
Year Global - * = ANE
2002 39 - 3.5 = 35.5
2003 42 - 4.0 = 37.4
2004 45 - 5.1 = 39.9
2005 46 - 5.2 = 40.8
2006 46 - 5.5 = 40.5
2007 45 - 6.1 = 38.9
2008 45 - 6.6 = 38.4
2009 43 - 7.3 = 35.7
2010 44 - 8 = 36**
*  China & India’s (Chindia’s) net oil imports
**  Estimated

— WestTexas, The Oil Drum,
Monday, 2011 May 30

Slavery is a universal constant in the history of mankind’s complex societies.  In historical terms, it is only recently that it has been abolished, with the abolition movements starting modestly about five centuries ago in Europe, mainly under the influence of Christianity.  The ownership of one human being by another is found everywhere.  The tenth commandment, often ignored by those who claim to base everything on the Bible, states (Exodus 20:1-17) that “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house:  you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female slave, or his ox or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor’s” (The Jewish Study Bible, Jewish Publication Society Tanakh Translation, Oxford U.Pr., 1999).  These slaves were chattels just like the “neighbor’s” wife, farm animals and other belongings.

Although allegedly suppressed in the world today, slavery is in fact perpetuated in the Mohammedan countries, especially those in Africa.  The “submission” ethic of Islam (a word which actually means “submission”) lends itself very easily to the subjugation of non-Mohammedan infidels to the status of slaves.  Moreover, the ongoing maintenance of harems by countless sheiks is itself a form of sexual slavery.

This widespread and perennial practice, however repugnant to the average modern (gentile) White, is clearly based on human laziness and the urge for power — as well as, for men, the desire for noncommittal sex without even paying what a prostitute earns.  And it is clearly associated with a lower form of civilization than the one developed by the White man over the past millennium.  We like to think of it as superseded by White mores.

But slavery may be making a comeback.  To the immediate south of the U.S., the near-failed state of Mexico is witnessing a resurgence of the practice.  In spite of an estimated 10,000 women enslaved as prostitutes in Mexico City, the Spic police conducted only 40 investigations and got three convictions.  The semi-civilized Proto-Mongoloids down there also specialize in narcotrafficking, as everyone knows, in order to destroy the brains of as many American Whites as possible.  Like the Italian Mafia, the druggies have their own type of slavery, since no one ever leaves their organizations alive.

Then we have the fact that a great many of the el cheapo goodies that “big-box” shoppers purchase are produced by ThirdWorld thralls in the Orient.  (The creatures in Africa have too few dendrites per brain neuron to produce anything worth buying;  and the Mohammedan Sand Negroes believe hard work is beneath them.)

It has been said before that, in his use of oil, the average White American or European has something like the equivalent of a hundred slaves working tirelessly for him.  This is certainly an underestimate since, without oil, enslaved humans, no matter how strong and tireless, could never produce the energy required to fly a modern airliner, let alone a moon rocket.  Regardless of how much “thinking out of the box” they did, the task would be hopeless.

Given the fossilized egalitarianism of the political elites, it is no longer possible to avoid a return to a slave-based economic system.  When, in the early part of the twentieth century, England discovered that its imperial economy was about to be surpassed by Germany, it launched a World War against its competitor.  Since that was not enough to keep Germany down, it repeated the exercize with a Second World War.  Although, to the delight of the Kikes, it certainly destroyed Germany and divided it for four and a half decades, England’s victory was Pyrrhic, because it lost its vaunted empire and is today on the verge of self-impoverishment.  All of which, of course, the Limeys deny.

Recognizing, in some dim way, that the U.K. is running out of petroleum, the rulers of that decaying island have decided to war on Libya in the hope that they can get some of its cheap oil, possibly sharing the liquid with France.  The war itself is further draining Brit resources, and their hopes for oily recompense are questionable in the extreme.  But the fantasies of the powerful die only when the powerful themselves die or are thrown overboard.

Amidst all of this, the imperial government is doing its best to bring slavery back — this time not just for a few Negroes but for the entire population.  The so-called “Patriot Act” is being extended to eliminate traditional American freedoms at the same time that the masters of the universe are importing ThirdWorld narcotraffickers and the dark-skinned crowds among whom they hide.  The importees will of course vote for the importers (of both parties);  the entire scheme of such “social programs” is merely an additional way to buy votes.  The dwindling numbers of Whites keep voting for these masters, deliberately oblivious to their own doom.

We know from long experience that slaves eventually become accustomed to their servitude.  That state is what we are now acclimating ourselves to.

May 2011

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

2011 May 23 [Mon]: 
“More than 500 illegal migrants have been discovered crammed into the trailers of two trucks heading from Mexico towards the US.

Police believe the foreigners had to pay $7,000 (£4,300) per person to the alleged traffickers to take them into the US.

While most of those on board were thought to be from Guatemala, there were others from Ecuador and El Salvador as well as smaller numbers from as far afield as China, Japan, Nepal and India.

There were 32 women and 4 children on board, authorities said.”

Mexico:  500 migrants found in trucks in Chiapas
2011 May17
BBC News
Latin America & Caribbean

The U.S. will “of course” take in these illegals, because the immigration lawyers make so much money off of them, and because ordinary U.S. (native) citizens cannot snap out of their flower-child mentality of accepting the entire globe of seven billion people.  The idea that there has to be a limit to this kind of thing — or to limits of any kind, for that matter — is viewed as diabolical by Mr. White Genosuicidist.

One of the countless obstructions in the flow of American history is the legal profession.  From the U.S. Congress, through state legislatures, and down through the judges of criminal courts even to civil and family jurisdiction, the average legal mind is innocent of science of any type.  The “law” is viewed as a kind of Euclidean geometry based on certain axioms which are themselves dependent on the whim of those in power — which in modern times means maudlin leftism marinated in corruption.  “We” (i.e., you, Whitey) have got to surrender all wealth, health and even existence itself to anyone who pretends to be in need, especially if the needy one is non-White.  And with all that, the level of scientific knowledge of the legalists is for the most part no higher than that of a pubescent teenager, if that.

The result is that all of the scientific findings in the hard or soft sciences are ignored in favor of popular idiocies such as the fantasy that all people are created equal or that evolution (that evil word) did not happen.  Concomitantly, the prevalent ideology of the guilt of White males for all crimes which have ever occurred dominates the psychopathy of the legal profession.  And the consistent refusal to acknowledge the limits of oil production is rooted in the bedrock of the political mindset.

It is this incapacity to adjust to the realities of nature, this compulsion to lie to oneself and others, that is leading the U.S. over the brink.  If the facts are unpopular, so much the worse for the facts.  The mythology of White guilt is more important.

On the night of Sunday/Monday, 2011 May 22/23, Joplin, Missouri was hit by a ferocious tornado which killed well over a hundred people and leveled everything in its path for a mile.  As on the following day the people of that city grieved for their dead, tried to help the wounded and picked their way through the rubble of their former homes, the chimpanzoid alleged to be the president of the U.S. was away in the British Isles being welcomed by suicide-loving crowds and entertained in various elegant hotels and castles.  Clearly the devastation of an American city was far less worthy of his attention than the adulation of foreign White genosuicidists.  And anyway, the stricken Joplinites were just Whites.

The political overlords, meanwhile, continue their own disgusting activities while pretending to be concerned about the public welfare.  The former, sociopathic governor of the disintegrating State of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has now been revealed as having sired a (currently 14-year-old) son with a hideous Guatemalan mulattoess, Mildred Patricia Baena, his housekeeper (for whom he recently even bought a $268,000 house in Bakersfield, CA).  While pretending to be an upright White, Schwarzenegger has been making his own contribution(s) to the genosuicide of our race.  Of course, grotesque lies and façades of moral uprightness have long been the stock in trade of American politicians.  Compared to them, the harem-leading dictators of Mohammedanland are paragons of honesty.  America is built on false pretenses and pretexts, made possible because of the electorate’s love of superficiality.  The masses simply love ruling elites who are psychopaths.

It is no longer possible to discover truth or reality in America, because lies, fantasy and perversion of every sort have metastasized throughout the entire system.  New types of pathology physical and psychological have wasted the fabric of a once-promising land.  It is thus no wonder that Peak Oil is denied by the masses.  The few whose brains have not been deranged by narcotics have embraced the kind of “liberalism” beloved by elderly women afflicted with Alzheimer’s syndrome.  Nature has only one solution for such a situation:  death.

According to the updated (Dec. 2010) Oil Age Poster, the peak of everything that can be considered “oil” occurred in 2008.  Of course, the descent is starting mildly.  That mildness provides politicians and ignorami with the opportunity to claim that the current economic recession is strictly temporary.  And to claim that the rise in fuel prices can be solved by various tricks, whether these be more drilling or printing money to pay agribusinesses to produce ethanol, etc.  In fact, the world oil companies are already overstressed by excessive demands of every sort;  they simply cannot (and the various nations which supply oil will not) produce more of the chemical.

This is the true reason why England and France, helped by the U.S., are warring on Libya.  “Protecting civilians” has nothing to do with the war except to provide an excuse for it;  it is all about protecting access to fine oil, now that Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar has passed its peak and the only oil now being produced there is the less desirable type.  The UK and Frogland are becoming increasingly desperate now that their elites, such as BigJew Dominique Strauss-Kahn, find oil exhaustion staring them in the face.  But even after they have conquered Libya, their doomsday will have been delayed by a year or so at the most, because of growing world demand.

There was an 89-year-old preacher named Harold Camping who predicted that the world would end this past Saturday, 2011 May 21.  As it turned out, the earth did not disappear after all.  There was no “rapture” of his believers to planet heaven.

But maybe Harold was just a little off on the type of doomsday he expected.  Maybe his apocalypse was really an unconscious realization that the world really has reached the point of no return as regards its oil supply.  He just made the mistake of translating that realization into a prediction of impressive physical disruption involving tremendous earthquakes and supernatural interventions complete with bodily resurrections.  Nonetheless, at a deeper level, he was perhaps sensing that something is going wrong on the global level — really wrong.  Something with ominous portents for the life and death of the human species, and which, given his own intellectual limitations, he could describe only in the religious terms long familiar to him.

In any case, the world is facing limits to growth for the first time in several centuries.  Although some among the political elites are awakening to this fact, the multitudes remain impervious to unpleasant truths of any kind.  And the greatest denier of all is America.


2011 May 15 [Sun]: 
Ten Lessons from the Fall [of the Soviet Union]

“Considering the many parallels between the West and the Soviet East, it is likely that we can learn from this recent historic Soviet collapse as if it were an economic experiment.  That is, if you want to know what will happen to the West once peak oil occurs, just consider the Soviet Union, which did after all have markets working within it.  Here, then, are ten lessons that the US and the World can learn from the fall of the Soviet Union:

  1. Peak oil eventually comes no matter what energy policies are pursued;

  2. A country’s internal affairs regarding oil production are more important than external pressure in determining how much an oil producer will extract;

  3. Energy independence is not a successful strategy for dealing with an oil crisis;

  4. Alternative energy investments are not likely to be successful in alleviating an oil crisis;

  5. Free markets help during an oil crisis, but mostly to reduce energy consumption, not increase supplies;

  6. A decline in world oil production is very likely to cause economic decline and collapse even for a strong economy;

  7. A decline in world oil production is very likely to cause financial crises and hyper-inflation—part of stagflation;

  8. A decline in world oil production is very likely to cause high unemployment—the other part of stagflation;

  9. A decline in world oil production is very likely to cause social problems.

  10. A decline in world oil production is very likely to cause the disintegration of regional political relationships;

“Considering the importance of the relationship between oil, the economy and politics, the fall of the Soviet Union provides one of the few examples of a modern economy faced with peak oil.  It is therefore the perfect experiment from which to learn about our own coming oil problems.”
The Fall of the Soviet Union:
Peak Oil Lessons on the
20th Anniversary of the Collapse

Douglas B. Reynolds
Department of Economics
School of Management
University of Alaska Fairbanks
LOS ANGELES, May 13 — Yemen’s oil minister said his country is on the brink of an imminent economic collapse due to recurrent bomb attacks on oil pipelines and ongoing social unrest.

“Acts of sabotage on the oil pipeline in Wadi Ubaida in Marib province have hampered the flow of oil since mid-March and undermined the confidence of foreign investors in the country,” said Amir Salim Al-Aydarus.

In 2010, Yemen produced 260,000 b/d of crude oil.  Around 110,000 bb/d of that production is light crude, which is in high demand globally following the loss of Libyan output in February.

Al-Aydarus also blamed the economic woes on the prolonged political deadlock between the country’s ruling party and the opposition, saying the ongoing political crisis has hastened the departure of foreign oil workers.

The minister also claimed that months-long street protests have adversely affected the distribution of oil products and added to the difficulties in repairing the damaged pipeline.

“The sabotage and destruction by outlaws on oil and gas pipelines as well as electricity lines exacerbated the economic situation,” Al-Aydarus said.  “If the problem persists, the government will be unable to meet the minimum needs of the citizens. The situation will pose a catastrophe beyond imagination.” …

Oil minister:  Yemen ‘on the brink’
of economic collapse

May 13, 2011
Eric Watkins
OGJ Oil Diplomacy Editor
Oil&Gas Journal

As the White House minstrel show continues, we are now seeing ever more bizarre adulation in the media.  Despite the sycophancy, there is virtually no serious discussion about the rise in prices of raw materials — of oil above all, closely followed by coal.  Peak Oil is commonly dismissed with facile arguments about how we are going to be saved by this or that renewable energy or technique.  In fact, the one and only “rescue” will come from using less oil due to demand destruction.  In other words, the price of oil-based fuel (gasoline, diesel, etc.) is going to rise beyond the reach of most people, so they will be forced to conserve.

Given that America is based upon waste and squander, the country is willy-nilly going to be transmogrified into something quite different from its current state.

To everyone at the head of the Democratic Party, it is well known that the one and only reason a Negro was used as a presidential candidate was to have a token to churn up Whitey’s manufactured racial guilt for electoral purposes.  Since the blackie has been in office now for over two years, it has become torturously evident to even the dimmest Demo bulbs that he is utterly incompetent.  All of his speeches have to be written for him since he has no ideas of his own, he has to be cautiously steered this way and that in order to keep the nation believing that it is still functioning, but all the anti-White race-baiting is useless when it comes to doing the job.

In short, as America begins its decline, solution of the extremely difficult problems ahead will be effectively outsourced to whatever parasites have the money and intellectual resources to exploit those problems for their own benefit.  Whitey in his TV-daydream of racial, religious and behavioral equality, multiculturalism and relativism (including the “peacefulness” of the Mohammedans) is too unconscious to wake up.  We can thus expect growing stagflation (no economic growth at the same time as inflation) starting after the peak of all liquids next year.  Mr. Œdipus Rex, the American White, will continue to degenerate into a Negro-aping entitlementee.  ThirdWorlders will swamp the land his forefathers built and he will swap his birthright for a mess of Spic-brewed pottage.  All to the delight of the Sheenies, genosuicidal leftists, Negroids and other vultures now circling Whiteland.

There are innumerable cultural signs that the civilization is in decline.  First, there is the matter of financial fraud and crime.  Riding on the backs of millions of honest Whites who do real work in honest jobs physical and mental — whether coal miners or computer programmers — is the financial “industry.”  This sector harbors countless thousands of liars, thieves and con artists who specialize in victimizing those who have less knowledge of the markets — which is the majority of the populace.  Along with the “industries” of identity theft, narcotrafficking and people smuggling, financial criminality of this sort is sucking the life out of the nation.  It constitutes yet one more — and inflationary — “tax” on the infrastructure of White civilization.  At the high end, the perversion of the financial sector has also infected politics to the extent that the difference between democracy and dictatorship is disappearing (as it already has in Europe).  The criminals have become the government.  The U.S. electorate has thus chosen a fitting symbol of its evolutionary regression as its leader and representative:  a Negro Robin Hood.

