1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 |
34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 |
Note: the symbol 7, like our &, stands for Anglo-Saxon ond (and).
{ 1 } .I. | ||
129r |
So. The Spear-Danes in days gone by |
þeodcyninga þrym gefrunon. |
And the kings who ruled them had courage and greatness. | |
Hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon! |
We have heard of those princes heroic campaigns. | |
Oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum |
There was Shield Sheafson, scourge of many tribes, | |
5 |
monegum mægþum meodosetla ofteah, |
A wrecker of mead-benches, rampaging among foes. |
egsode eorl, syððan ærest wearð |
This terror of the hall-troops had come far. | |
feasceaft funden. He þæs frofre gebad, |
A foundling to start with, he would flourish later on | |
weox under wolcnum, weorðmyndum þah, |
As his powers waxed and his worth was proved. | |
oð þæt him æghwylc þara ymbsittendra |
In the end each clan on the outlying coasts | |
10 |
ofer hronrade hyran scolde, |
Beyond the whale-road had to yield to him |
gomban gyldan. Þæt wæs god cyning. |
And begin to pay tribute. That was one good king. | |
Đæm eafera wæs æfter cenned, |
Afterwards a boy-child was born to Shield, | |
geong in geardum, þone God sende |
A cub in the yard, a comfort sent | |
folce to frofre. Fyrenðearfe ongeat. |
By God to that nation. He knew what they had suffered, | |
15 |
Þæt hie ær drugon aldorlease |
The long times and troubles theyd come through |
lange hwile. Him þæs Liffrea, |
Without a leader; so the Lord of Life, | |
wuldres wealdend, woroldare forgeaf. |
The glorious Almighty, made this man renowned. | |
Beowulf wæs breme, blæd wide sprang, |
Shield had fathered a famous son: | |
Scyldes eafera Scedelandum in. |
Beows name was known through the north | |
20 |
Swa sceal geong guma gode gewyrcean, |
and a young prince must be prudent like that, |
129v |
fromum feohgiftum on fæder | bearme, |
Giving freely while his father lives |
þæt hine on ylde eft gewunigen |
so that afterwards in age when fighting starts | |
wilgesiþas, þonne wig cume, |
steadfast companions will stand by him | |
leode gelæsten. Lofdædum sceal |
and hold the line. Behaviour thats admired | |
25 |
in mægþa gehwære man geþeon. |
is the path to power among people everywhere. |
Him ða Scyld gewat to gescæphwile |
Shield was still thriving when his time came | |
felahror feran on Frean wære. |
and crossed over into the Lords Keeping. | |
Hi hyne þa ætbæron to brimes faroðe, |
His warrior band did what he bade them | |
swæse gesiþas. Swa he selfa bæd |
when he laid down the law among the Danes: | |
30 |
þenden wordum weold wine Scyldinga. |
they shouldered him out to the seas flood, |
Leof landfruma lange ahte. |
the chief they revered who had long ruled them. | |
Þær æt hyðe stod hringedstefna, |
A ring-whorled prow rode in the harbor, | |
isig 7 utfus, æþelinges fær. |
Ice –clad, outbound, a craft for a prince. | |
Aledon þa leofne þeoden, |
They stretched their beloved lord in his boat, | |
35 |
beaga bryttan on bearm scipes, |
Laid out by the mast, amidships, |
mærne be mæste. Þær wæs madma fela |
the great ring-giver. Far-fetched treasures | |
of feorwegum frætwa gelæded. |
were piled upon him, and precious gear. | |
Ne hyrde ic cymlicor ceol gegyrwan |
I never heard before of a ship so well furbished | |
hildewæpnum 7 heaðowædum, |
With battle tackle, bladed weapons | |
40 |
billum 7 byrnum. Him on bearme læg |
And coats of mail. The massed treasure |
madma mænigo; þa him mid scoldon |
was loaded on top of him: it would travel far | |
on flodes æht feor gewitan. |
on out into the oceans sway. | |
Nalæs hi hine læssan lacum teodan, |
They decked his body no less bountifully | |
þeodgestreonum, þonne þa dydon, |
With offerings than those first ones did | |
45 |
þe hine æt frumsceafte forð onsendon |
Who cast him away when he was a child |
130r |
ænne ofer yðe umborwe|sende. |
And launched him alone out over the waves. |
Þa gyt hie him asetton segen gyldenne |
And they set a gold standard up | |
heah ofer heafod, leton holm beran |
High above his head and let him drift | |
geafon on garsecg. Him wæs geomor sefa, |
To wind and tide, bewailing him | |
50 |
murnende mod. Men ne cunnon |
And mourning their loss. No man can tell, |
secgan to soðe selerædenne, |
No wise man in hall or weathered veteran | |
hæleð under heofenum, hwa þæm hlæste onfeng. |
Knows for certain who salvaged that load. | |
{ 2 } .II. | ||
ĐA wæs on burgum Beowulf Scyldinga |
Then it fell to Beow to keep the forts. | |
leof leodcyning longe þrage, |
He was well regarded and ruled the Danes | |
55 |
folcum gefræge. Fæder ellor hwearf, |
For a long time after his father took leave |
aldor of earde. Oþ þæt him eft onwoc |
Of his life on earth. And then his heir, | |
heah Healfdene, heold þenden lifde, |
The great Halfdane, held sway | |
gamol 7 guðreouw, glæde Scyldingas. |
For as long as he lived, their elder and warlord. | |
Đæm feower bearn forðgerimed |
He was four times a father, this fighter prince: | |
60 |
in worold wocun: weoroda ræswa, |
One by one they entered the world, |
Heorogar, 7 Hroðgar, 7 Halga til. |
Heorogar, Hrothgar, the good Halga, | |
Hyrde ic þæt ides wæs æþelan cwen, |
And a daughter, I have heard, who was Onelas queen, | |
Heaðo-Scilfingas healsgebedda. |
A balm in bed to the battle-scarred Swede. | |
Þa wæs Hroðgare heresped gyfen, |
The fortunes of war favored Hrothgar. | |
65 |
wiges weorðmynd, þæt him his winemagas |
Friends and kinsmen flocked to his ranks, |
georne hyrdon, oðð þæt seo geogoð geweox |
Young followers, a force that grew | |
magodriht micel. Him on mod bearn |
To be a mighty army. So his mind turned | |
þæt healreced hatan wolde, |
To hall-building: he handed down orders | |
130v |
| medoærn micel men gewyrcean, |
For men to work on a great mead-hall |
70 |
þone yldo bearn æfre gefrunon, |
Meant to be a wonder of the world forever; |
7 þær on innan eall gedælan |
It would be his throne-room and there he would dispense | |
geongum 7 ealdum, swylc him God sealde, |
His God-given goods to young and old | |
buton folcscare 7 feorum gumena. |
But not the common land or peoples lives. | |
Đa ic wide gefrægn weorc gebannan |
Far and wide through the world, I have heard, | |
75 |
manigre mægþe geond þisne middangeard, |
Orders for the work to adorn that wallstead |
folcstede frætwan. Him on fyrste gelomp, |
Were sent to many peoples. And soon it stood there, | |
ædre mid yldum, þæt hit wearð ealgearo, |
Finished and ready, in full view, | |
healærna mæst. Scop him Heort naman, |
The hall of halls. Heorot was the name | |
se þe his wordes geweald wide hæfde. |
He settled on it, whose utterance was law. | |
80 |
He beot ne aleh, beagas dælde, |
Nor did he renege, but doled out rings |
sinc æt symle. Sele hlifade, |
And torques at the table. The hall towered, | |
heah 7 horngeap. Heaðowylma bad, |
Its gables wide and high and awaiting | |
laðan liges. Ne wæs hit lenge þa gen |
A barbarous burning. That doom abided, | |
þæt se secghete aþum swerian, |
But in time it would come: the killer instinct | |
85 |
æfter wælniðe wæcnan scolde. |
Unleashed among in-laws, the blood-lust rampant. |
Đa se ellengæst earfoðlice |
Then a powerful demon, a prowler through the dark, | |
þrage geþolode, se þe in þystrum bad, |
Nursed a hard grievance. It harrowed him | |
þæt he dogora gehwam dream gehyrde |
To hear the din of the loud banquet | |
hludne in healle. Þær wæs hearpan sweg, |
Every day in the hall, the harp being struck | |
90 |
swutol sang scopes. Sægde, se þe cuþe, |
And the clear song of a skilled poet |
frumsceaft fira feorran reccan, |
Telling with mastery of mans beginnings, | |
132r |
| cwæð þæt se Ælmihtiga eorðan worhte, |
How the Almighty had made the earth |
wlitebeorhtne wang, swa wæter bebugeð, |
A gleaming plain girdled with waters; | |
gesette sigehreþig sunnan 7 monan, |
In His splendor He set the sun and the moon | |
95 |
leoman to leohte landbuendum. |
To be earths lamplight, lanterns for men, |
7 gefrætwade foldan sceatas, |
And filled the broad lap of the world | |
leomum 7 leafum, lif eac gesceop |
With branches and leaves; and quickened life | |
cynna gehwylcum þara ðe cwice hwyrfaþ. |
In every other thing that moved. | |
Swa ða drihtguman dreamum lifdon |
So times were pleasant for the people there | |
100 |
eadiglice, oð ðæt an ongan |
Until finally one, a fiend out of hell, |
fyrene fremman, feond on helle. |
Began to work his evil in the world. | |
Wæs se grimma gæst Grendel haten, |
Grendel was the name of this grim demon | |
mære mearcstapa, se þe moras heold, |
Haunting the marches, marauding round the heath | |
fen 7 fæsten. Fifelcynnes eard |
And the desolate fens; he had dwelt for a time | |
105 |
wonsæli wer weardode hwile, |
In misery among the banished monsters, |
siþðan him Scyppend forscrifen hæfde |
Cains clan, whom the Creator had outlawed | |
in Caines cynne. Þone cwealm gewræc, |
And condemned as outcasts. For the killing of Abel | |
ece Drihten, þæs þe he Abel slog. |
The Eternal Lord had exacted a price: | |
Ne gefeah he þære fæhðe, ac He hine feor forwræc, |
Cain got no good from committing that murder | |
110 |
Metod for þy mane mancynne fram. |
Because the Almighty made him anathema |
Þanon untydras ealle onwocon, |
And out of the curse of this exile there sprang | |
eotenas 7 ylfe 7 orcneas, |
Ogres and elves and evil phantoms | |
132v |
swylce gi|gantas, þa wið Gode wunnon |
And the giants too who strove with God |
lange þrage. He him ðæs lean forgeald! |
Time and gain until He gave them their reward. | |
{ 3 } .III. | ||
115 |
Gewat ða neosian, syþðan niht becom, |
So, after nightfall, Grendel set out |
hean huses, hu hit Hring-Dene |
For the lofty house, to see how the Ring-Danes | |
æfter beorþege gebun hæfdon. |
Were settling into it after their drink, | |
Fand þa ðær inne æþelinga gedriht |
And there he came upon them, a company of the best, | |
swefan æfter symble. Sorge ne cuðon, |
Asleep from their feasting, insensible to pain | |
120 |
wonsceaft wera. Wiht unhælo, |
And human sorrow. Suddenly then |
grim 7 grædig, gearo sona wæs, |
The God-cursed brute was creating havoc: | |
reoc 7 reþe, 7 on ræste genam |
Greedy and grim, he grabbed thirty men | |
þritig þegna. Þanon eft gewat |
From their resting places and rushed to his lair, | |
huðe hremig to ham faran, |
Flushed up and inflamed from the raid, | |
125 |
mid þære wælfylle wica neosan. |
Blundering back with the butchered corpses. |
Đa wæs on uhtan mid ærdæge |
Then as dawn brightened and the day broke | |
Grendles guðcræft gumum undyrne. |
Grendels powers of destruction were plain: | |
Þa wæs æfter wiste wop up ahafen, |
Their wassail was over, they wept to heaven | |
micel morgensweg. Mære þeoden |
And mourned under morning. Their mighty prince, | |
130 |
æþeling ærgod, unbliðe sæt, |
The storied leader, sat stricken and helpless, |
þolode ðryðswyð, þegnsorge dreah, |
Humiliated by the loss of his guard, | |
syðþan hie þæs laðan last sceawedon, |
Bewildered and stunned, staring aghast | |
wergan gastes. Wæs þæt gewin to strang, |
At the demons trail, in deep distress. | |
133r |
lað 7 longsum. Næs hit lengra | fyrst, |
He was numb with grief, but got no respite |
135 |
ac ymb ane niht eft gefremede |
For one night later merciless Grendel |
morðbeala mare, 7 no mearn fore |
Struck again with more gruesome murders. | |
fæhðe 7 fyrene. Wæs to fæst on þam. |
Malignant by nature, he never showed remorse. | |
Þa wæs eaðfynde þe him elles hwær |
It was easy then to meet with a man | |
gerumlicor ræste sohte, |
Shifting himself to a safer distance | |
140 |
bed æfter burum, ða him gebeacnod wæs, |
To bed in the huts, for who could be blind |
gesægd soðlice sweotolan tacne |
To the evidence of his eyes, the obviousness | |
healðegnes hete. Heold hyne syðþan |
Of that hall-watchers hate? Whoever escaped | |
fyr 7 fæstor, se þæm feonde ætwand. |
Kept a weather-eye open and moved away. | |
Swa rixode 7 wið rihte wan, |
So Grendel ruled in defiance of right, | |
145 |
ana wið eallum, oð þæt idel stod |
One against all, until the greatest house |
husa selest. Wæs seo hwil micel, |
In the world stood empty, a deserted wallstead. | |
twelf wintra tid, torn geþolode, |
For twelve winters, seasons of woe, | |
wine, scyldenda, weana gehwelcne, |
The lord of the Shildings suffered under | |
sidra sorga. Forðam sona wearð |
His load of sorrow; and so, before long, | |
150 |
ylda bearnum undyrne, cuð, |
The news was known over the whole world. |
gyddum geomore, þætte Grendel wan |
Sad epic songs were sung about the beset king, | |
hwile wið Hroþgar, heteniðas wæg, |
The vicious raids and ravages of Grendel, | |
fyrene 7 fæhðe fela missera, |
His long and unrelenting feud, | |
singale sæce. Sibbe ne wolde |
Nothing but war; how he would never | |
155 |
wið manna hwone mægenes Deniga |
Parley or make peace with any Dane |
feorhbealo feorran, fea þingian. |
Nor stop his death-dealing nor pay the death-price. | |
Ne þær nænig witena wenan þorfte |
No counselor could ever expect | |
beorhtre bote to banan folmum. |
Fair reparation from those rabid hands. | |
133v |
| Atol æglæca ehtende wæs, |
All were endangered; young and old |
160 |
deorc deaþscua, duguþe 7 geogoþe, |
Were hunted down by that dark death-shadow |
seomade 7 syrede. sinnihte heold |
Who lurked and swooped in the long nights | |
mistige moras. Men ne cunnon |
On the misty moors; nobody knows | |
hwyder helrunan hwyrftum scriþað. |
Where these raiders from hell roam on their errands. | |
Swa fela fyrena feond mancynnes, |
So Grendel waged his lonely war, | |
165 |
atol angengea, oft gefremede, |
Inflicting constant cruelties on the people, |
heardra hynða. Heorot eardode, |
Atrocious hurt. He took over Heorot, | |
sincfage sel sweartum nihtum. |
Haunted the glittering hall after dark, | |
No he þone gifstol gretan moste |
But the throne itself, the treasure-seat, | |
maþðum for Metode, ne his myne wisse. |
He was kept from approaching; he was the Lords outcast. | |
170 |
Þæt wæs wræc micel wine Scyldinga, |
These were hard times, heart-breaking |
modes brecða. Monig oft gesæt |
For the prince of the Shieldings; powerful counselors, | |
rice to rune; ræd eahtedon, |
The highest in the land, would lend advice, | |
hwæt swiðferhðum selest wære |
Plotting how best the bold defenders | |
wið færgryrum to gefremmanne. |
Might resist and beat off sudden attacks. | |
175 |
Hwilum hie geheton æt hrærgtrafum |
Sometimes at pagan shrines they vowed |
wigweorþunga, wordum bædon |
Offerings to idols, swore oaths | |
þæt him gastbona geoce gefremede |
That the killer of souls might come to their aid | |
wið þeodþreaum. Swylc wæs þeaw hyra, |
And save the people. That was their way, | |
hæþenra hyht. Helle gemundon |
Their heathenish hope; deep in their hearts | |
180 |
in modsefan, Metod hie ne cuþon, |
They remembered hell. The Almighty Judge |
dæda Demend, ne wiston hie Drihten God. |
Of good deeds and bad, the Lord God, | |
134r |
| Ne hie huru heofena Helm herian ne cuþon, |
Head of the Heavens and High King of the World, |
wuldres Waldend. Wa bið þæm ðe sceal |
Was unknown to them. Oh, cursed is he | |
þurh sliðne nið sawle bescufan |
Who in time of trouble has to thrust his soul | |
185 |
in fyres fæþm, frofre ne wenan, |
In the fires embrace, forfeiting help; |
wihte gewendan. Wel bið þæm þe mot |
He has nowhere to turn. But blessed is he | |
æfter deaðdæge Drihten secean |
Who after death can approach the Lord | |
7 to fæder fæþmum freoðo wilnian. |
And find friendship in the Fathers embrace. | |
{ 4 } .IV. | ||
Swa ða mælceare maga Healfdenes |
So that trouble time continued, woe | |
190 |
singala seað. Ne mihte snotor hæleð |
That never stopped, steady affliction |
wean onwendan. Wæs þæt gewin to swyð, |
For Halfdanes son, too hard an ordeal. | |
laþ 7 longsum, þe on ða leode becom, |
There was panic after dark, people endured | |
nydwracu niþgrim, nihtbealwa mæst. |
Raids in the night, torn by the terror. | |
Þæt fram ham gefrægn Higelaces þegn, |
When he heard about Grendel, Hygelacs thane | |
195 |
god mid Geatum, Grendles dæda. |
Was on home ground, over in Geatland. |
Se wæs moncynnes mægenes strengest |
There was no on else like him alive. | |
on þæm dæge þysses lifes, |
In his day, he was the mightiest man on earth, | |
æþele 7 eacen. Het him yðlidan |
High-born and powerful. He ordered a boat | |
godne gegyrwan. Cwæð, he guðcyning |
That would ply the waves. He announced his plan: | |
200 |
ofer swanrade secean wolde, |
To sail the swans road and search out that king, |
mærne þeoden, þa him wæs manna þearf. |
The famous prince who needed defenders. | |
Đone siðfæt him snotere ceorlas |
Nobody tried to keep him from going, | |
134v |
lythwon logon. | Þeah he him leof wære, |
No elder denied him, dear as he was to them. |
hwetton higerofne. Hæl sceawedon. |
Instead, they inspected omens and spurred | |
205 |
Hæfde, se goda Geata leoda, |
His ambition to go, whilst he moved about |
cempan gecorone, þara þe he cenoste |
Like the leader he was, enlisting men, | |
findan mihte. Fiftyna sum |
The best he could find; with fourteen others | |
sundwudu sohte, secg wisade, |
The warrior boarded the boat as captain, | |
lagucræftig mon landgemyrcu. |
A canny pilot along coast and currents. | |
210 |
Fyrst forð gewat. Flota wæs on yðum, |
Time went by, the boat was on water, |
bat under beorge. Beornas gearwe |
In close under the cliffs. | |
on stefn stigon. Streamas wundon, |
Men climbed eagerly up the gangplank, | |
sund wið sande. Secgas bæron |
sand churned in surf, warriors loaded | |
on bearm nacan beorhte frætwe, |
a cargo of weapons, shining war-gear | |
215 |
guðsearo geatolic. Guman ut scufon, |
In the vessels hold, then heaved out, |
weras on wilsið wudu bundenne. |
Away with a will in their wood-wreathed ship. | |
Gewat þa ofer wægholm, winde gefysed, |
Over the waves, with the wind behind her | |
flota famiheals fugle gelicost, |
And foam at her neck, she flew like a bird | |
oð þæt ymb antid oþres dogores |
Until her curved prow had covered the distance | |
220 |
wundenstefna gewaden hæfde, |
And on the following day, at the due hour, |
þæt ða liðende land gesawon, |
Those seafarers sighted land, | |
brimclifu blican, beorgas steape, |
Sunlit cliffs, sheer crags | |
side sænæssas. Þa wæs sund liden, |
And looming headlands, the landfall they sought. | |
eoletes æt ende. Þanon up hraðe |
It was the end of their voyage and the Geats vaulted | |
225 |
Wedera leode on wang stigon, |
Over the side, out on to the sand, |
sæwudu sældon. Syrcan hrysedon, |
And moored their ship. There was a clash of mail | |
guðgewædo. Gode þancedon |
And a thresh of gear. They thanked God | |
