Archives — 2010

December 2010

Enemies Foreign and Domestic

2010 Dec 31 [Fri]: 
“But former Shell executive John Hofmeister offered a more aggressive estimate, saying Americans could be paying $5 a gallon in two years.  And he predicted that sometime between 2018 and 2020, supply and demand will become so out of balance that gas stations in several regions of the country will simply start to run out.

“‘I think it’s going to be a cumulative problem that won’t happen suddenly,’ Hofmeister, who now heads Citizens for Affordable Energy, told  He predicted the problem would start with ‘stockouts’ at select gas stations during the summer and during bad weather and then spread.  He said those states farthest from refineries would get hit the worst and that in order to maintain some consistency, local and state governments might resort to the kind of rationing they employed in the early ’70s — when drivers with even-numbered license plates would buy gas on even days, and vice-versa.

“With this kind of possibility on the horizon, Hofmeister, who earlier aired his concerns in an interview with Platts Energy Week, criticized the administration for cracking down on domestic oil drilling in the wake of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

“‘It is pure politics that keeps us from drilling more of our own resources,’ he said.

“The Interior Department announced earlier this month that it would not pursue any new drilling off the East Coast or in the eastern Gulf of Mexico for at least seven years.  Planned lease sales would be pushed off until late 2011 or early 2012.

“Oil and gas magnate T. Boone Pickens is likewise pushing for U.S. production of both those energy sources in his high-profile campaign to pry the country off foreign oil.  But that’s just one component.  His Pickens Plan organization argues that while the U.S. needs every ounce of domestic energy it can muster, there’s not enough oil in all the potential U.S. deposits combined to make up for the 12 million barrels the United States imports every day.”
“Former Oil Exec Predicts $5-a-Gallon Gas
by 2012, Energy Shortages by Decade’s End,”
December 27, 2010

Now we can relax.  The U.S. military has been homosexualized by the chimpanzoid-in-chief.  Its primary mission is no longer fighting some enemy, but socially engineering American society and helping left-leaning politicians get elected.

We have already made a lot of other progress.  In Afghanistan, for instance, if a small outpost of some sort comes under Taliban artillery fire and requests urgent return fire from a local, heavily equipped base, the response is delayed while the request is passed up and down the chain of command, debated by politically sensitive field-grade officers and eventually maybe even give a reluctant OK.  By which time the small outpost has been shelled and the enemy has fled.

The same theater of operations is focussed mainly on maintaining strict dress codes for its combat troops and making sure they do not exceed the local speed limit, rather than on defeating the enemy.  And most troops do their best to stay safely on their bases and avoid contact with the enemy lest something militarily embarassing happen.  The government also makes sure it takes inordinate amounts of time, paperwork, evidence and frustration to remove a corrupt Afghan commander or official from a position where he is siphoning off U.S. funds for personal gain.  Think of it as a different form of affirmative action.

Clearly what is needed in that bleeding ulcer of a country is some kind of responsible government with reasonably honest bureaucracies, together with a functioning military.  Because of the usual incapacity for objective thought, the American politburo has concentrated almost exclusively on the military aspect.  If the country is to be kept out of the hands of the Taliban, the entire Afghan government must be trained and protected until it can stand on its own.  This includes, but is not limited to, a capable national army with adequate monetary and political backing.  It would also be nice if the soldiers were taught to read at what in America would be first-grade level.  Ideally, unmanned aerial vehicles would obliterate any and all enemy bases in Pakistan, regardless of squawking Paks.

When the former American commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, finally got so fed up with the over-politicization of the war effort that he expressed his disgust openly in the media last summer (in a magazine called “Rolling Stone”), he was promptly dismissed by the D.C. chimpanzoid and replaced by General David Petraeus.  As the more careful Petraeus knows but cannot say, if the war is directed Vietnam-like from Washington, the results will be the same as in Vietnam.  Thus, if in 2011 or, in any case before the job is done, the political elites yawn, turn off the war, and retract Petraeus & Co., the friendly Taliban will obligingly take over the country again.  After all, it is a much better fit for a permanently medieval society than American-style democracy.  Consider it another victory for American ideas of equal rights, pursuit of happiness, etc., etc.

Dreamy Americans may not want to know it, but not only the Taliban and their Pakistani supporters (Pakistan is the new North Vietnam) are taking note of these pleasantries, but all other parties with an interest are doing so also:  China, Russia, Iran, etc. — even North Korea.  Their current view:  the United States is in permanent decline and its socially engineered (and now Sodom-friendly) military increasingly ineffective.  Self-absorption and political correctitude have closed it off from global realities.  Its historically temporary wealth and resources have made it self-delusional.  In spite of all of its nukes, its days are numbered.  In short, if America allows another Vietnam-like defeat, our fall will be precipitous indeed.

This is the necessary consequence of White genosuicidism.  When Whitey decides that comfort, sanctimonious anti-racism and carefree living are more important than survival, he will get precisely what he wants.  He squandered a vast quantity of oil in two world wars against his own kin in Europe and untold amounts of wealth on ThirdWorld entities of all sorts.  For a short time in history he has lived high on the hog, exhausting not only his own country but the globe, while encouraging non-Whites to do the same.

Most of the seven billion hominids now on earth are darklings demanding “their share” of planetary resources and benefits.  The genosuicidists of Whiteland want to give those resources and benefits to them — and help them overpopulate the globe to utter exhaustion — the faster the better.  Thus the warnings of people like John Hofmeister and T. Boone Pickens, above, will be thrown to the winds, since their advice does not fit the wishdreams of the intelligentsia.

It is recognized, of course, by very few that the Afghan swamp, if not drained, will mean the beginning of the end for the United States.  Time is running out.  Quite apart from the trillions of dollars squandered on trying to civilize non-Whites not only there but everywhere else, the entire U.S. circus is disintegrating, rotting from the head down.  Whitey cannot grasp what is coming, because the Jewbox has frozen his mind.

If it becomes clear that the mighty USA has been defeated — for a second time! — by a fanatical bunch of ragtag ThirdWorld savages manipulating American public opinion, the game will be over.  While no other country would attempt a classical state-on-state attack on us because of the nuclear risk, the name of the game will be proxy wars against American “interests” in failed states — which is to say, in most of the Third World.  Bit by bit the Empire will be chewed up until our only thralls will be Western Europe, itself on the verge of collapse due to Islamic immigration.

As things now look, there is zero chance that this scenario can be averted, since the masses have elected a clueless Negroid who is unable to understand, let alone do anything about, either Afghanistan or peak oil.  His only concern is the racial miscegenation of the American populace.  In addition, the American Congress is composed almost entirely of lawyers and politicians who have no experience in warfare, science or engineering.  Not only that, but the entire government, from top to bottom, has a vested interest in suppressing any awareness of Peak Oil, lest panic set in and cause severe and immediate market and economic decline — with job loss for the imperial magistrates.  The powerholders know that within two to five years reality will impose itself, so the government is only postponing the inevitable and making its advent worse.  But then, this may be the way Mother Nature prefers to advance evolution.

For a century the American electorate has been choosing to ignore the effects of its leaders on the rest of the White race and their drive toward extinction.  The voting public has followed the Ashkenazim and the genosuicidists to the edge of the grave.  It has destroyed Europe and assisted in the spawning and spread of the bloodthirsty Jewish creed known as Communism.  It has promulgated the ideology of racial miscegenation with a view to submerging the White race forever.  All in the name of the fairy tale known as the “American Dream.”  With the price of civilization’s lifeblood — oil — having surpassed $90/barrel at the end of 2010 on its way to unknown heights, we can expect that the carefree life of Americans is going to end as all dreams end:  with the dawn of reality.


2010 Dec 21 [Tue]: 
“One casualty of America’s waning economic power has been its lock on global oil supplies.  Speeding by America’s gas-guzzling economy in the passing lane, China became the world's number one energy consumer this summer [of 2010], a position the US had held for over a century.  Energy specialist Michael Klare has argued that this change means China will ‘set the pace in shaping our global future.’

“Compounding the problem, the Chinese and Indians have suddenly become far heavier energy consumers.  Even if fossil fuel supplies were to remain constant (which they won’t), demand, and so costs, are almost certain to rise — and sharply at that.  Other developed nations are meeting this threat aggressively by plunging into experimental programs to develop alternative energy sources.  The United States has taken a different path, doing far too little to develop alternative sources while, in the last three decades, doubling its dependence on foreign oil imports.  Between 1973 and 2007, oil imports have risen from 36% of energy consumed in the US to 66%.”
Taking down America, by Alfred W McCoy
2010 Dec 7

In Graeco-Roman antiquity, whence comes Christianity — and hence the West with modern science —, economic conditions for the ordinary person were far grimmer than in modern times.  There was no science or medicine as known today.  Death of women in childbirth and of men on the battlefield or in accidents was a widespread, everyday occurrence, as were sickness and mishaps short of death.  Average lifespan may have been 45 years, if that.  Although the numbers are uncertain, perhaps a quarter of the population, especially in the cities, consisted of slaves, according to the Oxford Classical Dictionary.  And yet the Roman Empire was the highest civilization on earth up to its time.  Life in other civilizations and in barbarian lands was worse, often much worse.

It was in the Graeco-Roman environment that Christianity emerged and grew.  One of its selling points was its explanation for suffering:  the first man and woman had committed an unpardonable crime against their creator which could be expiated for only by that creator himself:  God in the form of man.  This divine man, Jesus, had, through his own terrible suffering, paid off the “debt” which the proto-parents had incurred by becoming conscious (“knowing good and evil”).  In the view of the new religion, this genetically inherited debt was the reason for man’s sense of guilt (culpa), which could be forgiven by commitment to Christianity and its strictures.  (Yes, we now have more scientific explanations for these phenomena, but it must be remembered that we are talking about long, long ago.)

After the first few centuries of some very bad times (frequent executions, being torn apart by wild beasts in amphitheaters, etc.), Christians were found to be rather useful to political authorities.  The new faith included many who could read and write and who preached obedience to the leadership.  If one disobeyed Christian teachings, one offended God and was guilty of transgression against supernatural law, not just legal decrees.

With the passing of the centuries in northern Europe, the use of religion to control the masses became more and more important.  The principle of the divine right of kings sprouted many new branches when the Protestant Revolution made the local monarchs in effect the heads of the religion.  With the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, it was “whose region, his religion” (“cujus regio, ejus religio”).  Micromanagement through religious guilt became a major means of political control.

All of this generated the current situation, even though today the supernatural has been largely leached out of religion.  Today the preacher in the pulpit has been replaced by the talking head on TV.  But the tool of guilt remains and is more important than ever.  The Yids, who control the hypnosis box, invent new “responsibilities” for Whitey every day.  They inculcate deep guilt into him for the miseries of the world.  Whitey is supposed to be guilty for Negroid slavery, for Jewish complaints of every sort, for the criminality of the dark races, and so forth.

The religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sometimes grouped by comparative religionists under the title of “prophecy.”  This word is simply a euphemism for “harangue.”  At the core of each of these religions is a force-fed shaping of the human subconscious based on an archetypal psychodynamic rooted in evolution.  In Judaism that psychodynamic is an aggression-masking, group paranoia.  In Christianity it is repressive guilt based on the demonization of the sex drive.  In Islam (literally, “Submission”), it is the extreme exaggeration of the dominance-submission (hierarchy-forming) instinct found in all social animals.

Naturally, the adherents of these religions cannot see the unconscious mainsprings of their own socialization.  A main function of consciousness is, after all, the repression of the contents and urges of the unconscious.  Indeed, this repression, in moderation, makes civilized life possible to begin with.

But Christianity’s pejorative evaluation of the sex drive turned out to be politically very useful.  After the Catholic priest, Martin Luther (1483—1546), tormented by his inability to repress his own sex drive and lead a celibate life, rejected Catholicism and started his own, celibacy-free religon, a new socio-ecclesial authority had to be found.  This need invited the involvement of, and control by, anyone who wielded influence over others.  On the level of local politics, both Catholics and Protestants used religious justification to kill women as witches and confiscate their property.  On the state level, wars were waged to prove whose sanctimony should be paramount.  Underlying all of this religious fervor was the drive for financial and political power.

In sum, in the twentieth century, TV and its Jewish controllers became the new divine oracle for the masses.  Christian sexual morality was greatly weakened as the main locus of guilt was shifted from the sex drive to being a White gentile.  One of the corollaries of this shift is that, today, traditional heterosexual marriage is subtly depreciated and even disparaged — evaluated as no better than relationships based on mutual cornholing or even pedophilia.

This change shifted into high gear on the political level and necessarily encompassed other areas, most notably religion itself.  The guilt-free Franklin Delano Roosevelt joined with guilt-free Joseph Stalin to deliver Europe to the savagery of Communism through World War II.  When the terrified intellectuals of the Catholic Church in the remaining rump of western Europe had recovered from that war a little, in 1962-65 they held an “ecumenical council” to make their church a lot friendlier to Communism, by then thought to be the wave of the future.  The new regime, widely known as the “Novus Ordo” (“New Order”), not only jettisoned such old-fashioned concepts as a liturgy in Latin, but also let quietly fall into obscurity the idea that male homosexuality, along with its closely associated pedophilia, was a sin.  Sodomy was in, sexual guilt was out.  The result of these New-Age ideas was a vast apostasy within European Catholicism, with a somewhat lesser decline in the U.S.  An added plus:  although pedophilia had probably always been a behavioral fixture in an institution inadvertently attracting male homosexuals to its ranks, the priestly sodomization of young boys seems to have blossomed to unprecedented proportions in the following decades.  In the minds of the Sheeny media masters who promote “gay rights,” it all made for a more perfect union.

Physiologically, guilt is based on the inhibitory functions of the forebrain which adopt a “grammar” of behavior from the social environment of early youth.  These functions — as also a number of others — are strongest in the Mongoloids, weakest in the Negroids, with Caucasoids spread out in between.  The frontal lobes are also the locus of forethought, planning and more abstract thought generally.  Since Negroids on average, being less evolved, have smaller forebrains and fewer dendrites (branches) per neuron (nerve cell), they feel less guilt and are more “spontaneous,” that is, more animal-like.  The exact opposite is true for Mongoloids.  Among Whites, northwestern Europeans (Germanic and Celtic peoples especially) are more inhibited, Mediterraneans and Levantines (e.g., southwest Asian and non-Ashkenazi Semitic peoples) less so.  Mulattoes, of course, shade off into Negroids;  and Proto-Mongoloids (Indians of N. an S. America) are generally above the Negroid mean but below Caucasoids.

To judge from history, democracy can exist only in the narrow part of the spectrum where there is a balance between too much inhibition and too little, and where a number of other conditions (such as general honesty) hold.  America, although founded by northwestern Europeans, has been diminishing its representaton in this segment for some time now.

For many decades, guilt has been employed to justify taking wealth from ordinary working Whites (“the evil, rich bourgeoisie”) and showering it gratis on those who prefer not to work (“the poor”) or are too lacking in intelligence (“people of color,” e.g., Negroids, Spics) to maintain civilization by themselves.  The old but never-ending, Yid-Marxist demonization of industrious, intelligent people as “oppressors” is the ultimate use of guilt to justify jealousy and envy-motivated murder.

Whitey, in his TV-induced stupor, accepts it all.  The most fervent believers in the new guiltification, moreover, are the members of the White intelligentsia, who will often admit in private that they ardently desire the White race to go extinct for its sins.  This alone shows that Christianity-derived guilt is the most powerful tool ever devised to manipulate the West.

One result is that, on the sexual scene, we seem to be moving to a political environment in which a president can repeat the popular exploits of the Roman emperor Nero who married another man in an extravagant, palatial wedding and then cornholed him in the appreciative presence of all the guests.  The masses loved him.

Concomitantly, on the political level, Romanesque corruption of all types is returning with a vengeance.  Only this time, the weakening of the Empire will not take centuries, but decades.  With the conversion of the guilt complex in the West into a beast of all burdens and causes, the soul of White civilization has departed.  Peak Oil will simply deliver the coup de grâce to a social system fitfully seeking to commit genosuicide.  And because of the repressive powers of his own conscious, the average White will never know what hit him.


2010 Dec 14 [Tue]: 
“After a decade of intensive efforts to improve its schools, the United States posted these results in a new global survey of 15-year-old student achievement:  average in reading, average in science and slightly below average in math.

“Those middling scores lagged significantly behind results from several countries in Europe and Asia in the report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to be made public Tuesday.

“The report released Tuesday [2010 December 7] focused on reading ability and found that more than a dozen countries, from Korea to Poland, performed significantly better than the organization’s statistical average in that area.  The United States did not.

“The U.S. scores of 500 in reading and 502 in science, on a 1,000-point scale, were about the organization’s average, according to the report.  The U.S. math score of 487 was below the average of 496.”
— The Washington Post,
International test score data show U.S. firmly mid-pack,”
By Nick Anderson
2010 Dec 07 [Thursday]

Top ten and U.S. in overall scores for reading, math and science
on the PISA test in 2009
(SOURCE:  2009 Program for International Student Assessment,
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development;
Testing is done every three years)
1. Shanghai-China556 Shanghai-China600 Shanghai-China575
2. South Korea539 Singapore562 Finland554
3. Finland536 Hong Kong-China555 Hong Kong-China549
4. Hong Kong-China533 South Korea546 Singapore542
5. Singapore526 Taiwan543 Japan539
6. Canada524 Finland541 South Korea538
7. New Zealand521 Liechtenstein536 New Zealand532
8. Japan520 Switzerland534 Canada529
9. Australia515 Japan529 Estonia528
10. Netherlands508 Canada527 Australia527
17.  United States500 31.  United States487 23.  United States502
— The Washington Post,
Shanghai tops international test scores ,”
2010 Dec 07 [Thursday]

Recent measurements reveal that the U.S. is mediocre in overall education in 15-year-old student achievement on the international level.  It ranks average in reading and science, and below average (#31) in math.  Even if one exempts the scores for Shanghai, China (since it is only a city, not the whole of the country), other East Asian countries and Finland dominate the next five positions of the list.  Even Canada — English-speaking and adjacent to the U.S. — does far better than America.

So why should this matter, especially given that the Empire has more nukes than everyone else?

As usual, neither the intelligentsia nor the masses can grasp the elementary fact that the coming age is going to be one of desperation.  Not just a comfy lifestyle, but survival itself is going to require every resource available.  And that includes intellectual resources of highest quality.

In the days of yore, when Human Resources departments were called “Personnel” departments, there were great numbers of so-called “time-and-motion” studies.  Was a given worker spending his work time efficiently with his physical motions?  With the passage of time (and the advent of computers), it finally dawned on the geniuses who measured such things that the critical factor was not quantity but quality:  intelligence was what mattered, not physical activities that could often be performed by robots or low-cost serfs from Spickland.  Since America believes that everyone should be mediocre at best, and preferably at the intellectual level of the average Negroid, it turns out that there are not enough intellectually available resources in the country to satisfy the demand by modern business.  Hence the “H-1B” program to import hundreds of thousands of technically educated Indian wogs, plus their extended families, into the U.S. every year.

But on the even larger scale of global competition, it is clear that national survival itself will depend increasingly on mental power of great magnitude.  Highly educated high intelligence has always played a significant role in history;  it is just more obvious now than ever before.  The nation that behaves in accordance with the fantasy that “all men are created equal” is doomed.

Yet the typical White American continues to choose stupefaction by Jewbox every night.  If you make him aware of this, he merely says, “Oh, I don’t watch much, just every now and then.”  In fact, he watches it assiduously — hours every day.  The females watch even more than the males.  It is no wonder that their minds are numb, while criminals of every type steal them blind.  The central regime has become little better than a massive theft ring.  It now

  • snoops into the business of ordinary Americans,
  • passes absurd, feel-good laws heavily seasoned with anti-racial-profiling ideology,
  • is utterly controlled by international financial institutions, multi-national corporations and their lobbyists,
  • is headed by an incompetent Negroid hireling of the Council on Foreign Relations,
  • gives out “entitlements” to keep breeding ever larger numbers of low-IQ semi-humanoids
  • prevents the punishment of Congressmen and mega-bank CEOs whose specialty is political corruption and financial crime of gargantuan proportions,
  • turns a blind eye to the massive spread of narcotics and narcotrafficking within the U.S., much of it from World Three,
  • buys the “friendship” of ThirdWorld countries by handing over enormous monetary bribes to their dictators, and
  • fights self-defeating, meaningless wars to help Mohammedan barbarians, backstabbers and thieves aggrandize themselves.
Meanwhile Whitey could not care less.  Social engineering in the public schools is much more important than “hard” subjects such as math, science and foreign languages.  He will continue to vote for “centrist” candidates who promise business as usual and happy days ahead, just as his pappy did afore him.  Above, all, do not try to present the facts about race to him, or any other facts — such as leaked info revealing the truth about our masters — that would scare him in any way.  Because the messenger of such tidings must be killed.  Yup, yup.  It says so in the Bible.

The history of life on this planet is one of epistemological evolution — the slow and agonizing rise in knowledge and intelligence from single-celled forms through the slime molds up to humans.  Modern Whiteland is fixated on reversing this process.  The struggle upward is too hard;  everyone should have a free ride without effort, because evolution is simply cruel and unusual punishment.  The slide to extinction is so much easier….

Given the intense thirst for ignorance in America, we can be sure that stupidity will win out in the end.  And the absurdity which is called the U.S. government will culminate in the dictatorship of the proletariat — led, as in the Soviet Workers’s Paradise, by Ashkenazim.  Once again, it is what the people want.

Hatred of Life

2010 Dec 06 [Mon]:  White American zombies claim to want lower crime rates, better schools, and safer streets — not to mention jobs.  They claim to want unobtrusive inspection when going through lines at the airport before getting on planes.  They claim to want honest financial managers in the financial markets.  And they say they want an America that is the land of the free and the home of the brave.

All hogwash.  All of these claims are merely smoke and mirrors masking their real wants, which are more miscegenation and the death of the White race.  Everybody knows that the crime rates are high due to dark-skinned minorities, especially Negroes, plus drugs imported from Mexico by “family-oriented” mass murderers.  Everybody knows that the real reason for the bizarre, intrusive, body-inspection methods now universal at airports is the high anxiety about any possible “racial profiling” of Sand Negroes.  Everybody knows that the massive corruption on Wall Street is due to its capture and control by Jews.  Everybody knows that modern America is far too timid to do what is necessary in any war against wogs like the one in Afghanistan.  Its elected representatives are even too corrupted by bribery to allow freedom from compulsory labor-union membership in the workplace.

But Whitey is tired of living.  Evolution is too hard, and TV-induced stupor is so pleasant.

Today the Congress of the United States is in permanent stalemate.  This condition is quite reminiscent of what happened in Rome in the first century B.C. to turn it from a republic run by senators (and nominally the people) into an empire run by a dictator.  The nation is now so jewed up and stupefied by commercial and governmental psy-war that it simply can no longer make any intelligent decisions benefiting the whole.

Even the “green” types, including the Sierra Club and those who profess to be against global warming, refuse to emit a whisper about the swamping of the Occident by overbreeding wogs, Negroids, Spics, Mongoloids and assorted other non-White invaders.  Their only concern seems to be sending out snail mail appeals to Whites or lobbying the government for money.  Under no circumstances will they support, say, the building of a wall between the U.S. and Spicland or doing anything else to stop immigration cold — let alone to reverse it and eject the millions of dark parasites who have overstayed their visas or snuck in otherwise.  Instead, they invent starry-eyed visions of the future which make one suspect they are much too heavily into science fiction.

Many are the paths proposed to soften the coming decline.  All parts of the political spectrum have made suggestions, some of them quite practicable.  However, as former Vice President Dick Cheney said, the American Way-of-Life is “not negotiable.”  Many, particularly on the left, took this statement as a display of arrogance on the part of Mr. Cheney.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In reality, as a politician of keenest insight, he was simply stating the obvious:  the American electorate will not tolerate any change from its current disastrous trajectory.  The masses are neurotically fixated on the obsession that they are entitled to whatever the TV tells them they “deserve.”  There is, thus absolutely no possibility of avoiding disaster, since any politician who attempts to head it off will be instantly voted out of office.  Thus “quantitative easing” (printing money) will continue, so that “consumers” have more money to spend on goods imported from abroad, which supports jobs in Asia but only worsens the job situation in the U.S. itself.

To divert attention from the employment scene, there is currently a lot of fabricated indignation about a website called Wikileaks that has just published large masses of U.S. internal-government documents that the regime wanted kept secret.  The imperial overlords now want to find the Wikileaks chief, Julian Assange, and destroy him in any way they can.  The purported reason for the pretended righteous anger is that the leaked documents “damage U.S. national security and put Americans in harm’s way.”  The real reason is, beside the value of the hullabaloo as diversion, that the politicians and imperial functionaries do not want their lies exposed.  Deception is their bread and butter, without which they would starve.

The fact must be faced:  America is now old, tired and feeble, kept on life support only by a military of draconian power and a temporary influx of cheap wares and workers from World Three.  It no longer has the vigor of past generations, which made the country possible.  It is mainly the comparative weakness of the rest of the world that is staving off collapse.  Yankeeland can no longer prevent dark poisons from filtering into its bloodstream from the Third World — in fact it welcomes them as pain-reducing narcotics.  It does not really want to stop the inflowing venom.

The U.S. military, infatuated with enormousely expensive superweapons that are virtually useless, cannot stop maniacal Muslims.  In order to prevent Iran from possibly building nukes, it is now (aided by IsItReal, of course) reduced to hiring local assassins to murder Iranian scientists.  Thus we now have a foreign policy dependent on “targeted killings,” which differ in no way from garden-variety assassinations.  Since at least the Second — and maybe the First — World War the U.S. has been just a larger version of the Mafia.  But what is good for the goose is good for the gander.  Given that the chimpazoid has decided to continue the kind of Murder Incorporated that our deranged leaders have always employed in advancing their own political interests, one can only wonder how long it will be before the U.S. suffers retaliation in kind.

In the matter of energy:  of those who actually acknowledge the reality of Peak Oil, about 99% are leftists who hate their own White race and are secretly hoping for an apocalypse which would turn what remains of Whiteland into a multi-racial, feudal stew.  The chimpanzoid, whose college days were spent dreaming about how to create a Commie revolution in the U.S., wants to transform the nation into a gray, undifferentiated mass of slaves dependent for their existence on the whims of the powerholders.  The Ashenanzi Jews who control the media and the financial markets, meanwhile, are equally happy with either feudalism or Communism, since they are confident that they will be in control no matter what happens.  Whitey, blithely unconcerned about his own race, wants only painless extinction.

Nonetheless the apocalyptic scenario is wide of the mark.  Those who expect America to collapse rather suddenly like the Soviet Union did in the early 1990s fail to bear in mind that the Empire controls the developed world.  It will gradually suck the life out of its vassals and client states whether they like it or not.  The decline of the U.S. will be gradual, lasting at least another couple of decades until destitution.  More and more of the population will become utterly dependent on handouts from Washington D.C. for survival, while Judeo-TV assures continued stupefaction of the populace.  The heads of major international financial institutions will continue to give anodyne assessments of the future state of the world (mustn’t upset the markets, you konw!).  The Afro-Asiatic world outside of OPEC and the Mongoloidia will continue its reversion to barbarism and Islamic savagery.  Latin America will continue to migrate to Gringoland to “do the work Americans don’t want to do” and get benefits far in excess of their economic “contributions” to the country.  In short, the letdown will be slow and easy, which will mute the screams of pain.

Until the very end.  After Europe has been sucked dry and Germany can no longer support itself, let alone Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy and an Islamified France;  when China can no longer buy Helicopter Ben’s treasury bills;  when the war in Afghanistan has been lost, with Afghan “refugees” flooding into the U.S.;  when the international oil companies, using even the most advanced technology, can no longer satisfy world demands;  when the earth has been turned into a wasteland by ThirdWorld excesses of every sort;  — when all of these things and more have happened, and there is nowhere left to hide, then impersonal evolutionary processes will resume operation.

It matters not that Whitey is in denial.  Indeed, denial itself only accelerates the decline, as when a person with cancer refuses to go to the doctor for fear he may learn the truth.  The iron lock that the Jews have on America (and thereby on the rest of the developed world) ensures there will be no change in the present course.  With the entertainment industry, Congress, the D.C. Negro, and the financial industry in their control, the Ashkenazim have fixed the bounds of debate to benefit themselves as Whitey goes extinct.  White TV-hypnotizees get angry at what the Jew tells them to be angry at, are soothed by Ashkenazi nostrums, accept the Yid mantra that “we’re all in this together,” and submissively put their necks on the Sheeny’s chopping block.  Genosuicide is so nice.

November 2010

Business As Usual

2010 Nov 23 [Tue]:  To the bribe-ocrats and bribers who run America, the most important thing in the world is to keep everything “normal,” by which they mean keeping themselves in power.  Faced with the dead certainty of Peak Oil, their current obsession is keeping the hundreds of millions of mushrooms in the dark.  Whatever happens, do not spook the markets, do not let the masses realize what lies ahead, do not even mention the word “depression.”  Nor the words “Islamic terrorist,” nor “illegal alien,” nor anything else in the dictionary of Judaically banned verbiage.

It is important to keep the American TV-hypnotizees imagining that things will return to “normal” in a year or so, if they just spend more and import more ThirdWorlders.  Suppress any and all mention of serious oil depletion.  Make the plebs think that the Democrats and the Republicans really have the solution to the unemployment situation if only the one or the other party could have its way.  The idea that the USA might be facing implacable facts of nature is unacceptable.  Good ole’ American ingenuity, combined with millions more darkies, will get us out of this rut.  The show must go on.  So shut up and go back to sleep.

Under the covers, the pressure is building.  The war in Afghanistan is, among other things, a huge drain on American finances.  Moreover, there are so many different evaluations of the situation in that country and in massively corrupt Pakistan, that no one really knows what is going on there, and whether the fantasized “transition” of the war to Afghan control next year has even the merest chance of success.  Since wogs are simply not trustworthy under any circumstances, it is useless to make any predictions of any type about that gateway to hell, except that American money will continue to be squandered on it.

Business As Usual is defined as “growth” — the kind of growth that is produced by agribusinesses that feed estrogen to their livestock to speed their maturation and fatten it up faster, with the result that the live-sperm count of meat-eating American males has declined by 50% in the last half-century — with a concomitant rise in their effeminacy.  Never mind:  the cost has declined, especially since Spics do most of the heavy lifting at subminimum wages.  It’s so nice having their help to keep BAU going.

There is a strange and ominous transformation taking place in the collective unconscious of the American electorate — one which only the top politicoes are aware of yet dare not expose even as they take advantage of it.  It is the slowly growing wish for a dictator, a thaumaturge who will solve all woes.  The election of a chimpanzoid was the first visible evidence of this new and demonic urge.  The last time this happened in America, we got a Franklin Deleano Roosevelt, whose sole reason for being was the slaughter of Whites.  The dark thing now at the helm portends a return to this fundamental American vice.  The creature clearly thinks (if that is the word) of itself as a godlike savior, one that needs to break a few eggs to make an omlet.

We are in the early stages of this hopeless change;  with the inevitable and imexorable impoverishment of the masses by Jewdom, every political twitch and jerk is a move up to the next notch in the ratchet.  The Republican advances in the November 2010 mid-term election provided only a short respite for consolidation of the most recent noose-tightening.

Many other empires have preceded the Imperium Americanum, all now dead. Some of them, like the Roman Empire, lasted quite a while — say, 677 years, if measured from the end of the Second Carthaginian War in 201 B.C. to the dethronement of the last Western emperor, Romulus Augustulus, in A.D. 476, and much longer if we include the Byzantines.  Many people (including historians) do not give such long durations a second thought.  They just “happened.”  But one of the primary reasons is glaringly obvious:  all former imperia had comparatively light social burdens.  Apart from civilizational populations much smaller than today’s, the average lifespan was perhaps 45 years or less.  Above all, there were virtually no social security systems to speak of.  So the drain on basic resources was relatively light, and allowed a given civilization to endure for a fairly long time, unless destroyed by a more powerful neighbor.

Today’s Disney World is quite different.  The modern global population will exceed seven billion in 2011.  In the “developed” world, not only is the average lifespan over 65, but some sort of social security is typically provided for those over that age (and in some countries, SS can start much earlier).  In order to support this largesse, we are using up resources of all types at a ferocious rate.  Study after study has foretold the obvious results:  prodigality ends in catastrophe.

The New Testament has a story about a “prodigal son” who demands his inheritance from his father, then goes out and spends it all on prostitutes and high living.  Afer his money runs out, he is reduced to feeding pigs.  He finally gets the idea that he ought to return home to his father and ask forgiveness.  He does so, and his father joyously takes him back into his household.

So the story has a happy ending.  But suppose it didn’t.  Suppose that, after the son had left, an army came in and destroyed the father and his property.  Then the son would have no place to return to, no matter how sorry he was.  End of story for the son as well.

Today’s masses simply cannot believe that the inheritance will run out, or that there is no rescuer if it does.  Lavish social security for those no longer working will continue until the sun dies.  In the United States and Europe, the White populations are kept sedated in this way and with this assumption.  Denial of the reality of resource exhaustion, and especially of Peak Oil, is critically necessary for the stability of the political system.  In order to maintain this game of peek-a-boo, the Imperial authorities are now debasing the currency with QE.  In other words, as many analysts have already pointed out, the name of the international game is now beggar-thy-neighbor.  Yup, anything in the interest of maintaining the appearance of BAU.

Yet all the cognitive dissonance is beginning to unnerve a few of the economic propagandists.  Some are even admitting publicly that maybe something is wrong, very wrong.  They hint obliquely and very carefully that we might even have to think twice about allowing an uninterrupted flow of ThirdWorldlings into the country.  Still, for the most part, the received wisdom about undying BAU is de rigueur.  Not to mention that the “too-big-to-fail” mindset which insists on rescuing every mega-institution in the country has permeated all of the brains at the Federal Reserve.  (And in Europe, those mega-institutions are whole countries.)

Due to this inflexible ideology, the U.S. is stalemated.  Its leaders are committed to doing whatever it takes to sustain the American Daydream.  The rest of the world is trying to figure out how to exploit the Yankee system of “values” (White genosuicidism especially) to enrich itself.  It will have a difficult time doing so, since the Federal Reserve owns the printing presses for the global reserve currency, the dollar.  Yet this same Federal Reserve has no clue about what where the money is going or even what the current situation is.  It is a viper’s nest of incompetents and liars.

Already the rest of the world senses that the U.S. is losing its grip.  On Tuesday, 2010 Nov 23, North Korea, China’s proxy for testing American loss of power, shelled the South Korean island of Yeonpyeongdo off the peninsula’s west coast, just south of the “Northern Limit Line” separating North from South Korea in the West Sea.  At least two soldiers and two civilians were killed and others wounded.  The U.S. chimanzoid’s various mouthpieces within and without government immediately began talking about North Korea itself — power struggles, purges, self-assertiveness, etc.  They do not dare to mention the real dynamo behind the new shellings:  Chinkland, which tells the North Koreans what to do and when to do it.  Beijing is probing the U.S. to see just how much it has deteriorated thus far.

Similarly in Afghanistan:  the Europeans (especially Britain, which likes to kill only Germans) are trying to find excuses to pull out, while the Taliban is becoming more aggressive and the overall situation is deteriorating.  In another few years the only troops left there will be American, under hundreds of restrictions about how to fight.  In short, this is going to be another Vietnam, while the masses of Whites in the homeland slouch in Yid-controlled semiconsciousness before the sports programs and comedies on the Jewbox.  Ah yes, the benefits of stupor.

So for the next year or so, the White world will stagnate and drift toward plunging over the falls.  The economy will seem to recover a little (but with no serious drop in unemployment), but then hit a ceiling as it is confronted with the effects of Peak Oil and other peaks.  This process will repeat while the Third World dumps its overpopulation onto the Ashkenazi-controlled First World.  Until somewhere in the national or global system a serious breakdown occurs, that is.  This will give the rulers and their ventriloquists the opportunity they have been waiting for to destroy the White race once and for all.