Synchronized with this is a “celebration” of ugliness of every sort in every sphere, be it:

  • racial, spiritual, moral, pictorial, sculptural or architectural;

  • in urban landscapes, in the dress of the youth, in bodily disfigurement through tatoos, “piercings” and even surgical modifications undertaken to produce the effect of wierdness;

  • in the media glorification of physically hideous Negroes, Sand Negroes (including all branches of Semites, whether Yid or non-Yid);

  • in the widespread linguistic deterioration found in spelling, grammar, syntax, pronunciation in the populace at large, and even in literature (including anti-White, so-called “poetry” which has neither rhyme nor meter, as also the related barking called “rap music”).

All of this is so blindingly obvious that only the liars who constitute the academic and political elites now pretend not to see it.  And in fact it amounts to a general recognition by the collective unconscious that we are at the end of the evolutionary road.  Nothing remains but dissolution and decay, which are to be embraced.

A small example:  on Saturday, 2011 May 14, yet another Big Jew, International Monetary Fund head Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was exposed as a criminal.  This time it was for forcing a Sofitel hotel maid in New York, a 32-year-old Mohammedan Negress named Nafissatou Diallo (alias Ophelia) from Guinea in West Africa, to perform oral sex on him and for trying to remove her underwear, among other things that were not authorized by the green card which she is alleged to have gotten.  (Perhaps he had not had the time to hire a local prostitute.)  He was arrested at 2:15 a.m. the next day while already on a plane and trying to escape the country.  The charges were performing criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment.  This is the kind of pathological criminal Jew that runs Europe today.  The French, who have known about his twisted personality for years, were, according to the polls, nonetheless prepared to vote for Kahn, a French Socialist Party leader, as their next president.  Just another example of Frog genosuicidism and adoration of anything Kike.

In Europe, the elites are no longer capable of recognizing absurdity.  Their brains calcified into mindlessly repeating the notion that history’s greatest evil was National Socialism under Adolf the Great, they engage in endless witch hunts after Nazis and “racists” and anyone who prefers that Whites not commit racial suicide.  It is in Europe, the heartland of the White race and modern civilization, that the Communists and Jews have had their greatest success.  How ironic that at this peak of their fortune we should simultaneously be seeing the peak of the global oil supply.  The only thing now left is to construct mass crematoria for the White race.

The big question, of course, is when.  When will the price of oil, and of energy in general, become so high that the American economy as a whole simply stops growing?  And when (not “if”) that happens, will the American White simply react like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights and wait to be run over by history?  If so, the results will not be pretty.

All indications are that demand destruction is already beginning to take place globally.  With the new war against Libya and the breakdown in Yemen (see box, above), the situation is not being helped at all.  A few more such events and we may be in real trouble sooner than we think, no matter what the mullato son of Frank Marshall Davis says.  With the world quickly approaching a population of seven billion, most of it non-White and with Whites being a fast-dwindling percentage of the whole, sustainability limits of all sorts are being reached.  Since the White masses have been robotized by TV and terrorized into silence by their own governments, there is little chance of averting disaster by exhaustion.

The Federal government no longer includes food and energy in its calculations of inflation.  The reason for this is that the powerholders are terrified of alerting the plebs with facts.  The name of the game is mass hypnosis.  Meanwhile overstretch is about to reach the breaking point.

Moral Superiority

2011 May 08 [Sun]: 
“Tiridates too, a refugee from his own kingdom, made the deeper impression by his silence or subdued complaints:  ‘It is not,’ he urged, ‘through cowardice that great empires are maintained;  there has to be a struggle of armed men;  at the summit of power, might is right.  True — for a private household, holding onto one’s own possessions is praiseworthy, but for a king, fighting for those of others is.’”
— The expelled Parthian king Tiridates,
arguing in A.D. 61 for war against Rome
to reconquer the territory of Armenia
Tacitus, Annals, 15.1

As can easily be deduced from any American or European political campaign, the electorate is unswayed by boring facts and analysis or anything involving logical analysis.  Rather, it is moved by whichever candidate or candidate’s party convinces the masses that it is morally superior.  Moral superiority is normally defined as providing more free benefits for more people, including invading aliens.  The MS ideal is a life of complete ease, bread and circuses, with nothing like hard physical labor or serious intellectual work involved.  It is the “couch-potato” life enhanced with government-supported recreational opportunities.  And, of course, no racial or class differences.  Plus, for many, brain-destroying narcotics provided gratis to anyone who wants them.

Anything blocking advancement toward this ideal is deemed morally deficient, if not actually demonic.

Moral arguments are something “the people” can understand.  They hear versions thereof from countless sources:  TV, courses in the social-sciences, literature or history, not to mention the sermonizing from various religious institutions.  So power-seekers play to these emotive currents, always careful to avoid offending any sector of the voting populace.  Enemies are always either outside the power base or are various nebulosities, such as “the rich,” Marxistically defined.

In discussions about Peak Oil, overwhelmingly dominated by leftists, there are constant lamentations about how difficult it is to get the masses to adopt socialist lifestyles like African or Brazilian tribes.  Few contributors ever consider the totalitarian control wielded by existing socialist governments such as the European anti-free-speech regimes.  These governments have no intention of relinquishing power and subsiding into an earth-friendly quiescence.  Their “moral responsibility” of maintaining dominance forbids it — and also justifies their invasion of oil-rich countries such as Libya.  For such governments, Business As Usual in preëminent;  Peak Oil is a concern for others, not for them.

* * *

Not long after midnight early Monday morning, Pakistan time, 2011 May 2, A hundred or so American warriors started an operation in which they invaded the Abbottabad, Pakistan, compound of Osama bin Laden and killed him.  According to the news reports, his cadaver was then flown to an aircraft carrier in the Arabian Sea and, after all of the necessary autopsy and analysis had been done, dumped into the ocean.  Now if only all of the other Sand Negroes, learning of this, would leave Whiteland and return to their deserts, life could return to normal.  Of course, White genosuicidists want them to stay and want to import even more muds to our countries.  So not much has been accomplished.

In a trivial sequel to the event, the chimpanzoid announced that the pictures of the dead Sand Negro would not be released, alleging that they might be used as an “incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool.”  As if creatures who murder civilians, including children, en masse would need such pix to rally their side, especially when they themselves publish graphic images of their own slaughters on the internet.  Actually, the main reason for the refusal was the effeminacy of the American TV viewer:  seeing the results of the warriors’ handiwork might generate calls to “stop the bloodshed” and pull out of Afghanistan.  It would all have been too much for the childish psyches of couch potatoes and potatoesses.

As has often been said:  power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  The increasingly lethargic masses, hoping to share in the corruption, keep voting power to the party (usually the Democrats) that will bestow the most largesse on them.

This downward spiral is justified by the powerholders’ “moral superiority” — a “superiority” backed up by military power, thus proving that might makes right (a doctrine also known as the “divine right of kings”).  As in the case of the attack on OBL in Pakistan with CIA-directed warriors, the CIA itself, along with mercenary organizations, is increasingly being used instead of the regular military services to circumvent Congressional oversight and public awareness.  This practice, as necessary and inexorable as it might be, given the utter ineptitude of the chimpanzoid, is in fact a slow descent into totalitarianism, since it absolves Congress of all responsibility and shifts power to the puppet-headed executive branch.  Ultimately it is a more open display of the old principle that the end justifies the means.  And the end, conversely, is determined by those who have the means.

Provinces of Pakistan

While the popularity of achieving the end (e.g., killing OBL) may make this power shift seem justified in the beginning, the ultimate consequence is the perversion of the U.S. itself.  Currently, for instance, the CIA and other stealth organizations are being used to subvert the province of Baluchistan, Pakistan’s westernmost province, and detach it from the rest of the country.  And this is to say nothing about U.S. use of such outfits (including “humanitarian” groups) to meddle in many other places such as the Congo, the Philippines, and so forth.  The only result of such efforts will be the importation of yet more ThirdWorlders into America.

The TV-driven U.S. masses are incapable of making any decision to ward off White genosuicide.  The main goal of the inner leadership is to control the entire world while sedating the American White.  It is by no means impossible for it to achieve this, given that America is the one and only country which commands the financial and other resources to escape the plight of being a failed state.  No European country can do it, given the tidal wave of non-Whites now destroying an unresisting European civilization, along with the endemic profligacy of Europe’s southern periphery.  The survival of all other countries on the planet depends on exports to Whiteland, and especially to the U.S.

With the ongoing global depletion of high-quality oil, the base of American wealth is declining.  To slow the loss of this wealth, the U.S. is simply printing more dollars, the one and only truly global currency, and shipping the resulting inflation offshore.  More importantly, the powers on high are using America (as well as Europe) as a dumping ground for Third World overpopulation.  This allows us to import more low-cost goodies and serfs while publishing feel-good propaganda for consumption by the electorate.  The gradual degradation of the country as a whole is unimportant to the elites.

Because of the moralizing smoke and mirrors manipulated by the power elites, the average White American is hypnotized into misunderstanding what is going on.  At some level he recognizes that all is not well, that unemployment and mortgage foreclosures are rising, that graffiti and drugs are spreading everywhere.  But he cannot really bring himself to stop the percolation of dark poison through the system.  The entire propaganda apparatus is focussed on the theme of “bringing us together,” i.e., of getting Whites to embrace, and ultimately mate with, non-Whites.  It is impermissible to reveal the true consequences of this deadly process.  Pollution of our genetic heritage is praised as morally superior in every way.

As so often predicted by those concerned about Peak Oil, the rise in the price of oil has dampened U.S. economic activity, a dampening which in turn suppresses that price as the system gets ready for the next rebound and repetition of the cycle.  In other words, the system as a whole has begun to sputter.  All the governmental featherbedding, affirmative action, welfarism and “quantitative easing” allow the politicoes to screen the average White from reality so that he keeps voting for the screeners.  Anything to avoid hard decisions.  Pretend that moral superiority consists of promoting White extinction.

The power elites — which are drawn overwhelmingly from the Democratic and Republican National Committees as well as from the Jew-ridden Council on Foreign Relations and the heavyweights in the financial markets and corporate world — have almost nothing but contempt for the White masses.  Whitey is known to content himself with TV entertainment and childish drivel such as car races, and is simply unable to think for himself.  Thus infantile justifications of quasi-religious nature are fashioned for his tiny mind, and he swallows it all.  The looming thunderclouds of racial demise are too much for him to grasp, and he votes as he is told by the propaganda artists:  elect those who promise an easy life as a God-given “entitlement” for everyone and say nothing about biological extinction.  Because the most important thing is the mirage of moral superiority.

April 2011

Squeeze Play

2011 Apr 26 [Tue]: 
HOUSTON, Apr. 25 — “‘The market is overbalanced,’ said Ali I. Al-Naimi, Saudi Arabia’s petroleum minister.  ‘Our production in February was 9.125 million b/d, in March it was 8.292 million b/d.’  [Third-party estimates put Saudi production at 9 million b/d in January and February.]

“Yet the US Energy Information Administration earlier reported OPEC output had fallen to the lowest level since May 2004 (OGJ Online, Apr. 15, 2011).

“In London, analysts at the Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES) said, ‘Oil prices are rising to levels that are beginning to affect demand, yet the world is being told once again that markets remain “well-supplied” with crude and that the upward march of prices does “not reflect the realities of supply and demand.”’  They said OPEC members have not replaced oil production lost to the conflict in Libya, leaving a shortage of 1 million b/d in March (OGJ Online, Apr. 18, 2011).

“Even when producing 9 million b/d, Saudi Arabia still left ‘a significant deficit at the margin of the market with inventories falling faster than normal, even before Libyan exports came off the market,’ said Paul Horsnell, Barclays Capital’s managing director and head of commodities research.

“Saudi Arabia’s production cut in a period of near-record-high prices is ‘a game changer’ for world oil markets, said Olivier Jakob at Petromatrix in Zug, Switzerland.

“Jakob said, ‘We believe there is a political side to the Saudi Arabia cut in oil production, and if they are trying to barter oil against support for the Bahraini military operation, then we are in a bit of trouble.  Saudi Arabia seems today more focused on saving its political regime than saving the world economy.’”

OPEC members, industry analysts
differ over oil supplies
Sam Fletcher
OGJ Senior Writer
Eric Watkins
OGJ Oil Diplomacy Editor
Oil&Gas Journal
Monday, 2011 Apr 25

For many years now, Peak-Oil-aware commentators have noted that, as the difference between global demand and supply narrowed, the political power of OPEC, and especially of oil superpowers Saudi Arabia and Russia, would increase dramatically.  We are now seeing this prediction come true.  With tacit approval from Washington, the royal sheiks of Araby have invaded Bahrain at the latter’s request and started killing Bahrainis in order to save the dictatorship there.  In order to force the U.S. and Europe to refrain from moralistic lecturing, let alone their surrepticious subversion of the “undemocratic” Saudi regime, they are reducing the oil flow while pretending the resulting increase in prices are all due to other factors such as “speculators” and excessive taxes on oil in the consuming countries.

Of course, oil taxation has always been used as a cash cow for the hypocritical European regimes.  So what else is new?

The fact that black gold can now be used as a political weapon to manipulate oil-addicted Whitey is a new factor in world history.  That history is replete with examples of powerful but hungry countries going to war against the resource-rich but weak ones.  After the first oil embargo against the West in 1973-74, the U.S. threatened to take over the desert kingdom if it did not open up the taps again, which miraculously then happened.  It is rumored that, subsequently, the Mohammedan monarchs planted radioactive substances near all of their oil installations so that, if the U.S. ever did try to implement its threat, they would pollute the oilfields with radioactivity, thus making them permanently useless to anyone.

The solution?  Assist “freedom fighters” in Libya in wrenching the high-quality oilfields in that country away from the suddenly demonic Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi, ruler of the land.  The figleaf used is the pretext that “we are saving civilian lives.”  Of course, in Pakistan, the U.S. is using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or “drones”) to kill bad guys.  The drone operations are a little messy, though, since for every bonafide Taliban member killed, perhaps two or more civilians are sent to Allah as well.  So the notion of saving Libyan civilians is credible only to the bobbleheads who prefer to accept the chimpanzoid as the mouthpiece of Yahweh.

Meanwhile the U.S. is also attempting to force the Iraqi government to allow American forces to stay in Iraq past the end of this year, so that they can keep Iran from tilting the regional balance of power in its own favor.  Since American genosuicidists have always assumed that Sand Negroes — and all other primates — are “equal” to Whites and only needed a little persuasion (as in the bombings of Dresden and other White cities in World War II) to see the superiority of the American Way of Life, our leaders have turned the entire Middle East into a hornets’ nest by invading Mesopotamia.  It seems that the locals prefer their own version of insanity to the Yankee one.  The customary imperial excuse has been put forth by the narks at the helm:  we didn’t know, we didn’t expect, we underestimated, no one could have foreseen, etc., etc.  And who knew that the Parthian Empire would be on the rise again?

The fact is that American foreign policy in Mohammedania has been reduced to attempted persuasion by drone.  This, at the same time that we are importing muds from that area in greater numbers and infecting ourselves with more dysgenics than ever.

The Empire needs oil.  The best oil peaked half a decade ago, and the entire combination of all carbon-based liquids is estimated to peak in 2012 — next year.  Consequently, the inherited schizophrenia and oedipalism of the U.S. is now turning into full-blown psychopathy.  The so-called “liberals” insist it is all the fault of the knuckle-dragging “conservatives,” and the right wing in return blasts the left.  But both sides ultimately claim to be able to achieve the same thing:  Business As Usual.  They prefer to ignore the elemental fact that Nature herself has a vote in this argument.