þæs þe him yþlade eaðe wurdon. |
For that easy crossing on a calm sea. | |
135r |
| Þa of wealle geseah weard Scildinga, |
When the watchman on the wall, the Shieldings lookout |
230 |
se þe holmclifu healdan scolde, |
Whose job it was to guard the sea-cliffs, |
beran ofer bolcan beorhte randas, |
Saw shields glittering on the gangplank | |
fyrdsearu fuslicu. Hine fyrwyt bræc |
And battle-equipment being unloaded | |
modgehygdum hwæt þa men wæron. |
He had to find out who and what | |
Gewat him þa to waroðe wicge ridan, |
The arrivals were. So he rode to the shore, | |
235 |
þegn Hroðgares, þrymmum cwehte |
This horseman of Hrothgars, and challenged them |
mægenwudu mundum, meþelwordum frægn. |
In formal terms, flourishing his spear: | |
Hwæt syndon ge searohæbbendra, |
What kind of men are you who arrive | |
byrnum werede, þe þus brontne ceol |
Rigged out for combat in coats of mail, | |
ofer lagustræte lædan cwomon, |
Sailing here over the sea lanes | |
240 |
hider ofer holmas? He on handscole wæs | In your steep-hulled boat? I have been stationed |
endesæta, ægwearde heold; |
As lookout on this coast for a long time. | |
þe on land Dena laðra nænig |
My job is to watch the waves for raiders, | |
mid scipherge sceðþan ne meahte. |
And danger to the Danish shore. | |
No her cuðlicor cuman ongunnon |
Never before has a force under arms | |
245 |
lindhæbbende, ne ge leafnesword |
Disembarked so openly not bothering to ask |
guðfremmendra gearwe ne wisson, |
If the sentries allowed them safe passage | |
maga gemedu. Næfre ic maran geseah |
Or the clan had consented. Nor have I seen | |
eorla ofer eorþan ðonne is eower sum, |
A mightier man-at-arms on this earth | |
secg on searwum. Nis þæt seldguma, |
Than the one standing here: unless I am mistaken, | |
250 |
wæpnum geweorðad. Næfre him his wlite leoge, |
He is truly noble. This is no mere |
ænlic ansyn. Nu ic eower sceal |
Hanger-on in a heros armor. | |
135v |
frumcyn witan, ær ge fyr | heonan |
So now, before you fare inland |
leassceaweras on land Dena |
As interlopers, I have to be informed | |
furþur feran. Nu ge feorbuend, |
About who you are and where you hail from. | |
255 |
mereliðende mine gehyrað |
Outsiders from across the water, |
anfealdne geþoht: ofost is selest |
I say it again: the sooner you tell | |
to gecyðanne. Hwanan eowre cyme syndon? |
Where you came from and why, the better. | |
{ 5 } .V. | ||
Him se yldesta andswarode, |
The distinguished one delivered this answer, | |
werodes wisa, wordhord onleac: |
The leader of the troop unlocked his word-hoard: | |
260 |
We synt gumcynnes Geata leode |
We belong by birth to the Geat people |
7 Higelaces heorðgeneatas. |
and owe allegiance to Lord Hygelac. | |
Wæs min fæder folcum gecyþed, |
In my day, my father was a famous man, | |
æþele ordfruma, Ecgþeow haten. |
A noble warrior name Ecgtheow. | |
Gebad wintra worn, ær he on weg hwurfe, |
He outlasted many a long winter | |
265 |
gamol of geardum. Hine gearwe geman, |
And went on his way. All over the world |
witena welhwylc, wide geond eorþan. |
Wise men in council continue to remember him. | |
We þurh holdne hige hlaford þinne, |
We come in good faith to find your lord | |
sunu Healfdenes, secean cwomon, |
And nations shield, the son of Halfdane. | |
leodgebyrgean. Wes þu us larena god. |
Give us the right to advise and direction. | |
270 |
Habbað we to þæm mæran micel ærende, |
We have arrived here on a great errand |
Deniga frean. Ne sceal þær dyrne sum |
To the lord of the Danes, and I believe therefore | |
wesan þæs, ic wene. Þu wast, gif hit is |
There should be nothing hidden or withheld between us. | |
136r |
swa we soþlice | secgan hyrdon, |
So tell us if what we have heard is true |
þæt mid Scyldingum sceaðona ic nat hwylc, |
About this threat, whatever it is, | |
275 |
deogol dædhata, deorcum nihtum, |
This danger abroad in the dark nights, |
eaweð þurh egsan uncuðne nið, |
This corpse-maker mongering death | |
hynðu 7 hrafyl. Ic þæs Hroðgar mæg, |
In the Shieldings country. I come to proffer | |
þurh rumne sefan, ræd gelæran, |
My wholehearted help and counsel. | |
hu he, frod 7 god, feond oferswyðeþ - |
I can show the wise Hrothgar a way | |
280 |
gyf him edwendan æfre scolde, |
To defeat his enemy and find respite |
bealuwa bisigu, bot eft cuman. |
If any respite is to reach him, ever. | |
7 þa cearwylmas colran wurðaþ, |
I can calm the turmoil and terror in his mind. | |
oððe a syþðan earfoðþrage, |
Otherwise, he must endure woes | |
þreanyd þolað, þenden þær wunað |
And live with grief for as long as his hall | |
285 |
on heahstede husa selest. |
Stands at the horizon, on its high ground. |
Weard maþelode, ðær on wicge sæt, |
Undaunted, sitting astride his horse, | |
ombeht unforht: Æghwæþres sceal |
The coast-guard answered, Anyone with gumption | |
scearp scyldwiga gescad witan |
And a sharp mind will take the measure | |
worda 7 worca, se þe wel þenceð. |
Of two things: whats said and whats done. | |
290 |
Ic þæt gehyre, þæt þis is hold weorod |
I believe what you have told me: that you are a troop |
frean Scyldinga. Gewitaþ forð beran |
Loyal to our king. So come ahead | |
wæpen 7 gewædu. Ic eow wisige. |
With your arms and your gear, and I will guide you. | |
Swylce ic maguþegnas mine hate |
Whats more, Ill order my own comrades | |
wið feonda gehwone flotan eowerne, |
On their word of honor to watch your boat | |
295 |
niwtyrwydne nacan on sande, |
Down there on the strand keep her safe |
arum healdan, oþ ðæt eft byreð |
In her fresh tar, until the time comes | |
136v |
ofer lagustrea|mas leofne mannan, |
For her curved prow to preen on the waves |
wudu wundenhals to Wedermearce. |
And bear this hero back to Geatland. | |
Godfremmendra swylcum gifeþe bið |
May one so valiant and venturesome | |
300 |
þæt þone hilderæs hal gedigeð. |
Come unharmed through the clash of battle. |
Gewiton him þa feran. Flota stille bad, |
So they went on their way. The ship rode the water, | |
seomode on sole, sidfæþmed scip, |
Broad-beamed, bound by its hawser | |
on ancre fæst. Eoforlic scionon |
And anchored fast. Boar-shapes flashed | |
ofer hleorberan, gehroden golde; |
Above their cheek-guards, the brightly forged | |
305 |
fah 7 fyrheard ferhwearde heold. |
Work of goldsmiths, watching over |
Guþmod grummon, guman onetton, |
Those stern-faced men. They marched in step, | |
sigon ætsomne, oþ þæt hy æltimbred, |
Hurrying on till the timbered hall | |
geatolic 7 goldfah, ongyton mihton. |
Rose before them, radiant with gold. | |
Þæt wæs foremærost foldbuendum |
Nobody on earth knew of another | |
310 |
receda under roderum. On þæm se rica bad. |
Building like it. Majesty lodged there, |
Lixte se leoma ofer landa fela. |
And its light shone over many lands. | |
Him þa hildedeor of modigra |
So their gallant escort guided them | |
torht getæhte, þæt hie him to mihton |
To that dazzling stronghold and indicated | |
gegnum gangan. Guðbeorna sum |
The shortest way to it; then the noble warrior | |
315 |
wicg gewende, word æfter cwæð. |
Wheeled on his horse and spoke these words: |
Mæl is me to feran. Fæder alwalda |
It is time for me to go. May the Almighty | |
mid arstafum eowic gehealde, |
Father keep you and in His kindness | |
siða gesunde. Ic to sæ wille, |
Watch over your exploits. Im away to the sea, | |
137r |
wið | wrað werod wearde healdan. |
Back on alert against enemy raiders. |
{ 5 } .VI. | ||
320 |
Stræt wæs stanfah, stig wisode |
It was a paved track, a path that kept them |
gumum ætgædere. Guðbyrne scan |
In marching order. Their mail-shirts glinted, | |
heard, hondlocen, hringiren scir |
Hard and hand-linked; the high-gloss iron | |
song in searwum, þa hie to sele furðum |
Of their armor rang. So they duly arrived | |
in hyra gryregeatwum gangan cwomon. |
In their grim war-graith and gear at the hall, | |
325 |
Setton sæmeþe side scyldas, |
And, weary from the sea, stacked wide shields |
rondas regnhearde wið þæs recedes weal, |
Of the toughest hardwood against the wall, | |
bugon þa to bence. Byrnan hringdon, |
Then collapsed on the benches; battle-dress | |
guðsearo gumena. Garas stodon |
And weapons clashed. They collected their spears | |
sæmanna searo, samod ætgædere, |
In a seafarers stook, a stand of grayish | |
330 |
æscholt ufan græg. Wæs se irenþreat |
Tapering ash. And the troops themselves |
wæpnum gewurþad. Þa ðær wlonc hæleð |
Were as good as their weapons. Then a proud warrior | |
oretmecgas æfter hæleþum frægn: |
Questioned the men concerning their origins: | |
Hwanon ferigeað ge fætte scyldas |
Where do you come from, carrying these | |
græge syrcan 7 grimhelmas, |
Decorated shields and shirts of mail, | |
335 |
heresceafta heap? Ic eom Hroðgares |
These cheek-hinged helmets and javelins? |
ar 7 ombiht. Ne seah ic elþeodige |
I am Hrothgars herald and officer. | |
þus manige men modiglicran. |
I have never seen so impressive or large | |
Wen' ic þæt ge for wlenco, nalles for wræcsiðum, |
An assembly of strangers. Stoutness of heart, | |
137v |
ac for hige | þrymmum Hroðgar sohton. |
Bravery not banishment, must have brought you to Hrothgar. |
340 |
Him þa ellenrof andswarode, |
The man whose name was known for courage, |
wlanc Wedera leod, word æfter spræc, |
The Geat leader, resolute in his helmet, | |
heard under helme. We synt Higelaces |
Answered in return: We are retainers | |
beodgeneatas. Beowulf is min nama. |
From Hygelacs band. Beowulf is my name. | |
Wille ic asecgan sunu Healfdenes, |
If your lord and master, the most renowned | |
345 |
mærum þeodne, min ærende, |
Son of Halfdane, will hear me out |
aldre þinum, gif he us geunnan wile |
And graciously allow me to greet him in person, | |
þæt we hine swa godne gretan moton. |
I am ready and willing to report my errand. | |
Wulfgar maþelode. Þæt wæs Wendla leod, |
Wulfgar replied, a Wendel chief | |
wæs his modsefa manegum gecyðed, |
Renowned as a warrior, well known for his wisdom | |
350 |
wig 7 wisdom: Ic þæs wine Deniga, |
And the temper of his mind: I will take this message, |
frean Scildinga, frinan wille, |
In accordance with your wish, to our noble king, | |
beaga bryttan, swa þu bena eart, |
Our dear lord, friend of the Danes, | |
þeoden mærne ymb þinne sið, |
The giver of rings. I will go and ask him | |
7 þe þa andsware ædre gecyðan |
About your coming here, then hurry back | |
355 |
ðe me se goda agifan þenceð. |
With whatever reply it pleases him to give. |
Hwearf þa hrædlice þær Hroðgar sæt, |
With that he turned to where Hrothgar sat, | |
eald 7 unhar, mid his eorla gedriht. |
An old man among retainers; | |
Eode ellenrof þæt he for eaxlum gestod |
The valiant follower stood four-square | |
Deniga frean. Cuþe he duguðe þeaw. |
In front of his king: he knew the courtesies. | |
138r (360) |
Wulfgar maðelode |to his winedrihtne: |
Wulfgar addressed his dear lord: |
Her syndon geferede, feorran cumene, |
People from Geatland have put ashore. | |
ofer geofenes begang Geata leode. |
They have sailed far over the wide sea. | |
Þone yldestan oretmecgas |
They call the chief in charge of their band | |
Beowulf nemnað. Hy benan synt, |
By the name of Beowulf. They beg, my lord, | |
365 |
þæt hie, þeoden min, wið þe moton |
An audience with you, exchange of words |
wordum wrixlan. No ðu him wearne geteoh |
And formal greeting. Most gracious Hrothgar, | |
ðinra gegncwida, glædman Hroðgar. |
Do not refuse them, but grant them a reply. | |
Hy on wiggetawum wyrðe þinceað |
From their arms and appointment, they appear well-born | |
eorla geæhtlan. Huru se aldor deah, |
And worthy of respect, especially the one | |
370 |
se þæm heaðorincum hider wisade. |
Who has led them this far: he is formidable indeed. |
{ 7 } .VII. | ||
Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga: |
Hrothgar, protector of Shieldings, replied: | |
Ic hine cuðe cnihtwesende. |
I used to know him when I was a young boy. | |
Wæs his ealdfæder Ecgþeo haten. |
His father before him was called Ecgtheow. | |
Đæm to ham forgeaf Hreþel Geata, |
Hrethel the Geat gave Ecgtheow | |
375 |
angan dohtor. Is his eaforan nu |
His daughter in marriage. This man is their son, |
heard her cumen, sohte holdne wine. |
Here to follow up an old friendship. | |
Đonne sægdon þæt, sæliþende, |
A crew of seamen who sailed for me once | |
þa ðe gifsceattas Geata fyredon |
With a gift-cargo across to Geatland | |
138v |
þyder to þance, þæt he þri|tiges |
Returned with marvelous tales about him: |
380 |
manna mægencræft on his mundgripe |
A thane, they declared, with the strength of thirty |
heaþorof hæbbe. Hine halig God |
In the grip of each hand. Now Holy God | |
for arstafum us onsende, |
Has, in His Goodness, guided him here | |
to West-Denum. þæs ic wen hæbbe, |
To the West-Danes, to defend us from Grendel. | |
wið Grendles gryre. Ic þæm godan sceal |
This is my hope; and for his heroism | |
385 |
for his modþræce madmas beodan. |
I will recompense him with a rich treasure. |
Beo ðu on ofeste, hat in gan |
Go immediately, bid him and the Geats | |
seon sibbegedriht samod ætgædere. |
He has in attendance to assemble and enter. | |
Gesaga him eac wordum þæt hie sint wilcuman |
Say, moreover, when you speak to them, | |
Deniga leodum. Word inne abead: |
That they are welcome in Denmark. At the door of the hall, Wulfgar duly delivered the message: | |
390 |
Eow het secgan, sigedrihten min, |
My lord, the conquering king of the Danes, |
aldor East-Dena, þæt he eower æþelu can, |
Bids me announce that he knows your ancestry; | |
7 ge him syndon ofer sæwylmas |
Also that he welcomes you here to Heorot | |
heardhicgende hider wilcuman. |
And salutes your arrival from across the sea. | |
Nu ge moton gangan in eowrum guðgeatawum, |
You are free now to move forward | |
395 |
under heregriman, Hroðgar geseon. |
To meet Hrothgar, in helmets and armor, |
Lætað hildebord her onbidan, |
But shields must stay here and spears be stacked | |
wuduwælsceaftas, worda geþinges. |
Until the outcome of the audience is clear. | |
Aras þa se rica, ymb hine rinc manig, |
The hero arose, surrounded closely | |
þryðlic þegna heap. Sume þær bidon, |
By his powerful thanes. A party remained | |
139r |
heaðoreaf heoldon, swa him se | hearda bebead. |
Under orders to keep watch on the arms; |
Snyredon ætsomne, þa secg wisode |
The rest proceeded, lead by their prince | |
under Heorotes hrof, | Under Heorots roof. And standing on the hearth | |
heard under helme, þæt he on heoðe gestod. |
In webbed links that the smith had woven, | |
Beowulf maðelode. On him byrne scan, |
The fine-forged mesh of his gleaming mail shirt, | |
405 |
searonet seowed smiþes orþancum: |
Resolute in his helmet, Beowulf spoke: |
Wæs þu, Hroðgar, hal. Ic eom Higelaces |
Greetings to Hrothgar. I am Hygelacs kinsman, | |
mæg 7 magoðegn. Hæbbe ic mærða fela |
One of his hall-troop. When I was younger, | |
ongunnen on geogoþe. Me wearð Grendles þing |
I had great triumphs. Then news of Grendel, | |
on minre eþeltyrf undyrne cuð. |
Hard to ignore, reached me at home: | |
410 |
Secgað sæliðend þæt þæs sele stande, |
Sailors brought stories of the plight you suffer |
reced selesta rinca gehwylcum, |
In this legendary hall, how it lies deserted, | |
idel 7 unnyt, siððan æfenleoht |
Empty and useless once the evening light | |
under heofenes hador beholen weorþeð. |
Hides itself under Heavens dome. | |
Þa me þæt gelærdon, leode mine, |
So every elder and experienced councilman | |
415 |
þa selestan, snotere ceorlas, |
Among my people supported my resolve |
þeoden Hroðgar, þæt ic þe sohte, |
To come here to you, King Hrothgar, | |
for þan hie mægenes cræft mine cuþon; |
Because all knew of my awesome strength. | |
selfe ofersawon, ða ic of searwum cwom, |
They had seen me boltered in the blood of enemies | |
fah from feondum, þær ic fife geband, |
When I battled and bound five beasts, | |
420 |
yðde eotena cyn, 7 on yðum slog |
Raided a troll-nest and in the night-sea |
niceras nihtes, nearoþearfe dreah, |
Slaughtered sea-brutes. I have suffered extremes | |
139v |
wræc | Wedera nið. Wean ahsodon, |
And avenged the Geats (their enemies brought it |
forgrand gramum. 7 nu wið Grendel sceal, |
Upon themselves, I devastated them). | |
wið þam aglæcan ana gehegan |
Now I mean to be a match for Grendel, | |
425 |
ðing wið þyrse. Ic þe nu ða, |
Settle the outcome in a single combat. |
brego Beorht-Dena biddan wille, |
And so, my request, O king of Bright-Danes, | |
eodor Scyldinga, anre bene, |
Dear prince pf the Shieldings, friend of the people | |
þæt ðu me ne forwyrne, wigendra hleo, |
And their ring of defense, my one request | |
freowine folca, nu ic þus feorran com: |
Is that you wont refuse me, who have come this far, | |
430 |
þæt ic mote ana, na minra eorla gedryht |
The privilege of purifying Heorot, |
7 þes hearda heap, Heorot fælsian. |
With my own men to help me, and nobody else. | |
Hæbbe ic eac geahsod þæt se æglæca |
I have heard moreover that the monster scorns | |
for his wonhydum wæpna ne recceð. |
In his reckless way to use weapons; | |
Ic þæt þonne forhicge, swa me Higelac sie, |
Therefore, to heighten Hygelacs fame | |
435 |
min mondrihten, modes bliðe, |
And gladden his heart, I hereby renounce |
þæt ic sweord bere oþðe sidne scyld, |
Sword and the shelter of the broad shield, | |
geolorand to guþe. Ac ic mid grape sceal |
The heavy war-board: hand-to-hand | |
fon wið feonde 7 ymb feorh sacan, |
Is how it will be, a life-and-death | |
lað wið laþum. Đær gelyfan sceal |
Fight with the fiend. Whichever one death fells | |
440 |
Dryhtnes dome, se þe hine deað nimeð. |
Must deem it a just judgment by God. |
Wen' ic þæt he wille, gif he wealdan mot |
If Grendel wins, it will be a gruesome day; | |
in þæm guðsele, Geotena leode |
He will glut himself on the Geats in the war-hall, | |
140r |
etan unforhte, swa he | oft dyde |
Swoop without fear on that flower of manhood |
mægenhreð manna. Na þu minne þearft |
As on others before. Then my face wont be there | |
445 |
hafalan hydan, ac he me habban wile |
To be covered in death; he will carry me away |
deore fahne, gif mec deað nimeð. |
As he goes to ground, gorged and bloodied; | |
Byreð blodig wæl, byrgean þenceð, |
He will run gloating with my raw corpse | |
eteð angenga unmurnlice, |
And feed on it alone, in a cruel frenzy, | |
mearcað morhopu. No ðu ymb mines ne þearft |
Fouling his moor-nest. No need then | |
450 |
lices feorme leng sorgian. |
To lament for long or lay out my body: |
Onsend Higelace, gif mec hild nime, |
If the battle takes me, send back | |
beaduscruda betst þæt mine breost wereð, |
This breast-webbing that Weland fashioned | |
hrægla selest. Þæt is Hrædlan laf |
And Hrethel gave me, to Hygelac. | |
Welandes geweorc. Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel. |
