Archives — 2007

December 2007

Ecology & Economy

2007 Dec 16 (Sun):  One of the typical schizoidisms found in current ZOGland is the refusal of virtually all the allegedly “conservationist” and “eco-environmental” groups to deal with the issue of illegal invaders from the mudlands.  The members of these groups preach, harangue and launch attacks against Whitey, but one hears nary a whisper from them about the tidal wave of criminal aliens.  Just about the only exception among all these mendicant organizations is Lester Brown’s Earth Policy Institute which actually does talk about the global population explosion (although careful to avoid saying that non-Whites are the one and only factor in this overshoot).  On 2007 November 15 Lester Brown even published an article, “Is World Oil Production Peaking”, in which he pointed out that the International Energy Agency had revealed a “pronounced loss of momentum in the growth of oil production” in the last two years.

Explaining out that 2006 saw 31 gigabarrels of oil consumed but only 9 gb extracted, he notes that a Saudi oilman, Sadad al-Husseini, has reported worldwide oil production falling by about four million barrels a day (4 mb/d).  This is happening in an environment in which all of modern technology — to say nothing about military power — is being pressed to the limit to retard this relentless drop and keep it from becoming precipitous.

Observing that, while the 2006 January-through-August average Arabian yield was 9.15 mb/d, it was 8.62 mb/d for the like timespan in 2007 (i.e., down 6%), Mr. Brown implies without saying so directly that Saudi assertions that they can increase production are mendacious.  Nothing new to Peakist observers of Mohammedan mouthings.  (Interestingly, in the third quarter of 2007, all of the oil processed by BP, Shell, Chevron, ENI, ConocoPhillips and Marathon together was also down 6% vis-à-vis the corresponding period of 2006.)  The Earth Policy director likewise reported an estimate by geologist Walter Youngquist that, since Mexico’s Cantarell field is drying up swiftly, Mexico itself may have to import oil by 2015.

Another item the EPI director discusses is the amusing discrepancy between estimates of global oil availability in 2020 by politically independent sources and those by governmental or government-pressured organizations.  Voilà:

Authority Oil
Available in
2020 (mb/d)
A. M. Samsam Bakhtiari (now deceased;  Iranian Oil Co.) 55
Energy Watch Group (Germany) 58
IEA and the U.S. Department of Energy 104

The naïve will believe the “official” political statements of the IEA and the U.S. DOE;  people of independent mind may not.

Mr. Brown mentions in passing that in the U.S. with its “long neglected public transportation,” where 88% of the workforce commutes to work by car, we use more gasoline than the next twenty countries combined.

Not only Mr. Brown’s Earth Policy Institute, but many historians and other observers have stressed than quite a few older civilizations died because of “environmentally induced economic decline.”  Most commentators like to see things optimistically and stress that our era can avoid such a fate because modern man has knowledge of the causes and effects of former declines.  In response, it can be said only that up to now we have not the slightest indication that the illuminati and leaders of ZOG have any intention whatsoever of stopping the civilizational rush into quicksand.  Since they talk only to one another, they never hear anything new, and consider science relevant only when it can enhance their power or be used for propaganda purposes.

Unbeknownst to the econometricians and marketeers, the main characteristic of oil’s global depletion is its inexorability.  In addition, efficiency experts have wrung about as many savings as possible out of Yankee labor markets by shifting nearly 4 million American jobs overseas, mainly to China and India;  a commensurate number has emigrated thither from Europe as well.  Western plutocrats have imported millions of ThirdWorld serfs into Whiteland in an attempt to achieve some ephemeral savings in labor costs.  American national debt has been inflated by $3 trillion dollars, and about $4.5 trillion in US dollar-backed assets are owned by foreign investors.  Everything has been digitized, computerized, robotized and just-in-time-ized to gain maximum efficiency.  And yet the wolf of waning profits keeps gaining on us.  Meanwhile the ThirdWorld continues to stew in its own chimpanzoid violence, sloth, stupidity and corruption, expecting more handouts from Whitey while overpopulating its ecological niches and emigrating to the White man’s countries.  For Western business monomaniacs, there is simply no where else to cut costs and increase profitability.  We are nearing the end of the line.  Full stop.

Given this situation, the growing scarcity of cheap oil can have no other effect but as a brake on the economy.  To counter this slowdown, America’s Ashkenazi financiers have engaged in their traditional activity of theft masked by fancy mathematical manipulations.  This time they have even included the “developing” world — e.g., China — among their victims.  But most severely affected currently appears to be England, which seems to be undergoing slow-motion economic collapse at this very moment.  Nothing could be a more fitting payback for the little island which dragged us into two World Wars to murder our White kinsmen in Germany.  The bill collector is now knocking at Britannia’s door.  Some may grumble, but those fine British folk should understand that their honorable exchequer needs what little money is left to pay for free housing and other benefits for all those new Britons of dusky hue and non-European extraction who are going to replace them.  Extinction is quite all right, Limeys.  Just keep electing your traditional parliamentarians.  After all, the only Whites who want to live must be Nazis.

As a result of the ZOG victory over Germany in the last World War, the “regime-changed” German government now grovels at ZOG’s feet, imprisoning and impoverishing all native Germans who protest against the darkening of their land.  But Deutschland, too, will soon enough experience the consequences of having to kiss Yid toes.  For in Germany the U.S.-imposed constitution, even more than its crude (by illuminati standards) American prototype, is a suicide pact.  Economically the Germans are being dragged along willy-nilly behind the American train with the others:  on Thursday, Dec 13, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank (mainly Germany), the Federal Reserve, and the Swiss National Bank announced they were setting up a “Term Auction Facility” and foreign exchange swap lines to inject some “liquidity” into the cash-short international banking system sucked dry by American Ashkenazim.  Supposedly this cash was to be made available only to institutions that are good credit risks, not toilet-paper makers.  However, the good credit risks are few, the toilet-paper makers, many.  Furthermore, the $100 gigabucks or so the biggie banks are pouring into the markets will do nothing for global economic disequilibrium — especially the effects that the Chosenite subprime con game will have on the world.  Ashkenazi Al Greenspan once said, to find out what’s really going on, “follow the money.”  The money currents are now telling us that the global moneymasters are very, very worried about the serious possibility of an imminent Great Depression.

That would put a kink in all their Enlightenment plans for one big racial mudpie.

If the current econo-chaos were all that mattered, things would not be all that bad, and one could look forward to world recuperation in a few years.  But far more fundamental than the “market fundamentals” is the exhaustion of the earth’s easily accessible natural resources and the fouling of our own planetary nest.  The fact that it is increasingly difficult to get copper out of the earth’s crust can be seen not only in rising copper prices but in the increase in criminal thefts of everything made of copper.  Also, coal, which was formerly thought to be available in amounts which would suffice for another couple of hundred years, is now estimated to peak in another few decades.  Uranium for power plants and bombs is already becoming harder to pull out of the depleted ground.  Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Repeatedly, CEOs of various genres tout the salvific promise of “technology.”  Sometimes one wonders where such people get their business degrees.  Efficiencies of an order of magnitude are achieved only shortly after a given technological innovation has been first introduced, not after it has been in use for a long time.  The history of science is replete with examples.  The computer software industry, for instance, no longer witnesses the frequent emergence of “killer apps” as in the first decades of its existence.  With few exceptions every improvement nowadays is slight and incremental, and its costs huge.  As Joseph Tainter pointed out, the law of diminishing returns applies to everything.  Even to civilization itself.

In a vain attempt to escape this law, the Chosen and their co-conspirators at the top of the financial pyramid took the route invariably taken by those who fight against nature:  crime.  They used the old Heeb “trust me” trick and sold worthless scraps of paper as if the scraps had value — sales this time made to countless foreign banks that, wittingly or unwittingly, greedily snapped them up.  Now that the crime has borne its dark fruit and the perpetrators have retired to their various Zionist enclaves and gated communities, the world economy is slowly grinding to a halt.  The U.S., irretrievably trapped in two Zionist-inspired wars in southern Asia, has no choice but to do anything and everything it can to secure desperately needed Iraqi oil, no matter what the cost.  Indeed, in order to reinforce its control, ZOG has decided to double-cross the Iraqi Kurds by clandestinely giving Turkey, of Armenian genocide fame, the go-ahead to invade northern Iraq and kill anyone they please.  Using proxies to do our dirty work keeps America ostensibly virginal.  But in spite of surreptitious betrayals like this, when it comes to the truly important threat of global mud overshoot, Christianity-driven guilt neuroses and Enlightenment dogma about “human dignity” make it impossible to cleanse the many metastasizing mud pathologies from the planet.  So, starting in the twenty-teens, Nature will not only do the cleansing for us, but will wreak her vengeance on us ourselves for neglecting our cosmic duty.

Abstraction vs. Reality

2007 Dec 8 (Sat):  As the world demand for oil increases and crude supply decreases, we are rapidly approaching the point where there will no longer be enough petroleum to slake the planet’s thirst.  Due to American Dreaming, most Yankees cannot imagine the ever-worsening Great Depression this will cause.  At this particular point in December of 2007, if there were no external problems, the cost of oil would be only about $70/barrel.  But given all kinds of constantly changing variables, already the narrowing of the gap between supply and demand is intermittently causing erratic jumps in that cost, which at one recent point was only a few cents short of $100.  Still, few admit that there are real facts of nature behind this rise.

Countless times we have heard the fantasies of science-fiction aficionados talk about “other civilizations” out there in the universe somewhere.  The whole SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) movement is based on this idea, and a lot of radio telescopes, with a lot of money behind them, have long been listening for ETs to contact us. With no luck.

Assuming there are, or have existed, such extraterrestrialities, we may now know the reason why they have not radioed their presence:  they may have squandered all of their respective planets’ oil on toys and let their lower races outbreed the higher ones, thereby quickly exhausting the natural resources of their planets.  And that spasm of global myopia terminated their futures, returning them to their respective jungles.

The double-edged sword of White civilization is its high level of abstraction.  Money itself is an abstraction, a representation or “promissory note” of an agreed value of goods and services.  Such promissory tokens are a lot easier to use than barter.  Today immense sums are transferred not just through paper bills but, even more abstractly, through electronic pulses called “bits” (short for “binary digits”).  Similarly, legislative, executive and judicial decrees use abstract legalese both to impose restrictions and obligations on the populace, and to provide certain segments of it with favor or assistance of one sort or other to individuals or groups.  We are far removed from reality.

All of this abstraction affords countless opportunities for error and falsification.  If a governmental unit decrees that certain biological questions about, say, conception and the resulting blastosphere and zygote are “complete human beings” and different from what they really are, then the subject population is coerced by the abstract language into accepting those decisions.  If for political reasons the government gives non-Indian remains to politically active Amerinds under the pretext that everything pre-Columbian must automatically belong to Redskins, then investigative scientists have little choice but to swallow the official lie based on abstractions twisted to fit Proto-Mongoloid lobbyists.  ZOG’s incessant drumbeat that the vast majority of Mohammedans, illegal Latino aliens or other muds are “peaceful, law-abiding” wonderfulnesses persuades the intellectually lazy multitudes that it is true.  The “Fourth Estate” (the media) deals almost exclusively in verbal and visual abstractions which give it immense power through its ability to persuade — as long, that is, as the masses continue to live off the fat of the land.  Ditto for the closely allied advertizing industry, which uses Pavlovian conditioning to divert our biological drives to commercial use.  And as everyone knows, the biological fact of racial differences in intelligence is likewise suppressed through the power of political, cultural and religious abstractions enforced through the police power of the state.

Through long conditioning the average American has come to the unconscious conclusion that merely wishing for a thing or asserting it repeatedly can make it true.  Thus to the TV-viewer, Negroes are the same as Whites.  To the unquestioning religious believer, post-coital prevention of the implantation of a fertilized ovum in a uterine wall is murder of an unborn child.  Through adroit propaganda, labor-cost-reducing “diversity” — i.e., more parasitic muds — has become the watchword in the business world and infected the entire educational system.  The result of this and many other Enlightenment practices is that our streets and shopping areas are today filled with evolutionary throwbacks, mutants and White-animal crossbreeds that would make the grotesque monster, Grendel, of the recent movie “Beowulf” look like the winner of a global competition for good looks.

This same American soporific mentality arrives naturally at the abstraction that there is no such thing as depletion of oil fields, Peak Oil, the rights of oil-producing countries to restrict their output, or any of that.  Hence the “Enlightened” U.S. electorate will have no trouble electing a Pollyanna presidential candidate who promises them not only a chicken in every pot but a gas fillup for every car.  After all, in the Enlightenment mind, geology is irrelevant, if it exists at all.  Only abstractions exist, and only the kind the plutocrats and the illuminati prefer.

Meanwhile non-abstract events continue to accumulate.  In the national domestic economy, 1½ to 2 million houses are now expected to be foreclosed on in the next year or so.  But internationally and much more ominously, every day, Saudi Arabia’s national oil company, Saudi Aramco, forces seven million barrels of sea water down into the world’s largest oilfield, the Ghawar, in order to maintain subterranean flow pressure.  Not long ago it was revealed at the Offshore Technology Conference that only ~45% of the liquid being pumped out of that field was petroleum, the rest water.  Things are rapidly moving to the situation where, as Matt Simmons says, the company will be drawing up only “brine stained with oil.” And already there is an ominous rise in the cost of extraction of each barrel of oil.

But those ever-so-truthful Saudi princes — the same ones who preside over punishing female rape victims with scourging and months of prison — tell us the Ghawar has 70 billion barrels (70 gb) of crude left.  Its daily flow rate is about 5 million barrels (5 mb).  Meanwhile, world oil consumption is ~85 to ~86 mb per day.  It so happens that the Ghawar and the other largest oilfields are critical to world production.  Using 86 million barrels as the denominator in the following, consider their daily crude yield:

Largest oilfield production rates (2007)
Field (Country) Megabarrels
per day
of world
Ghawar (Saudi Arabia) 5 5/86 = ~6%
Cantarell (Mexico) 2 2/86 = ~2%
Burgan (Kuwait) 1.7 1.7/86 = ~2%
Da Qing (China) 1 1/86 = ~1%
Total 10.7 10.7/86 = ~12.4%

Thus the earth’s four largest oilfields, all now under extreme strain, are the source of over 12% of daily worldwide consumption.  And all four, like most of the much smaller fields, are declining.  Fast.  While global demand is growing.  Fast.

No one — not even a Peakist — likes to admit it, but in truth (not abstraction) we have already passed the point of no return in our march toward the Peak.  The West’s major oil companies are performing Herculean tasks in dredging up oil out of Davy Jones’ locker and from the realms of the Frost Giants.  They are squeezing crude out of Canadian tar sands and X-raying the earth everywhere in their quest.  But homo sapiens — especially in mud-importing America — is still uninterested in real conservation and is squandering the last of its inherited fortune with abandon.

Then there is another profoundly significant issue:  there has been much uncomprehending blather on both sides of the illegal immigration fight.  But for political reasons the real basis of the problem is almost never mentioned.  That is, that the global windfall which was America is petering out.  We now find that high-school dropouts whose main schooling has been the TV set can no longer expect to make $25/hour screwing on nuts and bolts in a Detroit car factory.  Nor can the so-called “single moms” (unmarried females with little bastards, mostly mud half-breeds) still expect a work-free life slouching comfortably in front of their super-sized color TVs while living off of government checks through the Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) program.  We are moving to an era in which the low IQs, the psychologically impaired and the lazy will no longer be able to enjoy a carefree life with taxpayers paying the bill.  As long as a couple of decades ago, the Reagan administration (1981-89) threw vast numbers of mental patients out of the insane asylums onto the street to drag down society as a whole;  the federal government simply pretended they were “normal,” à la the Declaration of Independence, and demanded they be allowed to harrass society.  All the while, the typical citizen has kept on demanding a cushy lifestyle on the cheap.  Then there is the eternal and intransigent Negro problem, growing worse by the decade.  And, finally, American labor unions have made profit impossible for businesses.  Faced with such realities (not abstractions), individual employers everywhere have decided that they have to break the law by hiring criminal aliens who will do the necessary work at subsistence wages, or who have the skills and intellectual abilities American Whites find too bothersome to acquire.  To camouflage these facts and their lethal effects, the trans-national employers, with the covert support of ZOG, long ago began broadcasting propaganda about “diversity” as something wonderful, and anyone who opposed it as “racist.”

Considering these facts, it is clear that American democracy, run by outright criminals, by Ashkenazi Yids, anti-evolution Christians and illuminati, is simply unfit for global empire.  Its domestic demand for cheap mud labor, its bloody rampages against Whites in two World Wars, its bitter hostility to the reality of evolution, its stupefying exhaustion of all natural resources, its surreptitious support of the politically profitable narcotraffic from Spickland — all of these things, and more, are leading to a phantasmagorical collapse in the coming decade.

And yet the band plays on.

Subprimed Oil

2007 Dec 2 (Sun): 

From:  CRUDE OIL:  THE SUPPLY OUTLOOK, Report to the Energy Watch Group, October 2007, EWG-Series No 3/2007, by Dr. Werner Zittel and Jörg Schindler, both of Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH, Germany.

The major result from this analysis is that world oil production has peaked in 2006.  Production will start to decline at a rate of several percent per year.  By 2020, and even more by 2030, global oil supply will be dramatically lower.  This will create a supply gap which can hardly be closed by growing contributions from other fossil, nuclear or alternative energy sources in this time frame.

[Simon Johnson, the International Monetary Fund’s chief economist, opined,] “The IMF’s economic model suggests that a 10 per cent rise in the price of oil takes 0.1-0.2 percentage points from global growth. So a rise from the average price of $75 a barrel for next year – assumed by the IMF for its latest economic forecasts – to an average of $100 might cut world growth from its predicted 4.8 per cent to a still-healthy 4.1-4.5 per cent.”

However, Mr Johnson says this calculation may underestimate the dangers of $100 oil at a time when the world economy is already threatened by the credit squeeze.

“The oil price rise is a serious inflationary shock, putting upward pressure on inflation in the US, the eurozone and other economies. That makes it much harder for monetary policy to react appropriately to what we presume is a credit crunch,” he said.

Financial Times, 2007 Nov 21

Around the periphery of Phoenix, Arizona, subdivisions are springing up like mosquitos in a lowland depression after a spring rain.  Even though the market may have depressed prices elsewhere, the desert is attracting Northern Whites fleeing urban Negroes and winters as yet unaffected by global warming, and hoping that there will be just enough of everything to last until the end of their retirements.  Water from the Central Arizona Project and the eons-old aquifers is being exhausted as fast as possible.  No one thinks about the future, only about how to get the landscaping done as cheaply as possible by using illegal Spics.  The latter are so hard-working that they even have second jobs:  nightly burglarizing the homes they landscape by day.  Encouraged by Presidential talk about the values they share with Whitey, many have switched to narcotrafficking as the fastest way to the American Dream.

Elsewhere in the Southwest, odd things are beginning to happen:  in the richer sections of L.A., water bills are climbing to hundreds of dollars a month;  taxes to pay for illegal alien social needs (forget the damage wrought by drought-fueled California fires) show no sign of stabilizing;  and the above-hinted-at housing market is proving an ever heavier lead weight on the economy.

In Detroit, the city which once patted itself on the back as being the “arsenal of democracy” because it made so many oil-fueled devices for killing Whites in Germany, genosuicidist Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Dream for America has come true:  Negroes have swamped the city and obliterated its productive potential while turning it into America’s largest slum, now officially known as the most dangerous city in the land.  In fact, the main urban areas of both Michigan and Ohio have become a no-White-man’s land infested with deadly chimpanzoids, a wasteland beyond repair.  America is slowly finding out what it means to let Jews and illuminati control a nation’s economy and culture.

Everywhere in the U.S., the greed-driven importation of illegal muds is ratcheting up the demand for hydrocarbon resources.  Whitey’s “obligation” to expiate his Christianity-instilled guilt by providing everything for the new slaves is fast draining the lifeblood out of a once thriving civilization.

Note above all that, in former times, when an oil-source area peaked, there were always other areas elsewhere like the North Sea or the Alaskan North Slope which could compensate for the depleting regions.  However, after 2012 (± ~2½ years) or, according to some optimists, after 2016, there will be no further rescues.  It’s Easter Island dèja vu, but written large.

Since the government and the media, in understandable self-interest, have carefully hidden the facts about Peak Oil from the multitudes, the sudden manifestation of the new and permanent Great Depression will evoke only denial.  But since denial will not produce enough oil to resume “growth,” the second Küber-Rossian phase — anger — will soon ensue and engage the attention of TV viewers.  Since Ashkenazi mutants rule the roost in this country, we can expect a resurgence of Yid-led Marxism to “free” the students and workers from their petrolearian deprivation.  Another American-style FDR will probably be elected to cleanse the nation, this time, of all racist Whites.  (Whites, after all, are per definitionem racist.  Just ask any Ashkenazi, illuminatus or chimpanzoid.)  There will be much bluster and saber-rattling by ZOG, all of which could turn truly dangerous very fast.

Meanwhile the government of the other ex-Anglo-Saxon country across the Atlantic is being bought up by Yids.  A Heeb real estate developer called David Abrahams bribed the Labor party general secretary, Peter Watt, by contributing close to £600,000 to his party through three front men.  After the bribe, Abrahams was mysteriously granted planning permission for a business park — permission which had originally been refused because the proposed park area was farmland.  The British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, claims he knew nothing about the bribe and just might give it back.  Yes, indeedee:  more of the same from the slimey Limeys.

On Thursday, 2007 Nov 29, two oil workers were killed by an explosion at an oil terminal at Clearbrook, Minnesota.  The installation was a key element in a 4-pipeline conduit, owned by Canadian firm Enbridge Energy Partners, from Saskatchewan through Minnesota to the Chicago area, and the explosion temporarily interrupted ~16% of American daily crude oil imports.  This one single accident, even though it turned out to be not as bad as at first feared (and three of the four pipelines were soon restored to full operation), temporarily caused near panic in Washington, D.C.  The federal government was immediately ready to open up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to supply the domestic market if necessary.  Just one more sign of how brittle the Empire really is, despite all of its righteous anger at those evil White racists.  Mysteriously, news of the pipeline explosion was confined to a few financial news sources and did not appear on the evening national media.  Have to keep up consumer confidence, you know.

Fun things are now happening in the financial world.  For $7.5 billion, a raghead nation, petrodollar-rich Abu Dhabi, is purchasing a 4.9 percent stake in Citigroup, the mammoth financial firm whose stock Jew CEO Charles O. (“Chuck”) Prince III chopped in half through fancy subpriming techniques over the past year.  China's government-controlled Citic Securities Co. is buying 6% of Bear Stearns Cos., the fifth-biggest U.S. securities firm, for about $1 billion.  Another Red Chink organization, China Investment Corp., bought $3 billion worth of New York-based private equity firm Blackstone Group LP in May.  Similar things have been happening in Britain.  The death knell of Whitey’s economies is now tolling loudly as self-sterilized Western TV-hypnotizees celebrate globalization and adopt all those cute mud larvae from ThirdWorld cesspools.  Bemusedly observing the suicide of the West, the beneficent rulers of World Three are happy not only to divest themselves of their excess populaton, but to invest their $trillions in the USA and other Whitelands in preparation for full takeover.  After all, dual-citizenship Jews have long invested in large shares of the American bribe-ocracy;  why should not other moneyed globalizers join in on the feeding frenzy?