On Wednesday, 2011 Apr 27, the media reported that the White House chimpanzoid had released for public consumption what is alleged to be his long-disputed birth certificate:

“Long form” birth certificate (extracted from PDF file) as it appears on the White House website.

Of course, the certificate introduces some unanswered questions.  It seems possible that this so-called “Birth Certificate” was doctored in Adobe Illustrator.  Even if one imports the PDF file into only Adobe Photoshop (not Illustrator, which shows the different levels of the fakery), then zooms in on it (with [Ctrl]-+) to look at the pixels, one can see the enormous differences between the original typewriter print or actual handwriting and what look like possible computer additions.  For instance, in the first name, “BARACK,” only the “R” seems original.  (Could it have been the first “R” in “BARRY”?)  The rest of the line (“HUSSEIN OBAMA, II”) is suspect.  Similarly with the mother’s name:  only the superscript “Stanley)” (where even the first parenthesis is fake) and “Ann D” are clear in the “image” import.  Perhaps all of this happened just by accident, but it is odd nonetheless.

Above “long form” birth certificate (PDF file) imported
into Photoshop as an “image” and with recent layers removed.

Whatever the case (and no one will be able so see the true original until long after the chimpanzoid has left office), the release may reduce attention to the “birther” contention that the current White House occupant was not born in America.  It should also now allow freer discussion of the fact that his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, gave a false name for the father, pinning the blame on the Kenyan, Barack Obama (“Sr.”), rather than on the real sire, Frank Marshall Davis, a wayward Negro who was a family friend.  Subtracting nine months from 1961 August 4 reveals that 17-year-old prospective mother Stanley used that friend to impregnate herself in 1960 around Halloween (the perfect time for conceiving a spook).  Of course, the race-traitoress later copulated with the Kenyan as well, which enabled her to cover up the identity of the original inseminator as a garden-variety American Negro with a more exotic paternal name and provenance.  Stanley Ann was clearly a lier.  At any rate, perhaps the media can now shift to focussing on the dissolving national economy under the control of psychopaths.

What seems not to have been noticed by the pundits and propaganda artists (or is being deliberately ignored) is the power change wrought by the financial crisis of September 2008.  What happened at that time was that the Congress was terrified into yielding vast economic power to the presidency.  Henry Paulson and Benny Bernanke told the legislators to produce hundreds of billions of dollars on the spot or the world would cease revolving on its axis.  The lawmakers immediately complied.

With that precedent, we are now proceding to step two:  if Congress does not raise the national debt limit within a few weeks, once again the world will doomed to cease its spin.  The sun will no longer rise, and we shall be left in eternal darkness.

Since the princes of the people neither wish to expel the millions of dusky parasites they have imported nor feel enabled to cut bennies for the indigenous masses of “entitled” whiners and loafers, they will dutifully raise the debt limit even as they give lip service to the cutting of costs.

Step three will come a couple of years after the Peak of All Liquids, i.e., in 2014-15 or thereabouts.  Declining resources, increasing complexity and further demands will require yet more Monopoly money, and the Congress will be terrorized into rubber-stamping the requisition.  No one will notice the fact that the nation is slowly morphing into a bureaucratic dictatorship, since to do so would be racist.  As Rahm Emanuel, an erstwhile hireling of the chimpanzoid once said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.”  The “crises” of the economic demolition now in progress will by no means be wasted.

Cannibalizing the society is the “right thing to do,” we are told.  Jesus, Moses and the Sanhedrin controlling the money markets demand it.  The political elites assure us that the conversion of America into a vast blob of mud is necessary in order to get us into their post-mortem heaven.  Pay now to fly later, Whitey.  And pay through the nose.

There are many more steps yet to come.  They are the direction we are headed, because this is the direction of Business As Usual, the direction which the soporific, Negro-loving electorate wants.  We are being squeezed to death by our refusal to recognize the requirements of nature.  We are embracing the fate that, as Darwin revealed, awaits the unfit.

Limits to Growth

2011 Apr 26 [Tue]: 
  1. We have affirmed our 'AAA/A-1+' sovereign credit ratings on the United States of America.

  2. The economy of the U.S. is flexible and highly diversified, the country's effective monetary policies have supported output growth while containing inflationary pressures, and a consistent global preference for the U.S. dollar over all other currencies gives the country unique external liquidity.

  3. Because the U.S. has, relative to its 'AAA' peers, what we consider to be very large budget deficits and rising government indebtedness and the path to addressing these is not clear to us, we have revised our outlook on the long-term rating to negative from stable.

  4. We believe there is a material risk that U.S. policymakers might not reach an agreement on how to address medium- and long-term budgetary challenges by 2013;  if an agreement is not reached and meaningful implementation is not begun by then, this would in our view render the U.S. fiscal profile meaningfully weaker than that of peer 'AAA' sovereigns.

'AAA/A-1+' Rating On United States of America Affirmed;
Outlook Revised To Negative

Standard and Poor’s Ratings
Monday, 2011 Apr 18, 09:01:33 EST

During the business hours immediately following the above announcement by the Standard and Poor’s rating agency, the stock market’s Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 140.24 points, a relatively small and temporary but still alarming drop.  The chimpanzoid’s regime, as expected, launched an attempt to kill the S&P messenger, as did all of the regime’s usual supporting functionaries, friends and media.

Among the many deprecatory remarks about S&P proferred was the assertion that various other nations have pulled themselves together at the last minute and corrected their budgets to align with reality, thereby saving themselves from collapse.  None of these assertions appears to recognize that the U.S. is not just any other nation.  It is the one and only pillar on which the rest of the world’s economy depends.

Nor do said assertions admit that the U.S. is for that very reason unable to change its genosuicidal behavior.  Any and every parasite, foreign or domestic, will immediately scream and threaten doomsday if the imperial government makes moves to cut it off.  In the most recent negotiations between cost-cutting mean-spirited House Republicans and government-expanding big-hearted Democrats, there were arduous and fierce battles over reducing the federal giveaways to Democrat interests of a mere few tens of billions of dollars.  It will, thus, be utterly impossible to achieve the serious amputations necessary to reduce the national deficit by the required trillions.

And yet this recent omen is only one more in a long string of signs that civilizational decline is now beginning.  In a bribe-ocracy such as the U.S., the piloting of the ship of state is done by the parasites.  As in a biological organism, the result of such parasitism is the death of the host.  And denial means only the acceleration of the disease.  (An accurate description of where we are headed is found in the article “American Hellholes” on the Peak Oil website.)

America is based on the principle that there is no tomorrow.  The only thing that matters is the propagandizing ability of those who hold power.  If they can convince the multitudes that God is on their side, then whatever they do is fine and dandy.  And our rulers say that wonderfulness, anti-White righteousness and wealth can expand forever.  The TV-hypnotized masses are convinced.  Disneyland will never end.  More is better.  Bring in the narcotrafficking Spics and other ThirdWorlders.

Standard and Poor’s explains some of the reasons for its downgrading of U.S. long-term rating from stable to negative in a PDF file titled “U.S. Risks To The Forecast:  Oil We Have to Fear Is?”  Among other things, the document admits that “The recent turmoil in the Middle East has increased risk to our 2011 oil forecast.”  Since oil is the basis of the global economy, that risk is indeed great, and probably much greater than even S&P — let alone our genosuicidal government — is willing to concede.

Two decades ago a bunch of Mohammedan Sand Negroes going wild would have brought no more than a yawn from American economists.  Today, however, the reality of Peak Oil is beginning to dawn on the spreadsheet enthusiasts.  Across the Atlantic, the dark hordes now overwhelming Europe are beginning to wrinkle brows among the few who are concerned about how to support them.  The political elites, however, are and will remain unconcerned.  After all, the Camp of the Saints is what they have so long worked for.  And the Jews are exultant:  their final revenge over European civilization is nigh.

Recently divulged documents reveal that in 2002 Britain under Tony Blair was pushing the Bush administration to attack Iraq in March 2003 so that the UK could get access to Iraq’s oil.  They show that as long as nine years ago the Limeys were trying to generate yet another war to keep their funny farm going.  More Business As Usual for the idiot island that has had such success in dragging us into their wars.  But this time it appears that things might not be going so well.  The vast overburden of non-Whites and parasites of all sorts is beginning to shred the mask of uppercrust superiority the Brits like to show.  They too are approaching the end of the road.  And it couldn’t happen to a nicer crowd of genosuicidists.

Runaway Train

2011 Apr 17 [Sun]: 
“THE PRESIDENT:  Well, first of all, I'm confident we’re going to raise the debt limit.  We always have.  We will do it again.  And one of the encouraging things in meetings with both Democratic and Republican congressional leaders is they all agree that it needs to happen.

“And here's why.  Basically, under the law, we have to raise the debt ceiling in order to sell our debt, our Treasury bills, to the public or to other countries.  That’s how we finance the government.  If at some point you did not raise the debt ceiling, then effectively you would have trouble paying off your obligations as a government.

“Now, the United States government is not only important to us but the solvency and the full faith and credit of the United States is important to the entire world economy — the dollars, the reserve economy, all around the world.  So the bottom line for the public is that if for some reason we played chicken with this thing it could really destabilize world financial markets and you could potentially have a significant financial event like the one that we’ve just gone through, and could plunge the world economy back into recession.”

Text of the chimpanzoid’s
interview with the AP
The Associated Press,
Friday, 2011 April 15, 04:26 p.m.

American Redskins have hit the gold mine.  On every Indian reservation, real or imagined, in the country, they have set up casinos.  Being exempt from Whitey’s oppressive legal system, they can pretty much do what they want in their totally enclosed “foreign countries.”  The result?  The vast horde of pre-cemetery Social-Security dependants drives to these geezer gaming locales to squander the money they get from Uncle Sam every month.  Your dollars at work.

Actually, this is a minor, though illustrative, sample of the Yankee mind:  throw away whatever cash you have on “fun.”  Much more serious, however, is what is going on in the financial markets of the world, which are slowly beginning to seize up.  For decades now, the leftist pilots of the American ship have in effect been using the rest of the world as a money tree.  Concomitant with this has been their importation of ThirdWorlders to reinvigorate Marxist class struggle as a battle against White “racists” — i.e., the American majority.

As can be gleaned from the quote in the box above, today the U.S. maintains its globally dominant position by economic and financial trickery:  by the never-ending expansion of the practice of mortgaging the future.  “That's how we finance the government,” according to the horse’s orifice.  Keep increasing the periodic loan amounts, otherwise the merry-go-round stops.  In addition, the rest of the world is parasitic on us, and if we stop, then the rest of the world stops.  But don’t worry, folks.  the money tree will provide us with everything we need.

Unbeknownst to the Masters of the Universe who control Washington from Wall Street, the money tree is not inexhaustible.  The global bond markets are even now overstressed and reaching their limits.  This means that local governments (e.g., California) can no longer borrow money to continue their extravaganzas.  And now, after the federal government has already expanded the money supply twice with Quantitative Easing 1 (QE1) and QE2, other nations are leery of supporting a QE3.  Since most of those countries were making money by selling to the U.S., the slowdown here has caused a crisis there, one that will probably lead to inflation and thus higher interest rates on the gargantuan loans the imperial regime wants to take out.

The Japanese tsunami and the Libyan war, along with Mohammedan unrest in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), are contributing to the global hypertension about oil.  The U.S. leadership is at a loss to deal with this increasingly gnarly situation.  There is bitter divisiveness not only between Republicans and Democrats, but also within the two parties (although the Democrat dictators exercise a more effective tyranny over the members of their particular party).  The result is stalemate because the masses cannot bear the truth.  Since history does not wait for factions to resolve their rivalries, we can expect the current slow-motion collapse to proceed to its logical conclusion as the imperial political system continues to lose control of events.

One of the many delusions entertained by the affluent White intelligentsia is the fantasy that “all men are equal.”  The matter of innate intelligence itself never enters their discussions.  All humans are assumed on principle to be equally intelligent, and it is only socio-economic position that makes them different.  They bring up all kinds of individual examples of poor men or the few Negroes who became exceptions to the rule.

In order to enforce this egalitarianism, they suppress all discussion of genetics.  The Jews, who themselves are the product of a centuries-long, inadvertent eugenics program by the medieval Catholic church allowing only Ashkenazi (European) Jews to engage in the intellectually demanding profession of money-lending, are especially against such discussions.  The result of such suppression is the global blossoming of stupidity through the Third World population explosion.

To prove that American Negroes are equal to Whites, all kinds of special and expensive programs have been devised to equalize them.  Negroes are made the heads and public relations officers of companies everywhere, programs like Aid to Dependent Children and similar boondoggles funnel money to anything non-White, and lawsuits against White “racism” enrich countless lawyers.  No one knows exactly how much the average Negro costs the nation, even though it is probably around $9,000 or $10,000 per head, resulting in the waste of many trillions of dollars and in gross social distortions over the past half-century.  Other outlays are made to assist the illegal aliens from Latin America and elsewhere, as well as the “legal” ThirdWorlders imported for “humanitarian” reasons.  Social programs of immense scope are now beggaring the country.

Such are the practical effects of egalitarianism.  Never mind biology;  impose “equality” with governmental force wherever possible.  And drag Whitey down to the Negroid level whenever possible.

If the average IQ level of mankind were, say, 150, it might be a different story.  Then we might have a species in which most people were ecologically conscious, self-restraining professionals and scientists devoted to maintaining and advancing the life of the biosphere.

Pretending that our species indeed has such a high IQ is one of the tricks used by the intelligentsia.  They want the masses to believe that IQ is simply a matter of money and political arrangements.  Biology and neuroscience never enter the picture.  And the Yid control of the Western media makes sure that they never will.

Thus America, led by a chimpanzoid, is now driving the world into exhaustion on all fronts in order to expand the numbers of low IQs on the planet.  Its own educational system is infested with anti-educational teachers’ unions while government-workers’ unions pollute government itself at all levels.  Serious change is thus impossible.

In fact, the White elites are driven by dark subconscious forces of which they are at best dimly aware.  They seek to destroy White civilization by any means.  In the past few days France has attacked and defeated the Christian Negroes of Ivory Coast and handed that nation over to the Muslim Negroes of the north, who immediately began slaughtering every Christian they could find while protesting that it was only “rogue elements” who were doing the killing.  Likewise France and the UK are helping rebels in Libya in order to hand that country over to Al Qaeda & Co. in the name of “democracy.”  The Frogs and Limeys obviously think it is the nineteenth century again and time to resurrect their defunct empires.  And they apparently believe that it will distract their own subjects from noticing that their economies are collapsing.  How amusing it will be to watch them feign surprise when their remaining White populations discover that the Mohammedans have their own agendas, which include swamping Britain and France with yet more Islamicists.  Not exactly Business As Usual.

Whites everywhere seem incapable of recognizing that the Western world, and especially the United States, are no longer experiencing “growth.”  The U.S. is living on the kindness of strangers such as China and Japan, whose willingness to purchase our increasingly valueless monetary instruments is decreasing.  (In Japan’s case, the willingness may have already been terminated by the recent tsunami.)  The tightening market for oil is leading inexorably to falsifications and perversions of all sorts in the political sphere.  We are told that the economy (i.e., the state of the financial markets) is improving, that change is just around the corner, and so forth.  Government largess hides the reality from the average citizen, especially those in retirement who demand handouts they claim to have “earned.”

Because of the Gordian knot of our hyper-complexified system, it is no longer possible to change anything, no matter how many Spooks we elect to the White House or Congress.  The U.S. has shot its wad, killing Whites in two world wars and squandering non-renewable resources on non-Whites everywhere.  There is no way to change the neuroses of the intelligentsia.  We are on a runaway train.