Fate goes ever as fate must. | |
{ 8 } .VIII. | ||
455 |
Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga: |
Hrothgar, the helmet of the Shieldings, spoke: |
Fere fyhtum, þu, wine min Beowulf, |
Beowulf, my friend, you have traveled here | |
7 for arstafum, usic sohtest. |
To favor us with help and fight for us. | |
Gesloh þin fæder fæhðe mæste. |
There was a feud one time, begun by your father. | |
Wearþ he Heaþolafe to handbonan |
With his own hands he had killed Heatholaf, | |
460 |
mid Wilfingum. Đa hine wigara cyn |
Who was a Wulfing; so war was looming |
for herebrogan habban ne mihte. |
And his people, in fear of it, forced him to leave. | |
Þanon he gesohte Suð-Dena folc |
He came away then over rolling waves | |
140v |
ofer yða gewealc Ar-|Scyldinga. |
To the South Danes here, the sons of honor. |
Đa ic furþum weold folce Deninga |
I was then in the full flush of kingship, | |
465 |
7 on geogoðe heold gimmerice, |
Establishing my sway over all the rich strongholds |
hordburh hæleþa. Đa wæs Heregar dead, |
Of this heroic land. Heorogar, | |
min yldra mæg unlifigende, |
My older brother and the better man, | |
bearn Healfdenes. Se wæs betera ðonne ic. |
Also a son of Halfdanes, had died. | |
Siððan þa fæhðe feo þingode. |
Finally I healed the feud by paying: | |
470 |
Sende ic Wylfingum ofer wæteres hrycg |
I shipped a treasure-trove to the Wulfings |
ealde madmas. He me aþas swor. |
And Ecgtheow acknowledged me with oaths of allegiance | |
Sorh is me to secganne on sefan minum, |
It bothers me to have to burden anyone | |
gumena ængum, hwæt me Grendel hafað |
With all the grief Grendel has caused | |
hynðo on Heorote mid his heteþancum, |
And the havoc he has wreaked upon us in Heorot, | |
475 |
færniða gefremed. Is min fletwerod, |
Our humiliations. My household-guard |
wigheap gewanod. Hie wyrd forsweop |
Are on the wane, fate sweeps them away | |
on Grendles gryre. God eaþe mæg |
Into Grendels clutches---but God can easily | |
þone dolsceaðan dæda getwæfan. |
Halt these raids and harrowing attacks! | |
Ful oft gebeotedon, beore druncne, |
Time and again, when the goblets passed | |
480 |
ofer ealowæge oretmecgas, |
And seasoned fighters got flushed with beer |
þæt hie in beorsele bidan woldon |
They would pledge themselves to protect Heorot | |
Grendles guþe mid gryrum ecga. |
And wait for Grendel with whetted swords. | |
Đonne wæs þeos medoheal on morgentid |
But when dawn broke and day crept in | |
drihtsele dreorfah, þonne dæg lixte, |
Over each empty, blood-spattered bench, | |
141r |
eal | bencþelu blode bestymed, |
The floor of the mead-hall where they had feasted |
heall heorudreore. Ahte ic holdra þy læs, |
Would be slick with slaughter. And so they died, | |
deorre duguðe, þe þa deað fornam. |
Faithful retainers, and my following dwindled. | |
Site nu to symle 7 onsæl meoto, |
Now take your place at the table, relish | |
sigehreð secgum, swa þin sefa hwette. |
The triumph of heroes to your hearts content. | |
490 |
Þa wæs Geatmæcgum geador ætsomne |
Then a bench was cleared in that banquet hall |
on beorsele benc gerymed. |
So the Geats could have room to be together | |
Þær swiðferhþe sittan eodon, |
And the party sat, proud in their bearing, | |
þryðum dealle. Þegn nytte beheold, |
Strong and stalwart. An attendant stood by | |
se þe on handa bær hroden ealowæge, |
With a decorated pitcher, pouring bright | |
495 |
scencte scir wered. Scop hwilum sang |
Helpings of mead. And the minstrel sang, |
hador on Heorote. Þær wæs hæleða dream, |
Filling Heorot with his head-clearing voice, | |
duguð unlytel Dena 7 Wedera. |
Gladdening that great rally of Danes and Geats. | |
{ 9 } .IX. | ||
HVNferð maþelode, Ecglafes bearn, |
From where he crouched at the kings feet, | |
þe æt fotum sæt frean Scyldinga. |
Unferth, a son of Ecglafs, spoke | |
500 |
Onband beadurune. Wæs him Beowulfes sið, |
Contrary words. Beowulfs coming, |
modges merefaran, micel æfþunca, |
His sea-braving, made him sick with envy: | |
forþon þe he ne uþe þæt ænig oðer man |
He could not brook or abide the fact | |
141v |
æfre | mærða þon ma middangeardes |
That anyone else alive under heaven |
gehedde under heofenum þonne he sylfa: |
Might enjoy greater regard than he did: | |
505 |
Eart þu se Beowulf, se þe wið Brecan wunne |
Are you the Beowulf who took on Breca |
on sidne sæ, ymb sund flite, |
In a swimming match on the open sea, | |
ðær git for wlence wada cunnedon |
Risking the water just to prove you could win? | |
7 for dolgilpe on deop wæter |
It was sheer vanity made you venture out | |
aldrum neþdon? Ne inc ænig mon, |
On the main deep. And no matter who tried, | |
510 |
ne leof ne lað, belean mihte |
Friend or foe, to deflect the pair of you, |
sorhfullne sið, þa git on sund reon. |
Neither would back down: the sea-test obsessed you. | |
Þær git eagorstream earmum þehton, |
You waded in, embracing water, | |
mæton merestræta, mundum brugdon, |
Taking its measure, mastering currents, | |
glidon ofer garsecg. Geofon yþum weol |
Riding on the swell. The ocean swayed, | |
515 |
in wintrys wylm. Git on wæteres æht |
Winter went wild in the waves, but you vied |
seofon niht swuncon. He þe æt sunde oferflat, |
For seven nights; and then he outswam you, | |
hæfde mare mægen. Þa hine on morgentid |
Came ashore the stronger contender. | |
on Heaþo-Ræmes. holm up ætbær, |
He was cast up safe and sound one morning | |
Đonon he gesohte swæsne .eðel., |
Among the Heathoreams, then made his way | |
520 |
leof his leodum, lond Brondinga, |
To where he belonged in Bronding country, |
freoðoburh fægere, þær he folc ahte, |
Home again, sure of his ground | |
142r |
burh 7 beagas. | Beot eal wið þe |
In strong room and bawn. So Breca made good |
sunu Beanstanes soðe gelæste. |
His boast upon you and was proved right. | |
Đonne wene ic to þe wyrsan geþingea, |
No matter, therefore, how you may have fared | |
525 |
ðeah þu heaðoræsa gehwær dohte, |
In every bout and battle until now, |
grimre guðe, gif þu Grendles dearst |
This time youll be worsted; no one has ever | |
nihtlongne fyrst nean bidan. |
Outlasted an entire night against Grendel. | |
Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes: |
Beowulf, Ecgtheows son, replied: | |
Hwæt, þu worn fela, wine min Hunferð, |
Well, friend Unferth, you have had your say | |
530 |
beore druncen, ymb Brecan spræce, |
About Breca and me. But it was mostly beer |
sægdest from his siðe. Soð ic talige |
That was doing the talking. The truth is this: | |
þæt ic merestrengo maran ahte, |
When the going was heavy in those high waves, | |
earfeþo on yþum, ðonne ænig oþer man. |
I was the strongest swimmer of all. | |
Wit þæt gecwædon, cnihtwesende |
Wed been children together and we grew up | |
535 |
7 gebeotedon, wæron begen þa git |
Daring ourselves to outdo each other, |
on geogoðfeore, þæt wit on garsecg ut |
Boasting and urging each other to risk | |
aldrum neðdon, 7 þæt geæfndon swa. |
Our lives on the sea. And so it turned out. | |
Hæfdon swurd nacod, þa wit on sund reon, |
Each of us swam holding a sword, | |
heard on handa. Wit unc wið hronfixas |
A naked, hard-proofed blade for protection | |
540 |
werian þohton. No he wiht fram me |
Against the whale-beasts. But Breca could never |
flodyþum feor fleotan meahte, |
Move out farther or faster from me | |
hraþor on holme, no ic fram him wolde. |
Than I could manage to move from him. | |
142v |
Đa wit æt|somne on sæ wæron |
Shoulder to shoulder, we struggled on |
fif nihta fyrst, oþ þæt unc flod todraf, |
For five nights, until the long flow | |
545 |
wado weallende, wedera cealdost, |
And pitch of the waves, the perishing cold, |
nipende niht, 7 norþanwind, |
Night falling and winds from the North | |
heaðogrim ondhwearf. Hreo wæron yþa! |
Drove us apart. The deep boiled up | |
Wæs merefixa mod onhrered: |
And its wallowing sent the sea-brutes wild. | |
þær me wið laðum licsyrce min |
My armor held me to hold out; | |
550 |
heard hondlocen, helpe gefremede, |
My hard-ringed chain-mail, hand-forged and linked, |
beadohrægl broden on breostum læg, |
A fine, close-fitting filigree of gold, | |
golde gegyrwed. Me to grunde teah, |
Kept me safe when some ocean creature | |
fah feondscaða, fæste hæfde, |
Pulled me to the bottom. Pinioned fast | |
grim on grape. Hwæþre me gyfeþe wearð |
And swathed in its grip, I was granted one | |
555 |
þæt ic aglæcan orde geræhte, |
Final chance: my sword plunged |
hildebille. Heaþoræs fornam |
And the ordeal was over. Through my own hands | |
mihtig meredeor þurh mine hand. |
The fury of battle had finished off the sea-beast. | |
{ 10 } .X. | ||
Swa mec gelome laðgeteonan |
Time and again, foul things attacked me, | |
þreatedon þearle. Ic him þenode |
Lurking and stalking, but I lashed out, | |
560 |
deoran sweorde, swa hit gedefe wæs. |
Gave as good as I got with my sword. |
Næs hie ðære fylle gefean hæfdon, |
My flesh was not for feasting on, | |
manfordædlan, þæt hie me þegon, |
There would be no monsters gnawing and gloating | |
symbel ymbsæton sægrunde neah. |
Over their banquet at the bottom of the sea. | |
143r |
Ac on mergenne, mecum | wunde, |
Instead, in the morning, mangled and sleeping |
565 |
be yðlafe uppe lægon, |
The sleep of the sword, they slopped and floated |
sweordum aswefede, þæt syðþan na |
Like the oceans leavings. From now on | |
ymb brontne ford brimliðende |
Sailors would the safe, the deep-sea raids | |
lade ne letton. Leoht eastan com, |
Were over for good. Light came from the East, | |
beorht beacen Godes, brimu swaþredon, |
Bright guarantee of God, and the waves | |
570 |
þæt ic sænæssas geseon mihte, |
Went quiet; I could see the headlands |
windige weallas. Wyrd oft nereð |
And buffeted cliffs. Often, for undaunted courage, | |
unfægne eorl, þonne his ellen deah. |
Fate spares the man it has not already marked. | |
Hwæþere me gesælde þæt ic mid sweorde ofsloh |
However it had occurred, my sword had killed | |
niceras nigene. No ic on niht gefrægn |
Nine sea monsters. Such night-dangers | |
575 |
under heofones hwealf heardran feohtan, |
And hard ordeals I have never heard of |
ne on egstreamum earmran mannon. |
Nor of a man so desolate in surging waves. | |
Hwaþere ic fara feng feore gedigde, |
But worn out as I was, I survived, Came through with my life. | |
siþes werig. Đa mec sæ oþbær, |
The ocean lifted And laid me ashore, | |
flod æfter faroðe, on Finna land, |
I landed safe On the coast of Finland. | |
580 |
wadu weallendu. No ic wiht fram þe |
Now, I cannot recall |
swylcra searoniða secgan hyrde, |
any fight you entered, Unferth, That bears comparison. | |
billa brogan. Breca næfre git |
I dont boast when I say That neither you nor Breca | |
æt heaðolace, ne gehwæþer incer, |
ever were much | |
swa deorlice dæd gefremede |
Celebrated for swordsmanship | |
585 |
fagum sweordum. No ic þæs gylpe, |
Or for facing danger in the battlefield. |
þeah ðu þinum broðrum to banan wurde, |
You killed your own kith and kin, | |
143v |
heafodmægum. Þæs þu in | helle scealt |
So for all your cleverness and quick tongue, |
werhðo dreogan, þeah þin wit duge. |
You will suffer damnation in the pits of hell. | |
Secge ic þe to soðe, sunu Ecglafes, |
The fact is, Unferth, if you were truly As keen or courageous as you claim to be | |
590 |
þæt næfre Gredel swa fela gryra gefremede, |
Grendel would never have got away with |
atol æglæca ealdre þinum, |
Such unchecked atrocity, attacks on your king, | |
hynðo on Heorote, gif þin hige wære, |
Havoc in Heorot and horrors everywhere. | |
sefa swa searogrim swa þu self talast. |
But he knows he need never be in dread | |
Ac he hafað onfunden þæt he þa fæhðe ne þearf, |
Of your blade making a mizzle of his blood | |
595 |
atole ecgþræce eower leode |
Or of vengeance arriving ever from this quarter |
swiðe onsittan Sige-Scyldinga. |
From the Victory-Shieldings, the shoulderers of the spear. | |
Nymeð nydbade, nænegum arað |
He knows he can trample down you Danes | |
leode Deniga, ac he lust wigeð, |
To his hearts content, humiliate and murder | |
swefeð ond sendeþ, secce ne weneþ |
Without fear of reprisal, nor feud he dreads | |
600 |
to Gar-Denum. Ac ic him Geata sceal |
from Spear-Dane men. But speedily now |
eafoð 7 ellen ungeara nu |
shall I prove him the prowess and pride of the Geats, | |
guþe gebeodan. Gæþ eft, se þe mot, |
shall bid him battle. Then whoever wants to | |
to medo modig, siþþan morgenleoht |
May go bravely to morning mead, when morning light, | |
ofer ylda bearn oþres dogores, |
Scarfed in sun-dazzle, shines forth from the south | |
605 |
sunne sweglwered suþan scineð. |
And brings another daybreak to the world. |
Þa wæs on salum sinces brytta, |
Then the gray-haired treasure-giver was glad; | |
gamolfeax 7 guðrof. Geoce gelyfde, |
Far-famed in battle, | |
144r |
| brego Beorht-Dena, gehyrde on Beowulfe, |
the prince of Bright-Danes And keeper of his people counted on Beowulf, |
folces hyrde, fæstrædne geþoht. |
On the warriors steadfastness and his word. | |
610 |
Đær wæs hæleþa hleahtor, hlyn swynsode, |
So the laughter started, the din got louder |
word wæron wynsume. Eode Wealhþeow forð, |
And the crowd was happy. Wealhtheow came in, | |
cwen Hroðgares, cynna gemyndig, |
Hrothgars queen, observing the courtesies. | |
grette goldhroden guman on healle. |
Adorned in her gold, she graciously saluted | |
7 þa freolic wif ful gesealde |
The men in the hall, then handed the cup | |
615 |
ærest East-Dena eþelwearde, |
First to Hrothgar, their homelands guardian, |
bæd hine bliðne æt þære beorþege, |
Urging him to drink deep and enjoy it, | |
leodum leofne. He on lust geþeah |
Because he was dear to them. And he drank it down | |
symbel 7 seleful, sigerof kyning. |
Like the warlord he was, with festive cheer. | |
Ymbeode þa, ides Helminga, |
So the Helming woman went on her rounds, | |
620 |
duguþe 7 geogoþe dæl æghwylcne, |
Queenly and dignified, decked out in rings, |
sincfato sealde, oþ þæt sæl alamp |
Offering the goblet to all ranks, | |
þæt hio Beowulfe, beaghroden cwen, |
Treating the household and the assembled troop | |
mode geþungen, medoful ætbær. |
Until it was Beowulfs turn to take it from her hand. | |
Grette Geata leod, Gode þancode |
With measured words she welcomed the Geat | |
625 |
wisfæst wordum, þæs ðe hire se willa gelamp, |
And thanked God for granting her wish |
þæt heo on ænigne eorl gelyfde |
That a deliverer she could believe in would arrive | |
fyrena frofre. He þæt ful geþeah, |
To ease their afflictions. He accepted the cup, | |
144v |
wælreow wiga | æt Wealhþeon |
A daunting man, dangerous in action And eager for it always. And Wealhtheow |
7 þa gyddode, guþe gefysed. |
was answered by the eager-for-combat. | |
630 |
Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes: |
Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow, said: |
Ic þæt hogode, þa ic on holm gestah, |
I had a fixed purpose when I put out to sea. | |
sæbat gesæt mid minra secga gedriht, |
As I sat in the boat with my band of men, | |
þæt ic anunga eowra leoda |
I meant to perform to the uttermost | |
willan geworhte, oþðe on wæl crunge, |
What your people wanted or perish in the attempt, | |
635 |
feondgrapum fæst. Ic gefremman sceal |
In the fiends clutches. And I shall fulfill that purpose, |
eorlic ellen, oþðe endedæg |
Prove myself with a proud deed | |
on þisse meoduhealle minne gebidan. |
Or meet my death here in the mead-hall. | |
Đam wife þa word wel licodon, |
This formal boast by Beowulf the Geat | |
gilpcwide Geates. Eode goldhroden, |
Pleased the lady well and she went to sit | |
640 |
freolicu folccwen, to hire frean sittan. |
By Hrothgar, regal and arrayed with gold. |
Þa wæs eft, swa ær inne on healle, |
Then it was like old times in the echoing hall, | |
þryðword sprecen, ðeod on sælum, |
Proud talk and the people happy, | |
sigefolca sweg, oþ þæt semninga |
Loud and excited; until soon enough | |
sunu Healfdenes secean wolde |
Halfdanes heir had to be away | |
645 |
æfenræste. Wiste þæm ahlæcan |
To his nights rest. He realized |
to þæm heahsele hilde geþinged, |
That the demon was going to descend on the hall | |
siððan hie sunnan leoht geseon meahton, |
That he had plotted all day, from dawn-light | |
oþ ðe nipende niht ofer ealle, |
Until darkness gathered again over the world | |
scaduhelma gesceapu scriðan cwoman, |
And stealthy night-shades came stealing forth | |
650 |
wan under wolcnum. Werod eall aras. |
Under the cloud-murk. The company stood |
Grette þa guma guman oþerne, |
As the two leaders took leave of each other: | |
Hroðgar Beowulf, 7 him hæl abead, |
Hrothgar wished Beowulf health and good luck, | |
145r |
winærnes | geweald, 7 þæt word acwæð: |
Named him hall-warden and announced as follows: |
Næfre ic ænegum men ær alyfde, |
Never, since my hand could hold a shield | |
655 |
siþðan ic hond 7 rond hebban mihte, |
Have I entrusted or given control |
ðryþærn Dena, buton þe nu ða. |
Of the Danes hall to anyone but you. | |
Hafa nu 7 geheald husa selest, |
Ward and guard it, for it is the greatest of houses. | |
gemyne mærþo, mægenellen cyð, |
Be on your mettle now, keep in mind your fame, | |
waca wið wraþum. Ne bið þe wilna gad |
Beware of the enemy. Theres nothing you wish for | |
660 |
gif þu þæt ellenweorc aldre gedigest. |
That wont be yours if you win through alive. |
{ 11 } .XI. | ||
ĐA him Hroþgar gewat mid his hæleþa gedryht, |
Hrothgar departed then with his house-guard. | |
eodur Scyldinga ut of healle. |
The lord of the Shieldings, their shelter in war, | |
Wolde wigfruma Wealhþeo secan, |
Left the mead-hall to lie with Wealhtheow, | |
cwen to gebeddan. Hæfde Kyningwuldor |
His queen and bedmate. The King of Glory | |
665 |
Grendle togeanes, swa guman gefrungon, |
(as people learned) had posted a lookout |
seleweard aseted. Sundornytte beheold |
Who was a match for Grendel, a guard against monsters, | |
ymb aldor Dena, eotonweard abead. |
Special protection to the Danish prince. | |
Huru Geata leod georne truwode |
And the Geat placed complete trust | |
modgan mægnes, Metodes hyldo. |
In his strength of limb and the Lords favor. | |
670 |
Đa he him of dyde isernbyrnan, |
He began to remove his iron breast-mail, |
helm of hafelan, sealde his hyrsted sweord, |
Took off the helmet and handed his attendant | |
irena cyst, ombihtþegne, |
The patterned sword, a smiths masterpiece, | |
7 gehealdan het hildegeatwe. |
Ordering him to keep the equipment guarded. | |
Gespræc þa se goda gylpworda sum, |
And before he bedded down, Beowulf, | |
145v |
Beowulf | Geata, ær he on bed stige: |
That prince of goodness, proudly asserted: |
No ic me an herewæsmun hnagran talige, |
When it comes to fighting, I count myself | |
guþgeweorca, þonne Grendel hine. |
As dangerous any day as Grendel. | |
