Archives — 2014

December 2014

Saturday, 2014 Dec 13:


“In summary, the ACA [“Affordable Care Act” sometimes called “Obamacare”] has three major taxes in it.  Two are taxes on full-time employment and the other is a tax on income.  They may be implicit, they may be hidden, politicians may not call them taxes, but that’s what they are.  Their economic impact on workers varies widely, affecting low-skill workers the most.  They create all kinds of productivity problems and will have visible and permanent effects on the economy.  I have estimated that employment will be three percent less over the long term because of the ACA, and that national income — or GDP, if you like to think of it that way — will be two percent less.  If you look at the productivity costs alone — forgetting the fact that there will be a number of people not working anymore — they come to $6,000 per person who gets health insurance because of the law.  And I’m not beginning to count the payments needed for health care providers.

“In conclusion, I can make you this promise:  If you like your weak economy, you can keep your weak economy.”

Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Economic Productivity
By Casey Mulligan, University of Chicago
Friday, 2014 October 24
“This [Obamcare] bill was written in a tortured way to make sure [the Congressional Budget Office] did not score the mandate as taxes.  If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.  OK?  So it's written to do that.  In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are going to pay in — you made explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money — it would not have passed.  OK?  Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.  And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to get the thing to pass.  Look, I wish ... we could make it all transparent, but I'd rather have this law than not. ”
— Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber
at the 24th Annual Health Economics Conference
October 2013

Let’s face it:  quite apart from the merits of Obamacare, Gruber is correct about the intelligence of the American voter.  The masses do not care whether a given issue or candidate is good, bad or indifferent, left, right or center, or whether a politician is open about his past life and finances or obsessively secretive.  They are concerned only about “feeling” and about how much the proposed issue or candidate will benefit them in one way or another.

As far as health care is concerned, its national costs have been rising exponentially for a long time and are floating far beyond the future ability to pay for them;  but the multitudes do not and cannot understand this, nor do they want to.

Moreover, this popular emotion extends to everything, not just health care:  the people demand more and more goodies and benefits for “free.”  The national will, therefore, swings erratically from one side to the other, driven by the Jewbox and other influences (such as personal sloth), with no consideration of the ability of resources to support the American wishdream.  Denial includes above all the matter of Peak Oil, the most important of all impending crises.

The U.S. electorate prefers lies.  Its entire history, especially its wars, shows this.  Today the citizenry wants to return to the pre-human state of our evolutionary ancestors.  So it has twice elected a primitive to take it there.  The chimpanzoid thereby hoisted into the presidency is himself a pack of lies, from his alleged birth as the son of an African (Barack Obama I) rather than of his actual father, an American Negro (Frank Marshall White), to his denial of having anything to do with the abandonment and death of an American ambassador in Libya.

The American voters are indeed stupid, as Gruber notes, but in a foxy way.  At a deeper level, they know without a doubt that their political elites are fakes.  But that is exactly what they want.  Under the cover of various lies and coverups, we have experienced, for example, such varied events as:

  • the election of known and convicted felons to the office of mayor in American cities;
  • the covert demands by businesses for ThirdWorld illegals to be imported en masse for servile jobs, with the “externalities” and consequences to be borne by taxpayers;
  • the fact that the U.S. played a critical part in the installation of Communism in Russia toward the end of World War I;
  • the fact that the U.S. turned over half of Europe to the Communist mega-butcher, Stalin, at the end of World War II;
  • the redefinition of marriage to end its historical restriction to the union of a man and woman for the bearing and raising of children.

All of these phenomena and many more are the derivatives of the same criminal mindset — the mindset likewise responsible for the pandemic of narcotics today engulfing the nation.  Two states (WA & CO) have already legalized marijuana for “personal use,” i.e., for personal stupefaction.  Another one (OR) has introduced “death with dignity” laws which allow physician-assisted suicide for any reason deemed proper by medicoes.  (The media love this one.)

Urban areas dominated by Negroes (e.g., Detroit, Chicago, parts of D.C. and L.A.) are effectively war zones like those found in Haiti, Africa, Central America or other such sewers, and the situation is blamed on Whites.  The recent Negro riots in Ferguson, MO, and demonstrations and civil disruptions in other cities are justified with shrieks about “social justice.”  The Groid POTUS virtually promises re-education camps for all White police.

All such facts are as clear as the noonday sun;  yet what is left of White America deliberately — deliberately — not only ignores them, but votes for more of such pathologies.  Lies employing fictional or distorted statistics are used to obscure the truth and overload society to the point of breakdown.  “Racism” is screamed at anyone who attempts to point out the facts, be they economic, cultural or (shudder) biological.  Meanwhile the nation declines with

  • deteriorating physical infrastructure,
  • increasing dependence on government handouts and preferences,
  • misuse of the military for political advantage,
  • dissolution of the only race to have risen above the savage tyranny and oppression of most of humanity,
  • exhaustion of natural resources (starting with cheap, high-grade petroleum),
  • environmental pollution,
  • overpopulation,
  • oceanic acidification
  • and species extinction,
to name a few items.

Lies are the best way to further all of this, as Gruber has made clear.  And they will continue until the entire complex collapses in exhaustion and war.

Furthermore, on the issue of race itself:  much of what nowadays goes by the name of “liberalism” is in fact psychopathology.  How so?  We know scientifically vastly more today about the genetic and evolutionary bases of the behavior of the different races.  And without any doubt the Negroids are the least evolved of all human subspecies.

In biology, there is a metric called the “r—K” scale.  It measures a group of traits that reflect the life history of a living creature:  survival, growth, speed of maturation, and reproduction among them.  On the “r” end, a species has many offspring and invests the least energy in caring for them.  The “K” end is the opposite:  fewer offspring, but more energy in caring for them.  (For documentation on this, see Professor J. Philippe Rushton’s Race, Evolution and Behavior.)

Location on the r—K scale is the result of evolutionary pressures and applies to the whole of animal life, as Harvard University biologist E.O. Wilson showed.  Of all species, humans are the most “K”-oriented.  But the metric applies within the human spectrum as well.

In Africa, where humans first evolved, life has always been extremely uncertain and short;  it is a continent where less intelligence and less impulse control are needed than elsewhere for hominid survival.  Asia (especially its northeast) has allowed life only to peoples with higher intelligence and greater impulse inhibition;  Europe lies in the middle of this scale.  (Amerinds and Eskimos, by the way, are Protomongoloids located about halfway between Caucasoids and Negroids.)

What this means sociobiologically is that Negroids are unsuited to the civilizations of the north.  Countervailing this, however, is the factor of White guilt, which is an aspect of impulse control, the obverse of the intelligence coin.  When pushed to excess, guilt becomes a form of neurosis.  It so happens that the tendency toward neurosis is also most pronounced among east Asiatics, and least so among African types.  In the West, as a result of two millennia of Christian (and some Jewish) preaching, Europeans (including atheists) now assume that all Whites are infected with “original sin” by genetic inheritance from their first ancestors in the mythical “garden of Eden.”  (In that foundation myth, by the way, the two “trees” are actually a single one — the projection, by the subconscious, of the human central nervous system —;  the “fruit” of the knowledge-tree is conscious knowledge — not an “apple”;  the talking snake a metaphor for curiosity ; and donning clothes is a metaphor of consciousness of the self as apart from nature and society.)  Christianity (and hence European-American culture) exaggerates the guilt-neurosis proclivity and has used it to justify many a burning at the stake.  It also fired the American Civil War, in which the North took great self-righteous glee in massive slaughter for the sake of expiating its own guilt, projected onto the South.

This same neurosis underlies the current efforts, today, by the mainstream media to incite race riots and blame them on White “injustice” toward infantile Negroids (who never ate the fruit of knowledge and consciousness from the knowledge-tree, and thus never became responsible for their actions).

The unconscious, which consists largely of our phylogenetic and early childhood memories, does not want itself revealed.  Thus, in an effort to mask its neurosis, the Left uses every logic error in the book:  the argumentum ad hominem (“You’re a Nazi, a racist!”);  ad populum (“You’re against the tide of history!”);  ad baculum (“We’re going to publish your address so crazies can find and kill you!”):  petitio principii or “begging the question” (initially assuming what one then sets out to “prove”);  and many more.  But it is all driven by psychopathology.

Because guilt is such a powerful tool for political control (cf. the Stockholm syndrome which today dominates what is left of Germany), it is not going to be abolished any time soon.  However, the entire Ponzi edifice of Western civilization is teetering on the precipice because of its inner genosuicidism and its exhaustion both of resources and of biospheric support systems.  In coming years it will be too expensive for White Leftists to transport themselves to their demonstrations against “White racism.”  Their tantrums will have to be supported by our government and the guilt-driven ultra-rich.

In sum, the inertia of the entire dynamic of Western culture is now leading to civilizational collapse — a glaringly obvious, oncoming train that we prefer not to see.

Tuesday, 2014 Dec 2:


Although we are told that America is recovering from a major recession, it might be helpful to take a wider view of global economics, and specifically Europe, to see whether the future will be as rosy as politicians say.

Due to the unrelenting process of diminishing returns, world economic growth has been visibly slowing for a decade or more.  An overall view of this process is well described in two well-known books:  the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth (now 2nd ed.) and Professor Joseph Tainter’s The Collapse of Complex Societies

The first work warns of serious environmental degradation due to human overshoot in the exploitation of resources;  the second, of the futility of the attempt by civilizations to grow to infinity by compounding the complexity which enabled them to grow to their peaks in the first place.

The impact of the human effort to conquer nature is found everywhere, but most strikingly in the advanced economies:  the U.S., Japan and Europe, with China and Russia close behind.

Japan is currently in the direst economic straits, given that it is an island nation with few natural resources of its own.  This is not even to speak of consequences of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster of Friday, 2011 March 11.  There, a nuclear plant destroyed by a tsunami is continuing to spew out radioactive fluids even after several years of major cleanup efforts (and governmental coverups).

The U.S. is seemingly in the best shape, due to its size and to military and historical factors.

Europe is in the economic middle, with wide disparities between its own south and north (the north being primarily Germany).

Whereas Japan, as stated, is an island nation, Europe is an irregular peninsula projecting from the Eurasian land mass.  (Interestingly, the world “peninsula” stems from the Latin pæn-insula “almost-island”.)  As in Japan’s case, this subcontinent has, likewise, few and declining natural resources.  Most critically, it too is now running out of oil and gas, which must be imported.

Since the two world wars, the main psychological tool to dominate Europe’s (and especially Germany’s) populations has been guilt, imposed by a conquering U.S. and wonderfully exploited by the media-controlling Jews with their perpetual “holocaust” propaganda.  The guilt device is ultimately derived from guilt-based Christianity, the ideological fountainhead of all European culture.  After 1945, various politicians convinced themselves that, to prevent future wars, a “United States of Europe” was necessary.  A first step, they decided, would be an imitation of the former Prussian Zollverein, or customs union, which had made the unification of Germany possible in the 19th century.  Hence the European Union.

For many decades war was indeed surpressed and the world economy grew apace.  Europe became a patchwork of large theme parks whose militaries were most effectively deployed in parades.  After the economic collapse of Stalin‘s empire in 1989, it seemed that heaven had now arrived on the peninsula.

But biology, culture, global overpopulation and the immigration of ThirdWorld parasites to this paradise soon began to overload it.  Today, despite heroic efforts by politicians to divert attention to obscure, hide and/or postpone problems, the aforementioned facts of environmental degradation and diminishing returns are beginning to cause Europe too to stall.  The ideologues who are firmly in control continue to use their own neurotic indignation, self-righteousness and the imputation of (White) guilt to quell any serious discussion of European — let alone globally phylogenetic — deterioration.

The result is the same as that of an individual with a serious disease who refuses to go to the doctor, thinking that the problem will go a way if he ignores it and uses band-aids to cover up any obvious manifestations of the malady.  Southern Europe is increasingly stressed by unemployment and immigrant ThirdWorld dross, while even Germany is finding its socialistic palliatives increasingly stretched.  The German and Austrian solution is to jail all native citizens who object to being swamped by immigrants or who dare to question the revealed truths of the Judeo-American order.