Thereafter Whitey’s last chance might only be escape from government control.  How to do this will depend on whether the government propaganda machine can be shut down.  And whether the White man will have any will to survive left at all.  Although the non-Whites are overjoyed at the now overwhelming probability of White extinction, their own demise will perforce follow ours in short order, since they can exist only as parasites.  That will be the end of Business As Usual.

US vs. Nature

2010 Nov 11 [Thu]: 
DUBAI:  Demand growth in China and India makes the competition for available oil resources more intense, as oil demand growth in these countries will be over half the growth in global demand between 2025 and 2050, experts at a conference here said.

According to panelists at the 16th Annual Energy Conference organised by the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR), this demand will spread to all other forms of energy and will have enormous impact on markets for exportable oil.

These nations will depend on imports for three quarters of their consumption by 2035, by which time the US, Japan , OECD Europe, China and India will need imports of over 40 mbpd, a 25 per cent increase from 2005.

There will be insufficient oil to satisfy global needs by then.  This will make the competition to secure oil supplies extremely intense.

The US and China are in growing competition, usually involving transfers of military equipment and development funds to cement the supplier-consumer relationship, they added.

These supplies are often costly to develop, but the desperation of international oil companies forces them to pursue ever more expensive supplies, including unconventional sources.

Energy scarcity must be dealt with and the fact that one quarter of the world's population lacks access to electricity is a geopolitical time-bomb, they concluded.

Outlook and Challenges was the focus on the second day of the conference.

Arne Walther, former Secretary General of the International Energy Forum (IEF), said concerns about the geopolitics of oil stemmed from the fact that governments need oil as a means to propel economic and social development, and citizens of oil exporting states expect their governments to pass on the benefits of resource extraction.

“Investment in energy production must be made during times of abundance.  Competition for energy resources among consumers will increase, as will competition among producers of different types of energy,” he added.

India, China make competition for oil intense,
The Economic Times, (The Times of India),
2010 Nov 11, 10.11AM IST,PTI

From the beginning, the institution of the United States has been diametrically opposed to Nature.  Due to the immense riches of North America, the illuminatist Founding Fathers assumed that there were no restrictions to human growth of any type.  As long as those riches abounded for the taking, that assumption seemed true.

After two centuries of technologically aided expansion, grotesque overpopulation by ThirdWorlders and other non-Whites, and a feeding frenzy of resource exhaustion, the premiss of “no tomorrow” has proved defective in the extreme.  In order to continue the illusion, however, the U.S. regime, now cancerously distorted, is resorting to any and all tricks available to continue the illusion of “growth.”  On Wednesday, 2010 Nov 3, the day following a mid-term election resulting in many Republican (allegedly “conservative”) victories, and when no one was paying attention, the Empire’s Federal Reserve bank announced it would buy $600 billion in long-term Treasuries through June 2011, as well as purchase $250 billion to $300 billion with proceeds from previous gambles, for a grand total of around $900 billion.  This direct inflation, which will be poured into the pockets of the Jews who run the financial industry, is given the name of “quantitative easing,” or “QE” for short.  Also, since this is the second round of such poisoning, the process is now referred to as “QE2.”

The Fed is also keeping the general interest rate (the “federal funds rate”) for lending as low as possible, in the hopes that businesses and consumers will return to “traditional” growth — i.e., that exhaustion can continue beyond natural limits.  Our Imperial Masters believe that QE1’s almost $2 trillion was not enough, and they have to manufacture something close to another $1 trillion to defeat nature.

There is, of course, absolutely nothing backing up any legal tender printed in this way, so it will only dilute the value of the money already in circulation or owed in contracts.  To make up for the cheapened dollar, the Fed will most likely later repeat its joke with an enhanced “QE 2.5,” perhaps ballooning the expansion to a second $2 trillion.  Thus the charade will continue.  The fantasy of the Jews at the top is that the masses can be subliminally seduced into overspending themselves yet more, just like the hypnosis box programs them.  There is no recognition that the “consumer” is already swamped with debt and has no more money to spend.  The delusion must continue.  So, go further into debt to pay off the current debt.

But Mother Nature cannot be fooled.  In reality, it is clear that the Empire has now entered on the phase of serious cannibalism.  The nation is now eating its own children.  In order to feed and care for the vast numbers of non-White invaders it has imported in recent decades (to say nothing about Negroes, mulattoes and various other darklings already here), it is undermining the livelihoods of the Whites who built the country in the first place — and jettisoning any future their children might have had.  Devising QEs and reducing interest rates will not help the (formerly) productive Whites at the bottom of the pyramid.  The game is over.

Tooling down the long stretch of I-5 through the rich central valley of California, one sees roadsign after roadsign stuck in empty, fallow fields protesting Congressional restrictions on farming.  The message on these signs imply that Congress is preventing the fields’ owners from using the land to grow crops.  Congress is against freedom.  The backers of this message must be “conservatives.”

The reality is quite different.  What the agribusiness corporations behind the signs really want is more free water at taxpayer expense.  And — it goes without saying — they need Mexican illegals to do agricultural slave labor at below-minimum wages.  In fact, agriculture in this country today is massively dependent on such labor.  It is also important to keep the illegals from getting “legal” status, because they would then have to be paid at least minimum wage according to American law;  but when the Spics are kept in the netherworld of illegality, the employers can always use the threat of having them shipped back to Latinland if they demand higher wages.  The “conservative” employers thus reap the benefits both of support by taxpayers in providing irrigation and also of Congressional duplicity in allowing the social costs of illegal Spics to be borne by those same taxpayers.

Countless politicians and burocrats, along with vast numbers of middle-class Whites, employ Spic illegals as house servants.  When this is exposed, usually in a political campaign, the employers suddenly protest that they had been utterly ignorant of the illegality they had been supporting.  “My goodness and golly, gee whiz!  How could such a thing have happened?!”  And yet these same employers will frequently claim to be “conservative.”

The same goes for innumerable businesses of all types that hire subminimum-wage illegals as grunt work in every conceivable job niche.  At the same time, business in general is the wellspring of propaganda about “conservatism.”

The list goes on.  From the homeowner who hires landscapers who know no language but Spanish to protesters against marijuana laws, the front is “conservatism.”  Those who assume this mask are the same ones who repeatedly vote for race-mixing “moderates” in government.  In other words, for White extinction and perforce the ultimate end of “conservatism.”

Pretense and hypocrisy are the heart and soul of America.  The destruction of Europe in two World Wars was labeled as a “fight for freedom” when it was actually a fight to kill millions of Germans and enslave the eastern half of Europe.  Goody-goody Yank exterminates his own European kin and delivers countless millions to the tender mercies of Yid Marxism.  The Jewish god approves.  The good war.

The whole game began with the idea that by cheating and lying and ensnaring unsuspecting people just a little, the “economy” (i.e., the politicians and those who bribed them) would do better, and the better economy would pay for the cheating.  At first this seemed to work;  so it was tried again;  and again;  and again.  The debt to Nature grew and grew, but did so unseen.  Which was all that mattered to the cheaters.  In fact, cheating came to be a kind of universal habit:  today countless Whites have come to the point where they ignore the future and deliberately put themselves in unpayable debt through abuse of credit cards, mortgages and other loans of all types.  They rely on the government or God (often the same thing, in their minds) to rescue them from destitution at the last minute.  The age-long psychological warfare which the Ashkenazim have waged against Whites in America is finally bearing fruit:  the moral and socioeconomic collapse of the entire country.

One of the many lies creeping out of the DC vampire squid is that the Third World has been growing and becoming a power in its own right, and will soon turn into a global magic kingdom of riches on which the U.S. could rely.  In reality, however, it is simply a mass of parasites selling cheap goods to the U.S., but unable to generate creative economies that might sustain themselves independently.  Now that the Empire is losing steam, the non-Whites are collapsing — and demanding free money from Whiteland, of course.

With the importation of many millions of non-Whites, the elections have become increasingly anti-White, so that the Left (those seeking instant White extinction as well as the slower-acting, “conservative” bribe-ocrats) has taken over the reins of government through permanently installed Negroids, ThirdWorlders and genosuicidal sycophants now permeating every level of the system.  Whites are defined as “racist” unless they attack their own kind and invite every type of ThirdWorlder into their administrations and businesses.  None of this has happened by accident, of course;  the Ashkenazim, now pretending to be “conservative,” have been pushing for it for many decades.  The result is an increasingly insane nation, leading the suicide parade to White extinction.

Although a small fraction of the American population and its ancestors immigrated here because of fear of religious or similar persecution, the vast majority came as “economic refugees” — i.e., to make more money than they could in their lands of origin.  This is the true meaning of the “American Dream”:  getting rich.  Today’s ThirdWorld invaders know that Whitey will enrich them the moment they show up at the welfare office.  And the genosuicidists are happy to help them out.  The bizarre thing about this scenario is that, while everyone knows what is going on, no one in power is allowed to say it openly.  Of course, the vast amounts of money flowing into American banks such as Wells Fargo from the narcotics butcher shop called Mexico just by accident — pure accident, mind you — somehow finds its way into the campaign coffers of our politicians.  Death is accelerating its advent, because that is what Whitey’s collective unconscious wants.

The commonly held mirage masking reality is that America is eternal.  In fact, as happened with Roma æterna and many other civilizations before and since, the dustbin of history is opening up to receive its latest — and now its last — multicultural piece of garbage.

October 2010


2010 Oct 29 [Fri]:  While in the puny little nation of France the Communists, anarchists, labor unions, school-age children, guillotine-lovers and assorted idiots scream and riot because their minimum retirement age is being raised from 60 to 62, few people elsewhere in the West are paying attention to the elephant in the global living room:  China.

The land of the biggest branch of the Mongoloids is ruled by stern and pitiless dictators, who just happen also to be highly intelligent.  We are not talking about some Negroid numbskulls here.  On average, Mongoloids are about five or so IQ points above Whites.  At the high end of their bell curve, they have dozens of millions with IQs of 140 or above.  Considering that that same bell curve encompasses at least around 1.2 billion hominids, one can appreciate the intellectual power now abuilding in East Asia.

Due to countless, mainly self-imposed restraints and idiocies, the Chinese have long lagged far behind the White West in many spheres, most strikingly in technology.  They are still part of the Third World.  Most of the Yellows would love to leave their oriental theme park and emigrate to the U.S.

But things are changing.  The Commies in charge have increasingly used the U.S. and European economies as a stirrup to mount the steed of Progress.  Today they possess trillions of dollars worth of U.S. Treasury bills.  The purchase price of these bills may never be returned to them because of the looming American inflation that our leaders deny is coming.  But that is of secondary importance to the Red rulers.  Their main interest is to expand their own economy and influence, ignoring the fact that Yankee power will concomitantly diminish.  American elites, with their sense of divine entitlement, like to call this attitude “irresponsible.”

In recent months there has been some hyperventilation by various pundits about China’s constriction of exports of rare earth materials (needed for various high-tech products).  (One company, Molycorp Inc., is even working to re-open a California mine in 2012 to compensate for the tighter market.)  But as usual, this misses the main point:  The reason that, vis-à-vis China, the U.S. is disadvantaged in this respect (as in many others), is because “globalizing” American business finds it cheaper to buy from Chink coolies than to produce rare earths on its own.  It is the same principle as that found where a large supermarket chain moves into a small town for the first time:  the newcomer reduces prices and drives all of the local grocery stores out of business with its low prices.  After those small groceries have disappeared, the invader raises its own prices to much higher levels.  Local consumers are thereby made poorer by having to pay more than before the giant moved in.

Yet all of this is standard economic doctrine.  Economics 101 teaches that you always buy from the cheapest source, ignoring future possibilities as “externalities.”  Ideal dogma for future-oblivious American race-mixers.

Unbeknownst to those who do not want to know, the future is arriving now.  The charade government in D.C. likes to envision grand schemes of global embrace, with all men becoming brothers (“Alle Menschen werden Brüder,” as they sing in Beethoven’s Ninth) — with the proviso that those “brothers” submit to the guidance of Washington’s anti-White elites.  But the Red masters of the Yellow universe have a different view.  They are concerned only with enriching their own nation.  Whether some oil-rich Negroid territory in Africa engages in cannibalism or mass slaughter does not interest them, just so long as they can strike a profitable deal for the oil.

Moreover, the contracts China is making are long-term (e.g., 25 years), using funny debt money from the Jew-run U.S. Treasury.  Many observers have commented on the fact that the Chinamen have been buying up oil and negotiating oil-related contracts all over the world at a rapid pace.  (Meanwhile America’s presidential chimpanzoid is limiting our own oil operations in the Gulf of Mexico.)

The U.S. dollars China is using as legal tender are also being used to purchase hard assets such as land, so that when things begin to turn sour, Chinese will control those assets by law.  Meanwhile in the rotting abscess of the Jew-controlled Imperium, the electoral system has been subverted and the regime is concentrating on destroying the biological basis for its own existence.  That, of course, is of little account, since we exist only to serve Jews anyway, as your local preacher/priest/guru maintains.  The Chinese, who are fortunate to have no Jews controlling their media and their markets, are well aware of the White gentile neurosis, and will continue to take advantage of it until there is no more profit in doing so.  At that point, they are not going to turn soft-hearted and help us out because we start whining about our lack of “growth.”  A nation which has murdered over 76 million of its own people will be happy to grant the subliminal death wish of mindless White genosuicidists who view the eternal availability of cheap oil and other resources as their “right.”  Interestingly, the most recent fantasy passed by Congress — complete, taxpayer-provided health care for everyone, (including, of course, illegal aliens) — was politically based on the peculiarly Western notion of “entitlements.”

Among the necessary consequences of this now-obligatory wishdream is the ardent denial of Peak Oil.  The recent riots in Greece and France in protest against the forced reduction of national budgets are only one expression of this denial.  Yet to come are elections which will throw out the politicians deemed insensitive to popular demands for continued bread and circuses.  In China, of course, the leaders do not have to worry very much about the vox populi.  And in any case, the Mongoloids are starting from a much lower standard of living;  they are more in tune with physical and historical limitations and the severe and inflexible demands of nature.  The standard guilt propaganda spewed out over Whites by Jews and Christian prelates does not work in the Middle Kingdom.  Its denizens cannot be steered by agitprop about responsibilities for imaginary crimes, about the need for expiation or for racial self-dissolution.

Today’s Chinamen also do not have an Americanesque missionary approach to foreign policy.  They are (mirabile dictu!) no longer much interested in spreading the Communist gospel, nor in being the world’s policmen.  Using the trillions of dollars that American government and business has poured into their coffers, as just stated, they are buying up the global future.  The average Yankee, by contrast, does not even recognize that the future exists.  The U.S. bribe-ocracy of 2010 is frozen solid:

  • it cannot rid itself of illegal aliens;
  • it cannot even build a wall along our southern border to prevent yet more illegals from invading us — never mind the contrast with the fact that, thousands of years ago and with primitive methods, the Chinese built a 5,500-mile Great Wall to keep out illegals;
  • it cannot revivify the work ethic of yesteryear;
  • it cannot halt the parasitism of the government labor unions and the Too-Big-To-Fail financial corporations which are draining the lifeblood of the economy;
  • it cannot stop the torrential influx of drugs from the crimelands of the Third World;
  • it cannot stop throwing billions of taxpayer dollars down the rathole of affirmative action for dark-skinned minorities;
  • it cannot stop breeding low-IQ non-Whites with programs such as “Aid to Dependent Children,” a scam to enrich Negroid brood mares;
  • it cannot stop pouring resources down the drain of using oil to produce fuel and electricity in ways which yield less energy than is consumed to produce them.
In short:  America, whether pseudo-conservative or liberal, is a prisoner of its own mindset.  It is now also organically dependent on the world of low-wage, non-White labor and compulsively addicted to squandering the last vestiges, not only of its European patrimony, but of the entire earth.

In this context China is the clear winner, surpassing even the sewer called India.  The U.S. military is trying to portray the Yellow Peril as a looming military threat.  That way the Pentagon can justify demanding yet more money for its toys.  But it is ridiculous to suppose that China would engage in a military contest with the U.S., to which it is quite inferior.  Rather, it will quietly work on building up its own civilization while watching Whiteland self-destruct.  Caucasian genosuicidism will automatically remove the roadblock to Chink progress.

And the American century will give way to the Mongoloid millennium.

Planet X

2010 Oct 17 [Sun]:  In the genre of science fiction, there are often stories of extrasolar planets with intelligent life — usually life that seems suspiciously similar to homo sapiens, although with a few weird characteristics thrown in.  Perhaps it would be in our collective interest to conjecture such a planet — Planet X — with humanoids without any oddball features such as twenty arms apiece, but basically just like us.

On this sphere, with an atmosphere and cosmic and geological history just like ours, same type of sun and moon, etc., the humanoids have evolved into different races, only one of which, the Creatives, has developed the biological and cultural aptitudes and drive to make science and technology possible, and thereby to discover that it exists on a finite, very small grain of cosmic dust.  The consequences of this discovery make it obvious that that race must shepherd its resources very carefully, and take some serious life-preserving measures, if it wishes to continue existing.

However, a mindset from an earlier time in its growth impels this race to reject such measures and to squander its resources on other, more primitive or more twisted races, under the impression that this prodigality will win it a paradisical place in another dimension after death.  Simultaneously, those other races expand rapidly over Planet X, employing the Creative race’s own tools to exhaust irreplaceable global resources, known collectively as “Unobtainium,” to their own benefit, and interbreeding with the Creatives so that further evolution of the higher species is terminated.

The Creatives become afflicted with a death wish, because their officially enforced mindset tells them that they are worthless and only the non-Creatives should continue living.  Parasitic Hyper-Creatives drum this idea into the brains of ordinary Creatives using various means of low and high technology.  The concept of biological life and evolution is drowned out by propaganda about economic “growth.”

A few among the Creatives awaken from the officially imposed dream and try to awaken others to the dire future their race is facing.  However, the Hyper-Creatives tell such vigilants to go back to sleep, not to disturb the others, lest Creatives as a whole decide not to go extinct, which would be unacceptable.  That, claim the Hypers, would be the worst thing that could happen.

Due to the global deterioration, however, more and more Creatives do awaken, at least partially.  But the Hypers stall the awakening process long enough until it is too late:  Unobtainium is exhausted to the point that Planet X can no longer support the vast overload.

Out of the grimoires of the planet’s political economists come wonderful scenarios about how to solve the problem of vanishing Unobtainium.  Invent new, valueless media of exchange;  encourage Creatives to take more non-Creatives into their abodes;  take wealth from the moderately affluent and give it to the Hypers, who assure everyone they will distribute it fairly for the benefit of all.  Such promissory visions prolong the stupor of the Creatives even further.

These techniques are successful, and the Hypers achieve their goal of enriching themselves and increasing their own power.  As for the mere Creatives, it turns out that in the long run the mass of this race can not adjust psychologically to the compelling need to advance to a higher level of life.  It is simply too agonizing for their tender souls.  The automatic consequence of this incompetence is the disintegration of their life support systems and the ultimate death of their species.  In the end there remains only a small number of savage, mixed-race tribes on a dying world.  It is the final legacy of genosuicidism.

* * *

It is not only science-fiction writers who have imagined the existence of other planets with intelligent life.  Many scientists hypothesize the same, especially now that astrophysicists have discovered hundreds of extrasolar planets in our galaxy alone.  In addition, such scenarios tickle the fantasies of the masses who are TV-programmed to expect a happy ending.  On TV, the evil is always averted, the planet is always saved in the nick of time, and the hero always finally gets the female he wants to bed.  All by the end of the show.

In reality, supposing the math-wizard scientists are right in believing that everything is due to chance and luck, some less cheery consequences would follow.  To begin with, of those rare planets that do give birth to life of some sort, only an extremely small percentage would see the emergence of intelligent life before some disaster or depletion terminated that avenue of biology.  (Ask your local astronomer for the mind-numbing statistics.)  Secondly, supposing intelligence did emerge, an even smaller percentage would develop something similar to what we know as mathematical science, in which unpleasant truths are allowed to compete with officially promoted, usually false, commonplaces for acceptance.

Thirdly — and piling unlikely assumption upon unlikely assumption — if a planet had had an extremely unlikely history which provided at least a limited supply of an easily obtainable energy source such as oil for the use of this improbable intelligence, the most likely behavior would be for that life form to use it up as quickly and prodigally as possible.  After all, that is what all life forms on earth do, starting with yeast cells in a Petri dish.  Thus it would be an extremely rare intelligence-bearing planet which bore a race-conscious, intelligent life form which would restrict the proliferation of less-intelligent races and carefully husband the resources of energy and other things necessary for the long-term life and advancement of intelligence.  In other words, failure is an option on such planets.  In fact, it is quite likely the most frequently chosen option, to judge from strictly mathematical calculations.

On this planet, the only life-bearing one we presently know of, our political economists are inventing all kinds of deceptive tricks.  In the past, the “highly moral” politicians of Whiteland have given unearned benefits to virtually everyone.  Today the results of those policies are bearing malign fruit.  But wherever serious attempts to reduce free benefits to the inhabitants have been made, equally serious obstacles are thrown in the path of the reforms.  In France, where the government has tried to reform the pension system into something rational by cutting benefits a little, the labor unions have almost shut the entire country down with strikes.  In the U.S., where various states and localities have attempted to make similar reforms, the union response has been a flurry of lawsuits.  (The French like to strike and shout, Americans like to sue.)  In Greece, in a similar situation, riots are the reaction.  In short, there is great resistance everywhere to reality.

Faced with domestic political blowback, the U.S. is slyly initiating covert inflation by palming its debt off on China and similar creditors.  Chinkland, of course, does not like this, and is making unpleasant noises about it.  Thus with each new Yankee trick, the globalization-mongrelization scene deteriorates further.

In brief, the U.S. Ashkenaziate has run out of options on American soil.  It is now forced to beggar our global neighbors.  This is typical for a civilization in decline (read Joseph Tainter on this).  Most American Whites have lost any racial feeling their forefathers ever had, and are readily prepared to go extinct.  It’s just that they don’t want it to happen too fast.  But computerized bank robbery combined with the diminution of pension prospects (to say nothing of housing) is leading to the disgruntlement of some citizens who just happen to be White.

The Black House chimpanzoid and his free-spending friends believe that government ownership of everything, including the people themselves, is the answer:  from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.  And Whitey must be re-educated into understanding that he is racist, homophobic, Islamophobic and guilty of every crime, real or imagined, in recorded history.  Because imputing guilt is the path to power, as proven by all of American history from the Civil War to the present.

“Over the long-term, the EIA International Energy Outlook 2010 forecasts that Mexico could become a net oil importer by 2015, with net imports reaching 1.3 million bbl/d by 2035.  As one of the largest oil exporters to the United States, this has important implications for future U.S. energy supplies.  From Mexico’s perspective, changing into a net oil importer would have important repercussions on the overall economy, due to the dependence of the federal government on Pemex for a sizable share of its revenues.”
— U.S. Energy Information Administration
Independent Statistics and Analysis
Mexico is one of the top three sources of U.S. oil imports.”

Comes now the Peak Oil problem.  Squandered wealth is not the only game changer.  The guilt mechanism will soon be countered by economic starvation caused by the lack of cheap liquid fuel.  Americans have never known true desperation — the kind they imposed on Germany through the Versailles Treaty at the end of World War I on 1919 June 28 when they let France and England divest Germany of a great deal of real estate and generally impoverish it.  Today the general financial picture looks so bad that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is talking about a further transfusion to keep the economy from going into a Near-Death Experience.

American Whites can blame the increasingly dire situation on no one but themselves.  After a century and a half of killing their own flesh and blood, miscegenating themselves out of existence, and importing vast numbers of ThirdWorlders in order to secure a cushier life, they are now being increasingly confronted with the results of their own self-righteous wonderfulness.  For Mother Nature does not look kindly on adult infantilism.  And we ourselves are Planet X.

Follow ğe Money

2010 Oct 08 [Fri]:  For the average person whose main leisure interest is watching TV, economics and finance are boring in the extreme.  His attitudes are shaped by Ashkenazi propaganda from the hypnosis box, from religion or by the biases of his schoolteachers and college instructors.  And that is the way politicians like it.

For while Whitey is watching ads and various programs showing non-Whites in authoritative positions repeating scripts written by Jews, or being convinced Jesus wants him to send large contributions to Christian missionaries in Ubangiland, his collective wealth is being stolen from him and his great-great-grandchildren in irretrievable amounts.

The percentage of the American populace on some type of government assistance is often variously estimated to be somewhere between 40% and 60%.  The Negroes and their illegitimate spawn probably account for 10%.  Then there is the vast featherbedding due to pro-Negroid and pro-mud “affirmative action” that goes on in the federal government and elsewhere.  Also, anyone visiting any federal office will almost surely see many dark creatures with heavy accents “working” in the office.  They take papers from the left sides of their desk and shift them to the right, then back again.  This, too, is government assistance, even though not registered as such, and probably accounts for another 10%.  Next come the various handouts to illegal immigrants (including the visa-overstaying Asiatics, especially Indian wogs), help in the form of education, medicine, incarceration, and preferences in job hiring.  Given that there are probably 15 to 20 million of such denizens in this country, we are probably talking about an additional 5% to 10%.  Et cetera.

When one looks at the employment figures, one discovers that, while the “official” figure for unemployment as of Friday, 2010 Oct 8, was given as stagnating around 9.6%, the real number, which includes those who have ceased looking for gainful employment, is more like 20%.  But even the 9.6% is provided with “unemployment benefits” today lasting for about two years, thereby making people in this category understandably unwilling to take jobs which pay less than their unemployment checks.  Since the actual amount saved during the average working period on which such benefits are based is usually surpassed within the first six months of joblessness, the extra money must come from somewhere else.  It’s called “monetary easing.”

We next discover that private employers added just 64,000 in September, while the American economy lost 95,000 jobs, for a total score of (95k - 64k =) 31,000 salaries lost.  Also, the private-job “gain” of 64,000, was mainly in lower-paid and temporary positions, of the type found in restaurants and taverns, while manufacturing and construction declined.

We proceed to the chimpanzoid-endorsed “stimulus” (Latin for “goad”) packages of $787 billion.  Those thereby employed (often on transportation-related projects) are busy using up taxpayer largesse, often to questionable effect;  given the prospects of the decline of cheap oil starting in the near future, it is anyone’s guess as to whether the projects done with this money will truly pay off in the end.  But in any case, that money is being borrowed, mostly from foreign countries.

Following that come the vast defense-related boondoggles.  Recently, the Seattle- and Chicago-based aircraft company of Boeing used its powerful bribery operation (called “lobbying”) to cheat another company, Northrop Grumman, out of a very large order for a new Air Force tanker.  America will now get an inferior product for a greater price.  Many retired generals proceed from the military directly or indirectly to the lobbying arms of various defense-related industries, where they assist in the robbery of the national treasury.  This industry, too, is nourished in large part by the taxpayer with very little benefit for his expenditure.

We have not even touched upon the tortuously complex financial markets with their computerized snares of public wealth, now accomplished in nanoseconds.  “Too big to fail” has become the modern label for truly large monetary extractions from the people’s purse.  Whole libraries have now been written about this new form of extortion.  And anyone can read for himself about the financial miseries of the individual states.

The list goes on.  In short, the United States is so hopelessly overextended that it is already in a state of collapse.  During Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s speech at Jackson Hole (WY) on Friday, 2010 August 27, he in effect threatened the countries from which the U.S. loans money that, if they did not continue their assistance, he was going to inflate the money supply (that “monetary easing” again) and pay their loans back with much cheaper dollars.  (Interestingly, he made no mention of restraining the American financial markets from engaging in the kind of games that led to the near-collapse of the world economic system in September, 2008.)  Since America is the “locomotive” of the world’s financial train, the people in the boxcars have no choice but to help us out.

The reality is that, strictly on the economic front and ignoring (for the sake of argument) the entire issue of Peak Oil, America has no adequate governmental policy, no technology capable of resurrecting us, and no other planet to export to.  It has nothing which would allow us to revert to yesteryear.  All of the economic think tanks in and out of government are hallucinating about returning the country to the fantasy of “full employment” — in other words, to the phantasm of “business as usual.”  The fiscal deficits are much too large to overcome with the “stimuli” thus far advanced.  (They would have to be vastly larger to restart the American locomotive, given all of the illegals, non-Whites and parasites now living on the system.)  The year 2011 may be seeing us as a nation with as much debt as our entire annual gross domestic product, which means we are already incapable of pulling ourselves out of the quicksand.

But such considerations address only a short span of time — the next two or three years, perhaps the next presidential election cycle.  Few economists are looking at the global picture of oil depletion and general planetary degradation, to say nothing about the non-White population explosion.  These factors are going to put much more economic and political stress on the Empire than the currently prevailing economic models predict.  Thus, the idea that today’s recession is going to go away in the next few years — or even by 2020 — is a mirage made in Hollywood and DC.  This is the end of the line.

Let us now turn to oil.  These days oil is often found bouncing above the $80/barrel level.  This is getting into territory that makes honest economists nervous.  It is thought that anything over $90/barrel lasting for a month or more would be bad news for the American, and hence the global, economy.  Presumably there will be yet another international summit meeting to deal with this issue before it gets out of hand.  If the situation is not dealt with deftly (and it will of course not be), the genosuicidists are going to have to work a lot harder to keep the proletariat asleep.  Consider the following excerpt from Oil&Gas Journal:

WASHINGTON, DC, Oct. 8 — The world could face more of a liquid fuels than crude oil shortage as national economies recover, experts agreed at an Oct. 7 Capitol Hill forum.  Global liquid fuels production hit a plateau in mid-2004 where it has generally stayed despite the strongest economic recession in decades, said Robert L. Hirsch, a senior advisor at Management Information Services Inc.

Several nations’ gross domestic products could plunge as a result, he warned at the event cohosted by the Environmental & Energy Study Institute and the Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas.  “The countries that would be hurt the most would be the ones relying most heavily on imports,” said Hirsch, who wrote a report on possible peak oil impacts for the US Department of Energy.

“It’s a liquid fuels problem, not energy.  Anyone who tells you that windmills will help is early in his or her understanding of the issue,” he maintained.

“There are huge challenges for meeting rapidly growing demand for liquid fuels,” noted Franklin Rusco, the US Government Accountability Office’s natural resources and environment director.  “All commodities’ prices are going to be affected.  Before the recession, their prices were high.  They can be expected to resume their growth as national economies recover.”

Countries can prepare by aggressively moving rail and other major transportation systems to electricity from diesel fuel, suggested Tad Patzek, chairman of the University of Texas at Austin’s petroleum and geosciences engineering program.  “We need modes of transportation that rely less on liquid fuel.  This will need to involve coal and nuclear as well as natural gas,” he said.

Production realities
There are plenty of fossil fuel resources worldwide, but few policymakers recognize that such estimates do not reflect what can actually be produced economically and without major environmental impacts, he continued.  “When fields are run very efficiently, 50-60% of their oil can be recovered.  That’s not always possible,” he said.  “The entire Bakken shale is producing at a rate comparable to one not-so-good well in the Gulf of Mexico.  It requires significantly more wells, with all their casing and cement, with production that declines quickly.”

Peak oil is as much an issue of cost as supplies, according to Arthur E. Berman, director of Labyrinth Consulting Services Inc. in Sugar Land, Tex.  “In order to get wedges of additional supply, oil will need to cost more,” he said.  “More wells will need to be drilled at increasingly higher costs to recover steadily smaller amounts.”

Oil&Gas Journal
World oil shortages would center on liquid fuels,
forum told
Oct 8, 2010
Nick Snow
OGJ Washington Editor

Thus, despite the nightly diversions of the Jewbox, the current socio-economic configuration of the U.S. is clearly headed toward some kind of a severe shakeup.  The so-called “progressives” and their “moderate” allies are hyperventilating about Whites turning into Nazis and other fun-filled characters.  Given the modern psychopatholgy swimming around in the White brain today, however, there is zero chance of such events occurring.  Of course, the Mohammedans now being imported by the regime from the deserts of the Third World may play a significant role in the perversion of the country.  But whatever happens, traditional America is dying by its own hand.

America made a Faustian bargain with the devil to murder our brethren in Europe and turn half of that continent over to Communism.  The devil kept his part of the bargain;  but he always gets his due, and he is now extracting his payment from us.  Various genosuicidist factions are demanding that we join in their leftist nocturnal emissions and dissolve our national borders along with the White family.  Whitey is told to sacrifice himself for the good of noble ThirdWorld savages.  Pedophiliac priests and preachers reinforce the message to the White sheep in the pews.  Whitey obeys and embraces extinction.  And the planeticidal non-Whites inherit the earth.


2010 Oct 04 [Mon]: 

The U.S. under President George W. Bush decided to change the Islamic world into an image of itself.  It figured that, having bombed Germany into a pseudo-democratic system, and having “cured” Russia of its Communist insanity, it could reform the twisted primitivism of the Mohammedan cultures into something resembling White countries.

How to do this?  War, of course.  The immediate excuse was 9/11.  Afghanistan had to be regime-changed, since it sheltered Bin Laden and his boys.  But while at it, might as well take over Iraq as well, thereby making sure that the world’s oil (and Israel, too) was safe.  Easy pickin’s.

Nine years later, with a White-hating Negro (whose true citizenship no one knows except his Jewish pretorian guard) in the White House, a major slowdown in the global economy, conventional oil having peaked in 2005 and a looming peak of all liquids in another couple of years, the results of those trillion-dollar invasions do not look all that good.  Iraq and Afghanistan have bottomlessly corrupt, unstable governments supported only by the U.S.;  the jihadist ideology has spread to a number of other Sand-Negro lands;  and a Russia-backed Iran is slowly building what might be some nuke weapons.

Were the U.S. to withdraw precipitately from either Iraq or Afghanistan, the rest of the Islamic world would collapse into a terror-filled nightmare even worse than their usual way of life.  Having defeated the mighty crusader nation of the U.S., Al Qaeda types would repeat the Mohammedan conquests of the seventh century, seriously threatening or even overthrowing the innately corrupt governments of southwest Asia and north Africa, then completing their conquest of Europe.  Oh, and dominating the oil reserves of the Mideast and perhaps of Nigeria as well.

So the regime in D.C. is trying to return to the old Roman strategy of “divide et impera” (divide and conquer) by having Pakistan take over the Afghan war.  That is the real reason there has been so much tear-jerking about the floods in Pakistan:  the Washington elites need that country to be rehabilitated (with American money and NGOs) so that the Paks can covertly invade Afghanistan and also provide a counterweight to India.  This would allow the U.S. to withdraw without appearing defeated.

What all this means is that in reality America is already defeated.  It has not been able to change the Mohammedan world into some allegedly democratic version of America.  Muslim barbarity will continue as always.  The Islamic nations north of Afghanistan are becoming more jihadist, not less.  And the narcotics trade flowing from that part of the world to Whiteland is busier than ever.

It was through the availability of vast resources and opportunities that the Imperium Americanum attained its present size and power.  Starting from modest beginnings along the Atlantic seaboard, faced with what the Declaration of Independence truthfully refers to as “the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions,” it bought and battled its way to the Pacific Ocean, then began destroying the racial basis of its own origins in a Civil War.  Not content with that slaughter, it proceded to kill vast numbers of its own European kin in two World Wars and assisted in the installation of megamurderous Ashkenazi Communism in Russia.  Proceding furher, and using the science developed by the White race, the Empire built a technological edifice unprecedented in planetary history, most recently powered by oil.  Thus, practically ex nihilo, the Imperium appeared.

Unbeknownst to the plebs or the aristocracy, however, the expansion is over.  The resources have been consumed, the opportunities lost or ignored.  It is too dangerous to nuke Iran or even North Korea, let alone China.  The middle classes want non-White illegals to clean their houses and their persons, to fill jobs at lower wages, to take over the country after Whites go extinct.  Whitey elects a jungle bunny to accelerate the decline, then complains that his own coffin is not comfy enough.

The TV-controlling Jew is exultant as he scripts his fifty-thousandth production on the “Holocaust” for White gentile consumption and guiltification.  All is heavenly.

There is only one small cloudlet on the horizon.  It seems that there is not enough money to go around.  In spite of the dark torrent flowing in from Mudland, jobs are becoming scarcer.  Even cushy State government employment in many states is threatened or already diminishing.  Only the massive numbers of non-White illegals in Federal jobs are secure.  What to do?