Forþan ic hine sweorde swebban nelle, |
So it wont be a cutting edge Ill wield | |
aldre beneotan, þeah ic eal mæge. |
To mow him down, easily as I might. | |
680 |
Nat he þara goda, þæt he me ongean slea, |
He has no ideas of the arts of war, |
rand geheawe, þeah ðe he rof sie |
Of shield or sword-play, though he does possess | |
niþgeweorca. Ac wit on niht sculon |
A wild strength. No weapons, therefore, | |
secge ofersittan, gif he gesecean dear |
For either this night: unarmed he shall face me | |
wig ofer wæpen. 7 siþðan witig God, |
If face me he dares. And may the Divine Lord | |
685 |
on swa hwæþere hond, halig Dryhten, |
In His wisdom grant victory |
mærðo deme, swa him gemet þince. |
To whichever side He sees fit. | |
Hylde hine þa, heaþodeor, hleorbolster onfeng |
Then down the brave man lay with his bolster | |
eorles andwlitan, 7 hine ymb monig |
Under his head and his whole company | |
snellic særinc selereste gebeah. |
Of sea-rovers at rest beside him. | |
690 |
Nænig heora þohte, þæt he þanon scolde |
None of them expected he would ever see |
eft eardlufan æfre gesecean, |
His homeland again or get back | |
folc oþðe freoburh, þær he afeded wæs. |
To his native place and the people who reared him. | |
Ac hie hæfdon gefrunen þæt hie ær, to fela micles, |
They knew too well the way it was before, | |
in þæm winsele wældeað fornam |
How often the Danes had fallen prey | |
695 |
Denigea leode. Ac him Dryhten forgeaf |
To death in the mead-hall. But the Lord was weaving |
146r |
wigspeda gewiofu Wedera leodum, |
A victory on his war-loom for the Weather-Geats. |
frofor 7 fultum, þæt hie feond heora |
Through the strength of one they all prevailed; | |
ðurh anes cræft ealle ofercomon, |
They would crush their enemy and come through | |
selfes mihtum. Soð is gecyþed, |
In triumph and gladness. The truth is clear: | |
700 |
þæt mihtig God manna cynnes |
Almighty God rules over mankind |
weold wideferhð. Com on wanre niht |
And always has. Then out of the night | |
scriðan sceadugenga. Sceotend swæfon, |
Came the shadow-stalker, stealthy and swift; | |
þa þæt hornreced healdan scoldon, |
The hall-guards were slack, asleep at their posts, | |
ealle buton anum. Þæt wæs yldum cuþ, |
All except one; it was widely understood | |
705 |
þæt hie ne moste, þa Metod nolde, |
That as long as God disallowed it, |
se synscaþa under sceadu bregdan. |
The fiend could not bear them to his shadow-bourne. | |
Ac he wæccende wraþum on andan |
One man, however, was in a fighting mood, | |
bad bolgenmod beadwa geþinges. |
Awake and on edge, spoiling for action. | |
{ 12 } .XII. | ||
Đa com of more under misthleoþum |
In off the moors, down through the mist-bands | |
710 |
Grendel gongan, Godes yrre bær. |
God-cursed Grendel came greedily loping. |
Mynte, se manscaða manna cynnes, |
The bane of the race of men roamed forth, | |
sumne besyrwan in sele þam hean. |
Hunting for a prey in the high hall. | |
Wod under wolcnum to þæs þe he winreced, |
Under the cloud-murk he moved towards it | |
goldsele gumena gearwost wisse, |
Until it shone above him, a sheer keep | |
715 |
fættum fahne. Ne wæs þæt forma sið |
Of fortified gold. Nor was that the first time |
þæt he Hroþgares ham gesohte. |
He had scouted the grounds of Hrothgars dwelling | |
146v |
Næfre he on aldordagum, ær | ne siþðan, |
Although never in his life, before or since, |
heardran hæle healðegnas fand. |
Did he find harder fortune or hall-defenders. | |
Com þa to recede, rinc siðian, |
Spurned and joyless, he journeyed on ahead | |
720 |
dreamum bedæled. Duru sona onarn, |
And arrived at the building. The iron-braced door |
fyrbendum fæst, syþðan he hire folmum æthran. |
Turned in its hinge when his hand touched it. | |
Onbræd þa, bealohydig, ða he gebolgen wæs, |
Then his rage boiled over, he ripped open | |
recedes muþan. Raþe æfter þon |
The mouth of the building, maddening for blood, | |
on fagne flor feond treddode, |
Pacing the length of the patterned floor | |
725 |
eode yrremod. Him of eagum stod |
With his loathsome tread, while a baleful light, |
ligge gelicost leoht unfæger. |
Flame more than light, flared from his eyes. | |
Geseah he in recede rinca manige, |
He saw many men in the mansion, sleeping, | |
swefan sibbegedriht samod ætgædere |
A ranked company of kinsmen and warriors | |
magorinca heap. Þa his mod ahlog, |
Quartered together. And his glee was demonic, | |
730 |
mynte þæt he gedælde, ær þon dæg cwome, |
For the monster was minded, ere morn should dawn, |
atol aglæca anra gehwylces |
The loathsome monster, from each of the men | |
lif wið lic. Þa him alumpen wæs |
To rip life from limb and devour them. He awaited a banquet, | |
wistfylle wen. Ne wæs þæt wyrd þa gen |
A prospect of plenty. But no longer did Wyrd allow | |
þæt he ma moste manna cynnes |
to be able to feed on mankinds flesh | |
735 |
ðicgean ofer þa niht. Þryðswyð beheold, |
to devour after that night. Mighty and canny, |
mæg Higelaces, hu se manscaða |
Hygelacs kinsman was keenly watching | |
under færgripum gefaran wolde. |
For the first move the monster would make. | |
Ne þæt se aglæca yldan þohte, |
Nor did the creature keep him waiting | |
147A (131)r |
ac he ge|feng hraðe forman siðe |
But struck suddenly and started in; |
740 |
slæpendne rinc, slat unwearnum, |
He grabbed and mauled a man on his bench, |
bat banlocan, blod edrum dranc, |
Bit into his bone-lappings, bolted down his blood | |
synsnædum swealh. Sona hæfde |
And gorged on him in lumps, leaving the body | |
unlyfigendes eal gefeormod |
Utterly lifeless, eaten up | |
fet 7 folma. Forð near ætstop, |
Hand and foot. Venturing closer, | |
745 |
nam þa mid handa higeþihtigne |
his talon was raised to attack Beowulf |
rinc on ræste, ræhte ongean, |
Where he lay on the bed; he was bearing in | |
feond mid folme. He onfeng hraþe |
With open claw when the alert heros | |
inwitþancum 7 wið earm gesæt. |
Comeback and armlock forestalled him utterly. | |
Sona þæt onfunde, fyrena hyrde, |
The captain of evil discovered himself | |
750 |
þæt he ne mette middangeardes, |
In a handgrip harder than anything |
eorþan sceatta, on elran men |
He had ever encountered in any man | |
mundgripe maran. He on mode wearð |
On the face of the earth. Every bone in his body | |
forht on ferhðe. No þy ær fram meahte. |
Quailed and coiled, but he could not escape. | |
Hyge wæs him hinfus, wolde on heolster fleon, |
He was desperate to flee to his den and hide | |
755 |
secan deofla gedræg. Ne wæs his drohtoð þær |
With the devils litter, for in all his days |
swylce he on ealderdagum ær gemette. |
He had never been clamped or cornered like this. | |
Gemunde þa, se goda mæg Higelaces, |
Then Hygelacs trusty retainer recalled | |
æfenspræce. Uplang astod |
His bedtime speech, sprang to his feet | |
7 him fæste wiðfeng. Fingras burston. |
And got a firm hold. Fingers were bursting, | |
760 |
Eoten wæs utweard, eorl furþur stop. |
The monster back-tracking, the man overpowering. |
147A (131)v |
Mynte se mæra, | hwær he meahte swa, |
The dread of the land was desperate to escape, |
widre gewindan, 7 on weg þanon |
To take a roundabout road and flee | |
fleon on fenhopu. Wiste his fingra geweald |
To his lair in the fens. The latching power | |
on grames grapum, þæt he wæs geocor sið |
In his fingers weakened; it was the worst trip | |
765 |
þæt se hearmscaþa to Heorute ateah. |
The terror-monger had taken to Heorot. |
Dryhtsele dynede. Denum eallum wearð, |
And now the timber trembled and sang, | |
ceasterbuendum, cenra gehwylcum, |
A hall-session that harrowed every Dane | |
eorlum ealuscerwen. Yrre wæron begen, |
Inside the stockade: stumbling in fury, | |
reþe renweardas. Reced hlynsode. |
The two contenders crashed through the building. | |
770 |
Þa wæs wundor micel þæt se winsele |
The hall clattered and hammered, but somehow |
wiðhæfde heaþodeorum, þæt he on hrusan ne feol, |
Survived the onslaught and kept standing: | |
fæger foldbold. Ac he þæs fæste wæs, |
It was handsomely structured, a sturdy frame | |
innan 7 utan irenbendum, |
Braced with the best of blacksmiths work | |
searoþoncum besmiþod. Þær fram sylle abeag |
Inside and out. The story goes | |
775 |
medubenc monig, mine gefræge, |
That as the pair struggled, mead benches were smashed |
golde geregnad, þær þa graman wunnon. |
And sprung off the floor, gold fittings and all. | |
Þæs ne wendon ær, witan Scyldinga, |
Before then, no Shielding elder would believe | |
þæt hit a mid gemete manna ænig, |
There was any power or person on earth | |
betlic 7 banfag tobrecan meahte, |
Capable of wrecking their horn-rigged hall | |
780 |
listum tolucan, nymþe liges fæþm |
Unless the burning embrace of fire |
147r |
swulge on swaþule. Sweg | up astag, |
Engulf it in flame. Then an extraordinary |
niwe geneahhe: Norð-Denum stod |
Wail arose, and bewildering fear | |
atelic egesa, anra gehwylcum |
Came over the Danes. Everyone felt it | |
þara þe of wealle wop gehyrdon, |
Who heard that cry as it echoed off the wall, | |
785 |
gryreleoð galan Godes andsacan, |
A God-cursed scream and strain of catastrophe, |
sigeleasne sang, sar wanigean, |
The howl of the loser, the lament of the hell-serf | |
helle hæfton. Heold hine fæste, |
Keening his wound. He was overwhelmed, | |
se þe manna wæs mægene strengest |
Manacled tight by the man who of all men | |
on þæm dæge þysses lifes. |
Was foremost and strongest in the days of this life. | |
{ 13 } .XIII. | ||
790 |
Nolde, eorla hleo, ænige þinga |
But the earl troops leader was not inclined |
þone cwealmcuman cwicne forlætan, |
To allow his caller to depart alive: | |
ne his lifdagas leoda ænigum |
He did not consider that life of much account | |
nytte tealde. Þær genehost brægd |
To anyone anywhere. Time and again, | |
eorl Beowulfes, ealde lafe, |
Beowulfs warriors worked to defend | |
795 |
wolde freadrihtnes feorh ealgian, |
Their lords life, laying about them |
mæres þeodnes, ðær hie meahton swa. |
As best they could with their ancestral blades. | |
Hie þæt ne wiston, þa hie gewin drugon, |
Stalwart in action, they kept striking out | |
heardhicgende hildemecgas, |
On every side, seeking to cut | |
7 on healfa gehwone heawan þohton, |
Straight to the soul. When they joined the struggle | |
800 |
sawle secan: þone synscaðan |
There was something they could have not known at the time, |
ænig ofer eorþan, irenna cyst, |
That no blade on earth, no blacksmiths art | |
guðbilla nan gretan nolde. |
Could ever damage their demon opponent. | |
147v |
Ac he sigewæpnum | forsworen hæfde, |
He had conjured the harm from the cutting edge |
ecga gehwylcre. Scolde his aldorgedal, |
Of every weapon. But his going away | |
805 |
on ðæm dæge þysses lifes, |
Out of the world and the days of his life |
earmlic wurðan, 7 se ellorgast |
Would be agony to him, and his alien spirit | |
on feonda geweald feor siðian. |
would travel far into fiends keeping. | |
Đa þæt onfunde se þe fela æror |
Then he who had harrowed the hearts of men | |
modes myrðe manna cynne, |
With pain and affliction in former times | |
810 |
fyrene gefremede, he fag wið God, |
And had given offense also to God |
þæt him se lichoma læstan nolde; |
Found that his bodily powers had failed him. | |
ac hine se modega mæg Hygelaces |
Hygelacs kinsman kept him helplessly | |
hæfde be honda. Wæs gehwæþer oðrum |
Locked in a handgrip. As long as either lived | |
lifigende lað. Licsar gebad, |
He was hateful to the other. The monsters whole | |
815 |
atol æglæca. Him on eaxle wearð |
Body was in pain, a tremendous wound |
syndolh sweotol, seonowe onsprungon, |
Appeared on his shoulder. Sinews split | |
burston banlocan. Beowulfe wearð |
And the bone-lappings burst. Beowulf was granted | |
guðhreð gyfeþe. Scolde Grendel þonan |
The glory of winning; Grendel was driven | |
feorhseoc fleon under fenhleoðu, |
Under the fen banks, fatally hurt, | |
820 |
secean wynleas wic. Wiste þe geornor |
To his desolate lair. His days were numbered, |
þæt his aldres wæs ende gegongen, |
The end of his life was coming over him, | |
dogera dægrim. Denum eallum wearð |
He knew it for certain; and one bloody clash | |
æfter þam wælræse willa gelumpen. |
Had fulfilled the dearest wishes of the Danes. | |
Hæfde þa gefælsod, se þe ær feorran com, |
The man who had lately landed among them, | |
825 |
snotor 7 swyðferhð, sele Hroðgares, |
Proud and sure, had purged the hall, |
148r |
genered wið | niðe. Nihtweorce gefeh, |
Kept it from harm; he was happy with his night-work |
ellenmærþum. Hæfde East-Denum, |
And the courage he had shown. The Geat captain | |
Geatmecga leod, gilp gelæsted. |
Had boldly fulfilled his boast to the Danes: | |
Swylce oncyþðe ealle gebette, |
He had healed and relieved a huge distress, | |
830 |
inwidsorge, þe hie ær drugon, |
Unremitting humiliations, |
7 for þreanydum þolian scoldon |
The hard fate theyd been forced to undergo, | |
torn unlytel. Þæt wæs tacen sweotol, |
No small affliction. Clear proof of this | |
syþðan hildedeor hond alegde, |
Could be seen in the hand the hero displayed | |
earm 7 eaxle. Þær wæs eal geador |
High up near the roof: the whole of Grendels | |
835 |
Grendles grape under geapne hrof. |
Shoulder and arm, his awesome grasp. |
{ 14 } .XIV. | ||
ĐA wæs on morgen mine gefræge |
Then morning came and many a warrior | |
ymb þa gifhealle guðrinc monig. |
Gathered, as I have heard, around the gift-hall, | |
Ferdon folctogan feorran 7 nean |
Clan-chiefs flocking from far and near | |
geond widwegas wundor sceawian, |
Down wide-ranging roads, wondering greatly | |
840 |
laþes lastas No his lifgedal |
At the monsters footprint. His fatal departure |
sarlic þuhte secga ænegum |
Was regretted by no one who witnessed his trail, | |
þara þe tirleases trode sceawode, |
The ignominious marks of his flight | |
hu he werigmod on weg þanon, |
Where hed sulked away, exhausted in spirit | |
niða ofercumen, on nicera mere, |
And beaten in battle, bloodying the path, | |
845 |
fæge 7 geflymed, feorhlastas bær. |
Hauling his doom to the demons mere. |
Đær wæs on blode brim weallende, |
The bloodshot water wallowed and surged, | |
atol yða geswing eal gemenged |
There were loathsome up throws and over turnings | |
148v |
haton heolfre; | heorodreore weol, |
Of waves and gore and would-slurry. |
deaðfæge deog. Siððan, dreama leas, |
With his death upon him, he had dived deep | |
850 |
in fenfreoðo feorh alegde, |
Into his marsh den, drowned out his life |
hæþene sawle. Þær him hel onfeng. |
And his heathen soul: hell claimed him there. | |
Þanon eft gewiton ealdgesiðas, |
Then away they rode, the old retainers | |
swylce geong manig, of gomenwaþe |
With many a young man following after, | |
fram mere, modge mearum ridan, |
A troop on horseback, in high spirits | |
855 |
beornas on blancum. Đær wæs Beowulfes |
On their bay steeds. Beowulfs doings |
mærðo mæned. Monig oft gecwæð |
Were praised over and over again. | |
þætte suð ne norð be sæm tweonum, |
Nowhere, they said, north or south | |
ofer eormengrund, oþer nænig |
Between the two seas or under the tall sky | |
under swegles begong selra nære |
On the broad earth was there anyone better | |
860 |
rondhæbbendra, rices wyrðra. |
To raise a shield or to rule a kingdom. |
Ne hie huru winedrihten wiht ne logon, |
Yet there was no laying of blame on their lord, | |
glædne Hroðgar, ac þæt wæs god cyning. |
The noble Hrothgar; he was a good king. | |
Hwilum heaþorofe hleapan leton, |
At times the war-band broke into a gallop, | |
on geflit faran fealwe mearas, |
Letting their chestnut horses race | |
865 |
ðær him foldwegas fægere þuhton, |
Wherever they found the going good |
cystum cuðe. Hwilum cyninges þegn |
On those well-known tracks. Meanwhile, a thane | |
guma gilphlæden, gidda gemyndig, |
Of the kings household, a carrier of tales, | |
se ðe ealfela ealdgesegena |
A traditional singer deeply schooled | |
worn gemunde; word oþer fand |
In the lore of the past, linked a new theme | |
870 |
soðe gebunden. Secg eft ongan |
To a strict metre. The man started |
149r |
sið Beowulfes snyttrum | styrian, |
To recite with skill, rehearsing Beowulfs |
7 on sped wrecan spel gerade, |
Triumphs and feats in well-fashioned lines, | |
wordum wrixlan. Welhwylc gecwæð |
Entwining his words. He told what hed heard | |
þæt he fram Sigemunde secgan hyrde, |
Repeated in songs of Sigemunds exploits, | |
875 |
ellendædum, uncuþes fela |
All of those many feats and marvels, |
Wælsinges gewin, wide siðas, |
The struggles and wanderings of Waels son, | |
þara þe gumena bearn gearwe ne wiston, |
Things unknown to anyone, | |
fæhðe 7 fyrena, buton Fitela mid hine, |
Except Fitela, feuds and foul doings | |
þonne he swulces hwæt secgan wolde, |
Confided from uncle to nephew when he felt | |
880 |
eam his nefan, swa hie a wæron |
The urge to speak of them: always had they been |
æt niða gehwam nydgesteallan. |
Partners in the fight, friends in need. | |
Hæfdon ealfela eotena cynnes |
They killed giants, their conquering swords | |
sweordum gesæged. Sigemunde gesprong |
Had brought them down. | |
æfter deaðdæge dom unlytel. |
After his death | |
885 |
Syþðan wiges heard wyrm acwealde, |
Sigemunds glory grew and grew |
hordes hyrde, he under harne stan |
Because of his courage when he killed the dragon, | |
æþelinges bearn ana geneðde |
The guardian of the hoard. Under gray stone | |
frecne dæde, ne wæs him Fitela mid. |
He had dared to enter all by himself | |
Hwæþre him gesælde ðæt þæt swurd þurhwod |
To face the worst without Fitela. | |
890 |
wrætlicne wyrm, þæt hit on wealle ætstod, |
But it came to pass that his sword plunged |
dryhtlic iren. Draca morðre swealt. |
Right through those radiant scales | |
Hæfde aglæca elne gegongen, |
And drove into the wall. The dragon died of it. | |
þæt he beahhordes brucan moste |
His daring had given him total possession | |
149v |
selfes dome. | Sæbat gehleod, |
Of the treasure hoard, his to dispose of |
895 |
bær on bearm scipes beorhte frætwa, |
However he liked. He loaded a boat: |
Wælses eafera Wyrm hat gemealt. |
Waels son weighted her hold With dazzling spoils. The hot dragon melted. | |
Se wæs wreccena wide mærost |
Sigemunds name was known everywhere. | |
ofer werþeode, wigendra hleo, |
He was utterly valiant and venturesome, | |
ellendædum. He þæs ær onðah. |
A fence round his fighters and flourished therefore | |
900 |
Siððan Heremodes hild sweðrode, |
After King Heremonds prowess declined |
earfoð' 7 ellen. He mid eotenum wearð |
And his campaigns slowed down. The king was betrayed, | |
on feonda geweald forð forlacen, |
Ambushed in Jutland, overpowered | |
snude forsended. Hine sorhwylmas |
And done away with. The waves of his grief | |
lemede to lange. He his leodum wearð, |
Had beaten him down, made him a burden, | |
905 |