But then we have the problem of oil, the lifeblood of civilization.

In case no one has noticed, on Friday, 2014 June 20, the price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate (“WTI”) crude was $107.95, while on Monday, 2014 December 1 the price had sunk to $72.88.  (Brent crude oil is always a few dollars dearer.)  In other words, in a little over five months the WTI price had declined by 32% (once sinking even further to 38%).  The international market and suppliers are, thus, now faced with an erratic environment.  For American car and truck drivers, the decline in gasoline prices is extremely welcome;  our economy will soon be temporarily booming.

There is only one small problem:  in order to produce oil, producers need to make a profit.  The slowdown in global demand (especially from China, second only to the U.S. in national demand for oil) has meant that producers’ profits are decreasing.  Fewer oil spots (or “plays”), therefore, are worth exploiting, which will lead to less oil and higher prices in the future, thereby undermining top-of-the-food-chain businesses (e.g., restaurants, entertainment, etc.).  This up-and-down, see-saw effect will wreak havoc on weaker European countries in particular.  After all, it takes a long time to build up a business or an economy, but only a short time to damage or destroy it.

Today the anti-White Left, manipulated mainly by the international Jewish media, is in control of the West, but nowhere so strongly as in Europe.  Its White populations are in drastic decline and not replacing themselves at all, while the immigrant darkies are everywhere exploding on European soil.  All this is happening at the same time that Europe can no longer keep its head above water economically.  It has long since become a group of welfare states justifying their own decline with lies about the aforesaid White guilt.  In the same way that America has been transforming itself into the world’s trash can for failures elsewhere, Europe has been dissolving into a mud pie of parasites from the sewers of failed and criminal states of the “developing” world.

Bizarrely, White Europeans prefer not to pay attention to their own perilous condition.  Instead, they prefer to look for diversion with antics such as criticizing America for being “racist.”  They seem incapable of recognizing that they themselves are on the verge of civilizational collapse as a result of their own doings.  They are too comfortable committing genosuicide.

But with European psychosis growing greater by the day, it is about to run head-on into the buzzsaw of Euro-economic insolvency.  As with tyrannies in general, there is no chance that the political systems of Europe will jettison their anti-White regimes and install governments that protect and promote their own genetic base.  The guilt neurosis so long bred by Christianity has escaped its cage and, in combination with materialism, is now devouring its parents.

November 2014

Sunday, 2014 November 2:

Pride Goeth before a Fall

In a 2005 Address to the Russian Federal Assembly, Russian president Alexander Putin said that the “the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century.”  Be that as it may, that collapse engendered a spate of geopolitical insanity in the government of the United States.  The “bipolar” order of the post-WW II world was replaced by a bipolar disorder of the American polity.  The high magistrates in DC came to view themselves as masters of the universe.  It was no longer necessary to maintain national self-discipline, since the main antagonist had collapsed of corruption, exhaustion and incompetence.  The U.S. could now embark on any flights of fancy its genosuicidal heart might desire without worrying about external threats.

For the rulership and the left-leaning bureaucrats at the top, this meant that a mountain of money that could be switched from military wariness to social programs of every sort in order to turn America into the land of Oz.  In addition, our remaining military forces could be used to make all lands on earth into replicas of Yankeeland.  In this vision, all dictators would be bombed to death and swept aside, American virtues and corporations would be globalized, and not just Europe and Japan but the entire planet would become vassals and tributaries of the Empire.

Among other brain embolisms of the emergent DC deities in Congress was the notion that all social disparities had to be eliminated.  Inequality of any type was ipso facto an evil of infernal dimensions.  And first in order was the need to provide middle-class homes to every Negro, every mud, every bottom-feeding or drug-addicted White in the 50 states.  Thus was born the so-called “sub-prime” real estate bubble.  Banks were encouraged — nay, forced — to lend money to masses of economically “underprivileged” people who had neither the discipline nor the means to make regular mortgage payments.  After all, with the USSR gone, magic had replaced reason.  We no longer needed to worry about such infelicities as balanced budgets or similar externalities.  There was no tomorrow.

After a decade and a half or so of implementing this mindset in housing and other social programs, a massive collapse of the financial markets occurred in 2008.  Of course — so the masses were told — the collapse was “totally unpredictable” and “unforeseen” by anyone.  But never fear:  Big Brother is near, and will solve any problem and wipe every tear from your eye, Stupie.

Thus began a program of massive deception by the federal government.  The lords of the realm instituted (α) Quantitative Easing (QE) in tandem with (β) a Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) on the domestic front, and (γ) enormous inflation of the dollar as the world’s “reserve currency” (i.e., international medium of exchange) abroad.  They also moved the goal posts of the domestic socio-economic measuring system by redefining critical criteria, such as exactly what was meant by “unemployment.”  (People who had given up looking for work after much fruitless searching were simply not counted as unemployed.  Only those who constantly re-registered themselves as out-of-work work-searchers were counted in that category.  Meanwhile those who had been reduced to only part-time work or vastly reduced salaries were designated as being fully employed.)  The size of government itself ballooned in its efforts to absorb vast numbers of the idle, with special preferences to the non-White “protected groups,” including newly imported aliens.  Anything, in other words, to keep as many as possible of the Lumpenproletariat off of the streets and out of the bars.

But that irksome thing called reality keeps intruding its obnoxious nose into the fairy tale.  QE and ZIRP are running into the buzz saw of diminishing returns.  Internationally, various trading partners such as Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) are inexplicably annoyed at seeing their loans to Uncle Sam paid back with banknotes labeled “$1.00” on their faces, but which are actually worth only 50¢.  They are therefore taking initial steps toward partially replacing the dollar as reserve currency with “currency swaps” among one another and toward introducing other currencies (such as China’s yuan or even the weakening Euro) as an alternative reserve currency.  Just another straw in the wind.  Other embryonic straws are things such as widespread computer hacking by criminals and governments, and the development of new weapons and methods of warfare.  Are such things the work of the wicked Witch of the West?

All of this has been occurring even as ever more strenuous and expensive efforts are being made to counter the diminishing returns encountered in the petroleum industry.  The current high god of the realm in the White House assures us in every fundraiser that all is well and getting better.  No leftist politician dares mention the fact that the Afroid wizard of Oz is a fake.  Or that the U.S. financial system is increasingly fueled by “trust” alone — which today means mainly hot air from the Ministry of Propaganda and its affiliates.

Wile E. Coyote, we’re close behind you.

October 2014

Sunday, 2014 Oct 12:

War on Whites

Updated version of some well-known American documents
We hold these truths to be ſelf-evident, that all men are created above average.
— The U.S. Declaration of Independence
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created above average.
— From a propagandistic excuse known popularly as the “Gettysburg Address” delivered 1863 November 19,
by the Bible-reading mass murderer of over 600,000 Whites, Abraham Lincoln.

Deep in the soul of homo sapiens lurks the urge to annihilate.  This is but one expression of the principles encapsulated in the insightful dictum of 19th-century German biologist Ernst Haeckel, “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” (“Die Ontogenese rekapituliert die Phylogenese”).  That is to say, the growth of the individual repeats, in abbreviated manner, the evolution of the species.  This principle applies not just to the form and structure of a developing entity, but above all to its behavior.  The individual (plant or animal), in other words, is a kind of updated “reincarnation” or “instantiation” of its ancestral mold, in the sense that new features develop on the foundation of previously existing characteristics.  A new living entity incorporates in itself the memory of its forebears.

A striking example of this can be seen in the spontaneous behavior of very young boys.  They are drawn as if by a magnet to scenes and reenactments of violence and killing.  They love to practice swordplay, gunfighting, duelling, warfare and many other “fun” activities of this sort.  Explosions, massive destruction by monsters of titanic dimensions and other such spectacles delight them to no end.  Haeckel’s principle can also be seen in the widespread enthusiasm even of adults, especially men, for war-simulating “sports” such as football, soccer, hockey, etc.  One need not add that often, when men of lesser intelligence (fewer synapses) drink cortex-numbing alcohol to excess, the same deep-brain urge becomes unleashed and they impulsively engage in fights, some of which result in serious injury or even death.

It is important to understand that this spontaneous phenomenon is not merely some juvenile “fluke” of nature, much less something imposed by culture, but a species-specific memory, a recall of the long struggle for supremacy over competitors seen also in our primate relatives — the chimpanzees above all, our closest kin.  (For an explanation of the role of this phyletic memory, see Rupert Sheldrake’s explanation of morphic resonance.)

Behind the bloodthirsty savagery of today’s Mohammedanists, clothed as it is in religious garb, lies this ancient instinct to kill and destroy.  Despite the many denials of its protagonists, basic Islam, more than any other religion, has utilized this archetypal urge for centuries to attain and maintain power.

But this “mnemonic” driver is not limited to the fanatics of Allah.  It is universal.  And since the U.S. has, after its own barbarism in the Civil War and two world wars, temporarily blocked some outlets for the war drive, it is now finding release for its homicidal drive through the impulse to White genosuicidism.  Christianity in particular is fomenting this desire for self-annihilation through its bimillenary propaganda about “guilt” and “sinfulness” — ostensibly of all mankind, but in practice, of Whites alone.

The infotaining Jews and neurotics of the mass media and Hollywood are particularly active in promoting this anti-White theme.  They display racial miscegenation (i.e., White dissolution) at every opportunity in their advertisements or “shows.”  They invent guilt and project it onto Whites whenever a Negro or other non-White is slain or merely restrained from committing crimes by White police.  They fabricate the crime of “racism” as a sin of unpardonable proportions and apply it to Whites only.  Whenever possible they seek to goad the susceptible Negroid masses into rioting in revenge for imaginary White wrongs.  Ultimately, they seek to destroy all White civilization and culture by promoting the uninihbited immigration of ThirdWorld rabble into White countries.

Through their elevation of a Negroid token into the U.S. presidency, these anti-White demonizers have now achieved their main goal:  making the decline of the White race irreversible.

With this decline, of course, comes also the decline of the civilization that Whitey has created.  The dregs of the White race are already turning to primitive animalism with exterior signs such as tattoos and facial/body jewelry stuck through their skins, not to mention the widespread ingestion of manifold brain poisons.  Birth rates have plummeted far below replacement levels in almost all White countries, even as Mohammedans with high birthrates replace them.  The White obsession with materialism and deliberate disregard of life ensures the victory of the religion of the beheaders.  Christianity, which promotes exhausting White resources to lift lower hominids to White levels, is, as mentioned, a major player in this effort to bring about White suicide.

Given this background, the recent fantasy that a few bombs are going to stop the rise of global savagery is delusional.  Nature cannot be stopped.  She will exercise what evolutionary biologists call “purifying selection” on life forms, such as hypermaterialist and miscegenating White populations, that do not obey her rules.  And having a chimpanzoid in the White House is part of the delusion — one that is leading to death.

We are now approaching the long-foreseen end of the fun and games enjoyed by the industrialized West for the last two centuries.  Indeed, given the inexorable rise in cost of many critical resources, especially oil, some forecasters are expecting Peak Oil or even a serious, permanent global downturn to occur within the next two years.  Various hostile powers such as Russia and Iran, sensing the imminent weakening of the U.S., are increasing their own assertiveness.  Historically, this kind of change has often led to war, mankind’s favorite pastime.  The American power elites, led by the State Department and taught by the Jew-laden Council on Foreign Relations, are incapable of understanding that the ruling elites of other countries simply do not share the same White guilt or sense of the “White man’s burden” that the divinities of D.C. do.  Those other elites view America either as an enemy or as a cadaver to be scavenged, or as both.  Latin American criminal organizations, with covert encouragement from their governments, are successfully infiltrating the United States, which allows them free entry under the cloak of humanitarianism (also camouflaged as “American values”).