In many ways the current subprime inferno may be described as the automatic result of the “affirmative action” ideology of the illuminati.  In Enlightenment dogma, all men are created equal;  it follows that chimpanzoids from America’s slums, welfare-dependent muds of every description, and shiftless get-rich-quick schemers needed to be enlisted into the home-buyer army, making big profits for the enlistment hierarchy.  Globalization was a similar natural consequence of the belief system.  America’s affront to nature knew no bounds.

But it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.  The mathematics of the Free Lunch require payment from somewhere, and that payment is now being exacted from ZOGland as a whole, as well as from those countries that were seduced into participating in the tomfoolery.  Helping the Negro and other obsolete products of evolution to get a virtually free house means many financial institutions (and perhaps the Empire itself) now face bleak futures, perhaps even extinction.  But it was great fun while it lasted.

November 2007

Nuclear Deaþ Trap

2007 Nov 18 (Sun):  First, let us survey the home scene:  to the great dismay and shock of many American Congressional bribeocrats, the financial markets controlling the U.S. economy seem to be coming apart.  Quite apart from the carefully ignored issue of Peak Oil and its attendant rise in gasoline prices, we see a cascade of economic devastation from the subprime fiasco, resulting not only in falling housing prices and a devaluing dollar, but in distrust of the credit-worthiness of the American economy in general.  It used to be said that the dollar — or this or that paper security — was backed by the “full faith and credit” of the American government.  Internationally, this phrase has now become a laughing stock, sort of like the Jewish phrase, “trust me.”

This alleged trustworthiness of the Empire has long been used by the U.S. to delude the rest of the world into supporting America as “the world’s only superpower.”  One wagged by Israel, it should be noted.  But now that this belief system and all the preachy self-righteousness have been stripped away by events, other players in the world game are beginning to see ZOG for the weakening crime syndicate that it is.  There is no true “superpower,” only a vast collection of anti-Caucasianists, armed with lethal weapons to be sure, but easily fed off of by any vulture trained in the techniques of “asymmetrical” warfare.

Such techniques are in no way limited to military or “terrorist” means.  True, chimpanzoids attacking Western oil companies in the Niger delta, or paradise-loving Mohammedans, may employ such low-profit tactics.  But the intelligent actors start by recognizing the fundamental chink in the Melting Potty’s armor:  that the business of America is business.  And that its ideological psychomotor is Protestantism-driven oedipalism:  the hatred of the father and of all symbols of paternal authority.  Hence the unending “rights” upheavals, the feminist movement, the preferences given to congenitally infantile Negroids, and on and on.

According to that premier document of Enlightenment mania, the U.S. Declaration of Independence, “all men are created equal.”  On this basis the elected president of the Senatus Populusque Americanus, George W. Bush, an illuminatus if there ever was one, assumed that regime-changed Sand Negroes would react the same way defeated Whites in Germany reacted after we mass-murdered our brothers and sisters there in WW II.  In the Emperor’s mind it was preordained that the Afghans and Iraqis would all develop a Stockholm Syndrome, abandon Mohammedan murderism, and accept with open arms the conquering hero and lover of muds.  After all, the Declaration of Independence implied it.

Oddly, things did not turn out that way.  Not even after we had bribed the leading mudmen with handsome sums of money.

Over two centuries of increasingly rabid Enlightenment ideology have now passed in the environmentally favored ecological niche known as the U.S.  During this time America has transformed itself into a death trap for the White race, and thereby for all intelligent life on this planet.  Its economy, instead of being guided by an “invisible hand,” has been deformed by highly visible Ashkenazim such as Alan “The Obfuscator” Greenspan, former Federal Reserve chairman, into a vast casino run by highly trained loan sharks.  On the psywar front, the dominant Christian guilt factories have fostered White racial suicide by pretending that not only all men, but even all religions are the same, i.e., that neither Whites nor their religions are anything special.  And the Yid-dominated entertainment media have successfully spread the Myth of the Free Lunch, also known as the American Dream.

Globally, Jewish Communism has now been partially replaced by Islamo-Communism.  And this most lethal of all threats ever faced by the White race is currently headquartered not in Iraq, Saudi Arabia or even in the Zionist entity’s bête noire, Iran, but in Pakistan, America’s “ally” in the War on Terrorism.  The military Cosa Nostra of this country knows how to use the illuminatis’ own tactics of deception against them.  It may not be long before a Pakman-engineered nuclear device is detonated in the U.S.  If that happens, the Free Lunch will be over immediately and forever.  And the idea that “it couldn’t happen here” is little more than a constitutive part of the White man’s death wish.

For in the non-Enlightened world, there is something more important than sex or money.  It is power.  Today, power is gained by deception.  All a country’s junta has to do to get American megabucks, for instance, is claim to be a “friend” of the Empire and to share its vaporous “values.”  Since in the West money and commerce are so very closely intertwined with Enlightenment ideology, many people have come to think they are almost the same thing, and they thus repeatedly assert that economic support by Westerners will gradually lead all muds to “democracy.”  It is an invitation for freeloaders to suck money out of Whitey through assurances that they share said values.  Parasites of the world, we love you.  Help us to expiate our guilt.

Israel, with millions of its agents working inside the U.S., is the most blatant example of parasitism.  But others are at the feeding trough as well.  Of these, above-mentioned Pakistan is perhaps the most notable case.  It has nuclear weapons aimed at India, sells the technology for them to any buyer, has swallowed almost without a trace $11 billion in U.S. “aid” since 9/11, gives the Taliban essentially free rein and hiding places on parts of its territory, protests the cleaning out of Taliban infestations in its lawless border regions by the American military, stages mock battles with the guerrilas to exploit American credulity and then pays the rag-tag insurgents enormous ransoms of U.S. money to rescue “captured” government soldiers, ships dirt-cheap textile goods duty-free to the U.S. in such quantities that it has put the American garment industry virtually out of business, etc., etc.  The wog dictatorship is in fact the perfect example of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, almost on a par with Zionistland.  (For more detail, see Deception:  Pakistan, the United States, and the Secret Trade in Nuclear Weapons by Adrian Levy and Catherine Scott-Clark)  The Empire’s ruling classes, however, could not care less.  All that matters to them (after racial diversity at home, of course) is maintaining “friendship” with all those anti-terrorist Paks.  The Imperial court is breathing fire over Iran, but is curiously quiet about its nuke suppliers, the Pakiderm military and its one-stop-shopping center for WMDs and their delivery systems.  At the rate the Iranians are going, they might have nuclear weapons sometime around 2100.  But their eastern neighbors possess them now.

Quite aside from the hemorrhoidectomy of the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon by some disgruntled Mohammedans in 2001, the stock market — that index of Ashkenazi and illuminati puissance — has, as already mentioned, been showing some flu symptoms of late.  The American central bank, the Federal Reserve, has been in a dither as to what to do, trying to help out with a cash infusion into the economy of $40 gigabucks from temporary reserves on Nov. 1;  the same day, the Bank of America announced it would throw 3,000 employees out on the street;  since which time there have been other unusual noises from financial squawkboxes both here and abroad.

Negroid CEO Stan O'Neal was parachuted out of Merrill Lynch with $160 million in retirement funds for having subprimed the company into losing $7.9 billion;  Ashkenazi CEO Chuck Prince of Citigroup was sent off into a golden sunset for similarly subtracting $9.8 billion from the organization’s bottom line.  On Friday, Nov. 9, the Pakistani wog who is the chief credit strategist for the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, “Bob” Janjuah, hyperventilated that writedowns from the subprime Dungeons and Dragons game could total $250 to $500 billion worldwide.  And the various contenders now warming up for the 2008 presidential election are practicing persuasive platitudes about helping the economically ensnared.

But the Ashkenazoid banking industry is not satisfied with having disemboweled American housing.  Its leaders are seeking to turn the upcoming generation into one of servants permanently endentured through credit-card slavery.  They are intensifying the now common practice of suckering not just congenitally profligate types, but economically naïve college-age and even high-school kids into lifelong credit card traps.  America the Once Beautiful is turning into a servitude economy.

Moreover gasoline prices have not even reached European levels yet.  (In the British pseudo-democracy, a gallon of petrol now costs ~$8, most of it taxes to pay for diversifying its population with imported muds.  Nature is rewarding the Limeys for their honorable work in holocausting civilians in Dresden, Hamburg, Frankfurt and many other German cities in WW II.)  In short, White civilization is weakening everywhere, little by little.  And every year, vast numbers of those lovable swarthy creatures who submit to Allah swarm into America.  Some with a desire to earn an eternity of sex orgies by terminating Whiteland through any means possible.  Including the means offered by Pakistani nuke sales.

Not to worry:  our opinion leaders tell us to put down any concern about small items such as these to Islamophobia, if not to outright racism.  The end of America simply couldn’t happen, could it?

Could it?

Virtuous Genosuicide

2007 Nov 9 (Fri): 

Consider the following list, slightly reformatted, from

Richard Lynn, "Race Differences in Intelligence:  An Evolutionary Analysis" 2006  (indigenous populations) Estimated average IQ
East Asians 105
Europeans 100
Arctic Peoples 91
Southeast Asians 88
Native Americans (north & south) 86
Pacific Islanders 85
Southern Asian & Northern Africans 84
Africans (subsaharan) 67
Australians (aboriginals) 62
Bushmen (southern Africa) 54

The above table is only a very general overview, of course, and does not include many less generic categories.  It also omits some significant factors such as the fact that goy-hating Ashkenazi Jews, as a result of selective breeding during the Middle Ages (as several scientists at the University of Utah have shown), average IQs of 110-115 and have a very large percentage with IQs above 140, which together with their carefully cultivated group paranoia endows their small numbers with inordinate power.  (One might also note that, at the other extreme, the many Bushmen currently inhabiting the U.S. White House seem to have IQs rather higher than 54, although that might be disputed by some.)  Nonetheless, the list gives a fairly good picture of the overall IQ gradient among human types — the gradient which the illuminati claim does not exist.

Of the billions of two-digit-IQ types on the planet, the vast majority wants to invade Whiteland, especially America, as everyone knows.  And the Ashkenazi and the illuminati want to accelerate that invasion.  “We” (i.e., you, Whitey) have to help the “oppressed” and the “less fortunate.”  Yup.  Even if it means our own destruction.

The mushroom cloud of muds detonated by religion-blinded Christian Whites and lucre-lusting corporate elites over the past century has overwhelmed the earth’s capacity to sustain life, and we now stand on the precipice of inconceivable disaster.  While Whites have been declining in absolute numbers, the sub-Whites have expanded beyond all rational bounds.  In terms of pure statistics and thanks to the World-War-loving British and Americans who have slaughtered the cream of the Germanic and Celtic peoples, the intelligence level of humanity as a whole has declined by perhaps as much as ten points since the American Civil War of 1861-65.  The mud upwelling is also fed by the massive but frail support systems of White-led technology and welfare (“Doctors without Borders,” Oxfam, “Zoe’s Ark” and other NGOs that feed at the White guilt trough).  Now that those systems are on the verge of economic malnourishment themselves, the non-Whites will be descending on the Camp of the Saints to obliterate every last vestige of Western civilization.  This, of course, has already happened in America’s largest cities, whose centers are now all black holes where no White dares to go.

The same “Gee-we-didn’t-know” pretext which in the 1930’s enabled the New York Times and other Levantine-led newspapers to suppress the reports that the Communist system led by the editors’ relatives in Russia was murdering as many as perhaps 20 million people through gulags, starvation and other cute means, has now enabled those same rags substantially to ignore the fact that the global economy has reached the limits of its main energy source, oil.  Keep the goys in the dark, like mushrooms.  It’s better for Jewish business.

Whites are still kept from any awareness of their fate by politico-economic assurances that all is well, that “the fundamentals” are sound, that there will be a chicken in every pot and a Recreational Vehicle in the driveway of every early retiree.  But at the highest levels of the Empire, there is near panic.  The Masters of the Universe figure they have to make their global conquest now or never.  There is not much more time.  And, they are right.  An unilluminated White peasant might imagine that the illuminati and the Ashkenazi would never undermine Western civilization because the princelings, too, would suffer if the White social pyramid on which they stand collapsed.  Oddly, outside the circles of high power, many of the overlords themselves, being gods, consider it self-evident that they are invulnerable and so they can continue with their termite behavior.

Throughout the entire course of history, no government has ever given up power voluntarily.  It has lost it only through war or economic collapse.  The fetuses which populate American college campuses and hold academic chairs, one might observe, know nothing of this.  They are all positive that the physical resources of energy and security will always be there.

In Manhattan on that dies irae in September 2001, the doomed people caught atop the Trade Center towers at first hoped that “the government” was going to send helicopters to rescue them.  For some mysterious reason no helicopters ever appeared.  When it finally became obvious that the end was nigh, large numbers of the trapped began leaping from the roofs to their deaths.  It was a foretokening of what is yet to come after Peak Oil.

The media carefully avoided showing the death leaps.  Mustn’t upset all those middle-class moms out there.  And, as we all know, the compassionate people who run the Empire made sure we understood that the culprits for the 9/11 attacks were only a handful of bad eggs among a peaceful community of American-Dreaming Mohammedan muds whom we need for diversity’s sake.  Go shopping and then back to sleep, Whitey.

America as a whole is now the World Trade Center towers.  Unbeknownst to the politically correct, White but mud-loving citizenry, an entire fleet of airliners is flying at our towers.  The planes are named Peak Oil, Peak Gas, Peak Uranium, Massive Mortgage Defaults and others of the same genre.  When the crashes begin to occur, the Emperor will, as is only appropriate, likely be reading kindergarten tales to young schoolchildren, preferably to Negroid ones.  The people, with no place to go, no helicopters and no golden parachutes, will be trapped, hoping against hope to be saved by “the government.”  It is then that the old axiom will dawn:  the prospect of death concentrates the mind wonderfully.

Under pressure to “do something,” the government will then undertake conquest of resources wherever it can.  In order to support parasitic muds domestically as well as that “only democracy in the Middle East”, it will, as before, seek to rob Whites abroad, especially our vassals in Europe.  All for naught.  The City on the Hill will be discovered to be an underground septic tank.

The illuminati will have perfected the American Dream.

October 2007


2007 Oct 28 (Sun): 

Consider the complexity of modern Western, now globalized, civilization. It encompasses:

  • the use of outer space (Global Positioning Systems, satellite communications, planetary probes, etc.);
  • air transport of every type, military and civilian;
  • the electronics revolution, including computerized, digitized, hyperefficient technology in every sphere;
  • manufacturing of hitherto unimaginable intricacy;
  • sophisticated project management;
  • computer-aided design of everything from architecture and rocket ships to the simplest toys;
  • new scientific discoveries and breakthroughs;
  • medicine and health care systems which would have been regarded as supernatural in other societies;
  • great institutions of higher learning, universities, laboratories and research institutes;
  • just-in-time delivery in trade and industry;
  • a Western-directed global petroleum industry of titanic proportions and genius-level intellectual brilliance;
  • and much more;

Note that, as the White man has developed and spread this incomprehensible complexity, most of the rest of mankind has done little except consume its benefits, whined, accused us of every imaginable crime, and demanded yet more benefits.  Only the more highly intelligent races, such as the Chinese and the upper strata among the Indians, have tried to improve themselves.  The rest prefer medieval and Stone Age cultural stagnation.

The core of Joseph Tainter’s thesis on the collapse of complex societies is diminishing marginal returns.  That is, steadily diminishing profits.  Social complexity arises in response to the need to increase such returns, given that available energy resources make it possible.  Increased complexity then allows social expansion.  But this very expansion soon begins to decrease the profits.  Complexity is subsequently expanded further in an attempt to increase profits yet more, which leads to further diminution of the returns, and so forth, until the entire merry-go-round is no longer worth the effort of further complexification, and the system collapses.

The rise in financial near-criminality (“creative” or “aggressive” financing, etc.) of incredible obscurity, along with mergers of every type, neo-slavery (“diversity in the workforce”), globalization, and the like, is all response to the remorseless decline in marginal returns.  Mind you, these widespread declines have all been happening together with, and in spite of, every kind of innovation created to ameliorate them.  What is called economic “growth” is actually an attempt to outrun the steady draining of profitability due to the global mud explosion.  It does not take a handful of Mohammedans flying airliners into Trade Center skyscrapers to prove that, today, comparatively minor disruptions (e.g., overstrained levees in New Orleans, small failures in the electrical grid of the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada, fires enormously magnified by simple neglect of brush control) can cause major threats to the very existence of modern civilization.  To boot, the insidious spread of narcotrafficking, often winked at by big business and the illuminati, is another of such “minor” problems threatening the future.  Complexification is multiplying the demands.

These mushrooming demands on American and Western complex societies are greatly exacerbated by the importation of muds.  Enlightenment ideology, driven largely by scientifically innumerate lawyers and political types, virtually insists on this suicidal behavior, since for a short period and for a very few corporate systems, slave traffic enhances profits, while its heavy costs are passed on to the society at large.

If it were not for the nauseating “reassurances” of the politicoes and the corporate elites, the country would have already slipped into the Kübler-Rossian “anger” phase of reaction to Peak Oil.  As it is, they have convinced the mass of mankind to squander the legacy of 4½ billion years of planetary existence and evolution within a single century.  Every issue of the magazines aimed at the pampered elites, such as Money magazine, Fortune, Kiplinger’s and so forth is full of propaganda about retirement and how your money can enable you to live sumptuously during it.  The accompanying pictures rarely display more than a single White child;  Often they show model retirees with a purebred dog or a mulatto grandchild, or in some rustic paradise, far from the society they have helped pollute with muds.

One of the primary Enlightenment kindergartens — perhaps even the foremost one — training the princes and princesses of American power is the Ashkenazi-dominated Council on Foreign Relations.  It is from this whirligig of Zion that many high officials are spun off into both Republican and Democrat administrations  And it is mainly only those ideas previously vetted and approved by the CFR that germinate and flower in the DC hothouse.  This is the true reason for the mind-numbing homogeneity of American national policies, Administration in, Administration out.

The inner circles of the CFR are bejeweled with past and future political luminaries, with corporate elites and emissaries from the Land of the Chosen, and supported by its David Rockefeller Studies Program (named after an illuminatus plutocrat), a “think tank” of three or four dozen “fellows” who analyze the world and suggest ways to control it.  Madeleine Albright (née Korbel), an Ashenazi female who got her start by hosting soirées for the CFR, was made Secretary of State by Bill Clinton, whereupon she made her historical mark by effecting the destruction of Serbia through bombing in March through June 1999.

But despite all of the CFR’s power and influence, its utterances are notoriously quiet about Peak Oil.  It prattles on about spreading “democracy” (as if Congress were not a bribeocracy) and “freedom” (as if race-conscious American Whites had any), serenely ignoring the issue of energy.  The subject arises only in discussions of how undemocratic Russia is becoming by using its oil for political purposes.  The U.S. would never do that, of course.

According to Chris Skrebowski, editor of the UK Petroleum Review, in spring of 2008 we should have new data to tell us whether OPEC has been able to increase its crude oil output and whether the global output of “conventional” (i.e., high-grade, easily extracted) oil has risen or, as he fears, sunk permanently below its all-time high.  That kind of oil peaked in 2004/2005, in his view.  The general decline rate for world crude is estimated at about 4%.  If everything goes flawlessly and various compensatory measures are taken, serious difficulties may be postponed until as late as 2011, the year for the peak of all liquids.  Thereafter Disneyland will be in increasing trouble.

But realistically, even before then, serious strains will occur.  According to a report in Offshore magazine (October 2007, p. 73), an oil industry publication devoted to seaborne oil and gas operations, “Africa is expected to be the leading deepwater development area over the 2008-2012 period, accounting for nearly 40% of the global deepwater spend.”  This report, Global deepwater expenditure to exceed $108 billion through 2012:  Africa leads in deepwater development (pp. 70ff.), tactfully omits the intensifying savagery of local chimpanzoids running amok, killing and kidnapping oil workers off Nigeria and Angola in an effort to extract more money from Whitey.  (Shallow-water drilling, incidentally, is expected to cost $221 billion over the next five years.)  Another article in the same magazine, West Africa on the edge:  Instability threatens progress (pp. 40ff.), makes it clear that, with threats against oil platforms as far as 60 miles out to sea, planned oilfield developments are at risk due to the usual chimpanzoid incapacity for civilized progress.  Without private security firms such as Blackwater, currently well-known for its effectiveness in Iraq, no Western oil company is going to continue operations in that area for long.  Which means that oil will be even more expensive than if technical issues alone were involved.

Not to be outdone by mere Negroids, the Turks are preparing to reestablish some of their lost Ottoman Empire by conquering Iraqi Kurdistan and taking over its oilfields.  The excuse is that some of the Kurdish insurgents in Turkey get support from their relatives in Iraq.  Observing American weakness in pacifying the Arab portions of Iraq (and possibly even with tacit American permission), the Turks figure it should be no big deal if they bite off the northern third of that country.  If they implement their plan, oil prices will rise yet more.  And any Zionist-driven military action by the Bush administration against Iran stands a good chance of putting a complete end to oil shipments from the Middle East altogether.

Few outsiders have any idea of the stupendous complexity and expense which goes into providing the fuel available at the local gas station.  Even fewer want to know.  Above all, they cannot grasp that there are no solutions to the permanent global depression which lies ahead.

Evolution is such a messy thing.  God wouldn’t permit it.  Bring in more mud slaves!

Isn’t diversity grand?

Frolicking toward ðe Cliff

2007 Oct 21 (Sun): 

Black-White IQ Diffs One of the discoverers of the DNA code and co-winner in 1962 of the Nobel Prize for Medicine is Dr. James Watson, who for the past half-century has also led the world-famous Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island, New York, a premier cancer and genetics research institute.  His vast knowledge of genetics notwithstanding, the eminent researcher is now being consigned to the lower depths of hell by the Political Correctors for having said the unsayable.  Like many brilliant scientists before him, such as Dr. William Shockley, who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1956, the crowd mentality so prevalent in politics-dominated science went berzerk when it found a noted scientist who refused to toe the party line.  The geneticist had the audacity to observe the obvious:  the genetic basis of the considerable IQ difference between average Chimpanzoids and Whites.

Dr. Watson had flown to England (his first mistake!) to deliver a lecture at London’s Science Museum.  After the genosuicide-loving London Sunday Times discovered and publicized his views, the Queenie’s Thought Police forced the Museum to withdraw its invitation and extorted an apology from him, while their American counterparts suspended him from the chancellorship of the very Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory he himself had raised to global promience.  In the end, the scientist was hounded into making a disastrous retreat back to the U.S., perhaps to give future lectures only in the catacombs to avoid maniacal anti-White dogmatists.  Let that be a lesson to any further scientific upstarts who think truth is important.