eallum æþellingum, to aldorceare. |
A source of anxiety to his own nobles: |
Swylce oft bemearn ærran mælum |
That expedition was often condemned | |
swiðferhþes sið, snotor ceorl monig, |
To those earlier times by experienced men, | |
se þe him bealwa to bote gelyfde, |
Men who relied on his lordship for redress, | |
þæt þæt ðeodnes bearn geþeon scolde, |
Who presumed that the part of a prince was to thrive | |
910 |
fæderæþelum onfon, folc gehealdan, |
On his fathers throne and protect the nation, |
hord 7 hleoburh, hæleþa rice, |
The Shielding land where they lived and belonged, | |
.eðel. Scyldinga. He þær eallum wearð, |
Its holdings and strongholds. Such was Beowulf | |
mæg Higelaces, manna cynne, |
In the affection of his friends and of everyone alive. | |
freondum gefægra. Hine fyren onwod. |
But evil entered into Heremod. | |
915 |
Hwilum flitende fealwe stræte |
Meanwhile, the Dane kept racing their mounts |
mearum mæton. Đa wæs morgenleoht |
Down sandy lanes. The light of day | |
150r |
scofen 7 scynded. | Eode scealc monig |
Broke and kept brightening. Bands of retainers |
swiðhicgende to sele þam hean |
Galloped in excitement to the gabled hall | |
searowundor seon. Swylce self cyning |
To see the marvel; and the king himself, | |
920 |
of brydbure, beahhorda weard, |
Guardian of the ring-hoard, goodness in person, |
tryddode tirfæst getrume micle, |
Walked in majesty from the womens quarters | |
cystum gecyþed; 7 his cwen mid him |
With a numerous train, attended by his queen | |
medostigge mæt mægþa hose. |
And her crowd of maidens, across the mead-hall. | |
{ 15 } .XV. | ||
Hroðgar maþelode. He to healle geong, |
When Hrothgar arrived at the hall, he spoke, | |
925 |
stod on stapole, geseah steapne hrof |
Standing on the steps, under the steep eaves, |
golde fahne 7 Grendles hond. |
Gazing at the roofwork and Grendels talon: | |
Đisse ansyne Alwealdan þanc |
First and foremost, let the Almighty Father | |
lungre gelimpe. Fela ic laþes gebad, |
Be thanked for this sight. I suffered a long | |
grynna æt Grendle. A mæg God wyrcan |
Harrowing by Grendel. But the Heavenly Shepherd | |
930 |
wunder æfter wundre, wuldres Hyrde. |
Can work his wonders always and everywhere. |
Đæt wæs ungeara þæt ic ænigra me |
Not long since, it seemed I would never | |
weana ne wende to widan feore, |
Be granted the slightest solace or relief | |
bote gebidan, þonne blode fah |
From any of my burdens: the best of houses | |
husa selest heorodreorig stod, |
Glittered and reeked and ran with blood | |
935 |
wea widscofen; witena gehwylcne |
This one worry outweighed all others |
ðara þe ne wendon þæt hie wideferhð |
A constant distress to counselors entrusted | |
leoda landgeweorc laþum beweredon, |
With defending the peoples forts from assault | |
150v |
| scuccum 7 scinnum. Nu scealc hafað |
By monsters and demons. But now a man, |
þurh Drihtnes miht dæd gefremede, |
With the Lords assistance, has accomplished something | |
940 |
ðe we ealle ær ne meahton |
None of us could manage before now |
snyttrum besyrwan. Hwæt! þæt secgan mæg, |
For all our efforts. Whoever she was | |
efne swa hwylc mægþa. swa ðone magan cende, |
Who brought forth this flower of manhood, | |
æfter gumcynnum, gyf heo gyt lyfað, |
If she is still alive, that woman can say | |
þæt hyre Ealdmetod este wære |
That in her labor the Lord of Ages | |
945 |
bearngebyrdo. Nu ic Beowulf, þec, |
Bestowed a grace on her. So now, Beowulf, |
secg betsta, me for sunu wylle |
I adopt you in my heart as a dear son. | |
freogan on ferhþe. Heald forð tela |
Nourish and maintain this new connection, | |
niwe sibbe. Ne bið þe ænigre gad |
You noblest of men; therell be nothing you want for, | |
worolde wilna, þe ic geweald hæbbe. |
No worldly good that wont be yours. | |
950 |
Ful oft ic for læssan lean teohhode, |
I have often honored smaller achievements, |
hordweorþunge hnahran rince, |
Recognized warriors not nearly as worthy, | |
sæmran æt sæcce. Þu þe self hafast |
Lavished rewards on the less deserving. | |
dædum gefremed, þæt þin dæd lyfað |
But you have made yourself immortal | |
awa to aldre. Alwalda þec |
By your glorious action. May the Lord of Ages | |
955 |
gode forgylde, swa he nu gyt dyde. |
Continue to keep and requite you well. |
Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecþeowes: |
Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow, spoke: | |
We þæt ellenweorc estum miclum, |
We have gone through a glorious endeavor | |
feohtan fremedon, frecne geneðdon |
And been much favored in this fight we dared | |
eafoð uncuþes. Uþe ic swiþor |
Against the unknown. Nevertheless, | |
960 |
þæt ðu hine selfne geseon moste, |
If you could have seen the monster himself |
feond on frætewum fylwerigne. |
Where he lay beaten, I would have been better pleased. | |
151r |
Ic him hrædlice | heardan clammum |
My plan was to pounce, pin him down |
on wælbedde wriþan þohte, |
In a tight grip and grapple him to death | |
þæt he for handgripe minum scolde |
Have him panting for life, powerless and clasped | |
965 |
licgean lifbysig, butan his lic swice. |
In my bare hands, his body in thrall |
Ic hine ne mihte, þa Metod nolde, |
But I couldnt stop him from slipping my hold. | |
ganges getwæman: no ic him þæs georne ætfealh, |
The Lord allowed it, my lock on him | |
feorhgeniðlan. Wæs to foremihtig, |
Wasnt strong enough, he struggled fiercely | |
feond on feþe. Hwæþere, he his folme forlet |
And broke and ran. Yet he bought his freedom | |
970 |
to lifwraþe last weardian, |
At a high price, for he left his hand |
earm 7 eaxle. No þær ænige swa þeah |
And arm and shoulder to show he had been here, | |
feasceaft guma, frofre gebohte. |
A cold comfort for having come among us. | |
No þy leng leofað
laðgeteona |
And now he wont be long for this world. | |
synnum geswenced, ac hyne sar hafað |
He has done his worst but the wound will end him. | |
975 |
in niðgripe, nearwe befongen |
He is hasped and hooped and hirpling with pain, |
balwon bendum. Đær abidan sceal, |
Limped and looped in it. Like a man outlawed | |
maga mane fah, miclan domes, |
For wickedness, he must await | |
hu him scir Metod scrifan wille. |
The mighty judgment of God in majesty. | |
Đa wæs swigra secg, sunu Eclafes, |
There was less tampering and big talk then | |
980 |
on gylpspræce guðgeweorca, |
From Unferth the boaster, less of his blather |
siþðan æþelingas eorles cræfte |
As the hall-thanes eyed the awful proof | |
ofer heanne hrof hand sceawedon, |
Of the heros prowess, the splayed hand | |
feondes fingras. Foran æghwylc wæs |
Up under the eaves. Every nail, | |
steda nægla gehwylc, style gelicost, |
Claw-scale and spur, every spike | |
151v |
hæþenes handsporu, hilde|rinces |
And welt on the hand of that heathen brute |
egl unheoru. Æghwylc gecwæð |
Was like barbed steel. Everybody said | |
þæt him heardra nan hrinan wolde, |
There was no honed iron hard enough | |
iren ærgod, þæt ðæs ahlæcan |
To pierce him through, no time-proofed blade | |
blodge beadufolme onberan wolde. |
That could cut his brutal, blood-caked claw. | |
{ 16 } .XVI. | ||
990 |
ĐA wæs haten hreþe Heort innanweard |
Then the order was given for all hands |
folmum gefrætwod. Fela þæra wæs |
To help refurbish Heorot immediately: | |
wera 7 wifa, þe þæt winreced, |
Men and women thronging the wine-hall, | |
gestsele gyredon. Goldfag scinon, |
Getting it ready. Gold thread shone | |
web æfter wagum, wundorsiona fela |
In the wall-hangings, woven scenes | |
995 |
secga gehwylcum, þara þe on swylc starað. |
That attracted and held the eyes attention. |
Wæs þæt beorhte bold tobrocen swiðe |
But iron-braced as the inside of it had been, | |
eal inneweard irenbendum fæst, |
The bright room lay in ruins now. | |
heorras tohlidene. Hrof ana genæs |
The very doors had been dragged from their hinges. | |
ealles ansund, þe se aglæca |
Only the roof remained unscathed | |
1000 |
fyrendædum fag on fleam gewand, |
By the time the guilt-fouled fiend turned tail |
aldres orwena. No þæt yðe byð |
In despair of his life. But death is not easily | |
to befleonne, fremme se þe wille; |
Escaped from by anyone: | |
ac gesacan sceal, sawlberendra, |
All of us with souls, earth-dwellers | |
nyde genydde, niþða bearna, |
And children of men, must make our way | |
1005 |
grundbuendra gearwe stowe, |
To a destination already ordained |
þær his lichoma, legerbedde fæst, |
Where the body, after the banqueting, | |
swefeþ æfter symle. Þa wæs sæl 7 mæl |
Sleeps on its deathbed. Then the due time arrived | |
152r |
þæt to healle | gang Healfdenes sunu. |
For Halfdanes son to proceed to the hall. |
Wolde self cyning symbel þicgan. |
The king himself would sit down to feast. | |
1010 |
Ne gefrægen ic þa mægþe maran weorode |
No group ever gathered in greater numbers |
ymb hyra sincgyfan sel gebæran. |
Or better order around their ring-giver. | |
Bugon þa to bence blædagande, |
The benches filled with famous men | |
fylle gefægon. Fægere geþægon |
Who fell to with relish; round upon round | |
medoful manig, magas þara |
Of mead was passed; those powerful kinsmen, | |
1015 |
swiðhicgende on sele þam hean, |
Hrothgar and Hrothulf, were in high spirits |
Hroðgar 7 Hroþulf. Heorot innan wæs |
In the raftered hall. Inside Heorot | |
freondum afylled. Nalles facenstafas |
There was nothing but friendship. The Shielding nation | |
Þeod-Scyldingas þenden fremedon. |
Was not yet familiar with feud and betrayal. | |
Forgeaf þa Beowulfe brand Healfdenes; |
Then Halfdanes son presented Beowulf | |
1020 |
segen gyldenne sigores to leane, |
With gold standards as a victory gift, |
hroden hiltecumbor, helm, 7 byrnan. |
An embroidered banner; also breast-mail | |
Mære maðþumsweord manige gesawon |
And a helmet; and a sword carried high, | |
beforan beorn beran. Beowulf geþah |
That was both precious object and a token of honor. | |
ful on flette. No he þære feohgyfte |
So Beowulf drank his drink, at ease; | |
1025 |
for scotenum scamigan ðorfte. |
It was hardly a shame to be showered with such gifts |
Ne gefrægn ic freondlicor feower madmas |
In front of the hall-troops. There havent been many | |
golde gegyrede gummanna fela |
Moments, I am sure, when men have exchanged | |
in ealobence oðrum gesellan. |
Four such treasures at so friendly a sitting. | |
Ymb þæs helmes hrof, heafodbeorge, |
An embossed ring, a band lapped with wire | |
1030 |
wirum bewunden, walan utan heold, |
Arched over the helmet: head-protection |
152v |
þæt him fela | laf frecne ne meahton, |
To keep the keen-ground cutting edge |
scurheard, sceþðan, þonne scyldfreca |
From damaging it when danger threatened | |
ongean gramum gangan scolde. |
And the man was battling behind his shield. | |
Heht ða eorla hleo eahta mearas, |
Next the king ordered eight horses | |
1035 |
fætedhleore, on flet teon |
With gold bridles to be brought through the yard |
in under eoderas. Þara anum stod |
Into the hall. The harness of one | |
sadol searwum fah, since gewurþad. |
Included a saddle of sumptuous design, | |
Þæt wæs hildesetl heahcyninges, |
The battle-seat where the son of Halfdane | |
ðonne sweorda gelac sunu Healfdenes |
Rode when he wished to join the sword-play: | |
1040 |
efnan wolde. Næfre on ore læg |
Wherever the killing and carnage were the worst, |
widcuþes wig, ðonne walu feollon. |
He would be to the fore, fighting hard. | |
7 ða Beowulfe bega gehwæþres |
The Danish prince, descendent of Ing, | |
eodor Ingwina onweald geteah, |
Handed over both the arms and the horses, | |
wicga 7 wæpna. Het hine wel brucan. |
Urging Beowulf to use them well. | |
1045 |
Swa manlice mære þeoden |
And so their leader, the lord and guard |
hordweard hæleþa, heaþoræsas geald |
Of coffer and strong room, with customary grace | |
mearum 7 madmum. Swa hy næfre man lyhð, |
Bestowed upon Beowulf both sets of gifts. | |
se þe secgan wile soð æfter rihte. |
A fair witness can see how well each one behaved. | |
{ 17 } .XVII. | ||
ĐA gyt æghwylcum eorla drihten |
The chieftain went on to reward the others: | |
1050 |
þara þe mid Beowulfe brimleade teah, |
Each man on the bench who had sailed with Beowulf |
on þære medubence maþðum gesealde, |
And risked the voyage received a bounty, | |
153r |
yr|felafe, 7 þone ænne heht |
Some treasured possession. And compensation, |
golde forgyldan, þone ðe Grendel ær |
A price in gold, was settled for the Geat | |
mane acwealde. Swa he hyra ma wolde, |
Grendel had killed cruelly earlier | |
1055 |
nefne him witig God wyrd forstode, |
As he would have killed more, had not mindful God |
7 ðæs mannes mod. Metod eallum weold |
And one mans daring prevented that doom. | |
gumena cynnes, swa he nu git deð. |
Past and present, Gods will prevails | |
Forþan bið andgit æghwær selest, | Hence, understanding is always best | |
ferhðes foreþanc. Fela sceal gebidan |
And a prudent mind. Whoever remains | |
1060 |
leofes 7 laþes se þe longe her |
For long here in this earthly life |
on ðyssum windagum worolde bruceð. |
Will enjoy and endure more than enough. | |
Þær wæs sang 7 sweg samod ætgædere |
They sang then and played to please the hero, | |
fore Healfdenes hildewisan; |
Words and music for their warrior prince, | |
gomenwudu greted, gid oft wrecen. |
Harp tunes and tales of adventure: | |
1065 |
Đonne healgamen Hroþgares scop |
There were high times on the hall benches |
æfter medobence mænan scolde, |
And the kings poet performed his part | |
Finnes eaferum, ða hie se fær begeat: |
With the saga of Finn and his sons, unfolding | |
Hæleð Healfdena, Hnæf Scyldinga, |
The tale of the fierce attack in Friesland | |
in Freswæle feallan scolde. |
Where Hnaef, king of the Danes, met death. | |
1070 |
Ne huru Hildeburh herian þorfte |
Hildeburh Had little cause |
eotena treowe. Unsynnum wearð |
To credit the Jutes: Son and brother, | |
beloren leofum æt þam hildplegan, |
She lost them both On the battlefield. | |
bearnum 7 broðrum. Hie on gebyrd hruron, |
She, bereft And blameless, they | |
153v |
gare | wunde. Þæt wæs geomuru ides. |
Foredoomed, cut down And spear-gored. She, |
1075 |
Nalles holinga Hoces dohtor |
The woman in shock, Waylaid by grief, |
meotodsceaft bemearn, syþðan morgen com. |
Hocs daughter How could she not | |
Đa heo under swegle geseon meahte |
Lament her fate When morning came | |
morþorbealo maga. Þær he ær mæste heold |
And the light broke On her murdered dears? | |
worolde wynne, wig ealle fornam |
And so farewell Delight on earth, | |
1080 |
Finnes þegnas, nemne feaum anum, |
War carried away Finns troop of thanes, |
þæt he ne mehte on þæm meðelstede |
All but a few. How then could Finn | |
wig Hengeste wiht gefeohtan, |
Hold the line Or fight on | |
ne þa wealafe wige forþringan |
To the end with Hengest, How save | |
þeodnes ðegne. Ac hig him geþingo budon, |
The rump of his force From that enemy chief? | |
1085 |
þæt hie him oðer flet eal gerymdon, |
So a truce was offered As follows: first |
healle 7 heahsetl, þæt hie healfre geweald |
Separate quarters To be cleared for the Danes, | |
wið eotena bearn agan moston. |
Hall and throne To be shared with the Frisians. | |
7 æt feohgyftum Folcwaldan sunu |
Then, second ; Every day | |
dogra gehwylce Dene weorþode, |
At the dole-out of gifts Finn, son of Focwald, | |
1090 |
Hengestes heap hringum wenede, |
Should honor the Danes, Bestow with an even |
efne swa swiðe sincgestreonum |
Hand to Hengest And Hengests men | |
fættan goldes swa he Fresena cyn |
The wrought-gold rings, Bounty to match | |
on beorsele byldan wolde. |
The measure he gave His own Frisians | |
Đa hie getruwedon on twa healfa |
To keep morale In the beer-hall high. | |
1095 |
fæste frioðuwære. Fin Hengeste |
Both sides then Sealed their agreement. |
154r |
elne unflitme aðum | benemde |
With oaths to Hengest Finn swore |
þæt he þa wealafe weotena dome |
Openly, solemnly, That the battle survivors | |
arum heolde, þæt ðær ænig mon |
Would be guaranteed Honor and status. | |
wordum ne worcum wære ne bræce, |
No infringement By word or deed, | |
1100 |
ne þurh inwitsearo æfre gemænden, |
No provocation Would be permitted. |
ðeah hie hira beaggyfan banan folgedon, |
Their own ring-giver After all | |
ðeodenlease, þa him swa geþearfod wæs. |
Was dead and gone, They were leaderless | |
Gyf þonne Frysna hwylc frecnen spræce |
In forced allegiance To his murderer. | |
ðæs morþorhetes myndgiend wære, |
So if any Frisian Stirred up bad blood | |
1105 |
þonne hit sweordes ecg syððan scolde. |
With insinuations Or taunts about this |
Að wæs geæfned, 7 icge, gold, |
The blade of the sword Will arbitrate it. | |
ahæfen of horde. Here-Scyldinga |
A funeral pyre Was then prepared, | |
betst beadorinca wæs on bæl gearu. |
Effulgent gold Brought out from the hoard. | |
Æt þæm ade wæs eþgesyne |
The pride and prince Of the Shieldings lay | |
1110 |
swatfah syrce, swyn ealgylden, |
Awaiting the flame. Everywhere |
eofer irenheard, æþeling manig |
There were blood-plastered Coats of mail. | |
wundum awyrded. Sume on wæle crungon. |
The pyre was heaped With boar-shaped helmets | |
Het ða Hildeburh æt Hnæfes ade |
Forged in gold, With the gashed corpses | |
hire selfre sunu sweoloðe befæstan, |
Of well-born Danes Many had fallen. | |
1115 |
banfatu bærnan, 7 on bæl don. |
Then Hildeburh Ordered her own |
Earme on eaxle, ides gnornode, |
Sons body Be burnt with Hnaefs, | |
geomrode giddum. Guðrinc astah, |
The flesh on his bones To sputter and blaze | |
154v |
wand | to wolcnum. Wælfyra mæst |
Beside his uncles. The woman wailed |
hlynode for hlawe. Hafelan multon, |
And sang keens, The warrior went up. | |
1120 |
bengeato burston, ðonne blod ætspranc, |
Carcass flame Swirled and fumed, |
laðbite lices. Lig ealle forswealg, |
They stood round the burial Mound and howled | |
gæsta gifrost, þara ðe þær guð fornam |
As heads melted, Crusted gashes | |
bega folces. Wæs hira blæd scacen. |
Spattered and ran Bloody matter. | |
{ 18 } .XVIII. | ||
GEwiton him ða wigend wica neosian, |
The glutton element Flamed and consumed | |
1125 |
freondum befeallen, Frysland geseon, |
The dead of both sides. Their great days were gone. |
hamas 7 heaburh. Hengest ða gyt |
Warriors scattered To homes and forts | |
wælfagne winter wunode mid Finne |
All over Friesland, Fewer now, feeling | |
eal unhlitine. Eard gemunde, |
Loss of friends. Hengest stayed, | |
þeah þe he meahte on mere drifan |
Lived out that whole Resentful, blood-sullen | |
1130 |
hringedstefnan. Holm storme weol, |
Winter with Finn, Homesick and helpless. |
won wið winde; winter yþe beleac |
No ring-whorled prow Could up then | |
isgebinde, oþ ðæt oþer com, |
And away on the sea. Wind and water | |
gear in geardas, swa nu gyt deð, |
Raged with storms, Wave and shingle | |
þa ðe syngales sele bewitiað, |
Were shackled on ice Until another year | |