The root culture of America is a kind of generalized Protestantism which, as opposed to Catholicism, views the Bible alone as its foundation.  (Catholicism, originating in ancient Greece and incorporating a distillate of the Greek mystery religions, views not just the Bible but also ecclesiastical tradition as its main pillars, a view which conferred immense and abusable power on it in the Middle Ages.)  Without any authoritative interpretation, the Bible has thus become a grab-bag out of which absolutely any rabbit can be, and has been, pulled.  Want to kill millions of civilians of your own race in civil or world wars?  The Bible assures you that such “social justice” is the will of God.  Want to quash freedom of speech in the name of political correctness?  It’s authorized by the Bible.  Want to extract money from the taxpayers for alleged aid to failed states and their dictators?  The Bible says you need to help the poor.  Want to jettison the Constitution and make government a tool for tyrants?  The Bible is all for the divine right of kings.  And so forth.

Comes now a different tradition based on another “holy” book:  the religion of “Submission.”  The politics of that cult resemble a mountain of live spaghetti.  The purest form of it, however, rejects the materialism of the West in favor of medieval serfdom and bare subsistence with early death.  Instead of atomized, disconnected and barren “above-average” (see quotes from American documents, above) individuals suspended in space and “free” to do anything their (advertizement-driven) impulses move them to as in the modern West, Mohammedanism dictates the primacy of the prolific family.  The “good wife” (one of four allowed) bears ten or eleven children.  The family is interwoven with the clan, and the clan with the tribe.  Brutality, not sensitiveness, is the norm.  Slavery is a social given.  And given that the future belongs to those who show up for it, it is a good bet that the ex-White West will eventually be dominated by a caliphate.

The deities which steer the American government fantasize that our high military technology will overcome this downspiral.  Since the U.S. has proven that might makes right in dominating other Western countries and Japan, it is convinced that the same policy will work in the Levant and North Africa.  There is little recognition that the blood and treasure wasted in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now Syria has only worsened the situation in those countries, or that our insanity there has debilitated our own country, which is now sinking into a narcotic swamp of its own.  The idiots savants who run our regime and its bureacracies neither know nor care about this trajectory.  Their Enlightenment mentality includes the conviction that White “racism” is the worst of all possible evils, so our coming submergence in a sea of darkness will be just fine.  It all puts a smile on the face of the White House chimpanzoid.

September 2014

Thursday, 2014 Sep 04:


Lying by public and near-public figures has become de rigeur in America.  It starts with the Negroid currently in the White House.  In the midst of Mohammedan madness in the Middle East, he claims that the “Islamic State” decapitators do not represent the religion they name their newly captured territory after.  This, despite the fact that the territory would not have been taken had vast numbers of Sunnis not welcomed such liberators.  Similar movements in the Maghreb (western Sahara and northern Nigeria), in Somalia and neighboring areas, in Libya, and underground percolations in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the like are not materializing out of nowhere.  Yet the top simian and his worshippers right and left continue to mouth the same drivel.

Next we have the new Russian czar now invading eastern Ukraine as he murmurs subtle threats about upgrading his nuclear weaponry and drops hints about reintegrating Estonia and Kazakhstan into his empire.  The disconnected Negro, when not playing golf in ritzy places or fundraising for leftist Democrats, occasionally scolds Vlad for being naughty, but claims we don’t want to disrupt our cozy relationship with him.  The chimpanzoid assures us that the new Dracula is really not all that bad.

Then there is the issue of Peak Oil.  According to the loudest propaganda, America now has more oil than it knows what to do with, and will soon be able to share its bonanza with the rest of the world.  All of this is alleged to be due to fracking and horizontal drilling, along with exploitation of the deep sea and the arctic.  No mention of the high and climbing costs of this cornucopia, costs which are driving the international oil firms toward bankruptcy because the demand for their fuel, and hence its price, has sunken.  Yet the firms themselves, stock market boosters and, of course, politicians assure all and sundry that we are entering upon a new age of petroleic plenty.

This is followed by the matter of the West as a historical entirety.  The whole question of civilization and skin color is usually distorted for reasons of political correctitude.  There are quite a number of things that make civilization possible.  Apart from the obvious geographical and resource factors, provided long before by algae-blooming seas, plate tectonics, etc., on the strictly human side there are two main factors:  culture and average intelligence.  These things have been investigated quite thoroughly, although our taboo structures prevent them from being openly acknowledged.

On the intelligence side, it is not “skin color” per se, however much it is associated with the West, that made the rise possible.  It is also not brain size alone.  The Neandertal branch (with whom European types also miscegenated to a certain extent) actually had bigger brains than homo sapiens.  Although cranial capacity is a contributory part of the answer, it is by no means the only factor.  It is thought that increased brain size is an evolutionary response to cold climates.  The Eskimos (Inuit) have the largest average brain size, but are not noted for extraordinary IQ.  Rather, it is especially the number of synapses per neuron which are associated with smartness.  This relationship is found even in laboratory rats.  Amongst humans, European Whites do not have the highest average IQs, but are in the middle of the spectrum.  Anyone who wishes can easily find out more for himself or herself.

The cultural side is also critical, given that general mental ability is regularly found to depend about two-thirds on genetics and one-third on culture.  Few non-Europeans would like to emigrate anyplace else than to the European-settled West (including Australia) or Europe (excluding neo-czarist Russia) itself.  Our culture, emerging from Græco-Roman beginnings followed by the medieval Catholic Church with Latin as the lingua franca of Europe (whence our alphabet), then Protestantism and the religious wars, has slowly and agonizingly raised itself above the common tyranny and barbarism endemic in humanity.  A key element here has been the 2½-millennia-long emergence of philosophy, of which science is a part.  (What is called Chinese or Indian “philosophy” has little in common with the Western tradition called by this name.)  Christianity, long a nursemother to philosophy, has not always respected its independence, since power politics and religion have always been, and still are, concerned with control of the human mind.  (See Islam for clear examples today.)  But on the by and large, the combination of intelligence and a philosophy-based culture have made the West the highest civilization history has ever known.  Unfortunately, many are now captured by a love of genosuicide.  If we continue down this road, we will unquestionably end the upward struggle of so many ages and end up as just another failed life form.

July 2014

Tuesday, 2014 Jul 15:

America:  Enemy of the Earth

White Guilt
A short excursus on the psycho-religious underpinnings of America’s cultural neurosis.

The nature of the American unconscious can be traced back to the Eden myth in Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament.  According to this myth, the first woman, Eve, ate the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and induced her mate to eat of it as well.  Ever since, mankind (i.e., Christian man) has been afflicted with the genetically inherited guilt of this “original sin.”  Thus “we” — i.e., you, Whitey — are guilty and must be punished.

However, from a depth-psychological point of view, the myth has nothing to do with a “fall” or with guilt.  Instead, it is a symbolic portrayal of the human rise to consciousness.  In the “Garden of Eden” (a symbol of the body itself), there were two trees (Genesis 2:9):  one of Life and one of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  In the terms of comparative religion, these two trees are one and the same:  the “world tree” found in many early religions, a tree which is the soul’s own image of the human central nervous system with its “roots” throughout the body and its “foliage” and crown in the brain, the organ of knowledge.  “Yahweh-God” forbade (Gen 2:17) the man to eat of the Tree of Knowledge lest they die (i.e., in psychological terms, would recognize that they were mortal.)  After taking a rib from the wifeless man, he made of it a woman, Eve (Gen 2:22 — another metaphor, “explaining” the female’s subordination to males), and gave her to him.  But although they were both naked (Gen 2:25), they felt no shame.  In other words, they were still in the animal state of unawareness of self;  like the other animals, they had as yet no developed sense of distinctness from one another or other creatures.

Then appears (Genesis 3:1-5) the motif of the serpent who tempted Eve.  In the last era before the destruction of Judea, and then in Christianity, this serpent was interpreted as an evil spirit, the devil.  However, Genesis gives no such interpretation.  It says only that the serpent was more “crafty” than the other animals (Hebrew ‘ā•rūm, translated into Latin as callidior “more clever, sly, cunning”).  In other words, a metaphor for inquiring intelligence.  It tells her that her and her husband’s eyes will be opened (another symbol of awakening consciousness) and they will become godlike, knowing good and evil.  Learning this, Eve decides to take the fruit and become conscious.  In sum, then, the serpent is really a metaphor for curiosity;  it is not literally a talking snake.

So Eve and Adam consumed the “forbidden” fruit.  In countless paintings, this “fruit” is portrayed as an apple, which is utterly false.  In fact, the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge is knowledge itself, just as the fruit of a tree of apples is apples.  In other words, the human brain developed knowledge of itself as a being distinct from other humans and animals.  That change is symbolized by the myth’s statement (Gen 3:7) that after the eyes of the two were opened, they realized they were naked, so they used fig leaves as clothing to signal their distinct, inviolable selfness.  Thereupon Yahweh-God banned them from Eden (the primeval state of animal unconsciousness) forevermore;  from then on they had to live by the sweat of their brow — through their conscious efforts.

As mentioned, this myth of man’s emergence from the pre-conscious, animal state was early perverted into a narrative of man’s eternal guilt.  Saul/Paul, a Graecized Jew with schizophrenic visions of Jesus, embraced embryonic Christianity and interpreted Christ as the “expiator” of this newfound guilt.  He and subsequent Graecizers converted Christianity into a Greek mystery religion like other Hellenic cults with their dying and rising gods.  Thus was born “Catholic” (literally, “universal”) Christianity.  Modern Christianity, especially American Protestantism, has told us that such guilt must be expiated — if not by the crucifixion of the God-man, Jesus, then by killing heretic White Christians and, in the end, by abandoning any attempts at White self-preservation.

In sum, Christianity misinterpreted this symbolism and turned it into a way of instilling feelings of inherited guilt — especially over sex — into its adherents.  Jesus was viewed as the God-man who had saved everyone from this state of “original sin.”  But the guilt somehow remained, and the new syncretistic religion kept reminding its believers of their intrinsic fallenness.  Only religious practices, guided by the churchmen, could keep man on the path to supernatural safety.  Such practices included monetary and other donations, ostracizing or killing pagans, heretics or other undesirables (such as Confederates and National Socialists).  The self-righteousness of the guilt-projectors eventually led to carpet-bombing and nuking “godless” civilian populations conveniently clustered in cities.

The myth is also extraordinarily useful in stealing and robbing from White American Christians.  They unconsciously feel they are obliged to help the “poor” of the world in order to pay for their own sins.  They must pay now to fly later.  Government exploits this delusion to the full.  This twist will, of course, greatly help in terminating civilization forever.

With modern propaganda techniques, guilt can be pinned on anyone for anything.  Hence the civil rights movement, including the North’s demonic vengeance in slaughtering Southerners during the American Civil War, the “need” to “help” equatorial tribal societies to become wealthy and American-like, the whole gamut of “philanthropic” interference in other cultures, as well as many other products of the political imagination.  White guilt is also blatantly obvious (though invariably denied) in the popularity of the current Black president.  And, to reiterate, it drives the highly manipulable feelings of “compassion” for suffering humanity everywhere, regardless of the ingrained sado-masochism of many non-Western cultures.  Today’s control of the mass media by billionaire Jews makes White guilt the most convenient mechanism for total domination of America and its vassals.

Yet for some inexplicable reason, the losing sides devastated by America have not, like Germany, always developed a Stockholm syndrome and view themselves as guilty.  Today some outside the empire even want some of our oil.  (How dare they!?)  On top of that, there is even the opposed religion of Islam, which has its own ideas about who is guilty.  And some of its members think the American idea of mass-killing urban civilian populations is worth imitating.  They find beheading a particularly holy practice.

Given this witch’s brew, it is not possible to tell what will happen as America’s global hegemony fades.  Not all other cultures are amnesiac.  They do not like the “benefits” that America has given them.  And there are millions — even billions — of scavengers waiting to scarf up the remains of American carrion.  History has ways of doing away with peoples that do not learn from the past.

The planet earth, like the rest of the solar system, was formed out of the remnants of a supernova around 4.65 billion years ago.  Even that great span of time is short compared to the 18.5 billion years now estimated for the age of the entire universe, or at least our section of it, since the Big Bang.  And given the humanly incomprehensible immensity of time and space, along with forces of supernal magnitude, it is amazing that our world should have come to be at all.  Modern astrophysicists have humorously called the “just right” area of our planet’s solar orbit the “Goldilocks zone.”  It turns out that for us to exist, even our entire solar system must exist in a similarly temperate zone in our galaxy — neither too near to, nor far from, the galactic core.  Indeed, the entirety of the cosmos might be said to be “just right” à la Goldilocks, for life to arise even once within it.