Then there is Germany, the captive nation now awash with alien Turks and Sand Negroes, where the situation invites a historical perspective:  in about the year 390 B.C., the Celts defeated the Romans, who had not yet started to build their empire, and demanded a thousand pounds of gold from them.  The balances, provided by the Celts, were unfairly fixed so that the thousand pounds brought by the defeated Romans could not bring the scales to equilibrium, and more was demanded.  When the Romans complained about this unfairness, the Celt leader, Brennus (“warlord,” whence the modern Irish name “Brian”), threw his sword upon the weighted side and snarled contemptuously, “Vae victis!” (“Woe to the conquered!”).  This is the situation in which Germany finds itself today.  The victorious Jew, manipulating the bribeocracies of the West, has twisted the German psyche into racial suicidism with his eternal drumbeat of Holocaustian guilt.  But even this is not enough.  Now a New York Yid institute of Semitic drivel, Turo College, has established a branch in Berlin where the Chosen are producing a Master’s degree in Holocaust Propaganding.  Their aim is to stop German obsession with their Special Jewish Cash Cow from flagging.  After all, where else can Kikes get an unending flow of money but from Germany, the Second World War’s loser?  In 2005, more Russian Jews (19,262) emigrated to Germany than to Israel (18,878).  Brennus’ taunt still rings true:  Vae victis!  The Stockholm-syndromed Germans have no rights left;  they are utterly at the non-existent mercy of the Jew.

But the British who in 1914 decided to wage a 30-year war against Germany have no such excuse.  They supported the Communist Jews while the latter were holocausting uncounted millions in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe after the Communist revolution.  They planned and executed mass firebombings against civilian targets in Germany in the Second World War.  And they continue to do everything possible to undermine and destroy the White race everywhere.  It is, thus, only cosmic justice that Peak Oil is going to target them first of all.

The island dwellers cannot imagine such a thing happening to themselves, of course.  Denial is such an intimate part of the average Englishman that it really makes little difference whether one is talking about race, Peak Oil, or the origins of World Wars I and II.  Politically approved opinions are the only allowable version of speech.

But look at the bright side:  such an attitude is all the better for the erstwhile rulers of a vanished Empire.  By walking backwards towards the cliff, the British masses and their masters will experience no anxiety.  It will all be an exciting surprise.  Sudden collapse will make any rescue attempts futile.  There will be only a short period of discomfort before they enter into their heavenly reward.  And given the tightening oil markets, genocidal Turks menacing Iraq, and the global situation generally, that reward could come even sooner than expected.

Last week the world heard a new prophecy from the Imperial center.  Thus spake President George W. on Wednesday, 2007 Oct. 17, at a White House Press conference:  “We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel.  So I’ve told people that, if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”  In other words, from the Emperor’s own mouth we are now informed that he is ready to launch World War III on behalf of Zionism.  And if there was ever any doubt about it before, it is henceforth manifest that the entire globe must stand in (in that ancient biblical phrase) fear of the Jews.  For the umpteenth time, “our” president has made crystal clear who his real employers are and what we are in for.

As so often before, Caesar has laid it out for all to see that he is poised to destroy the planet for the sake of the Ashkenazim.  Only this time, he has made it much more specific:  any serious Iranian nuclear counterbalance to Yidland would really and truly give him the excuse to detonate the Ultimate War.  The Heeb hireling is ready to destroy the world’s richest treasure of oil resources in order to please the Holocaust advertizers to whom he owes his precarious perch.  Since the dominant American mythology contends that “God will bless them that bless the Jews and curse them that curse the Jews,” our Christian Bible-thumpers may get a chance to find out just how divinely beneficent Yahweh-blessed $500/barrel oil really is.  We are informed, mind you, that it is not working toward, or even possessing, a nuclear weapon which would make Mr. “Nookyoolar” press the Button.  After all, North Korea already has several Bombs and has even shot nuke-capable missiles into the Sea of Japan, yet the White House has just yawned and asked China to talk to its obstreperous child.  No.  It is “knowledge” of how to make The Bomb (which can be found in physics tracts the world over) in Iranian brains that is the critical problem for the Commander-in-Chief.  In plain English, it takes anxiety about the possible loss of Zionist bribes and the threat of Yid smear tactics to activate the preëmptive-war glands of El Supremo.

So, to all those who have wondered why the current U.S. Administration has become increasingly erratic and even bizarre in its behavior over the past seven years, the explanation now appears in grand simplicity:  the lords of the realm are merely operating and speaking as their string-pullers in the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and countless other Chosenite political bribe organizations dictate.  It is a situation the Thanatos-driven Limeys could only dream about.

Suicide of ðe UK Genosuicidists

2007 Oct 14 (Sun): 

Consider the UK compared to a like-sized American state with a similar climate:

Geographical Unit Land Area Population
Oregon (excl. water): 248,631 km² (95,997 mi²) 3,700,758 (2006 est.)
UK (incl. N.Ireland): 243,000 km² (80,823 mi²) 60,209,500 (mid 2005)

This brief table sums up the magnitude of the basic reality facing the Land of Hypocrisy and Race-Traitors:  a small, overpopulated island confined by nature on every side, a realm which cannot feed her own “subjects” and pretends to have the authority to tell the rest of the White world what to do.  Overpopulated by welfare-sedated masses, numbers swollen with Darkland swarthies, the UK is a tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing.  Oxonian illuminati de-Nazify the peasants with morality plays and soccer lest they fancy freeing themselves from the funny farm.  The benighted White underclasses mustn’t be permitted any racist thoughts.  Self-preservation is simply not allowed.

But nature grinds on.  As the whole world now knows, Britain’s Northern Rock bank, having consumed too many poison pills from the American subprime housing market, has defaulted and become northern pudding.  Mercenaries supplement the British military even more than they do the American armed forces.  Billionaire Ashkenazim and their kept White politician fronts worry secretly about the slow desiccation of their feeding trough.  They cannot even declare another “good war” against Germany any more.

As the ironic cunning of nature would have it, Great Britain has been given enough rope to hang itself.  And the henchman will soon be here.

The British government is secretly panicked about the situation and is trying its best surreptitiously to influence Russia to provide more oil to western Europe, above all to Britain.  It’s called “promoting democracy,” of course.

The anxiety level of the Limey leadership is rising because their only means of supporting the millions of imported ThirdWorld muds is running out.  They have been trying to subvert the increasingly nationalist leadership of Russia in an effort to secure more oil and gas from the vast resources of that land.  Over the past several years the Kingdom has tasked its secret service, called “MI6,” with recruiting agents to “democratize” Russland.  Under the pretext of seeking the extradition of Andrei Lugovoi, a businessman suspected of poisoning Russian turncoat Alexander Litviñenko in the UK, the Land of the Race Traitors has been scolding the oilrich Slavs something fierce.  Of course, the Russkis have their own means of defense, and have in various ways been eliminating or pursuing the big Jews and their toadies who have fled to Britain and Yidland with vast quantities of stolen Russian wealth. 

In order to keep up the appearance of economic life in Merry Olde Snottyland, the government stopped investigation into a case in which bribes amounting to several $billion (~£billion) were paid to Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, a former ambassador to the U.S. with a typical Semitic taste for White whores.  Those edifyingly honest Mohammedan gentlemen with all the oil money made it clear to former Prime Minister Mr. Tony Blair that they would refuse to go through with a massive arms purchase if his agents snooped too deeply into the matter.  Whereupon London dropped the whole issue “on national security grounds,” and the Sand Negroes went ahead with big purchases of military toys from the increasingly desperate anti-racists.

Little vignettes such as these are straws in the global wind, showing what the future has in store for those who slay their own brothers and pretend they do so out of high moral compulsion.  Their “morality” will undoubtedly serve them well now that Peak Oil is about to make its consequences felt.  Perhaps their virtue can be served together with English pudding.

Stupefyingly (to American military men), our British “allies” in Iraq avoid actual firefights as much as possible, lest a soldier get wounded, killed or — even worse — himself kill a dark-skinned Iraqi attacker.  The British public could not bear the soul-wrenching sob stories that the media would generate for their viewing pleasure over such a racist act.  (It would be particularly offensive if such a violation of Islamic culture happened on “Love Thursday,” that is, every Thursday, when so many fun-loving, Allah-fearing men engage in penilely penetrating the rectums of boys and other men in most Mohammedan lands.)  In preparation for complete withdrawal from Mesopotamia, a few weeks ago the Brit Prime Minister ordered all his troops out of Basrah in southern Iraq to a base outside the city, leaving it to whoever had the most guns to take over.  All of which reveals the hormonal state of the English illuminati.

Enlightenment ideology is inherently universalist and therefore imperialist.  This is why it is so congenial to the wandering Jew and to globalizing CEOs who would slit their own mothers’ throats in order to make their next $billion.  The delusion of the universal sameness of all hominids justifies not just subprime marketing frauds but also wars to impose the imperial will on remote tribes — to say nothing of importing uncivilizable alien subspecies into civilized European countries in order to pollute the White gene pool and insure the asserted sameness.

The ethnicity-based nation is a rather late state of political development in history.  Originally there were cities only, such as Ur, Babylon, Athens, Rome.  These spread in power, conquering as much as they could without regard to language or culture, and the winners established empires from China through India to Europe, with the Roman Empire emerging as the most powerful and sophisticated of all.  After the Western Roman collapse and a long period of gestation, new, race-and-language-based political units evolved in Europe:  the nation-state.

However, the illuminati yearn for the power their forebears had under the empires, especially the Roman Imperium (the word means literally “command”).  In their view this can be attained only through the physical obliteration of their own race, and to achieve this they have invented a mountain of new thought crimes, at the summit of which stands “racism,” the natural preference for one’s own kind.

The British powerholders and academics have employed many strategies in trying to stay the decline of their Empire, on whose soil the sun, once upon a time, never set:  they have been quite successful in slaughtering Whites from Ireland to Germany.  But the imperium itself seems more remote than ever, except to the globalizing CEOs.

Now that the very basis of British existence is threatened by Peak Oil, the Limey princelings are running scared.  Hence the drive to besmirch Russia, the only oil-rich White country left.  (They have even gotten Condaleeza Rice, George W. Bush’s kept Negress, to denigrate that country as “undemocratic,” i.e., as not providing enough oil to RaceTraitorLand.)  But it will all be for naught.  The UK has shot its wad.  The waves will rule Britannia.

Ðe God from ðe Machine is Dying

2007 Oct 7 (Sun):  Besides diverting us with Tales from the Crypt about Global Warming, the race-betraying illuminati (among them, George “childrens [sic] do learn” Bush) never tire of claiming that technology will save us from the consequences of Peak Oil.  Thus — so their plan — their destruction of the White race can continue to completion, unperturbed by economic growth stoppage.  One of the many assurances they throw up for consumption by the media-swallowing masses is the fiction of future nuclear power.  This, they asseverate, will supply all of their genosuicidal subjects with energy too cheap to measure, and in perpetuity.  Isn’t science grand?  Go back to sleep, Whitey.

Since nuclear technology is something only a minuscule number of Ph.D.s can truly comprehend, most of us accept such comforting utterances calmly and turn our expectations to the next sitcom.

But from ultima Thule, in remotest Germany, comes a little-noticed website, ASPO Deutschland (2007 July 12), which holds up a very small, but very, very sharp pin to pop the nuke balloon.  This source reveals that global uranium production fell silently by 5% in 2006.  The two most important source countries, Canada and Australia, dropped by 15% and 20%, respectively.  Together they provide 44% of worldwide production.  Even strong expansion in Kazakhstan (+21%) and Nigeria (+11%) was unable to compensate for this decline.  Meanwhile, delays in new projects and sinking stockpiles have already raised uranium to $136/lb, as opposed to a year-2000 price of $7/lb, so that the raw element is now a primary cost factor.  The breakdown looks like this:

Country 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Canada 11604 10457 11597 11628 9862
Australia 6854 7572 8982 9516 7593
Kazakhstan 2800 3300 3719 4357 5279
Nigeria 3075 3143 3282 3093 3434
Russia (est.) 2900 3150 3038 3431 3400
Namibia 2333 2036 3038 3147 3077
Uzbekistan 1860 1598 2016 2300 2270
USA 919 779 878 1039 1692
Ukraine (est.) 800 800 800 800 800
China (est.) 730 750 750 750 750
South Africa 824 758 755 674 534
Czech Rep. 465 452 412 408 359
India (est.) 230 230 230 230 230
Brasil 270 310 300 110 190
Rumania (est.) 90 90 90 90 90
Germany 212 150 150 77 50
Pakistan 38 45 45 45 45
France 20 0 7 7 0
World 36,063 35,613 40,251 41,702 39,655
in tons of U3O8
(uranium oxide)
42,529 41,998 47,468 49,179 46,765
Source:  WNA Market Report data

Only about 60% of the uranium needed is extracted from mines.  The other 40% comes from stockpiles created largely by dismantling pre-1990 Russian nuclear weaponry.  The corresponding U.S.-Russian treaties will run out in the year 2013, and Russia has already given notice that it will not extend them beyond that year.  Merely to cover currently existing needs, global extraction capacity will have to be expanded by ~50% within a few years.  Doing this will become increasingly difficult, since the easily available resources are in decline, and mines with lower-grade ores are all that is left for exploitation.

Moreover delays in the expansion of extraction are arising due to unforeseen problems;  projects are proving to be more expensive than originally calculated.  A prime example is the Cigar Lake mine in Canada, the largest and only project with good ore quality (at present only Canada has uranium deposits with a uranium ore grade higher than 1%, with most of the remaining reserves in other countries being below 0.1%, and 2/3 of them being below 0.06%.):  originally the mine was supposed to begin operations in 2007, but several irruptions of water resulted in complete flooding in October 2006.  The operator now hopes to begin ore extraction by the end of 2010, but many observers think the project may have to be abandoned entirely.

In addition, in the first half of 2007, the number of nuclear-reactor construction starts was far below the average for the previous two decades.  Since construction takes at least five years, it is extremely probable that there will not even be enough plants to maintain current reactor capacity worldwide.  As a result of this constraint, the price of uranium will probably stabilize somewhat for a while.

Today demand for the metal is satisfied only in part by mining.  The stockpiles which currently supply the rest of the need will decline precipitously after 2013, forcing the first reactor shutdowns.  Attempts to avoid this will cause uranium prices to go through the roof.  All at the same time that the world begins to transition to Peak Oil’s downslope.

Thus the energy-based, fantasy world of ZOG is facing a bleak future.  American snooze time over?  It must be the fault of the evil White race.  Never mind the mud population explosion.

This denial-based hallucination has enabled the Jewish media moguls to achieve enormous success in getting the White masses to retrogress.  This achievement is readily seen in the media-promoted aping of Negroids by White youth, the “poverty chic” dress with holes in pantlegs and artificial shabbiness, the half-shaven faces of men, the tatoos, body-piercing jewelry, Groidlike grammar, and so forth.  The diversion has also enabled the illuminati and the Ashkenazim to achieve control or great influence over large stretches of the planet.  They spread “democracy” through Heeb-laden, allegedly “non-governmental” organizations (NGOs) which coincidentally receive massive taxpayer funding.  Oddly, the countries which, one could argue, need freedom from slave-like oppression the most, such as the 57 Mohammedan countries, don’t seem to be much interested in democracy, but are having great success in exporting their population overloads to White countries in Europe.  The Ashkenazim and genosuicidists have persuaded Whitey that he has a “White Man’s burden” to carry and an obligation to replace himself with muds, even though it means his own extinction.  The energy abundance that has led to comfortable apathy and to the estrogenation of the populace has played a great role in this persuasion.  It worries the illuminati that their anti-White project might be aborted by Peak Oil before complete extinction is accomplished!

It is now widely reported that increasing consumption in oil-rich Mudlands, driven by artificially low gasoline prices, will soon depress the amount of oil and gas that can be exported not only to Whitelands, but also to India and China.  By 2012 (the critical year, it would appear), Mexico’s Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), facing precipitate production decline and ever increasing domestic thirst, will no longer be able to export oil to the U.S.  It should be noted that Mexico is, after Canada, currently the second largest exporter of crude to Gringoland.  (It is also the largest exporter of muds to the U.S., courtesy of the Big Biz types looking for slaves.)

The portents are apocalyptic, yet both the Christian faith healers and the illuminati, most of them ignorami as far as science is concerned, insist on imposing on the White brain an ideology suitable for a day care center.  If the Christian types really believed what they claim to, they would conclude that their God created nature and its laws for a purpose, and did not mean for the consequences of such laws to be avoided by mob-pleasing miracles.  Thus it is clear that not only the illuminati, but also the religionists, really believe in a magical divinity to be found in technology — a god out of a machine.

Unbeknownst to the multitude, and even to most of the illuminati, the facts of the matter are that our commissars are preparing a revolution by coup d’état.  Well aware they are, that in the coming decade the nation is going to come apart due to Peak Oil, Peak Uranium, massive criminal invasions, international desperation and the threat of many other issues. They also know full well that the umpteen millions of ThirdWorld invaders will be unsustainable and will turn into a massive crime problem. The large cities are already seeing a small foretaste of the narcosavagery we can expect on a large scale starting in the twenty-teens.

It is hopelessly naïve to assume that the Imperial power centers are ignorant of what is building. They want it to happen and have been laying the groundwork for the Dominate for some years. As usual in pre-collapse situations, the powermongers, the Congressional bribe-o-crats, are obsessed only with power. The biological destruction of the only race to matter in evolution means absolutely nothing to them. The only thing of importance in their minds is who controls the insane asylum for the next five minutes.

American politicians are little more than the marionettes of the Big Heebs and Big Biz, whose idée fixe is profits over the next business quarter, and whose own dream is that of global mulattoization amidst eternal “growth.”  The innumerable scams, swindles and frauds perpetuated in the name of this ideological brain tumor are beginning to suffocate the life of our race, a matter of little concern to the potentates.  They are driving for nothing less than world control.  Collapse alone will put an end to the princes on high.  And the dead god from the machine will be unable to save them.

September 2007


2007 Sep 21 (Fri): 
Brotherhood as the illuminati want it
Don’t be racist, Whitey.
Come back on down!
All of the studied histrionic displays by Congresspeople on Mon-Tue, 2007 Sep 10-11 in their interrogation of Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American military commander in Iraq, and Ryan C. Crocker, the American ambassador to that land, would have been amusing if it had not been so sad.  Countless inquiries were made about why the Iraqis were unable to “get their act together” and act like the subjugated Germans and Japs after capitulation at the end of World War II.  But the hand-wringing was all for naught.  Congress couldn’t seem to grasp that Iraq is quicksand from which there is no escape, no matter how hard we try or what we do.  And that we are now in the end game of history.

Of course, regardless of the reasons for the Bushite invasion of Iraq, it would be naïve to expect the Empire under any warlord, Republican or Democrat, to leave a “liberated” country rich in oil at a time when the Empire itself is growing ever thirstier and crude oil is reaching highs above $80/barrel.  The big problem for oilmen currently is how to develop the Mesopotamian oil resources without getting killed.  To begin with, the Iraqi “parliament,” even though a ZOG creation, is far too riven with factionalism to agree on anything, even on bowing to Yankee requests to please let our oil companies work your oilfields.  Without some kind of very lucrative profit-sharing agreement (PSA), no Western company is going to send its personnel and equipment into such a high-risk situation.  On the other hand, the Chinese may be willing to offer much greater bribes to the suddenly democratic Sand Negroes and to send some of their excess population to work the oil fields.  That would truly worry the imperial illuminati.  The Chinks would be eating our lunch.  The Iraqis just have to understand that, since America brought them freedom, they need to supply us, not others, with oil.  The Land of the Freebies finds the Iraqi attitude, alas, incomprehensible.

Above all, the Congressional illuminati cannot get it through their heads that the underlying prinicple in all of this is not politics but genetics.  According to New York Times science writer Nicholas Wade, author of Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors (New York:  The Penguin Press, 2006, pp. 129f., p. 178, and chapter 7 generally), the genetic mutation which made it possible for primitive man to view those outside his own tribe as “honorary” fellow tribesmen, instead of killing them, emerged in the races outside Africa (specifically, in the area of what is now southern Syria, Lebanon and northern Israel) only about 15,000 years ago, a fraction of a second in evolutionary time.

It is most important to note that this “pacifying” mutation did not occur in all portions of mankind to the same extent, nor did it spread evenly.  It is most widely found among the recently evolved (ca. ten millennia years ago) northeastern Mongoloids (Chinese, Koreans, Japanese) and is virtually absent among the older races (Australian aborigines, Melanesians in Papua-New Guinea, African Negroes and, extensively, the Protomongoloids appearing in eastern Siberia ca. 12,000 years ago and colonizing the Americas a few millennia later.  The native peoples of northwestern Europe (Celts and Germanics), like the northeastern Mongoloids, also show a strong propensity for peace and law-abidingness.  In North Africa and the Middle East, which has imported African slaves for thousands of years, the populations are heavily mulattoized and the mutation quite diluted.  Tribal savagery is thus to be expected from these peoples.  There is simply no way their love of murder can be overcome, because it springs from genetic roots, not culture.  Islam, therefore, is a natural match for their genetic predisposition.  Warfare and criminality are their preferred mode of existence.

The illuminati, however, know nothing of genetics.  Nor do they want to know.  It would spoil their self-serving fantasy of universal equality.  They are, thus, doomed to frustration in Iraq, no matter what they do.  Doing what is necessary would cause too much cognitive dissonance.  The typical illuminatus never tires of claiming that “the vast majority” of this or that mud group is “peace-loving and law-abiding” — i.e., just like you, Whitey.  It is never noticed that something similar can be said of chimpanzees:  virtually no females engage in gang murder, nor do the young or the old.  It is only the adult males that make chimpanzees an extremely belligerent species.  Ditto for their closest relatives among homo sapiens, the brown muds and especially the Negroids.

But while the American media romanticizes these “disadvantaged” people and seeks to overwhelm White society with them, the newsy types have taken scant notice of nearby events which threaten to mar their romanticism:  some non-pacific Mexican elements have recently blown up Mexican pipelines bringing natural gas to a quarter of that country’s people.  It is impossible to say who the perpetrators were — and it could even have been the biggies in the Mexican government itself.  In any case, Mexico can ill afford the hundreds of megabucks needed to repair those pipelines.  Expect a new “surge” in Mexican northward migration.

Another hardly noticed development has been evolving in the oil markets of the world:  the regimes of a number of hydrocarbon-rich territories, seeing the rising price of oil and gas, are seeking to extort increasing amounts of money from Western oil companies.  The list includes, but is not limited to, countries such as Kazakhstan, Venezuela, the various insurgent groups in Nigeria and even, sadly, the provincial government of Alberta, Canada.  In effect, all of these controlling entities are threatening to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.  None recognizes the intense acceleration in operating costs seen in the oil industry over the past half-decade.  There comes a point where the costs of production exceed the benefits to an industry which is — unbeknownst to many — not a philanthropy.  At that point the companies (often sneeringly referred to as “Big Oil”) which are trying to make a living by extracting the energy resources will simply lay down their tools and go home.  (And some are already secretly preparing to do so.)  Few governments seem to understand the catastrophe this will entail.

It might be noted, en passant, that only Western (i.e., White-led) energy companies have the expertise to extract and process the increasingly heavy and difficult crudes or bitumen into usable oil products, noises from mud countries notwithstanding.