1135 |
wuldortorhtan weder. Đa wæs winter scacen, |
Appeared in the yard As it does to this day, |
fæger foldan bearm. Fundode wrecca, |
The seasons constant, The wonder of light | |
gist of geardum. He to gyrnwræce |
Coming over us. Then winter was gone, | |
155r |
swiðor | þohte þonne to sælade, |
Earths lap grew lovely, Longing woke |
gif he torngemot þurhteon mihte, |
In the cooped-up exile For a voyage home | |
1140 |
þæt he eotena bearn inne gemunde. |
But more for vengeance, Some way of bringing |
Swa he ne forwyrnde woroldrædenne, |
Things to a head: His sword arm hankered | |
þonne him Hunlafing, hildeleoman, |
To greet the Jutes. So he did not balk | |
billa selest on bearm dyde. |
Once Hunlafing Placed on his lap | |
Þæs wæron mid eotenum ecge cuðe. |
Dazzle-the-Duel, The best sword of all, | |
1145 |
Swylce ferhðfrecan Fin eft begeat |
Whose edges Jutes Knew only too well. |
sweordbealo sliðen æt his selfes ham. |
Thus blood was spilled, The gallant Finn | |
Siþðan grimne gripe Guðlaf ond Oslaf, |
Slain in his home After Guthlaf and Oslaf | |
æfter sæsiðe, sorge mændon, |
Back from their voyage Made old accusation: | |
ætwiton weana dæl. Ne meahte wæfre mod |
The brutal ambush, The fate they had suffered, | |
1150 |
forhabban in hreþre. Đa wæs heal hroden |
All blamed on Finn. The wildness in them |
feonda feorum, swilce Fin slægen, |
Had to brim over. The hall ran red | |
cyning on corþre, 7 seo cwen numen. |
With blood of enemies. Finn was cut down, | |
Sceotend Scyldinga to scypon feredon |
The queen brought away And everything | |
eal ingesteald eorðcyninges, |
The Shieldings could find Inside Finns walls | |
1155 |
swylce hie æt Finnes ham findan meahton |
The Frisian kings Gold collars and gemstones |
sigla searogimma. Hie on sælade |
Swept off to the ship. Over sea-lanes then | |
drihtlice wif to Denum feredon, |
Back to Daneland The warrior troop | |
155v |
læddon |to leodum. Leoð wæs asungen, |
Bore that lady home. The poem was over, |
gleomannes gyd. Gamen eft astah, |
The poet had performed, a pleasant murmur | |
1160 |
beorhtode bencsweg; byrelas sealdon |
Started on the benches, stewards did the rounds |
win of wunderfatum. Þa cwom Wealhþeo forð, |
With wine in splendid jugs, and Wilhtheow came to sit | |
gan under gyldnum beage þær þa godan, |
In her gold crown between two good men, | |
twegen sæton, suhtergefæderan. |
Uncle and nephew, each of whom | |
Þa gyt wæs hiera sib ætgædere æghwylc |
Still trusted the other; and the forthright Unferth, | |
1165 |
oðrum trywe. Swylce þær Hunferþ þyle |
Admired by all for his mind and courage |
æt fotum sæt frean Scyldinga. |
Reclined near the king | |
Gehwylc hiora his ferhþe treowde |
Men had faith in his spirit, | |
þæt he hæfde mod micel, þeah þe he his magum |
His keenness of courage, though to his own kinsmen | |
nære arfæst æt ecga gelacum. |
He was unmerciful in sword-play. | |
1170 |
Spræc ða ides Scyldinga: |
The queen of the Shieldings spoke: |
Onfoh þissum fulle, freodrihten min, |
Enjoy this drink, my most generous lord; | |
sinces brytta. Þu on sælum wes, |
Raise up your goblet, entertain the Geats | |
goldwine gumena, 7 to Geatum spræc |
Duly and gently, discourse with them, | |
mildum wordum, swa sceal man don. |
Be open-handed, happy and fond. | |
1175 |
Beo wið Geatas glæd, geofena gemyndig; |
Relish their company, but recollect as well |
nean 7 feorran þu nu hafast. |
All of the boons that have been bestowed upon you. | |
156r | Me man sægde. þæt | þu ðe for sunu wolde | And now the word is that you want to adopt This warrior as a son. |
hererican habban. Heorot is gefælsod, |
The hall of Heorot has been cleansed, | |
beahsele beorhta. Bruc, þenden þu mote, |
This great bright court. So, while you may, | |
1180 |
manigra medo, 7 þinum magum læf |
Bask in your fortune, then bequeath |
folc 7 rice, þonne ðu forð scyle |
Kingdom and nation to your kith and kin, | |
metodsceaft seon. Ic minne can |
Before your decease. I am certain of Hrothulf. | |
glædne Hroþulf, þæt he þa geogoðe wile |
He is noble and will use the young ones well. | |
arum healdan, gyf þu ær þonne he, |
He will not let you down. Should you die before him, | |
1185 |
wine Scildinga, worold oflætest. |
He will treat our children truly and fairly. |
Wene ic þæt he mid gode gyldan wille |
He will honor, I am sure, our two sons, | |
uncran eaferan, gif he þæt eal gemon, |
Repay them in kind when he recollects | |
hwæt wit to willan 7 to worðmyndum |
All the good things we gave him once, | |
umborwesendum ær arna gefremedon. |
The favor and respect he found in childhood. | |
1190 |
Hwearf þa bi bence, þær hyre byre wæron, |
She turned then to the bench where her boys sat, |
Hreðric 7 Hroðmund, 7 hæleþa bearn |
Hrethric and Hrothmond, with other nobles sons, | |
giogoð ætgædere. Þær se goda sæt |
All the youth together; and that good man, | |
Beowulf Geata be þæm gebroðrum twæm. |
Beowulf the Geat, sat between the brothers. | |
{ 19 } .XIX. | ||
HIm wæs ful boren, 7 freondlaþu |
The cup was carried to him, kind words | |
1195 |
wordum bewægned 7 wundengold |
Spoken in welcome and wealth of wrought gold |
estum geeawed, earmreade twa, |
Graciously bestowed; two arm bangles, | |
156v |
hrægl 7 hrin|gas, healsbeaga mæst |
A mail shirt and rings, and the most resplendent |
þara þe ic on foldan gefrægen hæbbe. |
Torque of gold I have ever heard tell of | |
Nænigne ic under swegle selran hyrde |
Anywhere on earth or under heaven. | |
1200 |
hordmadmum hæleþa, syþðan Hama ætwæg |
There was no hoard like it since Hama snatched |
to herebyrhtan byrig Brosinga mene, |
The Brosings neck-chain and bore it away | |
sigle 7 sincfæt. Searoniðas fealh |
With its gems and settings to his shinning fort, | |
Eormenrices, geceas ecne ræd. |
Away from Eormenrics wiles and hatred, | |
Þone hring hæfde, Higelac Geata, |
And thereby ensured his eternal reward. Hygelac the Geat, | |
1205 |
nefa Swertinges, nyhstan siðe, |
grandson of Swerting, |
siðþan he under segne sinc ealgode, |
Wore this neck-ring on his last raid; | |
wælreaf werede. Hyne wyrd fornam, |
At bay under his banner, he defended the booty, | |
syþðan he for wlenco wean ahsode, |
Treasure he had won. Fate swept him away because of his proud need to provoke | |
fæhðe to Frysum. He þa frætwe wæg, |
A feud with the Frisians. | |
1210 |
eorclanstanas ofer yða ful, |
The same precious stones he had worn when he crossed the frothing wave-vat, |
rice þeoden. He under rande gecranc. |
A powerful king. He fell beneath his shield, | |
Gehwearf þa in Francna fæþm feorh cyninges |
So the dead king fell into Frankish hands. | |
breostgewædu 7 se beah somod. |
They took his breast-mail, also his neck-torque, | |
Wyrsan wigfrecan wæl reafeden |
And punier warriors plundered the slain | |
1215 |
æfter guðsceare. Geata leode |
When the carnage ended; Geat corpses |
hreawic heoldon. Heal swege onfeng. |
Covered the field. Applause filled the hall. | |
Wealhðeo maþelode. Heo fore þæm werede spræc: |
Then Wealhtheow pronounced in the presence of the company: | |
Bruc ðisses beages, Beowulf leofa, |
Take delight in this torque, dear Beowulf, | |
157r |
hyse mid hæle, |7 þisses hrægles neot; |
Wear it for luck and also wear this mail |
1220 |
þeo gestreona, 7 geþeoh tela, |
From our peoples armory: may you prosper in them! |
cen þec mid cræfte, 7 þyssum cnyhtum wes |
Be acclaimed for strength, for kindly guidance | |
lara liðe. Ic þe þæs lean geman. |
To these two boys, and your bounty will be sure. | |
Hafast þu gefered þæt ðe feor 7 neah |
You have won renown: you are known to all men | |
ealne wideferhþ weras ehtigað, |
Far and near, now and forever. | |
1225 |
efne swa side swa sæ bebugeð |
Your sway is wide and the winds home, |
windgeard, weallas. Wes þenden þu lifige, |
As the sea around cliffs. So, my prince, | |
æþeling, eadig. Ic þe an tela |
I wish you a lifetimes luck and blessings | |
sincgestreona. Beo þu suna minum |
To enjoy this treasure. Treat my sons | |
dædum gedefe, dreamhealdende! |
With tender care, be strong and kind. | |
1230 |
Her is æghwylc eorl oþrum getrywe, |
Here each comrade is true to the other, |
modes milde, mandrihtne hleo; |
Loyal to lord, loving in spirit. | |
þegnas syndon geþwære, þeod ealgearo, |
The thanes have one purpose, the people are ready: | |
druncne dryhtguman. Doð swa ic bidde. |
Having drunk and pledged, the ranks do as I bid. | |
Eode þa to setle. Þær wæs symbla cyst, |
She moved then to her place. Men were drinking wine | |
1235 |
druncon win weras. Wyrd ne cuþon, |
At that rare feast; how could they know fate, |
geosceaft grimne, swa hit agangen wearð |
The grim shape of things to come, | |
eorla manegum, syþðan æfen cwom. |
The threat looming over many thanes | |
7 him Hroþgar gewat to hofe sinum, |
As night approached and king Hrothgar prepared | |
rice to ræste. Reced weardode |
To retire to his quarters? Retainers in great numbers | |
1240 |
unrim eorla, swa hie oft ær dydon. |
Were posted on guard as so often in the past. |
Bencþelu beredon. Hit geondbræded wearð |
Benches were pushed back, bedding gear and bolsters | |
beddum 7 bolstrum. Beorscealca sum |
Spread across the floor, and one man | |
157v |
fus 7 fæge fletræste ge|beag. |
Lay down to his rest, already marked for death. |
Setton him to heafdon hilderandas, |
At their heads they placed their polished timber | |
1245 |
bordwudu beorhtan. Þær on bence wæs |
Battle-shields; and on the bench above them, |
ofer æþelinge yþgesene |
Each mans kit was kept to hand: | |
heaþosteapa helm, hringed byrne, |
A towering war-helmet, webbed mail-shirt | |
þrecwudu þrymlic. Wæs þeaw hyra |
And great-shafted spear. It was their habit | |
þæt hie oft wæron an wig gearwe |
Always and everywhere to be ready for action, | |
1250 |
ge æt ham ge on herge, ge gehwæþer þara, |
At home or in the camp, in whatever case |
efne swylce mæla swylce hira mandryhtne |
And at whatever time the need arose | |
þearf gesælde. Wæs seo þeod tilu. |
To rally round their lord. They were a right people. | |
{ 20 } .XX. | ||
Sigon þa to slæpe. Sum sare angeald |
They went to sleep. And one paid dearly | |
æfenræste, swa him ful oft gelamp, |
For his nights ease, as had happened to them often, | |
1255 |
siþðan goldsele Grendel warode, |
Ever since Grendel occupied the gold-hall, |
unriht æfnde oþ þæt ende becwom, |
Committing evil until the end came, | |
swylt æfter synnum. Þæt gesyne wearþ, |
Death after his crimes. Then it became clear, | |
widcuþ werum, þætte wrecend þa gyt |
Obvious to everyone once the fight was over, | |
lifde æfter laþum lange þrage |
That an avenger lurked and was still alive, | |
1260 |
æfter guðceare. Grendles modor, |
Grimly biding time. Grendels mother, |
ides aglæcwif yrmþe gemunde, |
Monstrous hell-bride, brooded on her wrongs. | |
se þe wæteregesan wunian scolde, |
She had been forced down into fearful waters, | |
cealde streamas, siþðan camp wearð |
The cold depths, after Cain had killed | |
to ecgbanan angan breþer, |
His fathers son, felled his own | |
1265 |
fæderenmæge. He þa fag gewat, |
Brother with the sword. Banished an outlaw, |
158r |
morþre gemearcod, | mandream fleon, |
Marked by having murdered, he moved into the wilds, |
westen warode. Þanon woc fela |
Shunning company and joy. And from Cain there sprang | |
geosceaftgasta. Wæs þæra Grendel sum, |
Misbegotten spirits, among them Grendel, | |
heorowearh hetelic, se æt Heorote fand |
The banished and accursed, due to come to grips | |
1270 |
wæccendne wer wiges bidan. |
With that watcher in Heorot waiting to do battle. |
Þær him aglæca ætgræpe wearð. |
The monster wrenched and wrestled with him | |
Hwæþre he gemunde mægenes strenge, |
But Beowulf was mindful of his mighty strength, | |
gimfæste gife, ðe him God sealde, |
The wondrous gifts God had showered on him: | |
7 him to Anwaldan are gelyfde, |
He relied for help on the Lord of All, | |
1275 |
frofre 7 fultum. Đy he þone feond ofercwom, |
On His care and favor. So he overcame the foe, |
gehnægde helle gast. Þa he hean gewat, |
Brought down the hell-brute. Broken and bowed, | |
dreame bedæled, deaþwic seon, |
Outcast from all sweetness, the enemy of mankind | |
mancynnes feond. 7 his modor þa gyt, |
Made for his death-den. But now his mother | |
gifre 7 galgmod gegan wolde |
Had sallied forth on a savage journey, | |
1280 |
sorhfulne sið sunu þeod wrecan. |
Grief-racked and ravenous, desperate for revenge. |
Com þa to Heorote, ðær Hring-Dene |
She came to Heorot. There, inside the hall, | |
geond þæt sæld swæfun. Þa ðær sona wearð |
Danes lay asleep, earls who would soon endure | |
edhwyrft eorlum, siþðan inne fealh |
A great reversal once Grendels mother | |
Grendles modor. Wæs se gryre læssa |
Attacked and entered. Her onslaught was less | |
1285 |
efne swa micle, swa bið mægþa cræft |
Only by as much as an Amazon warriors |
wiggryre wifes, bewæpned men, |
Is less than an armored mans | |
þonne heoru bunden, hamere geþuren, |
When the hefted sword, its hammered edge | |
sweord swate fah swin ofer helme |
And gleaming blade slathered in blood, | |
158v |
ecgum | dyhttig andweard scireð. |
Razes the sturdy boar-ridge off a helmet. |
1290 |
Þa wæs on healle heardecg togen |
Then in the hall, hard-honed swords |
sweord ofer setlum, sidrand manig |
Were grabbed from the bench, many a broad shield | |
hafen handa fæst. Helm ne gemunde, |
Lifted and braced; there was little thought of helmets | |
byrnan side, þa hine se broga angeat. |
Or woven mail when they woke in terror. | |
Heo wæs on ofste, wolde ut þanon, |
The hell-dam was in panic, desperate to get out, | |
1295 |
feore beorgan, þa heo onfunden wæs. |
In mortal terror the moment she was found. |
Hraðe heo æþelinga anne hæfde |
She had pounced and taken one of the retainers | |
fæste befangen, þa heo to fenne gang. |
In a tight hold, then headed for the fen | |
Se wæs Hroþgare hæleþa leofost |
To Hrothgar, this man was the most beloved | |
on gesiðes had be sæm tweonum, |
Of the friends he trusted between the two seas. | |
1300 |
rice randwiga, þone ðe heo on ræste abreat, |
She had done away with a great warrior, |
blædfæstne beorn. Næs Beowulf ðær, |
Ambushed him at rest. Beowulf was elsewhere. | |
ac wæs oþer in ær geteohhod |
Earlier, after the reward of the treasure, | |
æfter maþðumgife mærum Geate. |
The Geat had been given another lodging. | |
Hream wearð in Heorote. Heo under heolfre genam |
There was an uproar in Heorot. She had snatched their trophy, | |
1305 |
cuþe folme. Cearu wæs geniwod, |
Grendels bloodied hand. It was a fresh blow |
geworden in wicun. Ne wæs þæt gewrixle til |
To the afflicted building. The bargain was hard, | |
þæt hie on ba healfa bicgan scoldon |
Both parties having to pay | |
freonda feorum. Þa wæs frod cyning, |
With the lives of friends. And the old lord, | |
159r |
har hilderinc, on hreon |mode, |
The gray-haired warrior, was heartsore and weary |
1310 |
syðþan he aldorþegn unlyfigendne, |
When he heard the news: his highest-placed advisor, |
þone deorestan, deadne wisse. |
His dearest companion, was dead and gone. | |
Hraþe wæs to bure Beowulf fetod |
Beowulf was quickly brought to the chamber: | |
sigoreadig secg. Samod ærdæge |
The winner of fights, the arch-warrior, | |
eode eorla sum, æþele cempa |
Came first-footing in with his fellow troops | |
1315 |
self mid gesiðum þær se snotera bad. |
To where the king in his wisdom waited, |
Hwæþre him Alwalda æfre wille |
Still wondering whether Almighty God | |
æfter weaspelle wyrpe gefremman. |
Would even turn the tide of his misfortunes. | |
Gang ða æfter flore fyrdwyrðe man |
So Beowulf entered with his band in attendance | |
mid his handscale, healwudu dynede, |
And the wooden floor-boards banged and rang | |
1320 |
þæt he þone wisan wordum hnægde |
As he advanced, hurrying to address |
frean Ingwina; frægn gif him wære |
The prince of the Ingwins, asking if hed rested | |
æfter neodlaðu niht getæse. |
Since the urgent summons had come as a surprise. | |
{ 21 } .XXI. | ||
Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga: |
Then Hrothgar, the Shieldings helmet, spoke: | |
Ne frin þu æfter sælum. Sorh is geniwod |
Rest? What is rest? Sorrow has returned. | |
1325 |
Denigea leodum. Dead is Æschere, |
Alas for the Danes! Æschere is dead. |
Yrmenlafes yldra broþor, |
He was Yrmenlafs elder brother | |
min runwita 7 min rædbora, |
And a soul mate to me, a true mentor, | |
eaxlgestealla, ðonne we on orlege |
My right-hand man when the ranks clashed | |
hafelan weredon, þonne hniton feþan, |
And our boar-crests had to take a battering | |
159v |
eoferas cnysedan |Swylc eorl scolde |
In the line of action. Æschere was everything |
wesan ærgod, swylc Æschere wæs! |
The world admires in a wise man and a friend. | |
Wearð him on Heorote to handbanan |
Then this roaming killer came in a fury | |
wælgæst wæfre. Ic ne wat hwæþer |
And slaughtered him in Heorot. Where she is hiding, | |
atol æse wlanc eftsiðas teah, |
Glutting on the corpse and glorying in her escape, | |
1335 |
fylle gefrægnod. Heo þa fæhðe wræc |
I cannot tell; she has taken up the feud |
þe þu gystran niht Grendel cwealdest |
Because of last night, when you killed Grendel, | |
þurh hæstne had heardum clammum, |
Wrestled and racked him in ruinous combat | |
forþan he to lange leode mine |
Since for too long he had terrorized us | |
wanode 7 wyrde. He æt wige gecrang, |
With his depredations. He died in battle, | |
1340 |
ealdres scyldig. 7 nu oþer cwom, |
Paid with his life; and now this powerful |
mihtig manscaða, wolde hyre mæg wrecan, |
Other one arrives, this force for evil | |
ge feor hafað fæhðe gestæled, |
Driven to avenge her kinsmans death. | |
þæs þe þincean mæg þegne monegum, |
Or so it seems to thanes in their grief, | |
se þe æfter sincgyfan on sefan greoteþ. |
In the anguish every thane endures | |
1345 |
Hreþerbealo hearde! Nu seo hand ligeð, |
At the loss of a ring-giver, now that the hand |
se þe eow welhwylcra wilna dohte. |
That bestowed so richly has been stilled in death. | |
Ic þæt londbuend, leode mine, |
I have heard it said by my people in hall, | |
selerædende secgan hyrde |
Counselors who live in the upland country, | |
þæt hie gesawon swylce twegen |
That they have seen two such creatures | |
1350 |
micle mearcstapan moras healdan, |
Prowling the moors, huge marauders |
ellorgæstas. Đæra oðer wæs, |
From some other world. One of these things, | |
þæs þe hie gewislicost gewitan meahton, |
As far as anyone ever can discern, | |
idese onlicnæs. Oðer earmsceapen |
Looks like a woman; the other, warped | |
160r |
on weres wæstmum wræclastas | træd, |
In the shape of a man, moves beyond the pale |
1355 |
næfne he wæs mara þonne ænig man oðer. |
Bigger than any man, an unnatural birth |