Most scientists view our Goldilocks situation as the result of pure “chance.”  They shudder at the thought that they might not know all the principles behind nature.  This Weltanschauung is inherited from their nineteenth-century predecessors.  Thus it came as a complete surprise when, about two decades ago, astronomers found that 96% of the universe, concealed from view as dark energy and dark matter, had remained utterly unknown to them.  But no matter.  Blind “chance” remains the overwhelming choice as the Prime Mover in cosmogony.

Be that as it may, after the earth had cooled enough, comet-borne viruses seem to have arrived on earth under conditions which helped them clothe themselves with primitive forms of protoplasm, and life was born.  For the next couple of billion years, single-celled anaerobic biota filled every available niche.  Its waste product was oxygen, and it was on the verge of extinguishing itself with this poison when a magical transformation took place:  a new life form evolved which used the oxygen and so reduced its levels.  Also miraculous was the emergence of multicellular life.  Through the next billion or so years, all kinds of life forms developed, finally resulting in primates, then hominids, then (perhaps 100,000 years ago) homo sapiens, our own species.  With a large brain and other advantages, we exterminated all serious competitors animal and human, and eventually found ourselves in our present state.

The principle behind all of this biological evolution is called evolutionary epistemology:  the more “intelligent” a creature is, the better its chances of survival.  A shark with its swifter body, acute sense of smell and large teeth “knows” its watery environment better than the smaller fish it eats.  A wolf with its speed, senses of sight, smell and hearing, similarly “knows” its environs better than the smaller creatures it catches and devours.  (“Intelligence,” incidentally, does not mean “consciousness.”)  Likewise among humans, those who are more skillful and knowledgeable in critical areas tend to do better than those that are not.

But the obverse of the coin is that life is a struggle.  Life feeds upon life — in one way or another feeding upon other species.  This is simply the way things are.  And without that struggle, there is no progess, there is only retrogression.

Enter now America and Americans.  From the beginning, the White people of this nation have had an insuperable urge to kill other people of high culture, especially White people, whether of this or of other nations.  Any excuse will do.  And killing others with no danger to oneself is the best way to go.  Ultimately, it is all justified through religion:  the targeted White people are per definitionem sinful and hence guilty, and must be exterminated.

In addition, Americans are profoundly oedipal.  That is, they hate their own fathers or any father-like authority figure.  So they prefer to play the role of sons killing the evil (White) father.  Remaining the eternal rebellious but quixotically righteous teenage boy is the ideal for American males.

The unprecedented abundance of natural riches on the North American continent enabled Americans to become wealthy and powerful beyond the dreams of any other nation in history.  It also allowed them to develop an anti-nature mindset which suppressed and poisoned the natural world.  And they produced a government which exceeded all historical precedents in megalomania.

The construction of a civilization is a monumental task, requiring centuries and the agonizingly slow accumulation of knowledge.  Its end comes when the demands made upon the civilization exceed its resources and ability (see Joseph Tainter on this).  Thus far no civilization has been able to reverse the process of constant demand growth and thereby remain in existence.

We have reached the point of overstretch in Western civilization, created and thus far maintained by the White man.  Today, with his loss of nerve and the incessant demands for energy and the refusal to recognize resource limits, especially those of Peak Oil, collapse is approaching.  And of course, with the self-extinction of the White man, his civilization will perforce also die, bringing an end to the planetary enterprise once and for all.

The decaying American masses have elected a government of corrupt and hypocritical gangsters whose only concern is their own power.  This too is typical for moribund social systems.  A government originally installed to maintain a nation becomes focussed only on its own aggrandizement, and the nation itself perishes.

Under normal circumstances this would not be so bad, since most nations and empires are “local,” affecting only a relatively small portion of the earth.  Today however, the empire covers the entire earth with its demands and influence.  Under the pretext of racial equality and similar Communist distortions, the imperium intends to reduce the human species to an undifferentiated insect society working in a Stalinist paradise, allegedly with materialist bounty.

Given that “American interests” are unlimited, their constant expansion must necessarily lead to the destitution and destruction of those who refuse to bow to the regime in Washington.  The result can only be the devastation, as in Detroit, of American civil society.  The widespread hopelessness now spreading throughout the land among the middle class, and the metastasis of the spoiled-brat syndrome among the youth, are but two symptoms of the social debilitation currently in progress.  The regime is in fact a tyranny run by a combination of leftist fanatics and slick manipulators, all under the secular episcopacy of the massively wealthy.  This system will not let anything so petty as global collapse stand in its way.  It has declared war on the earth.

The U.S. government is in fact controlled by the 0.1% of the richest men in the world — people like Georg Sörös, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, the media tycoons, &c.  They are the heads of major corporations, great pension funds, TBTF (too-big-to-fail) banks and similar high-financiering operations.  They are also all thoroughgoing internationalists who view the masses with disdain.  Nor are they in the least aware of — or concerned with — the looming proximity of Peak Oil.  So-called “democracy” in the West, which today requires billions of dollars in election campaign funds, requires that all major parties seek their funding (and hence direction) from them.  In the U.S. above all, this means that both major parties, ostensibly opposed to one another, are their operatives.

In order to keep the rabble off balance and divert their attention from themselves, this 0.1% direct their propagandist media monopolies to constantly invent new cultural upheavals.  Hence come the demands for “equal rights” (preferences) for Negroes, homosexuals, minor children and even the insane;  seemingly Leftist pseudo-protests against “the rich” (identified as “Republicans”);  seduction of the impotent herd with free money and make-work “jobs” if they vote the right way;  and any other divide-and-conquer strategy that will work.

Outside the U.S., the oligarchs use American economic and military power to extend their control, bribing dictators and subverting the popular will.  They make sure that the aforesaid “American” interests are defined as dominating the entire globe.

Even though U.S. hegemony has been declining over the past half century, no other country can match its power.  But to keep the 99.9% in line, the super-rich are also destroying the national borders of the country.  The recent invasion of vermin-infected underage parasites into the U.S. is portrayed as a “humanitarian crisis,” not the deliberately engineered demographic and socioeconomic crime that it is.  Their lackey, the token black minstrel playing emperor, mouths whatever they want him to spout — which is anything to delude the populace and divert its attention from their massive theft of natural wealth.

Through the 0.1%’s control of media and finance, the human species has now ballooned in size and undercut the life support system of the earth.  The global dieoff of biological species already amounts to a kind of planetary genocide of most non-human biota.  The effects of Peak Oil will only accelerate the death process as desperate humans strive to attain or merely maintain the American Hallucination.

But the 0.1% will enjoy complete comfort and safety as we go down.  They will be the last to die.

June 2014

Wednesday, 2014 Jun 25:

Population and Peak Oil

As all educated people know, the world’s population has soared since 1900.  In the early 1960s it reached 3 billion, and by 2012 it had topped 7 billion.  Most of the growth came from the dark races piggybacking off of White industrialization and handouts due to the guilt-driven Christian compassion industry.  While White population sank globally, the dark masses exploded in size.

All of this change — the industrialization and accompanying technology, White decline and non-White demographic mushrooming — was accompanied and enabled by the discovery and exploitation of petroleum.  Indeed, the ascendancy of America, above all, was made possible by oil.  The Second World War, we now know, was not about saving the world from nasty Nazis or godless Japs.  It was about oil.  America’s subsequent meddling in the Middle East was likewise all about oil, not about “world peace” or any other hypocritical smokescreens and excuses.

Now that the world is facing increasingly inadequate sources of oil and gas, the response of American powerholders is denial.  They maintain there is abundant oil, and global economics can continue to grow to infinity.  In order to maintain this farce, they use every technique available:  quantitative easing (“QE”);  a zero interest-rate policy (“ZIRP”);  inflation of the U.S. dollar as global reserve currency;  frenetic borrowing from other countries (especially China);  and, of course, the military (Libya, Iraq).

To supplement all of this and to compensate for the decline in profitability (due to diminishing returns) of American business, the business sector has turned to importing ThirdWorld serfs from Latin America and Asia (especially India).  These serfs (and often outright slaves), of course, require additional oil for their upkeep and place additional burdens of all sorts on the U.S., even as the importees’ countries of origin are groaning from too many people.  So the governing elites use sob story propaganda to justify their imporation of the new parasites.  Multibillionaires such as Georg Sörös, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet preach “compassion” as they fund political groups lobbying for open borders and universal amnesty for the darkies.

All of this amounts to a violent contradiction and denial of Peak Oil.  In effect, the oligarchs refuse to recognize the catastrophe they are helping to create.  Insolated as they are from the effects of oil depletion, they are forcing the rest of the civilization off of a cliff.  And since we have now consumed all of the low-hanging fruit, after our demise no other civilization will be able to regain the same heights.

Political control in the U.S. depends on White culture.  That culture, however, is suffused with White guilt ultimately based on a religious myth of Original Sin, a sense of guilt heavily reinforced by Jewish media control.  In Germany, Europe’s strongest country, the media also inject the idea of genetically inherited “Holocaust” guilt into the German unconscious.  Any questioning of the official Jewish version is brutally suppressed by law.  Stockholm syndrome resulting from having lost World War II makes any open discussion of its history impossible.  Laws against “anti-Semitism,” “racism” and nationalism pervade all of western Europe and promote the genetic self-destruction of its peoples.  In this way America maintains its control over its vassals.

In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), none of this twisted “guilt” mentality exists.  Tribalism triumphs — with myths from the Koran, not the Bible.  But U.S. rulers and State Department functionaries simply cannot understand this, any more than they can understand Peak Oil.  It surpasseth White Protestant understanding.

Comes now the U.S. habit of bribing and arming all ThirdWorld dictators, and we are confronted with a powder keg with a Mohammedan fuse.  As oil becomes ever dearer, U.S. influence weakens in places like Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Libya, increasingly endangering global oil production.

If the weakest link in a systemic chain gives way (as per Liebig’s “Law of the Minimum”), the entire system breaks down.  When the tension on such a chain is constantly ratcheted up, breakage and collapse must perforce occur.  This is the automatic destiny of any constantly expanding civilizational system, because it is subject to diminishing returns on each new advance in its technological development and exploitation of natural resources — even while ongoing growth continues to intensify the strain, eventually overcoming sustainability and causing breakdown.

Nonetheless the U.S. government, now bloated and sclerotic, imagines it can continue such ratcheting forever.  It thinks it can control the planet in the same way that it has long kept Europe divided and conquered as a vassal.  Not even its recent self-defeating exploits in the Mohammedan world have changed its mind.  The DC regime simply cannot grasp the fact that good intentions do not compensate for insanity.  At home, it is expanding its policy of importing yet more ThirdWorlders — most recently a tsunami of underaged parasites from Central America who can only increase demands on the system.  The enthroned Negro is now shipping them to various military bases around the country whence they can more easily be dispersed into the hordes of illegal Hispanics already here.

In the animal kingdom, there are species that, instinctively knowing a winter is coming, store up fat or provisions to tide themselves over the forthcoming long period of low resources.  In the face of the looming oil fimbulvetr (permanent oil winter), our government is doing exactly the opposite:  squandering the last of our wealth and other resources as fast as possible in order to continue the party.  In other words, it does not care about the long term in the least.

All of this spotlights perfectly the American compulsion to deny and evade unpalatable facts.  Our collective thanatos urge is too strong to adjust to them.  As Peak Oil grinds on, a benighted U.S. descends ever further into madness.

Wednesday, 2014 Jun 4:

Christian Politics

Paul’s visionary experience leading to his conversion:  probably ca. A.D. 37-41.
The books of the Christian New Testament were written in approximately the following years:
  • 1 Thessalonians:  late A.D. 50 or early 51, probably during Paul’s first stay in Corinth.
  • Galatians:  ca. 56.
  • 1 & 2 Corinthians:  ca. 52-55, from Ephesus.  (1 Cor 13 [the “love” chapter] may have been written by someone other than Paul and slipped into the letter to give it Pauline authority).  2 Cor is a composite of several letters and a non-Pauline interpolation.
  • Romans:  ca. 55-57, prob. from Corinth.
  • Philippians:  either 54 [prob. from Ephesus] or late 50s from Rome.
  • Philemon:  either 54 [prob. from Ephesus] or late 50s from Rome.