White House Sphincter

2011 Apr 10 [Sun]: 
On the road
to the good life?
“The oil price hit a two and half year high this week of $123/barrel as the Libyan conflict continues to dominate market sentiment.  This pushed the sterling value of crude to an all time high, exceeding even its level in the summer of 2008 when the dollar price reached $147/barrel, because the pound has slumped 17% against the greenback since then.  Prices had fluctuated mid week as Portugal became the latest Euro nation to request a bail out raising again the spectre of a Euro crisis.”
ODAC Newsletter - 8 April 2011
(Actually, the above oil quote was
a little early.  The price as of
2011 Apr 09 at 09:35 ET
was $126.74 for futures,
$125.20 for spot)
“Reviewing the population growth in figure 1) and all the evidence presented above it seems safe to predict that Saudi net exports of crude oil have entered terminal decline.

“Let’s repeat that just to make sure it doesn’t get missed:

Saudi net-exports of crude oil have entered terminal decline.

What is “our” oil doing in their economy?
— Saudi oil consumption trends

The Oil Drum,
by Jonathan Callahan, Ph.D.
April 8, 2011 - 9:39am

As the nation imports more millions of ThirdWorlders and continues its refusal to admit any limits to Business As Usual, Brent Crude Futures prices transcend $125/barrel (and West Texas Intermediate exceeds $110).  Never mind — we are told by the political system —, everything is going to be just fine, if only you elect more BAU-minded politicians such as the hopey-changey chimpanzoid.  So the beat goes on.  The electorate is psychically incapable of changing its mind or way of life, so we are going off the cliff.  Guilt-loving Whitey prefers walking backward into history, on the theory that “what I don’t know won’t hurt me.”

Illusionary scapegoats are occasionally invented for disgruntled voters:  “Wall Street,” but not the Ashkenazi Jews who actually populate it;  “Big Oil,” but not the masses who demand the benefits of the energy-rich fuel;  “mean-spirited conservatives,” but not the grotesque overexpenditures and ripoffs by lefty “moderates” which are destroying the civilization;  and so forth.

With the relentless increase in petroleum prices, we are now past the point of no return.  America can no longer shift its debt to the rest of the world, since the rest of the world knows it will never be paid back and cannot even sell worthless American IOUs to other, more gullible, customers.

The answers to the genosuicidal slide, of course, would require a traumatic change of mind for Whitey.  He would have to abandon his twisted embrace of all races and all religions.  He would have to drop his psychotic guilt over being White and admit the animalism of non-Whites, especially the darker variety.  Not only that, but he would actually have to DO something in order to avert his own death.  He cannot bring himself to transform his thinking in such a way.  His religion and his government tell him that his extinction is much better.  Much, much better.

Despite the current myth of eternal Business As Usual, growth is over.  This is due to three main factors:

  • resource exhaustion
  • effects on the environment
  • systematic failure of the financial and money sectors.
The axis of change, of course, is petroleum, since it is the hinge on which all of modern life depends — in transportation, agriculture, chemistry und manufacturing.

And this is not the whole of the story.  Besides the general genosuicidism which is built into the American mind, besides the Ashkenazim who attack the White race through their control of the media and financial centers, there is now another insidious, truly monstrous development which portends slavery for all remaining Whites forever:  Islam, the ideology of servitude invented by a hallucinating paranoid psychopath in the seventh century.  The Sand Negroes and their proselytes never cease attempting to prepare massive terror attacks on the American homeland as part of their jihad to turn the entire world into a Mohammedan prison.  The bizarre part about this is that American Jews, who in fact have the most to lose if this happens, are cheering on the importation of the purveyors of Muslim proctological propaganda into America.  The dark creature in the White House, who wants to extend his power for another term by getting cheap oil with Saudi help (but see quote from Dr. Callahan in box above), is likewise delighted at this assistance in destroying White culture.  It is true that a tiny percentage of Yids seems to have awakened to what is going on, but the vast majority have no intention of changing their hatred of the Caucasia.  On the contrary, they are intensifying their anti-White campaigns with unceasing “anti-Nazi,” Holocaust-hyping films and programs.  Meanwhile agencies such as the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of North America are making serious inroads in the subversion of Whitey and his government.  These and other Mohammedan syndicates seem to have unlimited (albeit hidden) sources of money.

Obviously the majority of Whites finds life boring and has decided to exit.  The masses keep electing the same political types, brainwashing themselves with the same propaganda on TV, wallowing in the same Christian guilt, and doing everything they can to maintain Business As Usual.  The darkening storm clouds mean nothing to them.

Since at least the First World War, other nations and international organizations have been using the U.S. to fight their own enemies — an easy thing to do if you have enough bribery money.  The British dragged us into the two World Wars, the Jews into protecting “poor little” Israel in various scenarios, the Europeans into smashing Yugoslavia, and now the moneybags of Saudi Arabia into allowing Mohammedan killer entities to subvert the United States itself.  But comatose Whitey will continue to vote for the same corrupt politicians until he dies.

At this particular moment the chimpanzoid is “humanitarianly” helping the rebel side in Libya on the excuse that “that’s who we are.”  Never mind that the rebels have a large Al Qaeda component that is better poised than any other to take over any new regime which we help them create.  The rebels say they want to create a “parliamentary democracy,” because they know that sounds attractive to White ears.  The Western news organizations interview English-speaking natives who can read and write, and suppose that suchlike represent the “Arab street.”  In fact, the vast majority of Libyans is utterly illiterate and antagonistic to Western political ideology.  The whole “no-fly-zone” production is another foreign operation by ignorami Euro-American elites leading to disaster.  If America and its European vassals manage to regime-change Libya, we will have another nation-building project on our hands which will keep our forces tied up until America goes bankrupt.

Meanwhile Yemen is coming apart at the seams, with Al Qaeda and other elements shredding anything that looks like national unity there.  The next step for the “freedom fighters” in that sand pit is to go after Saudi Arabia by attacking its oil fields.  If that happens, the U.S. and Europe will have yet another interventionist operation on their hands.  Those who imagine that all this can be done on the cheap must have gotten an “F” in their history courses.  But then, in the politically correct educational system of today, only feeling matters.  Facts are punishable by social ostracism.

Seen historically, the U.S. is another bubble in the stream of evolution, a flash in the pan, even briefer than Rome and Byzantium.  The path of time is littered with societies of this type, which have destroyed themselves through selfishly blind leadership.  Allowed a brilliant if short career of less than three centuries, America, like a rich, wastrel youth, has squandered immense riches on high living and on murdering competitors, and is now sinking into a premature senility governed by parasites, exhausted and babbling meaningless mantras to itself.

As a socio-political organism, the United States did spread the knowledge and practice of science — and the all-important innovation of the computer — to the Mongoloid race of mainland Asia and Japan, but spent itself in vainly attempting to civilize Negroids and dark-skinned proto-Caucasoids of the Middle East, North Africa and southern Asia.  It even elected a lying (and probably bi-sexual) Negro as president in a twisted attempt to expurgate its own self-imposed guilt.  At long last, its inner self-contradictions are leading to its collapse.  It has shown itself incapable of restricting itself to the confines of a single planet and the need to maintain a careful budget in the use of resources, let alone preserving its own racial integrity.  Like the profligate youth of the Christian Bible, the U.S. has quickly consumed all of those resources and is now headed to living among swine.

Lurching toward the Peak

2011 Apr 04 [Mon]: 
“Barack Obama signed a secret order authorising covert US government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, according to government officials.

“Mr Obama reportedly signed the order, known as a presidential ‘finding’, within the last two or three weeks.

“Such findings are a principal form of presidential directive used to authorise secret operations by the Central Intelligence Agency.  The CIA and the White House declined immediate comment.

“The New York Times reported that the CIA has had clandestine operatives who have been gathering intelligence for air strikes and making contact with the rebels for several weeks.”

The (UK) Telegraph
10:08PM BST 2011 Mar 30
“It is not,” he urged, “by inertia that great empires are maintained;  there has to be a struggle of armed men.  At the summit of power, might is right.  True, for a private household, holding onto one’s own possessions is praiseworthy;  but for a king, fighting for those of others is.”
— The Armenian ex-governor Tiridates (in A.D. 61),
arguing that Persia should retrieve Armenia
from Rome, which had dethroned him
in favor of another candidate.
(Tacitus, Annals 15,1)

So the U.S. is now officially at war with Libya.  Oh, yes:  the chimpanzoid “informed” Congress about his shenanigans.  But Congress was allowed no input whatsoever, which shows just how irrelevant that body has become.  And the regime will continue blathering that we are just trying to stop the Libyan government from attacking “civilians” (especially the ones who are attacking the current rulership).

The imperial regime’s hypocrisy is worthy of a Nero.  The one and only reason the darkie is invading Libya is to get its oil.  It is a pure grab for resources, thinly veiled behind a pretense of humanitarianism.  As many sources have reported, U.S. military “advisors” are already in the country, participating in combat as well as training.  Through it all, the Empire’s desperation is beginning to show.  US vassals France and the UK need cheap oil, and they can get it only by conquering Libya.  If that country’s dictator, Colonel Moammar Gaddafi, had known what was good for him, he would have made especially favorable deals on oil with Frogland and Limeyland before things got to this point.  As it is, he will probably be ground down to the point where, like Iraq’s Saddam Hussein before him, his last resort will be to destroy the oil installations in his country so that not even the victors benefit.

As a result of the imperial aggression against the Colonel’s desert wastelands, the price of crude oil is climbing ever higher.  Brent is aiming for $120/barrel, WTI for $110.  The global strain is increased by Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster, which is swelling the demand for the black gold.  Saudi Arabia, despite its asseverations about having an abundance of the stuff, is currently maxed out.  Moreover, the violent unrest elsewhere in the sand dunes is unlikely to reduce prices.  Especially when the restless are being gunned down by their own governments as in Bahrain and Yemen.

So we can expect the poorer countries of the world to start dropping out of the market.  With each such exit, the demand for petroleum will decrease slightly, generating an appearance of oily abundance and a seeming rebound of the global economy.  This appearance will last for a short while until Business As Usual again encounters Ongoing Depletion, and the cycle restarts, leading to yet more dropouts.  Thus the “bumpy plateau” mentioned by earlier Peakist prognosticators will turn into a “bumpy downslide.”

The fierce American denial of what is actually going on not only in North Africa but in America partly masks both the ongoing ripoff of the national economy by the Ashkenazi financial demigods controlling Congress and the government labor unions who own state legislators.  But these actors are only one element in the disintegrating dungheap.  The TV-hypnotized masses as a whole want to believe that they have some kind of cosmic right to whatever they are told to demand — in short, heaven on earth.  The political situation consequently becomes more phantasmagorical by the day.  Meanwhile the so-called “independents,” who pine for a countrywide playpen in which everybody smooches everybody else, lurch from side to side as the ship of state rolls in increasingly stormy seas.

The “anti-Nazi” Europeans don’t know it yet, but their saintly wonderland is turning into an insane asylum run by White genosuicidists fanatically determined to wipe Caucasian civilization from the face of the earth.  They spat in the face of nature by attacking Germany in World War II — the only nation which has ever striven to advance evolution.  Nature is now returning the favor.  As the price of oil rises and the Jews steal more wealth from Whiteland, the European economies are going to experience a slow return to the prehistoric Age of the Darkie — amidst the many non-Whites they have imported.  Actually, the return may not be that slow.  The prison may manifest itself overnight, with the Yids and their puppets popping up out of nowhere and calling the shots as in Russia in 1917.

No one can say Whitey was not warned.  The handwriting has long been on the wall for those with the courage to see it.  But courage is a lost virtue, given Sheenie control of the media and the sycophantic politicians in all Western countries.  In Germany and Austria, those who tell the truth are thrown into prison.  The same is true in a number of other European countries.  The entire system of political control is rigidly locked on the target of White racial suicide, to the ecstatic delight of the Yids.  And the average White could not care less.

So he will be replaced by Negroes, Spics and Mohammedan mulattoes.

March 2011


2011 Mar 30 [Wed]: 
Booty for the Empire
“Halliburton (NYSE: HAL), Fluor (NYSE: FLR), CACI International (NYSE: CACI), General Dynamics (NYSE: GD), and plenty more raked in cash by the hundreds of billions as a result of the Iraq War — many of those contracts awarded by the Congressional buddy system.

“Dianne Feinstein used her seat on the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee to get her husband's company, Perini Corp., a $650 million environmental cleanup deal in Iraq.

“Another one of her husband's companies — URS Corp. (NYSE: URS) — made $792 million in clean-up fees.

“Former Chief Security Officer of Homeland Security Dwight Williams raked in $1.44 billion as his company DynCorp was hired to train Iraqi police.

“And of course, we all know about Tricky Dick's Halliburton…

“Politicians made billions as they loaded a trillion dollar debt on the taxpayer — based on lies.

“The new guy isn't any better.

“Obama came in, lies blaring.  Elected as a populist, he quickly filled numerous cabinet and other posts with former bankers and industry executives.

“He put people like Larry Summers, who played a role in deregulating derivatives in the 90s, in charge of the National Economic Council.

“And he's got people like William Daley — a former executive at JPMorgan and Fannie Mae — serving as Chief of Staff.

“Obama's ties to banking are as extensive as Bush's ties to energy companies.

“This should explain why the executives of the very firms that caused Great Recession are sill reaping record pay.  And why, as home values continue to plummet and Americans can't find jobs, bank stocks continue to appreciate.”

Nick Hodge, Editor,
Energy & Capital

Friday, 2011 Mar 25

Once upon a time, avaritia was listed as one of the seven deadly sins.  Today, that is soooo Middle Ages.  Now the name of the game is “greed is good.”  The masses are diverted with moralistic and patriotic babble (the only kind they can understand) while carnivorous corporations descended from Tyrannosaurus Rex shred the entrails of American finance.

As the above quote implies, the regime now running the “land of the free and home of the brave” is, and has long been, in the employ of these corporations.  Given the obvious tightening of the world’s energy supplies due to depletion and exploding demand, the dynamics of Business As Usual once again demand the use of military force to maintain the status quo and stave off our reckoning with nature for a little while longer.

Ideally, Iran would be the preferred target.  But that country is too big, too nasty and too formidable to take on at the moment.  Libya is a weak and divided province with lots of oil and just right for the picking.  More oil for Europe and the French Camp of the Saints that wants cheap energy.  After we have done the initial attack on Libya, the Français can take over with our backup.  Besides, letting the French play the role of vanguard makes them feel important again.  The old gloire de France comes to the fore in the Frogs’ minds and allows them to imagine themselves storming the Bastille once more.  Liberté, égalité, fraternité and all that.  One last party before they drown in the tsunami of Mohammedan Sand Negroes they are importing.

But given that our power-mad regime has happily endorsed UN Resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011) to attack Libya — er, protect harmless civilians —, we can expect that Whitey will also be expected to cough up the cash to provide “humanitarian assistance” in rebuilding what the Empire’s bombs have destroyed.  Then there is the small matter that, despite imperial denials and assurances that the rebels are just like White middle-class Americans, the strongest and best-organized component of the rebels could turn out to be the Islamist faction friendly with Al Qaeda.  The mad rush to “regime-change” Libya through bombing is headed toward yet more chaos ending in another quagmire in which the White race can sink.  Never mind that the whole process of engaging in military action without Congressional approval is another step toward turning the presidency into a dictatorship.  But besides all that, consider the immediate effects on the global oil supply:

Meanwhile, reports suggest that the month-long shutdown of Libya's oil fields is already creating strains in the world's oil networks as consumers scour the world to replace its particular variety of sweet crude.

Although several members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries have ramped up production to offset the decline in Libya’s output, oil markets are concerned about the difference in quality.

Libya’s low-sulfur sweet crude is said to be easier and cheaper to refine than the crude from other OPEC producers such as Saudi Arabia.