Thus an increasing number of factors is beginning to sap ZOG’s strength seriously, most of them assiduously ignored.  For the denizens of the Empire are too heavily invested in blindness to admit their complicity in their own forthcoming doom.  Fatih Birol, chief economist of the International Energy Agency (IEA), in an interview appearing in the French daily newspaper, “Le Monde,” of 2007 June 29, said some things à propos of this gathering storm.  He pointed out that within five to ten years non-OPEC production is going to decline and that simultaneously China’s expansion will peak, then begin to fall.  Thus, unless Iraq increases its production exponentially from now to 2015, even if Saudi Arabia keeps its promises, we will have a very big problem (“un très gros problème”).  He explained that the numbers were very simple and there was no need for an expert to interpret them.  (See the German translation at ASPO Deutschland, together with the French original.)

Yet despite such clear explanations, the entire U.S. politico-legal, economic and cultural system continues to cling desperately to the premiss that there is no difference between the laws of nature and dreaming.  The free lunch is an innate right of every hominid, proclaim the illuminati.  The Enlightenment decrees it.  And if the White taxpayer can no longer come up with the money for said lunch, then it will be necessary to cheat foreign investors of every stripe by selling them play money in return for real wealth.  (We now know what the former Federal Reserve chairman, Ashkenazi Alan Greenspan, meant when he spoke merrily of an economy characterized by “irrational exuberance.”)  After all, the Empire attained its current status through the mass murder of civilians in two World Wars, so a little “confidence-gaming” poses no problem whatsoever for its conscience.

But the vast, anti-evolutionary charade played by America over the past century and a half was made possible only by natural resources and special circumstances unimaginable elsewhere and elsewhen in human history.  This unique superabundance is now coming to an end, just as ThirdWorld freeloaders pour in to participate in it.  And just at a time when Western governments help those nice Mohammedans and other muds replace Whites.

To assist in the death of White civilization, the undertakers have invented the propaganda spectacle of Global Warming, which is alleged to be a “moral issue” (for Whites only).  Whatever the meteorological facts about human-climate interaction may be, the main purpose of this protracted media event is the diversion of voters from the reality of Peak Oil — at least until the next U.S. presidential election.

For both the Yid-anarchist Left and the Ashkenazi-globalizing Right know that, once Peak Oil is clearly behind us and the money machine grinds to a halt, we’re going back to the Night whence we arose such a short time ago.  Back to realize the American Dream — and pre-White society.

American Cannibalism

2007 Sep 9 (Sun):  The Melting Potty can no longer make it.  All the once-abundant resources have been used up.  The only thing now left is to use the White taxpayer as prey to pay for:

  • health and retirement benefits for barely literate industrial workers, formerly paid for by American industry;

  • social costs (prisons, hospitals, education, etc.) for imported ThirdWorld criminal aliens;

  • rescue of the felonious Wall Street housing marketeers who deliberately lowered lending standards to “keep the money machine moving,” as Fortune Mag (2007 Sep 3, p. 55) put it.

But Whitey is now indebted to the max, whether in credit cards or bank loans.

As a result, ZOG is just about out of steam, despite various “authoritative” asseverations about future maybes.

A drumbeat of propaganda is pounded into the American brain promising oceans of new oil.  We are told about:  horizontal drilling;  coiled tubing drilling;  miscible gas Enhanced Oil Recovery (“EOR”);  gas cap water injection;  hoped-for developments in 4D seismic and other deep reservoir techniques;  possible scenarios involving large-scale carbon capture yielding CO2 for EOR use;  and, above all, advances in digital technology.  Then there is the talk about simply discovering more oil by exploring the Arctic and increasingly deeper water, seeing under sub-oceanic salt layers, and developing new materials to extract the gas and oil which might be lying in extreme environments.  Even biology is enlisted in the propaganda of promises:  new biofuels might be concocted, somehow new bacteria might help us to turn underground coal into methane, and “microbial EOR” could help us to elicit yet more oil from old fields or reduce the viscosity of heavy crude.  A slightly cautionary note is sometimes added that such possibilities require new skills and highly educated personnel (not to mention lots more money).  But whatever the validity of such chemical, digital and biological methods and possibilities may be, the propaganda about them is used to imply that there is nothing to worry about, and ZOGland can continue its wasteful ways and domination of the earth forever.  These conjectured means and resources, we are assured, will magically appear on the scene to rescue us in the nick of time.  So hold on, keep buying, and continue to vote to keep Sodom-on-Potomac in business.

Yet despite the smokescreen, the price of oil keeps rising, driven ultimately by global depletion.  The TV-hypnotized audience snores on, dreaming about sugarplums for all mankind.  And the illuminati, realizing the extreme danger in awakening the multitude, do their best to keep it anesthetized.  Another few minutes of Enlightenment fantasy are all they ask.

International gigamoney has captured the politics of the Empire.  While economics has always been at the heart of any complex society’s life, the modern oil-enabled, Ashkenazi-led globalization of trade and commerce has integrated all the market economies of the world, whether allegedly “free” or not.  This has led perforce to the political suppression of all national and ethnic inhibitions to the loss of White identity of any kind.  Mustn’t let Whitey be racist, no, no!

Everywhere in Whiteland, official propaganda trumpets the “common humanity” of muds, chimpanzoids and Whites of every stripe, of criminals and law-abiders, of the stupid and the intelligent.  National borders bad;  unlimited illegal immigration good.  Sob stories and brain-damaged drivel are liberally employed to buttress the universalist theme.  Modern morality (“doing good, being anti-racist”) has been perfectly sculpted to the globalist norms dictated by the corporate elites.

In the U.S., both of the official political parties of the bribeocracy consist primarily of internationalist hirelings.  Their common enemy is what is left of the distinctively White gene pool.  Materialism, whether “democratic” or “dialectical,” rules the world.

But materialism is about to suffer from a lack of material, starting with oil.  And the inner contradictions of limitless economic growth on a limited planet are starting to erode the Enlightenment plan to grow to infinity and beyond.

The collapse of ZOG’s “subprime” lending scams has exposed the hollowness of that scheme.  The annual $10 rise in crude oil prices over the past few years has obviously contributed to the collapse.  So has the oil-motivated Iraq war, whose vast costs should really be posted to the petroleum debit account.  Rather than ~$2.75/gallon of gas, the American driver is probably actually paying, through his taxes, about ten times that amount for the temporary illusion of cheap energy.

All manner of pretexts and excuses is being used to camouflage the increasing difficulty and expense of supplying global demand.  Among other things, various academic scam artists are writing books about how this or that facile trick will supply homo insipiens with another century or so of inexpensive fuel for his driving pleasure.  But the moral sermonizing of the illuminati is coming under great strain as the money runs out and the unenlightened cattle begin to low ominously in the back 40.  It’s getting harder to fool Mother Nature.

The most recent attempt to divert the disgruntled masses is the convenient discovery of a new potential enemy in China.  That country is savagely clawing its way out of subterranean living standards to higher levels and to higher energy use.  Among other things, the ChiComs are currently considering or constructing over 80 large-scale projects to generate methanol, DME, liquid fuels and the like from coal.  It is true that they have an inferior schooling system at present, but that is temporary;  starting from an average IQ base of about five or so points above the Caucasian mean, they are putting tremendous efforts into improving education in science, mathematics, technology and computers.  Given a population of well over a billion, the absolute numbers of individuals with IQs over 140 has got to be staggering.  For all practical purposes and in contrast to the American State of Unconsciousness, they in effect drop the stupid ones off the face of the earth.  American colleges prefer to give majors in race relations and Black history (preferably taught in Ebonics), with minors in law and political science;  math, science, engineering and computers are for “geeks.”  In short, it’s navel-contemplation for the U.S. and the study of reality for the Chinese.  The rest of southeast Asia tends to follow the Chinese model:  harsh, corrupt, inconsiderate of human rights, dictatorial, but extremely nationalist and upward-bound.  In addition, the Chinks, according to the Yankee, Limey and German illuminati, are trying to cyber-hack into American, British, German — and probably other governments’ — computer systems, including their military systems (see links).  Of course, America and its toadies would never, ever think of doing the same to China.  We’re much too virginal.

The real question is why the Empire is leaking this rather humdrum info at this particular moment.  Could it be that it is really getting nervous about the competition and needs to prepare the masses for a new Cold (or eventually hot) War when the oil becomes more expensive and harder to get?  What to do when the days of wine and roses come to an end?

The imperial snipers are also taking aim at Russia, which has far too much of what the Guardians of Democracy consider to be the globalists’ oil.  After all, the Russians should be satisfied with substandard living conditions.  Only Western genosuicidists deserve low-cost petroleum and its benefits.  Besides, the Russians are White;  don’t they understand that they should all commit suicide and give their inheritance to the darker hominids?  Why are some of them now acting like they want to survive as a race and a culture?  ZOG will have to do something about that.  Like putting missiles and radar systems on their borders.

So, shop till you drop.  There isn’t much time left.

August 2007


2007 Aug 20 (Mon): 
Darþ Vader
Go shopping ... or else!
The Enlightened despots aspiring to U.S. world domination a decade ago were faced with a problem:  where to get the money to implement their plans?  The American economy was effectively bankrupt and living only on Mongoloid purchases of U.S. Treasury bills.  How to pay for the continued economic “growth” to keep the masses in stupor?

The oligarchs had, of course, the backing of the globalizing media.  And they were urged on by the clergy of all the major Christian religions, who were little more than wannabe socialist politicians in drag.  But the money problem was serious.

The answer was a simple as it was brilliant:  steal the money through a global swindle.  The U.S. government accordingly “deregulated” the housing-mortgage industry, allowing banks and other financial institutions to lend money to people who, they knew, would never pay it back — to make so-called “subprime” loans (yet another euphemism for taxpayer ripoffs).  Next, the enterprising lenders sliced and diced those loans, bundled the mincemeat together with other, good loans and sold the contaminated bundles to the rest of the financial industry.

The crime paid.  Until, that is, the “growth” could no longer accelerate because the resulting foreclosures began exposing the scam, and the global system stopped buying the camoflaged toilet paper.

Because of the resulting massive pollution of the entire loan market with defective, but undetectable, loan fragments, no buyer now wants to purchase any mortgage loans except those from “super-prime” credit risks — the very best borrowers.  After all, who would want to eat food that is only “a little bit” poisoned?

The result?  Mortgage market stalemate and the exhaustion of the last scheme the illuminati had up their sleeves.  The stock markets of the world began to sink.

To prevent worldwide collapse into another Great Depression, the Ashkenazi octopus known as the Federal Reserve reduced the bank discount rate by ½%.  This was in concert with an influx of hundreds of billions of dollars into the markets from central banks in Europe and Asia.

The U.S. stock markets rebounded a little.  The crisis ws declared over.  On with business as usual.  We no longer have to fear that 6 million Jews will die of heart attacks.

It must be said, of course, that a similar pattern has been followed by all previous empires.  It is not only that political leaders are by nature bent on increasing their own power infinitely, but, as Tainter has pointed out, demands on any society never stop growing.  In order to prevent collapse, expansion and growth must occur.  Ours is just the most elaborate and expansive case of hegemonic cancer that history has ever known.  And it will be the last.

Any wide-awake person can see what is happening.  On Tuesday, 2007 August 7, the head of the Government Accountability Office, Comptroller General of the U.S. David Walker, presented a report, “Transforming Government to Meet the Demands of the 21st Century,” in which he all but predicted the coming collapse of the United States.  Speaking of “serious challenges” in virtually every major area from health care and education to energy and military involvements, he underscored the fact that we are on an “unsustainable path.”  And with globalization and blind adherence to past giveaway programs (think Entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, as well as copious welfare bennies for the Negroids, muds and race-polluting Whites), it’s only a matter of time before collapse and dictatorship occurs.

Naturally the Comptroller General gave the usual, optimistic “we can do it” cheerleading at the end of his report.  But he cautions that, for the nation to pull out of its nosedive, the American people must become “better informed and involved” before the next presidential election.  Nice try, Mr. Walker.  But no cigar.

There are too many interests deeply vested in the processes that lead to collapse.  We see a dim foreshadowing of it in the subprime-mortgage foreclosure issue:  the illuminati can no longer count on that particular swindle to perpetuate their grand scam.  No one knows how many foreclosures there will be;  but in any case there will be no more easy loans to bad — or even slightly questionable — credit risks.  Meanwhile, according to former CIA director James Woolsey, we are spending almost a billion dollars every weekday to import oil.  Moreover, Saudi Arabia donates some of those billions to the holy martyrs who follow the medieval Sand Negro, Mohammed.  And the invading criminal aliens take three dollars from America for every one they contribute.  What’s a poor illuminatus to do?

Not to worry.  Muslim martyrs, abundantly supplied with American petrodollars, will provide us with the War on Terror.  And our trusted leaders can be relied on to use the opportunity to divert our attention from their power grab.  The American electorate will submit as usual.  After all, nothing is more important than perpetuating, for a few more minutes of history, the American coma.

The Overflowing Septic Tank

2007 Aug 12 (Sun): 
“We hold these truths to be ſelf-evident, that all men are created equal”
— American Declaration of Independence,
July 4, 1776
“We live a lie, and the government’s only role is to make sure we believe the lie.”
— from a 2006 Egyptian novel, Hawadit al-mashawir (“Cabbie Talk”), by Khaled al-Khamisi based on talk with taxi drivers in modern-day Cairo.

ZOG talk about the “moderation” of Israel — talk backed up by $30 billion of military gifts to Yidland — is consistent with Imperial asseverations that the American carpet-bombing of German cities in WW II was to save “freedom.”  By comparison, Muslim suicide bombers of innocents are rank amateurs.  The Muslim “martyrs” can kill only 20 or 30 at a time — or perhaps a hundred on a day when Allah smiles on their endeavors.  In contrast, American bombers annihilated countless thousands of civilians with each bombing raid.  It was all part of the American Dream, of course.  Had to keep the Jews and the Brits happy.  What a wonderful feeling of righteousness!

Today vast floods of organisms from the globe’s septic tanks are sucked into Whiteland under the pretext that “diversity” is somehow beneficial for White folks, who are (of course) the worst possible results of evolution.  As a byproduct, the planetary plutocrats and nationless Ashkenazim are gaining fabulous riches from this operation (through the benevolence of Yahweh, you understand), while the divinities who rule the political show can barely contain their glee at the destruction of the White race, envisioning as they do their own conquest of the entire earth.

Recent history testifies how well our global masters have succeeded in making possible the growth of the human biomass, almost all of it composed of darklings:

Year   Human Population
1800   one billion
1930   two billion
1960   three billion
1975   four billion
1987   five billion
1999   six billion
2007   6.6 billion,
(.08 billion/year growth rate)
2013   seven billion

It has often been remarked that your typical mud living in Mudland uses far less energy than the average U.S. citizen.  (The Empire, with ~4% of the earth’s population, slurps down a quarter of planetary oil production every day.)  What is never mentioned is that, just by infesting the U.S. with his presence, the average immigrating ThirdWorld parasite raises his own energy consumption dramatically and exacerbates an already perilous rate of exhaustion.  But genosuicidal political correctness suffocates any and all mention of this fact.  After all, we wouldn’t want to be Nazis, now, would we?

The unWhite hypergrowth in Saudi Arabia, Iran and other Sand-Negroid lands is about to force those countries to reduce the amount of oil available for export to the rest of the world (and especially to the good ol’ USA).  This will cause the spreadsheets of the flat-earth economists to become even further detached from reality than heretofore.  Now that the subprime boondoggle has run its course it will become an urgent priority to invent some new delusion to maintain the appearance of an upbeat U.S. economy.  We need more slaves.  Keep those colored coming!

In sum, the mud population bomb is erasing White civilization — the only worthwhile type — from the planet.  The immigration lawyers, mud and chimpanzoid special interest groups, ubiquitous Yid anti-Whites, massive international narcotrafficking syndicates, illegal-alien smugglers and globalizing corporations are the subterranean forces behind the impending utter collapse.  The Washingtonian potentates are careful to be officially unaware of these sources of their power.  We may be sure there will never be a case of criminal conspiracy against such forces because, after all, lawmakers are above the law.

Meanwhile the stock market is beginning to totter (one hears threats that up to 7 million subprimers may lose their homes) and the physical infrastructure of the U.S. continues to fall into irreparable decay under the intensifying strain of the illegal-alien inundation.  The Imperial court fancies its success in foreign adventures will compensate for the dissolution of national fibre at home and the racial pollution of the White race.  The government’s main tool for survival?  Exporting arms and war while helping anti-Whites everywhere to proliferate.  More wars to end war;  spreading carcinogens to stop cancer.  It will not be too many years now before the enlightened U.S. receives the Darwin award.

On 2007 July 30, Jewish-Catholic columnist Robert Novak revealed that, as a sop to the rabid Turk government which wants to invade Iraq and occupy Kurdistan, the Bush administration would like to use U.S. Special Forces to murder the leaders of the anti-Turk Kurds (the PKK).  This would, in Bush’s mind, sate the Turkish lust for Kurdish blood and avert a full-scale invasion of northern Iraq, the only stable area left in that country.  It is clear that the results of the Empire’s past dabblings in the region have not perturbed the blithe spirit of ZOG’s figurehead;  let us, therefore, proceed under his celestial guidance to rearrange the Levantine political chessboard via treachery once more.  It will help the economy and Israel.

Recently various investigatory bodies have discovered that the globalized toys the Congress-bribing corporations are selling us can be deadly.  Many of these products have various poisons (e.g., lead), others are highly flammable, yet others break under critical stress, and so forth.  The CEOs of the outsourcing and importing behemoths all respond the same way:  “Golly, gee whiz!  We had no idea.  It was all so cheap;  we were just helping the American consumer.  We’ll do better next time.  Trust us.  And anyway, it was only a minor swindle.  You’ll get over it.”

In the interest of ever larger profits, domestically, the ZOG profiteers push racial diversity and publish sob stories about chimpanzoids and muds to distract Whitey and to make sure he doesn’t stop buying playthings imported from Red Chinkland or do something to stop the massive immigration of alien sewage.  Abroad, our Imperial divide-and-conquer regime pumps weapons, provocateurs and military “advisers” of every sort into every corner of Worlds Two and Three to advance the fortunes of the outsourcers and slave traders.  Indeed, their financial success puts old-timey Merchants of Death to shame.

But lately even the interlocked world economy has been showing the strain.  The U.S. stock markets have hit a major pothole on the yellow brick road to ever higher profits.  Some people are even demanding that the Jewish conglomerate known as the Federal Reserve “do something” to prevent what looks to them like an emerging Great Depression.  China and Japan are rethinking their roles as funders of American profligacy.  A lot of sweat is dripping from Wall Street brows as various financial institutions undergo severe stress due to the camelback-breaking straw of the subprime cave-in.

Indeed, it all brings to mind the words of societal-collapse historian Joseph Tainter:  “Collapse, if and when it comes again, will this time be global.  No longer can any individual nation collapse.  World civilization will disintegrate as a whole.  Competitors who evolve as peers collapse in like manner.”  Peak Oil, here we come.

July 2007

The North American Union and the Security and Prosperity Partnership

2007 Jul 28 (Sat):  A remarkable book, “The Last Human: A Guide to Twenty-Two Species of Extinct Humans,” has been produced by a physical anthropologist, Gary J. Sawyer, a paleoartist, Viktor Deak (co-leaders of the Fossil Hominid Reconstruction and a research team based at the American Museum of Natural History's Department of Anthropology), functional anatomist Esteban Sarmiento, and science historian Richard Milner (a senior editor of the Museum’s publication, “Natural History”). This quartet used modern forensic anatomical reconstruction techniques to construct 3-D models of 22 hominids known from anthropological discoveries and research.  Pictures of these models are accompanied by relevant descriptions and narratives of these creatures.

It is unnecessary to spend the $45 or so for the book.  Simply go to your nearest library (or bookstore, for that matter) and spend half an hour leafing through its pages and contemplating the pictorial reconstructions.  What will jump out at the reader is the distinctly ThirdWorld features of most of them.  Only the very earliest hominid branches of the chimpanzee-hominid tree and the anthropologically recent Cro-Magnon type do not share the Negroid and mud countenances found in these primates;  the early ones are quite chimp-like and the advanced Cro-Magnon has a Europid appearance.

It is these earlier, now extinct, primate branches to which the illuminati, the multi-national CEOs and the Yid moguls want to reduce us;  these levels of antiquity represent the benefits they wish to bestow on us while enriching themselves and expanding their own power.  Hence the drive to “diversify” White societies, the anti-racism laws they have imposed on White nations, the ubiquitous elitist tendency to excuse and interpret the hideous criminality, laziness, parasitism, stupidity and other endearing traits of the muds and chimpanzoids as “enrichment” of Euro-American culture.  All of these things are the direct result of the elites’ contempt for the culture which has made their own existence possible, and for the profoundly ancient struggle of evolution over deep time.  Their one and only criterion is self-aggrandizement culminating in extreme wealth and power.

A writer, Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., has recently published a book named “The Late Great U.S.A.:  The Coming Merger With Mexico and Canada,” in which he details the fraudulent mulattoization of America by its “leaders,” headed by President George W. Bush.  It has been during the latter’s reign that three fourths of the dozen million (or more) illegal creatures from south of the border have swarmed into America.  The true political purpose of this criminal perversion of the law was (don’t laugh!) to gain voters who would elect Republicans rather than Democrats, while its economic purpose was to enhance “efficiency” through slavery.  The swindle is also backed by the heavily Judaic “Council on Foreign Relations” (in effect, a “shadow government”) and various academic illuminati, in particular one Robert A. Pastor (another one of the Chosen), to say nothing of the standard collection of international Jews bent on subjugating the entire world to their will.  The massive subversion is being organized by Bushmen and ideologues of former administrations under the rubric of the “Security and Prosperity Partnership” which is aiming at a “North American Union” with the “Amero” as its currency. The idea that it was merely the international attraction of “the American Dream” which led to the mudslide is gravely mistaken.  It is a deliberate strategy to destroy the West - the same one foreshadowed long ago in the prophetical tract known as the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

All of this is a ploy by the Yids, illuminati and corporatists to outrun history, which they know is about to put an end to their game.  The Association for the Study of Peak Oil, USA (ASPO-USA) published a special edition of their Peak Oil Review on 2007 July 18 severely criticizing the National Petroleum Council for issuing yet another “don’t-worry-be-happy” report on future energy.  Among other items, the Association noted that “[T]he United States has designed its industrial economy, transportation infrastructure, automobiles, agriculture, and land-use patterns around $20 to $30 oil.  Because oil provides 40% of the globe’s energy, and because the energy system is so large and slow to change, the costs of acting immediately to begin mitigating the inevitable supply crunch are dwarfed by the economic penalties of further delay.”  In spite of this, the über-criminals manipulating the levers of power are imposing ever vaster burdens of swamplanders on this nation.  The amount of narcotics now pouring from Mexico into the U.S. is beyond belief, with the politicoes profiting immensely from the trade.  These facts make it clear that the entire U.S. regime (not merely George W. Bush, a single man) is today profoundly illegitimate and can no longer be called American, regardless of its success in hypnotizing and perverting the masses.