Ah, yes.  We must install more Ashkenazim in policy-making posts in the economic branches of government.  (After all, they were bred specifically to do money-lending.)  They will solemnly decree that we must print more money, thereby sedating the White masses until the next election.  Thereafter the “recession” will abate and we will be back to happy days again.

But as Peak Oil becomes more obvious to Everyman, the central regime in DC can be expected to begin doing some very un-liberal things.  Item #1 on the agenda will be getting oil.  It does not take a conspiracist to recognize that one of the “benefits” of the Iraq war is that Babylon is now in American hands.  Iraq is the only region left that still holds a sizeable amount of oil underground.  If the Iraqis think that they are going to control all that oil for their benefit alone, they have another think coming.  They will be gently persuaded to share their black gold with kindly Uncle Sam.

On Friday, 2010 August 27, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke gave a talk at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in which he described the overall state and future prospects of the U.S. economy, insofar as the Fed could divine them.  In effect, he said that things didn’t look very good, although there were some signs of improvement.  However, if the future turns out to be worse, his printshop and heliport will get to work and engage in serious “monetary accommodation” and “monetary easing” (also called “accommodative monetary policy” and “monetary policy easing” for variation).  He mentioned hoping for happier days in 2011, although the text did not seem to exude a lot of optimism.  In short, with covert reluctance he described what seemed like the twilight of the American Way, speaking of “unconventional measures if it proves necessary.”  Reminds one of “unconventional” oil — the kind that is pursued only after all of the cheap and easy, “conventional” oil has been found and is diminishing.

The perfect storm of a declining global economy, rampant illegal invasion from the Third World, resource exhaustion and extreme global overpopulation, combined with ubiquitous denial on the part of populations and leaders everywhere, is gathering around us.  But the messianic gensuicidists of Whiteland can be expected to maintain their grip on power without changing course until the electrical grid breaks down and the hypnosis box no longer works.  They have, of course, little to worry about, since they control the machinery to suppress dissent.  And oedipal, anti-racist Whitey, rootless and aimless, has no interest in his own future.

September 2010


2010 Sep 26 [Sun]: 
“Industry must continue to find and produce oil and natural gas from increasinly complex geological settings in remote regions and deeper waters, said Schlumberger Ltd. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Andrew Gould.

“Speaking on Sept. 15 at Barclays Capital Energy-Power Conference in New York, Gould said an estimated $350 billion/year is needed in upstream investments for 20 years to meet projected world energy demand.

“‘With the “age of easy oil” over, and the consequent higher costs of new supply, the challenges of matching supply and demand are not likely to decrease,’ Gould said.  The International Energy Agency forecasts world energy demand will grow by 40% by 2030, and that hydrocarbon fuels will continue to dominate the global energy mix with coal, oil and gas supplying almost 80% of primary energy needs.

“Oil companies and their service contractors face ‘an increasingly harder task of turning resources and reserves into producion,’ he said.  ‘I would add that the additional control and oversight that deepwater operations in general can now expect following the Gulf of Mexico accident will undoubtedly add cost.’”

— Paula Dittrick, Senior Staff Writer,
Technology critical to future energy supply, executive says,”
Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 27, 2010, p. 21

Anti-Whitists of all stripes are complaining these days that their current Negro-led regime isn't doing enough to boost “the economy.”  They are afraid this might lead to “extremism,” i.e., Whites awakening before they are irreversibly committed to extinction.  The general decline in the money picture (the only thing that matters in America) is blamed on the previous president, George W. Bush, since he is the only whipping boy in sight.  Bribe-ocrats on the left, of course, played no part in creating the current downturn.  But have no fear, TV viewers:  by selling your great-grandchildren into slavery, we are going to make things all better.

Given the fact that today low-IQ serfs from Mexico and high-IQ serfs in China can together “do the jobs Americans don’t want to do” and thereby suck the life out of the U.S. economy, it is no longer possible to return to the days of yore.  But neither the electorate nor the electees really want any serious change.

A small sample of the consequences:  California alone must spend $970 million on the imprisoning of 19,000 illegals (~11% of the prison population), of which the Federal government pays $111 megabucks, with CA forced to pay the remaining $859 million.  But no one wants to ship these criminals back to their home countries, because that would be “inhumane.”  Much better to house and feed the non-humans in the Golden State.  Atop this is the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) which costs $107.3 million, plus other bennies (~$22.5 million) for recent immigrant indigents.  All, due to the religified fantasy of Whites that the world should be a globalist Disneyland embracing all darkies.

The reality must be faced:  the American White electorate as a whole is and always has been severely neurotic.  It has repeatedly returned to power many known liars, drunks and just plain thieves.  It has installed mass murderers of Whites as president, such as Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, then glorified their crimes.  It has enthusiastically supported legislation which aims at destroying White culture and Whites as a race.

Money has been its god, valued above life itself, and squandered on innumerable futile projects to raise non-Whites out of their native jungles, slums and overpopulated wastelands.  Under the pretext that money could be made out of thin air, White financial vampires, led by (of course) Ashkenazi Jews, have sucked the monetary lifeblood out of America, leaving it anemic at precisely the time the Peak Oil is looming before us.

Slowly the remaining real wealth is running out due to many unregulated-growth-related factors, plus massive corruption.  Even without Peak Oil, the system would be grinding to a halt.  The TV, the device used to control the mind of the masses, diverts them from the reality of their inexorable demise.  Our bribe-ocracy uses promises of future sunshine to sweeten the unemployment, and also uses welfare paychecks to sedate the citizenry.  Whites as a whole, meanwhile, refuse to acknowledge what is happening and elect a Kenyan chimera as a talisman against the consequences of their own infantilism.  To be sure, defiling the presidency with a Magic Negro only accelerates the decline, but Whitey does not care.

He also does not care that the planetary oil industry has not surpassed the total amount of conventional (read:  cheap, high-quality) oil production level reached in 2005.  The world’s flow of such oil is essentially static.  We are marking time until the daily oil flow begins to slow, then to decline severely, regardless of the money pumped into exploration and development.  American Whites will probably simply elect some lowland gorilla from the African jungles to preside over their death rattle.

An enterprising wog from India, Dinesh D’Souza, has recently written a book in which he diverts White attention from the fact that the illegitimate Afroid at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue hates Whites.  No, no, no, says the Indian.  He could not possibly hate Whites.  Instead, he hates “neo-colonialists.”  I.e., the British, Belgians, French, Spanish, etc. and, now, the Americans (but not, of course, American non-Whites).  All such neo-imperialists just happen to be White.  Pure accident, of course.  The alcoholic Kenyan maniac who spawned the hybrid animal now in the oval office wanted to “lactate” (mix with White genes) his own genes, but subsequently saw his bastard spawn only once in the young creature’s life.  This fatherlessness, oddly, generated undying hatred for “neo-colonialists” in the abandoned halfbreed, a hatred which, according to D’Souza, is the true psychodynamic motivating him.  That is why all of his actions are aimed at cutting the (exclusively White) American “upper classes,” and America itself, down to size — the size of the unwhite primitives and throwbacks of our species.

Interestingly, the melanin-rich author gives short shrift to the issue of White guilt as the main engine boosting the tortured black demoniac into power, tossing it off in a single paragraph.  In reality, the problem with America is not its chimpanzoid chief.  The problem is precisely the severe guilt neurosis of the White electorate, which is incapable of restraining its own genosuicidism.  This neurosis is derived from a deadly concoction of Christianity and typically American oedipalism.  The swarthy psychopath at the helm is driven by the Mau Mau primitivism of his own deranged sire;  but the nihilistic aim of the twisted prez fits perfectly with the subconscious drive of similarly psychotic Whites to terminate evolution and reverse the Caucasian reach for a higher level of consciousness.  This, in fact, is the drift of all Western civilization today:  to revert to the archaic stupor and barbarism of remote antiquity by injecting itself with ThirdWorld savages.  The election of the possessed darkie to the presidency is the perfect expression of the collective White death wish.


2010 Sep 19 [Sun]: 
Maxwell:  “A bind is clearly coming. We think that the peak in production will actually occur in the period 2015 to 2020. And if I had to pick a particular year, I might use 2017 or 2018.  That would suggest that around 2015, we will hit a near-plateau of production around the world, and we will hold it for maybe four or five years.  On the other side of that plateau, production will begin slowly moving down.  By 2020, we should be headed in a downward direction for oil output in the world each year instead of an upward direction, as we are today

“And at around 2015, we will be unable to produce the incremental barrel in the global system.  So a tightness of supply will begin to be felt.  Let's say in 2013, we may produce 1% more oil than we did the year before and then if we have a demand growth of 1¼% in 2013, we'll be very slightly tightening the system.

“The difference between supply and demand is not going to be very much at first.  It would not normally cause a big rise in price.  On the other hand, in 2014, that tightness begins to grow and it is now a trend.  By 2015 perhaps we're only able to produce 0.50% more with about 1.25% higher demand, so that we're 0.75% short.  And now we have to raise prices enough to stop some people from using that oil because it is actually not available.”

Bracing For Peak Oil Production By Decade's End
Interview with Weeden & Co.'s
Charles Maxwell by Wallace Forbes,
2010 Sep 13
“Indeed, given the expected growth in energy demand in the next two decades, and the possible – even likely – shortfall in OPEC supply relative to the projected ‘call on OPEC,’ the term ‘alternative energy’ will lose its meaning.  The only ‘alternative’ to harnessing all feasible energy sources will be a slow-growth world of permanent shortages and increasing misery.”
An Inconvenient Truth about OPEC,
Anas F. Alhajji,
Chief Economist at NGP Energy Capital Management,
in PROJECT SYNDICATE, 2010 September 15

Not much happening in the United States this week besides the usual crimes perpetrated by non-Whites.  Overseas, the Pope is traveling around Britain, forced to express his gratefulness to the Limeys for having murdered millions of his fellow Germans by carpet-bombing German cities in World War II.  Nice to know that in his view God approves of White genosuicidism.  The Sand Negroes now taking over Merrye Olde England must be smiling at the thought.

On this side of the Atlantic, anyone who travels across America frequently sees billboards titled “Economics 101” appearing as lined notepaper broadcasting some cheery typewritten message such as “Fact about recessions:  they end.”  Apparently the (governmental?) agency authoring such notices thinks that pep talks and bumper-sticker slogans are going to help solve the current recession.  The propagandists are obviously convinced that wishing will make it so.  That, after all, is the American Way.  Tell yourself, e.g., that a Negro is the same as a White and, poof!, it happens.

The declining White majority will be somnolently voting for more of the same in November, just a bit more “conservative.”  There is all kinds of scary talk coming out of the American political elites about how gun-slinging, Bible-toting, racist Whites are soon going to start shooting up shopping malls and the like.  In reality, nothing of the kind will happen.  The White masses want a slow death, not a quick one.  They will continue to support a government that imports millions of ThirdWorlders and works quietly for Caucasian extinction.

Meanwhile, the world is not paying much attention to TV-hypnotized White Americans.  Iraq is beginning to unravel again as corrupt, Iran-supported Shia and Saudi-Arabia-supported Sunni resume their low-level civil war.  Afghanistan is expected to collapse shortly after the Black House chimpanzoid pulls U.S. troops out of that country in the middle of 2011, if he keeps his promise.  The idea that the southwest Asian primitives can be civilized is another TV fantasy eagerly imbibed by Whites whose only real fun is recalling how much they, their fathers and grandfathers enjoyed carpet-bombing German civilians in World War II.

As far as the recession goes, the regime’s econopropagandists like to spread the idea that, by borrowing money from China to pay for Chinese goodies, they can produce a perpetual-motion, circular flow of money that will bring back happy times.  Some non-governmental economists even believe it, or say they do.  In any case, it is necessary to keep the masses from understanding that China and other “developing” countries are little more than welfare recipients dependent on White handouts from America and Europe.  Such countries have no ability whatsoever to boost the global economy to pre-2008 levels.

Meanwhile half of Latin America is striving to emigrate to the United States, and half of SandNegroLand is striving to emigrate to Europe.  That way the scavengers can destabilize Whiteland in the same way they have destroyed their own countries.

When either Iraq or Afghanistan comes apart, the rest of the world will get the message that America is truly incompetent and ready for the grave.  Following the moment that this country loses one or both of those countries — after having similarly lost Vietnam several decades before — it will become clear to the non-Caucasian majority of the world that the United States was a historical mistake now ripe for being eliminated by any means foreign and domestic.

The global economy is slowing because the American economy is slowing.  There are many separate reasons for this, but the overall reason is darkling overshoot and the White incapability of dealing with it.  American Dreaminess makes that impossible.  The preferred illusion is that the current doldrums are temporary.  No one in power wants to admit that the global ensemble as a whole is now reaching the limits to growth in Tainterian complexity.  Because to admit it would be to admit responsibility for the problem.  Such an admission would entail the loss of power, because the masses expect magic:  they will eject from power anyone who does not pretend to be the wizard of Oz.

Thus the domestic policy of the illuminati will be to keep the White man divided and disoriented, diverted with false issues and entertainment while he is undermined and led to his extinction.  He will be paralyzed with religious propaganda which asks, “What Would Jesus Do?,” but never, never, “What Would Mohammed Do?”  Because the answer to the latter question is obvious to everyone.

It has often been asked why the western Roman Empire fell.  The real question, however, should be, how was it possible for it to last so long, especially after the near-collapse of the third century?  The reason is simply that the Romans were determined, at whatever cost, to survive as long as possible.  There was no TV in those days, and neither Jews nor illuminatist members of the Council on Foreign Relations controlled the reins of power.  In the early fourth century Constantine completely reorganized the Empire, doing what was necessary to keep it alive.  (Among other things, he abolished the persecution of Christianity and in effect started the machinery for making it the state religion as a kind of glue holding the far-flung command together.)  He thereby gave the western Empire, weakening though it was, another century and a half of life.

In contrast to the manliness and determination of the Romans, the decadent effeminacy of modern Americans makes it impossible for them to undertake the steps necessary for survival.  Thus, despite all of our fancy technology and weaponry, we will not have another century and a half to go.  History is not kind to those who lose their will.

Powder Keg

2010 Sep 10 [Fri]:  The sense of pain and suffering is innate in all vertebrate and perhaps even invertebrate animals down to the level of the slime molds.  This sense has obviously proven its value as a form of awareness of threat to the maintenance of life.  As such, it amounts to the same type of negative feedback used in cybernetics for controlling direction (as, e.g., in targeting missiles).  In the case of vertebrate life, the general evolutionary direction has been toward ever greater intelligence (“evolutionary epistemology”), culminating in homo sapiens.

Compared with raw nature, modern civilization — led by the neurotic American political elites and their puppet analogues in Germany and Britain — has greatly anesthetized the pain and suffering of mankind at the expense of the biosphere as a whole.  It has thereby frustrated the effort of nature to reach yet higher levels of life and intelligence.  We have assumed the privileges of evolution but rejected its responsibilities.

The consequences of this abortion of the evolutionary mission are now staring us in the face:  a biological and physical disaster of planetary dimensions.  Yet the entire religious, cultural and political apparatus of the West blinds itself to this reality with fantasies and myths.  We demand a constantly improving “standard of living” with every toy imaginable;  we demand the importation of alien hordes and their care and feeding;  we demand the overloading and swamping of the civilizational lifeboat built with the blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors.

Our world is careening toward disaster due to the criminals in power in the West.  The American bribe-ocracy has no answers to the problem because it does not want any answers.  It has opened the borders to heavy narcotraffic in Arizona and other border states;  it is importing fast increasing numbers of Afro-Asiatic Sand Negroes infected with the sadistic and fecal ideology of Islam which masquerades as a religion;  it has squandered the natural wealth and resources of every sort, and prevents Whitey from protecting himself.

The trillion-dollar Afghanistan war is already effectively lost, as we pour out money to corrupt Afghan puppets who then pay off the Taliban so they in turn can kill American troops.  The D.C. dominate pretends that Pakistan is America’s “friend” at the same time that that overpopulated wog nation dissolves into maniacal chaos with its nuclear weapons.  Iraq, the “mission-accomplished” land, is incapable of stable government and must be propped up by an eternal contingent of 50,000 American troops.  Rushing in to fill the area’s abhorrent power vacuum is Iran, soon to have nuclear weapons and permanently stalemate, if not checkmate, the U.S.

The grand delusion of the illuminati is that China and India will save America from itself.  In reality, those two overbloated countries exist only by selling goodies to the West.  Hence when the U.S. no longer has the cash to buy, they will experience terminal economic crises.  Not to mention that China is already inflating its currency in order to compensate for losses due to the current global recession.

Deep in the underground bunkers of some Western countries there is secret but growing concern that maybe, just maybe, there is no solution to the increasing gloom, and even that their current system of bribe-ocratic control may be endangered.  Maybe there is no light at the end of the tunnel.  Maybe hybrid cars, windmills, backyard gardens and the like are not going to save us from the coming storm.  But such worries are expressed only in hushed tones.  Mustn’t upset the financial markets.  Or the chimpanzoid-loving masses.  Much better to let Peak Oil arrive unannounced and the crash to occur like a thunderbolt — preferably masked to appear only as rolling thunder.

Oddly, there are one or two salutary, though minor, effects resulting from the unfolding economic death spiral.  In so-called “higher” education the number of fantasy courses in women’s studies, Black studies, non-White sob stories and other anti-White subjects is shrinking noticeably.  Seems the genosuicidal soapbox is getting wobbly.  Substantive curricula in the humanities (i.e., historical Western literature), classics (Greek and especially Latin) and modern languages including linguistics were jettisoned long ago to make room for comic-book indoctrination at today’s tax-supported tertiary institutions.  So while the anti-intellectual, hyper-utilitarian foundations of America (which led to the current dilemma in the first place) might be strengthened a little, not all of the cultural winnowing is bad.  It is even possible that these schools will be producing fewer mushheads in the future.

Another such effect is the Schadenfreude that some of us will experience as the island idiocy called England, the genosuicidal nation that initiated two World Wars and mass-murdered vast numbers of its closest kin, the Germans, begins to collapse faster than any other nation.  The Brits will finally draw the logical consequences of their racial treason.

Whitey’s Suicide Watch
And Whitey
doesn’t care.

In general, however, the White West is already facing a shifting global power balance, new dependency relationships, a loss of geopolitical importance, a complete breakdown of the financial markets and grave political and economic crises.  Expect the Saudi Mohammedanland to start dictating to Whitey what Americans and Europeans are to believe.  (“If you want oil, submit to Allah!”)  The universal rise in costs can be expected to further constrict already existing economic bottlenecks in global transportation, leading to food shortages and ultimately to a collapse of the world’s production and supply systems.  Also likely is a turn to “planned” economies.  (“Stalin had some good ideas after all.”)  Moreover, the domino effect resulting from global interdependency is likely to affect every industrialized nation.  The most probable result:  a miscegenationist Marxist paradise like the one introduced in Russia by Ashkenazim in 1917.  This time complete with vast numbers of subhuman aliens from the Third World, all demanding that Whitey give them whatever they see on their plasma TV screens.

In other words, prompted by the declining availability of cheap oil, we are going to witness a new “inflection point” in global geopolitics.  Strategic, financial, economic and social decomposition is already beginning due to four main causes:

  1. Anxiety over the point at which exploding Western debt will become insupportable;
  2. European austerity:  the abandonment of economic growth in favor of political ossification (“structural stability”);
  3. Global uncertainty as to when the Red Chinks will start exporting their growing inflation;
  4. American decline resulting from lessening private consumerism and inevitable federal cutbacks

All of these problems are intermeshed, global and insoluble.  Given American anti-Whitism, there is no way out of the situation as we spiral downward into national madness.  Thus our bribe-ocrats and their paymasters are working merely to steal as much wealth from the genosuicidal White race as possible.  Their hidden leitmotif:  After us, the deluge.

Repeatedly one hears and reads “optimistic” reports about this or that silver bullet:  new scientific or other breakthroughs in medicine, energy generation, lifestyles, etc.  But all of these miss the point:  we are not confronted with a single-issue problem which can be solved by a few smart minds and a few deft maneuvers;  we are facing a systemic crisis, in which everything is disintegrating at once, assisted by massive corruption in the financial sectors.  Modern civilization requires unceasing economic expansion merely to tread water.  That growth is limping to a halt.  In addition, because of the fact that Mohammedans habitually lie and distort the truth, we are not sure exactly when the earth’s largest oilfield, Arabia’s Ghawar, is going to peak or whether it has already peaked.  But we do know that we are in the vicinity of the peak, whether it be already past or present at this moment.  Effectively the world is atop oil’s peak right now.  From here on out our liquid fuel sources will be only expensive oil (deepsea, tarsands, Arctic fields, shale) and problem-beset renewables (e.g., sugar-containing plant-and-animal derivatives).  Every alternative to oil and natural gas presents serious difficulties of its own.

Almost all of the “liberal” solutions to the consequences of human overshoot assume nicey-nice, polite declines of population and resource exploitation to some civilly negotiated, bio-supportable level.  But the same liberal types who make these projections never take into consideration the exploding populations of savage animals such as the Mohammedans or the Latin American mafias, whose favorite game is mass murder.  Nor do they consider the effects of the declining power of White nations due to White genosuicidism.  When dark skins take over, it’s back to the jungle.  That is simply the way it is.  After the decline has reached bottom, there will be no rich abundance of resources to enable the rebuilding of a high civilization any more.  This is the end of the road.

Our masters have found the way to anesthetize the White man via TV, narcotics and other forms of escapism so that he no longer feels pain as in the past.  The result is that he no longer recognizes the cosmic disaster resulting from the fact that his existence as a race is ending.  Or that, after his extinction, the world will regress to the sadism of Islam, the jungles of Negroism, the frozen tyranny of Marxism and the indiscriminate savagery of the narcomafias.  The ineffably long climb from the first forms of life billions of years ago will have been in vain, just as the egomaniacs of meaninglessness have wanted.

The nihilists have won.  Any temporary rebound of global “growth” means only the swifter destruction of the biosphere.  Cheap, high-quality oil is now nearly exhausted and will not be replaced by renewables or nuclear energy.  And oil is only the first of critical resources to decline.  As the world finds its sustenance diminishing, it will inch ever closer to the compulsory population reduction that has been the fate of countless other species in similar circumstances in the past.  And given what is looming before us, that reduction could also happen very, very suddenly.

August 2010

Pre-Storm Calm

2010 Aug 31 [Tue]: 

“The most common answer to ‘how much oil is left’ is ‘depends on how hard you want to look.’  As easy-to-reach fields run dry, new technologies allow oil companies to tap harder-to-reach places (such as 5,500 meters under the Gulf of Mexico).  Traditional statistical models of oil supply do not account for these advances, but a new approach to production forecasting explicitly incorporates multiple waves of technological improvement.  Though still controversial, this multi-cyclic approach predicts that global oil production is set to peak in four years and that by the 2050s we will have pulled all but 10 percent of the world’s oil from the ground.”
Scientific American magazine, September 2010, how much is left?  A graphical accounting of the limits to what one planet can provide, by Michael Moyer with reporting by Carina Storrs, pp. 74ff., or

As the nation stagnates in the baking August heat, air-conditioned Wall-Street Ashkenazim, corrupt politicians of every sort and sundry hordes of illegal aliens eat away at the decaying remains of a once White America.  To maintain the mirage of “normalcy,” the Congress extends the duration of unemployment benefits by 99 weeks, the chimpanzoid’s dam vacations expensively in Spain, and Mohammedan animals advance against American troops in Afghanistan.  The socio-politically enforced system of lies about race and morality diverts Whitey from doing anything about the kleptocracy running the governmental show.  Meanwhile the picture in Haiti, after the expenditure of untold amounts of American and other nations’ money, looks no different from the way it did the day after the earthquake there several months ago.  All in all, business as usual.

The BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico is finally being closed, it appears.  The chimpanzoid himself took a swim in the GOM to advertize its purity.  We can all go back to sleep.  Forget the mounting national debt which is beyond the comprehension of the masses.  Forget the diluvial flood of ThirdWorld sludge now begining to wash away America.  Forget the little factor of Peak Oil which is estimated to arrive in as little as two years, and at most in five.  (And see the Scientific American quote, above)

American Whites as a whole no longer care about whether they go extinct.  Long inured to the idea of abandoning their continent and cultures of origin, they have embraced the fantasy that only the present and their own comfort matters.  Thus all of the liberal heavy breathing about Whites assaulting Congress with pitchforks and firebrands (or their modern equivalents) is utter nonsense.  If one no longer cares about life, the suicidal alternative will happen automatically.

Meanwhile, the power-drunken illuminati behind the chimpanzoid are finding that their two wars in southwestern Asia are intractable.  Their original assumptions were of course that all people are equal, and therefore Iraq and Afghanistan were the same as Germany and Japan.  Kill the leaders and change the regime, and everything will turn out peachy keen.

Our brilliant masters simply could not envision a situation where half the populace consists of suicidal mass murderers and the other half is mendacious and corrupt.  In other words, the typical Mohammedan society.  Enlightenment ideology just doesn’t seem to fit such societies.  Golly, gee.  The Muslim mess must somehow be the fault of the White race.

The entire legal framework of the U.S. — not to mention the vast bureaucracies of all levels of government and education — has become an agency of forced mendacity regarding race.  Any White who dares to observe biological or statistical facts about Negroids or other non-Whites is immediately subject to penalties of all sorts, up to and including loss of livelihood.  The political left has long devoted itself to breeding and importing masses of low-IQ primitives in order to gain electoral power.  The result has been a society now collapsing due to overload.

Thus it is no surprise that every economic index has turned negative, that the nation is now squandering trillions of dollars in fake “stimulus packages” to postpone the inevitable, in the socioeconomic disintegration of large cities — all while Whitey engages in every form of escapism, rationalization and excuse ever devised by pop psychology or Hollywood Ashkenazim.  The increasing percentage of mulattos and mischlings of all sorts is swamping the ability of America’s many welfare systems to handle these worshippers of the Kenyan monkey god.

The one and only example of appropriate response to this kind of racial and social pollution today appears in a most unlikely place:  Israel.  There, the fire-breathing ultra-Zionists are employing various economic and legal means to push the Mohammedan idiocy out of critical areas of Jerusalem and other places, and to keep it from swamping the Jewish lifeboat by immigration.  This, while leftist Jews in America demand the ever faster demise of the White race.  There is, of course, no chance that American Whites will follow that example, since their own extinction is portrayed in such glowing terms.

Against the backdrop of the recent sad news of the death on Sunday, August 8 of Matt Simmons, who helped alert the world to the coming decline of cheap oil, the reality of that decline is advancing apace.  Even with oil prices fluctuating around $75/barrel, the global economy is laboring heavily.  In another few years it will be impossible to satisfy global thirst completely, and then the real fun will begin.  Forget biofuels, forget the Bakken formation, forget battery-powered cars and all the rest.  None of it will keep prices below $100/barrel.  And since only the government will have the (newly printed) money to pay the higher prices, the federal regime will become omnipotent.

Naturally there are few who understand the import of all this, mainly because most people do not want to understand it.  Technology, “conservation” (e.g., everybody on bikes), backyard gardens, even prayer are suggested as the way to keep business as usual (BAU).  In particular, Whitey (to say nothing of the parasites) does not grasp the elemental fact that India and China — two thirds of humanity — are striving with might and main to become as economically “developed” as the U.S. or Europe.  This means that they are consuming more and more of the increasingly precious resources which we now use.  (We are omitting for the present any mention of greenhouse gas emissions and resulting global calefaction.)  Despite the most optimistic projections for technological advances, nothing can foreseeably avert the tremendous drawdown in resources which “Chindia’s” growth implies.  In short, no magic is going to allow BAU to continue.  (Cf.

But in the last analysis, the basic problem is not money.  It is life itself.  The White man at first made an unprecedently high level of life possible, but then squandered that extraordinary gift on non-Whites under the assumption that there are no differences among races or cultures.  The result is an oncoming extinction event.  The naïve objections to this fact have been treated in countless articles, essays and economics treatises.  But educated answers never stop the ignorami who believe, after watching a 15-minute TV program on wonderful new technologies, that they “know” the cure-all to the grave and intractable issue now facing us.

Given the absurd assumptions we insist on comforting ourselves with, we can expect America to continue importing ThirdWorlders in its pursuit of BAU.  This will result in major strains on the entire economic and political system, ending in America’s perennial fallback position:  when the going gets tough, go to war and kill not only Whites but also the people who have what you want.  Since Saudi Arabia and the other countries around Iraq have oil (and little else), they are prime targets, even though there are vast and increasing numbers of Sand Negroes already in the U.S.  The fun may even begin with Iran, since the nuclear development issue may prove a great excuse for illuminatist aggression, as it did with Iraq.  Venezuela, too, may later be on the list.  Russia is probably not in the running, because Putin & Co. have nuclear weapons.  In any case, using some pretext like the trap which Roosevelt set for the hoodwinked Japs at Pearl Harbor, the Empire is probably going to satisfy its need for committing White genosuicide by waging war.

July 2010


2010 Jul 31 [Sat]:
How trivial is that issue of yours, about which the ædiles warn!  How unimportant you should regard it, if you consider everything else!  But, by Hercules, no one brings before the Senate consideration of the fact that Italy needs external resources, that the life of the Roman people is pitched about by the uncertainties of sea and storm on a daily basis.  And unless the resources of the provinces help out our masters and our slaves and our fields, then clearly our own woods and country villas will have to look after us.

This, Senators, is the charge the emperor is concerned with;  neglecting it will drag the State into oblivion.

— Roman Emperor Tiberius, speaking to the Senate A.D. 22 about legal proposals to restrict the luxury of the rich, quoted by Gajus Cornelius Tacitus, Annals (published ca. A.D. 115), Book 3, Chapter 54, §§ 4-5

Denial of Peak Oil has been almost universal in the developed world, nowhere more so than in the U.S.  The Kübler-Ross “grief cycle” process has been due in part for this refusal to accept reality.  But there is another component as well:  the fact that in the current lifetime of living humans, living standards have generally risen almost everywhere;  this has created the assumption that the future will be like the recent past.

Indeed, the extraordinary discoveries of modern science and inventions of modern technology have greatly strengthened the conviction that “history” will overcome all obstacles and provide an ever-growing humanity with Disneyland for everybody.  Every man can become an immortal playboy, every woman can become a Jewish-American Princess.  The current global economic recession is merely a speed bump on the way to an earthly paradise.

Oddly, it seems that history is not conforming to the predictions of this wish dream.  The grand locomotive appears to be slowing down as more and more boxcars are attached to it and its fuel level declines.  In response, those on the political left demand more Robin-Hoodism, while those on the right call for fewer restrictions on exploiters of resources.  Few seem to recognize that our global Easter Island has limits to human growth.

Among the lower-IQ types, murder and violence are particularly popular ways of making a living, while the higher-IQs tend to prefer quiet and invisible theft or legal tricks to achieve the better life to which they aspire.  Since the lower-IQs are growing in preponderance, we can expect their particular type of malevolence to gain greater market share of the crime spectrum in the future.

Meanwhile the lobotomized White populace as a whole drifts on, indifferent to the narcocloud drifting over it, concerned only about the nightly soap operas and sports spectacles.  History and the future are of no concern whatsoever, since life is meaningless according to the Yid-run TV.  The only crime is “racism,” meaning the desire to continue the existence of the White race.

It is obvious to all thinking, evolution-oriented Whites that the U.S. government is no longer legitimate, and has not been so since the Civil War.  It is utterly deranged, captured by a crowd of plutocratic Jews and autistic megalomanics fixated on White genosuicidism, who view foreign policy as an opportunity to spread everywhere its gospel of “democracy” (actually bribe-ocracy).  In theory the “democratic” process of elections could change America.  In the real world, no serious change of any sort is possible.  The system is locked in place and owned by anti-evolutionary illuminati obsessed with world domination.  (This is one reason why the Democratic Party in the U.S. has long been using race hatred toward Whites by non-Whites to gain power.  It allows Democrats to label themselves as “universalist” and caring for the “underprivileged” darkies and the stupid.)  Given the hypnotic power of TV, the White masses can be steered to any slaughterhouse the Ashkenazim and their friends want.

U.S. foreign policy amounts to a kind evangelical crusade to spread Enlightenment ideas.  It would never occur to the illuminati that large sections of the earth’s population prefer sadomasochism (sadism for the men, masochism for the women) to “democracy.”  Nor would it occur to them that a nation such as China — one fifth of the human race — might be utterly uninterested in spreading its own ideology abroad, but very interested in accessing the natural resources it needs to continue expanding.  It is also beyond illuminatist comprehension that the non-Whites actually view Whitey as nothing more than a host for their own parasitism.  In short, American political elites are in pathological denial of far more than Peak Oil.

Amid this psychorama broils the Afghan war.  It is now becoming evident that U.S. troops are in the middle of an insane power struggle among primitive warlords for ethnic dominance in the country — for a Pashtun-led regime dominated by the northern ethnic groups.  Alliances there are shifting and temporary, with corruption on all sides except the Taliban, and with the U.S. trying to play kingmaker.  It is a little like the situation in World War II when the U.S. allied itself with the Italian Mafia in order to defeat Mussolini.  It is absurd for the U.S. to claim it has the high moral ground in this war as in that one.  The Pentagon high command, quite apart from the activities of its own commanders in the country and often unbeknownst to them, is itself using Special Forces and other, often mercenary, elements to engage in Mafia-like actions in order to keep the various parties off balance with a divide-and-conquer strategy.  The sum total is a chaos in which the general savagery is increasing and the notion of “victory” is evaporating.  No wonder the former commander of American troops there, the now-fired General Stanley McChrystal, in an interview allowed his adjutant to disparage the current vice-head of the incompetent U.S. administration.

If there were any kind of rationality at the helm, the government would not be trying to civilize savages abroad (or import them here).  Domestically it would be pushing seriously for, e.g., the revitalization of the traditional railroad system — not for insanely expensive super-fast new “bullet” trains that can easily be destroyed by some fun-loving Negro putting an anvil on the tracks.  It would also help to modernize our system of transportation by canals.  But one cannot even mention such things as the growing problems due to the torrent of dark human sewage flooding the country at the invitation of lazy and corrupt Americans and their elected officials.

Instead, one hears only blather about how “technology” is going to allow us to continue on the current path — a path to masked suicide.  All while the chasm between the American daydream and reality grows wider by the day.  Economic ideology assists in this widening.  There seems to be a shared belief system between certain types of “scientistic” people (especially in the medical/biological fields) and economists, all with their “physics envy”:  both categories tend to believe that the ultimate control system of nature is mathematics, which exists in some ethereal realm somewhere and determines what is real and what is not.  Observed phenomena play no role in this belief system.  On this view, if you can control the math (or, what is the same thing in their minds, the “laws”), you control nature.  The perpetual motion machine will work (especially if you secretly pour some stolen resources into it).  These theorists conveniently ignore the fact that mathematics is a language, not an all-controlling legal system.  But political economists convince themselves that economic stimuli (i.e., printing money) will revivify the global economy and wipe every tear from a maiden’s eye.  Oil, gas, coal, etc. have nothing to do with it.  Such resources will magically appear if by dropping money out of helicopters you can get the masses to spend again.  Technology will provide.

Even the simplest child, however, knows that it is possible to use language to tell lies or to confuse terms.  This is the true art of economics in the modern era:  deceiving people, including oneself, with numbers (“lies, damned lies, and statistics”).

Today the Negro has reached heaven.  Utterly innocent of any sort of logic, he sees only his own image in the Black House:  the chimpanzoid is gonna slap The Man upside the head, gonna give black folks what they been deservin’ since the Civil War.  The other non-Whites generally vote anti-White.  Whitey himself, meanwhile, is incapable of making decisions;  he is also terrified of voting “racist” and for his own survival.  The result:  stalemate.

Whatever happens in the November elections (and forecasts currently favor Republicans), there will be no movement on the energy issue, since both major parties differ only in which paths to take to get to the same goal:  Business As Usual.  Since the concept of limits to growth is impossible for Americans to grasp, no politician dares bring it up.  The obvious conclusion is therefore inevitable.