Þone on geardagum Grendel nemdon. |
Called Grendel by country people | |
Foldbuende no hie fæder cunnon, |
In former days. They are fatherless creatures, | |
hwæþer him ænig wæs ær acenned |
And their whole ancestry is hidden in a past | |
dyrnra gasta. Hie dygel lond |
Of demons and ghosts. They dwell apart | |
1360 |
warigeað, wulfhleoþu, windige næssas, |
Among wolves on hills, on windswept crags |
frecne fengelad, ðær fyrgenstream |
And treacherous fen-paths, where cold streams | |
under næssa genipu niþer gewiteð, |
Pour down the mountain and disappear | |
flod under foldan. Nis þæt feor heonon |
Under mist and moorland. A few miles from here | |
milgemearces, þæt se mere standeð. |
A frost-stiffened wood waits and keeps watch | |
1365 |
Ofer þæm hongiað hrinde bearwas, |
Above a mere; the overhanging bank |
wudu wyrtum fæst wæter oferhelmað. |
Is a maze of tree roots mirrored in its surface. | |
Þær mæg nihta gehwæm niðwundor seon, |
At night there, something uncanny happens: | |
fyr on flode. No þæs frod leofað |
The water burns. And the mere bottom | |
gumena bearna, þæt þone grund wite. |
Has never been sounded by the sons of men. | |
1370 |
Đeah þe hæðstapa hundum geswenced, |
On its bank, the heather-stepper halts: |
heorot hornum trum, holtwudu sece, |
The hart in flight from pursuing hounds | |
feorran geflymed, ær he feorh seleð, |
Will turn to face them with firm-set horns | |
aldor on ofre, ær he in wille |
And die in the wood rather than dive | |
hafelan hafenian. Nis þæt heoru stow. |
Beneath its surface. That is no good place. | |
1375 |
Þonon yðgeblond up astigeð, |
When the wind blows up and stormy weather |
won to wolcnum, þonne wind styreþ |
Makes clouds scud and the skies weep, | |
lað gewidru, oð þæt lyft drysmaþ, |
Out of its depths a dirty surge | |
roderas reotað. Nu is se ræd gelang |
Is pitched towards the heavens. Now help depends | |
160v |
eft æt |
þe anum. Eard git ne const, |
Again on you and you alone. |
1380 |
frecne stowe ðær þu findan miht |
The gap of danger where the demon waits |
felasinnigne secg. Sec gif þu dyrre. |
Is still unknown to you. Seek it if you dare. | |
Ic þe þa fæhðe feo leanige, |
I will compensate you for settling the feud | |
ealdgestreonum, swa ic ær dyde |
As I did last time with lavish wealth, | |
wundungolde, gyf þu on weg cymest. |
Coffers of coiled gold, if you come back. | |
{ 22 } .XXII. | ||
1385 |
BEOWULF maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes. |
Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow, spoke: |
Ne sorga, snotor guma. Selre bið æghwæm |
Wise sir, do not grieve. It is always better | |
þæt he his freond wrece þonne he fela murne. |
To avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning. | |
Ure æghwylc sceal ende gebidan |
For every one of us, living in this world | |
worolde lifes. Wyrce se þe mote |
Means waiting for our end. Let whoever can | |
1390 |
domes ær deaþe Þæt bið drihtguman, |
Win glory before death. When a warrior is gone, |
unlifgendum, æfter selest. |
That will be his best and only bulwark. | |
Aris, rices weard, uton hraþe feran, |
So arise, my lord, and let us immediately | |
Grendles magan gang sceawigan. |
Set forth on the trail of this troll-dam. | |
Ic hit þe gehate: no he on helm losaþ, |
I guarantee you: she will not get away, | |
1395 |
ne on foldan fæþm, ne on fyrgenholt, |
Not to dens underground nor upland groves |
ne on gyfenes grund, ga þær he wille. |
Nor the ocean floor. Shell have nowhere to flee to. | |
Đys dogor þu geþyld hafa |
Endure your troubles today. Bear up | |
weana gehwylces, swa ic þe wene to. |
And be the man I expect you to be. | |
Ahleop ða, se gomela, Gode þancode, |
With that the old lord sprung to his feet | |
161r |
mihtigan Drihtne, þæs se man ge|spræc. |
And praised God for Beowulfs pledge. |
Þa wæs Hroðgare hors gebæted, |
Then a bit and halter were brought for his horse | |
wicg wundenfeax. Wisa fengel |
With the plaited mane. The wise king mounted | |
geatolic gende. Gumfeþa stop |
The royal saddle and rode out in style | |
lindhæbbendra. Lastas wæron |
With a force of shield-bearers. The forest paths | |
1405 |
æfter waldswaþum wide gesyne. |
Were marked all over with the monsters tracks, |
Gang ofer grundas, gegnum for |
Her trail on the ground wherever she had gone | |
ofer myrcan mor, magoþegna bær |
Across the dark moors, dragging away | |
þone selestan sawolleasne |
The body of that thane, Hrothgars best | |
þara þe mid Hroðgare ham eahtode. |
Counselor and overseer of the country. | |
1410 |
Ofereode þa, æþelinga bearn, |
So the noble prince proceeded undismayed |
steap stanhliðo, stige nearwe, |
Up fells and pebbly slopes, along narrow footpaths | |
enge anpaðas, uncuð gelad, |
And ways where they were forced into single file, | |
neowle næssas, nicorhusa fela. |
Ledges on cliffs above lairs of water-monsters. | |
He feara sum beforan gengde |
He went in front with a few men, | |
1415 |
wisra monna wong sceawian, |
Good judges of the lie of the land, |
oþ þæt he færinga fyrgenbeamas |
And suddenly discovered the dismal wood, | |
ofer harne stan hleonian funde, |
Mountain trees growing out at an angle | |
wynleasne wudu. Wæter under stod, |
Above gray stones: the bloodshot water | |
dreorig 7 gedrefed. Denum eallum wæs, |
Surged underneath. It was a sore blow | |
1420 |
winum Scyldinga, weorce on mode |
To all of the Danes, friends of the Shieldings, |
to geþolianne, ðegne monegum, |
A hurt to each and every one | |
oncyð eorla gehwæm, syðþan Æscheres |
Of that noble company when they came upon | |
on þam holmclife hafelan metton. |
Æscheres head at the foot of the cliff. | |
Flod blode weol - folc to sægon - |
Everybody gazed as the hot gore | |
161v |
| hatan heolfre. Horn stundum song |
Kept wallowing up and an urgent war-horn |
fuslic forðleoð. Feþa eal gesæt. |
Repeated its notes: the whole party | |
Gesawon ða æfter wætere wyrmcynnes fela, |
Sat down to watch. The water was infested | |
sellice sædracan sund cunnian, |
With all kinds of reptiles. There were writhing sea-dragons | |
swylce on næshleoðum nicras licgean. |
And monsters slouching on slopes by the cliff, | |
1430 |
Đa on undernmæl oft bewitigað |
Serpents and wild things such as those that often |
sorhfulne sið on seglrade, |
Surface at dawn to roam the sail-road | |
wyrmas 7 wildeor. Hie on weg hruron |
And doom the voyage. Down they plunged, | |
bitere 7 gebolgne. Bearhtm ongeaton, |
Lashing in anger at the loud call | |
guðhorn galan. Sumne Geata leod |
Of the battle bugle. An arrow from the bow | |
1435 |
of flanbogan feores getwæfde, |
Of the Geat chief got one of them |
yðgewinnes. Þæt him on aldre stod, |
As he surged to the surface: the seasoned shaft | |
herestræl hearda. He on holme wæs |
Stuck deep in his flank and his freedom in the water | |
sundes þe sænra, ðe hyne swylt fornam. |
Got less and less. It was his last swim. | |
Hræþe wearð on yðum mid eoferspreotum, |
He was swiftly overwhelmed in the shallows, | |
1440 |
heorohocyhtum hearde genearwod, |
Prodded by barbed boar-spears, |
niða genæged, 7 on næs togen, |
Cornered, beaten, pulled up on the bank, | |
wundorlic wægbora. Weras sceawedon |
A strange lake-birth, a loathsome catch | |
gryrelicne gist. Gyrede hine Beowulf |
Men gazed at in awe. Beowulf got ready, | |
eorlgewædum, nalles for ealdre mearn; |
Donned his war-gear, indifferent to death; | |
1445 |
scolde herebyrne hondum gebroden |
His mighty, hand-forged, fine-webbed mail |
sid 7 searofah sund cunnian, |
Would soon meet with the menace under water. | |
seo ðe bancofan beorgan cuþe, |
It would keep the bone-cage of his body safe: | |
þæt him hildegrap hreþre ne mihte |
No enemys clasp could crush him in it, | |
eorres inwitfeng aldre gesceþðan. |
No vicious arm lock choke his life out. | |
162r |
Ac se hwita helm | hafelan werede, |
To guard his head he had a glittering helmet |
se þe meregrundas mengan scolde, |
That was due to be muddied on the mere bottom | |
secan sundgebland since geweorðad, |
And blurred in the up swirl. It was of beaten gold, | |
befongen freawrasnum swa hine fyrndagum |
Princely headgear hooped and hasped | |
worhte wæpna smið, wundrum teode, |
By a weapon-smith who had worked wonders | |
1455 |
besette swinlicum, þæt hine syðþan no |
In days gone by and adorned it with boar-shapes; |
brond ne beadomecas bitan ne meahton. |
Since then it had resisted every sword. | |
Næs þæt þonne mætost mægenfultuma |
And another item lent by Unferth | |
þæt him on ðearfe lah ðyle Hroðgares. |
At that moment was of no small importance: | |
Wæs þæm hæftmece Hrunting nama. |
The spokesman handed him a hilted weapon, | |
1460 |
Þæt wæs an foran ealdgestreona. |
A rare and ancient sword named Hrunting. |
Ecg wæs iren, atertanum fah, |
The iron blade with its ill-boding patterns | |
ahyrded heaþoswate. Næfre hit æt hilde ne swac |
Had been tempered in blood. It had never failed | |
manna ængum, þara þe hit mid mundum bewand, |
The hand of anyone who had hefted it in battle, | |
se ðe gryresiðas gegan dorste, |
Anyone who had fought and faced the worst | |
1465 |
folcstede fara. Næs þæt forma sið |
In the gap of danger. This was not the first time |
þæt hit ellenweorc æfnan scolde. |
It had been called to perform heroic feats. | |
Huru ne gemunde mago Ecglafes, |
When he lent that blade to the better swordsman, | |
eafoþes cræftig, þæt he ær gespræc, |
Unferth, the strong-built son of Ecglaf, | |
wine druncen, þa he þæs wæpnes onlah |
Could hardly have remembered the ranting speech | |
1470 |
selran sweordfrecan. Selfa ne dorste |
He had made in his cups. He was not man enough |
under yða gewin aldre geneþan, |
To face the turmoil of a fight under water | |
drihtscype dreogan. Þær he dome forleas, |
And the risk to his life. So there he lost | |
162v |
ellen|mærðum. Ne wæs þæm oðrum swa, |
fame and repute. It was different for the other |
syðþan he hine to guðe gegyred hæfde. |
Rigged out in his gear, ready to do battle. | |
{ 23 } .XXIII. | ||
1475 |
BEOWVLF maðelode, bearn Ecgþeowes: |
Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow, spoke: |
Geþenc nu, se mæra maga Healfdenes, |
Wisest of kings, now that I have come | |
snottra fengel, nu ic eom siðes fus, |
To the point of action, I ask you to recall | |
goldwine gumena, hwæt wit geo spræcon: |
What we said earlier: that you, son of Halfdane | |
gif ic æt þearfe þinre scolde |
And gold-friend to retainers, that you, if I should fall | |
1480 |
aldre linnan, þæt ðu me a wære, |
And suffer death while serving your cause, |
forðgewitenum, on fæder stæle. |
Would act like a father to me afterwards. | |
Wes þu mundbora minum magoþegnum, |
If this combat kills me, take care | |
hondgesellum, gif mec hild nime. |
Of my young company, my comrades in arms. | |
Swylce þu ða madmas, þe þu me sealdest, |
And be sure also, my beloved Hrothgar, | |
1485 |
Hroðgar leofa, Higelace onsend. |
To send Hygelac the treasures I received. |
Mæg þonne on þæm golde ongitan Geata dryhten, |
Let the lord of the Geats gaze on that gold, | |
geseon sunu Hrædles, þonne he on þæt sinc starað, |
Let Hrethels son take note of it and see | |
þæt ic gumcystum godne funde |
That I found a ring-giver of rare magnificence | |
beaga bryttan, breac þonne moste. |
And enjoyed the good of his generosity. | |
1490 |
7 þu Hunferð læt ealde lafe, |
And Unferth is to have what I inherited: |
wrætlic wægsweord; widcuðne man |
To that far-famed man I bequeath my own | |
heardecg habban. Ic me mid Hruntinge |
Sharp-horned, wave-sheened wonder blade. | |
163r |
dom gewyrce | oþðe mec deað nimeð. |
With Hrunting I shall gain glory or die. |
Æfter þæm wordum Weder-Geata leod |
After these words, the prince of the Weather-Geats | |
1495 |
efste mid elne. Nalas 7sware |
Was impatient to be away and plunged suddenly: |
bidan wolde. Brimwylm onfeng |
Without more ado, he dove in to the heaving | |
hilderince. Đa wæs hwil dæges |
Depths of the lake. It was the best part of a day | |
ær he þone grundwong ongytan mehte. |
Before he could see the solid bottom. | |
Sona þæt onfunde, se ðe floda begong, |
Quickly the one who haunted those waters, | |
1500 |
heorogifre, beheold hund missera, |
Who had scavenged and gone her gluttonous rounds |
grim 7 grædig, þæt þær gumena sum |
For a hundred seasons, sensed a human | |
ælwihta eard ufan cunnode. |
Observing her outlandish lair from above. | |
Grap þa togeanes, guðrinc gefeng |
So she lunged and clutched and managed to catch him | |
atolan clommum. No þy ær in gescod |
In her brutal grip; but his body, for all that, | |
1505 |
halan lice. Hring utan ymbbearh, |
Remained unscathed: the mesh of the chain-mail |
þæt heo þone fyrdhom ðurhfon ne mihte, |
Saved him on the outside. Her savage talons | |
locene leoðosyrcan, laþan fingrum. |
Failed to rip the web of his war shirt. | |
Bær þa seo brimwylf, þa heo to botme com, |
Then once she touched bottom, the wolfish swimmer | |
hringa þengel to hofe sinum, |
Carried the ring-mailed prince to her court | |
1510 |
swa he ne mihte - no he þæm modig wæs! - |
So that for all his courage he could never use |
wæpna gewealdan, ac hine wundra þæs fela |
The weapons he carried; and a bewildering horde | |
swecte on sunde, sædeor monig |
Came at him from the depths, droves of sea-beasts | |
hildetuxum heresyrcan bræc, |
Who attacked with tusks and tore at his chain-mail | |
ehton aglæcan. Đa se eorl ongeat |
In a ghastly onslaught. The gallant man | |
1515 |
þæt he niðsele nathwylcum wæs, |
Could see he had entered some hellish turn-hole |
þær him nænig wæter wihte ne sceþede, |
And yet the water did not work against him | |
ne him for hrofsele hrinan ne mehte, |
Because the hall-roofing held off | |
163v |
færgripe flodes. | Fyrleoht geseah, |
The force of the current; then he saw firelight, |
blacne leoman beorhte scinan. |
A gleam and flare-up, a glimmer of brightness. | |
1520 |
Ongeat þa se goda grundwyrgenne, |
The hero observed that swamp-thing from hell, |
merewif mihtig. Mægenræs forgeaf |
The tarn-hag in all her terrible strength, | |
hildebille, hondswenge, ne ofteah, |
Then heaved his war-sword and swung his arm: | |
þæt hire on hafelan hringmæl agol |
The decorated blade came down ringing | |
grædig guðleoð. Đa se gist onfand |
And singing on her head. But he soon found | |
1525 |
þæt se beadoleoma bitan nolde, |
His battle-torch extinguished: the shinning blade |
aldre sceþðan. Ac seo ecg geswac |
Refused to bite. It spared her and failed | |
ðeodne æt þearfe. Đolode ær fela |
The man in his need. It had gone through many | |
hondgemota, helm oft gescær, |
Hand-to-hand fights, had hewed the armor | |
fæges fyrdhrægl. Đa wæs forma sið |
And helmets of the doomed, but here at last | |
1530 |
deorum madme þæt his dom alæg. |
The fabulous powers of that heirloom failed. |
Eft wæs anræd, nalas elnes læt, |
Hygelacs kinsman kept thinking about | |
mærða gemyndig mæg Hylaces: |
His name and fame: he never lost heart. | |
wearp ða wundelmæl, wrættum gebunden, |
Then, in fury, he flung his sword away. | |
yrre oretta, þæt hit on eorðan læg, |
The keen, inlaid, worm-looped-patterned steel | |
1535 |
stið 7 stylecg. Strenge getruwode, |
Was hurled to the ground: he would have to rely |
mundgripe mægenes. Swa sceal man don, |
On the might of his arm. So must a man do | |
þonne he æt guðe gegan þenceð |
Who intends to gain enduring glory | |
longsumne lof. Na ymb his lif cearað. |
In a combat. Life doesnt cost him thought. | |
Gefeng þa be eaxle, nalas for fæhðe mearn, |
Then the prince of War-Geats, warming to his fight | |
1540 |
Guð-Geata leod, Grendles modor. |
With Grendels mother, gripped her shoulder |
Brægd þa beadwe heard, þa he gebolgen wæs, |
And laid about him in a battle frenzy: | |
feorhgeniðlan, þæt heo on flet gebeah. |
He pitched his killer opponent to the floor | |
Heo him eft hraþe handlean forgeald |
But she rose quickly and retaliated, | |
164r |
grim|man grapum 7 him togeanes feng. |
Grappled him tightly in her grim embrace. |
1545 |
Oferwearp þa werigmod, wigena strengest, |
The sure-footed fight fell daunted, |
feþecempa, þæt he on fylle wearð. |
The strongest of warriors stumbled and fell. | |
Ofsæt þa þone selegyst, 7 hyre seax geteah, |
So she pounced upon him and pulled out | |
brad, brunecg. Wolde hire bearn wrecan, |
A broad, whetted knife: now she could avenge | |
angan eaferan. Him on eaxle læg |
Her only child. But the mesh of chain-mail | |
1550 |
breostnet broden; þæt gebearh feore, |
On Beowulfs shoulder shielded his life, |
wið ord 7 wið ecge ingang forstod. |
Turned the edge and tip of the blade. | |
Hæfde ða forsiðod sunu Ecgþeowes, |
The son of Ecgtheow would surely have perished | |
under gynne grund, Geata cempa, |
And the Geats lost their warrior under the wide earth | |
nemne him heaðobyrne helpe gefremede, |
Had the strong links and locks of his war-gear | |
1555 |
herenet hearde. 7 halig God |
Not helped to save him: Holy God |
geweold wigsigor. Witig Drihten, |
Decided the victory. It was easy for the Lord, | |
rodera Rædend, hit on ryht gesced |
The Ruler of Heaven, to redress the balance | |
yðelice. Syþðan he eft astod. |
Once Beowulf got back up on his feet. | |
{ 24 } .XXIV. | ||
GEseah ða on searwum sigeeadig bil, |
Then he saw a blade that boded well, | |
1560 |
ealdsweord eotenisc ecgum þyhtig, |
A sword in her armory, an ancient heirloom |
wigena weorðmynd, þæt wæpna cyst, |
From the days of the giants, an ideal weapon, | |
buton hit wæs mare ðonne ænig mon oðer |
One that any warrior would envy, | |
to beadulace ætberan meahte, |
But so huge and heavy in itself | |
god 7 geatolic, giganta geweorc. |
Only Beowulf could wield it in battle. | |
1565 |
He gefeng þa fetelhilt, freca Scyldinga |
So the Shieldings hero, hard-pressed and enraged, |
hreoh 7 heorogrim, hringmæl gebrægd |
Took a firm hold of the hilt and swung | |
164v |
aldres orwena, yrringa | sloh, |
The blade in an arc, a resolute blow |
þæt hire wið halse heard grapode, |
That bit into her neck bone | |
banhringas bræc. Bil eal ðurhwod |
And severed it entirely, toppling the doomed | |
1570 |
fægne flæschoman. Heo on flet gecrong. |
House of her flesh; she fell to the floor. |
Sweord wæs swatig, secg weorce gefeh. |
The sword dripped blood, the swordsman was elated. | |
Lixte se leoma, leoht inne stod, |
A light appeared and the place brightened | |
efne swa of hefene hadre scineð |
The way the sky does when heavens candle | |
rodores candel. He æfter recede wlat. |
Is shinning clearly. He inspected the vault: | |
1575 |
Hwearf þa be wealle, wæpen hafenade |
With sword held high, its hilt raised |
heard be hiltum, Higelaces ðegn, |
To guard and threaten, Hygelacs thane | |
yrre 7 anræd. Næs seo ecg fracod |
Scouted by the wall in Grendels wake. | |