According to Bhushan Bahree, an oil analyst with IHS CERA, the difference is forcing people to look at what their options are going forward, because it now looks clear that Libya supply might be disrupted for some time.

Libyan opposition announces plans to export oil
2011 Mar 29
Eric Watkins
Oil & Gas Journal Oil Diplomacy Editor

Given the current situation, West Texas Intermediate continues over $100/barrel and Brent crude about $10 higher.  On the other side of the world, Japan’s tsunami-crippled nuclear plants portend yet higher oil prices as nations become more leery of nuke power than ever.  This means that the consequences of Peak Oil will be coming a bit faster than heretofore expected.

But not to worry.  The imperial regime will assure us that, with the new conquest of Libya (or at least its eastern half), oil will be cheaper than ever.  We can now relax and return to watching our usual sitcoms as the political system develops rigor mortis.

The American public’s love of self-delusion boggles the mind.  Along with its need to maintain Business as Usual and keep importing ThirdWorld trash, White genosuicidism has reached epidemic proportions.  This is manifest not only in the involvement in Libya to help the rebel side in its civil war, but in the inner politics of the U.S. as well.

Take the twisted history of the Negroid chimera now installed in the White House.  Its White mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born 1961 Aug 4.  She spent her high school years on Mercer Island, an eastern suburb of Seattle, and graduated from Communism-preaching Mercer Island High School in 1960.  According to the confused and dubious official accounts, her family then moved to Honolulu, Hawaii.  It must have been there where she met her first penetrant, the American Negro and sexual deviant, Frank Marshall Davis, a friend of her father’s.  At first (1960) she enrolled in the University of Hawaii, but after the first year in that state she gave birth to the chimpanzoid itself on 1961 Aug 4, at the age of 18, and only two weeks later returned to Seattle without the infant to matriculate at the University of Washington, Seattle.  Counting back nine months from 1961 Aug 4, one calculates that she must have impregnated herself with negritude in Hawaii sometime around Halloween of 1960, while still 17 and only a few months after having arrived in that state.  Not long after fornicating with Davis, she did the same with a Kenyan import while already pregnant from the American Negro.  To make things yet more interesting, she then alleged that the Kenyan was the true sire.  Stanley Ann Dunham, thus, was an anti-White liar who foisted yet another mulatto onto the guilt-loving American taxpayer.

This perverted narrative is the story of modern America.  The idea that, despite all of this deviant behavior throughout the length and breadth of the country and especially in its political system, America will escape the iron fist of history, is maniacal in the extreme.  Nature is slowly closing in on Disneyland, and the laws of evolution are returning to visit us in spades.

The United States reached its own zenith in oil production in 1970, as famously predicted by M. King Hubbert.  A few years later, after another one of the Arab-Israeli wars, the countries of the then new OPEC organization decided to boycott the West and the U.S. in particular because it had helped Zionia in the conflict.  Thereupon, in 1974, the increasingly desperate imperial regime threatened Saudi Arabia with war and takeover if it did not open up the spigots.  The Saudis, of course, obliged.  And things returned to Business As Usual.

But as a Gedankenexperiment, imagine that the U.S. had somehow been forced to rely only on its own oil resources and been unable to threaten Araby or anyone else to get its oil.  Had that happened, our oil production would probably be about the same level it was at in 1915.  The economy would have been adjusted (downward) accordingly.  The party would have been over a lot sooner.

Many changes would have occurred, not all of them economic.  Desperation, a factor unknown in American history, would have emerged as the U.S. returned to the Great Depression and then declined from there.  Yankee infantilism might even have decided to go Commie and start killing tens of millions of its own citizens.

Conjecturing such scenarios can be an enlightening exercise, for it gives us some idea of where the current sociopolitical stalemate is headed.  With the Peak of All Liquids expected next year, the greater global demand for fossil fuels because of the Japanese disasters — not to mention the exploding populations of the lower races —, it will be impossible to maintain the illusion of wonderfulness for all, no matter what contortions our anti-White leaders perform.  The twenty-teens will witness the awakening from the American Coma.

Lord of the Lies

2011 Mar 24 [Thu]: 
“Despite the recent advances in extracting gas from unconventional sources such as shale, there will not be a massive shift to gas-fired power,” the firm says.  “Gas can be converted into liquid products.  Any big disparity between the price of oil and gas will eventually be eliminated by building gas-to-liquid plants.  Since the price of oil is predicted to increase, gas will follow suit and be too expensive to be the main power-plant fuel.”
Firm sees muted gas hike from nuclear woes
Engineering-based consultancy McIlvaine Co., Northfield, Ill
2011 Mar 18,
By Oil & Gas Journal editors
HOUSTON, 2011 Mar. 18

The victor in war always gets the exclusive power to rewrite history.  The U.S. and the Jews that run it have taken full advantage of that power and forced their own historiographical perversion on the Empire’s vassals as well as on its vanquished opponents.  The result is a completely distorted narrative about World Wars I and II, a mythology greedily swallowed by the masses of this country.  The anti-evolutionary drift of the American mindset has been taken to the extreme by the leftists, who hope for a resurgence of Communism, this time a violently anti-White one led (of course) by Yids and non-Whites.

In order to broadcast the most recent of its lies, the imperial regime used an arrogant, black gynoid named Susan Rice, its Ambassador to the UN, as its mouthpiece in making clear its intention to force regime change on Libya.  The lie the Negress relayed was that U.S. military power was going to be used to save “civilians” — the current euphemism for describing rebels fighting a civil war against the current Libyan government.  Behind this allegedly selfless protection of the weak and helpless lies the grab for Libyan oil — just as in Iraq.  After all, we have to keep the price of gasoline down if we want the Empire to continue Business As Usual.  Otherwise Whitey might get restive.

Because BAU is the only option we have.  Or at least the only option The People want.  In order to fulfill their TV-generated desires, we have to keep importing ThirdWorlders and spreading “democracy” amongst populations whose primary obsession is controlling the religious, sexual and economic practices of their next-door neighbors while eschewing any serious work (especially of the intellectual type) themselves.  Above all, destroying the genetic basis of White civilization is critically necessary to maintaining BAU.  Just ask the chimpanzoid and his team of Ashkenazi Sheenies.

At no point will the imperial authorities admit that not only the world, but America itself, is overpopulated with IQs below 100.  Clearly the international sex-slave trade, narcotrafficking and people-smuggling are hypergrowth industries driven by the demands of obsessive-compulsive globalization.  But even these pursuits are small compared to the ecocidal activities of the ThirdWorld expansion promoted by the Empire.

Given the push by White genosuicidists to expand ThirdWorld populations (“raise their standard of living”) by importing them to White countries and exporting White technology to the Third World, it follows automatically that the earth’s life-support systems must die.  Whether talking about species extinction, ocean overfishing, soil erosion, or what have you, all — yes, all — signs are negative.  But this simple fact is beyond the ability of the infantile American mind to grasp.  It still wishes to revel in fantasies about killing White racists in Europe and saving the darkies.

That is why, when the grim reaper comes for America, Mr. Lefty, with all of his anti-Whitism, will be at a loss for lies.  It will be impossible to suppress the facts of obvious collapse.  He will turn to the Yid mythmakers for aid, but they will simply turn their backs on him and leave, chuckling over the grotesque stupidity and willful blindness of such race traitors.

The catastrophe of Friday, 2011 March 11 at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has unsettled the entire energy world.  An earthquake-caused tsunami flooded the primary and secondary diesel generators used to cool the reactors, resulting in dangerous radiation escaping from four of them.  A very large area surrounding the plants has become at least temporarily uninhabitable due to radiation, to say nothing of the other devastation caused by the monster wave.  Even beyond the tens of thousands of lives lost and the immense loss of wealth (perhaps a quarter of a trillion dollars), the whole idea of nuclear power is now being revisited everywhere;  it is already clear that future power plants will depend much more on coal, gas and oil than had been planned.  The risks of Chernobyl-like nuclear disasters, however unlikely, are simply too frightening to contemplate.  It is impossible to foresee every conceivable twist of fortune that nature or man can subject nuclear power to, and planning to avoid the last unique horror will not help us to avoid the next unique one.

Thus overnight the world has been obliged to increase its reliance on the already strained sources of fossil fuels, especially oil.  Our politicians and economists are primarily focussed on convincing us that the resulting energy price increases will not affect us:  “Keep on moving, folks — nothing to see here;  just keep up the race-mixing.”

It is noteworthy that, after having witnessed the Empire’s attack on Libya, a number of other Mohammedan dictatorships have taken quick steps to nip any similar upstart rebellions on their own territories in the bud.  Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen have all deployed military and police forces against groups protesting Arab despotism and corruption.  (This is not to say that, if successful, the protesters would be any different from the current rulers.)  So Libya will be the last “successful” revolution — but only because the Empire bombed it into submission and handed over power to the opposition.  Of the 22 Arab League states, none except minuscule Qatar has ventured to participate actively in the imperial fun and games.  This, in spite of the fact that the League itself originally called for the U.N. (i.e., the U.S.) to destroy Libya with a “no-fly” zone.  The excuse for the reticence of the League’s muds is that the U.S. had “caused civilian deaths and gone beyond what the league had backed.”  Yup, bombing should be neat and clean, without any such messiness.  The chimpanzoid knew this would happen, but pretended that his regime was just doing what his racial cousins, the Sand Negroes, wanted.

As US Senator Hiram Warren Johnson is reported to have pointed out in 1918, the first casualty of war is truth.  Regardless, the D.C. chimpanzoid decided that Americans, bored with electronic video games, were calling for something a little more exciting to watch from their comfy living rooms.  Shooting up Libya is more fun.  Of course, there is a small fly in the ointment:  Brazil, Russia, India and especially China are now calling for an immediate cessation to the U.S.-led festivities.  China expressed concern that U.S. aggression was bringing about the very deaths whose prevention the chimpanzoid was using as an excuse to kill.  Obviously China does not understand that in order to achieve virginity it is necessary to fornicate.

Meanwhile in the bowels of American federal, state and local government, and anywhere else that the ability to destroy Whites can reach, the practice of faked indignation over alleged improprieties of Whites towards non-Whites continues apace.  Accusers of all sorts, hoping to secure or enhance their positions by attacking their own race, pretend to be infuriated that any White should spurn (let alone short-shrift) any non-White.  This act has now gone on so long that it has become de rigueur for sycophants and political cutthroats throughout the country.  And the masses of Whites, as instructed by the Jew-box, swallow it all willingly.

Governments in general, but the imperial regime in particular, manufacture two products:  money and lies.  Today the inexorable movement of the U.S.-led, global civilizational dynamic is toward planetary suicide.  Lies are a constitutional part of this dynamic.  Yes, the American electorate claims to want the truth.  But it cannot handle the truth.  It prefers lies.  In politics what it really wants as leader, and has therefore chosen, is another lord of the lies.

Hypocritic Oath

2011 Mar 16 [Wed]:  In recent weeks the media has been cheering on the Libyan insurgents who have been rebelling against the dictator Omar Gadhafi, since our mystagogues expect a flowering of American-style democracy amongst the Mohammedan monkeys.  The European elites have been screaming for the chimpanzoid in Washington D.C. to impose a “no-fly” zone on the country, and in effect thereby to take sides in the civil dispute and hand power over to the rebels, whoever they are.

Ignoring the old adage that “the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know,” many on the left are welcoming the pillaging of Libyan arms depots in the eastern part of the land and the dispersion of deadly weaponry into unknown hands for much more savagery elsewhere far into the future.  Meanwhile, thousands of Sand Negroes are taking advantage of the chaos to emigrate to Europe, where they expect their every demand to be met.  European elites, of course, are enjoying this opportunity to show their largesse toward parasites at the expense of Europe itself.  They are anxious to destroy that continent all the faster.

Way back when, while Illuminatus-in-Chief Franklin Delano Roosevelt had the American and British air forces busy mass-murdering White civilians in Dresden over the three days of February 13-15, 1945 following a friendly meeting in Yalta with Uncle Joe Stalin, he himself meandered down to the Great Bitter Lake northeast of the Red Sea.  There, savoring his genosuicidism on St. Valentine’s Day, he held an even friendlier meeting with King Abdulaziz, also known as Ibn Saud, of Saudi Arabia.  (How droll that an entire country should be named after the family that controls it!)  FDR had already engineered the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor so he could blame it on the Axis of Evil and get into WW II.  Now he obligated the U.S. in perpetuity to back the Saudi family in their subjugation of the Arabian masses as long as Their Royal Graces supplied the U.S. and its empire with oil from their kingdom.  To this day that family has slurped off trillions (with a “T”) of dollars of the natural wealth of Araby while intoxicating the Neanderthaloid masses with superheated Islamic fanaticism.

Arabian oil fields
Click here to enlarge

As a result of FDR’s tete-à-tete with the shakedown sheik, the world has gotten ultra-cheap, fine Arabian crude oil for the last 66 years, while the U.S. has gone on to bribe not just the Saudis, but every other oily potentate in Mohammedania (and, indeed, dictators everywhere) under the name of “foreign aid.”  During all this time, the population explosion among Sand Negroes was slowly leading to a powder keg.

Gadhafi himself has simmered down from his superheated anti-Western frenzies of yesteryear, but the recent rebellion has forced him into using his military against the insurgents.  This, say the European elites and the Washington drag queen, is not nice.  They want Mr. G. to bow out.

Meanwhile, crude oil prices continue at economy-destroying levels.  The elites on both sides of the Atlantic seem impervious to the fact that these prices exceed the ability of the West to cope with over an extended period.  But then, elites themselves are never affected.  After all, if they can import tens of millions of ThirdWorld criminals without the gated communities being hurt, why not bring in triple that number?

There is now talk about releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to mitigate U.S. prices.  Typical.  Squander the emergency reserve for minor and temporary relief.  Keep the masses aslumber no matter what the cost.  Pay off the government labor unions with taxpayer dollars in order to receive those dollars back as union campaign donations.  Pretend to be for the “working man” while robbing workers blind.

When congressmen — or any legislators — are elected, they must take an oath before assuming office.  In Congress, as in the military, that oath supposedly binds them in so many words to defend the USA against all enemies foreign and domestic.  However, the reality is that the term “enemies” is contorted so that it excludes all human, foreign or organizational entities that contribute large sums to the legislators’ own electoral campaigns.  Rather, “enemies” comes to mean abstract entities, such as poverty, White racism, high prices of oil, and similar nebulosities.  The masses, long accustomed to being manipulated by such verbiage, assume that there is no difference between words of this type and reality.  Just so long as the 42"-screen TV keeps working.

Unbeknownst to the multitudes and their elected representatives, there really is a small thing called “reality.”  At 2:46pm on Friday, 2011 March 11 (Japanese Standard Time), reality in the form of an earthquake and terrifying tsunami struck Japan.  In a single stroke it wiped out countless thousands of lives, hundreds of square miles of urban areas, left half a million homeless and destroyed at least three or four nuclear power plants while spreading nuclear pollution over vast areas.

Since the early twentieth century, Japan has been living a precarious existence.  As already pointed out, corrupt U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt ensnared Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor.  He did this by diminishing and threatening its oil supplies, and by threatening it with war if it did not pull out of China, so that FDR could get the U.S. into World War II against Germany.  It is still true today that the island nation has no natural resources to speak of and has to import everything, especially oil from the Middle East.  Nonetheless, due to Jap intelligence and industriousness, the country rose to become one of the most powerful industrial nations in the world.  Now, in a single blow, it has been reduced to mediocre status at best, and will never be the same again.