2010 Jul 19 [Mon]:  It is beginning to look like BP and the various government agencies might be having some success in sealing off the subsea oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico.  Although nothing is certain, much of the upflowing oil and gas is seemingly now being captured and the gas flared off, with not much oil continuing to flow into the ocean.  This appears to give some hope for the future, at least as regards this latest catastrophe.

Whew!  Now we can return to importing more ThirdWorlders and to further race mixing.  Business As Usual will miraculously provide the resources to defeat the rigors of evolution.  Never mind that this mini-disaster should be a lesson that all proposals for “growth” may actually be leading to a mega-disaster.  After all, greed is good.  Just ask the Wall Street Ashkenazim.

Mexican Narcotics Business
Mexican narcobusiness:  The ultimate source
of campaign donations for “antiracist”
U.S. Congressional bribe-ocrats

The economic recovery promoted by our beneficent leaders includes making sure that more illegal invaders infiltrate the U.S. from Mexico and from elsewhere in the Outer Darkness.  They are coming, we are assured, to “do the work Americans don’t want to do” (and incidentally to provide us with the narcotics we so badly need).  Meanwhile the Negro at the tippy-top is sending a bunch of National Guard troops down to the border to make sure that local American Whites don't get too energetic about repelling the invaders.  We wouldn’t want to disrespect those nice brownies who are just drifting over the border looking for a better life (like American schools, medical benefits, the ability to drop an anchor baby who will become an instant “American” and provide the family with food stamps, legal preferences, etc., etc.).  The fact that these criminal aliens are turning our cities into vast slums is irrelevant, of course.  More important is the fact that they make the agribusinesses and other slaveowners richer and vote for leftist politicians.  We just need to expand our cultural awareness to embrace Mexican drug cartels.

Yet somehow the economy does not seem to be improving.  Golly, gee, we’ll just have to do more of the same — put more people on government payrolls, pass more laws against White racism, and borrow more money from the gangsters in Chinkland.

The American high command has been enjoying its destruction of the White race for a very long time.  Of course, it has needed oil to accomplish its murders.  Thus, as was pointed out here several years ago:
Way back when, while Illuminatus-in-Chief Franklin Deleano Roosevelt had the American and British air forces busy mass-murdering White civilians in Dresden over the three days of February 13-15, 1945 following a friendly meeting in Yalta with Uncle Josef Stalin, he himself meandered down to the Great Bitter Lake northeast of the Red Sea.  There, savoring his genosuicidism on St. Valentine’s Day, he held an even friendlier meeting with King Abdulaziz, also known as Ibn Saud, of Saudi Arabia.  (How droll that an entire country should be named after the family that controls it!)  FDR had already engineered the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor so he could blame it on the Axis of Evil and get into WW II.  Now he obligated the U.S. in perpetuity to back the Saudi family in their subjugation of the Arabian masses as long as Their Royal Graces supplied the U.S. and its allies with oil from their kingdom.  To this day that family has slurped off trillions (with a “T”) of dollars of the natural wealth of Araby while intoxicating the Neanderthaloid masses with superheated Islamic fanaticism.
More about this tête-à-tête between Mr. Killer-of-Whites and the chief Sand Negro of the time may be found at a Saudi site.  The oil from Mohammedanland has indeed lasted a long time.  Our princelings were sure it would last forever — or at least until they retired with fat pension benefits.  But now it seems that forever is coming to a close.  There is a cloud on the horizon:  some über-pessimists are talking about a coming decline of cheap, high-quality oil.  Recently Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah (the current, aging, alpha male in Oilland #1) announced that he was so concerned about reserving the oil wealth for future generations of the kingdom’s citizens that all further oil exploration was now being stopped.  So after six and a half decades of stealing from those citizens and deluding them with Mohammedan mania, there is a sudden change of heart and new compassion for the mud on the street.

There are some mean-spirited Whites, however, who have the effrontry to suspect that the real reason for the decision to cease exploration has nothing to do with sudden concern for the future well-being of the mongrel masses.  Rather, say those evil blue-eyed devils, it is because the royals have been forced by the facts to admit that the Ghawar, the world’s largest oilfied, has peaked.  Even the muds can see the handwriting on the wall.

In a brave attempt to pretend that life can go on as “normal” after Peak Oil, all kinds of noble plans are proposed:  switch to offshore wind and wave energy, solar panels, electric cars (for which magic will produce the electricity), nuclear plants, hydrogen fuel cells, algae ethanol, lots of electronic and computer gadgetry, backyard gardens, conservation, ….  Snore.  Yet none — none! — of these “plans” dares to suggest that immigration from the Third World be halted, let alone reversed.  All are based on the premise that the ideology favored by the current illuminati (e.g., the Jew-riddled Council on Foreign Relations) must dominate the future at all costs, and that genosuicidism must prevail no matter what happens.

In effect, all such plans are merely another form of denial that Western man is facing anything serious.  Go back to sleep, Whitey.  Our darkie prez will take care of everything for you.  Encourage your daughters to inseminate themselves with neighbornood Negroes.  Governmental Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) and similar programs will take care of the resulting fetal droppings.  And don’t you dare to think a single racist thought.  Because miscegenation is the only thing that matters, and there is no such thing as Peak Oil, ecological decline or evolutionary pressure.

Yup, you’ll like death.

Decomposing Flesh

2010 Jul 13 [Tue]:  We now know just how pervasive the narcotics trade is in modern American financial markets:  Wachovia Corp., Bank of America, Wells Fargo & Co., London-headquartered HSBC Holdings PLC and Standard Chartered PLC., Citigroup Inc., Banco Santander SA (Spain), and Western Union Co. have all been neck-deep in money laundering for the Mexican drug cartels.  These are the organizations that bribe all of “our” Congressmen and push for more “liberalization” of the illegal-alien trade.  That way they can more easily get money from the cartels across the border.  And the bribe-ocracy in turn keeps them from being shut down and their officers emprisoned because they are all “too big to fail.”

The massive corruption of the international banking sector leads directly to the bribery of the American Congress.  Without exception “our” Congressional leaders are criminal politicians, now led by a Negro from nowhere.

The White electorate, meanwhile, is kept anesthetized by a combination of Ashkenazi-run TV, ubiquitous narcotics, incessant propaganda about the evils of being White, and the suppression of the facts about non-White criminality and parasitism.  In order to keep the masses sedated yet longer, Congress has extended unemployment benefits for the jobless to almost two years (99 weeks), as businesses shrink or collapse everywhere.

And yet the denatured American White has deliberately opted for all of this.  Not satisfied with killing millions of his German kinsmen in two world wars and secretly allowing the Yid horror of Communism to engulf large sections of the planet, he has consistently voted for genosuicide and against nature and biological evolution at every turn.

Nature, however, has decreed absolute limits to the spread of any and all species, man included.  American politicians, exploiting the oedipalism of the U.S. populace, are now attempting to exceed those limits by using millions of imported serfs, with the aid of international narcobanks, and with gigantic loans which can never be repaid.

Europe has followed the American model;  it is now experiencing the same results as the Yankee Disneyland even more acutely, since it is smaller and has fewer resources.

Meanwhile the White intelligentsia hither, thither and everywhere is blathering on meaninglessly on the assumption that natural resources are infinite and non-Whites are the same as the Whites of Western civilization.  These elites have no clue about the fact that all of their sophisticated strategies are going to crumble to dust before the global desperation caused by resource exhaustion and dark-skinned animalism.  Their only thought is about how Whitey can best be exploited to solve the unsolvable.

Unseen by most people is the frenetic development of high technology for military uses of every type.  This is proceeding not just in the U.S. military underground, but in China and in a post-Soviet, barbarous Russia as well.  The weapons of yesteryear are being rapidly outmoded, even as ominous clouds loom on the horizon with the arrival of Peak Oil and general overshoot.  Since Whitey has abandoned his concern for his own existence, he has perforce invoked the logical consequences of genosuicidism.

Given that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and that modern civilization’s weakest link is the impending insufficiency of oil to meet global demand (“Peak Oil”), there is now no way to avoid the rupture of the Imperial chain.  American political elites refuse to acknowledge this fact.  They are transgressing every legal and illegal boundary to avoid the inevitable, since the inevitable means the end of America as evolution-killer, a prospect their delusional minds cannot accept.

The oil rig Hibernia
off Newfoundland

But reality is indifferent to their quasi-Communist fantasies.  There are many signs of where we are going.  One example:  the BP catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico is now causing insurance rates to rise seriously in the hydrocarbons industry, as the world slowly becomes aware of the fearsome risks inherent in that business, however necessary gas and oil may be.  In addition, future offshore exploration and development will require ever greater expenses of all kinds.  Take, for instance, the oil platform Hibernia off of Newfoundland, the world’s largest, a manmade island in iceberg-endangered waters.  Supposedly its immense weight will protect it from icebergs and storms.  But its mere presence in such a hostile environment (to say nothing of the expense) is proof of the extremes to which modern civilization must go to maintain itself.

Moreover, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has recently ordered a halt to all oil exploration in his country.  Allegedly his reason is to preserve “his” oil wealth for future generations of Arabs.  Since the king has never voiced such concerns before, it is doubtful that it is only now that he has decided to start worrying about the rest of the Sand Negroes in his country, especially given the population explosion among his people, who will soon be needing more energy, not less.  Much more likely is it that he has recently become aware of the fact that the Ghawar oilfield — the largest in the world — has now peaked.  Its rate of flow can no longer be increased, no matter what demands the rest of the world makes on it.  This means that the best, cheapest oil in the world has now peaked.  All we have left are more expensive oil of lesser quality and the “other liquids” whose overall quantity will continue to increase for another two years.  These are increasingly expensive sources, but even these are projected to max out in 2012.

Thus there is no alternative to deep-sea oil exploration.  And all of the science fiction proposed by hordes of ignorami to eliminate the scarcity and return to Business As Usual will be of no avail.  The main effort will have to be simply trying to stave off civilizational collapse.  But given America’s hatred of the race that built modern civilization in the first place, preventing that collapse is going to be difficult in the extreme.

June 2010


2010 Jun 28 [Mon]:  Many bloggers and media commentators have remarked on the fact that the now enthroned Dark Lord is orbiting the world asking forgiveness for past American bullying and other nastinesses.  He even went so far with the Mohammedans as almost to say he was one with them.  He quashed the plan to put missiles in Poland, thereby lowering Russia’s level of anxiety.  He has physically bowed low before non-White heads of state, gratifying them with his willingness to bring us down to their level.  And he made the Nobel Prize committee so ecstatic that they gave him one of their medals for Best Negro Propaganda Artist.

Given the fact that many citizens, on the left as well as the right, think that America was chosen by God or Fate to be an “exception” to the common run of nations, such behavior may seem quizzical.  Why should “the most powerful nation on earth” suddenly stop acting like the Galactic Command Center and assume the attitude of being just another one of the boys?  After all, it is America’s duty to bring stability, civilization, truth, justice and the American Way to the rest of the world.  So what gives?

In reality, the Empire is weakening, weakening.  It is slowly following the path of all the other empires of history.  Consider some of the waves now beginning to wash over the deck of the Titanic:  the Gulf of Mexico oil blowout ;  gradual deindustrialization ;  creeping impoverishment of the middle class ;  unprecedented numbers of real estate foreclosures ;  intractable unemployment ;  overindebtedness of private households ;  endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

That well-known starter of two world wars, Winston of the Ill Church, liked to talk of his thousand-year British Empire’s “finest hour” when he was mass-murdering German civilians.  His now-vanished empire is no longer remembered by today’s generation, and Britain itself is fast adopting a much-praised mélange of Third-World cultures.  The Judaized political elites of America, and of the West generally, take comfort in the belief that the systems they control today will prevail on the morrow.  For yea, verily, America hath more nuclear bombs than all the rest of the world, and a lot of other fancy weaponry.  Yet it is also true that the ointment seems to have some flies.  It appears the U.S. military itself is becoming increasingly demoralized as it morphs into a politically correct NGO trying to civilize the uncivilizable everywhere.  As with Vietnam, it is beginning to appear that the U.S. will eventually abandon Afghanistan and Iraq, then import hither millions of refugees from those countries as their lands are taken over by the allies of Allah.  The chimpanzoid’s dismissal this week of the best general (General Stanley McChrystal) to command the struggle in Afghanistan — due to a trap set by a leftist magazine — is but one straw in this wind.

Every astute non-American can read the handwriting on the wall.  Today the hyenas are held at bay by the Yankee legions ;  but how long will it be before “unconventional” warfare (which includes addicting the White American populace to drugs) begins dealing lethal blows to the tottering giant?  Heebs lecture us that we have to “understand” the non-Whites who are eating away at the entrails of the Empire.  And Whitey nods somnolently as he slides into his grave.

In the short run, the U.S. economy is, as everyone knows, desperately dependent on China.  If Chink no buy American dollar, America go broke.  The Chinamen also know very well that they are not going to be repaid for all of their investments in the White devil’s Treasury bills.  At the moment they have no other choice, but that moment will not last forever, and they are trying to diversify their holdings.  They, probably better than anyone else, know that America’s economy is declining, and that our political elites are little better than asylum inmates.  The latter are increasingly using moralistic propaganda to prop up the country’s reputation as “#1.”  The nation’s rapid debilitation vis-à-vis the rest of the industrial world is obvious.  And while the chimpanzoid demands all the other countries flood the world with more “stimulus” money so that his political party can be re-elected in November, they are refusing to obey.  Such insubordination signals yet more weakening of the Empire.

Currently there is a great deal of fabricated outrage against Arizona for its recent, very mild attempt to stave off the torrent of Spics pouring across its border with Mexico.  One of the amusing excuses the fabricators use is that “we” need the illegals to keep the Rube-Goldberg economy “growing.”  Joining in the fun is the casino-like finance which, also in the name of “growth,” has become another major trend in America and its satellites.  We need ongoing music so that there will be no pause in the international game of musical chairs.  Unfortunately, this is one case where what the emperor said in the film “Amadeus” is true:  there are too many notes.

A bit of an overview:  if the sun were the size of a basketball, our earth would by comparison be the size of a grain of sand.  And if the sun were the size of a (small) marble, the star Arcturus would be the size of a beach ball.  And if the star Arcturus itself were the size of a marble, the star Antares (1,000 light years distant) would be the size of an even larger beach ball (and the sun virtually microscopic).  The astronomical distances between these fiery but lifeless bodies, and, even more, of the cosmos as a whole, exceed the powers of the human mind to imagine except with the abstract language of mathematics.  The age of the universe is estimated (depending on the manner of measurement) to be 13.4 to 13.72 billion years old.  That’s compared to an America somewhat over two centuries old.  From such considerations as these we know that we are not going to be saved by any little green men out there.  Given these incomprehensible stretches of space and time, and our isolation in them, one would think that the elites of the West would snap out of their genosuicidist pipe dreams and recognize that the time to halt expansion of the primitive, low-IQ darklings is now.  We are at the end of our rope, and there is no place left to go.  But no:  instead, the “big people,” the “masters of the universe” and their politicians and propagandists harp incessantly on the allegedly inexpiable evil of the only race ever to have arisen from the blood-soaked mud of human origins;  they strive to extinguish us with racial pollution and parasitism.  While secularizing old sermons about the virtues and vices of a Christianity in which they themselves do not believe, they adopt the parasitic ideology of the Communists and seek to halt evolution forever.

But it is precisely the minuscule size of our earth-ball and its declining ability to support the American Way which are now causing the difficulties perceived as economic.  Money is actually only a form of information, and the discipline of economics a measuring tool.  The underlying realities are dismal indeed.  They will not be improved by redistributing the money supply or cheapening it while the racial and environmental infrastructure are destroyed.  Or by placing an incompetent darkie on the pinnacle of power.

But experience tells us that a clear grasp of reality does not arise in the minds of old rulers.  That happens only when the old regime is swept away by events and a new generation, if any, willing to deal with facts takes over.  The loss of power is slowly beginning.  The only question is how nature will fill the abhorrent vacuum.

Peak Intelligence

2010 Jun 19 [Sat]: 
“David Smith (1994), an educational psychologist at the University of South Carolina, asks, ‘Is mental retardation always a disease to be prevented, or is it a human condition worthy of being valued?’  It is a rhetorical question implying that the mentally retarded are just as valuable to society as the intelligent.  Others went further and suggested that it was actually better to be stupid than to be intelligent.

“Undoubtedly some of these disorders, such as cystic fibrosis and phenylketonuria, are increasing significantly and this is a problem that needs to be taken seriously.

“With regard to intelligence, the emergence of an inverse relationship between socioeconomic status and fertility in the cohorts born between 1815 and 1825 in England indicates the onset of genotypic deterioration — which was probably present in other Western nations and has been documented for many of them from the middle decades of the nineteenth century onward.  This means that dysgenic fertility has been in place for around six generations.  In the last section of Chapter 10 it was concluded that genotypic intelligence in Western nations has deteriorated by between five and eight IQ points over this time period.

“Dysgenic fertility in modern populations remains a problem and is likely to persist indefinitely into the future with steady degradation of the gene pool.

“Many people have found it difficult to reconcile the deterioration of genotypic intelligence with the increase in phenotypic intelligence found in many Western nations since the 1930s.  We examined this paradox in Chapter 8 and concluded that the rise of phenotypic intelligence has been caused by environmental improvements, largely in nutrition, which have masked the genotypic decline.

“It is much more probable that the environmental improvements will show diminishing returns and eventually cease.  When this happens, and if dysgenic fertility continues, phenotypic intelligence will begin to decline, and this will have serious consequences for the quality of life in Western societies.

“The high correlations obtained by Tygart (1991) of criminality with number of siblings suggests that genetic deterioration with regard to conscientiousness may be about twice as great as that for intelligence.  …  It may well be that dysgenic fertility for conscientiousness and criminality — which has received the least attention from eugenicists, and which has made a significant contribution to the rising crime rates in many Western nations in the second half of the twentieth century — is the most serious of the dysgenic problems confronting modern populations.”

Richard Lynn, Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations, Westport, Connecticut:  Praeger Publishers, 1996, pp. 206ff.

We seem now to have a somewhat better estimate of just how much oil is spurting out of the Mississippi Canyon block 252 oil leak:  35,000 to 60,000 barrels a day.  This indicates a field of much greater capacity than most other wells in the Gulf, whose maximum is usually about 30,000 b/d.  Great quantities of gas are included in this efflux, resulting in benzene and other toxic compounds poisoning the water and reducing the oxygen in it.  The whole affair seems to be enveloped in weird happenings, including a lightning-caused fire atop the drillship this week.  That fire was quickly extinguished, but caused a five-hour suspension of operations.

So a lot of unusual difficulties are being encountered here.  “Unprecedented” is the word BP and others use in describing the event.  But what is not unprecedented is the thinking of the White genosuicidist elites, which is virtually the same everywhere:  no matter what may be the risks of uncertain but seemingly (to them) promising adventures, the outcomes, they assure themselves, will “probably” be successful.  As we now go where no man has gone before, traditional risk/benefit analysis is thrown to the wind.

Thus the Congressional bribe-ocrats of both parties reduced the capital reserve requirements of the banking system so that loans could be made with, effectively, nothing to back them up.  The financial casinos based on credit default swaps (CDSs) were politically encouraged to run amok.  The re-introduction of slavery by both extreme illegal immigration and job exportation to the Third World is based on the same principle:  there will “probably” be no ill effects in playing Russian roulette, they say.  And if there are, they can be blamed on other people or impersonal processes — which, of course, no one could have foreseen.

We do not know what is going to happen with the Gulf leak.  We can only hope and pray that BP might gradually succeed in its attempts to plug the flow.  The company is slowly increasing the amount of oil captured, and it expects to have a new containment system, including a new containment cap on the Blowout Preventer, by mid-July.  That system, it is hoped, will allow no oil at all to escape into the water and will suck all of the upsurging goo up to the Enterprise ship, thence to be taken ashore.

Nonetheless, the increasingly desperate search for oil calls for bleeding-edge technology in ever greater degree;  but here, too, monumental risks are often justified with the wishdream that things will “probably” turn out all right, even if the measures taken to cut costs will eventually cause great damage.  (The only difference in the case of the Macondo oil leak was that — to the delight of the jaded media — the negative consequences appeared immediately, specifically and explosively.)

Such willful disregard of the laws of probability by political, financial and industrial elites is both criminal and demented.  But it is also the natural operating procedure of civilizations in general — and of ours above all, because of its technological power.  And because the consequences of neglect of this kind are natural and automatic, neither “progressives” nor “conservatives” have an answer for it.  The results constitute a dead end for the entire civilizational enterprise.

A little science:  Homo Sapiens migrated out of Africa somewhere between 80,000 and 50,000 years ago (a good reference is Nicholas Wade’s “Before the Dawn:  Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors” ).  The Aussie Aborigines and the Papua/New-Guinea types are kind of “museum pieces” from that time.  There is also some evidence that the earliest escapees from Africa even made it (via Melanesia) to South America, where they existed until the Proto-Mongoloids (Amerinds) sauntered down from Beringia and wiped them out.  Also, recent analysis by Svante Pääbo (of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany) of the 38,000-year-old Neandertal genome from Vindija cave in Croatia shows that up to 4% of the DNA in modern humans originating outside of Africa comes from Neandertals.  (See the July, 2010 Scientific American magazine, pp. 18ff. for this.)  The Neandertal elements, it turns out, are non-functional, according to the researchers.  It appears that the miscegenation occurred in the Middle East between 80,000 and 50,000 years ago, before the tiny homo-sapiens bridgehead in the Middle East expanded to the rest of the world and exterminated the Neandertal and homo erectus lines.

By contrast, with the Neandertals and erectus now gone, the Negroid genome is today by far the oldest one of the human species, and hence closest to our chimpanzee relatives (with whom we share about 98% of our genes).  As for the more recent, non-Negroid portion of mankind, the Caucasoids — which, by the way, include many of the dark-skinned Indians who speak Sanskrit-derived languages (but not the Tamils) — and Mongoloids evolved larger brains as they moved north.  Brain size is thought to be an adaptation to cold weather;  the Eskimos have the largest brains.  It is the average number of dendrites per neuron, however, which is the critical factor in human intelligence, even though brain size is certainly a contributing element, since larger brains obviously have more neurons and thus more synapses.  For the general difference between the three major groups (Negroids, Caucasoids and Mongoloids), see Professor J. Philippe Rushton’s article, RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR:  A Life History Perspective.  In brief, Negroids are lowest on the evolutionary scale, Mongoloids the highest, and Caucasoids spread out in between — with, of course, a lot of overlap, especially because of the very wide spectrum of Caucasoids.  Amerinds (including Mexican and South American Indians) are Proto-Mongoloids, lower than Whites but above Negroes on the IQ scale.

There is a special exception to this overall picture:  the Ashkenazi Jews (but not the Sephardim or Oriental Jews).  The preëminent research on this was done by a team (Gregory Cochran, Jason Hardy, Henry Harpending) at the University of Utah Department of Anthropology.  (Their conclusions may be read here to see how they arrived at them.)  In brief, the medieval Catholic Church prevented the Christians under its control from engaging in money-lending because it was considered “usury,” but the Church allowed the non-Christian Jews to do this intellectually demanding work.  Jewish culture was also so clannish as to verge on incestuousness.  During the Middle Ages there were no welfare programs or entitlements;  either you made it on your own or you died and left the gene pool.  Those of the money-lending Jews who succeeded propagated their genes;  the others died out.  Natural selection favored a certain biochemical, the Gaucher storage compound, glucosylseramide, which enhances dendrite growth on neurons.  This led to higher intelligence among the Ashkenazim (except in the area of their visuo-spatial intelligence, which is subnormal).  But when the genes for elevated levels of this compound are inherited from both parents, each possessing high amounts of it, the results are excessive dendritogenesis and other problems leading to all kinds of genetic malformations and diseases, frequently resulting in death at an early age.  (These disadvantages are not usually discussed in polite, politically correct company for obvious reasons.  But the biological “tradeoff” involved here is also responsible for the repulsive ugliness of a great many Ashkenazim.  The systemic distortions of their genome, similarly, result in external deformities, especially of the face.)  Over the period of, say A.D. 700-1500, this inadvertent eugenics program of Catholicism resulted in an average IQ gain of an estimated ½ IQ-point per generation among European Jews.  Today the standard Ashkenazi has an IQ of about 112-115, but the important fact is that, percentagewise, there are a great many Ashkenazim above 140, where we find physicists, engineers, financial experts, physicians and other occupations which require high intelligence.  Per 1,000 of the respective population, there are nearly 6 times as many Ashkenazim in that range as among the non-Ashkenazi White population.

Added to this is the fact that the unadmitted psychodynamic of Judaism as a culture is aggression masked by paranoia (“that tree over there is about to attack me;  cut it down!”), which is a self-fulfilling psychological projection.  These genetic and cultural reasons are the true wellsprings of Ashkenazi control of Western civilization today.

Intellectual superiority does not automatically mean superior survivability.  Many intellectuals have committed suicide and continue to do so.  High IQ is only one element in the survivability arsenal, albeit an important one, since otherwise you have regression to the animal level.  In contrast, for many decades, the United States has had a dysgenics program for producing ever-increasing numbers of stupid Negroes and other low-IQ types.  It is called “Aid to Dependent Children,” or ADC for short.  Other Western countries have similar programs, aimed especially at ThirdWorld importees, all of which measures make sure that high-IQ Whites will be displaced as soon as possible by dark morons.  The aim is to change the prospect of White genosuicide from a possibility to a certainty.

Modern Western (White) civilization is, thus, producing an evolutionary catastrophe.  See the book on dysgenics by Richard Lynn, cited above, for a thorough discussion of this.  As average IQ, health and conscientiousness sink ever lower, there is now simply no way to avoid civilizational doomsday, perhaps much sooner than we think.  Moreover, as the election of a chimpanzoidal chimera as national “leader” indicates, the broad masses have clearly chosen regression to the animal state as their first priority.  Science depends on high intelligence.  But we passed the genotypic peak of intelligence long ago, and we are now passing its phenotypic peak.  It is all downhill from here.

Instead of constantly bemoaning, with leftists, the miserable fate of the criminal, the irrational, the diseased and low-IQ types, it would behoove us to concern ourselves with the fate of intelligent life on this planet and of evolution in general.  The Negroes will always be at the bottom of the evolutionary tree because of their biological history.  The West, hypnotized by “holocaust” propaganda spread by Ashkenazim, prefers to ignore the 61 million Russians murdered by the Ashkenazi-supported Communists, to say nothing of the 76 million Chinese murdered by Mao Tse-Tung, another spinoff of Jewish Marxism.  (For the numbers, see the findings by Professor R.J. Rummel, and his excellent website.)  Our priorities are not only insane, they are suicidal.

We really do not have much time left.  This is obvious to anyone who attempts to look at the larger picture without breaking into Weltschmerz about the suffering of the world.  Our elites are madmen posing as preachers of morality.  The TV viewer cannot grasp this because of his somnolent state, and those few who try to point out the looming danger are demonized into insignificance or worse.  We are all now locked into the electric chair, waiting for Nature to throw the switch.

Things like the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico are not really accidents.  Sooner or later the top-heavy complexity of the fantasy we are attempting to build must begin collapsing, because the strains are simply too great.  In brief, we either snap out of it and decide to do whatever is necessary to survive, or this planet will be finished forever as a vehicle for intelligent life.

Deepsix ğe Future

2010 Jun 12 [Sat]: 

[In the year A.D. 19, the Roman general Julius Caesar] Germanicus … sailed up the Nile from the city of Canopus as his starting-point.  … He went from there to [a town at] the river’s next mouth, one dedicated to a Hercules who, the natives say, had been born in their country and was the most ancient Hercules, while others who later showed like heroism had been given the same name.  Next he visited the vast remains of ancient Thebes.  And on its gigantic temple ruins there remained Egyptian inscriptions summarizing the city’s past opulence.  One of the elders of the priests, ordered to translate his native tongue, reported that seven hundred thousand men of military age had once lived in Thebes, and that with that army King Rhamses {Ramesses II, 1304-1237 B.C.} had subjected Libya, Ethiopia, Media, Persia, Bactria, and Scythia, and controlled the lands inhabited by the Syrians, Armenians and the adjacent Cappadocians, from the Bithynian {Black Sea} to the Lycian {Mediterranean} sea {i.e., all Asia Minor}.  Also read out were the taxes imposed on those peoples, the weight of silver and gold, the quantity of arms and horses, the gifts to the temples — ivory and incense — and what quantities of grain and all the other gear each nation had to deliver;  in all, no less magnificent than what was now commanded by the might of Parthia or the power of Rome.

— Publius Cornelius Tacitus (Roman historian),
(written ca. A.D. 115),
Book 2, Chapter 60

As the imperial merry-go-round slowly runs down, in the various Western languages the word “crisis” is gaining in popularity:  la crise, die Krise, la crisis.  Financial, energy, populational, climatic, whatever.  It is almost impossible to read a news article on paper or the internet nowadays without running across this word in its various linguistic modifications.  Maybe it should be augmented with a verbal form:  “to crisis, crisissed, has crisissed,” meaning “to become or reach a crisis,” as in, “The situation between Israel and humanity crisissed today.”  Less ink, more meaning.

In any case, it is clear that the crisis of the West’s survival has already been reached.  It can be seen in “small” things, such as that the U.S. space program has been permanently downsized so that we will never again send men to the moon, let alone Mars.  We need the money to support Negroids, muds and mulattoes here on terra firma.  It can be nasty things, such as the fact that nuclear weaponry and other WMDs have already spread far beyond the control of the Empire.  It can even be symbolic, such as the election of an incompetent swamp creature to the presidency of the nation.  Whichever way one looks at it, the White world has crisissed.

Seen from a purely materialistic perspective, this would seem not to be the case.  After all, the sophistication and reach of American war technology has reached historically unparalleled dimensions.  Heeb control of the Western media is virtually absolute.  The average White American has no doubt whatsoever that six million Yids were burnt to a crisp in Nazi gas ovens, and anyone who denies it should be himself burnt at the stake by God’s Chosen People.  There are massive entitlements for all God’s chillun, especially the alien ones.  Blessed are the poor, for they shall see big bucks if they are too lazy to create a life for themselves.  Refried Marxism everywhere for everyone.

Alas, poor Yorick!  The Empire bears within itself the seeds of its own demise.  Much of the U.S. military, where not used as an international aid organization, has been distorted into little more than a social program for race mixing.  Western media is by no means the only means of broadcast in the world, and, moreover, its philo-Semitic messages are being diluted by an internet rampant with opinions of all sort.  The figure of six million has been whittled down to a million and a quarter, and is now understood by many against the background of the Jewish murders, via Marxism, of countless millions of Russians and Eastern Europeans.  Demands of the indigent illegal aliens and other non-White parasites are breaking the banks of many states.  And Judeo-Marxist redistributionism is running up against the irritating reality that there is less and less to redistributed.

To make a long story short, the American system has come to the point where it has exhausted all of its tricks, all its smoke and mirrors, is now drained of energy and ability by internal problems and malpractice of every sort, and has reached the end of the line.  Like so many civilizations before it, the U.S. has become clogged with the distortions and ramifications of its founding urges.  The sum total of its complexification and overload is now resulting in arteriosclerosis and terminal constipation.

Long it was that America prided itself on being an exception to evolution and history, a “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (New World Order), as it says on the dollar bill.  Unsinkable.  Disneyland eternal.

Alas, Nature seems not to be heeding such lofty claims.  How insolent of her!  She is supposed to use her magical powers to clean up the cloacal swamps we are turning the oceans into, to refresh the aquifers we have polluted, to replenish the oilfields we have emptied, all in the name of helping alien life forms.  Why does she not create a new continent in, say, the Pacific Ocean that we can exploit?  What is wrong with God?  After all, we are giving the Jews everything they ask for.  And have welcomed all of the world’s fetid darklings.  And we murdered all of our own kin in Central Europe in two world wars.  How dare he be so ungrateful!

Many economists are locked into the same mindset as many other people (like scientists and engineers) who deal constantly with mathematics:  they have come to think that their formulas — and not external, physical processes and events — are the “real” world.  If the external world does not fit their elegant mathematical theories, then too bad for the external world.  Events out there like Peak Oil aren’t really happening;  they are a mirage that will soon be whisked away by the miracle of econo-math, which says that scarcity invariably creates satisfactory replenishment or substitution of some type.  Collapse simply cannot happen, because theory and the math say it can’t.

This kind of thinking is one of the factors which has made the financial world, assisted by governments, take on debt to be paid by great-great-great-great-grandchildren.  According to theory, the borrowing will make up for the heavier and heavier economic drag caused by increasingly expensive oil production and by demands by the bourgeoning non-White mass.  Like Plato’s “ideas,” mathematics, cherry-picked statistics, and ideology are assumed to be the real world for economists and the politicians who follow them.  Such people are, after all, insulated from the non-mathematical, non-theoretical world of drab, ordinary life.

On the other hand, in the quotidian domain of ordinary people, the GDP is declining, jobs are evaporating forever, and Spics and other ThirdWorlders are flowing in and trashing the country.  For another couple of years, the loan from future generations will produce an appearance of “life as usual.”  By the time the bill comes due, the current professoriate and political generation will be safely ensconced in their gated communities, oblivious to the effects of their actions.  Their response to the question of their responsibility will be excuses and blame-shifting.

In all fairness, it must be said that this is exactly what the people want.  Denial of reality has always held the majority in an iron grip.  The vast mass of mankind has always preferred circuses along with its bread, even when the circus showmen are telling them obvious lies.  Collapse is what the collective unconscious is really after.

Seen in the evolutionary perspective, collapse is actually the trigger mechanism for the Darwinian process of “survival of the fittest.”  A predator species expands until it consumes most of its prey species/food supply, then collapses.  A few remnants may have some special adaptation that enables them to survive the catastrophe which wipes out the majority of their population.  This adaptation is then transmitted to their offspring, the prey species/food supply revives, and the cycle continues.

Only this time the collapse will be so thorough that the cycle will be unable to resume.

One of the most bizarre features of modern civilization is its addiction to a historical flash in the pan — oil — as though it were permanent.  It resembles viewing a one-night stand as endless, and betting one’s whole life on that assumption.  As if this were not enough, the sources of a good deal of the remaining “conventional” (i.e., high-quality, cheap) oil lie in states hostile to the White man.  Unfortunately for those who constitute 85% of the world’s White population, there is no choice in what is happening or about to happen.  And the race-mixing elites controlling them refuse to reveal the facts because they know that would mean the loss of their power.  Keep in mind that the Jews, who are the traditional enemy of the White man, comprise a large section of these elites.  It is not in their interest to lose their present status.

The Heeb conversion of the West’s financial markets into government-approved casinos is another sign of the mental disease now undermining White civilization.  The imagined benefits of the alien mud invasion only deepen the psychosis, since yet more falsehoods are required to mask the deterioration caused by the new parasites.  One of those falsehoods is the pretense that these new creatures will somehow drop their former cultures and adopt American (i.e., White) “values.”  Thus America will turn mud brown but, magically, the “values” will float on forever.  Balderdash is much too weak a word to describe this lie.  America, the Last Empire, will disappear forever down the cosmic commode.

Given this situation, it is no wonder that most White Christians, who adore Jews and are terrified of being labeled “racist,” seek to suppress the very notion of biological evolution, even though there may be no necessary conflict between Christianity and evolution.  The slow development of life and intelligence over billions of years implies differences between species and races, and this is simply too painful for most people, Christian or not, to accept.  In sum, the White man’s incapacity to acknowledge the slowly tightening vice of all of these factors is an integral part of his death wish:  Disneyland’s days are numbered, but Whitey has become too hypnotized to admit it.  He is in a car travelling 100 miles per hour, headed toward a cliff.  But he has decided to take his hands off of the wheel and cover his eyes with them.