Death of Paul:  A.D. 64-67 (according to tradition, murdered by Emperor Nero)

Fake Pauline letters:
  • Portions of Romans.
  • Portions of 1 Cor.
  • A portion of 2 Cor.
  • Ephesians.
  • Colossians.
  • 2 Thessalonians.
  • 1 & 2 Timothy.
  • Titus.
  • Hebrews.
Acts of the Apostles:  early 2nd century (100-120);  mainly an invented adventure story, not history.

  • Mark:  ca. A.D. 70 (the year of the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple).
  • Matthew:  sometime in 70-90, perhaps 85.
  • Luke:  early 2nd century, together with Acts;  conceivably as early as ca. A.D. 90.
  • John:  ca. A.D. 95-100.
The Gospel of Thomas (independent witness to the sayings of Jesus, discovered at Nag Hammadi, Egypt):  prob. ca. A.D. 50-60.

The first New Testament was compiled by Marcion, ca. A.D. 144.  It was composed of two parts:

Essentially only the Gospel of Luke.
Gal, 1 & 2 Cor, Rom, 1 & 2 Thess, Eph (called “Laodiceans”), Col, Phil, Phlm.
Marcion excluded from his canon what is today called the Old Testament.  However, over the next three centuries the reaction to his new scriptures produced the Catholic Bible, used until the Protestant Reformation and still used by the Roman Catholic Church.  Protestants rejected about seven OT books and parts of some others as “uninspired,” superfluous or secondary (“deuterocanonical”).

The Apocalypse (Book of Revelation) was written most probably around A.D. 95 or 96, or even later.  It excoriates Rome (under the pseudonym “Babylon”) and the Roman emperors Nero (death by suicide, A.D. 68), Vespasian (who conquered Galilee in the timeframe 68-69), the latter’s first son, Titus (who destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70), and Domitian (81-96, who in his final years instituted a reign of terror against the Senate and a persecution against Christians in Asia).  The author is not the apostle John, but someone else who may have had or assumed that name.

Of all the categories of religious organizations in the world, Christianity stands highest.  In its fullest formulations it has the best combination of a humane morality, a well-thought-out theology and a systematic philosophy open to science that is to be found — to say nothing of its historical preëminence in all forms of art.  Despite the objections of many opponents, it is the most rational religious group to be found, due to its early incorporation of Greek philosophy.  It invented hospitals (a Latin word, by the way) and has established and run them as well as schools and social agencies of all types worldwide.  In spite of frequent bouts of extremism, and despite the misdemeanors and crimes committed by many of its power-mad ministers and officials, as a whole it has raised the lot of humanity from barbarism to truly high levels of decency and culture.  The rest of the world’s religions range from the thoroughly fantasy-filled to the bizarre to the insane to the cruel and oppressive.  And Christianity, in common with other religious forms, aims at influencing politics.  Thus it is important to consider the origins and nature of Christianity, especially in its most elaborate and important manifestation, the Roman Catholic Church.

As can be seen from the above table, even the earliest of the canonical New Testament (NT) writings — those of Paul — were written decades after the death of Jesus.  And Paul himself never knew Jesus during the latter’s lifetime.  He drew his ideas about Jesus from hallucinations which told him that Jesus would be returning very shortly.  (Visionary “psychics” seem to have been quite popular in those days, as the slightly later movement of Gnosticism attests.)  After this first psychic experience, he went not to Jerusalem, but to Arabia (Galatians 1:23), then back to Damascus, and only after three years to the capital of Judæa to meet Peter (the first pope) for two weeks before returning.

The importance of Paul’s vision can hardly be overestimated.  Completely aside from its monumental impact on history, it shows that the quintessence of “Christ” in Christianity is not a human being of flesh and blood, but a psychic, brain-based experience akin to what occurs in shamanic visions, a solution-synthesizing event which opens the deep unconscious to the inframental depths beyond the self.  Such apparitions, or divine images, communicate vital information to the conscious mind in religious form.  The phenomenon itself has been attested everywhere from earliest antiquity, and plays a critical role in many religions.  It is typical for such images to be projected onto real or imagined external things, animals and persons.  As the psychologist Carl Jung pointed out long ago, the Christian “Christ” actually represents the (transcendentally rooted) Self.  In Catholicism this apparitional metaphor is sometimes condensed into a single organ:  the heart.  In that religion, the “Sacred Heart” (of Jesus) is the focus of devotion in countless places.  Many Protestant denominations prefer to concentrate on Christ’s “love,” a life-giving emotion, or his “saving” (anti-death) powers.  And there is no question but that sincere emotional devotion to this transcendent root of life often has salutary physical effects, both in health and in external, seemingly fortuitous events.

But to return to Paul:  in the following years, he abandoned the Torah (the core text of ancient Judaism) and its many legalisms.  This apostasy led to a rancorous dispute with Peter, the original head of the “way,” (Ga 2:11-16).  He spurned the main leaders — Peter, John and Jesus’ brother James — as alleged “pillars” of the movement. As a result, his own writings and those of the NT in general have little connection with the actual historical Jesus and his followers, who would never have thought of abandoning the faith of their fathers.  But in his epistles Paul justifies the break.  Paul began to establish a totally new religion based on the model of the Greek mystery religions with their dying and rising gods.

After fanatics (“Zealots”) had taken over Jerusalem and caused the Romans to destroy it in A.D. 70, and in 73 another murderous cult of resistance (the “Sicarii” or Daggermen) had committed mass suicide atop a mesa called Masada, later NT epistles were written under fake authorship to “prove” the authority of the new organization.  The Acts of the Apostles was composed in the early second century as an adventure story about Paul to attract more believers.  Modern scholars give it little credence.

The concept of genetically inherited guilt was raised to the dominant principle and psychodynamic motive of the new religion.  And Jesus, now identified with God, was asserted to be the Absolver of the guilt.  After all, he had “paid the penalty” for the guilty human species.

The Christian “New Testament” was, thus, assembled long after Jesus’ death out of a hodgepodge of writings, plagiarisms, fake authorships and Greek and Jewish sayings and injunctions.  With the gradual self-organization of Græco-Roman Catholicism, a bureaucratic hierarchy evolved, partly modeled on the Roman imperial administration.  As mentioned, the inner, religious and ritual aspect was patterned on the dying-and-rising-god myths of the Greek mystery religions.  After the battle of the Milvian Bridge (312) in which Constantinus Magnus (Constantine the Great) had won command of the western Empire, the African schismatic sect of the Donatists asked him to force all other Christians to follow their own rite.  Wishing to keep peace in the Empire, he was thereby dragged into the Church’s internal quarrels.  He had various councils convened, which then decided against the Donatists, and he followed the decisions of the councils.  (See Peter J. Leithart, Defending Constantine:  The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom.  Downers Grove, Illinois:  IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, 2010.)  A decade later, another controversy, the Arian heresy, broke out in the east, forcing Constantine to become yet more involved in order to preserve imperial peace.  It was the beginning of “cæsaropapism.”

Modern historians and others frequently charge Constantine and his successors with “mixing religion and politics,” as though the two areas were separate, as in post-Enlightenment times.  This is totally erroneous “presentism.”  As with Mohammedans today, religion and politics were one and the same.  The underlying principle was socio-political unity in obeisance to the emperor.  Doctrine had to conform to that principle.

After the collapse of the western Roman Empire in 476, the mystical-political ideology of Christianity dominated the illiterate although slowly civilizing peoples of western Europe.  But that ideology also showed quite manifestly that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Given the globally usual identity of religion and politics, heretics were often burnt to death.  With its age-old policy of preaching “pay now to fly later,” the Church sold remission of purgatorial punishment (“indulgences”) to enrich its hierarchy and build St. Peter’s in Rome at the expense of Germans.  All this and more eventually sparked the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s which, in northern Germanic lands, overthrew the political overlordship of a bottomlessly corrupt papacy;  yet the view that the Bible was the word of (the Christian) God remained.

As happens often in “reform” movements, the baby was thrown out with the bath.  Frequently it was not only the liturgical rites and clerical hierarchy of Catholicism that was expurgated.  The “Reformers” also abandoned the slow evolution of philosophy and its emphasis on reason, which had been a vital part of Christianity from its Greek beginnings.  Jettisoning the Greek tradition, they decided to become mainly primitive Christians as imagined for the first century, basing their beliefs on a dizzying mixture of the Old and New Testaments adjusted to fit current political winds.  All of this led to a splintering of Protestant Christianity which continues to this day.

The Bible became the justification for more killings and wars than ever, with the Protestants imitating Catholics in murdering witches and other nonconformists within their reach.  Following religious wars in seventeenth-century Europe, Protestantism gloried in the megadeaths of the American Civil War (1861-65) and World Wars I and II.  (Even today, countless demented and barely literate Protestant preachers use the Apocalypse, or Book of Revelation, to “prove” that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, etc.;  they may often pluck what amounts to a Protocols of the Elders of Catholicism off of some obscure internet site to reinforce their rants.)

Then, after Karl Marx and his Jewish followers had tossed the idea of God out of the picture altogether, divine authority and direction were transferred to “history.”  Stalin, Mao Tze-Tung and their imitators made great use of this new form of atheistic religiosity, killing perhaps as many as 176 million people in the twentieth century.  Such leaders were, of course, praised or excused by the Jews of Hollywood and the American media they control.  Heavily propagandized American Christians viewed, and still view, their own mass-bombing-slaughters of Germans and Japanese as ordained by the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible.  What would Jesus do?  Why, kill your own blood relatives if they differ in religio-political ideology, of course!  (Jesus, naturally, would excuse the Commies, because his own Chosen People supported them.)

Another historical note:  during the long Middle Ages (roughly A.D. 500-1700), the Roman Catholic Church had taken over as guide of the ideological and intellectual system of governance in the developing nations and the chaos of the time.  In western Europe the Church forbade its flocks to engage in money-lending, which it regarded as “usury” (Latin fenum) — a sin.  But it did allow Jews to engage in this intellectually demanding practice.  Given that there was no government welfare in those days, and the less-intelligent tended to die off without reproducing, while the more intelligent and richer survived and passed on their genes, the limitation of money-lending to Jewry gradually bred a Jewish subspecies of intelligence higher than that of average Christians.  These Jews of western Europe, known as Ashkenazim, are also smarter than their kindred, the Sephardim (originally of Spain) and Oriental Jews (from Mesopotamia).  They average about ten to twelve IQ points above the general European population, due to a biochemical, glucosylceramide, which promotes the growth of dendrites on neurons.  (Too much of this substance results in drastic genetic maladies such as Tay-Sachs and many other problems usually leading to early death.)  At the top end of the intelligence bell curve, Ashkenazim produce six times the number of highly intelligent people with IQs above 140 than the White population in general.  This is the level of intelligence required for doctors, high-end lawyers, certified public accountants, scientists, university professors and the like.  (See the Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence by Gregory Cochran, Jason Hardy and Henry Harpending for specifics on this.)

Nonetheless, because of ill treatment in Poland and Russia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Jews with their master-race syndrome maintain a visceral though usually unconscious contempt and hatred for Whites.  Whereas the Mohammedans employ a fiercely exacerbated dominance-submission instinct (found in all social animals) as their subconscious psychodynamic, and Christians use guilt, Judaism inculcates paranoia in its members.  In other words, all three major religious classes twist the subconscious underpinnings of their people to maintain group solidarity.

To recapitulate:  with the formation of the United States as a primarily Protestant (i.e., anti-Catholic) but officially agnostic nation, the guilt motif (even though originally with emphasis on sex) was used as an excuse to murder hundreds of thousands of fellow Whites accused of owning Negro slaves.  Following that, the new Judeo-Christian deviation called Communism, an atheist religion, used the idea of the private ownership of anything as the essence of capital crime and guilt.  Impelled by their deeply buried instincts of paranoia and chosenness, the Jews promoted Communism as their new messianic ideology and joyfully became willing executioners for the system’s leader, Joseph Stalin.  While Russian Communism later collapsed under its own dead weight, Jews in the West commandeered the media and persuaded the White goyim to commit genosuicide.  The essence of guilt was now defined as having a White skin.  In tandem with this, today the Roman Catholic Church and its imitators continue to encourage the shrinking White population to pay now for the promise of flying later.