One of the many consequences of the earth’s attack on Japan is the fact that the Nips will no longer be able to buy American treasury bonds, thereby making it more difficult for the U.S. to continue its hebephrenic borrowing spree.  Another is that the sudden global economic depression has caused oil prices to fall a bit (West Texas Intermediate below $100/barrel, Brent below $110).  We can assume that Congressional leaders and the White House will view this latter fact as a windfall and an excuse to continue destroying what is left of the national economy.  The Ph.D.s in the nation’s financial lairs seem to come up with ever new ways of postponing reality, or at least with ways to avoid admitting it.  Their prestidigitation allows Congress to import increasing torrents of ThirdWorld non-Whites into the homeland and to ensure a socio-economic collapse even worse than what the recent tsunami caused in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Meanwhile, the government in Bahrain is importing foreign troops from Saudi Arabia and other states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates) to suppress its own people — a typically Mohammedan method of retaining power.  As a result, the situation has been “stabilized,” since Iran will not dare to help its fellow Shiites in Bahrain, the U.S. Fifth Fleet’s home away from home.  Still, the extra stress there and in Iraq (playground for Iranian suicide murderers) does not bode well for global oil prices, even apart from depletion.

As mentioned above, the genosuicidal elites of Europe, in order to pretend they still have some sort of relevance, are haranguing the U.S. to impose a “no-fly” zone over Libya and help the madcap rebels there.  Considering America’s heavy involvement elsewhere — now not least in the Japanese rescue effort — this is not a good idea.  However, the U.S. likes to use any excuse to expand its empire, and the fact that France and England are screeching for American intervention may provide it.  To make things even more fun, the general deterioration in Iraq may even force the U.S. to delay or reverse our troop pullout there.  Never mind our own slowly sinking economy.  So a repeat of the gratuitous anti-Serbian war over Kosovo, this time in Libya, would not be a good idea.

All in all, more of the same.  Congress continues its pretense at upholding American sovereignty and general welfare while undermining the basis of our existence.  Yet the people clamor for even more such hypocrisy.  So that is what they will get.

February 2011


2011 Feb 28 [Mon]: 
Constantine the Great
Roman emperor, A.D. 324 - 337

One of the mostly ignored issues of history is why Byzantine civilization let itself be conquered by masses of Mohammedan savages.  It started out as the eastern half of the Roman empire.  Its capital, Constantinople (“Constantine City”), was founded by the Roman emperor, Constantine the Great, in A.D. 330, and it long had the best military and other technology of its time.  So why did it fall?

In the last analysis, it was because of corruption and economic waste, and the fact that the religio-political elites antagonized the “heretical” sections of the populace under their control.  There was vicious disunity among all kinds of Christian groups — a self-imposed opportunity for the primitive but unified Mohammedans to take over.  The parasitic barbarism of “Submission” (islam) has been the fate of the conquered east ever since.

It would seem that at no time did the rulers of Byzantium recognize the lethal threat posed by the Mohammedans and take the appropriate action while they had the chance.  They called on Western Europe to fight the Crusades for them, unwilling to put their own lives and property at risk.  The ultimate result was the complete conquest and utter destruction of Byzantine civilization by the Mohammedan Turks in 1453.

Whitey is incapable of recognizing the insidious nature of Islamic ideology and its incessant jihad against him.  He keeps interpreting it all as just something like another form of namby-pamby Christianity, because that is what both the jihadists and the White House say.  The grotesque animalism of Muslims is always chalked up to “the local culture, not Islam itself.”  Given this self-imposed blindness, we can only expect a further lurch toward White extinction.  Oddly, the Yids too are pushing for our racial death, even though it means their own annihilation.

The obsessive narcissism and infantile egotism of Americans has destroyed the nation’s immune system, as if we were infected by a socio-political form of AIDS.  With the Islamist revolutions now taking place throughout Mohammedania, we can expect the price of oil to start going through the roof, with expected results.  The Negro pornographer’s son now in the White House is utterly incapable of dealing with the demonic forces of the Sand Negroes — or with China or thug-run Russia, both of which are covertly supporting the diseased lovers of jihad in the Middle East.  It is open knowledge that China regards the U.S. as suicidally demoting itself to Third-World status, and that it thinks it can eventually replace us as the preëminent world power, in Asia at least.  As their elites see it, brilliant Byzantium will fall to Mongoloid might.

Yet our own political elites continue to promote White genosuicidism, fantasizing that they themselves will escape unscathed as Whitey is flushed down the cosmic commode.  After all, they have had such fun destroying Europe in two World Wars and building massive international syndicates (some of them profiting from narcotraffic), so why shouldn’t things continue in the same way?

It may not be long, however, before they, like the Byzantines of 1453, discover that economics is not the only law of history.

Pornographer’s Spawn

2011 Feb 22 [Tue]:  There has long been much controversy over the idea that the currently reigning chimpanzoid was not born in the United States.  Part of the fuel for this issue is due to the fact that the blackie, supposedly born in Hawaii, will not provide his own birth certificate.  The big question is, why not?  “Birthers,” as they are affectionately known, claim that said certificate would reveal he was actually born in Kenya.  And they adduce as testimony various statements allegedly made by the primitives who live in that part of the world.

But maybe there is another reason, one even more embarrassing, for not revealing the appropriate documentation.  An excellent researcher (with a Ph.D. in American Studies from Purdue U.), Jack Cashill, has discovered some interesting facts.  Only two weeks after the chimpanzoid’s birth on 1961 August 4th, his then 18-year old mother, Ann Dunham (1942 November 29 – 1995 November 7), who had spent her highschool years in Mercer Island, Washington, was in Seattle matriculating at the University of Washington.  In a new book on the creature, Cashill notes that all indications are that the darkie was conceived in Seattle by his Black-loving mother when, in October or November 1960, a bit before her 18th birthday and a few months after graduating from Mercer Island High School, she inseminated herself with the genes of one Frank Marshall Davis (1905 — 1987), an American Negro (already married to a White).  Davis was a pornographer, pedophile, hater of Whites and on occasion a supposed poet.  The Kenyan-as-father myth was invented by sometime mother Ann when she decided that knowledge of her son’s real sire as a porn businessman would not make good press.  (Which is not to say that she did not later bed down with the Kenyan too.)  The resulting melanoma in the oval office today has so many psychological problems and intellectual deficiencies due to this and other factors cultural and genetic, that no one can expect any competent guidance whatsoever to come from that office.  What Cashill has revealed is that the entire story about the chimpanzoid’s origins is a complete lie, fabricated and fostered by his mother, himself, the Yid press and the genosuicidist Democratic leadership.

Of course, the electorate does not care.  All that matters is the expiation of the concocted racial guilt imposed on them by the Kikes running the hypnosis box.  Today there is a concerted attempt to compel the mass mind to believe that White extinction is the right way to go.  Hundreds of thousands of officials in government, education, the military and business now believe it is their duty to punish any White who does not accept this proposition.  Thus a neurotic chimpanzoid is the perfect match for this suicidal drive.  It also takes Whitey’s mind off of the fact that he is being robbed blind by the globalizing financial nomenklatura.

To all this is added yet another cancer:  the massive bureaucracy which feeds off of the dwindling surpluses left by former generations and depleting natural resources has now become Too Big To Fail.  The soft life and feelgood mentality made possible by America’s temporary domination of the world is simply unable to understand that Disneyland cannot last.  A perfect example of this denialist attitude was seen over the past week in the quintessentially American state of Wisconsin.  There, Governor Scott Walker and the Republican-led state legislature were trying to pass legislation to stop the labor unions from forcing all state government employees to pay union dues and also to stop them from extorting vast amounts of money from the state.  The critical issue is called “collective bargaining.”  The proposal would reduce union power, and so the unions have mounted massive protests against the legislature and the governor.  14 Democratic state senators have left Wisconsin and gone Absent Without Official Leave to Illinois in order to stymie all legislation.  In other words, the taxpayer-paid bureaucracy (which bribes the AWOL senators) no longer cares about reality.  It prefers legally enforced theft — i.e., a dictatorship — to adaptation to the constraints of nature.  The aforementioned chimpanzoid, naturally, agrees with the unions and their AWOL legislators.

A similar attitude prevails in most states.  Everywhere, populations and their regimes have become machines dedicated to overwhelming the earth.  Even though there have been many sensible proposals to reduce American (and world) overexploitation of global resources, virtually none of them will be seriously implemented.  Thus the usual natural processes of collapse will necessarily follow.  Such processes include, but are not limited to, social pathologies, war, and twisted developments of all types.

For denial has its own cure.

Meanwhile Sand Negroes of all sorts are flowing into Europe from North Africa and the Persian Gulf as a result of the Mohammedan hoopla in those regions.  Whitey cannot bring himself to stop the influx, since he would thereby become a Nazi.  Much better for Whitey to die and turn the earth over to the lower races, just so long as he can have a smooth, painless exit.

The only problem is that the price of petrol keeps rising quite rapidly, with Brent Crude now lurching toward $110/barrel.  If this keeps up, all those nice projections made by well-paid economists on their Excel spreadsheets about rosy economic futures are not going to be believed.  The exit might not be as smooth and painless as predicted.  European authorities might have to jail half their White populations for being racist and wanting to survive.  No problem:  all the authorities need to do is hire Jew-led Negroid mercenaries from Blackland to kill any uppity Whites.

The White House chimpanzoid — spawn of a Negro pornographer — will love it.


2011 Feb 13 [Sun]: 
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 10 — The computer networks of at least five international oil companies, containing bidding plans and other confidential data, have been penetrated by Chinese-based hackers, accord to a report issued by a US computer security firm.

“Starting in November 2009, covert cyber attacks were launched against several global oil, energy, and petrochemical companies,” said George Kurtz, chief technical officer of the Santa Clara, Calif.-based McAfee Inc.

“The attackers targeted proprietary operations and project-financing information on oil and gas field bids and operations,” said Kurtz, citing his firm’s report, entitled “Global Energy Cyber Attacks:  Night Dragon.”

According to Kurtz, the information obtained by the Chinese hackers “is highly sensitive and can make or break multibillion dollar deals in this extremely competitive industry.”

A McAfee spokesperson told OGJ, “We are not releasing names of victims for confidentiality reasons.  We know of the victims because we worked with many of them.  Also, in our investigation we saw the documents that were being copied from these companies’ systems.”

The McAfee spokesperson told OGJ that, “We have confirmed that five global oil and gas companies were successfully penetrated by the attackers, but we believe that there may have been as many as a dozen.”

Chinese hackers accused of cyber attacks on IOCs
2011 Feb 10
Eric Watkins
Oil & Gas Journal Oil Diplomacy Editor
HOUSTON, Feb. 10 — The global oil burden in 2010 was the second-highest following a major recession and could rise this year to levels close to those that have coincided in the past with marked economic slowdowns, warns the International Energy Agency in its latest monthly oil market report.

The ‘oil burden’ concept is defined as nominal oil expenditures (demand multiplied by the crude price) divided by nominal gross domestic product (GDP).  A rising oil burden will not necessarily cause an economic recession, but it can greatly compound the effect of other economic and financial shocks, IEA said.

The Paris-based agency warns of the unhealthy combination of higher oil prices with a fragile economic recovery, emerging inflationary pressures, and instability in the Middle East.

IEA’s sensitivity analysis for 2011, holding GDP and oil demand constant, indicates that at current prices of around $90/bbl for WTI, the global oil burden is rapidly approaching the 2008 ‘recession threshold,’ and is already well above the $70-80/bbl price range described as ideal by some producing countries, which would entail an oil burden of 3.5-4%, the report said.

IEA warns of rising oil burden
2011 Feb 10
By OGJ [Oil & Gas Journal] editors

With tiresome repetitiveness, one reads science fiction advertized as “analysis” or “restructuring plans” written by hacks for the official media or government.  The typical article describes some problem (but rarely Peak Oil) and then identifies some person, group or organization as evildoer, making sure not to offend any Protected Group or politically powerful entity.  It then proposes some “solution” equivalent to the leftist wishdream of the day.  The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, saith the text, will be found when we are all one big genetically congealed mudperson.

All of the current tripe excreted by the official organs avoids anything that would suggest changing the business-as-usual pattern in any significant way.  Race-mixing globalizers dominate all public discourse and airbrush any notion of painful change out of the picture.  Their message:  extinguish Whitey with a program of Soylent Green, and hand the planet over to the darkies.  The ever-so-socially-conscious Christian denominations prayerfully agree.  Bye-bye White man, hello wogs.

All the while, the unemployment situation becomes more ominous by the day.  For the time being, recognition of the true state of affairs is obscured due to social and economic assistance from government.  In California the “official” jobless rate is around 12.5%, the true rate probably 17% or higher.  For a short while, a “recovery” may reduce the official numbers, but the rising cost of oil will subsequently raise them even higher.  Meanwhile, the mass of the permanently unemployed — especially non-Whites — is growing, nor is anything being done about the increasing number of ThirdWorlders overstaying their visas or entering the country illegally.  And, in reality, it is no longer even possible to do anything to change course.

Essentially, America has entered the phase of stalemate.

For the rulers of the U.S. assume what all rulers assume:  that all they need to do is snap their fingers and their wishes will be fulfilled.  Our masters have now gone to the extreme with this idea:  they believe that by using high technology they can control the world.

This notion has worked very well for them in the past.  After all, using cheap, high-grade oil, the U.S. was able to destroy Europe in two World Wars and thereby become economically dominant while claiming moral superiority, which all dominators claim.  (As the saying goes, the victors get to write the history books.)

Alas, as with everything else, this strategy too has a point of diminishing returns.  And we are now reaching them.  With the Chinks electronically spying on all of our high-tech industry — now including oil —, we can no longer control events in the same way as in days of yore.  Here also, America is approaching stalemate.

Even our vast nuclear arsenal is diminishing in effectiveness, not only as a political but also as a military tool.  A Third-World state with nuclear weapons could end America’s existence with only a few well-placed hits, despite being annihilated itself.  War with China, anyone?

Thus the possession of nukes has persuasive power only against non-nuclear nations like Germany.  Hence the frenetic obsession with keeping Iran from developing such weapons:  the Persians could no longer be held in check.  And precisely that is the real motive for the entire “nuclear disarmament” effort:  to keep genosuicidal America dominant.

Most of the obsessive Jew-talk about how America can get “back on track” ignores the rest of the world.  The central theme is:  Whitey has to change and import more Negroids and muds of all types into his midst and “share” his lifestyle with them.  Of course, the Yids themselves prefer to live in the more affluent areas of cities and remain quite segregated from the lower levels they purport to love so much.  The same goes for the genosuicidist Whites at the high end of the economic scale.  Maintaining all of this hypocrisy also depends on remaining oblivious to the fact that the dark majority of mankind is clawing after everything that Whitey has.

The fact is, it no longer makes any difference what the ruling elites want or say.  They have squandered the one and only chance to create a higher life form on this planet.  Given the perversion of Christianity which claims the Jews are superior beings who must be adored and obeyed even at the cost of murdering fellow White gentiles, it is all over but the shouting.

Even if all American and European Whites were to conform their behavior to all of the tolerationist drivel on the Jewbox, it would only accelerate the collapse of the Empire.  For in the life of a civilization, stalemate is the point on the curve where the pitched ball stops rising and just before it begins its descent.

The elites are well aware of this, of course.  That is why they have their chimpanzoidal marionette talking about “consensus” among the nations and bowing low to Third-World dictators.  The leaders of the rest of the world know it too.  Which is why they are using the U.S. and Europe as garbage receptacles for their excess populations.

The impasse of American policy can be seen, for example, in the case of Iran.  The Yankee godlets can no longer persuade even Russia or China to pressure the Persians into giving up their nuclear aspirations, and have to resort to terrorist-style assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists.  And while Afghanistan is using up all of the oxygen in the room, Pakistan is turning into a major global maggot in its own right, one about which we can do almost nothing.