Fairyland Finale

2010 Jun 07 [Mon]: 
“U.S. oil output may be cut by 160,000 barrels a day next year as a result of the ban, according to Deutsche Bank AG.  A one-year delay to deep-water projects would reduce global supplies by 500,000 barrels a day between 2013 and 2017, [Global Wealth Management services agency] Sanford C. Bernstein said.”
Oil Industry Faces Its ‘1,000-Year Flood’
as Drilling Is Halted
,, Friday, 2010 May 28
“The real lesson here [is that] it only requires a relatively small amount of oil to be taken out of the system to have huge economic and security implications.”
Robert M. Gates,
Oil Shockwave National Security Advisor,
2005 June 23
Oil ShockWave” was a “sophisticated scenario exercise developed by Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) and the National Commission on Energy Policy (NCEP) to examine the implications of a global oil shortfall and to explore possible responses to, and protections against, such a crisis.”
“With 606 oilfields, the Niger delta supplies 40% of all the crude the United States imports and is the world capital of oil pollution.”
John Vidal, environment editor,
The Guardian | The Observer,
Sunday, 2010 May 30
Nigeria's agony dwarfs the Gulf oil spill.
The US and Europe ignore it.”

The kind of crisis that the chimpanzoid’s favorite Jew, Rahm Emanuel, so lovingly embraces has arrived.  If the brown emperor follows through with his threat to suspend all deepwater oil exploration near our shores for half a year or longer, we can expect economic problems of a magnitude not seen since the foundation of the U.S.

In small (almost purely leftist) corners of the internet, there has been much discussion of how to deal with Post-Peak conditions.  As might only be expected, the vast majority of commentators uses the occasion to rail against White racism, White xenophobia and the usual other bêtes noires of the left.  The left’s main concern, after all, is how genetically to pollute the White race into extinction via race mixing.  Thus Heebs and White genosuicidists typically invent scary (for them) fairy tales by which they hope to justify a preemptive coup to seize imperial power and liquidate all White racists.  About actually dealing with the results of a real oil shockwave, they have nothing to say.

Given the illuminatist mindset of the current principate, it is in fact most probable that we will see an American version of Stalinism emerge.  That, after all, is the wishdream of the left.  For a while, this new imperium will engage in the frenzied promotion of alternative energy research and development, while simultaneously threatening to imprison or impoverish any Whites who object to the regime’s concomitant race-mixing agenda.  In other words, a kind of revivified U.S.S.R., energetically supported — as was that failed experiment — by White-hating Jewry.

After the failure of the attempt to equal the energy efficiency and effectiveness of oil, the nation will decide it has to use military means to acquire the real thing once again.  However, two factors will reduce its abilities in this area.  The first is that some other countries will have nuclear weaponry and the will to use it, even suicidally, to prevent U.S. seizure of the remaining wealth.  The second is that the U.S. military itself will by that time have become thorougly demoralized with racial miscegenation and other forms of political correctness, and its effectiveness and even willingness to fight correspondingly reduced.

Meanwhile, America is discovering (surprise!) that the technological Deus ex machina does not always function as hoped.  BP has been performing almost superhuman work on the intractable problem in the Gulf of Mexico, and yet large numbers of the plebs cannot understand why the matter has not been solved instantly.  Some even think that issuing some kind of a legal or political threat to BP is going to force the company to stop the discharge.  In reality, excessive public and poltical pressure will only interfere with the technical work and exacerbate the disaster.  This is a perfect example of why economists’ childlike faith in technology is grossly misplaced.  The idea that “science” (whatever that is) is going to save Liberal bribe-ocracy or its successor, Yid-led Communism, is just one more of those irrepressible mythologies with which mankind likes to delude itself.  It should also be kept in mind that the war in Afghanistan is going to be lost for lack of cheap oil.  The U.S. military requires ungodly amounts of it to control the world.  Since the fuel supply is going to become much more expensive, America’s triggermen will have to rely increasingly on drones (unmanned aerial vehicles), but these have their own limitations.  Meanwhile, Mohammedans have the clandestine support of oil-rich co-religionists, and also do a great deal of their fighting oillessly on foot.  Most importantly, they have a fanatical creed which fires their ferocity.  In contrast, America’s military is motivated by Jew-based materialism;  without all the computerized, remote-control gismos, the nation has no reason to engage in true, existential sacrifice.  And, finally, the current politburo consists almost exclusively of lawyers, businessmen, financiers and professional politicians, all with no science or even military background but plenty of experience in the propaganda of race-mixing.  Collapse is, thus, virtually guaranteed.

An amusing thing happened in the eastern Mediterranean this past week.  It seems the Mohammedans have been learning much from Heebs about media manipulation.  They stuffed a couple of big boats with some supplies and lots of “freedom” protesters in Turkey, and made for the Islamic enclave of Gaza, adjacent to Yidland.  The Zionists told them not to go there, but to offload their goodies in Israel for trucking to the Muslim amusement park.  The Mohammed-followers refused to listen and stayed on course to their original destination.  Whereupon the Sheeny soldiers boarded their ships and, in the ensuing fray, killed a number of Allah’s fans who resisted with violence.  Predictably, the media, already primed for the confrontation by skillful Turks (complete with signs in English), broadcast crocodile tears and loud Mohammedist wailing throughout the White world, thereby scoring heavily against the Zionist entity.  Oddly, the Yids who control the West’s media assisted in the broadcast, probably because it helped to sell more advertizing, which is more important even than providing cover for the Land of the Holocaustees.  Whites everywhere, seeing muds victimized by Nazi Jews, broke down in tears;  the White-House chimpanzoid demanded an explanation;  Europe went into a period of mourning over the dead Sand Negroes.  Score one for Allah, naught for Yahweh.

If the Zionissimos had been astute, of course, they would simply have somehow disabled the incoming ships without boarding them, leaving them dead in the water, then towed them back to Turkish waters and set them adrift there.  Instead, they fell into the trap cunningly laid by the Turkish strategists and used “violence” to stop those worthy humanitarians.  (The Turk organizers must now be secretly gloating with great glee over this coup.)  In America, the expanding mass of Muslim muds made much noise about the whole affair.  Even the ex-Muslim U.S. prez felt all sorry about the marine martyrdom.  He was, however, very careful not to go too far in his grief.  He knows who owns the media.  And he knows that Holocaustism trumps all else.

Back to the subject of oil and gas:  one of the many prerequisites for acquiring these fuels is a highly educated, very specialized class of scientists, engineers and field workers.  Since much of the current generation of specialists will be retiring within the decade, the question of who will replace them is becoming increasingly urgent.  The American fraud farm has suppressed the looming reality of Peak Oil for over a decade now.  The usual tribe of economists informs us that “the marketplace” and its invisible hand (of God?) will automatically produce them.  Yes.  All of those 92-IQ Spics now flowing into America for freebies are going to become selfless engineers.  They will be helped by the vast sea of home-grown, 85-IQ Negroes which has been slurping up trillions of Whitey’s dollars for many decades.  And the rest of the invading ThirdWorldites will be performing miracles of genius for us.  See?  Problem solved.

If perchance this sudden flowering of intellectual brilliance does not transpire, then we will can expect Plan B.  Following Elizabeth Kübler-Ross’s “grief cycle,” the masses will become enraged that their rattles and pacifiers have been taken away, making it difficult for the imperial court to keep them anesthetized.  This will be followed by despair that the high-energy American Way of Life (AWOL) can no longer be kept afloat.  Millions of muds and darkies will go on rampages to demand “their share” of the evaporated goodies, and the regime will inflate the money supply to placate them with green slips of paper.  World 3 will spill over into Whiteland as never before, finally drowning the delirium called America.  Genosuicidists and Jews will rejoice at having reached their goal.  Nothing will be left of America but heaps of trash and ruins, and perhaps many large radioactive zones if the final desperation results in nuclear war.  (Indeed, even a minute country such as North Korea, or dedicated members of the “Religion of Peace,” could, with a few nukes, cause the sudden collapse of the U.S. if fate should so decree.)  And all because the leaders of the Washington lie factory are utterly indifferent to the vast and irreplaceable achievements of White civilization and to its dissolution via parasites.

There are few who realize that America, because of its oedipal mentality, is a house of cards, one now being swept away by an avalanche of mud.  Hating its own White patrimony, killing its own White kin, and demanding unearned entitlements of every sort at the expense of its own biological progeny, this nation has been digging its own grave for a very long time.  Its work is almost finished.

May 2010

Ğe GOM Turning Point

2010 May 30 [Sun]: 
“HOUSTON, May 27 — US Geological Survey Director Marcia McNutt said a team of scientists and government officials reviewing the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico came up with flow rate estimates of 12,000-25,000 b/d, depending on the methodology used.”
Scientists estimate a higher
oil spill flow rate in gulf

Oil & Gas Journal,
Thursday, 2010 May 27

(by Paula Dittrick,
OGJ Senior Staff Writer )

“This [oil leak] will be a transforming event in the history of deepwater exploration.  It’s very clear that much more needs to be put in place to deal with this situation, should it ever occur again.  Clearly, our intentions going forward will be to change many things to ensure that it never can occur.”

Tony Hayward, BP’s CEO,
in an interview on CNN,
Wednesday, 2010 May 26

In other words, offshore oil is going to be much more expensive in the future.

To any adult who has been awake for the past month, it has become clear that the globe is entering unsettling times.  Business as usual is being disrupted by allegedly impermissible consequences:  of absurd national financial policies, of ever riskier exploration for oil, and of suicidal demographic trends, to name a few.  The American polity is indignant.  How dare such consequences happen?  There must be a guilty group somewhere that can be blamed for this intolerable logic.

The illuminati who hold the reins of power in America and its vassals are busy trying to figure out ways to retain control of the intercontinental Disneyland they have ruled for so long.  “Progressive,” anti-racist (i.e., anti-White) thinking might be threatened if things keep on disintegrating.  America might slide backwards into second-rate status or worse.  What to do?

Since the middle of the nineteenth century, the U.S. has increasingly masked its drive to power with Utopian blather.  Today reality is utterly blocked from view by it.  Racial differences are declared to count for nothing (except that Whites are considered the race of evil), universal brotherhood among all hominids is the goal, and a carefree life provided by government should be guaranteed to all, including all illegal invaders from Darkland, like the chimpanzoid’s Kenyan aunt.

Just as heaven on earth was about to be reached, however, a cosmic thunderstorm broke unexpectedly.  The financial world was suddenly revealed to be one vast, Yid Ponzi scheme.  American “exceptionalism” was exposed as imperial megalomania.  And now, in a catastrophic upsurge from the bowels of the earth, comes a black venom threatening to make the already overfished Gulf of Mexico (GOM) into a real problem.  Pity all those Vietnamese boat people the illuminati settled on the GOM coast a couple of decades back!

None of this, of course, will change the mindset of the masses.  They will simply demand more of the same, more illegal Spics and other muds, more reparations to Negroids for imaginary White sins, more “growth” made possible only by planeticide.  More genosuicidism.

The typical White genosuicidist is an extremely dangerous creature.  Given the chance, he will betray and destroy his own flesh and blood professionally, economically, socially and even physically.  Nor is it possible to persuade him of the error of his position by any rational argument, because his deepest urge is racial suicide, a psychodymanic beyond the reach of logic.  He is treasonous in the most profound sense.  And thus he can only be left to his own perdition and ignored.

Today the realities of history are slowly moving to lead this infantile Utopian creature to the logical consequences of his own actions.  Whether it be financial corruption, ecological destruction or demographic pollution and decay, his choices will perforce lead him to extinction, and no effort should be made to save him from himself.  He must go.

In many ways, the GOM oil leak in the spring of 2010, however it turns out, might be considered a kind of “marker” for the end of business as usual.  Henceforth, because of much more complicated and expensive drilling safeguards, it is not only oil that will be more expensive, but everything that depends on oil.  And the incessant bailing out of banks, of the diabolically complicated financial system, and of the flagging private-employment sector will weigh down the American way of life.  All of which signals the peak of the global economy, since the United States has long been the “engine” for world growth.  It seems pure coincidence that at this same moment Greece, the most corrupt of the Club Med countries, has now exposed socialist fantasies for what they are.  And it is not just the Greeks;  the rest of the European southland, too, is dragging down the whole European economy.  Now that the party is over, the southerners’ response is to riot and further wreck their own financial future, while their leaders demand bailouts from Germany and, indirectly, from the U.S.  Behold the true face of their mud-loving “morality.”

The great yellow hope, China, is itself experiencing major internal problems with its own growth, many of them having to do with vast and grotesque ecological devastation.  The American illuminati and Jews dream that Chinkland and that other bloated sewer, India, will be able to buy enough Monopoly money from America to keep the Yankee blimp aloft.  Would that were true!

In fact, the U.S. is kept wafting along only by hot air from politicians, economists and other propagandists.  Exactly how long we can continue to be propelled by fumes is unknown, but there is no refueling station on the journey ahead.  Already, with fewer police employed and deployed, Negroes and mulattoes are enjoying a freedom to kill, rape and pillage seen otherwise only in their ancestral African homelands and Haiti.  And “enlightened” politicians outside Arizona demand that we import yet more criminal muds in order to accelerate general collapse.

But to return to the GOM:  BP’s “top kill” attempt to stop the leak turned out to be unsuccessful;  the next plan will be to cut the broken riser from the Blowout Preventer and attach a hose to the stump to suck up some of the outflow.  Additionally, quite apart from these efforts, on its “Spill Response” website BP has been very careful to show nothing but a mixture of races, so that it can claim to be just as anti-White as media Jews.  Yup, we’re all in this together.  Ain’t it grand, Whitey?  Indeed, the company abides quite carefully by the rules of genosuicidist propaganda, especially given Arizona’s recent anti-illegals law.  The main rule?  No pic without a Spic.

The current disaster in the GOM should have been a lesson about the dangers of civilizational overshoot.  But the psychosis is too powerful.  All authorities in and out of government tell us the same thing:  we “have to” steadily compound our risk in drilling for the oil needed to support non-Whites and anesthetize Whitey.  Otherwise Whitey might wake up.  Can’t have that.  Planeticide is much better.

The MC 252 oil leak is indeed the perfect metaphor.  Whether they be good or ill, the full effects of the gusher will not be known for some time.  But the GOM surface is already taking on the color of the presidential chimpanzoid’s skin.  Where could one find a better symbol of the future?

Eat Drink and Be Merry, For…

2010 May 23 [Sun]: 
Their non-negotiables for us.

The Neo-Communists led by the chimpanzoid are making progress fast:  with the Rahm-Emanuel-ish excuse of “crisis,” they have taken control of the nation’s entire banking system and will not even let bank execs repay the TARP money forced on their institutions;  the feds have grabbed a controlling stake in the largest insurance syndicates (e.g., AIG);  they have likewise effectively nationalized General Motors in order to pay off leftist labor unions and fake environmentalists.  And on Wednesday, 2010 May 19, the chimpanzoid invited el presidente Felipe Calderón of Mexico to come and criticize the State of Arizona for having passed its border-protecting law SB 1070 as “racista.”  And, uh, oh yes:  there’s that narcotrafficking thing, but we don’t want to focus too narrowly on that.  After all, Spic narcotraffickers are people, too.

The squatter in the White House has also nominated Jewess Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, so that the U.S. can be metamorphosed into a bureaucracy-filled slug bloated with non-Whites.  The Neo-Commies intend to rush her confirmation through too fast for anyone to notice that she is another Trotskyite vessel of hate for the White race.

The United States, becoming more and more infested with ThirdWorld parasites and in a state of TV stupor that Stalin would have loved, is utterly indifferent not just to the servile cretinism into which it is sinking, but to the collapse which will follow in the train of Peak Oil.  The facts have been described in minute detail in many places, but they have had absolutely no effect on the TV-viewing public.  Thus it is useless to repeat them to people who will not listen.

Meanwhile the global financial sector (guess who controls it!) is robbing the world blind.  While telling the masses that they have to “tighten their belts,” this sector does not even have a belt.  Since this sector controls the media everywhere, Whitey is simply too stupefied with advertizements and pseudo-information to take any action of any kind.

In order to keep the Ponzi merry-go-round spinning, the U.S. bribe-ocracy must continue the importation of ThirdWorld dross.  So consider the kind of “honest hard workers” it is importing, as reported by WSBTV in Atlanta:

  1. ­Video:
  2. ­Video:
(There is a short commercial at the beginning.)

The U.S. has become a strange mixture of Jew-inspired Communism and the most unbridled materialism the world has ever seen, a mixture deadly not just for the White race but for the life of the planet itself.  Every new paranthrapoid invading Whiteland accelerates the pollution and exhaustion of the earth all the more.  Yid domination of the hypnosis machinery called “the media” anesthetizes the White population to suicidal crimes it perpetrates in the name of “higher values.”  The U.S. Congress is the most effective weapon of all history against biological evolution.  Now led by a Negroid from hell, it is putting the final seal of death on human civilization — all behind a mask of “morality.”  Thus, with the complicity of zombie-ized White masses, we are moving toward an imperial dictatorship.

There is a vast amount of hyperventilation about the Gulf-of-Mexico oil spill right now, a great deal of it badly misinformed or uninformed.  The GOM spill is actually a rather minor stumble, as such things go.  Whenever really high tech is involved with some critical operation, the chances a very high that something is going to go wrong.  The various mishaps and tragedies which have occurred in the space program — to say nothing about Chernobyl or the slowly gestating failure to dispose properly of the radioactive waste (800+ tons and growing) from nuclear power plants around the world — are typical examples.  The question few are asking is why the nation and the world are involved in such dangerous complexity in the first place.  This is the question that no politician wants to answer.  As with the financial markets, the preferred slogan is always, “Trust us.”  And as the decline of oil and population increase make the world ever more desperate for energy, we can be assured that our leaders will build yet more nuclear accidents-waiting-to-happen.  The “total cost of ownership” for such projects means certain and incalculable disaster.

The chimpanzoid and many politicians have pretended to be highly indignant over Arizona’s anti-illegals law, which is essentially nothing more than a copy of a federal law to keep illegals out of the country.  So why the fuss?  Because the high politicoes know that the country needs Mexico’s oil, given that millions of illegal immigrants here demand the same rights as native-born citizens to exhaust the globe’s one-time resources.  Venezuela, under the control of Hugo Chavez, has become extremely inimical to the U.S. (especially after our agents tried unsuccessfully to kidnap and kill him).  So that country is not a good source to rely on.  Ditto elsewhere.

In brief, the regime recognizes that we are approaching the end of the “growth” joyride.  It is extremely nervous about that fact.  Hence all of the handwaving and bizarre antics going on right now.  Meanwhile, the masses are blithely unaware about the immense power of the deep historical and planetary currents sweeping this funny farm to its demise.  The dominators want to keep it that way until we are actually sucked down the vortex.

Tragedy of ğe Commons

2010 May 15 [Sat]: 
“If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.”
— 2 Thessalonians 3,10

British Petroleum’s first attempt at containing the oil spewing from a broken pipe in the Mississippi Canyon 252 block of the Gulf of Mexico failed, so they had to go on to “Plan B.”  The reason for the failure was the high volume of oil-associated gas combining with the sub-freezing water (ca. -2°C or 30°F) to form a thick hydrate sludge which blocked the outlet of the large dome placed over the pipe.  Plan B consists of placing a much smaller dome (called a “top hat”), heated by warm water and partially filled with anti-freeze-like methanol to prevent any further sludge-formation.  That will be followed by replacing the electronics on the blowout preventer (BOP), reactivating it and forcing a mass of golf balls, chopped-up rope and ground-up rubber tires into it to stop the flow altogether, then jamming some gel called “mud” down the wellbore and, finally, sealing the well permanently with cement.  The process is expected to take a week or so.

Whether Plan B turns out to be successful or not, BP will continue drilling two separate relief wells down to the base of the miscarried borehole in the reservoir to take whatever further action is deemed necessary.  All the while, operations will continue at the sea surface to clean up and disperse the escaped oil.  Presumably the primary physical problems will have been reduced to manageable size by the end of the summer.  The legal and political problems will continue long after.

If only the problem of mud immigration into Whiteland could be solved so easily!  The invading non-Whites function like the hydrate sludge which frustrated last week’s attempt to close off the gushing oil.  They clog up the system, exacerbate existing problems and make any further progress impossible.  The difference is that BP could implement several alternate and practicable plans to stop the upcoming oil.  In contrast, the U.S. has no plans whatsoever to deal with the dusky sludge now beginning to strangle civilization.  Thus the complete pollution and death of the West is assured.  The political dross in Washington assures us that there is no problem, and that we should look the other way while national politicians take enormous bribes from the serf-importing corporations and engage in other forms of corruption.  The vast outpour of freebies to the Spics and their reprobate spawn are ignored as Whitey’s “obligations” to the dark races.  Business as usual, in other words.

Having squandered its prodigious natural wealth on the effort to terminate human (and indeed all) evolution, the anti-White U.S. is entering its final phase.  Its multiculturalist lemmings, who so vigorously decry “Big Oil,” depend on that selfsame Big Oil for their very existence.  It never occurs to them that Big Oil is acting at their command, that they themselves are the ones who are, through their demands for more wealth to squander, are killing oil-rig workers and the oceanic environment.  They need the oil (gas, coal, etc.) to support the illegal alien invasion they want.  They base their claims of moral superiority on the self-delusion that modern civilization can be run on energy from windmills, solar panels or science fiction.

Of course, trying to dissuade such true believers from their chosen path is futile.  Only when the collapse of America sweeps them out of existence will there be an end to their self-righteousness.  Their places will be taken by the criminal primitives they have imported.

What will the future look like?  We can already see its beginnings:  in the United States, many thousands, perhaps even millions, of families have experienced the shock of discovering their own children stealing from them.  Family heirlooms, bank account sums, laptop computers, and on and on — anything that can be easily sold for quick cash at a pawn shop.  More often than not, such children have been seduced into drugs by young criminals selling narcotics from Spicland or Afghanistan’s holy Mohammedans.  Politicians at the federal level are utterly indifferent to this ongoing massive tragedy, because they themselves are profiting from it.

Crime and corruption are found in all countries — even in much praised, semi-Communist Sweden.  But the amount and severity of crime vary widely, depending on the character of the populace.  Only a liar or a Jew would pretend that there is little difference in the rate of corruption found in Sweden and that in Uganda.

The main thrust of international crime today is the corruption of Whiteland.  The progress of this disease has been greatly accelerated by the Yid and illuminatist promotion of genosuicidism in the West.  Criminals are described as having had “disadvantaged” upbringing, as not having had enough money to eat when young, as having suffered “racial prejudice” from evil White males, and so forth.  In fact, the manufacturing of specious arguments of this type has become big business in the legal and political professions.

A variant of such argumentation is now being used to excuse Greece for its economic profligacy and for having squandered the years of easy money provided by its acceptance into the Euro zone.  The Euro-illuminati and the American chimpanzoid have now pressured Germany into paying the bail money to get Greece out of jail.  Spendthrift Portugal and Spain are exultant over Greece’s success, since that means they, too, can expected to be bailed out shortly.  We can also expect Italy to join the lineup not too far in the future.  There has even been some talk about haughty Britain looking for a handout as well, now that it has to import ever-increasing amounts of the oil it has squandered.

Largely due to subliminal advertizing and “infotainment,” fantasy has become the dominant mode of thought everywhere in the White world.  Politicians make promises they know to be impossible because their electorates want to hear them.  In this way, reality becomes replaced by surreality, and the way is laid open for clandestine criminality, with America blazing the trail.

What the world is currently experiencing, though deluding itself about, has been given many different names, but one of the most apt is “the tragedy of the commons.”  Essentially, this means that as many people as possible will always try to freeload off of “free” (or weakly guarded) resources.  In Europe, for instance, Germany is regarded as having been officially reduced to slave status by the U.S. for all non-Germans to exploit.  In the U.S., American national territory and wealth are seen as free for the taking by Spics and other ThirdWorlders.  And globally, the White race, which is not replacing itself demographically, is recognized to be a dying species to be pushed aside as soon as possible.

Among the many different forms of this tragedy is conventional oil’s exhaustion for the benefit of humanitiy’s less evolved, rapidly multiplying branches.  There are other forms of depletion also, such as overfishing, overwhaling and overmining.  But once the utter degradation of the global commons has taken place, there will be no comeback, pace the mythologists.  After the Greeks, the Portugese, the Spaniards and the Italians have sucked all of the money out of Germany and other northern European nations, it will be back to the Middle Ages in Europe, suitable only for the Mohammedan muds who are even now taking over.  After the easy oil is gone, average American Whites will take the path of Russian Whites and retreat into drugs and AIDS, as Latin America moves north.  It is, of course, always possible that the illuminati and Jews who control Byzantium-on-the-Potomac will attempt some kind of proxy war against China for attempting to use as much oil as the U.S.  But since Whites have no stomach for killing anyone except other Whites, it is unlikely that such Pentagonian efforts would get very far.  Meanwhile, the confidence games of philanthropies such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley will have exhausted the world’s economic system as well.

The “charity” of the White man has already enabled subhuman populations in Africa and elsewhere to explode far beyond the carrying capacity of their native environments.  Among other things, in the United States, mammoth agribusinesses have long been emptying the vast subterranean aquifers on the pretense that there is no tomorrow.  Gigantic, negrified and mud-filled cities like Detroit, Phoenix and Los Angeles, propped up by Federal money and various economic ploys, are already far beyond the point of self-sustainability.  Yet the band plays on.  In short, the tragedy of the commons is a positive-feedback loop of apocalyptic proportions.  Yes, there are some laudable efforts being made to produce fuel from renewable sources, or to fabricate substitutions for critical materials of declining supply.  But these developments, as worthy as they are, are in no way a match for the magnitude of the dearth to come.  Meanwhile, Whitey dawdles and twiddles with the deck chairs on the Titanic, as he elects a magic chimpanzoid as divine savior.  All, while the mentally deformed “progessives,” every time they learn of a new Negro murder, rape, robbery or other crime committed against a White person, secretly glow with joy over the outrage inflicted on the object of their hatred.

Repeatedly one hears from assorted economists, who invariably pose as “impartial” and “neither right nor left,” that the solution to the current crisis is both to cut spending (favored by so-called “conservatives”) and to raise taxes (favored by so-called “progressives”).  It never occurs to such economists to ask why there is a need to raise taxes at all.  The reason for their reluctance, of course, is that they would have to admit that social demands are increasing.  And the reason for their increase is, yes, the increasing non-White population, while the White population is declining and deteriorating.  The taxes such “impartial” economists are asking for would come almost exclusively from Whites.

But Whitey cannot escape his own responsibility for the emerging evolutionary disaster.  He insists on having Spic and other illegals take care of his children, do his landscaping, pick his fruit in Alta California, provide him with the children he refused to have, the narcotics he likes and the prostitutes he seeks to satisfy his sexual desires.  He should not have to work hard any longer — or, in the view of many, to work at all.  Meanwhile he continues to hypnotize himself with psychic poison by watching the very Jewbox which programs him to embrace his own death.  All (and much more) of this suicidal behavior is unprecedented in the history of homo sapiens — indeed, of all evolution.  And the idea that it can continue forever with no consequences is part of the death wish.

America is at the core of the White drive to go extinct.  From the beginning it sought to free itself from the limits of nature.  The Industrial Revolution, followed by the Scientific Revolution, seemed to promise fulfillment of that wish.  None noticed that America was turning into nature’s public enemy № 1.  After all, it had helped out billions of darklings, murdered evil Whites in the American South and in Germany, and suppressed Whites everywhere in favor of non-Whites.  It also handed the reins of power over to God’s Chosen People.  Proof that America rules by divine right, no?

Moreover, the country’s military indeed is the most powerful in history, so American Jews can force their ideas down anyone’s throat — proof of U.S. supremacy in everything else.  Yup.  Nothing can sink this ship.

Excepting maybe, as the Declaration of Independence puts it, “Nature and Nature’s God.”  The recent event at the bottom of the ocean in Mississippi-Canyon block 252 reveals the approaching limits of technology.  As the ballooning global population approaches seven billion, 90% non-White, collapse is staring us in the face.  Within a decade the entire human enterprise will begin to fail.  And the U.S., which requires vast amounts of oil merely to breathe, will be able to ignore its own death march no longer.

One of the difficulties America is facing is the growth in rates of graduation of engineers in Asiatic countries.  While China may grossly overstate the numbers of engineering graduates (because, among other things, it uses the term “engineer” as a label for auto technicians and other minimally technical workers), still, the vast populations of Asia (China, India, South Korea, Japan, etc.) guarantee that that continent will sooner or later match the U.S. in engineering quantity and quality.  More to the point, the increasing sophistication, complexity and price reduction of military weaponry everywhere (unmanned aerial vehicles being only one example) mean that America’s ability to kill will encounter increasing competition.  If a Mohammedan cave man with an engineering background can obliterate a couple of skyscrapers in New York City, think of what a state-supported technosquad might be able to accomplish.  Especially if it is given subtle encouragement by a White-House chimpanzoid who wants to put an end to White supremacy.

The vast but historically temporary differential of economics, energy supplies and brain power between the United States and the rest of the world is diminishing.  Few are able to grasp this at this time.  The scientifically illiterate legalists and politicians who are consuming our seed grain are sure that we can continue importing ThirdWorlders forever with impunity.  White genosuicidists agree in this policy, as do, of course, most muds inside the country.  How strange that such a path should lead to a Dark Age.

Close Calls

2010 May 09 [Sun]: 
The sinking of Transocean’s
Deepwater Horizon
semisubmersible oil rig
in the Gulf of Mexico, block MC252,
Thursday, 2010 April 22

It appears that British Petroleum has run into major problems in restricting the oil leak from the MC252 oil well in the Gulf of Mexico.  A hundred-ton containment dome was placed over the main seafloor gusher, but a slush of crystallized gas and water called hydrates forms at that depth and blocks the dome’s outflow opening.  BP is desperately trying to overcome this, but it will be weeks before they have the slimmest chance of succeeding.  In addition, on Sunday, 2010 May 2 the first relief well was begun and is expected to be completed around the beginning of August.  One of the emerging risks is that the shutoff efforts may actually damage the oil hole and make it larger, with the daily outpour rising suddenly from 5,000 barrels per day to 60,000.

But if, by some miracle, BP does manage to confine and control the flows, we will be in luck.  Another crisis averted.  Of course, there will be a lot of expensive cleanup and rampant lawsuit activity (in spite of the fact that the cause of the spill will be unknown for a very long time, perhaps forever), but at least the bleeding will have been stopped.  BP (which, like Goldman Sachs, contributed big bucks to the chimpanzoid’s presidential-electoral campaign), even with its questionable safety record, will have succeeded after all.  Whew!  Now we can get on with our lives, continue importing ThirdWorlders and driving Whites to racial suicide.

For what it’s worth, it might be instructive to review the ever greater depth of wells in the offshore oil business as both depletion and demand have grown:

Year Well Depth (m)
1978 Cognac 375
1988 Bullwinkle 400
1993 Auger 850
1996 Mars 900
1997 Ram-Powell 1000
2005 Bonga (ship) 1000
2007 Ormen Lange (seabed) 1050
1999 Ursa 1200
In Progress Gumusut-Kakap 1200
1997 Mensa (seabed) 1600
In Progress BC-10 (ship) 1600
2003 Na Kika 2200
2010 Perdido 2400
Source:  “Perdido:  World’s Deepest Offshore
Drilling and Production Platform
Supplement to Oil & Gas Journal, 2010 May 3

Note the increase in the depths to which we are being forced in order to fetch the oil needed to support the illegal aliens and to perpetuate the mongrelizing degeneration promoted by the genosuicidists.  Few people outside the oil and gas industry have any idea just how complex and expensive the fuel supply chain really is.  It far exceeds the moon landings or the building of the first atomic bomb in complexity, with many thousands of highly skilled scientists, engineers and workmen from many different countries.  The swarms of brainless commentators who regularly degrade “Big Oil” (the oil companies run by Whites, that is, not the national oil companies of Mohammedans, Negroids or Latino muds) have no idea what they are talking about.  The Deepwater Horizon tragedy is actually an opportunity for them to attack the White race from a different angle — as being the sole destroyers of the planet, with no word about the Others and their cancerous parasitism on Whiteland.  Let us never mention that the demand for oil is made increasingly by World Three, or that when the effects of Peak Oil begin to take hold, the miscegenated Leftist paradise may not be the result.

In any case, the increasingly extreme measures being taken to keep the imperial funny farm afloat are running into serious problems on different fronts.  On Thursday, 2010 May 6, the Dow-Jones stock market average fell precipitously almost a thousand points, before recovering to a level only 348 points below the previous day.  The Sheenie press assured us it had been due to a spelling mistake in a sell order (Jews easily confuse “billion” with “million”).  One wonders how much money the misspeller and his company made off of the “mistake” through short-selling.  To divert attention from machinations by Heebs, blame was also placed on the Greek debt crisis with its accompanying riots, and so forth.  But whatever else was said, the event revealed that the entire, now-computerized financial system, too, is much shakier than the chimpanzoid and his Yids would have us believe.

To put the cherry on the cake, on Saturday night, 2010 May 1, an intellectually challenged Mohammedan mud left an SUV with propane, fertilizer and fireworks in it in Times Square, thus scaring the b’jeezus out of all of the holocaust-believers in Hymietown.  It was a complete failure due to the usual incompetence found among the supporters of Allah.  However, it obscures the fact that every now and then a zealot of considerable intelligence pops up among the billion or so Moslems, and that the U.S. is playing dice with the devil to let them all in, as it is currently doing.

The above incidents, from areas as disparate as the energy sector, the financial markets, and mad muds, paint a variegated picture of increasing American fragility.  How much longer can events of this nature occur before one of them, with no forewarning, brings down the entire system?  The illuminati, whose only concerns are their own power and world racial miscegenation (“global harmony”), prefer to ignore such signs, considering them to be but speed bumps on the way to their goals.  The White masses themselves are too mesmerized by the Jewbox to notice that things are getting wobbly.  With their simplistic notions of good guys (Jews, Groids and White “anti-racists”) and bad guys (White “racists and anti-Semites”), collapse simply does not fit into their world view.  (New York Mayor and Ashkenazi Mike Bloomberg originally wondered whether the Times Square culprit was really “somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health-care bill or something.”  He and similar Yids probably think the failing Blowout Preventer on the Gulf of Mexico’s seabed at the MC252 well was a Nazi trick, too.)

Abroad (and yes, Virginia, there really are countries outside North America), the Europeans with their fairytale socialism are being forced to deal with the first of the freeloaders:  greasy Greece.  Truth in monetary affairs is a relative thing in that country.  The Hellenic masses and their leaders modify facts to their own advantage.  For some reason Germany, Holland and other northerners don’t seem to understand why their own role should be to impoverish themselves to support cushy lifestyles for Greek layabouts.  The latter believe that if they riot enough, they will get the northerners to accede to their demands, which is probably true.

This game cannot last forever, of course.  At some point even Germany will be overstretched.  With Portugal, Spain and Italy getting ready to follow Greece’s example, the general disintegration caused by incompetence, deception and outright crime will take effect, collapsing the fantasy of freebies for everybody.  We can expect the usual:  the jealous nations of the south and east will export their excess populations to Germany and demand “reparations” for medieval wars, for the Reformation, and for whatever else comes to mind.  The Germans and Austrians, thoroughly traumatized with the Yid-imposed Stockholm Syndrome about their eternal guilt, will go quietly to their own national extinctions.  The Jew will have won.  Again.

The financial collapse of Europe, including race-traitor England, will be followed or accompanied by a number of other foreseeable unpleasantries.  Peak Oil will be responsible for some of them, Mohammedan comedians for others, Yid financial operators and mouthpieces for yet others.  But it will be the homegrown genosuicidists who will, in the last analysis, cause the utter extermination of the most productive and inventive people on earth, European Whites as a whole.

In case the world did not have enough problems, on Saturday, 2010 May 8, Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano again spewed out enough ash to cause European flights to be diverted north and south of the subsequent plume and airports to be closed in southern France, Switzerland and northern Italy.  Another signpost pointing the way ahead for the genosuicide-prone.

From our explorations of the solar system, we now know that the planet Mars once had water, and may have some even now.  It may even have had — or still have — microbial life.  But the chance for any kind of multicellular life is long past, evaporated with the last of the free-flowing rivers or oceans on that once-watered planet.  From this Martian history we now know that life has no guarantee for its existence — and especially intelligent life.  The blind illuminati and Yids now running our civilization ignore such history, however, because they have no interest in the continued existence of that civilization.  Their only concern is the immediate future and their own power.  And so the growth in close calls that the White West is experiencing has no effect on their thinking.  Our masters have no idea that one day, perhaps sooner than they think, their (and our) luck may run out.