After the United States had delivered half of Europe to the tender mercies of Stalin at the end of World War II, the terrified Catholic hierarchy of the remaining half decided to accommodate the Church to Communism, which seemed about to devour the rest of the globe.  So in 1962-65 a Second Vatican Council was held which, besides abandoning that Church’s Latin heritage, effectively demonized “capitalism” and embraced an “option for the poor.”  In other words, the Church became a social welfare agency for the redistribution of wealth.  In consequence, it lost White members in large droves and half a century later was a mere shadow of its former self in Europe and other White regions.

“Christianity” in our time is an exceedingly broad term:  it is used to refer to anything and everything from Catholicism to various offshoots of voodoo.  Common to most forms of this religious classification, however, is the notion that all hominids are “equal.”  This in turn implies that Whites must be reduced to the lowest common denominator of the dark races, by force if necessary.  “Racism,” found in Whites only, must be exterminated — by exterminating the White race as Jewish media-infotainment constantly hints.  Modern Christianity, in other words, urges White extinction.  Pope Francis agrees.

Due to the influence over the subconscious, religion and political control have always been linked, even fused.  It is realistically impossible to separate them, despite the best efforts of secularists.  Appeals to vacuities such as “shared values” simply have no effect except as oratorical flourishes.  Nevertheless, it would be desirable if Christianity kept to issues involving transcendence and theoretical post-mortem states rather than socio-political matters.  And it would be good if governments and others (e.g., Mohammedan groups) stopped using religion as a goad to war (to “free slaves,” “enforce international law,” etc.).  The idea of using promises of otherworldly bliss or torture to achieve political aims (including “social justice” and workers’ paradises) has had a long and sorry history.  It leads to hell on earth.

Today the Bible, that haphazard collection of ancient religio-political texts, is used for little more than a propaganda tool for White genosuicide.  Even though Christianity in all its variations (including “Judeo-Christianity”) still does much good with all of its social programs and institutions, in the last analysis it has become a vehicle of White biological self-annihilation, a vehicle encouraging racial miscegenation and the termination of evolution.  It uses any and all evidence of the paranormal as propaganda for itself.  And it displays an invincible indifference to the facts of biology and the impending biological extinction of the White race.  Despite its vociferous denials, it is a promotor of nihilism.

April 2014

Saturday, 2014 Apr 19:


Stultum facit Fortuna, quem vult perdere.
(“Whom she would destroy, Fortune makes stupid.”)
— Publilius Syrus (1st century B.C.)
— later modified to —
Quem Deus vult perdere, dementat prius.
(“Whom God would destroy, he first makes mad.”)
Quem dei volunt perdere, dementant prius.
(“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”)

The 2014 April 21 (Easter Monday) edition of Time magazine, not known for its conservative or Republican views, featured on its cover the words, “It’s sold openly in stores, popular with kids and unpredictably dangerous:  The Rise of Fake Pot.”  The thus referenced article, written by Eliza Gray in Amarillo, Texas, ran on pages 24-31 and was titled “The Drug Threat in Plain Sight.”  It explained how “synthetic cannabinoids” — lethally dangerous, constantly modified chemical relatives of marijuana — are being manufactured in Asia, especially China, and sold in the U.S.  Because of the constantly shifting nature of the chemistry of the compounds, U.S. anti-narcotics laws cannot prevent these poisons from being sold to American youth — especially when “clean” marijuana has been effectively legalized and anti-narcotics laws are ignored by the justice system itself, thanks to the ex-hophead Negro at the national helm.

The naive young are being destroyed by this new venom:  “Actual pot remains the top drug in [the teen] age group — in 2013, 29.8% of students in 10th grade reported using it during the past year, according to an NIH-sponsored survey.  But even factoring in a decline since 2012 amid growing police vigilance, the far riskier synthetic marijuana came in second, with 7.4% saying they had tried it.”  Both grade schools and high schools are infected:  “In a 2013 survey of Amarillo Independent School District students, 11% of kids in grades six through 12 had tried synthetic marijuana.  That was down from 2012 but still showed that roughly 1 in 9 kids had tried synthetics within the past year.”

Naturally the suppliers and sellers in this murderous but lucrative market pretend not to know what is happening.  They may even claim that they advise their customers to use their merchandise “safely.”  Sort of like saying, “Get drunk responsibly.”

All the while that this “above-ground” business is going on, a civil war is being waged among Mexican narcotics mafias for dominance in supplying the subterranean American market with every imaginable form of mind-altering substance.  And in the U.S. itself, various proponents of legalizing the entire drug trade include in their arguments the idea that taxing the neuro-poisons will provide local and federal governments with much-needed cash — which can then be used to treat the victims of the trade, you see.  Above all, chemically lowering the intelligence of the masses will increase the incomes of the legislators and their supporters.

What is going on here?  Why such a sea change in the behavior of the American masses, to the point that two states — Colorado and Washington — have legalized marijuana, thereby opening the door to hell itself?

A second article on page 12 of the same magazine is revealing.  Titled “Skipping Out:  Common Core tests spark a parent revolt,” it tells of how Common Core, the new national effort to raise math, English and general education scores, is faced with resistance by primary school students and their parents because it is all just too hard.  In New York State, on the new tests, “only about 30% of students received passing scores — a sharp drop from the previous year.”  The reason behind such failure, of course, is the fact that for a long, long time, American schools have been dumbing down courses to make sure that Afroids and other low-IQ types and slackers can feel “equal” to the more intelligent and industrious students.

In other words, hard schoolwork and (shudder) homework are for Jews, Asians and Europeans, not for American children.  Watching TV is the preferred way to spend the evening hours.  Children need their little egos boosted, not agonizing study.  Relax and have a joint of pot.  And vote for the White House Blackie to give us more freebies.

The true state of the American mind is revealed by the combination of drug addiction and aversion to serious study touched on in the above two articles in Time magazine.  Self-preservation and the evolutionary struggle to survive are no longer important.  Stupidity and ignorance are preferable by far.  Better to allow oneself to be washed down the drain by the tides of history.  What we need is just a warm and fuzzy death.

Whom she would destroy, Fortune makes stupid.

Wednesday, 2014 Apr 09:

Peak Oil, Vlad and ðe Black Poltroon

As expected, Liliputin the Terrible has outwitted the White House community organizer once again.  The Kremlin boss has not only forced the witless one to abandon Syria, but is now promising Iran to help it build an additional two nuclear power plants — all for peaceful purposes, of course.  Meanwhile the strongly negrified “base” of the left-leaning Democratic party, rather than paying attention to all this, is interested only in how much its figurehead can redistribute the national wealth to itself.

As the Russian seeks to regain his lost empire, the Negroid is absorbed in fundraising from Hollywood celebrities and Seattle computer oligarchs.  On the grave matter of the loss of Western territory and power to a Communist dictator, the darkie mouths only meaningless laments about how rude such a takeover might be.  Plus, it might not be good for international trade, he says, and warns that a few Russian powerholders (but not Putin himself, of course) won’t be allowed luxury vacations in posh Western environs.  Really threatening stuff.

In fact, the Negro is shaking in his boots.  Somehow the race card and White racial guilt are not working for him in this case.  He has never experienced such uppity Honkies before.  As the confident successor of Joe Stalin, Vlad does not understand that he is supposed to fall down at the feet of the chimpanzoid who has been tokened into the U.S. presidency.  Moreover, although American Whites are profoundly genosuicidal, they are somehow fearful of risking their alleged own extinction right now.

Yes, the burrhead concludes, it is better to let the West decay through piecemeal conquest by a crypto-Commie.  After all, the spade was himself an ardent Stalinist in his youth, a stance he still holds deep in his heart.  So what if American interests are defeated?  Together with the Yankee-killing “rules of engagement” he has imposed on our soldiers in Afghanistan, abandonment of the Ukrainians will help the overall project of weakening our nation and making it less offensive to everyone in the Second and Third Worlds.  And the Jewish media will praise him for giving us peace in our time.

As George Friedman in Stratfor (Tuesday, 2014 March 18) remarks, “The issue is not deployments of major forces but providing the Central Europeans from Poland to Romania with the technology and materiel to discourage Russia from dangerous adventures — and to convince their publics that they are not alone.”

Given that the European “Union,” teetering on the brink of economic (and political) collapse, is frozen in fear and indecision, this is the Russian bear’s moment in the sun.  Vlad can invade more (or even all) of Ukraine, throw the now nervous Baltics into upheaval, and suppress defensive actions by borderland European countries.

So we now know what the Afroid meant when he told Vlad he would be more “flexible” after the election;  together they had agreed to turn Ukraine over to the re-Commifying state.  That is why the chimpanzoid mutters meaningless drivel about how naughty Russia is being in gobbling up the Crimea.  He just didn’t want much bloodshed which would cause waves in the American media.  The Slavic murderer accommodated him that once.

But now, a month after having swallowed the Crimea, through infiltrated agents, Stalin II is surreptitiously provoking civil disturbances in the rest of Ukraine as he readies his troops for the invasion and takeover of the country using the “protests” as an excuse.  Loss of Ukraine will be a major international disaster for the U.S., with unknown but ominous consequences.

The American masses are oblivious to all of this.  The only thing that matters to them is the nightly entertainment on the Jewbox.  The fact that a global noose is being gently put around their necks is irrelevant.  Having a darkie president has expiated all of their racist guilt.

All of the hullabaloo about “tensions” between Russia and America was just so much chaff being fed to the useful idiots in academe and punditland to make them feel they had something important to “warn” about.  Ukraine’s fate had already been decided several years earlier in a tête-à-tête between the czar and the Creature from the black lagoon.  After all, it is typical for America to betray those, like Ukraine, whom it has promised to protect.  Bye-bye Ukraine.

Of course, the one possibility remaining is time.  Eventually the swamp thing and his ilk will have to leave the oval office.  And someone with some willpower may take over.  If and when that happens, the land of the czars will be finished for good.  But all of that is only a hope without foundation, since America has become filled with dopeheads, the developmentally retarded, and psychotics concentrating on their own navels.

Once more:  none of this would be happening were it not for Peak Oil and Peak Gas.  The automatic inclination of most people is to blame “Big Oil” (i.e., White oil company executives) for not giving them what they want and for the rising cost of hydrocarbons.  In the simplistic popular mind, there must be a simple solution:  America should be able to snap its fingers and solve the “problem” of diminishing returns in an instant.  The masses have no interest in learning the facts.  Everything should be Black magic, like a new hand-held gadget of some sort.  Some “conservatives” imagine that if only an oil pipeline from Canada (the so-called “Keystone pipeline”) were built and a few other tricks were played, the money would flow and paradise would return.  “Liberals” fantasize that impoverishing the rich and giving their wealth to the bottom dwellers would revive Eden.  Neither the Right nor the Left with their Black god has any idea of what is inexorably coming in a few years.

As usual, American politicians apparently share the wishdreams.  Extremely few people ever spend the time to listen, say, to the Post Carbon Institute’s Richard Heinberg’s fact-laden warning (2014 Feb 25) on “Snake Oil”:  How Fracking's False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future.  Irreality rules the roost.  Pipe dreams hold sway.

In contrast, Putin is clairvoyantly aware of the facts:  Europe is in fact virtually resourceless, and he has all the oil and gas it needs.  Despite what clueless American politicians say, the depletion rates of our hydrocarbon extraction operations in geological formations with oil (e.g., the Barnett Shale and Bakken “plays”) are intimidating.  Ever greater extraction and supply efforts must be made merely to keep the economy from declining rapidly — the so-called “Red Queen syndrome.”  (The phrase comes from the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland, who said she had to keep running faster and faster merely to stay in place.)  Never mind “growth.”