In every direction, America is stymied.  The populace cannot understand why, because such understanding would bring too much cognitive dissonance.  We still have another year or so before the curve begins its decline.  After that, the people will look back fondly on the high point reached at stalemate.


2011 Feb 09 [Wed]: 
The US fears that Saudi Arabia, the world's largest crude oil exporter, may not have enough reserves to prevent oil prices escalating, confidential cables from its embassy in Riyadh show.

The cables, released by WikiLeaks, urge Washington to take seriously a warning from a senior Saudi government oil executive that the kingdom's crude oil reserves may have been overstated by as much as 300bn barrels — nearly 40%.

The revelation comes as the oil price has soared in recent weeks to more than $100 a barrel on global demand and tensions in the Middle East.  Many analysts expect that the Saudis and their Opec cartel partners would pump more oil if rising prices threatened to choke off demand.

However, Sadad al-Husseini, a geologist and former head of exploration at the Saudi oil monopoly Aramco, met the US consul general in Riyadh in November 2007 and told the US diplomat that Aramco's 12.5m barrel-a-day capacity needed to keep a lid on prices could not be reached.

According to the cables, which date between 2007-09, Husseini said Saudi Arabia might reach an output of 12m barrels a day in 10 years but before then — possibly as early as 2012 — global oil production would have hit its highest point.  This crunch point is known as “peak oil”.

Husseini said that at that point Aramco would not be able to stop the rise of global oil prices because the Saudi energy industry had overstated its recoverable reserves to spur foreign investment.  He argued that Aramco had badly underestimated the time needed to bring new oil on tap.

WikiLeaks cables:
Saudi Arabia cannot pump enough oil to keep a lid on prices
US diplomat convinced by Saudi expert that reserves of world's
biggest oil exporter have been overstated by nearly 40%

John Vidal, environment editor,
Tuesday, 2011 February 8th

On Monday, 2011 Jan 31, the price of the most expensive type of crude oil, Brent, was driven to $100.55/barrel.  It was a mainly psychological attainment, since it was the first time in two years that it had surpassed the $100 mark.  But it was almost certainly caused by the French Revolution going on in Egypt.

Our august leaders, however, are mainly concerned about the possibility that the radicals — this time in the form of Mohammedan maniacs — will take over Egypt and threaten the Zionist Entity.  Only a few seem to understand that, quite beside the antics on the Nile, the spread of Sharia-loving Sand Negritude means the conversion of Saudi Arabian oil into a weapon aimed at crusader (White) civilization.

Entangled with this economic danger is an allied one:  the phenomenon of inflation.  This is normally contained within a single country and due to that country’s persistent overexpenditures.  Today, however, for the first time in history, the U.S. is exporting its inflation to the rest of the world.  It can do this because the dollar is the world’s “reserve currency” — the international medium of exchange.  Using this tool, America is today doing its best to beggar the rest of the world in order to maintain its own dominance.  This policy can continue for perhaps another half decade.  After that, all bets are off.

It is often said that the American electorate has been “misled” by various and sundry of its politicians.  This may be true in some cases.  But generally speaking, a nation deserves the politicians it supports, especially in countries where there is something resembling free elections.  The incredible corruption of defective creatures such as Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank and so many others, going back to horrors like Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, is due to the subliminal urges of the multitudes.  Their collective unconscious follows the currents of the ancient chimpanzoidal mind, which periodically seeks to rob and kill for the thrill of it.  The genosuicidism now dominant in America is a direct, though covert, expression of that dark primitivism.

For the last three decades we have fed the corruption called the Egyptian government with billions of dollars, so Egypt would help to maintain “peace” in that area of the world (mainly for the sake of Yidland).  But when, on New Year’s Day, 2011, some peace-loving Mohammedan blew up over twenty Christian Copts and himself in Alexandria, Egypt, there was no word from the American government that maybe something nasty was brewing.  Yup, just a local police matter.

But it is slowly emerging that the ferocity of the Religion of Peace is reaching the boiling point.  The longtime pharaoh, 82-year-old Hosni Mubarak, can seemingly no longer pay off the fervent lovers of Allah, and will probably soon be retiring to a posh villa in Saudi Arabia, or maybe Switzerland.  Meanwhile the U.S. Empire’s chimpanzoid and grand viziers sit stupefied, glued to the tube and at a loss for solutions.  It seems you can’t bribe the devout people who hope for sex with 72 virgins as a reward for mass murder.  Of course, one also cannot expect the mass of White Americans to recognize that anything is amiss with those nice, dark-skinned followers of Sharia law when Whitey cannot even recognize the stranglehold the Jews have on us.

Even the few who have some notion that something is awfully wrong with the American leadership unfortunately do not understand that much of the problem has to do with the educational background of the legislators, to say nothing of the masses.  Few of those in Congress or the White House have had any science training.  One or two science “advisors” from China will do nothing to help.  Since legal expertise, not knowledge of science, is the primary prerequisite for modern politics, no one in power understands the role of evolution, of genetics, of oil depletion, of the limits to growth and population overshoot.  Everything is deemed to be solvable through legal and financial manipulation and by importing yet more ThirdWorlders into Whiteland.

The facts are assiduously suppressed.  We now have countless millions of utterly indigestible dark-skinned aliens in this country as well as in Europe, masses whose only desire is freebies from Whitey.  We enjoy the utter corruption of the financial system by the demigods who bribe Congress.  The earth is now supporting nearly seven billion hominids, most of them illiterate or near-illiterate creatures with no intention of changing their “cultures.”  Also in this vast compost heap are over a billion Mohammedans, who seek to make the rest of the world submit to them (“submission” is the literal translation of “Islam”).  Starting in the twenty-teens, the U.S. is going to decline slowly to the level of the ThirdWorld trash it loves so much.  But none of all this is reported by the “mainstream” media, which is in the iron grip of genosuicidists.

The legalistic training of American leaders makes them fact-averse.  They are all convinced that, by throwing White “racists” in jail and tweaking the laws, they will be able to avert the inevitable consequences of their own actions.  After all, that is what their Jewish mentors tell them.  As America dies, no one will ever suspect that it is the leadership which is administering the poison.

Today the U.S. is riddled with parasites and diseased elements of every sort, so that it is no longer possible to change course.  Millions of White Americans themselves have jobs in the taxpayer-supported compassion industry;  they are assisting in the multiplication of the low-IQ, crime-prone races and in the destruction of their own race and culture.  No politician will or even can cut off his own source of bribes.  No international corporation or foreign agent will cease feeding the bribe-ocracy.  No media Jew will cease diverting Whitey from becoming aware of what lies ahead.

The primary obsession of both the masses and the elites is to continue with more of the same criminality they have benefitted from for so long.  The cancer will thus take its course.  The current bankruptcy of many U.S. states did not happen by accident, and nothing is being done to prevent a slide into the abyss.  Today’s grotesque overshoot on both state and national levels was carefully planned and will proceed to complete collapse.  The U.S. and its vassals are meanwhile obsessed with keeping their populations comatose or (as in Europe) frightened into silence so that the ruling elites can continue to maintain their positions.

The so-called “developing” countries are in “developing” status only because American politicians and the international corporations (the “globalizers” who are pushing the race-mixing) have made it their business to shift wealth and resources from Whiteland to Darkland.  As soon as Whiteland implodes, all the “development” will cease, because there is no true civilization among the non-Whites — unless one wishes to classify the absurdities found in the Mohammedan countries, the mass-murdering in Mexico, the vast corruption in China and the like, as “civilization.”  Currently the world economy maintains an appearance of life only through governmental subsidies of various sorts and accounting legerdemain designed to dupe the public.

The U.S. and the one-fifth of the human race that calls itself China are now locked in an embrace of death.  Neither can move off of the dime or disengage from the other because of the vicious circle of debt-supported trade.  Chinkland buys our debt;  we buy Chink goodies.  We buy goodies from elsewhere, too, but from the Middle Kingdom above all.  The result must inevitably be globalized paralysis, complicated beyond belief by the inability of any player to stop engaging in business aa usual.

Elsewhere, one of the ironies of history which also qualifies as a twist of black humor is the fact that the wonderland of IsItReal is placed smack dab in the middle of Mohammedan Murderland.  The Yids are constantly haranguing Whitey to be “anti-racist,” to kill those of his own kind who are “xenophobic,” not to be “haters,” etc., etc.  Yet the Holocaustians now find themselves facing the very consequences of their own harangues.  With the linguistic tortuousness so often found in the Jew, they are now urging American Whites to interfere in the current hoopla in Egypt and, even more amusingly, to bomb Iran.  It would never occur to them that there is any contradiction in their actions.  But as Mohammedanism takes over the Western world, they will eventually experience the results of that contradiction.

In brief, the current generation of humans, led by the White race’s scientifically innumerate magisterium, has unconsciously decided to stalemate evolution — to put an end to 4.65 billion years of evolution.  Given that there is a paranormal undergirding to nature (an undergirding denied by most of the elites), we can eventually expect a new type of death agony to arise out of nowhere, to put an end either to the stalemate or to our life-bearing globe as a whole.  Because it is not nice to fool Mother Nature.

January 2011


2011 Jan 31 [Mon]: 
“Leaving aside the issue of whether the annual increase in global demand will actually fall by 50 percent in 2011 vs. 2010, we have the current global supply numbers which the IEA says fell slightly in December to 88.1 million b/d.  Keep in mind that only about 74 million b/d of this production is real crude oil coming out of a pipe in the ground.  The rest is a mixture of lighter hydrocarbons extracted from natural gas, ethanol from plants, and tar sands.  These either have much lower energy than real crude, or consume prodigious amounts of energy in their production which amounts to the same thing.  Thus, the last 14 million or so of our 88 million b/d is producing much less useful work than if it were real crude oil, and likely is slowly contributing to the increasing demand.

“The official bottom line is that IEA's conservative estimate says the world will be consuming 89.1 million b/d this year, while currently producing 88.1.  There are only two places the extra oil can come from if we are not to have another damaging and demand killing price spike.  Either we draw down global stockpiles or the Saudis increase production.  Presently both of these phenomena are underway — OECD stocks fell by 8 million barrels in November and another 33 million in December, not to mention a substantial fall in unofficial floating storage held by speculators.  Without fanfare, the Saudis seem to be slowly ramping up production — at least for now.

The Peak Oil Crisis: It’s Not Adding Up!
By Tom Whipple
Falls Church News-Press
Wednesday, 2011 January 19

In Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, 2011 January 25, the chimpanzoid jokingly referred to as the “president” of the U.S. squawked out the swan song of the U.S.  The lyrics — written, of course, by a team of Jews and carefully pre-tested before focus groups — amounted to a re-phrasing of the “denial” phase of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s “grief cycle,” typical of those in terminal illness.  (The succeeding phases of her cycle are anger, bargaining, depression and, finally, acceptance of the inevitable.)  We were told how close a brush with economic death we had had, then how the Negroid-led team had saved us at the last minute, but that we still had a lot of work to do.  By trimming fat, building high-speed rail, nibbling around the edges at social security, refurbishing national infrastructure, making the internet universally available, improving education in science, math and computers, etc., etc., America will retain its place as Number One.  Let’s all work together for this.  Oh, and, of course:  we must erase our national borders to let in the entire Third World in the name of moral and economic improvement.  Plus various other things that “we” (i.e., you, Whitey) must do to help the helpless (formerly known as parasites) and advance into a racially miscegenated future.

Nary a word about Peak Oil.  The entire snore was based on the assumption that business will continue as usual, supported by an uninterrupted and continually increasing flow of oil.  But then, what can one expect from a darkie chosen by a mentally decaying electorate to tell it only what it wants to hear?  The cinematic display was replete with cameras focussing on various non-Whites in the audience, much like a Hollywood awards ceremony.  For the TV-viewing public, that was the real meat of the show:  easily understood, upbeat words and lots of celebrities — with jungle bunnies, Spics, Mongoloids and Whites all mixing together so ecumenically.  The creature at the podium spoke about developing “high-speed trains.”  This will cost unbelievable quantities of new debt.  What is wrong refurbishing the “old” train system already in place?  It would be vastly more efficient to renew that system by adding additional capacity, bringing back older, abandoned tracks and installing many more passenger cars than currying favor with the special interests that want subsidies for fantasy projects.  But reason is simply not in the cards.

At the same time in the global commodities markets, West Texas Intermediate crude oil cost over $86 per barrel and Brent crude over $95.  (The originally hoped-for “price window” for these products was $70-$80.)  Slowly, slowly, the global economy is becoming constricted, and America along with it.  Outside of Washington D.C. world energy events are contradicting the verbiage inside the Beltway.

Meanwhile, the permitting delays for offshore oil drilling imposed by the chimpanzoidal administration are further endangering the entire economy.  According to Oil&Gas Journal:

WASHINGTON, DC, Jan. 25 — “Long-term Gulf of Mexico deepwater development could be seriously jeopardized if the US Department of the Interior increases the time spent reviewing and approving drilling permit applications, a Wood Mackenzie study commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute concluded.  Nearly one third of domestic deepwater production could become uneconomic, resulting in less energy production, less investment, and less revenue to government, it warned.

“‘The potential harm is alarming,’ said Kyle Isakower, API’s vice-president of economic and regulatory policy.  ‘We are talking about a transformation of the future relevance of deepwater gulf development to US domestic energy production—and a major threat to gulf region jobs and to the nation’s energy security.’  He said based on the development impacts outlined by WoodMac, API believes that as many as 125,000 jobs could be lost in 2015.”

Permit delays may threaten deepwater gulf future, new study says
Tuesday, 2011 Jan 25
Nick Snow
OGJ Washington Editor

All this, of course, is in addition to the Gordian knot of corruption tying together the financial markets and the imperial regime.  The chasm between the propaganda cranked out by the speechwriters and the impending nuclear winter of the American job scene could not be greater.  Stalin would be proud.

The European intelligentsia pines desperately for the restoration of the Roman Empire and its emperors.  The American intelligentsia is now leaning the same way.  Both groups want the return of Augustus, Caligula, Nero and the rest of the Caesars.  The only thing standing in their way is the economic disintegration slowly creeping through the White man’s world.  It is impossible for most of these ideologues (excepting, of course, some highly publicized leftist economists) to understand the mechanics underlying large economies, since petty details are beneath them.  The Communists are a good example of this.  So the usual resort is use of political or economic power to steal wealth and suppress dissent.

The American masses, meanwhile, are the exact opposite of the intelligentsia:  they are intensely oedipal, with a deep subconscious hatred of their own fathers and all authority (which is psychologically linked to the paternal archetype).  This psychic instability drives them to imagine they are the champions of “freedom” — freedom from fatherhood and its familial and racial responsibilities, that is.  It also makes them easy prey to manipulation by propaganda about “racism,” “patriarchy” and the like, as well as to infantilism in general.  Following the Yid-blazed path to complete degeneracy, they no longer know the meaning of the word “disgrace” or even “ugliness.”  Every disgusting form of dress, obscenity, behavior or violation of propriety is publicized as the height of fashion, especially if it appears to be some novelty devised by Jews or Negroes.  Moreover, the vast multitude desperately wants everybody to be equal.  Its members will therefore ignore, suppress or deny any and every bit of evidence to the contrary.  It is, in other words, violently anti-nature.  Funny thing is, nature is about to return the favor.

Since about 1970, when America’s Oil Peak was reached, the nation has depended increasingly on oil imports from abroad.  Today an estimated two-thirds of the fuel comes from foreign sources.  Concomitantly, the populace has become addicted to consumption for its own sake, spending our natural-resource-based wealth with abandon.  Much of that wealth has been spent on fruitless attempts to make faux-Whites out of Negroes, to buy toys such as wall-sized TVs and other luxuries-turned-necessities, and to grow a government whose main purpose is justifying its need to grow;  White wealth was also dissipated in various ways to the Third World, including China and India.