In February 2005, two (Spic!) U.S. Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and José Alonso Compean, in an attempt to stop Mexican drug smuggler Osvaldo Aldrete Dávila, shot the latter in the derrière as he was fleeing back across the border into crimeland.  Mysteriously, the office of U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton gave Aldrete Dávila immunity to serve as the U.S. government’s star witness and testify against the border agents.  The smuggler used the “humanitarian visa” provided by the zealous defender of our laws subsequently to attempt another drug delivery in October 2005.  As a result of all this (only the most recent of a vast number of the Bush administration’s legal perversions favoring illegal aliens), U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein D-Calif., and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., among others, called on illuminatus King George II to commute the 11- and 12-year sentences given the agents.  Alas, the desired commutation will never occur, because it would contravene Bush administration’s commitment to the creation of the North American Union.  Clearly, the continental ripoff called the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA) ripoff was not enough for the powermongers.

Currently the U.S. Senate is trying to find out from Bush’s Spic Attorney General Alberto Gonzales why he fired seven U.S. Attorneys on 2006 December 7.  The Senators want to know whether the dismissal was for reasons of political advantage of Republicans over Democrats.  However what they ought to be asking is whether the true reason for Attorneys’ firing is that, unlike Johnny Sutton, they were insufficiently favorable to the Bush “Security and Prosperity Partnership” under which Gonzalez’s ancestral narcostate would be given free permission to invade and poison White America.  The Attorneys may have been too devoted to the law and might not have been bending it enough to suit the North American Unionists.  After all, in the view of the academics and the billionaires, the law should yield to anti-White ideology and the destruction of American nationhood.  White genosuicidism must prevail.

The oligarchs behind this dissolution of the U.S. have already twisted every aspect of American administrative law so profoundly that it is almost unrecognizable from the pre-Bush II era.  Among their one-world-government projects is a plan, already being implemented, to build a four-football-field-wide transportation toll corridor for Chinese and Mexican goodies from Texas to the Canadian Border north of Duluth, Minnesota.  It is to be paid for by the U.S. taxpayer for the enrichment of the heads of multinational, and especially Chinese, corporations.  But unbeknownst to the drafters of this gigaproject, the oil energy needed for the realization of their phantasmagoria is going to evaporate long before the fantasy is completed.  Shed a tear for the multi-billionaires.

Oil & Gas Journal (2007 July 16, p. 76), in an article on the last page of reportorial text, printed an article, “OPEC spare productive capacity ‘diminished’.”  In brief, it relates that analysts J. Marshal Adkins and Collin Gerry of the Houston branch of Raymond James & Associates Inc. have found that OPEC has now peaked.  Saudi Arabia, which wants the world to believe it can raise its current output of 10.5 megabarrels/day to 12.5 Mb/d, is telling fibs.  Other OPEC countries are limited by “either permanent production declines or structural constraints.”  Last October OPEC pretended that it was due to concerns of price that they were going to cut some production.  By July 2007, production had been reduced about 1 to 1.2 Mb/d, but about a third of the reduction has been “involuntary” according to the analysts.  OPEC’s peak was in October 2005, and today it is almost 2 Mb/d below that peak, with roughly half of the cut likewise involuntary — Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria and Venezuela being responsible for that missing half.

In country after country, it is the same story:  depletion, political instability, national safeguarding of declining resources, etc.  Don’t even ask about Iraq.

As Joseph Tainter has pointed out, every socio-economic system after initial growth reaches a point of natural limits which impose diminishing marginal returns on it, slowing and then stopping the growth and eventually causing collapse.  It was in order to enlarge these limits (and forestall the collapse of the Imperium) that America pushed for “free trade” — i.e., bigger markets with bigger boundaries.  Hence the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA), the World Trade Organization, “globalization,” and now the push for the ultimate in cannibalization:  the North American Union with its monster transportation corridor projected to split the U.S. in half from Laredo to Duluth in order to bring Chinese trinkets from the Mexican Pacific coast to mid-America while bypassing the longshoremen’s unions on U.S. west-coast ports.  The NAU has the useful idiots of academia all atwitter about the anti-White “diversity” this will bring and about the primitive globo-muds even now disfiguring the land.  America’s shadow government, the Ashkenazi-laden “Council on Foreign Relations,” together with multi-national Big Biz, has completely strangled the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Yet unbeknownst to the illuminati, to the multi-national pirates and the Jews, Mother Nature sets limits to evolutionary insanity.  In about five (or fewer) years the “go-shopping” fabric of America will begin to unravel.  This week alone, the vaunted New York Stock Exchange and its counterparts throughout the world suffered seismic tremors that portend dark days to come.  The markets reacted to the bursting of the “subprime” housing bubble (i.e., the collapse of vast numbers of fraudulent housing loans), a reaction which is only a foretaste of the time when nothing will be able to make up of the paucity of energy supply, when a barrel of crude oil will be rising past at least $120 and gasoline will double, then triple in price, and when the United States will have nothing left to prop it up but its military.  Then all of the American princesses, the TV-hypnotizees and the Chimpanzoid-loving sports fanatics will discover that The Dream is over.  Every day brings more evidence of the looming end.  On Wednesday, 2007 July 25, an Oil & Gas Financial Journal article, “Oil outlook — $80, $85, $90, $95. . .more?,” revealed financial corporation Goldman Sachs had recently reported that “supply and demand fundamentals” (i.e., insufficient oil to meet global demand), and not politics, were the causes of rising oil prices.  High-IQ Wog and managing director Arjun Murti warned that a barrel might spike to over $95/barrel.  In general and without saying so explicitly, Goldman Sachs is now admitting that our species has reached Peak Oil.  So much for the North American Union and the Security and Prosperity Partnership and their promoters.

In short, the agony will not be confined to the snoozing Whites;  their imperial Lordships, as well, will confront Nature, red in tooth and claw.

The Dominatus

2007 Jul 3 (Tue):  In the first three centuries of the Roman Empire (~27 B.C - A.D. 285), it was led by a “First Man” (princeps), an arrangement called by modern historians the “principate” (from Latin principatus, rule by a princeps).  After the supply of slaves and booty from foreign conquests had begun to run out, however, the system became increasingly weaker under the strain of growing demands of all sorts.  As a result, in the third century it came very close to collapse, and was saved only by the gradual reorganization of the entire Empire along quasi-military lines with a huge bureaucracy and a single, universalizing and superficially egalitarian religious ideology, Catholicism (literally, “universalism”). Under this reorganization, which gave the Imperium two more centuries of life until total exhaustion, the First Man became a dominus (“master”) or dictator, so that this final period is today referred to as the “dominate” (Latin dominatus).

Today the U.S. has similarly exhausted its supply of booty and spoils from its long exploitation of North America’s natural wealth and the rape of Europe in two World Wars, and the era of its principate under a First Man (now called a “president” - Latin praeses “one who sits at the front” of an organization) is ending.

Few recognize the criticality of this moment in history, least of all the politicians supposedly running the show.  But without any doubt, we now face the same choice as our ancestor, Rome:  death or a dominate.

All of the evasions, diversions, twistings and turnings of the politicoes and the media cannot change this fact.  Under the cloak of “democracy,” anti-democratic Yid bribery has come to overpower all other influences of any sort.  One Ashkenazi in particular, international hyper-billionaire Georg Sörös, has purchased the entire Democratic Party and centered it around fellow Heeb Karl Popper’s concept of the anti-White “Open Society.”  This quasi-religious, universalizing egalitarianism coincidentally also underpins an enormous expansion of the U.S. military and governmental bureaucracy.

As with our civilizational forebear, this final phase is accelerating the exhaustion of natural and human resources undergirding our civilization itself.  All self-control has been flung to the winds, and the megalomaniac fantasies of Georg Sörös and his ilk have become the rationale for military and economic domination of the entire planet while injecting lethal amounts of mud into our national veins.  The Ashkenazim, along with race-traitor illuminati like Bill Gates, feed off of the now cancer-ridden national body and dream of Disneyland for themselves while ignoring the ominous flashes of lightening on the Western horizon.

At no point does true conservatism enter the national mind.  Said conservatism would mean:  first, halting the drowning of our society with muds and Chimpanzoids;  secondly, conserving our energy resources.  Compare, for instance, the ton-miles per gallon of fuel for the various forms of transportation:
Transport Miles/gallon
Trucks 59
Trains 202
(the railroads
claim it is
Inland Barge 514
(numbers from Matt Simmons)

Do we really need vast numbers of trucks to bring us Chink toys?  As for the psychodynamics:  does TV, with its deadly Pavlovian advertizing, have to be the only form of “entertainment”?  And instead of importing high-IQ workers from Wogland, why not pay high-IQ White women to have more children with high-IQ White males?

Alas, with Peak Oil — and Peak Everything else — we will discover only too late that “democracy” is just another word for Jewish and corporate bribery.  And for the dominate.

The governing American illuminati cannot accept the fact that certain branches of mankind do not WANT their enlightenment.  The entertaining creatures participating in holier-than-thou Islamic martyrdom, as well as the alien Spic criminals within our own gates, therefore have a considerable advantage over American and European wish dreamers.  The fantasy of equality will trump reality every time, yielding great benefits to the subhumans as evolution retrogresses.

Interestingly, the illuminati (and the Ashkenazim) know that their fantasies of equality and “diversity” are falsehoods, but they assert them with clenched-teeth fanaticism nonetheless.  For they, like vast numbers of Russian and Chink Commies before them, know that otherwise their entire, extremely precarious hold on sanity will be lost, along with their power and social standing — to say nothing of their jobs.  The masses under their spell, of course, believe the myths blindly, and even sacrifice their lives for them.

But even as these religious obsessions dominate the political spectrum, reality is beginning to melt the sea ice on which the believers stand:  on Saturday, 2007 June 30, August futures for Brent North Sea crude were selling at $71.19 per barrel in London, and in New York, light sweet crude for August rose to $70.20, a ten-month high.  Last week, American gasoline stockpiles had been expected to rise by a million barrels, but instead fell by 700,000 barrels to 202.6 million barrels, catching traders (and politicians) unawares.  Meanwhile, according to Offshore magazine (June 2007, p. 52), Mexico’s crude output is in free fall.  The numbers for Cantarell, the largest field, tell it all:
Year Barrels/day
2004 2,136,000
2006 1,788,000
Official expectations:
2007 1,526,000
2010 100,000
2012 713,000
2015 450,000

Mexico’s quaint political barriers also prevent even what few measures might remain to slow the decline.

Given, thus, that it is beginning to look as though, by the end of this year, $70/barrel will be the new “floor” for optimal crude, we can expect the floor only to rise from there.  The money available to pay for all of the non-negotiable demands from illegal aliens for hospital and educational services, etc., will be dwindling.  Indeed, given the recent pluvial destruction of crops and cropland in Oklahoma, Texas and vicinity, it will be increasingly difficult to extract enough taxes from the White citizens of those states to enforce racial equality, “cultural” diversity and affirmative action even in the short run.  The Empire will have to turn up the volume of its propaganda.

For the moment the Republican bribe-o-crats have failed in their attempt to destroy their Democrat opponents by giving amnesty to a dozen megaSpics.  The Republican strategy was to win over a vast bloc of Latino muds to their party to counter the Democrat hammerlock on the Negroid vote.  Never mind what would happen to the country.  Après nous le deluge [after us the deluge]:  only the next election counts, and then we’ll have supreme power and be able to establish the dominate.  The White race can be abolished in the twinkling of an eye through the power of race-polluting lucre.

Ah, yes:  the Enlightened kingdom.

Of course, there is a vast amount of flab in the American corpus.  As the effects of Peak Oil begin to be felt in the twenty-teens, this flab will absorb the immediate shocks of rising prices.  For one thing, the American car industry will probably lose its ability to bribe Congress into keeping far more efficient German cars out of the U.S. market.  That alone might keep the Dreamland fandango going for another couple of years.

Opposing this is the fact that the constitutional oedipalism of the American populace will cause much dragging of feet.  After all, every sentient being in the “lone superpower” has a “right” to drive gas guzzlers.  Nonetheless, we can expect economic forces to eventually overpower political ones.  The trucking industry will begin to contract and consolidate, making it likelier that the vastly more efficient railroads will take over a greater share of transportation.  The slight breathing room thereby gained will enable the twelve or (by then) twenty million illegal muds to assert their rights to traffic in narcotics and to overwhelm the American social infrastructure.  The gated-community illuminati will be ecstatic over the dissolution of Whiteland.

To stave off any obstreperous Whites who might object to this carefully crafted death march, it will be very tempting for the political authorities to divert attention with military adventures and other traditional means of enforcing compliance.  Every disinformation trick the Ashenazim can think of will be employed.  But the success of Their Lordships will be short-lived.  The implosion will continue.  The lollipops will run out.  All that will be left will be the whining.  And the Yid dominate.

June 2007

Psycho Nation

2007 Jun 15 (Fri):  Bribe-o-crat Harry Mason Reid, U.S. Senate Majority Leader (D-NV), together with President George W. Bush and other luminaries, is inviting the entire Third World into the United States, assuring all current citizens that the lawless invaders from Mudland are just “undocumented Americans.”  He and his Congressional colleagues assure us that amnesty is just another word for “We are the world.”

While Reid & Co. were working the tear ducts of their subjects, there was a great deal of media hyperventilation over a single White American, Andrew Speaker, who is afflicted with non-contagious Extensively Drug-Resistant TB (XDR-TB) but nonetheless went on international flights, causing so much concern that he was even interviewed by a Senate subcommittee headed by Iowa's Tom Harkin.  The same Senate is predictably oblivious to the fact that Congress is importing hundreds of thousands of African Negroids along with countless Latinos, among whom are quite a few cases XDR-TB.  No matter.  It’s their culture, and we have to respect that.  Let them all in.  Only Whites need be punished.

A few weeks ago, New Mexico’s governor Bill Richardson, a Spic despite the name, appeared on the morning Spanish language program, Despierta America (meaning, ironically, “Awake, America”).  In fluent Spicspeak, he bemoaned the fact that few Latinos knew who he was because he was unfortunately named “Richardson” (as opposed to, say, Gonzalez or Hernandez).  He rambled on about his concern for “nuestra gente” (“our people”) and “nuestra comunidad” (“our community”), thereby letting all those anti-gringos know just where his true sympathies lie.

While we were waiting for Richardson’s plot to hatch, ASPO-Ireland drew our attention to another matter few prefer to know:  the American Patriot Friends Network ( has listed the banks — only half of which have even a tenuous connection with the U.S. — that hold the controlling stock in “America’s” Federal Reserve Corporation, itself currently headed by hyperJew Ben Bernanke.  They are as follows:

  • Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
  • Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
  • Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy
  • Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
  • Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
  • Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
  • Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
  • Goldman Sachs Bank of New York.

The shareholders of these banks, the true rulers of Yankeeland, are:

  • The Rothschilds,
  • Lazard Freres (Eugene Mayer),
  • Israel Sieff,
  • Kuhn Loeb Company,
  • Warburg Company,
  • Lehman Brothers,
  • Goldman Sachs,
  • the Rockefeller family,
  • and the J.P. Morgan interests.

Except (perhaps) for the Rockefellers, all of these Masters of the Universe adhere to the doctrines of the same cultural group that Germany tried unsuccessfully to rid itself of so many decades ago.

The Fed Yids are today directing their house organs, the “mainstream” media, to push the cause of covert amnesty for millions of invading lawbreakers from Latino mudland.  The organists also camouflage their hype by piping it through hired “conservative” editorialists and talk show hosts.  Unbeknownst to White hypnotizees, Spic narcotraffic and servitude are hugely profitable for the stateless Ashkenazi octopi.  The banks themselves are often obliquely referred to simply as “the economy.”  That way Whitey can’t tell why his paycheck is shrinking:  it’s “the economy.”

Besides suppressing the facts of their plan for crushing what is left of White America under an overwhelming burden of ThirdWorlders, Bernanke’s kinsmen need to downplay all mention of Peak Oil as well.  Thus, one rarely finds serious media (let alone political) discussion of today’s U.S. gasoline supply problems:

  • rising demand confronted by an aging refinery fleet;
  • more stringent environmental regulations;
  • a stretched labor force;
  • strong domestic consumption growth (+1.7% year-to-date);
  • a heavier-than-normal spring maintenance season;
  • a decline from last year's record import levels;
  • Negroid murders and kidnappings of oil workers in Nigeria;
  • tightening control over national hydrocarbon resources by producing countries.

The squeeze on the provision of energy has only just begun.  It is beginning to look as though American growth will not be eternal after all.  Added to this is another item rarely discussed:  the current free flow of oil throughout the world is made possible by open global shipping lanes kept clear of pirates by the U.S. Navy.  Should this military activity abate, the current tightness in the worldwide markets will lead to instant economic crisis.  The one and only non-OPEC country in the world with any substantial hydrocarbon reserves left is Russia, and its government is fast wresting control of all oil and gas operations in its territory from Western oil companies.  Translation:  energy supplies will be increasingly lower and prices higher.

But none of these facts has any effect on the American Snoozer.  Ignorance is bliss, as long as the Chosenites keep providing TV entertainment.  And until the balloon pops.

The Second Stage

2007 Jun 2 (Sat):  While the “mainstream” U.S. media entertains itself with such items as the doings of International Heeb Georg Sörös (anglicized as George Soros), a Wandering Jew of fellow Ashkenazi Karl Popper’s “Open Society” fame, who has found that his organization is being investigated for trying to promote a “soft revolution” in Iran, the U.S. bribeocracy is dallying with illegal immigration legalization.

The problem with illegal immigration is, besides the 20% of Latinos that are narcotraffickers and criminals, not just the low-skilled yet “hard-working, taxpaying” immigrants themselves, but also their dead-weight “American” spawn.  In 1994, points out the Heritage Foundation's Robert Rector, the typical low-IQ, “hard-working” alien invader paid $10,573 in taxes, but consumed $30,160 in direct governmental benefits (policing, incarceration, schooling, and medicine, to name a few).  The $19,587 difference was paid for by Whitey.  As stated, that was 1994.  The problem is very much the same today, only aggravated by increased numbers.  Then we are faced with their stupidity.  If the illuminati succeed in conferring citizenship on these unschooled invaders, we can expect that the new American Dreamers will vote for cretinous public policies, distorting the entire system intellectually downwards.  In 1986 three million illegals (mainly Spics) were given amnesty.  The result?  Within two decades the number of invaders had multiplied by a factor of four:  today there are over twelve million of such creatures in Dreamland.  The new amnesty proposed by el jefe George W. Bush and collaborators — all of whom deny that it is an amnesty — will have the obvious effect of another multiplication by four within a score of years.  For those readers who have graduated from grade school, 4 x 12 million = 48 million.  Thus we should see around fifty million lawless immigrants from Mudland by, say, 2030.

As this dynamic snowballs, we can expect the vaunted American political system to collapse into the same kind of sham currently found in most ThirdWorld countries.  Interestingly, the proposed covert amnesty for low IQs will be of absolutely no benefit to any (mostly legally) immigrating high IQs — even to those Wogs or Chinks who might conceivably help the U.S. innovate technologically and improve its economy (which the illuminati claim to be their main concern).

As we will all see, collapse is nature’s solution to this kind of “compassionate conservatism.”

The illuminati have their pet theorists.  There are academics, quasi-philosophers, and even some cosmologists who wish-dream that, once a planet has developed high consciousness, said consciousness will never go extinct but will progress, “Star-Trek”-wise, from advance to advance ad infinitum.  Among other things, this fantasy ignores the inertial resistance of the mass unconscious to any such evolutionary progress.  The last two centuries have witnessed the rise and persistence of jealousy-driven Judeo-Communism which took bloodthirsty pleasure in savagely grinding down human initiative and biological improvement wherever it could.  It was intellectually assisted by traditional Christianity, which maintains pre-scientific notions about evolution, sex, and the procreation and purpose of life.  Then there was World War II (as also its predecessor, WW I), a massive action to halt evolution in its tracks, a wanton slaughter applauded by all Commies, Jews, Christians, and other genosuicidists.  Today these political and religious movements toward primitivism have been joined by another one:  Sand-Negroid Islam, embraced by muds from Morocco to Indonesia and metastasizing throughout the West.  Nor can it be denied that the Third World’s criminal parasitism, so beloved of the illuminati, is everywhere swamping the progressivist lifeboat.

Thus the cosmic responsibility to maintain and advance planetary intelligence through eugenics and biological pruning has been defeated by the dead weight of the mass unconscious.  We shall shortly see the consequences of that irresponsibility as hydrocarbon energy sources grow increasingly deficient.

Already, with pampered Yankee gas-guzzlers complaining about $3.00 gasoline prices, the price levels of the two premium forms of crude, North Sea Brent and West Texas Intermediate, have begun to diverge.  On 2007 May 25 Brent closed at a per-barrel price of over $70, while WTI sank to $64.  Raymond James & Associates Inc. (Houston) analysts believe the higher Brent price reflects the global market more accurately than does WTI, which was enjoying a “localized glut” due to temporary conditions at the Cushing Hub in Oklahoma.

But such “glut” conditions, temporary though they are, are regarded as “normal” by the typical American Dreamer.  The annoyance of $3+ gasoline has irritated him so much that national politicians such as Representative Bart Stupak the Stupid (D-Mich.) and Senator Maria Cantwell the Ne’er-do-well (D-Wash.) are pushing for “anti-price-gouging” legislation against “big oil.”  A host of Congressional crypto-Commies is seeking ways to sneak in price controls on gas.  Think enormously long lines and shortages everywhere.

Thus we see Kübler-Ross’s first stage of Denial beginning to shade slowly into the second stage of Anger.  After all, without cheap oil, how will we be able to accommodate all of those hard-working emigrés from the Mexican narcostate and other slumlands?

It is never realized by navel-contemplating gringos that the bottomlessly corrupt Mexican leadership hates the U.S. with an ardor exceeded only by that of the members of what America’s Bush and Britain’s Blair call the “great religion” of Islam.  The educated Mexican mafiosi remember that the U.S. stole over half of their country in 1846 and occupied their country during the First World War.  As the corrupt Mexican dictator Porfirio Díaz put it, “¡Pobre México!  ¡Tan lejos de Dios y tan cerca de los Estados Unidos!” (Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States!)  They therefore regard it as their revanchist duty to export as much narcocrime and as many of their lowest hominids as possible to los Estados Unidos.  The money-obsessed Jew and like-minded White race traitors are incapable of taking this strategy as a serious threat.

The U.S. government, thus, no longer has any purpose in the larger scheme of things.  It serves the interests of only a small circle of ultra-rich maniacs.  The American illuminati have never admitted the rudiments of racial biology, so why should they now accept the basics of petroleum geology?  It would violate the principles of the American Trauma to do so.

Of course, to accelerate the race to White genosuicide, it is necessary to popularize the ugly.  For beauty is actually a perceptual sense — the perception of life and its fullness.  Thus every ad and entertainment medium displays the grotesque faces of grinning chimeras, the results of White-chimpanzoid couplings, or gives prominence to the features of some other lower-life form.  It is the age of ugliness — the age of decay and death.