Yes, Virginia, there is a solution.  One, however, that childish minds cannot endure.  It would be to pose large fleets of lethally armed drones on the periphery of Russia and in Ukraine, and then, the moment the Reds begin to invade that country, pour hellfire not just on the invading troops, but on Russia itself, starting with its oil and gas stores and resources.  If there is the least indication that Putin is thinking about playing Russian roulette with his nukes, decapitate the barbarian government before he has a chance to think twice.  Russia must be stopped while there is still time.  While the enthroned Negro hems, haws and stutters about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Putin is producing a fait accompli.  He is successfully engineering an end to the last, best hope of mankind.

March 2014

Tuesday, 2014 Mar 11:

Victorious Vlad?

Russia’s first attempt to control the world was based on its Jew-driven Communism.  Its second attempt is based on its newly abundant oil.  The current criminal dominating that state, Vladimir the Liliputian, is mightily assisted by the White House creature who told him that he would be more “flexible” (i.e., compliant) after being elected a second time.  So the fact that Ukraine is now being torn asunder by Russian troops brings merely a yawn from the average American.  After all, the nightly TV shows are far more important.  Making the world safe for anal intercourse is much worthier of attention.

There is virtually no reaction besides meaningless jawboning now being taken by the West against the KGB thug’s invasion.  After all, Europe needs Russia’s oil and gas.  The sacrifice of Ukraine is a small price to pay for that.  And no one wants to think about the implications of Vlad’s success.

For one thing, that success vividly demonstrates the fact that anyone who depends upon U.S. guarantees to save it from Russia is delusional.  The United States agreed back in the 1990’s to defend Ukraine against any such attack in return for Ukraine’s surrender of its nuclear arsenal.  But the agreement has somehow evaporated.  Thus, in addition to its dire economic plight, that country is now utterly incapable of defending itself.

This simple fact is not going unnoticed elsewhere on the planet.  After Iraq was defeated by U.S. forces, Libya gave up its nuclear program.  The result?  The U.S. and a couple of European countries destroyed Libya and killed its dictator, Moammar Qaddafi.  His country is now a patchwork of warring clans that have cut its oil production in half, and may yet bring it to a complete halt.

The only reason America does not put an end to the barbaric but puny dictatorship of North Korea is the latter’s possession of nuclear weapons.  For the Mongoloid hellhole knows that, despite false American promises and pledges, the moment it becomes a nuclear-free zone, it is doomed.  Likewise, Iran has now been made more aware than ever that it must proceed with nuke development, whatever the cost;  otherwise it will follow the same path as Libya and Ukraine, and be checkmated by more powerful forces.

In other words, the message of Ukraine is:  you are on your own and cannot depend on any sponsor to save you in time of need.  It is, accordingly, absolutely imperative to develop (or retain) nuclear weapons as a defense.  Your national survival is at stake, regardless of what “the people” want or think.  It is simply a matter of life and death.

On the east side of the Atlantic, Peak Oil and Peak Gas have already hit.  The North Sea oilfields are declining rapidly, and hydrocarbon energy is skyrocketing in cost.  Europe, with no other resources of its own, is dependent on oil and gas imports, most of which come from Russia.  Hence the European protests against the Russian takeover of the Crimea are little more than hot air.  Allegedly, Russia needs Europe as a customer.  But that need is not extreme, whereas the European need for Russian gas is.  Thus the West’s appeals to “international law,” “justice” and “right” in “protest” against Vlad’s invasion of Ukraine are merely posturing for the home folks.

The Kremlin killer knows this, and he consequently knows he is free to “protect” his empire by taking over Ukraine and resurrecting the Soviet Union.  The only power capable of stopping him is America, but he has been given assurances from the horse’s mouth that the chimpanzoid will be “flexible”;  so he has nothing to worry about from that quarter.

In short, it now appears that the U.S. has decided to revert to a “bi-polar” world with global power split up between Russia and the U.S.  After all, during the Cold War things were so much more “stable.”  And besides:  Russia knows how to redistribute wealth so well — just as the jungle bunny and his leftist Heeb mentors want.  The new Stalin will help them achieve that dream.

Hence things look grim.  But all may not be lost.  There are additional considerations.  With few exceptions, Russians are by nature violent and primitive.  Despite being White, they are essentially Neanderthals who have remained at a lower stage of evolution.  Alcoholism, murder, general slaughter, theft, lying and general corruption are their normal mode of being — their “culture.”  Woodrow Wilson, the White genosuicidal president who took us into World War I, fancied that the Communist revolution would turn the Russkies into enlightened and benevolent citizens of the world.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the White genosuicidal president who took us into World War II, thought the same thing, and handed half of Europe over to Stalin and his Jewish death squads.  The current anti-White president is pursuing the same line, while pretending to be indignant at the Red recapture of the Ukraine.

As it happens, the one and only thing that can force Commieland to retreat is the same process which President Reagan initiated:  the determined undercutting of the Russian oil-and-gas cash cow.  Without oil and gas to export at high, Peak-caused prices, Russia will again collapse — this time for good.

But even if America makes no move to sap Russia’s economy, Peak Oil and Peak Gas are on the verge of happening to Russia too;  thus the current high of Russian military power will not last very long, and their takeover of Ukraine will be temporary.

But more than that:  the U.S. — despite all of its self-defeating absurdities — is now developing ultra-sophisticated, space-based weaponry.  This will soon be able, lightening-like, to nullify every implement in Vlad’s arsenal.  Yes, he may presently be able to exploit the “flexibility” of the low-IQ chimpanzoid momentarily on the U.S. throne.  But if inscrutable Providence should move America to elect some future president who becomes fed up with the re-sprouting Evil Empire, it will be a simple matter to terminate the land of the czars forever.

Sorry, Vlad.

Saturday, 2014 March 01:


Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (born 1952 October 7), the current Russian successor to Joseph Stalin, is focussed on resuscitating Uncle Joe’s Workers’ Paradise at the expense of the nations freed after the demise of the Soviet Union.  His dreams of renewed glory are empowered above all by the global rise in the price of oil — from $17 in 1999 to over $100 in 2014.  Under Putin’s “managed democracy” (or allegedly benevolent police state), the population of Russia has declined by over two million, due to alcoholism, suicide, AIDS, heroin, emigration and countless other plagues, not to mention massive abortion and the widespread refusal to have babies at all. The ongoing murders of regime-unfriendly journalists are mysteriously never solved, corruption by the powerholders is massive, and the government is threatening the entire European region both through cutoffs of oil and gas and even militarily, as in its invasion of Georgia in 2008 (August 8-12).  At the same time, the Muslim population is exploding in the Russian west, the Chinese in the east.  The Putinians pay little attention to all of this and imagine that by massively building up their military they can somehow regain superpower status.

Meanwhile the clueless chimpanzoid in the White House, oblivious to the darkening clouds in eastern Europe, concentrates on destroying the American medical system and denigrating the White race in the U.S.  The burrhead, who was himself a worshipper of Soviet slaughterhouses in his college days, now mysteriously fails to recognize the stakes involved.  His only obsession is getting guilt-saturated White TV-hypnotizees to commit racial suicide in accordance with Christian pay-now-fly-later mythology.  On Wednesday, 2014 February 19, he mouthed something about the Ukrainian government being expected to show “restraint,” and not to use violence in dealing with peaceful protesters — that it would be “held responsible” if there were more deaths, and that if some “line” were crossed by either side, there would be (completely undefined) “consequences.”  Of course, since it would have been the then-Russian-leaning Ukrainian government which would have decided whether the protesters were engaging in “illegal acts,” the Negroid would do nothing except mumble regrets about the whole thing, then return to his war on domestic Whites.

But few if any commentators seem to have noticed that the primary factor enabling Putin’s Soviet comeback has been global oil depletion.  It is Peak Oil that has made the black gold — along with natural gas (“natgas”) — so expensive and provided Russia with its new windfall.  The crypto-Commies are now the world’s biggest oil producers.  Putin & Co. know this, and for that very reason imprisoned former Yukos oil magnate Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky (from 2003 October 25 to 2013 December 20) on specious grounds;  they used a shell company (Baikal Finance) to “buy” Yukos for $9.4 billion, far less than it was worth, and then transferred it to Gazprom (the Russian energy monopoly);  by twisting the eco-laws, they later seized majority control (50% plus one share) of the far eastern Sakhalin-2 project from Royal Dutch Shell for Gazprom.  As a result of the robbery, Shell ownership sank from 55% to 27.5%, and the company was compensated for only about half of its losses.  Honesty and fairness are unknown in Russian political finance, but all of the corruption and legalized theft makes sense only in the context of the increasing scarcity of oil.

Exactly how long Russian oil will last is unkown, but there are indirect signs that the flow is weakening even now.  Thus the Russians are laying claim even to the north pole as their own future oil territory.  Given the other signs of general population and moral-cultural decline in Russia, it does not seem that that country can maintain its current world status past 2030.

As a perfect reflection of the American infantilism that elected him, the imperial golem from the outer darkness refuses to confront the Red legacy.  The masses would be discomfitted and might not vote for more Democrat leftists.  Exploiting this immaturity, the intrinsically corrupt Russians are undermining America with their criminality at every turn.  (Even the masses of Russian emigrants now infiltrating America and Europe are infecting the West with organized crime of every sort.)  The Russian-speaking reporter Angus Roxburgh, who knows the Slavic nation like few other Westerners, devoted a chapter in his 2012 book “Strongman,”about Putin and his lethal tactics, to the utter corruption of the whole of Russian society, from Putin down to the local police.  Bribery and murder everywhere keep the down-spiraling country from becoming any kind of modern nation.  It is due to the fact that (with exceptions, of course) the average Russian is utterly amoral.  In the U.S., wherever there are sizable communities of Russian émigrés, they perpetrate up to half of the auto thefts.  In Europe the situation is worse.  Russians were well trained in corruption and clandestine crime by their Marxist masters.  All of this social decay is the logical heritage and consequence of the country’s determined, bloodthirsty rejection of organic evolution — the underlying, subconscious thrust of Communism.  As is the case with envy-based leftism generally, Marxism completely denies the value of human life in favor of abstractions like materialistic “progress.”  The Communist era may be gone from Russia.  But that country’s primitive masses pine away in nostalgia for it while denying its blood-soaked savagery.  And in that system’s place today is a mafia-like state heading toward its own doom and threatening to take many others down with it.

In short, for the time being Russia and its vampire leadership are being preserved from total economic collapse by the vast hydrocarbon resources of northern Asia.  But the inherent evil of the neo-Stalinists has kept and will keep the entire state in a condition of permanent paralysis, forcing any intelligent citizen to emigrate whenever possible.  And as global peak oil advances upon humanity, Russia will dissolve into a medieval tyranny known, like other ThirdWorld entities, only for its export of crime.

Over the weekend of Saturday-Sunday-Monday, 2014 February 22-24, the similarly corrupt but nonetheless constitutionally elected and Russia-friendly prime minister of Ukraine, Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych, was chased from power by large, violent demonstrations with eighty-eight deaths.  As is usual among the eastern Slavs, it is doubtful that an orderly government will take his place immediately, although there is a new acting President, Oleksander Turchynov, and a semblance of restored stability.  Putin, meanwhile, is moving troops into Crimea and trying to provoke Ukraine into reacting, so that he can conquer the country and tear off parts of it like he did to Georgia in 2008, when he sawed off Abkhazia and South Ossetia from that land.

In short, Putin, taking advantage of the faintheartedness of America under a leftissimo Negro, is re-establishing the Soviet Union.  The jigaboo, for his part, is mainly concerned with paying out taxpayer money to men for engaging in anal sex under the guise of “marriage.”  (There is much to suggest that the chimera himself enjoys such pastimes;  cf. Deconstructing Obama by Jack Cashill.)  The son of Frank Marshall White, an American Negro (i.e., not of any Kenyan), also seeks to reduce the IQs of adolescents by exempting marijuana ingestion from federal laws against the drug.  The reduced IQ thereby caused in teenagers, of course, means lower-level, poorer-paying jobs for the young pot smokers in the future, since they will be unable to fulfill positions which require the greater intelligence they would otherwise have had.  But it is all part of the darkie’s “jobs program.”