The unconscious dynamic of the United States has always been anti-evolutionism.  Nature was the enemy, to be “conquered” with technology so that non-Whites could be made equal with Whites and evil Caucasians done away with forever.  America destroyed Germany in two World Wars so that evolution would be terminated once and for all, and the corrupt U.S. regime used our continent’s vast endowment of oil to achieve that end.  Well, after that immense crime and the achievement of racial miscegenation on a scale unknown in all of history, we are now about to discover the true price to be paid for all this.  Surprise, surprise!  It is exactly what the illuminati wanted:  extinction.

One would have thought that in the above-mentioned, ominous events the imperial authorities might recognize signs of the absolute limits to non-White population growth.  The smug obduracy of the illuminati, however, forbids any such insight.  Their world, as in any dictatorship, is closed off from reality, impervious to fact.  Racial miscegenation must continue at all costs.  It is the only way to higher profits for the oligarchy which, in that world, means higher “morality.”  Evolution plays no role in such thinking.

Nothing — absolutely nothing — will restrain the march of White TV-lemmings.  The latter, along with the Yid-led Marxists, assure themselves that the extinction of the European race will have no effect on the “progress” of intelligent life on this planet.  Any and all crises — involving oil, finance, Mohammedanism or anything else — will be nothing more than close calls and near misses.  A comforting thought, that.

Nevertheless, if a blindfolded archer with an unlimited number of arrows constantly shoots in the general direction of a target, sooner or later he will hit the bullseye.  And every race-aware White knows that, however blind she may be, Nature has now begun to shoot.

Ğe Titanic

2010 May 03 [Mon]: 
“By 2012, surplus oil production capacity could entirely disappear, and as early as 2015, the shortfall in output could reach nearly 10 MBD.”

(MBD = million barrels per day)

The Joint Operating Environment 2010,
United States Joint Forces Command,
Joint Futures Group (J59) p. 31

Negroes in the U.S. are exultant at having their own creature in the White House.  Finally Whitey is getting his comeuppance.  Black Power, rah, rah, rah!  Also, the new Arizona law for incarcerating illegal Spics will be wiped out by anti-White forces in the government, yippee!  Bye-bye borders, hello narcotraffickers.

As White civilization dissolves itself, Nature, which abhors a vacuum, is moving to fill the void left by the decaying descendants of those who built America, to say nothing of what is happening to their European homeland.  Meanwhile, White unemployment rises unseen and unmourned by the illuminati who rule the West.  Non-Whites everywhere are salivating at the prospect of feeding on the rich cadaver left by White genosuicide.

Of course, there is only a small problem unrecognized by all of these overjoyed types.  It is called Peak Oil.  In order to push their anti-evolutionary agenda, it has been necessary for the overlords of Whiteland to suppress any mention of this unpleasant topic.  Otherwise the fantasy of universal equality and wealth distribution could not be maintained, and some different, realistic form of government would have had to be implemented.  Horror of horrors!  Much better to let nature take its course.

Of course, in order to make the coming crash all the worse, the bribe-ocracy is importing ThirdWorlders as fast as possible, so that Whitey will be exterminated by all of the darklings when things get nasty.

Unbeknownst to the vast majority of the populace — or, indeed, of mankind —, we have already entered the danger zone.  The combination of global overpopulation, resource exhaustion, biospheric degradation, Islamic savagery, American illuminatist dementia, financial corruption, international mafias and widespread modern weaponry of every sort (to mention only some of the threats) now overhang civilization like the sword of Damocles.  And yet our “leaders” continue on the BAU (business-as-usual) path.

A similar, if much smaller, event was the disaster of the good ship Titanic, which struck an iceberg shortly before midnight on 1912 April 14 and sank three hours later at about 2:45 a.m. on April 15 with the loss of 1517 lives.  The impact itself was only the beginning of the disaster.  The horror was magnified immensely by the fact that the ship’s psychotic captain, John Smith, insisted on continuing to sail full steam ahead even after the crash, forcing seawater into the ship at a rate much higher than if he had stopped immediately, thereby shortening the vessel’s remaining float time and greatly increasing the number of the doomed.  The sunken ship was eventually found in 1985 thirteen miles southeast of the location of her last distress call.  For Captain Smith, BAU was the only way to go.

Likewise today the illuminati in our governments, our universities and our think tanks refuse to recognize the extreme gravity and overpowering magnitude of the crisis resulting from the global depletion of conventional oil.  The absurdities of traditional economics are enshrined in their minds as sacred scripture.  As do the masses generally, so also the intelligentsia imagines that if it wishes for a thing to be true, it will automatically be so.  The recent passage of the leftist “health-care reform” bill, which cannot possibly be paid for, is but one example.  The bailouts of the “too-big-to-fail” financial institutions is another.  So also with BAU in general.  All such actions must of necessity lead to the sinking of civiliation all the faster.  But the illuminati could not care less, driven as they are by thanatos.  So full steam ahead!

The chimpanzoid’s dam

The chimpanzoid is more than happy to accommodate these White death wishes.  Having spent part of his childhood in Indonesian Muslim schools, his college years in Marxist training camps such as Occidental College, and his pseudo-religious leisure in a vitriolically anti-White Negroid “church,” it is abundantly clear what he is, stands for, and wants.  More to the point, the top levels of the Democrat hierarchy chose him because he reflected perfectly the secret ideology of its own members.

Naturally, they did not care in the least about his utter cluelessness in the matter of energy production.  On Thursday, 2010 April 29, the Blackie, while mentioning the Deepwater Horizon oil blowout a mile deep in the Gulf of Mexico and saying how concerned he was, failed to mention that such catastrophes are an automatic consequence of the drive to get enough oil to take care of all of the inflooding ThirdWorlders.  The more leeches, the more blood that is drained.  But the DC minstrel showman is clueless about such technicalities, and wishes to remain so.

A good guess is that about 25,000 barrels a day are spewing from the hole in the sea floor underneath the sunken rig.  No one knows what has happened to cause this, and the best technology we have is unable to plug the hole.  It may turn out to be a catastrophe worse than any other threat to civilization yet — all because The Powers That Be want cheap labor and cheap energy.  The black poison now seething out from the ocean depths threatens to put a quick and horrible end to the miscegenationist Disneyland.  All U.S. Gulf-based business is now finished, with the possible exception of the other offshore rigs still operating.  There will be no additional drilling there, in any case.  Look for oil prices to skyrocket.  (Better fill up right now for the last chance at moderate gasoline prices!)  And the hurricane season hasn’t even started.

But of course, the vast swarms of demonstrating non-Whites who have seeped into the U.S., or have been cunningly born of illegal aliens, still need to be given all the “rights” (i.e., free handouts, health care, housing and incarceration) provided Whites.  In other words, we need the energy which makes these “rights” possible.  How could Mother Nature do this to us?  Controlled fires, oil booms, chemical dispersants, skimmers, etc., etc. are having hardly any effect.  It will be at least two or three months, under the best conditions and luck, before there is even a possibility of stopping the oil flow, let alone mopping it up.  Maybe a year, if the luck is not there.  In short, few people have any idea of just what kind of damage to the economy this blowout means.  And no one has calculated what might happen if the oil is swept up by the Gulf Stream and carried even to northwest Europe.  Oily tea and crumpets, anyone?

But then, the main body of American Whites has tired of democracy anyway.  It finds the struggle for existence simply too difficult and boring.  The desire for a frictionless existence provided by a Jew-led, Communist-style government seems much more desireable than the harsh striving demanded by nature.  Now-declining Euro-America wants illegal Latino aliens to do its landscaping, housekeeping and remodeling.  It wants illegal aliens from the Middle East or Africa to drive its taxi cabs.  It wants Third World babies to fill the void Whites have created by refusing the trouble of having their own children.  And it does not care about the future in any way.  White churches today are all about helping non-Whites and heaping guilt on Whites for their skin color.  Needless to say, non-Whites are delighted at the bonanza.

Next year the global population will reach seven billion.  The global economy will be stagnant, despite political rhetoric to the contrary.  The year after that, the demand and supply of oil are expected to equal one another, the phenomenon known as “Peak Oil,” although the Deepwater Horizon event may have just made this last few days the week of Peak Oil.  Demand will exceed supply by a greater amount each year.  Alas, the new multi-racial, Marxist U.S. will be unable to do everything its commissars claim it can and should do.  But by that time there will no longer be any chance of changing the government, since the judicial system will have taken over the decision-making from the people.  Leftist judicial ideologues will determine the correct way forward, which will by coincidence be identical with what the media Yids want.  America will turn into the Camp of the Saints.

Critical to the illuminatist and Yid agenda is the stupidification of America.  Since Negroes and muds cannot be brought up to the intellectual level of Whites, Whites must be dragged down to the level of Negroes and muds.  Primary and secondary schools must avoid “hard” topics such as math and science, and concentrate on “important” subjects such as Black History, the stories, real or fabricated, of evil Whites, and the quashing of any talk about biological differences.  TV is a critical tool in this process.  White females must be seen in familiar connection with Groids, and infotainment must supplant anything that requires thought.  Only when the White masses have been degraded to the level of semi-humans can the Left believe it has succeeded.  Narcotics are a great help in this forced descent.  Everyone (except, of course, Jews) must be reduced in IQ to the lowest common denominator.

Unsuspected by the princelings who control us, homo sapiens is about to undergo vast changes.  Those who accept the easy path of stultification by swallowing Heeb and illuminatist propaganda are going to discover just how evolution really works.  Only the few who accept the struggle of intellectual growth and recognize the current genosuicidal drift of the White race have a chance at survival.  The contest will be between Jews, Orientals and intelligent, racially conscious Whites.  Negroids, most muds and those Whites who are suicidal or intellectually challenged have little chance.  Chimpanzoidal Marxism and White guilt will not save them, regardless of the sob stories published by the Yid media or even by Christian churches.  It is too late in the day for that, and the darkness is now gathering.  And the waters are growing black, too.

April 2010

Ill Church and Amabo

2010 Apr 26 [Mon]:  Life is a gift.  Whether one considers it a gift of Nature or God, of Lady Luck or of Fate, it is still a gift.  We did not earn the prize of being alive, nor did we even ask for it.  To top it all off, some of us humans are also endowed with the gift of consciousness, which is even more temporary and sporadic than life.  It takes years to develop consciousness, which also diminishes and disappears when we sleep.  If we suffer brain injury or an affliction such as Alzheimer’s, this awareness can fade and disappear even while life continues.  “Feral” children occasionally found raised by animals do not develop it.

The full flower of conscious life is found only in White civilization.  Non-White cultures — and even White cultures peripheral to Europe — are less conscious and more feral.

These simple facts are the reason why the White race traitors of today are guilty of cosmically monstrous crime.  The intelligent life which many wishdreamers — including some scientists — so confidently claim to exist elsewhere in the universe is so far simply not in evidence, despite countless science-fiction narratives found in the entertainment media and the bizarre asseverations of the séance crowd.  If it exists at all, it is clearly rare in the extreme, and there is virtually no chance we will ever know of its existence (even though Steven Hawking has a rather cautious view), despite the self-lauding efforts of the SETI (“Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence”) people.  The only life of which we have any proof is us.

For all of these reasons and more, the genosuicidists now infecting White civilization are the ultimate criminals.  They are worse by far than Mohammedan suicide bombers or even their beloved megamurderers, Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung, since they in fact seek the termination of evolution.  In other words, of all intelligent life on earth.

In short, as we approach the final limits to the human exploitation of the biosphere for the sake of the materialist joyride, White genosuicidists and their Yid paymasters can think of nothing other than their all-consuming objective:  the total extinction of the White race.  All other concerns fade into the distant background for them.

On Friday, 2010 April 23, the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, signed into law a bill requiring police to question people about their immigration status.  The D.C. chimpanzoid, who of course detests Whites, immediately attacked the measure, while his Democrat party was looking forward to attracting more Spic votes if the Imperial court can make it possible for even more criminal muds to descend onto what is left of the White backbone of the U.S.  The Left’s goal is to swamp America with Latino narcotics, parasites and crime so that Euro-American civilization will cease for once and for all.  (The Republicans are only slightly better, since they do not want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs all at once, only more slowly.  But they still want to import cheap Third-World labor for economic “growth.”)  The political battle over allowing more crime into the country will of course be resolved in favor of the criminals, because that is the true desire of the American degenerates who have murdered their own kind for the past century and a half.

It is one of the weird ironies of history that the monstrous crimes perpetrated by the United States in waging two World Wars to destroy Europe were triggered by a single Anglo-American whose name was Churchill.  In accordance with the ancient Latin proverb, “nomen est omen” (“the name is an omen”), the true significance of that warmonger’s name was simply “Ill Church.”  In other words, the glib fat man ultimately responsible for the destruction of Europe and the rise of Communism was the standard-bearer of a dark force masked as religion.  American and English citizens were (and still are) deluded into thinking that they were fighting for ethereal ideals of God and Christianity, whereas they were in reality killing their own flesh and blood.  “Ill Church” was indeed an apt description of that evil dynamic.  As in the traditional symbols of runes or tarot cards used for accessing the deep unconscious, careful analysis of such names may reveal a deeper truth.

Comes now a chimpanzoid in the guise of a U.S. president, at a time of grave economic difficulty amidst worldwide overshoot and metastasizing crime of every sort.  Now if the name of this White-House inhabitant is spelt backwords, it comes out as “amabo.”  Strangely enough, this spelling is also that of a Latin word meaning “I will love.”  If the Latin, viewed symbolically, is reversed, it can be expected to signify the direct opposite of that meaning, or “I will hate.”  Is the collective unconscious again subtly revealing to us the real essence of the current power structure?

Last week a volcano on the North Atlantic island of Iceland atop the mid-Atlantic ridge (which pushes the hemispheres apart) brought nearly all northern European aviation to a halt, exacerbating the difficulties already caused by $84/barrel oil.  This event is but one more example of just how dependent our civilization is on our natural infrastructure.  There is no technical solution to such conditions, regardless of the reassuring blather from politicians and economists.  We are at the mercy of Mother Nature.  She has given us yet another warning of the consequences of technological overreach and perversion.  What she is saying is that our “growth” scenario has reached its end.  Since we continue to drive for all or nothing, we shall soon have nothing.

The ongoing drive to annihilation is unstoppable.  Given that the easiest way to continue committing genosuicide is to continue importing muds, to continue preferring Negroids and mulattos to Whites, continue using sham “poverty programs” to destroy Western civilization, America will get what it is asking for.  The hate-filled ex-Marxist chimpanzoid now squatting on the helm of American power has little compunction about ending history.  Squandering White wealth and patrimony on the lower races is his preferred strategy.  It is also the result of the death wish built into the American mind.

Among the many hatreds the chimpanzoid harbors is a strong antipathy toward the U.S. Constitution.  He views it as too “negative.”  As he learned from Communism, it has to be made more “positive,” especially since Groids can’t seem to fit into American society under it.  Not enough trillions of dollars have been spent on them.  Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung showed the correct way by liquidating many dozens of millions of “capitalists” in their own countries.  Nor would they ever permit discussion of biological differences to blur the dialog of “dialectical materialism,” to say nothing of trans-material influences like Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic fields.

As the mud now running the regime sees it, the current system must be overthrown.  In practice, the only way to implement his hatred is to collapse that system by overstress.  Since America has been evolving in this direction anyway, the solution is simple:  mask the destruction by relabeling it.  Accelerate the cancer and call it “hope and change”;  call economically lethal profligacy “reform”;  call invasion by alien parasites “cultural enrichment”;  call financial-industry scam artists “God’s Chosen”;  and obscure the true will of the chimpanzoid — “I will hate” — by revealing it only as the reverse of “amabo.”

Business as Usual

2010 Apr 18 [Sun]:  We are finally beginning to learn something more about the background of the current denizen of the White House.  Turns out that early on he was an convinced Marxist-Leninist.  Dr. John Drew, a political scientist and himself an erstwhile Marxist, has now revealed that the blackie wanted a Bolshevik revolution to overthrow the “White power structure” and forcibly redistribute wealth to the lower (and particularly black) classes.  Since the Democratic party leaders were obviously aware of his views, it is clear that they picked him as the ideal mechanism for exploiting White guilt to advance their own agenda of national despoliation, which they justify to themselves as enlightened despotism.  (One of the many ironies is that this “guilt” is an neurotic perversion of the concept of sin in Christianity, a creed in which the Jews and other propagandising leftists do not believe.)  The American electorate, in its drive to die, embraced the infantile Negroid as the answer to its prayer to expunge its racist guilt and incidentally get an easier lifestyle paid for by the incredible shrinking taxpayer.

A peculiar thing about ideologues such as the creature now posing as president is that they are typically indifferent to the predictable results of their actions.  When Mao Tze-Tung was busy exporting food elsewhere in the late 1960’s to show the world how “rich” Red China was, it meant nothing to him that he was starving tens of millions of Chinese to death in order to implement his fantasy.  Similarly, the White House chimpanzoid and the rulership of the Democratic bribe-ocracy are impervious to the fact that their new dictates on health care and “comprehensive immigration reform” will entail nothing less than the destruction of the U.S. economy, with dire consequences to follow.  After all, the thorough miscegenation of the races is far more important to them.  No matter what the cost, Whitey must go.

The corruption of the American populace has been greatly advanced by the unprecedented spread of psychogenic drugs throughout Western civilization, particularly among the young.  The seeming paralysis of the legal and political authorities in dealing with the narco-plague is no accident.  In a bribe-ocracy like the United States, the rulership makes sure to be ignorant of the source of its monetary support when that support is criminal in nature.  In fact, the high command of the political parties, especially of the Jew-dominated Left (often referred to as “moderates”) has morphed into a kind of Satanic cult protecting the narcotrafficking industry.  Such artifices as the above-mentioned “comprehensive immigration reform” ensure that large sections of the American masses will remain in a state of drug-induced torpor as “hard-working” Mexican illegals import vast quantities of brain poisons into our nation.  With federal assistance, armies of Ashkenazi lawyers protect the diabolical networks now drowning the White populace and destroying countless families.  Your tax dollars at work.

The urgent need to support the ballooning immigrant population and keep up the appearance of increasing American prosperity requires spring tides of low-cost alien serfs.  This suits Mexico just fine, which seeks the ongoing reconquista of the territory taken from that country in the Mexican-American war of over a century and a half ago, and needs to export its excess population hither.  In addition, the many billions of narco-dollars flowing back into Spicland from Mexican crime subordinates in the U.S. enable Mexico to stay afloat economically.  With so much criminality on both sides of the border and in the highest government circles of both countries, there is zero chance that the slide into the evolutionary sewer will be halted.

The financial disaster of the past few years has now been thoroughly investigated and analyzed, and its causes are now clearly known.  In the sludge at the bottom of the snake pit is a massive snarl of fraud, lies and corruption by Yids and their acolytes.  Since Wall Street owns Congress, it strains credulity to believe that any serious laws will be passed restraining such crime in the future.  The only thing that can be expected is that the U.S. will attempt to make the rest of the world pay for American psychopathy.

A bizarre characteristic of the American mind vis-à-vis Peak Oil is the repetitive emergence of technological proposals to “solve” this looming megaproblem.  Nowhere does one see any serious discussion about stopping the mass influx of alien consumers of resources, much less about reversing it.  The suggestions range from the utterly clueless to the weakly possible even if extremely improbable.  The last presidential election revealed the delusional nature of the electorate’s collective mind, which imagined that a White-hating chimpanzoid could offer “hope and change.”  Today the “economy” is said to be improving, while the actual unemployment rate is in the range of 16%-20% and probably growing.  Few seem to notice that the recession actually replaced a large share of low-skilled (especially Groid) high-school dropouts with robots and Latino serfs in low-tech jobs.  Or that few of those replaced dropouts will ever again be gainfully employed in non-make-work jobs.

In the history of evolution, there is a phenomenon known as “evolutionary convergence.”  This is the term given to the process by which totally different species somehow develop functionally similar organs, such as eyes, fins, wings, bodily features for bearing offspring and the like.  This convergence is the result of the fact that the planet requires certain abilities and functions in order for life to exist.  The complex of biospheric requisites might be compared to a cake mold which allows the rising dough to assume only a certain shape and no other, no matter what the composition of the dough itself may be.

For evolution as a whole, the primary direction of this “mold” is increasing intelligence.  The demands of the struggle for existence have unceasingly pruned the tree of evolution, forcing constant readaptation.  While the emergence of new forms radiates in all directions, including toward less intelligence, evolutionary “fitness” has mostly demanded greater knowledge of a species’ environment — a knowledge which may be expressed in physical form (e.g., the bodily structure of a fish, which “knows” the water in the sense of adaptation to life in it) or in brain structure, or (usually) both.

The culmination of this process is intelligent life — on this planet, homo sapiens.  It is a favorite theme of most people who are halfway aware of evolution that biological development has now stopped and “cultural” evolution has taken over.  Therefore, they insist, any vestiges of our biological past and present must be eradicated in favor of currently desired cultural uniformity.  Negroid males must be mated with Northern European blond females to produce a biologically undifferentiated gray creature of subnormal IQ.  Racial mud is the socio-political desideratum.  Paradise will ensue, we are told.  The lion will lie down with the lamb and nicey-niceness will prevail everywhere, especially in lands hitherto inhabited by evil Whites.

We are about to witness the results of this drive to defeat the billion-year-old process of biological growth in intelligence.  Even today the Groid, with a medium IQ of 85, is maintained in existence only through government support and cannot compete even with the inrushing Latinos who average around 93.  The illuminati who rule us are panicked about this fact and are doing everything possible to accelerate racial miscegenation with Whites, fantasizing that this will keep the merry-go-round rotating.  But with great numbers of high-IQ illegals sneaking in from India, China and other points east (“forgetting” that they are overstaying their visas), the IQ difference between top and bottom keeps increasing.  The neurotic obsession with race and “racism” has gone to such an extreme that it has even begun to annoy some of the US-born Asiatics who are pushed aside to make room for barely literate Negroes.  In addition, the “charity” program called Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), originally justified as a strategem to help Negresses support their illegitimate offspring, has been turned into a business for generating pickaninnies by the millions and providing Afroid females with an easy life.  The grotesque “War on Poverty” has morphed into a program for the destruction of the United States by mudslide.  Any suggestion that low-IQ (usually Ebonics-speaking) females should be paid goodly sums for each month they are not pregnant is equated with “the Holocaust.”  As many gloating genosuicidists have often pointed out, at the current rate, Whites will be a minority in their own country by the end of this century at the utmost, and indeed perhaps in half that time, depending on the velocity of the mud torrent.

Despite all this, the illuminatist onslaught on the White race and the materialist drive to defeat evolution will soon begin a slow-motion crash into the physical limits of planetary life.  The world is already replete with failed and near-failed states.  Ominously, today a large part of adjacent Mexico is descending into savagery and barbarism.  North of the border, America’s political classes entertain the hallucination that this country is magically immune to the forces of history, protected from the effects of the White genosuicidism they promote.  But the night is closing in.  The Mohammedan attacks of September 11, 2001 and the near collapse of the global financial system in September 2008 should have made our princelings aware of the extreme and increasing fragility of White civilization.  Indeed, those shocks remind one of the ill-fated ship Titanic, whose 1912 sinking was almost a kind of omen foreshadowing the civilizational catastrophes of the World Wars to come.  But then, none are so blind as those who will not see.

March 2010


2010 Mar 31 [Wed]:  In Whiteland it is customary for the intelligentsia (the media, the politicians, the professoriate, etc.) to wrap their genosuicidism in moral hypocrisy:  those who do not wish the White race to become extinct are termed “evil,” “hate-mongers,” “morally decrepit” and similar terms of endearment.  The idea is to convince Whitey that he is irretrievably guilty and deserving of nothing less than eternal death.

This practice of using guilt as a technique of political control originated in the Christian religion.  As luck (God?) would have it, in recent years a lot of exposés have appeared about the actual practice of the preachers of that guilt, and above all about some Catholic priests who have perverted and polluted their own religion.  It turns out that a percentage of these clerics consists of pedophiles preying on helpless boys.  This past week the media spotlight turned on the pope himself, who in his previous job, it is alleged, covered up a great many sexual crimes against (especially male) children.

A caveat:  we do not want to paint with too broad a brush.  To begin with, we know who controls the media and what their own interests are, so we do not want to jump to media-advertized conclusions.  Nevertheless, it is quite probable that some version of pedophilia has been practiced by an unknown percentage of Catholic priests for centuries.  But a few observations should be included here.  Before the Catholic Church’s self-immolation with its Vatican Council II (1962-65), there were many, many more priests than today.  The changes wrought by that council convinced the majority of them that their place in life was no longer serving that church, and they left the job.  The results may perhaps be likened to what happens to tree leaves in the fall.  During spring and summer, their green cells far outnumber their red and yellow cells, and the predominant color is green.  But when autumn comes, the green ones die off first, leaving the red and yellow ones on display, and the leaves show the corresponding colors.  Similarly with the religious profession which required celibacy.  Most men are heterosexual, only about 2% homosexual.  It is likely that in former times the Catholic priestly population reflected the male population in general, with only a small percentage being homosexual, much less pedophilic.  Being celibate (in the sense of refraining from sex with women) is not easy for the vast majority of males, including religious ones.  So when the “secularizing” changes of V2 came about, a majority of the heterosexuals (but not the others) departed for greener pastures.  That resulted in a much larger percentage of homosexuals, including pedophiles, in the ranks of priests and other male religious.  The “red” and “yellow” cells, so to speak, were left, while the proportion of “green” ones had shrunken.

There is, too, the fact that, in any notorious event from which people can derive fame or money, there are also bandwagoneers.  In addition to true cases of criminal action, there are typically many false accusations by those seeking attention or profit.  This may also be the case with the current hullabaloo over pedophilia in the Catholic Church.  Thus the current general clamor about the issue may be excessive, and it should be examined calmly and forensically.

Finally it should be noted that today there is no longer a single, monolithic Roman Catholic Church, but rather a splintered one.  Besides the “papist” version (the largest one), there are also intensely conservative, Latinate, “semi-papist” and “non-papist” or even “anti-papist” editions, each with its own bishops and priests.  Since these latter forms do not run any schools for the deaf or orphanages, the probability of pedophilia in them is far lower.

Of these different groups, it is the Vatican-led organization which has the charges laid against it.  Now few people care about what two homosexual men do to each other in private, so long as they are both consenting adults.  But the abuse of children is another thing entirely.  Given, thus, the drastic chasm between practice and preaching, one has to ask precisely what is going on here.

Once upon a time in Western countries, the Roman Catholic Church tended to support the political right.  All that changed after World War I, when the Jew-led Communists took over Russia and their idea of a universal workers’ paradise became popular among the elites in Europe and America.  After the National Socialists took power in Germany in 1933 and suppressed Communism there (and Adolf the Great had liquidated a number of homosexuals in the SA, a major component of the early National Socialist party), the Church of Rome decided the Germans had to be taught how “un-Christian” their government’s “ancient Germanic, pre-Christian” (“altgermanisch-vorchristlicher”) attitude was.  In 1937 Pope Pius XI (reigned 1922 — 1939) issued an anti-National-Socialist encyclical letter in German, “Mit brennender Sorge.”  In October-November 1936, the Chamberlain (camerlengo) of the Roman Catholic Church, Eugenio Pacelli (the future Pope Pius XII), visited the United States in order to help Stalin’s ally, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, win the presidential election for a second time.  As pope, Pacelli actively participated in the preparations for the assassination of Hitler during World War II.  Also during that war, when Catholic volunteer regiments who wanted to conquer Moscow asked him for his “blessing,” he refused it.

Finally, in its Second Vatican Council of 1962-65, after the U.S. had benignly delivered half of Europe into Stalin’s hands, the Catholic Church became more Commie-friendly than ever, refusing to condemn the Red ideology and turning itself into a sort of “kindlier, gentler, spiritual” form of Bolshevism close to “the people.”  There was lots of condemnation of the alleged “Holocaust” of a supposed six million Chosenites, but nary a word about the 61 million people murdered by Uncle Joe and his Jewish friends.  Oh, and one might in passing mention also the fact that to this day the Vatican rarely condemns the Italian mafia, which controls half of Italy.  It is also strangely quiet about the savage narcotrafficking culture which plays so large a part in the Latino countries.

Following V2’s final, Ratzinger-supported break with the older, “rightist” traditions of Catholicism, that church quickly lost half or more of its European membership, as well as large portions of White Americans, who either became Protestant or dropped out of organized religion altogether.  Today Roman Catholicism has become little more than a shadow of its former self, rather like the monarchy in Britain, confined to uttering politically correct blurbs about accepting all non-Whites into Whiteland, and the like.  It is also very, very careful about what it says regarding Islam.  Much of that creed, of course, with its “Love Thursday,” seems to prefer male homosexuality and pedophilic acts with boys to sex with females.

Although hard to determine quantitatively, it seems that non-celibate Protestantism has had much less pedophilia than Roman Catholicism.  But politically, in Europe the Protestant churches have basically followed the same route as V2 Catholicism, becoming quiet debating societies about fine points in the Bible and driving home White guilt to fill their collection plates.  True, the U.S. populace has remained more faithful than Europeans to its many different Christian churches, especially Protestant ones.  But even though the body is still breathing, the soul is gone.  Today most of former, right-leaning Christianity has been replaced by an amorphous political miasma called “Judeo-Christianity,” which escapes definition except to say that it is compulsively philo-Semitic and miscegenationist.  The end result of all of this New-Agey Christian revisionism is a void of meaninglessness in the White soul.

Into this void is flowing Mohammedanism.  Aggressive muds from the Mideast and Africa are taking over Western Europe and closing down what is left of European culture once and for all.  Since Britain and America gave their all in two world wars for the annihilation of Europe as a vibrant biological entity, this should be no surprise.  The contorted financial antics now being performed by American and European governments to maintain an appearance of economic health are, at the level of the deep unconscious, meant to keep Whitey on his materialistic path to extinction.

Those antics will all fail.  After many decades of bloodthirsty, anti-White Jewish Communism, followed by Pavlovian advertizing for suicidal materialism, all accompanied by a neurotic “scientism” which despite all the evidence refuses to acknowledge either the reality of the paranormal and its role in supporting life, or the critical role of racial biology in the evolution of civilization, we are now in the end game.  It is one of the supreme ironies of history that, because of the imminent decline of oil, the White man is increasingly at the mercy of the muddy Mohammedan tidal wave pouring out of the oilfields of the Middle East.  Whitey’s traditional religion is in shambles, he is paralyzed with guilt, and he has sold his birthright for a bowl of slop.  He has elected a mulatto as the symbol of his racial future, and is unable to acknowledge the sepulchral swamp awaiting him.  He has embraced meaninglessness, and now he will experience what it really means to be meaningless.

Fear of ğe Jews

2010 Mar 21 [Sun]: 
Albert Einstein
1,427 pages

An investigation was conducted by the FBI regarding the famous physicist because of his affiliation with the Communist Party.  Einstein was a member, sponsor, or affiliated with thirty-four communist fronts between 1937 and 1954. He also served as honorary chairman for three communist organizations.
From:  FBI Website

Until about 1955 Communism was virtually synonymous with Judaism.  It was the Jews who imposed that bloodthirsty system on the Russian people and were responsible for horrors of unprecedented magnitude, with 61 million murdered.  After the Zionist enterprise had gotten up a little steam following the establishment of Israel in 1948, the Yids reconfigured themselves as poor sufferers persecuted only for their super-holy religion.  The infantile American masses, hypnotized by the (then still relatively new) Jewbox, soon swallowed the new Heeb line:  the Sheenies were all God’s Chosen People;  Israel was their Promised Land;  and it was obligatory to believe the self-serving Old Testament ditty, “I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you,” et cetera.  Completely suppressed was the ghastly, megamurderous monstrosity which the Chosenites had imposed on Eurasia with a great deal of help from their American wing.

The essence of Judaism as a culture (i.e., neither as a race nor as a religion, but as a culture, though with strong racial and quasi-religious components) is paranoia masking aggression.  Long before the twentieth century, the Jew was obsessed with the notion that the world was attacking his type — a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Thus, after his subspecies had been eugenically sculpted by the medieval Catholic Church to specialize in money-lending, and he had thereby acquired an average IQ a standard deviation above that of Whites, his superior intellectual abilities enabled him to outsmart and undermine the culture which had produced him.  Of course, it was critically necessary for him to mask the genetic basis of his new abilities lest the goyim get any funny ideas.  The sudden appearance on the historical stage of the United States, with its Enlightenment fantasy that all men were created “equal,” was a godsend for the Chosenite.  His facility in the entertainment and news media quickly enabled him to pervert Whites’ instinct of self-preservation, especially after the introduction of TV, that device of mass hypnosis.  Under the illusion of “freedom and equality” (two diametrically opposed notions) Whitey was persuaded to embrace racial extinction in order to bring all non-Whites up to his level.  For the Yid, the greatest threat and terror is the possibility that Whitey might actually decide to preserve his own race.  It is thus imperative to get the latter to racially miscegenate himself out of existence.  The diseased materialism which enthralls America also assists in accomplishing this end.  For it is a simple economic fact that an employer can make more money by hiring non-White serfs from mudland than by hiring Whites.  Thus it means nothing to Whitey if he loses his own life, just so long as he can gain the whole world economy for a few moments.  In order to bring this about, Whitey must believe that money is more important than everything else (“greed is good”), that all races and cultures are equal, that he has nothing special to offer except self-abasement to atone for his innate sinfulness, that all ideologies are morally equivalent and, above all, that he must die out as soon as possible.

The Jew has very clear plans for us.  As Wisconsin U.S. Representative Paul Ryan pointed out in a speech and February 2010 article (in the periodical Imprimis) for Hillsdale College, “Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the administration's point people on health care, advocates what he calls a ‘whole life system’ — a system in which government makes treatment decisions for individuals using a statistical formula based on average life expectancy and ‘social usefulness.’”  Hmmm.  Death panels, perhaps?  Now that the House of Representatives, through a trick legislative maneuver, has passed the insane “health-care” bill, 219-212, panels of that sort may well be the next step right after the coming “comprehensive immigration reform” package which will in effect abolish the southern U.S. border.  All this hope and change under the chimpanzoid puppet of leftist Heebs are just what the doctor ordered to euthanize the American economy.

It can have escaped few people’s notice that the current economic disaster is due primarily to Wall-Street Jews.  Yids control virtually all important positions in the financial industry;  money-lending, after all, is what they were bred for in the first place.  The morality of the traditional White gentile simply does not apply.  Many excuses have been made for these wheeling and dealing Heebs:  they were caught up in the enthusiasm of it all;  they didn’t know the bubble was going to end;  didn’t realize it was a Ponzi scheme;  thought the “full faith and credit” of the government (i.e., the White taxpayer) was backing them up;  etc., etc.  If any of those excuses had been true, the Yids would never have been concealing their machinations from government investigators or from their own clients.  Sheenies love the dark, so that they can commit their crimes unobserved.  They are so used to it, that some of them even got swindled by Bernie Madoff, one of their own.

Today it is impossible to state publicly that there are genetic differences between the races, except to make some snide “joke” about the inferiority of the White race.  To be accused of “anti-Semitism” is a death sentence for anyone’s career;  and openly to observe obvious facts about the genetics of Negroids is practically to expose oneself to mob violence.  All to the glee of the Jew.

At the bottom of his soul, Whitey knows all of this.  But he is a coward who lives in fear of the Jews and who believes it to be in his own interest to betray his own race.  Like a drug or alcohol addict, he will deny this soul-sickness to his dying day.  And it is indeed a fact that a person who has decided to commit suicide cannot be prevented from doing so if that is what he truly wants.  Behold the White man today.

Ğe Last Best Hope

2010 Mar 13 [Sat]: 
HOUSTON, Mar. 9  Energy demand is shifting from the developed world to the developing world, and Asia is expected to account for much of the growing demand during the next 20 years, speakers told CERAWeek attendees on Mar. 8.