Concomitantly, it is the creeping fear that we will soon have to pay for our sins against evolution, that is behind the rising anger over gas prices.  Thus begins the Second Stage of the Dying Process.

May 2007

Genocide is the Answer

2007 May 20 (Sun):  The rulers of the White race are so obsessed with genosuicide that they cannot even imagine the utter ruin of all intelligent life on the planet.  To the illuminati, the disappearance, via mongrelization and childlessness, of Caucasoid man will usher in a future of wondrous harmony and intellectual progress for the remainder of humanity.

Of course, one must not introduce genetic facts into this picture, because that would be politically incorrect.  Equally improper would be mention of the Dark World’s vast population explosion and Whitewards migration.

The corporate elites who run the American bribeocracy love the idea of exporting all of U.S. information technology to rat-infested India, all of its heavy industry to psychotic China, and the rest of our economy to similar slum and prison nations around the world.  It’s economic “growth,” after all.

In sync with these elites, numerous taxpayer-supported “relief” organizations seek to relieve the pathologies of Mudland by importing its excess muds into Whiteland and to silence any objecting Whites by threatening them with job loss or accusations of being racist, xenophobic, anti-women, homophobic, etc., etc.  Whatever will work.  Along with these outfits, Judeo-Christian religious entities strive to eliminate national borders and pour the national treasury into the bottomless pit of Dark demand.

Serious border enforcement against invaders is sometimes rejected as being too expensive — maybe $1 billion a year  (Never mind the $2 billion/week the pro-Zionist illuminati are spending in Iraq.)  When the U.S. abandoned South Vietnam, the Russian and Chinese Communists did not abandon North Vietnam.  The North thus subsequently conquered the South and proved to the world that tenacity and manipulation of American domestic media were the way to defeat the U.S.  This is the trick now being used not merely to sap Whitey’s will to dominate Iraq, but also to provide de facto amnesty to a dozen million illegal parasites and invite countless millions more into Whitey’s lifeboat.  The racism card makes it all the easier today, since the slightest sign of White self-preservation can now be demonized instantly.

But as this game of greed and cancer accelerates, a small fly appears to be breeding in the ointment:  violent insurgencies and monopolistic takeovers by nations in oil-producing regions, complicated by ever more costly oil and gas infrastructure (the current assets are aging) and a deficit of new White entrants into the hydrocarbon energy field.  Even before the theoretical point of Peak Oil is reached, the supply of oil is being choked by Muslim fanatics in the Middle East, Chimpazoid pirates off the West African equatorial litoral, and by national governments elsewhere.

In Oil & Gas Journal of May 7, 2007, pp. 45ff., two Australian chemical-engineering academics, Steve Mohr and Geoffrey Evans of the University of Newcastle, published an article, “Mathematical model forecasts year conventional oil will peak.”  Their conclusions place that conventional-oil Peak at between 2012 and 2024, a little (but not much) further out than does the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO).  Most significantly, after pointing out that unconventional sources do exist and that various efforts are being undertaken to exploit them, their concluding sentence is, “however, supply disruption is unavoidable unless these sources are developed prior to the peak in conventional oil production.”  Which might be called an understatement.

The Empire’s bribeocracy was founded on the assumption of unlimited resources.  That assumption is now being proven false, and so its superstructure is nearing its end.  Historically, when resources decline but before they collapse altogether, a society becomes increasingly militarized in order to stave off the inevitable.  During the Saudi oil embargo against the West in 1974, the U.S. and Britain menaced Araby with military takeover unless its princelings resumed ejaculating oil in our direction.  That resumption quickly ensued.  Overwhelming military force is marvelously persuasive.

Today, however, the supply problems are much more difficult, widespread and sporadic.  Although it is possible to attack Iran and cause more havoc in the Persian Gulf, such an action would not alleviate the problem of oil’s rise in cost, but aggravate it.  Indeed, not only would the millions of Muslims in the Mideast offer themselves up as suicide bombers to destroy the local oil installations, but the millions already in America would almost certainly make a myth of American “homeland security.”  Nor can Afro-African insurgents be legislated into compliance with U.S. demand for oil.  Neither can the various other oil-producing nation states be compelled to offer their crude on the “open” (i.e., highest-price-wins) market to the detriment of their own populations.

What to do?

Simple.  First, remembering that the first casualty of war is always the truth, convince the media (under threat of shutdown) that we are fighting for truth, justice and the American Way (while we prepare to do away with all such inconveniences).  Support from the Ministry of Propaganda is critical.  Second, since the American neurosis will not permit us to invade problem area X and to either place its entire population into concentration camps, deport it to some nice place (e.g., the middle of the Sahara), or exterminate it, let the locals do it.

When the Ashkenazi-run Russian Communist society began to gather steam in earnest, Stalin quietly starved to death millions of Ukrainian peasants.  The U.S. Jewish newspapers somehow failed to publish the story.  Golly, gee whiz.  Another one of those unavoidable mistakes.  Let’s move on to some other topic.

Thus we see that genocide is quite possible, given the right kind of people in control of the media.

That is the solution to the problem posed by the Oil Peak.  The difficulty will take care of itself just so long as Whitey does not attempt to interfere and “save” the lower life forms from themselves.  The Khmer Rouge eliminated several million Cambodians in the 1970s.  Uganda instituted a population-reduction program of its own a decade or so later.  Today in Darfur, darkies are making sure other darkies don’t overtax the environment.  And if we would only let them, Iraqis would take care of Iraqis, with a little help from Saudi Arabia and the other Arabs on the one side, and from Iran on the other.  It would be a kind of Thirty Years’s War, only a lot faster.  In the end, the remaining population, if any, would be much reduced.

Thus the “bring-the-troops-home-now” crowd would have the right answer, if only they weren’t so disingenuous.  Unfortunately, what this whole Tweedledee group really wants to do is replace Tweedledum with itself.  Once the Iraqi massacres started in earnest, the seeming peaceniks would jump in with both military feet to “stop the bloodshed,” and the U.S. would be in an even worse position, having given both warring sides the respite they needed to arm themselves to the teeth.  And, of course, the bleeding hearts would demand that Whitey import all Arabs into Whiteland immediately.  After all, the White U.S. taxpayer has an infinite amount of money.

As just our luck would have it, this is no longer the Vietnam war.  A major intensification of the conflict in oil’s Persian-Gulf “golden triangle” would bid fair to destroy the entire world economy.  A trivial matter of no concern to either of the Tweedle twins.

El Sueño Americano

2007 May 6 (Sun):  Both the libbies and the connies are all aflutter about the recent large “manifestaciones” (demonstrations) in American cities by vast hordes of aliens from Spicland and other points south.  The libs issue proclamations about “human rights,” “compassion” and “amnesty,” while the conservatives (i.e., cheap-labor advocates) moan about the need for slaves who will “do work Americans (i.e., erstwhile slaves) don’t want to do” (now that Whitey is giving them free welfare).  The (mainly Christian, with some Jewish) religious establishments wail about “our” need to provide the American Dream to all of the brethren.  Meanwhile Spic graffiti spreads to every blank wall available in formerly White America.  As the cultural relativists would say, “It’s their culture!”  Indeed it is.  Open the floodgates to the world’s sewage.

All this, while another bunch of “concerned” types worries about global warming, and a very small percentage of observers notices that Peak Oil, if it has not already arrived, is soon to come.

There is far too much cognitive dissonance in Whiteland to recognize that the American Dream takes a lot of oil.  Or that providing this hallucination to every darkie and mud who wants it would take much more of the liquid.  An order of magnitude more.  Or that the convergence of Peak Oil and rampant illegal immigration plus the ThirdWorld population explosion means certain planetary death.

That death will be speeded by the minor fact that most of the ThirdWorlders now streaming into the White Man’s countries have no concept of European-like law and order, which they regard as racist impositions inhibiting their freedom to commit crime and trash civilization.

But while all of the American “conservative” greed and “liberal” self-flagellation float atop a lake of oil, events elsewhere are beginning to drain the lake.  Chevron oil stopped all operations in Nigeria on 2007 May 2 after a bunch of your standard savages murdered a Nigerian sailor and kidnapped six foreign oil workers.  Two days later another twelve oil workers in the region were kidnapped.  The hopelessly corrupt, chimpanzoid “government” is powerless to stop the mayhem.  Needless to say, the lawlessness of the region is having a serious effect on the supply of global oil.  An added bonus:  Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela acquires more power with each new such attack by the Afro-Africans.  The Spic anti-gringos arrogated to themselves majority shares of all of the international oil-company assets in their country.  Another case of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.  The goose-killers claim they will be able to get technology to turn their Orinoco tar into black gold by going to the Chinks and the Indian Wogs.  That is highly unlikely, since only Whitey has the truly high technology which would be needed to do the trick.  The coloreds, for all their slave labor and even a few high-IQ types, simply don’t have the ability.  When the White man leaves, he takes his creativity with him.

The White Man’s death wish is probably nowhere so evident as in Iraq.  The U.S. President keeps saying that, since we carpet-bombed and nuked the Germans and Japanese into becoming obedient vassals (“democracies”), the Iraqis should follow suit.  Genetic differences are impossible, as far as the illuminati are concerned.  Arabs are the same as Swedes or Koreans, according to Enlightenment doctrine, Islam the same as Protestantism or Catholicism.  So why aren’t the brownies willing to play along?  Presumably because we haven’t sacrificed the lives of enough White American soldiers in the Middle Eastern cauldron.  We have to try harder.

In another corner of the Asylum, the practice of smoke-&-mirrors has metastasized to the financial markets in a big way.  Wall Street types (largely Ashkenazim, illuminati and other anti-Whites) have devised means of turning promises (shaky debt, especially from “subprime” mortgage loans) and stockmarket-acceleration wishdreams (derivatives) into money trees for themselves.  They have manufactured enormous amounts of e-cash consisting only of electronic pulses and inflated expectations, which have then been palmed off on the Asiatics through tortuous channels as having some kind of real worth.  The entire skein of fabrications is starting to come unravelled, and no one knows where the unravelling will end.  Some gnomes are beginning to talk about an economic depression.  But since the economy is kept afloat by “confidence” (i.e., not by real value of any type), the overlords must suppress any talk about facts and sing songs of happy days to the multitudes.

Yes, the Olduvan night is coming, admit the magnates secretly to themselves.  No matter.  They will have enough electricity to keep their retirements ablaze with light until they after have cashed out.

April 2007

Gravitas, Qualitas & Quantitas

2007 Apr 28 (Sat):  On Wednesday, 2007 Apr 25, the Prez and his Missuz got down and dirty with a bunch of costumed jiving Chimpanzoids from Groidland, dancing with them in the White House Rose Garden.  Shaking his booty with the Kankouran West African dance troupe was obviously much more to King George’s liking than having to act seriously to help members of his own race.  Yessiree!  Them Blackies got rhythm!

Bush & soul mates
Presidential Anti-Gravitas

Not to be outdone, the Democrats and their media friends are currently hyping a make-believe presidential-campaign contest between Groid boy Barack Obama and front-running banshee Hillary Clinton.  The latter is the perfect choice for America.  It would be a serious understatement to say the Clinton wifey lacks gravitasau contraire, her stridency makes her the ultimate example of human levitation.

Meanwhile, various shills for the mongrelizing Enlightenment regimes of Whiteland assure everyone that oil is plentiful.  Enough for a million years of economic growth and helping Groids spread their genes.  Or at least for another 200 years.  Or maybe long enough so that Peak Oil won’t happen until 2040, and even then it won’t be a peak but a gentle plateau.  At least enough time to muddy the White race utterly and terminate evolution.

Indeed, looking at the large petro-numbers the anti-Peakers adduce, it would seem that the black gold is limitless.  So why, then, is the U.S. government so worried about oil supplies that it is becoming suspicious of China for buying too much of them, Russia for not providing enough, and Venezuela for threatening to cut off its exports to us, to say nothing of obsessing about Persian Gulf countries?

Pace the shills, the “oil” whose abundance they allege is not the needed kind.  Only oil that is, firstly, of the right kind and, secondly, cheap, will do.  More and more, oil coming from Saudi Arabia and elsewhere is found to be insufficiently “pressure-cooked” by geologic processes or is too inconveniently located to meet these criteria fully.  Matt Simmons, the Paul Revere of the Peak-Oil warning community, speaks of “brine stained with oil” oozing out of Mohammedanland.  Others have pointed out that many U.S. refineries cannot process the heavy and sulfurous crudes increasingly displacing the light, sweet stuff we have been used to.  No matter which way one turns, one finds cost being added upon cost.

U.S. state legislatures are making menacing noises about investigating oil companies for rising gasoline prices.  And in the Congress, a Democrat Representative from Michigan, Mr. Bart Stupak, is sponsoring a nationwide law to make “price gouging” (read:  higher gas prices) by oil companies illegal.  Stupak the Stupid clearly prefers to imagine his proposal can stop Peak Oil.  After all, noisy gestures are much easier than accepting reality — the reality, that is, that an ever more complex concurrence of natural, technical, infrastructural, personnel, demographic and political-military factors is finally bringing the Oil Age to an end.

Hard on the heels of the oil dearth is the increasing lack of natural gas.  Right now 25% of U.S. gas comes from outside the country, most of it from Canadian resources declining while American demand grows (David Wood, “US gas supply security requires source diversity,” Oil & Gas Journal, April 16, 2007, pp. 57ff.).  The Not-In-My-Back-Yard (“NIMBY”) mindset prevents the construction of import terminals for liquid natural gas (LNG) in many places, as the JewishAmerican-Princess syndrome spreads to the general populace.  Of course, since the cost of natural gas is hidden in electricity generation, residential heating, agriculture, and industrial chemistry, its ominous rise is not as readily apparent as that of gasoline at the pump.  Facts are hard things to change, however, and the governmental princelings will be forced to diversify and to increase the country’s sources of LNG at great expense, reducing welfare programs, whether they like it or not.  To boot, many such sources, like those of oil, lie in politically precarious regions.

Careful inspection of details such as these reveals the devil in them.  Despite the wish-dreamers, the science-fiction enthusiasts, and all the Ashkenazi mythmakers, the noose is tightening around the neck of ZOG.  From an evolutionary perspective, the U.S. government has little reason for existence left today.  Likewise, its toady, the anti-White snobocracy of that snotty little island northwest of Europe, the UK, now stands exposed as the planetary criminal it has long been.  Given but a few more years, and the illuminati who like to preen themselves as being the “last best hope of mankind” will know what it means to be trapped powerless in the karmic talons of history.


2007 Apr 23 (Mon):  Diversity is so much fun.  After resident alien Seung-Hui Cho (or, if you prefer, Cho Seung-Hui), engaged in a possibly drug-precipitated rampage against Whites so blind that he even killed a Wog and a “holocaust survivor,” the media, in its typical fashion, asked “why?” and pretended not to know.  One must never, of course, answer that question honestly, lest the absurdity of Enlightenment ideology be made manifest.  The response of the illuminati will of course be that “the (White man’s) system failed him.”  The mongrelizers have already held a “memorial service” with 31 stones for most of the dead, including the Gook killer, at which the talk was about ending “all forms of prejudice” (but nothing about mass murders by non-Whites).  So drown yourself in more muds, Whitey.  Then everyone will be equal.  As in the cemetery.

Of course, even many of those who can see Peak Oil coming are looking forward to the massive race-mixing they think it will entail.  A recent article by one Perry Arnett (“Peak Oil, Total Collapse, and the Road to the Olduvai”) announces that the fittest to survive will be those with “mongrel genes” and asserts that such mongrels possess “hardiness to disease, and ruggedness of constitution.”  Yes.  That is why Whitey is spending so much money trying to find a cure for all of the AIDS those disease-hardy Negroes have.  And the tuberculosis of all of those nice importees from Southeast Asia.  What a surprise it would be if Whitey actually woke up and decided to survive after Peak Oil arrives!

As the world moves ever closer to the oil precipice, the true nature of ZOG is becoming clearer and clearer.  The nation’s wealth is being poured down a gory rathole in the Middle East in order to save Yidland, keep the oil flowing for a few more minutes, and preserve American global dominance so that genosuicidal billionaires can feel like gods.  The masses are manipulated with verbal vacuoles about “freedom” and “democracy” (for all the coloreds, that is, not for Whites).

More and more news emerges by the day revealing the oily realities obscured by Arab mendacity.  It now appears that Saudi Arabia may have only have half the oil left (~175 Gb) it claims to have, and that by 2020 the amounts it will be exporting will be negligible.  Meanwhile, Sand Negroes from oil-rich desert countries are invading Europe's welfare systems in vast numbers, while Whitey wallows in guilt neuroses and shrinks in numbers.  The Ashkenazi Jews, a type of Frankenstein's monster created by medieval Europe to generate money for rulers, are ecstatic.  They have won their long war against European man.

Almost no one understands Joseph Tainter’s revelation that a civilization (like the West) consists of complexity.  Wherever one turns in the debate on Peak Oil, one find simplistic “solutions” proffered:  ethanol, lots of bikes, “victory” gardens in people’s backyards (as in World War II, when all good race traitors were fighting the nasty Nazis), lots of people refraining from buying the gasoline of a given oil company on a certain day, getting all together and fighting White racism, etc., etc., — whatever happens to be on the TV or the internet at the moment.  Little understanding there is of the vast magnitude of the problem and the current precariousness of the existence of the U.S.  In effect, America must expand its control to the entire earth merely to continue its own being.  “Freedom” and “democracy” have little to do with survival, although they make good propaganda.

The planet already has such a thin cushion between supply and demand that their tracking curves have become nearly the same.  Famously cheap American gasoline is slowly edging higher and higher in price.  Corrupt chimpanzoids in Negroland whisk countless billions of petrodollars out of sight in the twinkling of an eye, while oil companies drilling offshore in African waters are terrorized by gorilla guerillas. A cartoon character in Venezuela expropriates international oil companies and nationalizes his country’s petroleum assets, making U.S. oil imports from his country less secure.  Russian energy becomes more questionable by the day.  We will not even speak about Iraq.  Whole industries disappear from North America and rematerialize in Sinicized form far across the Pacific.  China’s demand for oil, while still far less than America’s, is growing apace and threatening to diminish America’s supersized slice of the pie.  The housing market, destroyed by a massive infestation of mortage parasites, collapses before our very eyes.  And yet few notice.

Technology, that deus ex machina, will allegedly save us.  Just how, nobody seems to know.  Nor does one need to know.  For this is a faith, like holocaust faith or tooth fairy faith.  Doubt it, and you are an outcast.

But not even the Chosenites can overcome the proliferating decay of Western profitability.  Indeed, they and the illuminati accelerate our society’s putrefaction with their oxymoronic mantra of “sustainable development.”  Serious conservation is a no-no.  (“It would hurt the economy.”)  The elites refuse to recognize that America has blown through almost its entire onshore endowment of petroleum (and much of its gas) in a mere century and a half.  Or that politician-bribing “market discipline” is heading the economy toward serfdom.  Or that the mass importation of cheap but criminal, diseased and culturally deficient — to say nothing of physically hideous — aliens may have something to do with the dysgenic demographic catastrophe now in the offing.  Instead, as the financial rags tell us, everything is “progress.”  Even as growing demands everywhere eat away at the marginal returns of the mighty U.S. economy, the beat goes on.  The muffled beat emanating from the steady tramp to Olduvai Gorge.

Approaching the Precipice

2007 Apr 8 (Sun):  Consider the U.S.  In the last century it has become more “efficient” with:

  • massive computerization;

  • reduced labor costs using slaves (~5% of the entire workforce) that do work not even Negroes (not even Negroes!) will do;

  • just-in-time, “warehouse-on-wheels” retailing;

  • estrogen poisoning of food animals to speed the birth-to-market process;

  • intensive and incessant reorganization of every sort;

  • establishment and domination of multinational trade agreements of vast scope.

  • military destruction and subjugation of its main European and Asian competitors in two world wars;

  • military superiority over all other nations, with the implicit threat to them implied by that predominance;

  • global use of American currency as the de facto “reserve” currency of the world, providing the U.S. economy with a major benefit in international trade relations;

  • etc., etc., etc.

Yet even with all of this, the U.S. is today on the brink of collapse.  It can no longer compete with the low wages of the servile masses in the Third World.  The bloated narcissism and lassitude of the TV-hypnotized multitudes thwart all hope of true political reform of the anti-White, genosuicidal drift of the nation.  Simultaneously, Democratic demagoguery and Republican manipulation of symbols obscure the facts of oil-dependent life.  Simplistic visions of fairy-tale futures ensure that the national grave will be all the deeper.

The mud-loving Ashkenazim and illuminati who dominate Disneyland hallucinate a future of fun-loving mongrels enjoying a permanently growing economy and imprisoning every true White on the planet.  Little do they understand the iron grip of history.  Only a few more years now remain before they, along with the unsuspecting masses, are thrust mercilessly into the void of the resource exhaustion they insisted was impossible.

According to a new thesis by Swedish doctoral candidate Fredrik Robelius, global Peak will occur in 2018 in the best case scenario and 2008 in the worst.  The “best” case assumes that the Iraqis will tomorrow all sit down together in a love fest and become honest, Caucasian-like democrats.  Based on a thorough analysis of the world’s “giant” fields (with ultimate production > .5 gigabarrels), which account for 60% of all production, Mr. Robelius concludes the average post-peak yearly decline rate lies between 6% and 16%.  For those who do not know, that rate is precipitous.

The Democrat party is now trying to pry a Vietnam-style retreat from Iraq, regardless of the consequences.  To boot, it is now even possible the Democrats will get their wish.  World civilization, of course, would thereupon come to an immediate halt as the entire Mid-East exploded in oil-stopping war.  The U.S., which is already straining to supply itself with petroleum, would implode, much to the shock and awe of the Democrats.

Suddenly, no more handouts for Negroes.  No more freebies for criminal aliens.  No more lavish grants to law firms to attack White separatists.  Instant mortgage market collapse as job markets wither and die.  Tsunamis of muds from everywhere.  The Great Depression back for good.

Gee whiz.  How did it all happen?

Slouching toward Iran

2007 Apr 1 (Sun):  Unbeknownst to the vast majority of the driving public, the international oil markets are currently in a state of high anxiety.  The most recent case of the jitters started on Wednesday, 2007 March 28, due to a false rumor of US-Iranian military conflict.  Two days later, Iran’s cute TV display of 15 captured British sailors in Iraqi waters, followed by impotent British complaints about it, pushed global daily prices to $66.

Meanwhile, the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier and its task force (including four destroyers and one cruiser, all with guided missiles) are scheduled to depart San Diego for those same turbid waters on Monday, April 2, supposedly to “relieve the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.”  For at least a short time, that will put three major naval task forces in the same place, just off of Iran.  (All of this, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who knows nothing of verbal feminine hygiene, is demanding a pullout of U.S. forces from the area.)  Now, the purpose of an aircraft carrier is to carry aircraft.  It is unlikely that the American high brass are thinking of merely putting on an air show with such expensive tools.  Before the spring is over, quite possibly there will be a lot more parking space in Iran.

The oil markets reflect this growing military tension.  It comes at a bad time for the most vulnerable industries (e.g., major airlines), which are already living on borrowed time and will be the first to enjoy bankruptcy if the Iraq war expands.  A subsequent worldwide economic collapse cannot be ruled out if things get out of hand.