Meanwhile the swamp creature himself, having nothing better to do on Thursday, 2014 February 27, between 5:45 and 6:00 p.m. PST, gave an interview to a Spanish-language radio program popular among illegal aliens from Spicland.  He told them through their translators that, if they were here legally, they should register for his unAffordable Care Act (thereby bumping up its numbers).  He also referred to his so-called “Dream Act,” which would confer citizenship on their still-illegal children after the latter had jumped through a few hoops.  When asked about deportations of foreign illegals, he mumbled platitudes about trying to get a “comprehensive immigration package” passed in Congress, but said that his efforts were being blocked by those evil Republicans.  And so it went, while on the other side of the world the Russians were preparing aggression against Ukraine and a takeover of the Crimea.

So, as with the jungle bunny’s pre-election decision to let the Libyan ambassador and his guards die rather than to take action, he will do nothing serious to help Ukraine maintain its territorial integrity.  We can thus look forward to the re-emergence of Communism and its savagery in eastern Europe, to the cheers of the American university professoriate.

February 2014

Monday, 2014 February 17:

Mexican Oil

Major Mexican Energy Fields
“The bill ending the state monopoly [over Mexico’s oilfields]
was approved by the Mexican Congress Dec. 12.”
North America to be flooded with oil as Mexico ends monopoly
By Joe Carroll and Bradley Olson, Bloomberg News
Monday, 2013 December 16, 8:54 AM ET

After a decade of plummeting oil production in Mexico’s oil fields, especially off the Yucatan peninsula, the Mexican government under president Enrique Peña Nieto has decided to yield to reality and allow American and other world-class oil companies come in and share the wealth.

All indications are that all oil-producing countries are now producing at the highest rates possible under current circumstances.  Countries like Libya, where maniac and thug groups are holding the oil industry hostage, cannot produce any more than at present, and, despite theoretical possibilities, maybe never will.

Mexico has three main sources of income for its government:  (1) narcotics exported to the U.S., to be consumed by the disintegrating White race;  (2) remittances sent back by illegal Spics in the U.S.;  and (3) oil.  Now that the oil flow is diminishing and the population has grown, they need better expertise and technology than is domestically available.  The other two income sources are insufficient for their ever-growing needs and wants.  Hence gringo companies will now be invited in.  Already visions of sugar plums are dancing in Mexican politicos’ heads.

The only problem with all this is infrastructure plus time.  In many cases, plants will have to be refurbished or built new from the ground up in order to accommodate modern technology.  This will take at least half a decade.  Then there is the problem of tracking the money.  Typically in a ThirdWorld country, at least half of the profits are suctioned off for bribes.  What will happen south of the border is unknown, but one cannot expect Caucasian-level honesty down there.  In fact, given the ongoing decrease in global IQ, we can expect various forms of narco-Marxist criminality to become, as everywhere else, even more dominant in Mexico and its stagnating political system.

The senescent West generally, led by the anti-evolutionary Whites of the United States, is covering its disintegration with happy talk about how morally wonderful the descent into the abyss is.  Despite objections of a few recalcitrant Whites (who, as in Europe, are attacked, impoverished or even thrown into prison by Yid-paid bribe-ocrats whenever possible), payments for Mexican oil will be not only in money (there is talk of $20 billion), but by importing yet more Spiclanders into the U.S. freak show.  Since the media has long been an organ of propaganda used for race-mixing and other culture-destroying ends, this should be no problem.  And White-guilt-promoting Christianity will make the grave even more inviting for Whites.

Mexico’s easy oil is fast disappearing.  “Enhanced oil recovery” (EOR) is now required, and only American and European companies can fill the need.  This means not just that Mexican anti-gringoism will have to give way slightly, but that extraction costs must rise globally.  Because EOR is not cheap.  And the gringos will not work for free, despite a vastly intensified barrage of propaganda promoting White guilt and a Latin American pope calling for Soviet-style redistribution everywhere.

No matter what is done, global oil is inexorably becoming more expensive.  Depletion, ever higher technology, infiltration of graft and crime, accident-proneness and mind-boggling complexity are all tightening the screws on Mexico’s — and the world’s — temporary bonanza.  All of this also means the increased invasion of a self-hating Whiteland by dark scavengers, and yet more White genosuicidism.

One curious but significant indication of Whitey’s drift into the abyss is seen in the difference in the other races the paleface chooses to promote, advance and import.  He is all about pouring untold wealth and energy into the lowest primates — such as those in and from Africa and adjacent SandNegroLand —, but is very cautious, sometimes even leery, about the high-IQ northeastern Mongoloids of China, Japan or (South) Korea.  After all, he needs to expiate his guilt and make up for his unworthiness by descending to pre-human levels.  Mexico’s low IQ average of 88 fits into this pattern quite well.

Among the many indices of American decline is the bizarre event which showed up in the announcement of the Denver County Fair in Denver, Colorado, to be held 2014 August 1-3, that the County is going to “celebrate” marijuana ingestion with a “Pot Pavilion” showcasing various marijuana contests on the fair grounds.  Also, a new poll shows that New York State voters are 88% for legalizing the toxin.  Never mind that the drug is known to stunt the IQ of growing teenagers, can cause schizophrenia in susceptible individuals, or is an addictive substance that attacks the linguistic areas of the brain, producing slurred speech in long-term addicts.  Or that it is a seductive entryway to yet more dangerous narcotics.  The current agitprop of the narcotics syndicates is the idea that marijuana is not as “dangerous” as alcohol or even football, so it is no big deal if elementary school children ingest it.  Perhaps the next “celebration” somewhere in the U.S. will be a group suicide event advertizing the latest trend in the path to White extinction.

When economists and futurists make projections about the world to come decades hence, they rarely take into consideration the moral decay of a population.  Their premisses assume more of the same, along with technological miracles.  They ignore the global decline in IQ and other human qualities.  Also mustn’t mention Islam’s tendency toward homicidal mania.  Mentioning Peak Oil is likewise a no-no.  Such things would, after all, be politically incorrect and their careers would promptly be finished.

Mexico’s decision to bring in White expertise and share the oil wealth with gringos is merely another emergency measure to prolong the fiesta.  As with all emergency measures, this one will perforce result in price rises affecting the business-as-usual scenario.

But then, as they say, what we don’t know can’t hurt us.  So smile, be happy and follow the Pied Piper.

January 2014

Saturday, 2014 Jan 11:

New Year Lies

“Bottom line, all the hype is just hype.  The US will likely never reach 4.5 million barrels per day of shale oil, the peak will not be spread out over five years as the EIA believes, and the decline will be a whole lot steeper than the chart above indicates.  Shale oil may delay the peak of world oil production for one year, or two at the most.

“While it is true that only the Light Tight Oil is keeping Peak Oil from being an obvious fact, that can only last for a year or two, then the US, along with almost every other nation in the world will be in decline.

“The EIA’s International Energy Statistics is about a month late already.  International oil production data is a really low priority with the EIA.  They are much more concerned with the price of kerosene and other such matters than they are with world crude oil, the lifeblood of every economy in the world.”

The U.S. Monthly Energy Review
By Ron Patterson
Tuesday, 2013 December 24
Some standard economic lies from the Negro’s regime:
  1. “The Unemployment Rate Has Been Steadily Going Down”
  2. “Inflation Is Low”
  3. “Quantitative Easing Is Economic Stimulus”
  4. “Obamacare Is Going To Be Good For Middle Class Americans”
  5. “The U.S. National Debt Is Under Control”
The 5 Economic “Big Lies” The Government Is Telling You
By Tyler Durden
Monday, 2013 November 20

With the new year of 2014 comes an increased effort on the part of the negrified U.S. regime to battle the obvious national decline by using faith-based weaponry.  The first tool in the armory is the inflation of the money supply, cutely termed “Quantitative Easing” (QE).  In tandem with this is a strategy of loaning big money to banks and various powers of financial darkness at almost no interest:  the so-called “Zero Interest Rate Policy” (ZIRP), the doorstep to a growth-stymieing liquidity trap.  ZIRP will be accelerated under a female penguin named Janet Yellen, a JAP now tyrantess of the Fed.  Thirdly is the process of borrowing money from other lands (e.g., India, China) and paying the interest on the loans (the principal will never be repaid) with the 50¢-dollars of a US-based “reserve currency.”

All of this fakery and manipulation enables the overlords to claim that the economy is growing, even as it slows to stagnation.  The American masses, wallowing in the “benefits” of this Ponzi scheme, are told that the unemployment rate is around 7%, when in fact it is at least double that.  (The Ministry of Propaganda simply redefines the word “unemployment.”)

The current opiate of the people has two aspects:  most broadly, the hypnosis of TV;  and more narrowly, the spreading plague of brain-poisoning narcotics.  The former is pushed by the Jew-run infotainment industry;  the latter, in part not just by the administration’s benign neglect, but by government-sanctioned operations of the CIA and other military and semi-military groups (Special Forces, amphibian forces, mercenary organizations, etc.) both domestically and abroad.  Yet even those drug operations which are foreign wash back into America itself, a huge market for the toxic chemicals.

The completely ignored elephant in the room is, of course, Peak Oil.  The mirage of abundant, cheap and eternal oil from the Bakken and Eagle Ford regions is a regime-produced “light show” to obscure the fact of rapid depletion in those plays, never mind the phenomenal costs and the dangerous complexity.

As of today, the earth may already be beyond the point of no return as far as intelligent life is concerned.  The insatiable demands of primitive ThirdWorlders, the inveterate genosuicidism of White Yankees, the universal, mindless degradation of the biosphere, and much more, have made the survival of higher life precarious and questionable.

Politically, the re-election ploy of the reigning Democratic Party is the promotion of envy and hate, with associated guilt, all projected onto the White race.  This also excuses the massive importation of ThirdWorld non-Whites into America and giving them government support of various sorts.  Sob stories playing off of White religious feelings star in major roles in this scheme.

It has been claimed that the meek will inherit the earth.  Rather, it is much more likely that the insane will do so, as is demonstrated by the global hegemony of the United States with its religious wars and its madmen presidents such as Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Lyndon Johnson and, now, the chimpanzoid.

Currently the regnant Democratic Party is a perfect reflection of the general decay and decadence of a declining nation.  The nominally opposed Republican Party follows this leftism a little hesitantly, given its obsessive focus on business, the enemy of the Dems.

With the media-controlling Yids now long in control, the family is dissolving and the formerly traditional community along with it.  Modern youth disdain and defy their own parents — something unthinkable in former generations.  Marriage is now strictly a temporary arrangement of convenience or fancy, to be abrogated as soon as emotions change.  With legalistic approval, homosexuals can nowadays pretend to be “married.”  Vast numbers of children are today raised by single parents, usually “moms” (never “mothers”), with the biological fathers not living in the home.  The result is a society sinking into random chaos, while cynical politicians continue to operate on the basis of the dwindling residue of morality left from former ages.  The final result of this process is process is easy to see:  a dissolute society governed by a dicatorship.  The American regime has been inexorably moving in this direction for a long time;  the U.S. Constitution, while given much lip service, actually means little today, because it is based on the implicit assumption of intact families and rational thought of the Enlightenment type.  But these no longer exist.  It is, thus, no wonder that the Constitution is ignored or warped by a Congress and a judicary that conform to the latest Heeb-driven exhortations.

At the top levels, everyone knows what is going on.  The main effort is to keep the masses mushrooms, which is what they really prefer to be.  But because there is something called the Rest of the World, the potentates of the bribe-ocracy are also a little worried.  They know that if IsItReal attacks Iran and sucks the U.S. in as an ally, there will be an instant collapse of the global economy.  Oh, woe!  Hence the recent U.S. rapprochement with Iran, despite Sheeny wishes.  Saudi Araby is being ignored in this switcheroo too, because the production of its Ghawar oil field (the world’s largest) has been greatly diminished after half a century of pumping — meaning the royal ragheads there no longer count for as much as formerly.  In the long run, Iran is a much better bet.

But with or without a Yid-Persian war, global civilization is headed downward.  The increase in sloth, infantile arrogance and stupidity among American Whites, the long-term, universal growth of White genosuicidism (assisted perforce by Christianity), and the gradual loss of abundant, cheap oil energy, are all converging to terminate the last, best hope of mankind.

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— Þeedrich (reachable at