Now however, the American buying spree is becoming restricted by necessity.  This automatically entails a diminution in income for the ThirdWorld toymakers.  What’s an emperor to do?  Why, increase the power of the state and inflate the currency, of course.  Import ThirdWorlders for cheap labor and let later rulers deal with the ambiguous loyalties of the imported slaves, together with the socio-economic consequences.  And, when push comes to shove, cannibalize your own nation.

Up to now, the heads of the economic machinery have acted on the assumption that the money system was faith-based:  if you can dupe the masses into thinking your monetary printouts are worth something, then the economy will roar ahead.  Give every subprime idler, every illegal immigrant, every Negroid welfarite a house at government expense, and the ballooning future economy will magically pay for it all.  The heads of Congress could not have been happier as they compelled the banking system to make loans backed by imaginary collateral.  They decided the new legal tender would be fraud pure and simple.  How disappointing that it just didn’t work out.

Given that the U.S. has taken on $14 trillion of debt and is compulsively assuming more of it, it is easy to see that the end of this particular road is not far off.  And the chimp-in-chief is only one more of the yeast cells mindlessly gobbling up all of the nutrients in the global Petri dish:  a perfect symbol for our time.


2011 Jan 8 [Sat]: 
“‘We're in the midst of an international currency war,’ Mr [Guido] Mantega [the Brazilian Finance Minister], said.  ‘This threatens us because it takes away our competitiveness.’

“With some economies still reeling from the global financial crisis, countries have sought to weaken their currencies to boost exports and improve trade balances.

“Low interest rates across much of the developed world have also prompted investors to pour cash into higher-yielding assets in countries such as Brazil, causing further outcry.

“‘The advanced countries are seeking to devalue their currencies,’ Mantega said, mentioning the United States, Europe and Japan in the context of what he portrayed as an intensifying trade competition.”

Brazil warns of world currency war
The Telegraph,
Wednesday, 2011 January 12
“The current correlation betweeh the S&P 500 performance and the price of West Texas Intermediate ‘would imply a WTI price between $110-120/bbl [in 2011], and we have therefore to expect some of those $100/bbl calls being revised upwards,’ said Oliveri Jakob at Petromatrix, Zug, Switzerland.  Goldman Sachs said in mid-December overproduction will reduce the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries’ spare capacity and push crude above $100/bbl in the second half of 2011.”
2011 to be “Year of the USA”
by Sam Fletcher, Senior Writer
Oil & Gas Journal, p. 136
Monday, 2011 January 3

As the returns on ever-increasing complexity of global civilization continue to diminish, the major beneficiaries of that complexity — above all, the U.S. — are increasingly resorting to “tools” that might help them stave off the inevitable for a little while longer.  Chief among these devices is currency devaluation, otherwise known by the rather crass term of “inflation.”

In the effort to avoid crassness, the American overlords today employ the words “quantitative easing.”  Even better, from their point of view, is the acronym “QE,” which is obscure to all but a minute percentage of the literate population.  To the electorate at large, it means nothing — which is, of course, the whole point of using it.

Since the U.S. dollar is the world’s “reserve currency” (the standard against which all other currencies are measured), the imperial headquarters and its Ashkenazim have a favored position.  They can raise or lower the dollar’s value vis-à-vis the rest of the world’s currencies to their own advantage.  They are now lowering it.

An apt metaphor for this situation might be a large, overloaded and leaking pontoon raft in the middle of the ocean.  As the raft slowly sinks, the strongest passengers climb atop the bodies of other passengers to avoid the water.  The weakest ones, at the bottom, drown first, followed by the next weakest.  Behold the process of currency wars.

Since we have proceeded past QE1 and are now well into QE2, dispersing trillions of counterfeit dollars into the labyrinthine wind tunnels of global banks, the rest of the world is trapped.  Hence the talk among some countries (such as Brazil, Russia, India and China, the OPEC countries, etc.) about inventing a substitute for the American “reserve currency.”  Seemingly, such a substitute would consist of a “basket” of other currencies which would not be at the whims of Washington.

The only problem with this idea is the fact that, since the raft is inexorably sinking, each nation would and will do whatever it can to cheat and climb higher on the mass of other passengers.  Ultimately the only winners might be those with hard assets in the form of oil, such as Saudi Arabia and Russia.  Unless, that is, the U.S. godlets decided to use their military to assert economic supremacy again like they did in the last two World Wars.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, 2011 January 9, it emerged that the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System carrying oil from the Prudhoe Bay field had developed a corrosion leak and had to be shut down.  The contiguous 48 states get over 14% of their oil from the pipeline, which is run by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (owned 46.93% by BP, 28.29% by ConocoPhillips, 20.34% by ExxonMobil, 1.36% by Chevron and 3.08% by Koch Alaska Pipeline Company).  While the leak was repaired within a week, it provided merely another example of the increasing fragility of the entire American genosuicidal system.  A little leak here, a little leak there, and pretty soon you’re talking some real problems.

In the oil markets, West Texas Intermediate (WTI), is floating around $90/barrel, with the main trend upwards.  Elsewhere, payments problems between Iran and India, due to American, Israeli and Saudi pressures on Iran because of its nuclear program, are beginning to cause panic in India about getting oil from Iran.  No solution to the problem seems in sight.

A small straw in the wind:  while WTI is around $90/barrel, the other benchmark crude, Brent, is not far from $100/barrel.  According to the official Yid banks, no oil price was supposed to reach $100/barrel until the end of 2011 at the earliest, yet we are almost there now.  Funny, how reality is so rude as to contradict Jew and leftist propaganda.  At the same time, the controlled media have become almost hysterical in their attempts to divert the attention of the masses from this reality.  The official blather is all about how a Republican politician, Sarah Palin, published a video which included a phrase (“blood libel”) Jews find “offensive.”  Of course, Jews find everything offensive, so there is nothing new in this.  The main point is their diversion of Whitey’s consciousness from economic facts, in which they are quite successful.

But oil prices are just a few of the little obstacles to maintaining Business-As-Usual, appearing even now.  Given the attitude of the power structure in D.C., we can expect more and more of these events to crop up in the months ahead.  The presidential commission on the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill concluded, in effect, that the main problem was not just one company, BP;  given the other companies who shared the blame, the real culprit was complexity.  As Tainter predicted, our civilization is reaching the point where increased complexity no longer pays for itself.

As the Ashkenazi-led markets suck the blood out of Whiteland, the globalizing globe is slowly being ground down by the depletion of high-quality oil of moderate price.  Even the concentration camps into which America has turned Germany (and Austria), despite Germany’s having the most efficient workers in the world, are under such pressure that that country may soon be crushed.  The genosuicidal German elites have flooded their own country with Arab and Turkish offscourings, and it can not take much more before collapse — especially since the rest of Europe is demanding that Germany bankrupt itself to keep the work-averse members of Euroland on life support.  The Jews are gloating over the imminent death of Europe, of course.  They have worked so hard for this for so long that they can hardly contain their glee over their own success.

The only ray of hope for Germany is, unexpectedly, Russia and its oil.  The Nordstream pipeline will at least guarantee a reasonable flow of crude for a while to Germany without interference from intervening parasites.  It remains to be seen what the vultures in Washington, D.C. will do about this.

But an overarching trend is now coming into view.  Throughout all of evolution the critical direction has been toward higher and higher intelligence.  Evolution, however, is a process of blood and gore.  For the hyper-materialists who see no plan in nature, it is impossible to understand this process as under the direction of a superordinate Mind — not the anthropoid, alpha-male God that they were told about in their kindergarten days, but a cosmogonic intelligence intent on mirroring its intellectuality in matter itself.  Evolution, thus, proceeds in tidelike fashion:  an ebb and flow, each ebb washing away the unfit, each flow producing a higher life form.

With the imminence of Peak Oil along with the general resource exhaustion and overshoot marked by other peaks, the next ebb is about to begin.  The Business-As-Usual mindset cannot grasp this, and will strain every sinew to stop it.  The Negroids, Mohammedans, Latinos and other unWhites must be kept proliferating at all costs;  the United States must continue its dominance of Europe and the world in order to satisfy the demands of its bribe-ocracy and its infantile masses;  ThirdWorlders must be allowed to swamp Whiteland in order to maintain the sainthood of the Camp of the Saints.  And, and, and.

The genosuicidists, led by Ashkenazim, fantasize that the next version of mankind will be a mixed-race Ebonics speaker who is also a computer genius jiving to rap “music.”  The Chinese authorities, who are slowly working to raise their own empire from ThirdWorld to FirstWorld status, do not share this vision.  Nor do they accept the Yid propaganda that they should be “responsible” for the rest of the world.  They do view the U.S. as an effeminate empire slowly dissolving into madness.  As Peak Oil brings on Peak U.S., they can see the handwriting on the wall.  On Tuesday-Wednesday, 2011 January 18/19, the Empire’s chimpanzoid and China’s chief Chink, Hu Jintao, met at the Black House, where the Negroid humbly besought the Commie for $45 billion in new contracts for U.S. companies to export goods to the Kingdom at the Center of the World.  H-J agreed to that and a few other pieces of window dressing.  The main and hidden item on the agenda, however, was the darkie’s piteous plea that Chinkland please, please continue to buy trillions of dollars of tree-grown American Treasury bills so that Yankee corruption and hypocrisy might not be forced to end.  The head of the yellow race graciously conceded to play that game in order to give his land more time for stealing industrial and government secrets from the U.S. and for general development.  Yes, indeedy:  however problematic their own situation, the Mongoloids appear to have accurately assessed the Imperium Disneylandianum.


2011 Jan 8 [Sat]: 
Limits to Growth study
— Graph from “The Limits to Growth,”
2004 edition, in
Peak Civilization
Ugo Bardi,
Fri, 7 Jan 2011
The Fall of the Roman Empire

The Yids’ propaganda factories, whether “conservative” or “liberal,” always make sure to divert attention from their control of the American mind and polity.  Take, for instance, the obvious fact that almost everyone in the highest circles of American power is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Ashkenazi-dominated organization wholly dedicated to White genosuicidism and Jewish supremacism.  Anyone pointing this out is immediately classified as being in the same category as the Flat Earth Society or some other group the media Sheenies have taught Whitey to look askance at.

The glaringly manifest role of Ashkenazim in the corruption of White civilization is simply air-brushed out of the picture.  TV, which they themselves control, will by definition never disclose such facts.  To do so would be self-incrimination.  And so the White TV-hypnotizee is condemned to a lifetime of self-induced stupor.

The grim determination of the genosuicidal elites — political, economic and military — to keep the egalitarian model of Business-As-Usual so that we can overrun the planet with non-Whites will soon be running into the stone cliff called nature.  The elites all know this, but they are frozen into place by their own ideology and self-interest.  Their common fantasy is that if they show Whitey enough morality plays and harangue him with enough sermons about how he has got to help darkies, BAU will return by magic.  The recent Congressional decree forcing homosexuality down the throats of the military is typical.  Political ideology now includes the idea that a sodomy-friendly military will make the world a better place.  This is the kind of political correctness that pervades American thinking in these last moments before the disasters of Peak Oil, global warming, massive environmental degradation and intolerable overpopulation by non-Whites converge to destroy the human habitat once and for all.

Political correctness is in fact a tool of the elite denialists.  Keep the masses fixated on their own alleged sins and the need to become a “more perfect” society, and they will pay no attention to the looming end of their very existence.  It gives the powerholders a few more minutes of control and a chance to dig gold-plated hideouts for themselves.  The lemmings can meanwhile pretend that God is going to save them.  (Of course, it never occurs to them that God does not suspend the law of gravity if they jump off a high building while on LSD.)

The lemmings — poor things — have not the slightest suspicion that they are about to be trapped deep under the earth in the shaft of a collapsed mine, and that there are no rescuers with fancy machinery who are going to dig them out.  Whenever anyone mentions the facts of Peak Oil or the other, associated thunderheads now bearing down, they insist that various tooth fairies in Washington, D.C. or in lab coats somewhere will save them.  Both left and right sides of the Judaically allowed political spectrum encourage such beliefs.  “We’re all in this together, so let’s import more ThirdWorlders to prove our generosity and have them do the work that Americans don’t want to do;  then the future will be back to BAU and growth.”

To maintain this cloud of unknowing, the overlords are printing incomprehensibly vast amounts of play money and persuading other countries to accept it as real.  To manage this, the selfsame masters are now consigning the entire country to debtor’s prison in perpetuity.  The lemmings are provided with various diversions, excuses and propaganda about “entitlements” to keep them inert as their gravestones are prepared.

As the real world deteriorates, the Yid-prompted left blames the right, and the Yid-prompted right blames the left — all while the ThirdWorld population continues to expand and make unsupportable demands on natural resources and the biosphere.  Meanwhile, none of the groups allegedly concerned about “ecology” dares to call for a stop to immigration from Darkland.  Rather, they demand payoffs from the very corporations they decry or subventions from the federal government, thereby contributing to the decline.

On Saturday, 2011 January 8, a 22-year-old White genosuicidist and twisted high-school dropout named Jared Lee Loughner mass-murdered six people, including U.S. District Judge John Roll and a nine-year-old girl born on September 11, 2001 (“9/11”).  He also wounded twelve others, among them U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (Democrat, Arizona).  She took a bullet through the brain, although doctors at University of Arizona Medical Center in Tucson expect her to continue living in some form or other.  The murderer, to judge from his internet postings, is mentally deranged — most likely from the torrent of narcotics pouring in from Mexico in Tucson.

For some reason the media has not stressed very much the phrase that the madman posted repeatedly on his internet scribblings:  “conscious dreaming.”  These words refer to a techique — also known as “lucid dreaming” — attempted by some New-Age types to control their dreams in semi-sleep, sometimes hoping to produce out-of-body experiences and other psychedelic events.  Apparently Loughner needed drugs to help him advance to this state, which he viewed as the ultimate reality.  Since, due to liberal-left and big business influence in the political process, Arizona and Tucson in particular constitute a superhighway for Spic immigration and narcotraffic, Loughner had no trouble fulfilling his entitlement.  The result:  a demoniac posing as a human.

Of course, countless leftist blogs have, without any information other than the preliminary data, accused the “conservative” right (Republicans, Tea Party activists, etc., etc.) for the horror.  The 75-year-old sheriff, Clarence Dupnik, who neglected to send a cop to protect the mini-rally (whoops!), blamed it all on evil, hate-filled right-wingers and talk radio.  Nary a mention of the lefty-supported narcotraffic cascading in from murder-happy Spicland, let alone the incessant and vitriolic class-warfare propaganda typical of the left.  After all, facts might introduce a bit of truth into all the speculation and prick the genosuicidists’ overinflated balloon of self-righteousness.  And, of course, narcotics support a great deal of the leftist political activity in the U.S.  We wouldn’t want that mentioned.  Much better it is to attack non-leftist Whites for revealing unpleasant facts.  Killing the messenger is the best policy.

In brief, America is engaged in a kind of social contract to use scorn to suppress, ignore and trivialize the obvious and to deprecate those who point it out.  The elites are fully aware of where we are and what awaits us, but are committed to a policy of silence, denial and evasion lest they be attacked as insensitive and lose their positions of eminence.  As for the masses, one can tell by the way they vote and their addiction to bread and circuses (especially circuses), that they simply do not have the intellectual, emotional or moral capacity to understand or deal with the fact that the future will be very unlike the past.  The fact that over half of the population, driven by subliminal advertizing, has overendebted itself in every way shows that modern Americans simply cannot grasp that one should not spend beyond one’s means.  With this kind of widespread mentality, it is clear that the United States has already fallen off the cliff.  And as America goes, so goes the world.  Thank you, Pseudo-Denialists.

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— Þeedrich (reachable at