The masses are blissfully unaware of all this and cannot be made aware because they prefer to slumber, dreaming the American “dream.”  The media hullabaloo about the proper estimate of human involvement in global warming has also diverted attention from energy depletion.  As a recent U.S. General Accounting Office report made clear, the United States is utterly unprepared for Peak Oil.  More importantly, America cannot even be made ready because it does not want to stop living la dolce vita, and the illuminati are enjoying slow-motion genosuicide too much.  Contrary to classic economic theory, even the fairly rapid doubling of gasoline prices has done almost nothing to dampen demand for the liquid gold.  This shows just how inelastic that demand is.  Translation:  without oil ZOG cannot exist.

In short, Disneyland is almost at the end of its rope, and the alarmed elites at the top have decided to do what is geopolitically necessary to maintain their grip on world power.  Democracy was useful while it lasted, but that day is now over.  The West needs oil the way a man needs air:  the alternative is death.  The Iranian muddies seem not to understand that they are facing an increasingly desperate Empire.  And the Coombayah-singers in the West fantasize that if they stir up enough negative media attention, they will deter the principate from meddling in Persia for the umpteenth time.  Alas, since the Iranian leadership has not only sought nuclear capabilities but has (gasp!) denied the “Holocaust,” the future does not look especially bright for that country.

The average Yankee citizen cannot grasp the fact that any American attack on Iranian soil will instantly send the price of a barrel of oil spaceward.  Or that we lack the leisure (not to mention money) to invent and implement various science-fictional substitutes for oil.  The magnitude and complexity of the problem vastly exceed any combination of “solutions.”  The reality is obvious:  cheap energy and Caucasian ingenuity have turned White lands everywhere into magnets for the world’s Groids and muds.  Any new, emergent process or invention which offered hope for escape from post-Peak desitution would quickly become overwhelmed by criminals, mongrels, muds and darkies from everywhere.

Now that we are about to return to the traditional state of human history, the ZOGgist Enlightenment and all of its freebies will be going away amidst considerable unpleasantness.  Mother Nature will be reasserting her own priorities.  Bye-bye, illuminati.

March 2007

Not Only Oil

2007 Mar 25 (Sun):  The U.S. is acting like a nation on drugs.  National legislators know, or affect to know, virtually nothing about science and natural history, including evolution.  Their decisions are based strictly on how much lobbyist money goes into their pockets and their election campaigns.  The result:  a crisis-driven system, utterly incapable of dealing with the largest crisis of all time:  Peak Energy.

The “give–the–muds–all–they–want” ideology is about to run head on into the lack of energy.  Thereafter Whitey will discover that his compassion resources will have been stretched beyond the snapping point.  Only the gated-community liberals will be able to maintain their Enlightenment fantasies of universal hominid equality.

The anti-racism frenzy has reached such heights that no one can overcome the genosuicidal wave at the moment.  Only the sudden exhaustion of oil, then gas, coal and uranium, will make it clear that death — physical death — is the fruit of the illuminati’s Universal Love and Global Compassion.

That death is not going to be long in coming.  It now looks as though Peak Oil is going to be followed rapidly by two more global peaks of equally devastating import:  one for coal and one for uranium, both in the period 2020-2035.  In brief, the following graphs of these resources tell the story:

Peak Coal

Peak Uranium

The Uranium situation is explained in “Uranium Resources and Nuclear Energy,” a background paper (December 2006) prepared by the Energy Watch Group, a collegium of independent German scientists and experts who investigate sustainable concepts for global energy supply.

The new conclusions about the coming coal peak are laid out in a thorough article by American ecologist Richard Heinberg, who has derived much of his information from an April 2007 draft, “Coal:  Resources and Future Production,” by the same Energy Watch Group.  Heinberg will soon compare this preliminary paper with a similar study now being undertaken by Dutch researchers.

Thus all energy signals are flashing red, while the Disneylandish American political system continues to obsess over whether to give amnesty to an estimated twelve million criminal aliens already in our midst or to simply allow Mexico to annex us without further ado.  Europe, meanwhile, is importing unlimited numbers of maniac Muslims to serve as undertakers for Western civilization.  Antiracism is all the rage, and the Ashkenazi holocaust celebrants are having a field day watching the host body which produced them die.

Assuming the findings illustrated by the above graphs are essentially correct, by 2035 the world is going to be one large failed state, with war as its main activity.  No longer will Enlightenmentland be able to pretend it is for “freedom” as it eats its own children openly for all to see.  Western Europe outside of Ireland and Norway will have become a new caliphate under Mohammedan law, and the U.S., if not completely conquered economically or militarily by China, will be one large Mexican narcotrafficking and slave market.

The Jew and the illuminatus will have won.

Between Two Peaks

2007 Mar 17 (Sat):  The evolution of Homo sapiens is about to reach its crescendo.

As a result of the most recent research on the Ghawar by Stuart Staniford (see below, 2007 Mar 6 [Tue]) as well as the extensive and penetrating research of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) of Ireland under Dr. Colin Campbell, we now know that the world has passed the first of two species-limiting events.  The first one is the point of maximum daily production of “conventional” oil:  namely, the energy-rich, easy-to-get, highest-quality, and, above all, cheap oil.  Peak #1 was surmounted in 2005, more or less as oil guru Ken Deffeyes had predicted.

The world has not yet recognized this ominous milestone, mainly because there is still a lot of gas in the tank and oil in storage.  Moreover, the wondrously complicated system of technology, geopolitics and international finance ensures a lot of slack in the pipeline.  This obscures the dropoff in input at the source, to the relief of most politicians.

The planet is now plodding mindlessly onwards toward the other Peak, a climax to be reached about 2011, according to ASPO.  This will be the zenith of all liquid hydrocarbon production, when the Enlightenment fantasy of the West finally hits the wall.

At this particular moment (the end of winter, 2007) the world’s biggest high-technology company, Microsoft, is busy advertizing a new computer operating system called “Vista.”  In one show-and-tell demonstration held recently in the company’s home state of Washington, a Microsoft luminary mentioned that, within the next five years (i.e., by 2012), sixty percent (60%) of American federal workers would reach retirement age, and that it would be impossible to replace them all;  hence, according to him, the need for new technology like Vista, etc., etc.

The official went on to speak of his meetings with his company’s founder, Bill Gates, the world’s richest man, and the latter’s concern for world poverty (translation:  Negroes and muds need more handouts of all kinds from Whites).  In the subsequent Q & A session, he was finally asked what Bill thought about Peak Oil and its aftermath.

The answer was illuminating.  Bill was concerned (all billionaires are, of course) about the impending energy shortfall and had expressed the belief that some new, unspecified source(s) of energy would have to be found.  The speaker illustrated the alternative with a depiction of that shining example of Negroid civilization, Haiti, the “Easter Island” of the modern era.  Mr. Gates, he said, had expressed the view that something would “have” to be found to save the world from such a predicament.

This little vignette demonstrates the utter vacuity of thought of the world’s richest man (and, by extension, of his powerful peers) on the subject of the life or death of the White race and White civilization — the only worthwhile kind.  “Somehow,” “something” has got to be found to save us so that we can save the darkies.  How enlightening.

Pace Bill Billionaire Gates, post Peak #2, Americans will be faced with a pillaged national treasury, depleting oil and manufacturing resources, an infantile, muddied population and increasingly fierce global competition.  A calcified U.S. plutocracy will then turn to all manner of diabolical legalities to cannibalize the remaining wealth of White America and its European vassal states (perhaps starting with the one flying the “butcher’s apron” as its flag:  the maniacally anti-White UK).  Termination of evolution will be its final gift to the planet.

As has been repeatedly expressed in this blog, the underlying thrust of the universe — with all due respect to the “hapharzadist” views of the scientific naturalists who imagine that the cosmos is purposeless — is, in contrast to Nietzsche’s will to power (der Wille zur Macht), the will to knowledge (der Wille zum Wissen).  Suffering and pain are the direct experience of this cosmic Will in its most urgent form.  And they are now going to be the lot of our species and our race, which has deliberately refused to recognize its true existential mission.

Arabian Peak

2007 Mar 6 (Tue):  When political types (the ones with an unslakeable thirst for Jewish semen) talk about the challenges of Peak Oil, they typically mention “solutions” which will not require any lifestyle changes for the masses whose erstwhile culture is fast disintegrating due to rampant illegal and legal immigration.  .  peculiar thing about these solutions is that they typically address only the transportation portion of oil consumption.  Usually left out of the equation are all of the non-transportation uses of oil, in particular those of the chemical and agricultural sectors.  The mirage of “energy independence” using ethanol, etc., holds no hope for these sectors, and the rising price of petroleum will simply deflate them.

With each month’s passage, the geopolitical and geoeconomic signs become more and more surreal.  ZOG now intends to seed Poland and the Czech Republic with ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems, allegedly to prevent Iran from hurling missiles into NATO countries — a pretext probably invented in Semite-rich Hollywood.  The real reason for these “defense” systems is to persuade Russia to use its oil riches “fairly” — i.e., to avoid using them for political gain to the detriment of the Empire, and also to castrate Russia in case it gets any funny ideas about limiting Yankee hegemony.  Strangely, the Russians do not feel comfy with new weaponry of this type on their borders.

Joseph Tainter writes (The Collapse of Complex Societies, Cambridge:  Cambridge U. Pr., 1988, p. 214.), “Collapse, if and when it comes again, will this time be global.  No longer can any individual nation collapse.  World civilization will disintegrate as a whole.  Competitors who evolve as peers collapse in like manner.”  A foretaste of this oncoming, globally interconnected disintegration was delivered by the international stock market shock of Tuesday, 2007 February 27.  On that day, 9% of the China Shanghai Composite Index evaporated due to Chinese moves to stop speculation, and the stock markets of the world reeled in synchrony with it.  As a system begins to reach the heaviest load that it can support, it begins to “totter.”  That is what the world financial system did on that day and the few days following.  Moreover, the U.S. housing bust has deflated what little cushion there was left.  All of this is a simply demonstration of the fact that we are nearing the brink.

Then there is the news from the oil side:  on 2007 March 2, an article by Stuart Staniford appeared on The Oil Drum site under the title, “Saudi Arabian oil declines 8% in 2006.”  With supporting figures, graphs, and reasoning, Mr. Staniford comes to the conclusion that

  • The world’s biggest gas station, Saudi Arabia, has now peaked and is declining.

  • As with depletion elsewhere where highly efficient horizontal drilling has been used (e.g., the North Sea), the kingdom’s first post-peak year (2006) shows a very high decline rate — ca. 8%.

  • A slowing of this plunge in production is improbable;  in fact, given the voracious pumping by 55 drilling rigs, it may even speed up.

  • The predictions of Matt Simmons, who first warned about Araby's imminent peak as early as December 2003 and published his detailed findings in mid 2005 in Twilight in the Desert, appear to be coming true.

While the United States sends yet more troops to the Middle East to wage war for American “values” (i.e., world negrification under Zionist control), the oil-based infrastructure beneath the Empire’s feet is crumbling.  The economic and energy foundations of this imperial block to biological evolution are giving way.  Only narcotrafficking, boondoggles, imported slavery and the sales of play money to Asiatics are left to provide the Ashkenazim and plutocrats with golden retirements.  The rest of the population will be left with the satisfaction that, despite their own impoverishment, they will have helped the Chosenites enter the Promised Land of big bucks.

February 2007

Slow Submergence

2007 Feb 23 (Fri):  The Heebs invented the practice of transferring alleged guilt of deceased parties onto living people with their Holocaust scam.  This lucrative practice was then imitated by American politicians who blamed pre-Civil-War slavery on current generations of Whites following the so-called “civil rights revolution” of the 1960s.  It soon became habitual for all liberal vultures to invent ever more “moral responsibilities” for Whites in order to destroy Whiteland altogether.  The currently fashionable “ethical obligation” is to import hundreds of thousands of African Chimpanzoids and Middle Eastern Sand Negroes into American neighborhoods and support them with taxpayer dollars.  (Iraqis are next.)  The Big Biz slave traders meanwhile pay off members of Congress to ignore the Spic tidal wave inundating the country, overfilling our prisons and bringing our medical and other social services to the brink of collapse, as comfortable elites assert that the White man has a “duty” to take care of the (sniffle) poor.

American Christians, intellectually vacuous children who demand constant, goyim-sedating, neuron-numbing entertainment, swallow all of these guilt-droppings hypnotically.  The political powerholders make sure that nothing of substance is ever discussed in the runups to U.S. “elections”;  discussions about trivialities such as personalities, racial diversity, political style or the degree of adoration of Israel predominate.  But all truly important matter is carefully hidden from view.

It is thus that a small number of plutocratic megalomaniacs and Ashkenazim are leading the Empire into the quicksand of history.  Incapable of recognizing that Sand Negroes are genetically different in behavior from Whites, America has now entrapped itself in the oil whirlpool of the Levant.  Not satisfied with that, ZOG is rattling its saber at Iran.  Of course, if it actually carries out the threat of attack on Persia, or gets Yidland to do it, the Melting Potty will be shooting itself not in the foot but in the head.  One can only wonder what will happen to the Potty’s contents then.

Slowly, slowly, the price of crude oil is creeping back up.  The Brits, who find that killing a few Ragheads is not as much fun as murdering millions of White Germans, are beginning to sneak out of Iraq with their tails between their legs — to the victory shouts of militant Muslims.  In the western hemisphere, Mexico is on the brink of slow-motion collapse, with Cantarell’s output now dwindling and the U.S. buying up much of the Mexican corn crop to produce ethanol.  By the end of next year no Pemex oil will be left to ship Gringoland-wards.  Without income from oil sales, the Latinos will have to export to us yet more of Spicland’s other main crops:  drugs and illegal aliens.  The narcotics will help the masses swallow the psy-ops from ZOG’s Ministry of Propaganda all the more easily.  All this, of course, will be welcomed with glee by the illuminati.

In spite of its role in increasing the mud flood, the U.S. ethanol boondoggle proceeds full speed ahead.  Short term greed trumps all caution in a “democracy.”  Meanwhile, heavy oil, coalbed methane, oil sands, and shale oil are all that remain on the oil front — and all very costly.  “Tight gas,” locked in hard-to-exploit formations, is equally expensive.  Extraction of such resources, no matter how abundant, overtaxes the ability of current technology and skilled personnel to make them available to 6.5 billion people in time to avert global impoverishment.  The denial factor will make it even harder to adjust to the new age.

The entire corpus of the U.S. is becoming ever more rickety.  Whether due to resource scarcity, failing infrastructure or vulnerability to natural or manmade disaster, the Empire is reaching the point of no return.  The Enlightenment does not have long to go.

Attack of the Lilliputians

2007 Feb 13 (Tue):  America likes to think of itself as the righteous David who, with the backing of Yahweh, slays Goliath.

Of course, having slain that nemesis of Jewry, Adolf the Great, America has now become Goliath.  The masses and their government, much like the Senate and People of Rome before them, are convinced that it has authorization from on high (the Semitic god, in our case) to rape not only Central Europe, but the world as a whole.  Given their prepotent economic and military might, they have done a pretty effective job at that.

As it turns out, there are some problems with implementing America’s plan for making the world one big Melting Potty run by the small Melting Potty.  There appears to be some foot dragging in a few quarters.  Also, nature is not cooperating.

Iraq has become a mental institution and is not turning out well.  Russia (now becoming more uppity) does not seem to be willing to squander its natural energy resources to help the U.S. maintain its hegemony.  Nor is China cooperating in letting the enlightened Yankees exploit African oil for themselves alone.  Not even India is tightening its belt so that we can continue our cushy miscegenationist lifestyle.  Never mind Latin America.

Nature has now become so thoughtless as to have allowed the peaking and rapid decline of the world’s four largest oilfields (North Sea, Mexico’s Cantarell, China’s Daqing, and Arabia’s Ghawar).  (What is she thinking?)  Natural gas supply is increasingly encumbered with a thousand difficulties in exploration, development, and transportation.

The mongrelizing CEOs of America have in recent decades reinstituted slavery on a nationwide scale in order to increase their own salaries and eliminate White workers.  However, even this is not enough.  With Walmart, the world’s largest retail business, in the lead, they are demanding governmental “universal health care” and pension plans so that they can transfer employees’ health insurance and pension costs onto taxpayers.  In other words, the economic framework of the United States is disintegrating rapidly.  Most of the industrial base was shipped abroad decades ago.  Funny accounting operations and debt buildup keep us on life support.  Given the task of paying twentieth-century employee salaries, globalizing CEOs are no longer able to compete globally.

Despite all of the fancy computerization, the high-tech complexification, the “innovative” thinking in management and organization, despite all of the “just-in-time” and “warehouses-on-wheels” efficiency, the international free trade agreements, the incessant corporate restructurings, mergers and divestitures, etc. and other creativity which enhance CEOs’ compensation (aka “the economy”), we are experiencing the relentlessly diminishing marginal returns which Tainter predicted.

Virtually all of the largest American corporations are in fact international in scope and merely headquartered in the U.S.  Together with the Chosen, they manipulate and sedate the lower masses through the media, especially TV and its inanities.  Thus the radio talk shows pretend to rail against “liberalism” while wholeheartedly espousing racial miscegenation, the core of all liberalism.  Negresses are paraded on TV as distillates of wisdom for White women;  mentally disturbed sports fanatics are displayed as models for White male behavior.  Cosmetic obeisance is paid to meaningless terms such as “family values” or “shared values,” even though the only real value is monetary:  the destruction of White genetics for political and economic gain.

Then we have the fact that careful attention to Heeb paranoia is a prerequisite for political office in America.  On 2007 February 13, for instance, Willard Mitt Romney, recent Governor of Massachusetts, announced his candidacy for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.  Without any further ado, the National Jewish Democratic Council let out a howl about Romney’s choosing that particular site for his announcement, since Henry Ford is one of the many individuals Jews love to hate.  After all, everyone is supposed to know all about everything and everybody the Ashkenazim don’t like.  This proves that Romney must be an anti-Semite and is thereby automatically barred from the U.S. Presidency.  Given Yid control of the media, Romney has thus been destroyed while still on the runway.  Realities such as these make it impossible for any decent, independent man to become U.S. President or for the country to avoid the coming disasters.

Of the few people aware of the realities and probable consequences of Peak Oil, most are leftists (including the usual quota of Ashenazim) obsessed with the question of how they can maintain the Melting Potty long enough to drown the White race in mud.  Their unspoken assumption is that they must find ways to replace all of the Groids, muds, mulattoes and other semi-humans in the prisons with White separatists.  The best way to deal with such “Progressives,” of course, is to ignore them altogether, starting now.  One needs to maintain the same attitude of indifference toward liberal “solutions” as toward imperial propaganda.

Merrye olde England may begin to enter recession as early as this coming fall.  The UK has strained to the extreme the economic and other resources provided by North Sea oil in order to import millions of Third Worlders.  Now, in spite of a shrinking economy, all of these muds will be demanding continuation of the lavish, White-provided benefits they have become accustomed to.  After all, it’s the White man’s burden.

It is the Enlightenment fantasy of the equality of all hominids that is driving the White man’s denial of evolution and genetics.  This self-delusion is the starting point of the rush toward the cliff.  Thence also the pseudo-moralist Marxist palaver about crime’s “root causes” being limited to economics.  Nary a word about genetically determined IQ levels or Chimpanzoid irrationality.  The truth might shock people, not to say reduce CEO income or even change the political system.

Collapse is so much easier.

The Dog that Didn’t Bark

2007 Feb 2 (Fri):  Politicians throughout the Western world are by now all thoroughly instructed in the facts of Peak Oil.  The question thus arises as to why so few of them ever mention it at all, let alone propose serious resolutions of the problem.  Why the ostrich-like behavior?  Why the imitations of Alice in Wonderland?  Or the diversionary obsession with global warming?  Why the “golly-gee-whiz-I-didn’t-know” masquerades, the assurances that this or that silver bullet will save us?  Or that some evil oil executives or oil-rich countries just want to dominate the world?  In short, why the fanatical flight from the truth?

In the depths of their souls, all of these pied pipers know what is coming:  genocide on a scale not even the Jews could fabricate.  They know that there are already simply far too many warm bodies in the lifeboat, and that most of them are going to have to be jettisoned.

The genosuicidists with their affirmative action, sensitivity training, equal opportunity laws, anti-fascist legislation, etc., have been trying long and hard to subvert the Aryan will to live and replace Whites with mixies and darkies of all sorts — in short, to bring biological evolution to an end.  But not even the total disappearance of the 15% of humanity that is White will prevent the melée to come.  In fact, the submergence of Caucasians will aggravate it, since only they have any minimal sense of proportion in war.  After, e.g., the Red Chinese enter the fray, there will be nothing left.  Europe, America and the other outposts of suicidal Whiteland will be little more than feeding troughs for the anthropoid apes fighting merciless Mongoloids.  Just like the Ashkenazim want.

It will probably start with rising domestic crime levels as increasing numbers of fatherless black-white halfbreeds, Chimpanzoids, Sand Negroes and illegal aliens obliterate civilization from within the megalopolises of the West.  The illuminati will do their best to disperse the animals into the Whiter parts of ZOG’s dominions, but diminishing global energy supplies will make it impossible to digest them all.  The globalists will be tearing their hair out.

The best bribeocracy that shekels can buy will begin to militarize as its economy staggers under the increasing weight of non-White parasites.  Keeping Whites from revolting will become its main task.  But in the end, the few remaining, race-conscious Whites will not have to revolt, just quietly refuse to participate.  Since the civilization was built by them, it cannot be sustained without them.  And after Whites opt for a simpler life and withdraw, the fun will really begin.  Jewry, specialized as a parasite on White culture, will be unable to manipulate the Chinese, the stupidity-loving Muslims, or other muds.

It can be expected that proxy wars will ignite everywhere.  The U.S. has long been the premier supporter of such wars, but other countries have by now learnt the trick.  Mohammedan suicide bombers are particularly useful tools in such operations.  One can only imagine what lies ahead after those holy martyrs have been aided by states possessing WMDs.  It is heartwarming to know that Western governments are importing all those peace-loving Islamics to help diversify hitherto White societies.

It would be otiose to point out that proxy wars have already started with Iraq.  The current buzzword among U.S. politicians is that the current rise in Yankee troop levels is the Iraqis’ “last chance.”  If Mesopotamian Sand Negroes don’t shape up and their “army” doesn’t become battle-worthy soon, Americans’ patience will be at an end.  So there.

Yes.  We’ll tell their (Saddamistic?) father when he comes home that they have been naughty.  Or we might redeploy our own troops back to our homeland.  Then, when Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia join in a free-for-all to carve up Iraq, and Saudi and Iranian oil production is blown up by unknown agents resulting in a new and permanent Great Depression for the world, it won’t be our fault.  The ungrateful Iraqis will be to blame.  We will never have expected such oily repercussions.  Who knew?  Golly, gee whiz.

Kurds, Sunnis & Shiites

Middle East Powderkeg.  From:  Congressional Research Service

For some reason, the governmental dog is not barking its warning.  Maybe because it’s being wagged.