IHS Inc. Chief Economist Nariman Behravesh said, “On the demand side, it’s China, China, China.  And, it could be India eventually.”

Robert Hormats, US undersecretary of state for economics, energy, and agricultural affairs, was among speakers talking about a “global redesign,” in which countries increasingly must work together to address climate change, energy supply and demand, and debt issues.

“We have the opportunity as policy makers and as business people in this generation to take advantage of historic opportunities resulting from changes in the global economy from the new global economic geography, if you will,” Hormats said.  “Or we have the opportunity…to make some historic mistakes.”

— Paula Dittrick, OGJ Senior Staff Writer
CERAWeek:  Asia to dominate growing energy demand
Oil & Gas Journal, Mar 9, 2010

Outside of oil-rich Saudi Arabia, there is no substantial country in the world that, economically speaking, is independently stable any more.  Not even Brazil, Russia, India or China.  And all are looking toward the U.S., with a little help from northern Europe, to save them.  The U.S., having been jewed by its own Congress and by Heeb-heavy Wall Street, is doing its best to pretend that it can actually do so.

The Negroid puppet squatting in the (now) Black House is grunting that he wants to support every featherless biped in the country with tax money, whether through government jobs or outright welfare.  And we won’t mention that he and the kingmaking Sheenies behind him intend to extend such benefits to all ThirdWorld aliens within our borders, legal or not.  It’ll be just another baby step on the road to Chinese-style equality, with Big Brother making sure evil Whites are made level with all serfs elsewhere.  And never mind the ecological devastation which we will also get by following the Chink model.

Trouble is, even that will not be enough to feed all of the dark ghouls surging into the country.  According to Joseph Tainter (The Collapse of Complex Societies), it has been cheap energy and increasing complexity which has enabled our commissars to erect the current Ponzi scheme.  In the past couple of decades, that complexity has been made possible through computer-aided financial-market prestidigitation.  In other words, through smoke and mirrors.

“Our” vice president

But society likes to be deceived.  All of those nice Christian genosuicidists who have lavished so much of their own wealth, patrimony and genes on alien types and murdered so many of their own kin in two World Wars are inexorably heading toward their heavenly reward.  The aliens, from Yids to Negroes, from Communists to Mohammedans, from AIDS-bearers to human smugglers, never seem to be satisfied, but only increase their antagonism toward their holiness-and-guilt-driven patrons.  Somehow that figure painted so divinely on the Sistine chapel ceiling does not seem to appreciate all the Christian largesse spent in his name.  Instead, the whole global system appears to be getting increasingly wobbly.  Greece, in whose ancient language the New Testament (not to mention the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament) was written, is now on economic life support, with Roman Catholic Spain and Portugal not far behind.  Only northern Europe and its former colonies still maintain the outward appearance of economic health.  Yet even these lands of anti-racism (i.e., anti-Whitism) are so riddled with (often invited) parasites that the diagnosis for their “wellness” is terminal.  By 2020, 90% of the U.S. GDP will be obligated to the national debt, the price of oil will have skyrocketed, and the percentage of Whites in the world will have shrunken to 10% or less of its population.

None of this, of course, will convince Christian Whites that they are on the wrong course.  It will be genosuicide all the way.  God will “rapture” them all up to planet heaven, leaving the ghouls to inherit the earth.  The night of the living dead will descend upon our planet.  Christianity will have achieved its objective.

Virtually all of the plans and suggestions for dealing with the cloud of problems now condensing on the world are meaningless drivel because none of them face the real problem of proliferating non-White parasites and their mindless consumption of resources.  These creatures did not develop modern civilization, nor can they maintain it;  they seek only to enjoy its benefits to the point of exhaustion.  And guilt-ridden Whitey thinks they should do so.  The fact is that living standards are going to decline, period.  Fast or slowly, sooner or later, America is going to sink to the level of the incoming parasites.  Because that is what Whitey and his corrupt bribe-ocracy want.  The idea that lowering taxes will make the economy recover is laughable, since the rulers need the money to keep their parasitic constituents happy.  Not to mention that finding some new form of low-cost energy would only make the parasites expand all the faster.  (This is known as “Jevon’s paradox.”)

The problem of the world is not some engineering flaw.  It is a genetic and a political one, an insoluble one.  Complexification will continue until collapse.  Simple.  Moreover, the ongoing oedipal degradation of White males in the educational system is convincing them to abandon education in general and leave it to fanatic feminist females with their male-hating social-science obsessions.  The result is that half of the males in American science schools are ThirdWorlders.  (The percentage of females in the mathematical sciences and computer engineering is very small, because of genetic differences in the brains of males and females, propaganda to the contrary notwithstanding.)  Add to all this the government-supported explosion of narcotics in America, and the consequences of the current inflexible mentality are obvious.

A child does not care where the resources come from to satisfy its demands.  It knows nothing about such reality beyond its parents.  The population subject to any given regime behaves similarly:  the majority of it does not care about the limits to growth, about environmental overshoot or anything else.  Only its own desires matter, regardless of cost.

In a bribe-ocracy like the U.S., this leads to dizzying absurdities.  A small example made the news this week in the matter of selecting contractors to build Air Force tanker planes for the next generation.  The choice was essentially between two companies:  Northrop and Boeing.  The Air Force had originally chosen Northrop.  However Boeing, located largely in Washington State (where, to judge from the number of yarmulkas, probably half of the State Legislature’s staff and lobbyists is Jewish), had more bribery money and political influence through its hireling, Democrat Norm Dicks.  It therby got the rules of the game (the selection criteria) changed to favor itself, whereupon Northrop threw in the towel and withdrew from a competition it could no longer win.

Boeing is the General Motors of American aviation companies.  It can no longer compete on its own;  it builds products inferior to other companies in its class.  (This is based on private information from a recently retired Boeing design engineer.)  It ignores serious design flaws in order to cut costs.  But it does own corrupt politicians like Dicks who control taxpayer money.  Thus the Air Force will get a costly inferior product due to the business-as-usual bribery corroding the foundations of the country because those politicians need the bribe money from Boeing and its machinists’ unions, as from GM and the auto unions, to survive.  This, at a time when the economy has entered a depression with no foreseeable end.

Iranian dissidents meet Allah
2010 March 4

In an amusing side note, Vice President Joe Biden was reported as having strenuously objected to Yidland’s project of building 1600 housing units in two new settlements (Beitar Illit and Ramat Shlomo) for ultra-orthodox Jews in NE Jerusalem.  Of course, the VP’s objection was for show only.  He knows who controls Washington.  The Mohammedans, who will in any case yelp about anything, needed to be given the impression that America was on their side, lest the raghead muds enlist yet more martyrs to seek heavenly sex by blowing up troops and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.  So Biden found a little “tsk, tsk” necessary while Heebia prepares to attack the nuclear sites in Iran, which is itself busy sending anti-government protesters to paradise.

The pathology and/or criminality of countless bureaucrats, judges and politicians ensures that their happy-day ideology (affirmative action, the squandering of trillions of dollars for temporary political advantage, massive court-ordered awards for fantasized “injustices” in treatment of minorities, women, homosexuals, etc., etc.) will continue without interruption.  Amidst this perfect breeding ground for the morally diseased, the chimpanzoid is executing a one-two punch at the White race in America.  The first blow is his insane and massively corrupt “health-care reform”;  the second will be a “comprehensive immigration reform” with which he will follow up his first strike.  This will give amnesty under a different name to all of the Spics and other criminal aliens currently in the country illegally, while the promised free health care is designed to attract countless millions more of such freeloaders from failed states abroad.  This double whammy will permanently change the demographics of the country and destroy the White race for once and for all, which is the White-hating mulatto’s true aim.  The Heebs will be exultant.

In a world of overshoot, this twisted deviancy of U.S. politics combined with the infantilism of its populace cannot last much longer before breakdown occurs.  (Indeed, a new, updated version of the Hubbert oil-peak prediction model forecasts the Peak to occur in 2014.)  And there is absolutely no chance that the current modus operandi will change before collapse itself.  Both the government and the masses are too addicted to corruption.  But why worry?  Whitey is certain that all of those newly imported criminals will politely leave the country once they see that they have overloaded Freebieland.

Santa Claus

2010 Mar 08 [Mon]: 
“Future demand can readily be anticipated since China is the now the largest automobile market in the world,” O’Malia continued.  “The oil demand shift, however, has resulted in less transparency in oil usage and reserve capacity in these nations. This is a very troubling trend.”

The global economic recession has reduced oil demand and created some temporary spare capacity, the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) official said.  He predicted that this spare capacity will be depleted by 2015 and the world’s oil markets could see a return to conditions similar to 2008.  “It’s imperative that oil markets have accurate and timely data regarding tightening in market conditions if we hope to avoid the future price spikes that will undermine our economic growth,” he said.

Dramatically different markets make transparency imperative, according to O’Malia.  He said that since its formation in the 1970s, IEA has coordinated energy policy among its member countries and published energy utilization, refining, and reserve capacity for the world’s largest markets.  “However, with the growth in oil demand anchored in developing nations, more must be done to make these developing markets as transparent and open as IEA member countries,” he said.
— US Commodity Futures Trading Commission member Scott D. O’Malia, in Tokyo on Feb. 26, in “CFTC official sees transparency challenge in global energy markets,”
Oil & Gas Journal, 2010 March 1

The vaunted American economy of today is based on the TV-driven corruption of the White personality.  While the origins of this disintegration lie in the oedipalism long resident in the “American Way,” it is the hypnotism of the Jewbox which has exploited this weakness to the point where genosuicidism is now the preferred national disease for Whites.  It takes many forms:  massive divorce, an explosion of narcotic usage, victimhood ideology, widespread freakishness of behavior and appearance, demands that the government support Disneyland for everyone, relentless importation of non-Whites, and so forth.

The Europeans are not much better, especially the Club Med bunch.  Greece is by no means the only parasite on Germany and France;  the media report that Portugal and Spain appear to be in pre-explosion mode, having borrowed far beyond their payback capacity to enjoy fantasy lifestyles.  They also happen to have been importing Negroids and Mohammedan muds and adding them to their national doles at a lightspeed rate.  All very southern-European-Christian.  Funny thing that the party seems to be ending.  Trees are supposed to grow into the sky.  Must be somebody else’s fault, especially Germany’s, since that country seems to have money.  The next step is for the welfarites to join the Marxists and riot.  That will solve the problem.  Killing the few who are truly productive is always a good idea.  Just ask Stalin.

Italy is not quite as bad, probably because of the money its massive tourism industry brings in (thank you, Julius Caesar!), with considerable help from the Mafia.  At least some of the Italians are a little less enthusiastic about importing Groids from Africa, so that may help keep them from sinking as fast as Greece, Spain and Portugal.

Given the fact that Europeans and Euro-Americans are having fewer and fewer children, while non-Whites are proliferating like flies, it is only a matter of time before the changing demographics and Whitey’s general genosuicidism bring down the global house of cards — even if by some miracle no major military event happens before the cards fall of their own accord.

Of course, ostrich behavior is much more comfortable.  Denial is the easiest path.  And then there is always the simple parry to any explanation of the facts: “Gee, that’s all so pessimistic!  Don’t you ever have anything cheerful to say, any solution to the gathering storm”?

Such questions engender a need to find a silver lining.  And — lo and behold! — there is one:  weapons of mass destruction.  Not those of some deranged Mideastern raghead, but those of the U.S. military.  Considering the reality that world civilization (which Whites have built) is going to wither and die as Whitey himself fades into extinction, the only rational response is to produce weaponry which will be extraordinarily effective.  And the more secretive its effects can be, the better.  Thus if, say, our or some other country’s military can make a hundred or a thousand or a billion drags on the biosphere suddenly disappear without the New York Times or National Public Radio learning of it, maybe it can be viewed as a mere hypothetical event.  After all, Stalin & Co. liquidated 61 million Russians and the NYT somehow never published a word of it.  Ditto for Mao Tse Tung’s 76 million.

Of course, some deaths are more equal than others.  The Heebs never let us forget that a few of their number left the planet in World War II.  The best research has shown that the toll was about 1¼ million, which Chosenite publicity agents were able to pump up to 6 million, thanks to those Ashkenazi brains which are so good with numbers.

But to return to the main theme:  our military has all kinds of economy-boosting secret-weapons projects in the works.  Not just those neat-o unmanned aerial vehicles, but robots and other sci-fi toys of every size and description.  So when things get truly unruly, we’ll have some backup goodies to rely on.  And then, we can always rely on our brave presidents to engineer some way to ensnare some other country into damaging “U.S. interests” (to be determined at the time) so that we can use the new playthings to help our economy get back on track.

Yes, Virginia.  There is a Santa Claus.

February 2010


2010 Feb 28 [Sun]:  Russia has always been a foremost example of how a government can be a parasite on the people it supposedly governs.  Whether under the czars, the genosuicidal Communists or the current Putin-Medvedev regime, the masses there have always been regarded simply as contemptible serfs to be exploited any way the autocrats desire.  The masses have for the most part gone along with this view, no matter how dire their own situation.  The endemic corruption, crime and attendant poverty of that nation have always made it a vast disaster, no matter how many nukes the state wields.

Thanks to the beneficence of the U.S., Russian Communism long survived the greatest threat to its own existence, the war against Germany.  The totalitarianism of the Bolsheviks was always, and still is, extremely attractive to the Euro-American left and the Jews.  It is such fun to murder many tens of millions of Whites in the pursuit of an ideological purity completely removed from reality, and to hold the rest in absolute subjection.

Just as today’s Russian regime has enlisted both organized crime and the Russian Orthodox Church in its support, the American bribe-ocracy is attempting to do something similar in its own sphere.  Down Mexico way narcotrafficking has been producing big profits for corrupt American officials at all levels.  U.S. military forces are consuming billions of dollars every month fighting ragheads in Iraq and Afghanistan, while the Border Control along the Mexican frontier is deliberately understaffed in the extreme.  A year ago the Mexican president, Felipe Calderón, pointed out that the entire American government was riddled with corruption and greatly profiting from all of the Murder, Inc. tearing Spicland apart these days.  The notion that the potentates in D.C. are above all of this and have nothing to do with it is risible, considering that they themselves profit from the current situation more than anyone else.  Their “religion” — they often like to claim publicly — makes them immune to such nastiness.

The American masses with their slowly sinking collective IQ continue to elect these criminals and race-traitors to office, fantasizing that they as mere citizens are also immune to it all, and to the processes of history as well.  Thus their bewilderment at the fact that the country is losing jobs at a rate not seen since the Great Depression.  How odd, they think, that trees cannot grow into the sky!  After all, America is supernatural and can change the laws of nature.  The chimpanzoid even promises to do so.

But as all of this irrationality beclouds the American mind and American bribe-ocracy, it may be that an anti-wishdream situation is developing, from which there will be no escape.  While the Homeland Security department endangers our security by importing increasing numbers of non-Whites of every shade, and gargantuan stimulus packages of various sorts enrich favored financial institutions, the Mideastern witch’s brew may soon be coming to a boil.

Spring will be arriving in the northern hemisphere in March, providing ideal conditions — neither too hot nor too cold — for military action.  The anxieties of the Chosen People of Paranoia are reaching the point of nervous breakdown over Iran.  Their leadership thinks that the Teheran-led funny farm could have serious nukes within two years, to be followed soon thereafter by nuclear-armed brigades of Mohammedan martyrs.  Now, it is speculated, would be an ideal time to head the Persians off at the pass.  The White House changeling might object, but even he is powerless in the face of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee and the countless Yid organizations it counsels.

Presumably it would take a hundred or so fighter-bombers, plus other elements such as aerial drones, to decommission the twenty or so Iranian nuke sites.  For those American Whites who have no interest in Persia one way or the other, the only problem would be the Iranian response.  Most immediately, we would see the destruction of as many Persian-Gulf oil facilities as the attackees could reach, and all that that implies.  (Forget about global stock markets, by the way.)  One might suspect an uncomfortable setback to globalization to boot.  The U.S. government would have to stop pussy-footing around and begin inflating the dollar, perhaps à la Weimar.  What else to do, now that we have so many ThirdWorld freeloaders already on board, to say nothing of those yet to come or home-grown Groids?  Golly gee.

Our current civilization was made possible by a meaning-affirming ideology:  the European form of Christianity.  This religion, originally an ancient Jewish splinter group, had inherited a creation myth to which it gave a new interpretation.  The myth was of how human progenitors in the pre-conscious (animal) state had effectively made a “Faustian bargain” with a diabolical arch-foe to attain consciousness (“knowledge of good and evil”).  The innate behavioral legacy of our genesis from killer apes was accordingly viewed as the heavy price of this “original sin,” a debt owed by all descendants of the sinners:  by all humanity.

The first Christians, and above all the apostle Paul (a Jewish Græco-Roman strongly influenced by the mystery religions of his Hellenistic homeland) after a life-changing near-death experience, interpreted the reported death and resurrection of the shamanic Jesus as the central act of a new mystery religion, Christianity, by which the cosmic debt had been repaid for all the faithful.  This new Weltanschauung thus came to view history as linear, as having a rational purpose, evolving from the pre-conscious state to humanhood and thence to freedom through self-control and deep commitment to the man-god, Christ.

But today all kinds of neurotics enjoy criticizing Christianity for not having been sufficiently pro-Semitic, pro-gay, pro-abortion rights, anti-slavery, etc., etc., from the start.  These creatures are unable to grasp that man is an evolved ape whose behavioral patterns change up, down and sideways over time.  Nor can they understand that modern America and the mud explosion are a “bubble” destined to collapse.  They and the debauched American Congress which supports them also do not have as much time left as they assume.

But note that it was the White man, and only the White man, who, in adopting Christianity, took the historical ball and ran with it.  Most Mideastern muds switched to the idiot religion of Islam as soon as Roman pressure was relaxed.  In later times, not only they but also other non-Whites simply hopped onto Whitey’s coattails and went along for the ride.

The genosuicidist view that all religions are morally equivalent, that all races are equal, that all cultures are the same in importance, is finally beginning to have its effect on White civilization.  Once upon a time that civilization, having been born in the crucible of the European Middle Ages and dominated by a medieval Christian ideology which, as just pointed out, understood the universe to be both rational and purposive, had a strong determination to live.  Its driving ideology, however contaminated with irregularities as it may seem from the modernist perspective, gave rise to science.  It was the only game in town.  In the other cultures, of ancient Greece, China, India and the early Muslim empire, science was stillborn.  Or, rather, it died by infanticide.  Only in the Latin West, in the hands of thoughtful White schoolmen and philosphers, were “Arabic” (actually Sanskrit) numbers and the originally Mohammedan mathematics of “al-gebra” taken over and developed into tools for implementing that rational-purposivist understanding of things.  Despite, or perhaps because of, the countless and often deadly disputes about the true interpretation of nature, self-sustaining science was born in an originally religious matrix.

The discovery of the Americas at just the right time enabled the White man to develop that science and its technology, and also preserved it from death by infanticide due to fanatics on both sides of the religious battle lines.  The Mohammedans, who envisioned their monster god, Allah, as capricious, whimsical and domineering (hence the name of their religion, Islam, “submission”), opposed the kind of rational and purposive view of the cosmos espoused by the Latin West, a view which encouraged a free and inquiring intellect.  In consequence, the Muslims’ budding science died of disinterest around the thirteenth century.

Note that Christianity had existed for six centuries before Mohammed hatched Islam.  The muds of the Mideast could have easily availed themselves of the possibilities inherent in this late Graeco-Roman religion, but, though originally members of that religion, instead preferred senseless quarreling among themselves, and then opted for the internecine warfare and savagery offered by Islam.  It was only the White man who sensed the potential of the creed based in Constantinople and Rome when mixed with European heathendom.  Yes, the process was messy.  But bloodshed is the common lot of mankind — indeed, of the primates in general.  Despite that fact, it was only in Latinized Europe that out of it all emerged an intellectual edifice of a power and splendor unimaginable in former ages anywhere on earth.

Today the genosuicidists seek to subvert not only the culture, but the science of the White man.  By relativizing everything and leveling it all to the lowest common denominator, then overburdening the foundations of the West via appeals to grotesquely inflated “compassion,” they are determined to return us to the Communist paradise.  And they are greatly helped by innumerable Christian groups with their human-importing activities.  These latter are groups whose polluted mindset is no longer free and inquiring but obsessed with feeling good.

Although the scientific world of the West is still far from admitting it, if the muds take over it will be the end of science.  Everything will be politicized and only politically acceptable “science” will be allowed.  Current trends of suppression will be intensified until thought police control everything, as in Communist Russia.  Also as in Communist Russia, the lower levels of society will be either drug-ridden strata of crime or, if the invading Mohammedans proliferate fast enough, a mentally rigid swampland which forbids any higher thought.

Indeed, higher thought is often being distorted even now.  Many modern scientists are so enamored of the mathematics which enable them to describe physical behavior that they have jumped to the conclusion that mathematics is the “real” world and that nature’s “laws” are essentially rigid and immutable formulas which brook no interference from the facts.  Hence their a priori, categorical refusal to admit the reality of the paranormal, including the well-attested physical phenomena of asceticism and mysticism.  (There is even a group of official “skeptics” led by one Michael Shermer who contributes parapsychology-bashing articles to Scientific American magazine every month.)  When quantum mechanics can find no mathematical connection between the conjugate variables of position and momentum (Heisenberg’s “uncertainty principle”), the “Copenhagen interpretation” jumps to the conclusion that only “chance” determines those variables.  (To his credit, the generally overrated and overpublicized Einstein had it right:  there must be some other, deeper factor controlling those variables, he maintained, even though we cannot find it.  Hence his famous quip, “Der liebe Gott würfelt nicht” [“God doesn’t play dice”] — not a theological statement, since he did not believe in life after death.)

Thus the current fashion among the “rationalists” is that the world is ruled by a combination of chance and necessity.  But the carefully unstated assumptions underlying this ideology are themselves irrational:  that nature is governed by an ideal mathematics which, like Plato’s ideas, exist in some mystical domain beyond human ken;  and that, oddly enough, another domain, similarly unknowable, of utter chaos also somehow intervenes cosmogonically to create big bangs hither, thither and yon.  And nowhere is there a divine rational intelligence to be found.

This irrationality masked as rationality contributes significantly to the widespread assumption of the meaninglessness of existence and hence to the genosuicidism of the White man.  As a result, we will soon experience the consequences of committing ourselves to an ideology of chaos pervaded by lethal laws devoid of any rationality whatsoever.

A curious blindness has overcome the TV-fixated White man in recent times.  He can no longer admit what he sees, hears, smells, tastes or otherwise senses.  The hideousness of the Negro or of the Ashkenazi mutant is praised as beauty.  The diseases imported along with black Africans or illegal Vietnamese are no longer recorded.  The rivers of deadly narcotics pouring in from Spicland are not discussed in politically correct circles.  The situation is analogous to a person clearly afflicted with cancer who adamantly refuses to acknowledge the fact.

If, now, the Yids do in fact pounce on Iran and trigger a profound and perhaps terminal worldwide depression, the blind man will despite his denials at least feel the results of his own self-hypnosis.  It will remain to be seen whether the Sheenies behind the Jewbox will be able to convince him that it is really all for his own good.


2010 Feb 21 [Sun]:  The linchpin of the incompetent kleptocracy in Washington DC is obscurantism:  obfuscation and mystification of all sorts, from hiding the true numbers of non-Whites being imported from World 3 to the refusal to reveal which foreign banks and countries are swallowing American taxpayer money, to “hiding the facts in plain sight” amidst clutter of little import by revealing them publicly but in ways unlikely to be noticed or understood by the broad electorate.  The concealed cancers now metastasizing behind the smoke and mirrors include, but are not limited to:

  • ­The growing inability of nations to finance their increasing deficits and the resulting national bankruptcies.

  • ­Proliferating massive banking defaults, entailing both the shrinkage of reserves and the incapacity of banks to finance their own long-term obligations on a short-term basis.

  • ­The coming, unavoidable rise in interest rates.

  • ­The slowly tightening grip of international tensions.

  • ­Growing social insecurity

In attempting to obscure these facts, various intellectual idiots useful to our political masters have endeavored to describe the current recession as a V-shaped one (a dip with a rebound), a W-shaped one (so-called “double-dip”) or even an L-shaped one (declining to a lower level with no rebound).  None of these witch doctors on high has dared, however, to suggest that we may really be looking forward to an I-shaped depression:  one of permanent, bottomless collapse.

As we lurch onward toward Olduvai Gorge, it appears that the only bright spot on the horizon is the now rapid development of electronic weaponry.  The most interesting forms, of course, are the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or “drones,” as they are popularly called.  These make mountainous and wilderness hideouts for Mohammedan martyrs much less secure, and have already proven quite effective in a number of cases.  There are also many ground-based and submarine robots presently undergoing R&D which similarly hold great promise in reducing the number of those fun-loving suicide homicidists, not to mention the octopi of international crime.

But the main problem persists:  American politicians tend to be scientifically ignorant bribe-ocrats who will do anything for their next multi-million-dollar campaign contribution.  They mask their ThirdWorld-type corruption by aiming charges of “racism” and (of course) “anti-Semitism” at opponents, which instantly shuts down all criticism and debate.  Favorite techniques include the exaggeration and distortion of Christian (now called “Judeo-Christian”) virtues and the emotion of “compassion” (toward non-Whites) to gain political and financial advantage.  But while these politicians and countless genosuicidists loudly advertize their embrace of such “compassion,” it is obvious that their only true emotion is hatred of their own White race as a race.

On the strictly financial front:  It is now becoming evident that in 2002 Yid-run Goldman Sachs, perhaps the most corrupt financial organization in the world, loaned Greece billions of dollars masked as a “cross-currency swap” with fictional exchange rates, thereby enabling Greece to falsify its budgetary numbers so that it would look like that nation’s deficit had not exceeded the maximum allowed for entry into the Eurozone.  The Greeks knew very well what they were doing, but calculated that when their confidence scheme blew up in their faces they would shift the responsibility to the northern Europeans, especially Germany.  In an ideal world, the Hellenes would now be left to rot on their own, and the rest of Europe would take its medicine and endure the short-term pain that the amputation caused.  That is unlikely to happen of course, since short-term pain is politically unendurable.  The rest of Club Med (i.e., Italy, Spain and Portugal) expects to follow Greece’s example.  This business of international extortion and of burdening other countries and (perhaps imaginary) future generations with untold debt is bound to explode sooner or later in any case.  And the later, the worse.

Also in any case, the slowly deepening recession will, as is obvious, intensify every current problem until it results in collapse.  Only then will there be even a chance of change.  Following Peak Oil in 2012 (the end of the “bumpy plateau”), the world’s politicians will be unable to continue the façade of “business as usual” (aka the “BAU” model).  The result will almost certainly be the standard route:  inflation of the money supply, followed by the devaluation of the dollar and general impoverishment of the world as a whole, not just the U.S.  The Chinese, our most important lenders, already foresee this and are doing their best to diminish their dollar holdings.  Brazil, Russia and India are nervous about the inflationary prospect, but have their own problems and less freedom of movement than China in this respect.

But monetary inflation is in fact only one form of this disease.  For decades we have witnessed the above-mentioned exaggeration and distortion of traditional values, a process tantamount to the inflation and devaluation of those values.  “Charity” toward one’s neighbor now means governmentally enforced affirmative action in favor of Negroes and Spics, &c.  “Helping the poor” now means importing countless millions of ThirdWorld non-Whites into Whiteland.  “Turning the other cheek” now means allowing Negroes to rape White women with impunity and releasing swarthy criminals from prison early for their supposedly “good behavior” there.  “Giving assistance to widows and orphans” has become a vast scheme of tax-based programs paying Black sluts to produce fatherless Negroid gangsters.  Church-going Whitey is asked to extend “forgiveness” to proven sacerdotal pedophiles and ministerial sex perverts.  Politicians caught taking illegal donations from shadowy lobbyists ask pardon for their “mistakes” (all inadvertent, of course), then run again successfully for re-election.

The result is the slow corrosion of values of every kind, not just money.  The America of 2010 is a country which bears almost no resemblance to the America of a century ago in the matter of sustainability.  In sum:  socio-economic collapse à la Tainter is virtually guaranteed in the coming decades.  This is not what the people say they want, of course;  rather, it is what they want in fact.

Hopeless Mutation

2010 Feb 14 [Sun]:  Robbing Peter to pay Paul has been the normal course of history since the origin of civilization.  A civilization collapses when Peter has nothing left to rob.  When Communism took over in Russia through the efforts of the Jews (Trotsky & Co.), it was able to survive for 75 years because it had a land with vast resources to deplete and could kill 61 million people whose wealth was absorbed by the commissars.  It was also given enormous amounts of help of all kinds by America in World War II and stole inventions of every type (like the U.S. atomic bomb secrets provided by those kindly Yids, the Rosenbergs).  But eventually the well dried up and the workers’ paradise was swept into the dustbin of history.

Naturally the average man on the street has no idea of what is happening, and cannot understand why he cannot continue his own little bit of theft the same way he always has.  In fact, he does not even recognize it as theft.  It is simply his “right” to have more for the asking (or demanding).  Similarly, our self-deluding political class, which has no concern whatsoever for evolution, is unable to see that the demographic foundations of its own power are decaying as more and more Negroes, mulattoes and muds overwhelm our system.

The robbery is especially rampant the lower the average IQ level and the more stupid (i.e., “socialist” or squandering-wealth-on-the-congenitally-dumb-and-lazy) the economic system.  But it is by no means restricted to such systems.  When Britain, under the influence of Fatso Ill-Church with his gift of gab, realized that they and their vaunted Empire were starting to decline in the first part of the last century, with France’s and Russia’s help they unleashed a 30-year war against Germany to reduce the competition, then pulled in the United States — twice — when their crime stalled.  Today, a century later, the Limeys are looking at complete bankruptcy, while only a small (and contested) piece of northern Ireland is left of their Empire.  Their ability to rob the rest of the world has evaporated.  Nor is the situation stagnant for these foremost genosuicidists of the White race.  In spite of the remaining amounts of the declining North Sea oil, it is expected that the “oil crunch” will start to hit the anti-White isle in full force in 2015.  Their Lordships, of course, remain blithely carefree about it all, and have no intention of stopping the torrent of ThirdWorld non-Whites from pouring into their sinking lifeboat.  It will thus be a source of great amusement to watch Her Majesty’s funny farm slowly turn into a swampland of internecine desperation as the wheels come off of the U.K. economy in earnest.  The British Island will become Easter Island writ large.

As White soldiers tiptoe through the tulips in Afghanistan this week, taking extreme care not to offend the sensibilities of the locals, our own government continues to import ThirdWorld rubbish as fast as possible in order to destroy Whiteland from inside.  The strategy is to make Afghan muds love us for buying their opium and bribing all of their corrupt leaders while our own nation dies of racial corrosion.  Not only do we now have a system of public economic losses and private (Chosenite) gain, but due to the complexity of Yid-led crime in the government-business continuum, it has become impossible to extricate our necks from the tightening noose.

The number of problems closing in on the world is almost beyond human comprehension.  But the bizarre thing is that our government, led by the simian in the White House, is putting every effort into increasing those problems.  In theory human beings have it in their power to alter their course in the face of looming disaster.  But actual history shows that they never do so.  Whitey is so trapped by a Heeb-imposed ideology of guilt and his own Utopian expectations that he simply cannot change.  Thus nature will do it for him.

Budgetary Phantasmagoria

2010 Feb 07 [Sun]: 
The Groid’s Budget:
  • ­Overall Spending:  $3.834 trillion
  • ­Discretionary Spending:  $1.415 trillion
  • ­2011 Projected Deficit:  $1.267 trillion, 8.3% of GDP
  • ­2010 Deficit Forecast:  $1.556 trillion, 10.6 of GDP

Q.:  “Overall:  the level of realism that [the chimpanzoid’s budget] incorporates into the debate.  What is it?”

A.:  … “The deficits that are in this budget are just unbelievably high and unacceptable.
… “What threatens our future is not the current deficit.  What threatens the future is the climb path of spending and the huge gap between what people have been promised and the revenues that we have to deliver on those promises — the so-called ‘off-balance-sheet obligations’ - that’s the ice that's under the water that could sink the ship of state.”

Q.:  “People are talking about the ‘cliff,’ where there really is a run on the American dollar or what have you.  People want to point to this 80% of GDP, right?  — which we might get to in 2020 or so.  … Do we have 10 years to solve this problem for good?”

A.:  “No.  We don’t.  My view is, we have to make a significant progress — you know, a so-called ‘real down payment’ — or significant reduction in our unfunded obligations, in our glide path within the next couple of years.  I really believe that.  I think we’re in danger of passing a tipping point where … er … foreign leaders may lose confidence in our ability to put our financial house in order.  If that happens,we’re going to end up having to pay a lot higher interest rates to finance this debt.  And that will set off a series of adverse implications for America and Americans.  We don’t want that.

“… [W]e have a disfunctional democracy and a republic that is not representative of the public.”

— David Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General, president and CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation,  “Parsing Obama’s Budget Proposal,” Tuesday, 2010 Feb 02, MSNBC.COM, speaking of $3.8 billion budget with a projected deficit of well over a $trillion.

Mr. Walker is one of the best analysts of the current American economic trajectory.  He has done much to make Americans aware of where we are heading.  Many others have likewise attempted to alert the country about where our leaders are leading us, in the areas of the economy, of population and of peak oil.

All to no avail.

Chicago Tribute, 1934 April 20:
The earlier version of the attempt
to change America
One can talk all one wants about fiscal responsibility, stopping the alien invasion, energy conservation and similar issues.  Long experience shows that no talk, however brilliant, however logically sound, however factually based, will change the system.  American politicians decided long ago that they were gods and had a right to do anything and to arrogate control over everything to themselves.  They had a right to destroy Europe in two World Wars.  They had a right to squander irreplaceable oil in order to have a temporarily booming economy.  They had a right to impose affirmative action (i.e., giving non-Whites unjustifiable preferences) on Whites, and to import ThirdWorld serfs in vast waves in order to live an easy life.  And they think that a Negroid who, in speaking of fellow Negroid, a Navy corpsman, misprounces the word “corpsman” as “corpse-man”, has the intelligence to reside in the White House.

Since Jews control the media, all publicized “solutions” to the present situation are carefully edited to make sure they are politically correct.  In other words, ineffective and meaningless blather.

So the only thing one can do is sit back, relax and watch as the U.S. begins to disintegrate.  According to David Walker (quoted above), the point of no return will be reached within the “next couple of years.”  Since no one wants to take the medicine necessary to prevent collapse, there is no doubt about what is going to happen.

Jews and leftists have largely succeeded in the old Roman policy of “divide and conquer” (divide et impera):  Whites are made to be jealous of and hate other Whites — Southern Baptists against Mormons and Catholics, poor against rich, labor unions against business owners, and on and on.  Added to the fact that the testosterone levels of White American males have declined by half since 1950 (to say nothing about the plague of narcotics), all this adds up to a soporific race that seeks only “death with dignity.”  And after death comes nothing, so why worry about the future?  Budget?  People who are in heaven with Jesus don’t have to worry about budgets.

The Negroes, Spics, Mohammedans and assorted other lower creatures are in ecstasy over the budgetary self-immolation.  The poor will inherit the earth after all.  Or what is left of it, anyway.  And predictions about dire consequences ten years from now bring the same yawns as those about the sun consuming the earth billions of years into the future.

The insane budget now proposed by the White House darkie and his Yid handlers is little more than a desperate attempt to keep Disneyland afloat through the next election (“end the recession”).  Of course, that means continuing to import yet more alien non-Whites and supporting them with White money and resources as well as forcing us to suffer from their criminality and social disruption.

The reality is that the current “normal” state of America has no philosophical justification.  It is nothing more than a vast power play with a mask of quasi-religiosity.

But there should really be no surprise at the deadly absurdity of the chimpanzoid’s new budget.  After all, the creature was elected not by the conscious intellectual choice of the masses but by successful manipulation of their feelings — i.e., by their collective unconscious.  In fact, this collective current is being directed by the thanatos drive:  the flow toward mass suicide.  As the ancient saying goes:  whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.  Example:  The media reports that a bunch of philanthropic Kidnappers for Christ has been detained by Haitian police for trying to spirit 33 pickaninnies out of Haiti (for the benefit of the spiritees, of course).  First stop was to have been the Dominican Republic.  Second stop, it goes without saying:  the U.S.  Anything to hasten the self-destruction of Whiteland under cover of sob-story religion.