Suffice it to say that the human population of the earth will be reduced.

January 2007

State of the Empire

2007 Jan 26 (Fri):  On Tuesday night, 2007 January 23, the president of the United States, George W. Bush, before the crowned heads of the USA, emitted a desperate whine called a “State of the Union address.”  Contrary to the opinion of the elites and the spoiled masses, this speech was not a personal act reflecting his own incompetence, belligerence, stupidity or ideological rigidity.  Rather, it was a simple plea to keep the American Wish-Dream on life support for a few more years.

After an anodyne introduction before a diffident Congress and the hostile, left-listing media, the highest spokesman of the Empire asked the assembled princelings to mix more muds into the Melting Potty.  His hope was to import more slaves to do the work that not even Negroes will do and to give amnesty under a different name to the swarthy aliens who have snuck into the country illegally.

The address also tried to prepare the restless audience for a temporary increase of troops in Iraq preceding a Vietnam-style pullout therefrom, with a flood of Muslim Sand Negroes fleeing into the U.S.  All this would happen as the world’s oil center is submerged in blood.  (The only possible glitch is that all the noise over there might disturb the denizens of Jewry’s “Holy Land.”)

Dancing around the issue of Peak Oil without naming it, the Emperor yet again conjured up the mirage of energy independence and invoked the deus ex machina of technology to save us from ourselves:  plant juice, more drilling in the U.S. (think ANWR) and off its shores (spoiling the seaviews of rich people), more nuclear plants, clean coal, hydrogen-fueled cars, etc. will propel Disneyland into infinity and beyond.  And, oh yes:  a doubling of the national Strategic Petroleum Reserve in Gulf Coast salt caverns to 1½ billion barrels by 2027.  That’s just in case, you understand.  (And, of course, China and India, etc. will follow suit, pumping up prices.  Monkey see, monkey do.)

There were other tidbits thrown into the talk:  stuff about reforming social security for the geezer crowd on the golf-courses;  health care and insurance for everyone (including illegals) through tax legerdemain;  and, inevitably, the main motif of the ZOG high command:  the endless War on Terror.

All in all, the oration had a rather plaintive, elegiac undertone missed by all the commentators.  We are in civilization’s eventide, said the crepuscular subtext.  So, before night falls we have to hurry and do everything possible to keep the Enlightenment strong enough to destroy the White race completely.  Jewry depends on it.

Thus spake ZOG.

Delusions of the Illuminati

2007 Jan 19 (Fri):  Many are the myths of the Enlightenment which sedate the American mind.  Among them is the multi-headed fable that the U.S. can postpone indefinitely the limits to growth.

It seems appropriate at this point, therefore, to present a short (but not exhaustive) list of those most common Peak-denying fantasies which allow the lemmings and parasites of the ZOG experiment to continue walking backward over the cliff.  The dispassionate observer can only stand wondering and bemused at this race-suicidal mythology.

Myth Reality
Advances in petroleum technology will save us. All of the easy technological advances in exploration and development (e.g., offshore), amazing as they may be, have long since been made.  Nowadays each incremental advance is smaller and more expensive than the last one.  There are no more silver bullets.  The deus ex machina is dead.
Plant juice (e.g., ethanol, biodiesel) Cropland used to grow oil substitutes cannot simultaneously grow food for people.  Also, aside from the small matter that ethanol has only about 80% of the energy per unit volume of oil and cannot be used in critical cases such as air flight, the distribution and storage problems are vastly problematical in time and effort.
Electric cars The current electrical grid is already overloaded and quite fragile.  It cannot possibly support a vast increase in demand to recharge national fleets of vehicles on a nightly basis.  Incidentally, electricity can be used for short-distance vehicles only, not long-distance ones or heavy-duty farm and construction machinery, let alone airplanes.
Nuclear power (fission) Beside the fact that there are only about six decades of high-grade Uranium ore left for the world, building the plants, refining the ore, etc. and later plant decommissioning, require immense amounts of energy.  Add to this the disposal of the radioactive waste, and the Energy Returned on Energy Invested (EROEI) becomes very low, if not negative.  None of this even addresses the issue of the enormous supply of high-IQ scientists and technicians which would be required to work in producing and maintaining all of this.  (Negroes won’t do.)  Moreover, the number of such plants that would have to be built (in the deniers’ back yards?) staggers the imagination.  Finally, the decision to build would have to be made immediately to allow for the ten-year process of planning, siting, design, acquisition of uranium fuel, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.  In short, a pipe dream.
Nuclear fusion After four decades and billions of dollars in research, there is nothing practical to show for it.  Zero.  Even if scientists achieved success in their research tomorrow, it would take many more decades to get a substantial percentage of our electricity from it.
Negotiate with China to reduce pollution and competition for energy resources China’s national interests militate against any compromise in such matters.  As but one example, the Chinese are building enormous coal-fired power plants at a rapid rate, many without the approval of the central government and without any pollution controls whatsoever.  They are also making oil deals with countries the U.S. dislikes (e.g., the Sudan and Venezuela) without regard to the domestic policies of those countries.
Throw the CEOs of Big Oil in prison until they stop hoarding all that oil in their vast reserves. Utterly apart from “Big Oil,” 75% of the world’s proven oil reserves lie in the hands of nations, not companies.  Examples are Russia, Nigeria, the mideast countries, Venezuela, etc.  The largest Western company, ExxonMobile, is only the 14th biggest owner of the world’s petroleum reserves.
Canadian tar sands Very low EROEI (at best, 5:1 and usually 3:1) compared to traditional oil (20:1), along with very serious environmental costs.  The tar-sand oil also has a lot of sulfur and metals in it and is difficult to refine.  It will never make up a substantial percentage of transportation fuel.  (Maximum output under crash development program:  3.6 mb/d by 2018, 5  mb/d by 2030.)
Oil shale “Oil” shale contains no oil, only kerogen, an oil precursor.  Many research projects have been devoted to generating oil from it, but the EROEI is insignificant, and usually negative.
Hydrogen fuel cells Besides grossly negative EROEI (due to electrolysis of water or processing from methane, etc.), hydrogen is only a temporary carrier of energy, not a true resource.  Storage and transportation present formidable obstacles and great dangers.
Oil was not generated by ancient algae and other biota, but is constantly produced by unknown processes deep in the earth and will supply us forever There is no evidence whatsoever for such a fiction, and oilfields the world over have yielded many proofs of antique life forms as the origin of petroleum.
“Jawbone” the rest of the world to let us, a mere 5% of the world’s population, continue consuming 25% of the world’s oil forever. Yes.  Jawbone and carry a very, very big stick.
Wind power Wind power is probably the best of the alternative power supplies.  Unfortunately, it cannot be used to power vehicles directly, and inherent limitations of siting and variable weather will restrict its use to generating less than 5% of human electrical needs.
The “invisible hand” of the “Market” will adjust prices and stimulate new discovery and production. This is a variant of the “Deus ex machina” argument above which claims that we will be saved in the nick of time by technology.  In reality, there are certain things which the Market can simply not accomplish.  This includes producing more of what stock analysts call the “fundamentals”:  in this case, enough more and bigger oil reserves with the right type of petroleum.  These reserves are nowhere in sight and cannot be found even with all of the high technology in use today.  Moreover, in the short term, the stock market is manipulated by so many non-fundamental things that it is largely decoupled from the issue of depletion and will remain so until the geological physics of depletion overpowers the market and the demand-supply curves.  By that time it will be too late to do anything.
The Saudi Arabians tell us they have more than enough oil for the world for a long time to come. The Saudis and other Muslim states lie (a special feature of Islam).  As an example, in the 1980s, virtually all of the Persian Gulf states doubled their “official” reserves on paper, and statically kept to those fake and unchanging numbers year after year in spite of gargantuan exports.  Oil figures from the Gulf nations are state secrets and third parties are not allowed to audit their books.  However, by indirect means (careful study of technical documents, geologists recently retired from the area, etc.) it is known that the Ghawar and Saudi Arabia are either currently peaking or have already peaked.
The Fischer-Tropsch process, otherwise known as Coal-to-Liquids (“CTL”), will save us, since there is lots of coal. Unfortunately, Fischer-Tropsch suffers from high capital costs, high operation and maintenance costs, and is practical only where there is a supply of “stranded gas,” or gas remote from markets which not more profitable to sell directly to consumers.  In addition, it is also expected that the peak for stranded gas will follow that of oil after a decade or so, although the availability of such gas may be extended somewhat if biomass gasification can be properly achieved.  In general, the EROEI is low and the exploitation of this technology could not be ramped up in the time and extent to make up for the global deficiency following the petroleum production peak even if a crash development program were adopted immediately.
The CERA report of November 2006 disputed the theory of Peak Oil and said production would not peak until 2030, followed by an undulating, multi-decade plateau before gradually declining.  So we have nothing to worry about. Chris Skrebowski, Editor of Petroleum Review, Energy Institute, responded point by point to the CERA report, showing how it falsely assumed that all of the supposed reserves could be turned into producing fields overnight.  In reality, the hoped-for resources can be produced much too slowly to stave off imminent Peak Oil.  According to Skrebowski’s calculations, the Peak will probably be around 2011, give or take a year.  (Skrebowski’s response is also viewable here.)
Et cetera. Deniers of reality will never cease to invent new scenarios which, they imagine, will “solve” the oil depletion problem or explain it away.  The list of such ideas is seemingly endless.  But a closer inspection will reveal that the collision of worldwide population and hydrocarbon resources is inevitable.  In half a decade — by 2012 — this will be so obvious that even the illuminati will be forced to admit it.

Thus the dysgenics-loving Empire which denies having risen from the proto-hominid-chimpanzee is condemned to regress to that ancestral level.  As astrophysicist Fred Hoyle, speaking of the rise of our species on this earth, said so long ago, “This is a one-shot affair.  If we fail, this planetary system fails so far as intelligence is concerned.”  The National Socialists were our best chance, and they were defeated by the debased culture which had the one thing they lacked:  oil.

That Uneasy Feeling behind Denial

2007 Jan 12 (Fri):  The line between global oil supply and warfare is getting ever blurrier.  Now comes word from Oil & Gas Journal that “Iran's nuclear stance may reflect oil declines.”  Of course, ZOG shills assure us that Iran just wants bombs to attack us and Israel (especially Israel) and must be stopped at absolutely any price.  But Roger Stern, a graduate student in the Geography and Environmental Engineering Department at Johns Hopkins's Whiting School of Engineering in Baltimore, has come to a different conclusion.  He has examined Iran’s export figures for the last few years and believes National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) output is in serious decline.  Conservatively estimated, the country’s oil decline rate is around 8% to 10%.  That rate is as steep as, or steeper than, that of Mexico’s Cantarell (around 8%).  And neither of Iran’s two major petroleum projects in Iran, Ahvaz and Azadegan, will be able to meet expected development goals.  Given ravenous domestic demand driven by the country’s exploding population, Persian oil exports could disappear in 12-19 years.  In short, only nuclear energy could forestall serious internal problems.

Although everything in the Middle East is obscured behind a politico-religious smokescreen, the ominous portents for the Iranians, who are Shiites, may well be the primary factor generating Shiite mass murders of Sunnis in Iraq.  Just as Kuwait was secretly angle-drilling into Iraq to draw off Iraqi oil before an expansion-minded Saddam Hussein invaded the thieves (following the sly suggestion of U.S. indifference by American ambassadress April Glaspie on 1990 July 25), so now Iran is covertly using Shiite fanatics to gain access to that same Iraqi oil.  In response, Saudi Arabia is mumbling about gearing up for war to prevent it — allegedly to save the Iraqi Sunnis from genocide by the Shiites.  Meanwhile Bush II has been forced to “surge” the number of American troops to prevent Iraqi collapse.  Interestingly, this new expansion of our forces in Iraq will coincide with the time that our Navy is at peak strength in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Iran.

The ZOG illuminati intend to keep Iraq’s oil for “the world,” of course.  To assist them, every available Zionist propagandist is pushing for America to launch an attack on Iran.  The amazing thing about all of this is that the American electorate is willfully oblivious to what is happening.  Presumably the vast majority of couch potatoes will shout with hysterical joy when “their” government destroys yet another global oil source to save Yidland.

No matter.  Even if does not attack Iran, the Empire is running out of options.  Iran is following the trend of several OPEC countries whose oil output has begun to flag seriously.  The news from Venezuela and Mexico is not good either.  Russia’s tightening of control over its oil and gas resources is giving the globalizing and “Enlightened” West heartburn.  (What’s a genosuicidist to do?)  The surging growth of China, bought at brutal cost, likewise does not portend well for the global demand-supply equation, let alone the political consequences.  The recent piece of Prozac from Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) that Peak Oil is a minimum of three decades away will soothe the Oprah-watchers, but reality is closing in on Disneyland.  After 2012 the U.S. bedpan will once again learn what our grandparents meant when they spoke of the Great Depression.

On the denial side of the ledger, today crude oil costs ~$55/barrel on the world market, as opposed to close to $80/barrel last summer.  O happy day!  What happened to reduce the price?  Among other things, a bunch of ThirdWorld “countries” were turned away from the global trough.  It’s called conservation, free-market style.  El cheapo high-quality oil and its products (gasoline, diesel, etc.) are no longer available.  For a short time, the Thirdies were able to pay for higher petroleum and play in the same game as the big boys.  That pushed the price way up to the high septuagenarian level.  But in short order the meager reserves of the “developing” populations were exhausted, and they returned to their pre-petroleum status.  With the withdrawal of their competition, the price/barrel subsided to the range of a mere $50-$60.  So the U.S. can go back to sleep.

Yet back in the Dark World’s slums, the cheap-oil-propelled population explosion had increased the demand for resources of every type by an order of magnitude.  Now that the oily propulsion system has been taken away, no Western non-governmental organization (NGO), no number of liberal do-gooders, and no “benefit” rock concerts of White governments can take up the slack.

The result?  The muddy usual:  increased inter-state and intra-state tensions, crime, and warfare;  attacks on White oil organizations, personnel, and infrastructure;  increasing desperation and insanity;  and, above all, attempts by the lower races to flood into Whitelands.

A good example is the current flow of Afroids into Europe via the Canary Islands or some other sea route, attended by much (but not enough) death.  Since Negroes are on average the dumbest of all humans and incapable of creative solutions to any problems, this is only to be expected.  White CEOs and slave traders, of course, want more of these lower hominids to inflate their particular portions of the “economy.”

But it is not only Chimpanzoids who are overwhelming White nations:  Sand Negroes, Wogs, Spics, Chinks — basically, every imaginable human-like parasite — are all doing their utmost to climb into Whitey’s lifeboat.  It warms the cockles of the illuminati’s hearts.

But in the background, many oil-rich outhouse lands are finding that rising domestic demand for oil is beginning to bode ill for their futures.  Like Iran, few have properly maintained their oil and gas extraction infrastructure, so that even the riches they do have will fail to delay Peak Oil.  In sum, depletion, infrastructure dilapidation, and ballooning populations will put an end to their fossil fuel exports earlier than anticipated.  Expect yet more brownies to seek their fortunes in the West — and be welcomed by “our” leaders.

To add to the things that the populace can deny, a January 10 meeting of the US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee was told that the future may not be as Pollyannish as the masses demand.  Retired US Air Force Gen. Charles Wald of the Energy Leadership Council mentioned that “few people in the US ... recognize the extent to which their country's military forces protect critical oil trading routes.”  Robert Hormats, vice-chairman of Goldman Sachs (International), pointed out the obvious:  “Look at what's happening in Nigeria, where there are kidnappings;  in Russia, which is trying to exercise more direct influence on oil and gas, and in Iran and Iraq, where political prospects are uncertain.”  As luck would have it, 95% of the eligible voters would prefer not to look.

In short, the meeting made quite clear that the days of wine and roses are just about over for the U.S.  What a shame that the American Dreamers will soon have to wake up.

America:  The Attempt to Escape from Evolution

2007 Jan 1 (Mon):  The turn of another year has arrived, bringing with it once again a time for reflection and overview.  And another step of humanity towards its gallows.

Homo sapiens has managed to find an escape from its evolutionary and ecological confines twice in its two-hundred-thousand-year-long life:  the first time was fifty millennia ago when perhaps as few as 150 members of our species managed to circumvent the Neanderthals blocking the route out of Africa and cross from the area of what is today Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia over to the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula;  the second was the European discovery of the American hemisphere five centuries ago, at that time inhabited by only a few million primitives busy killing and eating one another.  To top off these two windfalls, the exploitation of fossil gas and oil over the last century and a half has greatly, but temporarily, expanded man’s ecological niche on the planet, and the human population has rapidly expanded to fill this niche to its limit.

However, that second bonanza with its recent energy resources was also the last one.  Despite the fantasies of the science-fiction addicts, there are no more new worlds to settle.  This is it.  The sentimental poem beneath New York’s Statue of Liberty by some Jewess about accepting “wretched refuse” from an unspecified “teeming shore” no longer describes planetary reality.  The slop bucket is full.

Almost all life forms, whether yeast or humans, seek to reproduce without regard to the carrying capacity of their ecological niches.  Overpopulation is thus a constant threat at all levels of every ecosystem.  And so for all biota Nature has devised means of containing their numbers to avoid utter species extinction or overwhelming the planetary biosphere;  these means of containment also encourage the processes of mutation and natural selection driving evolution (whether this is viewed as intelligently designed or not).  British ecologist James Lovelock, who considers our biosphere a single living organism and calls it “Gaia” (the Greek name for the Earth as goddess), believes it has mechanisms for protecting itself even from humans.  Besides starvation and catastrophic accidents, such means include diseases, predators and parasites.  But among primates, and more especially among chimpanzees and humans, a particularly effective form of population reduction has evolved:  war.

Homo sapiens, with an intelligence based on a large brain constructed of richly-branched nerve cells, has shown greater prowess in fratricide than has any other humanoid species.  Thus we exterminated Neanderthalensis and Erectus long ago, in a twenty-thousand-year-long war following our escape from Africa.  Moreover, in various sparsely populated wildernesses of the world there have long been reports of large, furtive humanoid creatures variously called “Sasquatch,” “Bigfoot,” “Yeti,” “the Abominable Snowman,” or less widely known names.  The actual presence of such beings is exceedingly hard to determine scientifically or to document, so that there is much doubt as to whether they truly exist.  But if in fact they do, this extreme difficulty in proving their existence might be due to the fact that they long ago learned just how lethal Sapiens really is, and make it a major preoccupation of theirs to hide from us.  For the indiscriminately internecine savagery of our species far exceeds the lethality of any other life form.

About fifteen thousand years ago in the Middle East, according to New York Times science writer Nicholas Wade, author of Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors (New York:  The Penguin Press, 2006), a genetically based behavioral mutation made it possible for humans to become a little less murderous toward non-relatives, and the first towns became possible, leading to civilization.  Of course, this “civilizing” mutation advanced farther and faster in some branches than in others, with the various Negroid subspecies remaining the farthest behind, as can be seen in the modern world.  And in general, a lesser degree of this sort of mutation keeps populations in the primitive state of tribalism and belligerency.

An interesting twist on evolution is the recent emergence of Ashkenazi Jews, with high mathematical and verbal intelligence but low visuo-spatial abilities, plus very high tendencies toward grave, heritable, nervous and DNA afflictions.  This branch was created artificially in the European “laboratory” of the medieval Roman Catholic Church.  From ca. 800 to 1650 the Church barred its own adherents from money-lending, considered “usury,” while reserving this intellectually demanding ecological niche for those of the inbreeding Ashenazim (but not Sephardim or Oriental Jews) who excelled in the art.  Thus over about 35 generations the Ashkenazi IQ average was ratcheted to a full standard deviation above the European mean.  Much more importantly, in the high IQ range of 140 and above, this new subspecies of Sapiens became vastly overrepresented in proportion to its numbers.  And due to the history of its genesis, present-day Ashkenazi culture is intensely paranoiac and antagonistic toward its “parents” — European Whites and, of course, the Roman Catholic Church, even though the latter is today only a shadow of its former self.

Yet with all of the changes, the war drive has remained within us, albeit now socially conditioned.  A critical element in all of this is the emergence and increasing role of consciousness, which suppresses acknowledgement of man’s biological imperatives and camouflages them with socially acceptable facades.  Thus when the pressures of overpopulation become intolerable or diminishing returns make civilized life less remunerative, the mind as a whole contrives socially acceptable excuses to war upon neighboring groups.  In World War II, for instance, the U.S. excuse was essentially that Germany’s National Socialists were insufficiently servile with respect to the Versailles Treaty of 1919.  (After that war the excuse was expanded with the “justification” that our German relatives were too “Darwinian” in their approach to life and had not been nice to the Chosen.)  In other words, the Germans were seeking to recoup the lands robbed from them by the victors of WW I — something which, of course, the Anglo-Saxon nations would never have done.  So it was judged appropriate to exterminate as many civilian Germans as possible by carpet-bombing their cities.

After the war, the remaining German leaders were taken to Nuremberg and put on a fake “trial by Jewry” with predetermined verdicts, in order to drive home the message that any attempt of the White race to survive would be utterly destroyed by the Ashkenazim and their American hirelings.  America itself then slid blindly downward for another six decades as non-Whites poured in and the Chosenite media masters consolidated their political control, with the entire process of racial erosion being fueled by cheap oil.  Finally, again under the direction of Zionists, the U.S. invaded the nation of Iraq.  (Its dictator, Saddam Hussein, was in the end hanged on Saturday, 2006 December 30.)  As it turned out, the intensely tribal Iraqis did not wish to follow the German example and become another vassal state subject to Yidland and its bootlicks.  In addition, the American illuminati could not bring themselves to acknowledge that Islam is not just some Western academic theory but is in fact the external expression of archaic, chimpanzee-like genetics.  (President George W. Bush, in spite of all evidence, keeps comparing Iraqis to defeated Germans.)  By now (2007) about one percent, or around ten million, of the billion Muslims in the world have decided to fight ZOG, given the opportunity, to the death.  As a result, the economically weakening Empire is today unknowingly trapped in a death struggle as Peak Oil draws nigh, chaos in the Middle East threatens global stability, and Mud overpopulation in concert with many other factors portends the final end of human expansion.  And this time there is no way out.

Thus, fifty thousand years after breaking out of Africa, the human race is about to exhaust its planet-wide ecological niche.  The aforementioned subspecies specially bred for money-lending, together with the group-thinking, fanatic illuminati plus assorted moneyed megalomaniacs, has succeeded in warping the White race, evolution’s vanguard, into self-destruction.

Thinking men across the intellectual spectrum, from committed atheists to Roman Catholic priest Teilhard de Chardin, have long called for the imposition of eugenics and population control on the less evolved portions of the human species — all to no avail.  Hordes of darkling hominids are now flooding Whitelands everywhere and overwhelming the carrying capacity of Gaia.  Those who believe in the egalitarian, evolution-denying Enlightenment madness are now about to be sucked down into the whirlpool they have produced.  For them and for the minimally conscious TV-hypnotizees who have so long swallowed nightly Yid propaganda, the logical consequence is extinction.  Sic transit gloria mundi.

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— Þeedrich (reachable at