From the first landing of wannabe-Jew, sex-demonizing Pilgrims on these shores, the political classes have sought to make this land a “new Jerusalem,” a heaven on earth populated by “pure” (i.e., sexually über-chaste if not celibate), and thus profoundly hypocritical, people.  The now transmogrified version of this idiocy has twisted American history into a series of suicidal missteps and absurdities.  Our dominators intend to convert the entire world into nicey-nice democratic types of the Coombayah sort.

It is with nauseating tedium that we repeatedly hear and read from our political masters about how the current world recession is only temporary.  ”Get out there and spend what little you have left, Whitey, and endebt your progeny forever!”  They downplay the “pessimists” and constantly retell the tale about the boy who cried wolf — but only the first part of that story.  They do not dare tell its ending.  Virtually no one on high seems to realize that this time it truly is different.  There are no more reserves.  The globe is overloaded in the extreme.  A large portion of the White population of the U.S. is degraded, hates itself for being White, often seeks escape in narcotics, expects something for nothing, wants the Third World transplanted here and prefers sinking into the vegetative state of a TV zombie.  We are running out of gas both literally and figuratively.  It is no surprise, then, that when American intelligence chiefs explain that Al Qaeda (the real dynamic within Islam) is planning major attacks inside the U.S. itself to take place this year, the only reaction from Whitey is to switch the channel to some program with Negro participants.

To sum up:  according to the Congressional Budget Office, the Groid’s proposed budget leaves the nation with “bleak” prospects.  (And:  “The CBO estimate is almost certainly an understatement of the deficit problem.”)  The country is addicted to welfarism of all types, from the largest corporations down to the local Negro gangsters and illegal aliens.  The country’s motto is now:  “What, me worry?”

And it is on the U.S. that the rest of the world depends for its own survival.

January 2010

Selling Indulgences

2010 Jan 30 [Sat]:  The compassion industry is having a feeding frenzy on the bank accounts of White America.  Never before has it sucked in so much money from brain-damaged Whites as with the current Haitian Earthquake business opportunity.  The media is going wild pumping tear ducts all over prime-time U.S.:  “Give ’till it hurts!”  “Get your little darkie while they last!”  “What would Jesus do, suckers?”  And, of course, the usual human-trafficker participants.  (Pst!  Hey, Whitey, I’ve got a real deal on nigglets for you if you’re not too picky about the paperwork.  Buy one, get one free!  All sales final.)

The (Afro-)American federal administration in D.C. is aglow with pride over the fact that it is now importing more of the lower primates than ever from the tropical paradise.  There is talk about a new crusade of nation-building for all God’s (black) chillun on the northern Caribbean island, an operation to drain Caucasian dollars henceforth forever.  Whoopee!  Buy your indulgences right now and wipe away your White guilt!

All this is very much a repeat of the pre-Reformation Catholic Church’s selling of indulgences to guarantee your entrance into heaven.  In the late-medieval German of those days, there was even an advertizing slogan:  “When your gold piece in the collection plate makes a ‘cling,’ then will your soul up toward heaven swing” (“Bald der gülden in kasten klinget, Die seel auff gehn himel schwinget”).  But basically, the Church of that time never had TV and was doing a bumbling sales job.  Hence the Reformation.  Current Christianity (virtually all branches) has learned from that flop and is determined not to repeat the mistake.  Its propagandists have developed marvelous skills of activating the White nurturing instinct through Pavlovian conditioning.  The sales of religious indulgences by means of rescuing Negroids are now going through the roof as the tear-jerkers take full advantage of the bonanza.  (Think of all those heaven-bound White souls!)  Likewise, the monkey-man’s administration is breathing sighs of relief that the electorate is being diverted from economic collapse back to White genosuicide.  There is a God!

Monkey Man
Other members
of Monkey Man’s family
As if we needed yet another such demonstration, we can look at Haiti as a perfect example of what happens when a higher race (in this case, the Taino Arawak Amerinds) is replaced by coons:  things go from paradise to junkyard.  Truly the American dream.

In the nauseating, more-of-the-same State of the Union address on the night of Wednesday, 2010 Jan 27, the Thing occupying the White House speechified that it wanted to save $447 billion in domestic programs in discretionary spending over the next three years.  That’s about $447/3 = ~$149 gigabucks/year (about an eighth of the budget), compared with the trillions to be spent on the exploding federal budget during the same time period, as America’s demands continue to exceed its income.  Spending on holy Haiti will of course not be touched.  The Ashkenazi media exulted over the wonderful news of a budget “freeze.”  It was almost as much fun as accusing some conservative politician of being a “Holocaust denier.”  Whitey will greatly appreciate the savings — as he rummages through Walmart dumpsters for necessities, that is.

Monkey man took advantage of his long, hiphop-like oration to insult to their faces the members of the Supreme Court before him with the innovative hyperbole that they had “reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests, including foreign corporations, to spend without limit in our elections.”  One of the incredulous justices present, Judge Samuel Alito, shook his head and inaudibly mouthed the words “simply not true!”  Because the Court had done no such thing.  (It had only safeguarded the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech.)  But lying is characteristic of the former Muslim.  Not content with his attack on the Court, he proceeded to promise that he would now cram the gay lifestyle down our military’s throat (“repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are”).  More cheers from parasites and the Left.  The Joint Chiefs of Staff, sitting a few feet in front of the podium, with military discipline tightened their jaws, gritted their teeth and sat frozen in place during the frenetic applause by the Democrat left at all of this.  We were also (again) given to know that all the Chief Rap Artist’s failings and ineptitude are really the fault of the previous president, George W. Bush.  And in general, we heard all the usual promises about how he was not going to “accept second place for the United States of America” (meaning for Ebonics-speakers and other non-Whites).  And how he was going to take money (“a modest fee”) from the banks, failing to mention that such a “fee” would really be extracted from the banks’ customers, mainly middle-class Whites.  He also claimed he was going to “ensure that everyone who plays by the rules can contribute to our economy and enrich our nations [sic].”  In other words, import the entire Third World so it can “contribute to our economy.”  Et cetera.

For all that, one must still admire the bloviator’s skill in avoiding any word of Peak Oil.

In short, it was all a promise to accelerate our plunge to disaster.

But not to worry.  Two days later, on Friday, 2010 January 29, talking to a group of House Republicans at their retreat in Baltimore, the Prime Primate intimated that he was not a Bolshevik.  The implication was that if they join him in destroying the country, it will be done in a spirit of communism that is somehow not Stalinist.

As we import ever greater waves of Spics and proto-humans from south of the border, the U.S. government ignores the fact that the White race is slowly being surrounded and infiltrated by mortal enemies.  The obsessive concern for the civil rights of alien Mafiosi and for Mohammedan martyrs springs partly from the days of the horse and buggy, but mostly from legalists of the anti-White left.  There is absolutely no recognition that we are in an ideological war on both fronts.  The international criminal organizations have nothing but contempt for Whitey’s “values” and use every possible means to corrupt him.  The Muslims pretend to “share” our worldview while planning our physical destruction and subjugation (or “dhimmitude” in Islamospeak).  Both through accepting submergence by ThirdWorld invasion and viewing terror as a mere policing problem, the West is welcoming its last days.  But Jewbox-hypnotized Whitey still thinks that the worst crime of all is his own racial self-preservation.

A month ago, on Wednesday, 2009 December 30, Jordanian physician Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi assassinated, among others, three CIA agents and two Xe men, all irreplaceable, at Forward Operating Base Chapman in Afghanistan.  For some reason the proper security procedures were not followed, leading to the catastrophe.  But even more distressing is the fact that apparently our political leadership, which is ultimately responsible for the failure, does not realize that suicidal assassination is an ancient practice deeply embedded in all Mohammedan culture.  Yes, there are “nice” Muslims.  The problem is, they are the very ones who provide camouflage for the zealots.  As long as there are Islamic believers, there will be suicide killers.  It is baked into the religion.

As the world approaches seven billion hominids, the criminality and fanaticism of the lower races is going to increase.  With the slow deterioration of the global economy, pressures of every sort can only become more intense.  The fantasy that if Whitey “redistributes” his wealth to the darker races everything will become heavenly is due to the widespread, subconscious belief that the myths provided by the entertainment media can be turned into reality.  In fact, we live in a world of kill or be killed.  The invaders, the criminals and the jihadists know this.  Only Whitey does not.

The one and only way the current situation can be rescued from disaster is if Whitey makes a conscious decision to survive as a race.  Since most Whites are Christians, and since religion is the human expression of the survival instinct, Christianity should have been an ideological bulwark against the mass suicide we are now undertaking.  But its anti-evolutionary twist has destroyed that hope.  Guilt propaganda and indulgence selling are too lucrative.  The earlier, self-assertive Christendom of the crusades is in disrepute.  Universal lovey-doveyness is the name of the game today.  Much better for Whitey to rescue darkies, to welcome muds and Mohammedans as his replacements and thereby ensure his way to heaven.  Evolution can go to hell, along with all higher life on the planet.

The sob stories from Voodoo Island are little more than one more invitation to destroy the greatest civilization this earth has ever seen.  The current global recession is not a mere flash in the pan that some African witch doctor in D.C. can transmute into fairy-tale prosperity for America.  Not even by coaxing Whitey into adopting all the talking chimps in the world.  But only the unfolding reality will make this clear to Whitey.  By the time he admits it, however, it will be simply too late.

Ğe Economy

2010 Jan 23 [Sat]:

“The strengths of Sorkin's “Too Big to Fail” are its insights into some of the major characters, their interactions, and more detail of what happened inside some critical meetings.  For example, the fact that Treasury Secretary Paulson could be heard vomiting behind his closed office door at the height of the crisis, is the type of detail that Sorkin provides.”
  • ­
“One congressman who was in these meetings was Capital Markets Chairman Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania. During a call-in show on the C-Span network, Kanjorski said in answer to a caller's question about the necessity of the bailout: ‘If they had not done it (the bailout), their estimation was that by two o'clock that afternoon, five-and-a-half trillion dollars would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States, it would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.’

‘It would have been the end of our political system and our economic systems as we know it.’”

  • ­
“Yet despite the near miss with global disaster, it seems very little has been done to prevent it from happening again.”
Light holiday reading and the future of Western civilization,
Book review by Gregg Jahnke of Andrew Ross Sorkin's “Too Big to Fail” and Charles Gasparino's “The Sellout.”
(Kanjorski’s comments on the events of September 2008 have been previously reported on this blog.)
“‘If the Copenhagen summit showed us one thing, it is that the European Union isn't big enough for world authority when it comes to countries like China,’ Mr Oettinger said, responding to a question about the EU's policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
Interview with Günther Oettinger, Germany’s commissioner-designate for energy for the European Commission (EU-Energiekommissar), 2010 January 14

Virtually no one, it seems, recognizes the extreme peril the West is in at this moment.  There is no longer a working democracy in the U.S.  All decisions are made by an extremely small group of superrich and enormously powerful individuals behind closed doors.  Elections are skillfully manipulated by masters of deception.  The White masses are both indifferent to their own extinction and intimidated by accusations of racism if they object to the destruction of their culture.  And the de-Americanization of the economy is slowly reducing us all to welfarites, while various crime syndicates from the Third World prey upon us.

Criminal Organizations in Mexico (2009)
The disintegration is not a result of declining fuel reserves or physical resources.  It is due to deliberate personal and political decisions taken by high and low.  Next door, the ThirdWorld country of Mexico is collapsing into the status of a hellish failed state run by crime cartels specializing in the trafficking of humans and narcotics sold to America.  Large numbers of American White couples purchase infants and small children kidnapped from families in Mexico and other ThirdWorld countries.  (After all, those little muds make such cute pets!)  American gun dealers make large profits knowingly selling guns to intermediaries for the Spic cartels.  From sporadic reports in the news media it would appear that half of the federal functionaries in the BosWash corridor hire illegal aliens to do their housework or babysitting.  And, of course, countless Gringo businesses now depend on illegals for their profits, as they shift the social costs for the alien employees they hire to society at large.

Dissatisfied with the slow rate of the ThirdWorld influx into White America, President Sambo’s yes-girl, Janet Napolitano, has now abolished all barriers to the importation of orphaned Haitian pickaninnies into the U.S.  They can now be adopted by all those teary-eyed Whites, and the Yankee population can be further degraded, to the cheers of the media.  We can next expect a massive airlift of the young ’uns to America.  After all, few blacks ever know their fathers to begin with, and their mammies will jump at the chance of letting Whitey take over the care and feeding of their spawn.  A new twist on cuckoldry.  Also, how droll that the department that Napolitano heads is called the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  In reality, it is an organization devised to make our homeland more and more insecure.

Considering this genosuicidal drift of American Whites, it is hard to see any way of avoiding its logical consequences.  As the world’s biggest and best host for parasites, the conversion of America into a vast mulatto slum seems all but assured.  The 2008 election of a chimpanzoid as president is merely a symbol of the rotting process — as is, likewise, incurring trillion-dollar debts that can never be repaid.  True regime change.

In recent global history, the forms of government have tended to go to extremes:  on the left the controllers are economically ignorant ideologues and fanatics, as found in Communism;  on the right is plutocracy, that is, monopolistically rich ultra-billionaires and enormously wealthy organizations, as seen in Georg Sörös, Goldman Sachs, AARP, the Ashkenazim-supported Zionist lobby, etc.  These entities control large networks of campaign-donating lobbyists and political operatives, and are blind — when not hostile — to physical and biological realities.  Communism leads rapidly to universal poverty and ecological disaster, as can be seen in the Russian and Chinese experiments, with their combined 137 million murders on the road to the workers’ paradise.  In contrast, omnivorous plutocracy (often erroneously called “capitalism”) is less brutal, but leads inevitably to monopoly — first of economics, then of politics —, ultimately culminating in a totalitarian system masquerading as a popular government.  This will persist until depletion of cheap resources (above all, oil) causes general economic disintegration.

Consider, now, the wealth of nations.  Seen in broad overview, there are two major factors which produce a vibrant national economy:  average IQ and free and honest markets (true capitalism).  No country with a Negroid-level average IQ can ever be economically successful through its own merits.  Of course, if it has a single commodity, like oil, that Whitey needs (think Nigeria), the country’s chiefs can be bribed, but the country as a whole will always be an economic sewer regardless of its natural resources.  On the other hand, a country like China, with an average IQ of perhaps 105, cannot be successful because of its criminal Marxist government, which suppresses freedom and steals profits.  In contrast, Mongoloid Japan, which has no natural resources of its own but enjoys both a fairly high IQ level as well as moderately free markets, has a much more powerful economy and higher living standard than China.  Perhaps the world’s most drastic contrast in this respect is the difference between North and South Korea, in which the Red North is a gigantic concentration camp of abject misery while the reasonably free South is incredibly prosperous.  As for differences in IQ, we note that Taiwan and the Philippines, both of which have free markets, differ considerably in average wealth due to the higher IQs of the Chinese.  And generally the world’s worst economy is that of Zimbabwe, a dictatorial chimpanzoid kleptocracy.

Considering these factors, it is clear what the American illuminati and BigJews are doing:  by importing ThirdWorlders they are lowering the national IQ average, and with their move toward a command (i.e., socialist, Marxist, “progressivist”) economy and the criminality of the Yid financial masterminds, they are strangling the market system.  Since, besides peak oil, the two factors, IQ and freedom, most important for economic survival are now being suppressed, it is clear that America’s future is black indeed.  We must also note that all this is strictly in the economic sphere and completely separate from considerations about the biological future of the White race or the integrity of the biosphere.

On Tuesday, 2010 January 19, a mini-rebellion occurred in ultra-socialist Massachusetts:  in a kind of Boston tea party rejection of taxation without representation, a Republican, Scott Brown, won election (with 52% of the votes to 47% for his ultra-Leftist opponent) to the Senatorial seat formerly held for decades by the now dead Ted Kennedy.  It seems that, in that state at least, the electorate has come to the conclusion that something is drastically wrong in Washington.  If some Whites can awaken from their socialist fantasies in Massachusetts, who knows what might be possible nationwide?  One can only hope.

The darkening clouds on the international horizon, however, portend severe weather ahead, and rather soon.  To begin with, the low-IQ darkie in the White House has absolutely no idea of the lethal dynamics closing in on the U.S.  He is preoccupied with making himself look like the savior of all Negroids and the punisher of White guilt, as seen by his push to add Haiti permanently to American welfare rolls.  He is counting on the fact that the American masses think that something is real only if it appears on TV, as portrayed, for example, in the current refuse pile of violent primitives in Hispaniola.  For the zombified public, thus, the chaos down there is the only thing happening on the planet right now, and “we” (i.e., you, Whitey) need to help all those poor practitioners of Voodoo.

But while this extended photo op is going on in the western hemisphere, Israel is preparing to take out Iran’s nuclear capability, maybe within the next few months.  They actually wanted to do so during the reign of Bush II, but he thought it better to shift all responsibility for such decisions to his successor, and told them to wait.  The Israelis are now chafing under the delay.  The response to the attack they are planning will be, to say the least, unpleasant, with Hezbollah doing its best to wreak havoc in and around Yidland with suicide bombers.  The Iranians are already enraged at AmeriZion’s assassination (by car bomb) of one of their nuclear scientists.  (The U.S. administration has, of course, denied it, but that is standard disinfo.)  Of greater concern is the high likelihood of ships to be sunk by Iran in the Strait of Hormuz, which will block the export of 40% of the world’s oil, plus the extreme danger to Araby’s Abqaiq installation.  The Persians will also send vast numbers of martyrs to destabilize Iraq (and maybe Saudi Arabia) once again.  China and Russia will also frown on American attempts to rap Iran’s knuckles in any way.

Then, of course, we have the fact that America loves to import not only non-Whites but Muslims of whatever color.  From Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, the Negro underpants bomber of Christmas Day, we now know that the Mohammedans are planning many more of their unusual surprises for the Great Satan.  That Xmas operation showed Allah’s acolytes that they can at least get their new explosives past normal airport screening devices.  Presumably they have by now fixed the underpants.  More interestingly, the Sand Negroids may already be in this country, even now preparing their next gift to us from their god.  Since the Black House resident is concerned only about how to redistribute Whitey’s money to his happy-go-lucky kin, not about keeping the nation safe, we can be assured that the Holy Martyrs will have a free hand.

Amidst all of this deliberately ignored descent of ours into Dante’s inferno, the genosuicidists on high can think of nothing else but that a few White racists might object to going extinct.  Such an eventuality must be prevented at all costs, and the entire Third World must be invited in to overwhelm any last-minute impulses of self-preservation Whitey might have.  As for Whitey himself, just so long as his TV keeps working, he will continue to elect race traitors to assure his own demise.


2010 Jan 16 [Sat]:  On Tuesday, 2010 Jan 12, Mother Earth decided there were a few too many Negroids infesting the Caribbean island of Haiti, so she generated a 7.0 earthquake, plus aftershocks, beneath the surface and wiped out fifty thousand or so jungle bunnies.  The capital slum, Port-au-Prince, with about three million inhabitants, was severely damaged.  Thereupon the nations of the “international community” — that is, mainly White countries and especially the U.S. — competed to send aid to the area.  In other words, Whites again refused to recognize that primitive hominids must pass into evolutionary history.  Instead, it is considered necessary for the “poorest” (i.e., totally chimpanzoid) nation in the western hemisphere to be restored so that it can experience another, even bigger catastrophe in the future.  After all, Whitey hasn’t poured enough billions of taxpayer dollars into that lightless hole.  Among the dead were a number of Whites working for various American Christian church groups who enjoy playing savior to black paranthropoids.  Back home, the usual reaction in such cases is for the families of the deceased to console themselves with tearful platitudes about their loved ones having died “doing what they wanted to do for Jesus.”  Seems that Jesus wasn’t very appreciative of their efforts.

As in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina’s destruction of New Orleans (2005 August 29), hordes of surviving black savages took advantage of the chaos to pillage their fellow tribesmembers.  Anticipating this, the White House chimpanzoid sent 2,000 mainly White American Marines to “stabilize” the situation for his kinsmen on Darkie Island.  Helping his racial relatives, in the Spook-in-chief’s mind, is the real purpose for the existence of American military.

Touching.  Our military, of course, once had a different purpose.  Namely, fighting wars.

However, ever since the national collapse of backbone in the late 1960s and early 1970s, U.S. administrations have found it advisable to hide the realities of war from the TV-viewing public.  This has been true above all when the enemy has been non-White.  The failure, by goofball President Lyndon Johnson, to use the right propaganda against the American Left in the Vietnam War led to the loss of Vietnam and Cambodia to Communism.  Later there did follow a curtain of obscurity in the anti-Commie wars in Nicaragua and Afghanistan, as well as abortive essays in Iran.  But only Iraq in 1991, and Serbia in 1999, were televised and trumpeted as “good” wars, since the illuminati were able to fabricate pictures of the target countries as centers of moral evil — a trick that has often been effective with the chastity-obsessed, Christianized U.S. electorate.

Now, faced with the decentralized enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan, the irritating interruptions of prime-time TV by news of death and mayhem over yonder are beginning to get on people’s nerves.  And anyway, Mohammedanism, our masters tell us, is really all just a different variety of Protestantism of the live-and-let-live sort.  Peaceful, really.  We just need to import more Islamic muds so they can see we love them, and all will be fine.  Meanwhile we must keep the nastiness of war off of TV.

Alas, the Mohammedan vanguard, the jihadists, do not watch American TV.  What is wrong them?  All that good infotainment, and they still don’t get it.  The way things are going, they could cause some real trouble with their ongoing martyrdoms.

In reality, there are two fronts to the “war on terrorism”:  one in Mohammedania, the other in the U.S.  The U.S. military is actually making considerable progress in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The recent “surge” in Iraq has done much to quell enemy activity there, although the Chief Chimpanzoid states that he will pull as many troops as possible out of Mesopotamia next year, ending the surge.  The jihadists can then get back to serious work there.

In Afghanistan, an adroit use of regular forces, especially where equipped with newer, high-tech aids like unmanned aerial vehicles (Predator, Global Hawk, and your choice of 180 other models), aided by the CIA and Xe (formerly Blackwater), and supplemented by efforts at improving infrastructure (e.g., a ring road around Afghanistan), providing schools, etc., is at least holding the enemy at bay.

However, the collective psychosis called Islam has persisted for 1500 years.  The idea that American Protestant-based democracy can sedate it in a decade or so by remote control is fatuous in the extreme.

The answer is not a military conquest, say, of Taliban territory à la Germany 1945.  It can only be a change in the Disneylandish mentality of American Whites.  But for that to happen, the illuminatist fantasy of universal equality and preferential treatment for non-Whites would have to end.  Unbeknownst to Whitey, he is in a religious war.  And it is only a religious awakening — a White-survivalist type of Reformation — that might preserve him from extinction.  This is precisely what the anti-White illuminati fear most.  Parasites cannot tolerate immune responses from their hosts.  And the Chosenites are terrified of losing their vast power over the American political system.

Given this stalemate inside America itself, it is now an open question whether the nation can make it through alive if pious Mohammedans destroy any one of many chokepoints in America.  Our entire system has been growing in precariousness over many decades, and it would not take much to cause catastrophic collapse.  Jihadists know this.  Only Whitey does not.

Politics makes strange bedfellows.  An odd thing about Jewry today is that, while still fixated on Holocaustiana, it is splitting up into right and left variants.  The Commie-loving leftists are concentrated in New York and Los Angeles, and control the media and, together with White goy illuminati, the government.  The rightists are Zionist zealots and are slowly becoming aware that if White America turns dark and disintegrates, it will be the end of Israel as well.  They are also unfriendly toward the Muslims, and have, one must admit, a much clearer understanding of Mohammedanism than has the average Yankee, flower child that he is.  Who knows?  Given these realities, it may in the future become possible, even advisable, to enter into some — very careful — kind of tacit alliance with these Israel-firsters in order to deal with the ominous prospect of a Western world dominated by Islam.

Inconvenient as the truth is, the fact is that man must die.  American Whites, reared on religious nonsense about “life eternal” and bombarded with commercials about forever remaining “young,” secretly hope and imagine that death can be prevented for all mankind if only they throw enough money at it.  Affluent beyond the dreams of all former peoples and saturated with religio-politically enforced guilt, they simply cannot grasp that some people must be thrown out of the ark if the whole vessel is not to capsize.  And they do not understand that the innate dynamic of evolution is toward higher intelligence, not mud-level stagnation, let alone Negroid-level infantilism.

Thus it is not only the Negroid genome that must disappear.  If White civilization is not to perish, Islam must go as well, regardless of what the universalists think.  The question is not how to integrate Muslims into America.  The question is to be or not to be.  For the few who choose life, there can be only one option:  a new crusade against Mohammedanism.  As the crusaders of a millennium ago put it:  Deus vult! — God wills it!

Ğe Coming Decade

2010 Jan 09 [Sat]:  At the start, not only of a new year, but of a new decade, it is appropriate to survey the current status of our species.  Our global numbers have increased to previously unimagined heights.  The total human population on this planet is scheduled to transcend seven billion next year.  Of course, contrary to the fantasies of the proponents of infinite growth, the earth is finite.  Its exact long-term carrying capacity for humans is unknown with precision.  A number of researchers and thinkers have estimated its maximum at two to three billion, decreasing as human activity ravages our biospheric infrastructure — a maximum far below the current level.  It necessarily follows that at least well over half of humanity is going to be eliminated.  When and how this will happen cannot be known at this moment.  But that it will happen is beyond question.  And the higher the percentage of primitive blacks and browns, the greater the reduction will be.

Naturally the White genosuicidists pant for the destruction of their own race.  The vast majority of the teachers and professors at tax-supported schools, colleges and universities preach hatred of European civilization and exult in the mulattoization of our culture.  We may, however, soon see whether they will modify their neuroses as that civilization and culture begin to disintegrate.  Consider:

  • Amidst all the smoke and mirrors, the gradual and inevitable collapse of American business, one bankruptcy at a time, is reducing the average hourly wage to the global level.  An American computer programmer, for instance, may have long been earning $50/hr, whereas a wog in India makes $10/hr for the same work.  Only work requiring on-site presence with U.S. language and cultural knowledge can justify the difference today.  The situation is much the same in most other fields unless some kind of tariff is imposed by political force majeure, which in the long run countervails profit.  Hence even now American manufacturing can rarely compete with that done in Asia.  So the general trend must of necessity be toward much lower wages.

  • Higher oil prices make everything more expensive, since oil is at the base of the economic pyramid.  Such costliness not only slows globalization, it also reduces American buying power.

  • The recent chaos in the high-finance arena throughout the world is due to sophisticated corruption pioneered by American Ashkenazim.  The Gordian knot of this highly complicated, heavily politicized system can no longer be untied.  It is driving ordinary American Whites to ever lower incomes while they enrich the “masters of the universe” in the financial markets and D.C. politicians engage in monumental theft.

  • The political forces fed by the global non-White population explosion are intensifying crime and fanaticism as well as general parasitism on Whiteland.  The American incapacity to admit this drives our politicians to devise ever more twisted programs to hide the symptoms of the disease, which will only get worse.

Then we have the following ecological problems:
Climate change
Ocean acidification
Stratospheric ozone depletion
Disruption of biogeochemical nitrogen and phosphorous cycles
Global freshwater use (acute problems in southwest and some plain states)
Change in land use
Biodiversity loss
Atmospheric aerosol loading

Today America is trying to finish the job of world conquest it began with World War II.  Among other stunts, it is attempting to pull off a clandestine “color revolution” in Iran.  It clumsily employs, for instance, “hikers” who “accidentally” stray into Iranian territory, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) funded by U.S. black operations covertly instigating “popular” uprisings against the anti-Zionist Mohammedan government.  Less obviously, America’s client state, Yidland, maintains a large network of spies inside the Persian state.  All of this, of course, in the hope of bringing about regime change in Iran as well as monitoring its military activities.

But Iran, using its own preferred techniques of “asymmetrical warfare,” is fighting back with madcap Mohammedan suicide killers wherever possible.  Having learned its lesson from the long history of America’s duplicitous way of provoking other countries into wars, the Iranian leadership is assiduously avoiding any overt aggression against American interests in southwest Asia.  Everything is done through proxies.  All this while it works on perfecting The Bomb.

The Imperial illuminati and Zionist Ashkenazim, meanwhile, have not merely stirred up a hornets’ nest in Asiatic Mohammedania.  They have summoned up the powers of hell.  The race-mixing globalizers of the Council of Foreign Relations now find themselves stymied.  It is not only that Russia and China object to yet more American military adventures in that region;  it is also that an overt attack on the Persians would instantly close down the already-sputtering world economy.  The CFR manipulators also know that the navel-contemplating Marxist Left in the U.S. would (oh, woe!) thereby reject their stooge, the chimpanzoid in the White House.  As regards the Congress, it is manipulated as a rubber stamp by a few tyrannical powermongers purchased by Hungarian BigJew Georg Sörös, and is perverting the country to implement his project of a global “open society” — that is, a flight of fancy about a borderless, mongrelized nation open to all leeches.  (Sörös’ “open society” was originally dreamt up by another biology-clueless, White-hating European Jew, Karl Popper, who pretended to be a philosopher.)  In short, the intent of our new commissars is to subvert the United States — and the West generally — through overload.

In the midst of this deadly dance, it now appears that, while the prolific Israeli Mohammedans outbreed the Jews in IsItReal, more Yids are leaving the Zionist entity than are migrating to it.  In other words, the ideological pretext (“protect poor little Israel”) for controlling the Middle East and its oil are weakening.  At this rate, if the Iranians ever do get The Bomb, they will never have to use it.  The mere threat of its existence will cause most of the smarter Chosenites to emigrate to Whiteland, and the Zionist paradise will morph smoothly into another Muslim insane asylum.

Put an end to Whitey
once and for all !
For the last 65 years the official line of the U.S. has been the joke that it was “forced” into World War II by the “unprovoked” attack of the Japs at Pearl Harbor and that this country obliterated Germany in order to save the Yahweh-chosen Jews.  For the average American, World War I did not exist.  The numbering system for World Wars begins at 2.  And, of course, WW II was the “good” war in which everything America did was holy and righteous, and everything the Nazis did was at the directive of Satan himself.

It is a waste of time to go over the realities of that time with Mr. Peaceloving Yankee, because the average American mind is completely controlled by the Jewbox.  Here it is important only to point out to the rare unhypnotized reader that the real purpose of America’s entry into the war was to subjugate Europe.  Not just Germany, but all of Europe, including our “ally,” England, which had done so much to drag us into the Second World War, as it had in the First one.

From the American race-mixing perspective, everything worked out just dandy.  Europe (the half that the U.S. had not turned over to Stalin and the Commies) obeyed their trans-Atlantic Yid masters in all respects.  Its nations even prospered, albeit at the price of the continued existence of their own race as they imported vast numbers of fast-breeding muds and darkies while their native peoples dwindled.  The fall of Russian Communism was followed by a decade and a half of financial delirium as all kinds of economic tricks and the use of cheap ThirdWorld labor seemed to usher in the ecstasy of the New World Order.

Given the African witch doctor that the U.S. has now elected to lead it, we can expect nothing less than an unending slide to the African level.  The “liberal” worldview is built on all kinds of religious assumptions, even though they are not recognized as religious.  The first of these is the idea that evolutionary biology is irrelevant to human behavior.  Closely related is the fantasy that there are no limits to economic or even population growth on this planet.  Intertwined with these two is the Hollywood-born myth that “science” will come to the rescue to save the earth.  Most of the godfearing “conservatives” actually share this ideological system and truly think that a “return” to good ole American ingenuity and hard work, etc., will save the day.

American (or German or Russian or Chinese) ingenuity and hard work can extract gold from seawater, it is true.  The price, of course, will be much more than the gold is worth.  The same thing is true of, say, rearing and educating the Negro as closely as possible to White levels, then paying him at those levels regardless of his performance.  Overlooking this little fact is one of the essential characteristics of your typical American racemixer as well as the “optimist” who thinks that new high-tech will solve our dilemma.  It will always be true that, with enough money and effort, you can achieve a desired goal;  the question is whether enough money and effort will be available or, what is the same thing, whether the goal is worth the money and effort.  Understood in this light, terraforming Mars is not an option.

The official purpose of life in America is purchasing.  The economy must be kept growing at all costs.  Nothing else matters.  Because otherwise the illuminati might lose their power over the infantile masses.  Certainly, in an infinite world, such a vision and purpose might be practicable.  Indeed, all of the highly vaunted American virtues and ideals would be so — freebies to all men, universal love and brotherhood, indiscriminate race mixing, etc., etc.  To maintain the façade of eternal growth, therefore, business must externalize labor costs (i.e., import ThirdWorld serfs or export work to ThirdWorld countries), and pretend that those costs have actually been reduced.  In reality, they have been shifted to (White) society at large, which must pay for the prisons, schools, hospitals, etc., used by the imported muds, or watch as the environment-destroying Third World takes away American jobs.  The deterioration advances by the month, but political correctness makes it impossible to admit what is happening.

Alas, nature made us evolve on a small planet, a speck of dust in an infinite void.  And now , with the frontiers of science having been pushed to the greatest depths imaginable, the mystery of existence itself has become more mysterious than ever.  We do not know:  whether the Big Bang arose from an allegedly “random” quantum variation in a cosmic void or from a “Big Crunch” following the last iteration of an oscillating universe;  whether we exist in a “Hubble Bubble” (a small portion of the cosmos which is still expanding while the larger entity is collapsing);  how the constants of the universe came to have their current values;  whether one of the variants of String Theory (and its postulated Cosmic Landscape of infinitely many other cosmoses — the “multiverse”) is true;  how life really — that is, really — came to be;  and a host of other fundamental questions.

But we do know that we must live within our means and our limits.  This is a fact that the faith-based plans and projections of the economic and political “optimists” prefer to ignore.  They speak glibly of facile switches to new forms of energy and to racially miscegenated organization in which the White race has completely dissolved;  they ignore the inveterate aggressiveness, stubbornness, deception, criminality, stupidity and general incompetence of the vast majority of mankind;  they delude themselves about the dominance/submission psychodynamic of Islam, the Negroid capacity for civilization and the reality of genetic deterioration in modern Western populations due to relaxed evolutionary pressures.  They selectively quote encouraging statistics from mendacious governments and give ear to lies from regimes such as Saudi Arabia or Communist China.

The Panglossian vision of these optimists is driven by the wishdreams of the mass of mankind, which, like any animal species, seeks only more of the same.  Hence visionaries of this type, be they Communists or democrats, will perforce plunder all available resources to fulfill those wishdreams.  It is only the exhaustion of resources which prevents any species from infinite expansion.  Humankind is only now beginning to encounter that exhaustion.  The heartwarming Christian ethic of wantonly giving away White wealth to the “poor” (especially if they are non-White) will increasingly find itself in a steepening uphill battle against the fact of White impoverishment.  “Foreign Aid” (i.e., bribery of ThirdWorld politicians) will become more and more difficult, especially as ThirdWorlders decide that Whitey should give them larger and larger amounts of money.

The only safe prediction for 2010 and the coming decade is that the law of unintended consequences will run rampant as policymakers and White Christians deliberately refuse to acknowledge the evolutionary disaster they are constructing, a typical example being the ethanol boondoggle.  Thus more non-Whites, more AIDS carriers, more criminals and more terrorists will flood the U.S. as our masters turn us into what they consider “a more perfect nation.”  More billions of dollars will be handed over to Pakistan to end up in the hands of the Taliban.  More narcotics will flow into the U.S. from Afghanistan and Latin America.  More illegal aliens will be allowed to vote in public elections.  And the American economy will continue to rot away.

All of this and more will happen imperceptibly, one step at a time.  The Jewbox will make sure that Whitey never wakes up as the temperature rises to the boiling point to kill him.  This, after all, is why he voted for a chimpanzoid.  For if he is terminally contaminated with guilt, then obviously the only answer is suicide.

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— Þeedrich (reachable at