hilderince, ac he hraþe wolde |
Now the weapon was to prove its worth. | |
Grendle forgyldan guðræsa fela |
The warrior determined to take revenge | |
1580 |
ðara þe he geworhte to West-Denum |
For every gross act Grendel had committed |
oftor micle ðonne on ænne sið, |
And not only for that one occasion | |
þonne he Hroðgares heorðgeneatas |
When hed come to slaughter the sleeping troops, | |
sloh on sweofote, slæpende fræt, |
Fifteen of Hrothgars house-guards | |
folces Denigea fyftyne men, |
Surprised on their benches and ruthlessly devoured, | |
1585 |
7 oðer swylc ut offerede |
And as many again carried away, |
laðlicu lac. He him þæs lean forgeald, |
A brutal plunderer. Beowulf in his fury | |
reþe cempa, to ðæs þe he on ræste geseah |
Now settled that score: he saw the monster | |
guðwerigne Grendel licgan, |
In his resting place, war-weary and wrecked, | |
aldorleasne, swa him ær gescod |
A lifeless corpse, a casualty | |
1590 |
hild æt Heorote. Hra wide sprong, |
Of the battle in Heorot. The body gaped |
syþðan he æfter deaðe drepe þrowade, |
At the stroke dealt to it after death: | |
heorosweng heardne, 7 hine þa heafde becearf. |
Beowulf cut the corpses head off. | |
165r |
Sona þæt gesawon, snottre | ceorlas, |
Immediately the counselors keeping a lookout |
þa ðe mid Hroðgare on holm wliton, |
With Hrothgar, watching the lake water, | |
1595 |
þæt wæs yðgeblond eal gemenged |
Saw a heave-up and surge of waves |
brim blode fah. Blondenfeaxe, |
And blood in the backwash. They bowed gray heads, | |
gomele ymb godne, ongeador spræcon |
Spoke in their sage, experienced way | |
þæt hig þæs æðelinges eft ne wendon, |
About the good warrior, how they never again | |
þæt he sigehreðig secean come |
Expected to see that prince returning | |
1600 |
mærne þeoden. Þa ðæs monige gewearð |
In triumph to their king. It was clear to many |
þæt hine seo brimwylf abreoten hæfde. |
That the wolf of the deep had destroyed him forever. | |
Đa com non dæges. Næs ofgeafon |
The ninth hour of the day arrived. | |
hwate Scyldingas. Gewat him ham þonon, |
The brave Shieldings abandoned their cliff-top | |
goldwine gumena. Gistas secan |
And the king went home; but sick at heart, | |
1605 |
modes seoce, 7 on mere staredon; |
Staring at the mere, the strangers held on. |
wiston, 7 ne wendon, þæt hie heora winedrihten |
They wished, without hope, to behold their lord, | |
selfne gesawon. Þa þæt sweord ongan |
Beowulf himself. Meanwhile, the sword | |
æfter heaþoswate hildegicelum, |
Began to wilt into gory icicles, | |
wigbil wanian. Þæt wæs wundra sum, |
To slather and thaw. It was a wonderful thing, | |
1610 |
þæt hit eal gemealt, ise gelicost, |
The way it all melted as ice melts |
ðonne forstes bend Fæder onlæteð, |
When the father eases the fetters off the frost | |
onwindeð wælrapas, se geweald hafað |
And unravels the water-ropes. He who wields power | |
sæla 7 mæla. Þæt is soð Metod. |
Over time and tide: He is the true Lord. | |
Ne nom he in þæm wicum, Weder-Geata leod, |
The Geat captain saw treasure in abundance | |
1615 |
maðmæhta ma, þeh he þær monige geseah, |
But carried no spoils from those quarters |
buton þone hafelan 7 þa hilt somod |
Except for the head and the inlaid hilt | |
since fage. Sweord ær gemealt, |
Embossed with jewels; its blade had melted | |
165v |
forbarn brodenmæl. Wæs þæt blod | to þæs hat, |
And the scrollwork on it burnt, so scalding was the blood |
ættren ellorgæst se þær inne swealt. |
Of the poisonous fiend who had perished there. | |
1620 |
Sona wæs on sunde, se þe ær æt sæcce gebad, |
Then away he swan, the one who had survived |
wighryre wraðra. Wæter up þurhdeaf, |
The fall of his enemies, flailing to the surface. | |
wæron yðgebland eal gefælsod, |
The wide water, the waves and pools | |
eacne eardas, þa se ellorgast |
Were no longer infested once the wandering fiend | |
oflet lifdagas 7 þas lænan gesceaft. |
Let go of her life and this unreliable world. | |
1625 |
Com þa to lande, lidmanna helm, |
The seafarers leader made for land, |
swiðmod swymman. Sælace gefeah, |
Resolutely swimming, delighted with his prize, | |
mægenbyrþenne, þara þe he him mid hæfde. |
The mighty load he was lugging to the surface. | |
Eodon him þa togeanes, Gode þancodon, |
His thanes advanced in a troop to meet him, | |
ðryðlic þegna heap þeodnes gefegon, |
Thanking God and taking great delight | |
1630 |
þæs þe hi hyne gesundne geseon moston. |
In seeing their prince back safe and sound. |
Đa wæs of þæm hroran helm 7 byrne |
Quickly the heros helmet and mail-shirt | |
lungre alysed. Lagu drusade, |
Were loosed and unlaced. The lake settled, | |
wæter under wolcnum, wældreore fag. |
Clouds darkened above the bloodshot depths. | |
Ferdon forð þonon feþelastum |
With high hearts they headed away | |
1635 |
ferhþum fægne foldweg mæton, |
Along footpath and trails through the fields, |
cuþe stræte. Cyningbalde men |
Roads that they knew, each of them wrestling | |
from þæm holmclife hafelan bæron |
With the head they were carrying from the lakeside cliff, | |
earfoðlice heora æghwæþrum |
Men kingly in their courage and capable | |
felamodigra. Feower scoldon |
Of difficult work. It was a task for four | |
1640 |
on þæm wælstenge weorcum geferian |
To hoist Grendels head on a spear |
to þæm goldsele Grendles heafod. |
And bear it under strain to the bright hall. | |
166r |
Oþ ðæt | semninga to sele comon, |
But soon enough they neared the place, |
frome fyrdhwate feowertyne |
Fourteen Geats in fine fettle, | |
Geata gongan, gumdryhten mid, |
Striding across the outlying ground | |
1645 |
modig on gemonge, meodowongas træd. |
In a delighted throng around their leader. |
Đa com in gan ealdor ðegna, |
In he came then, the thanes commander, | |
dædcene mon dome gewurþad, |
The arch-warrior, to address Hrothgar: | |
hæle hildedeor, Hroðgar gretan. |
His courage was proven, his glory was secure. | |
Þa wæs be feaxe on flet boren |
Grendels head was hauled by the hair, | |
1650 |
Grendles heafod, þær guman druncon, |
Dragged across the floor where people were drinking, |
egeslic for eorlum, 7 þære idese mid, |
A horror for both queen and company to behold. | |
wliteseon wrætlic. Weras onsawon. |
They stared in awe. It was an astonishing sight. | |
{ 25 } XXV | ||
BEOwulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes: |
Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow, spoke: | |
Hwæt, we þe þas sælac, sunu Healfdenes, |
So, son of Halfdane, prince of the Shieldings, | |
1655 |
leod Scyldinga, lustum brohton |
We are glad to bring this booty from the lake. |
tires to tacne, þe þu her to locast. |
It is a token of triumph and we tender it to you. | |
Ic þæt unsofte ealdre gedigde, |
I barely survived the battle underwater. | |
wigge under wætere, weorc geneþde |
It was hard-fought, a desperate affair | |
earfoðlice. Ætrihte wæs |
That could have gone badly; if God had not helped me, | |
1660 |
guð getwæfed, nymðe mec God scylde. |
The outcome would have been quick and fatal. |
Ne meahte ic æt hilde mid Hruntinge |
Although Hrunting is hard-edged, | |
wiht gewyrcan, þeah þæt wæpen duge. |
I could never bring it to bear in battle. | |
Ac me geuðe ylda Waldend |
But the Lord of Men allowed me to behold | |
166v |
þæt ic on wage geseah wlitig | hangian |
For he often helps the unbefriended |
1665 |
ealdsweord eacen. Oftost wisode |
An ancient sword shinning on the wall, |
winigea leasum; þæt ic ðy wæpne gebræd, |
A weapon made for giants, there for the wielding. | |
ofsloh ða æt þære sæcce, þa me sæl ageald, |
Then my moment came in the combat and I struck | |
huses hyrdas. Þa þæt hildebil |
The dwellers in that den. Next thing the damascened | |
forbarn, brogdenmæl, swa þæt blod gesprang, |
Sword blade melted; it bloated and it burned | |
1670 |
hatost heaþoswata. Ic þæt hilt þanan |
In their rushing blood. I have wrested the hilt |
feondum ætferede, fyrendæda wræc, |
From the enemies hand, avenged the evil | |
deaðcwealm Denigea, swa hit gedefe wæs. |
Done to the Danes; it is what was due. | |
Ic hit þe þonne gehate, þæt þu on Heorote most |
And this I pledge, O prince of the Shieldings: | |
sorhleas swefan mid þinra secga gedryht, |
You can sleep secure with your company of troops | |
1675 |
7 þegna gehwylc þinra leoda, |
In Heorot Hall. Never need you fear |
duguðe 7 iogoþe, þæt þu him ondrædan ne þearft, |
For a single thane of your guard or nation, | |
þeoden Scyldinga, on þa healfe, |
Young warriors or old, that laying waste of life | |
aldorbealu eorlum, swa þu ær dydest. |
That you and your people endured of yore. | |
Đa wæs gyldenhilt gamelum rince, |
Then the gold hilt was handed over | |
1680 |
harum hildfruman, on hand gyfen |
To the old lord, a relic from long ago |
enta ærgeweorc. Hit on æht gehwearf |
For the venerable ruler. That rare smith work | |
æfter deofla hryre Denigea frean, |
Was passed on to the prince of the Danes | |
wundorsmiþa geweorc. 7 þa þas worold ofgeaf, |
When those devils perished; once death removed | |
gromheort guma, Godes andsaca |
That murdering, guilt-steeped, God-cursed fiend, | |
1685 |
morðres scyldig, 7 his modor eac. |
Eliminating his unholy life |
On geweald gehwearf woroldcyninga |
And his mothers as well, it was willed that the king | |
167r |
ðæm selestan be | sæm tweonum, |
Who of all the lavish gift-lords of the north |
ðara þe on Scedenigge sceattas dælde. |
Was the best regarded between the two seas. | |
Hroðgar maðelode. Hylt sceawode, |
Hrothgar spoke; he examined the hilt, | |
1690 |
ealde lafe; on ðæm wæs or writen |
That relic of old times. It was engraved all over |
fyrngewinnes, syðþan flod ofsloh, |
And showed how war first came into the world | |
gifen geotende, giganta cyn. |
And the flood destroyed the tribe of giants. | |
Frecne geferdon; þæt wæs fremde þeod |
They suffered a terrible severance from the Lord; | |
ecean Dryhtne. Him þæs endelean |
The Almighty made the waters rise, | |
1695 |
þurh wæteres wylm Waldend sealde. |
Drowned them in the deluge for retribution. |
Swa wæs on ðæm scennum sciran goldes, |
In pure gold inlay on the sword-guards | |
þurh runstafas rihte gemearcod, |
There were rune markings correctly incised, | |
geseted 7 gesæd, hwam þæt sweord geworht, |
Stating and recording for whom the sword | |
irena cyst ærest wære, |
Had been first made and ornamented | |
1700 |
wreoþenhilt 7 wyrmfah. Đa se wisa spræc, |
With its scrollwork hilt. Then everyone hushed |
sunu Healfdenes. Swigedon ealle: |
As the son of Halfdane spoke his wisdom. | |
Þæt, la, mæg secgan, se þe soð 7 riht |
Indeed, this may be said by a man who has wrought | |
fremeð on folce, feor eal gemon, |
Truth and justice among his people, who remembers things of long ago | |
eald eðelweard, þæt ðes eorl wære |
an old guardian of the ancestral land, that this earl was | |
1705 |
geboren betera. Blæd is aræred |
born more excellent. Your glory is uplifted |
geond widwegas, wine min Beowulf, |
beyond distant ways, Beowulf, my friend, | |
ðin ofer þeoda gehwylce. Eal þu hit geþyldum |
over every people. Even-temperedly | |
healdest mægen, mid modes snyttrum. |
You hold sway, with wisdom of mind. | |
Ic þe sceal mine gelæstan freoðe |
So I stand firm by the promise of friendship | |
1710 |
swa wit furðum spræcon. Đu scealt to frofre weorþan |
We exchanged before. Forever you will be |
eal langtwidig leodum þinum, |
Your peoples mainstay and your own warriors | |
167v |
| hæleðum to helpe. Ne wearð Heremod swa |
Helping hand. Heremod was different, |
eaforum Ecgwelan, Ar-Scyldingum. |
The way he behaved to Ecgwalas sons. | |
Ne geweox he him to willan, ac to wælfealle |
His rise in the world brought little joy | |
1715 |
7 to deaðcwalum Deniga leodum. |
To the Danish people, only death and destruction. |
Breat bolgenmod beodgeneatas, |
He vented his rage on people he caroused with, | |
eaxlgesteallan, oþ þæt he ana hwearf, |
Killed his own comrades, a pariah king | |
mære þeoden, mondreamum from |
Who cut himself off from his own kind, | |
ðeah þe hine mihtig God mægenes wynnum |
Even though God Almighty had made him | |
1720 |
eafeþum stepte ofer ealle men, |
Eminent and powerful and marked him from the start |
forð gefremede. Hwæþere him on ferhþe greow | For a happy life. But a change happened, | |
breosthord blodreow. Nallas beagas geaf | He grew bloodthirsty, gave no more rings | |
Denum æfter dome. Dreamleas gebad, | To honor the Danes. He suffered in the end | |
þæt he þæs gewinnes weorc þrowade, | For having plagued his people for so long: | |
1725 |
leodbealo longsum. Đu þe lær be þon, | His life lost happiness. So learn from this |
gumcyste ongit. Ic þis gid be þe | And understand true values. I who tell you | |
awræc wintrum frod. Wundor is to secganne | Have wintered into wisdom. It is a great wonder | |
hu mihtig God manna cynne | How Almighty God in his magnificence upon our race | |
þurh sidne sefan snyttru bryttað, | Bestows the gift of wisdom | |
1730 |
eard 7 eorlscipe. He ah ealra geweald. | And land and valor. His sway is wide. |
Hwilum he on lufan læteð hworfan | Sometimes He allows the mind of a man | |
monnes modgeþonc mæran cynnes, | Of distinguished birth to follow its bent, | |
seleð him on eþle eorþan wynne | Grants him fulfillment and felicity on earth | |
to healdanne hleoburh wera, | And forts to command in his own country. | |
168r |
| gedeð him swa gewealdene worolde dælas, | He permits him to lord it in many lands |
side rice, þæt he his selfa ne mæg |
Until the man in his unthinkingness | |
for his unsnyttrum ende geþencean. | Forgets that it will ever end for him. | |
Wunað he on wiste. No hine wiht dweleð, | He indulges his desires; illness and old age | |
adl ne yldo, ne him inwitsorh | Mean nothing to him; his mind is untroubled | |
1740 |
on sefan sweorceð, ne gesacu ohwær | By envy or malice or thought of enemies |
ecghete eoweð, ac him eal worold | With their hate-honed swords. The whole world | |
wendeð on willan. He þæt wyrse ne con. |
Conforms to his will, he is kept from the worst | |
{ 26 } .XXVI. | ||
Oð þæt him on innan oferhygda dæl | Until an element of overweening | |
weaxeð 7 wridað. Þonne se weard swefeð, | Enters him and takes hold | |
1745 |
sawele hyrde. Bið se slæp to fæst, | While the souls guard, its sentry, drowses, |
bisgum gebunden, bona swiðe neah, | Grown too distracted. A killer stalks him, | |
se þe of flanbogan fyrenum sceoteð. | An archer who draws a deadly bow. | |
Þonne bið on hreþre under helm drepen | And then the man is hit in the heart, | |
biteran stræle, him bebeorgan ne con, | The arrow flies beneath his defenses, | |
1750 |
wom wundorbebodum wergan gastes. | The devious promptings of the demon start. |
Þinceð him to lytel þæt he to lange heold; |
His old possessions seem paltry to him now. | |
gytsað gromhydig, nallas on gylp seleð | He covets and resents; dishonors custom | |
fædde beagas, 7 he þa forðgesceaft | And bestows no gold; and because of good things | |
forgyteð 7 forgymeð, þæs þe him ær God sealde, | That the Heavenly powers gave him in the past | |
168v |
wuldres |
Waldend, weorðmynda dæl. | He ignores the shape of things to come. |
Hit on endestæf eft gelimpeð | Then finally the end arrives | |
þæt se lichoma læne gedreoseð, | When the body he was lent collapses and falls | |
fæge gefealleð. Fehð oþer to, | Prey to its death; ancestral possessions | |
se þe unmurnlice madmas dæleþ, | And the goods he hoarded and inherited by another | |
1760 |
eorles ærgestreon, egesan ne gymeð. | Who lets them go with a liberal hand. |
Bebeorh þe ðone bealonið, Beowulf leofa, | O flower of warriors, beware of that trap. | |
secg betsta, 7 þe þæt selre geceos, | Choose, dear Beowulf, the better part, | |
ece rædas. Oferhyda ne gym, | Eternal rewards. Do not give way to pride. | |
mære cempa. Nu is þines mægnes blæd | For a brief while your strength is in bloom | |
1765 |
ane hwile. Eft sona bið | But it fades quickly; and soon there will follow |
þæt þec adl oððe ecg eafoþes getwæfeð, | Illness or the sword to lay you low, | |
oððe fyres feng, oððe flodes wylm, | Or a sudden fire or surge of water | |
oððe gripe meces, oððe gares fliht, | Or jabbing blade or javelin from the air | |
oððe atol yldo. Oððe eagena bearhtm | Or repellent age. Your piercing eye | |
1770 |
forsiteð 7 forsworceð. Semninga bið | Will dim and darken; and death will arrive, |
þæt ðec, dryhtguma, deað oferswyðeð. | Dear warrior, to sweep you away. | |
Swa ic Hring-Dena hund missera | Just so I ruled the ring-Danes country | |
weold under wolcnum 7 hig wigge beleac, | For fifty years, defended them in wartime | |
manigum mægþa geond þysne middangeard, | With spear and sword against constant assaults | |
1775 |
æscum 7 ecgum, þæt ic me ænigne | By many tribes: I came to believe |
under swegles begong gesacan ne tealde. | My enemies had faded from the face of the earth. | |
Hwæt, me þæs on eþle edwendan cwom, | Still, what happened was a hard reversal | |
gyrn æfter gomene, seoþðan Grendel wearð | From bliss to grief. Grendel struck | |
ealdgewinna, ingenga min. | After lying in wait. He laid waste the land | |
169r |
| Ic þære socne singales wæg | And from that moment my mind was in dread |
modceare micle. Þæs sig Metode þanc, | Of his depredations. So I praise God | |
ecean Dryhtne, þæs ðe ic on aldre gebad, | In His heavenly glory that I lived to behold | |
þæt ic on þone hafelan heorodreorigne | This head dripping blood and after such harrowing | |
ofer eald gewin eagum starige. | I can look upon it in triumph at last. | |
1785 |
Ga nu to setle, symbelwynne dreoh | Take your place, then, with pride and pleasure |
wiggeweorþad. Unc sceal worn fela | And move to the feast. Tomorrow morning | |
maþma gemænra siþðan morgen bið. |
Our treasure will be shared and showered upon you. | |
Geat wæs glædmod, geong sona to |
The Geat was elated and gladly obeyed | |
setles neosan, swa se snottra heht. | The old mans biding; he sat on the bench. | |
1790 |
Þa wæs eft swa ær ellenrofum, | And soon all was restored, the same as before. |
fletsittendum fægere gereorded | Happiness came back, the hall was thronged, | |
niowan stefne. Nihthelm geswearc, | And a banquet set forth; black night fell | |
deorc ofer dryhtgumum. Duguð eal aras. | And covered them in darkness. Then the company rose | |
Wolde blondenfeax beddes neosan, | For the old campaigner: the gray-haired prince | |
1795 |
gamela Scylding. Geat unigmetes wel, | Was ready for bed. And a need for rest |
rofne randwigan, restan lyste. | Came over the brave shield-bearing Geat. | |
Sona him seleþegn, siðes wergum | He was a weary sea-farer, far from home, | |
feorrancundum forð wisade; |
So immediately a house-guard guided him out, | |
se for andrysnum ealle beweotede | One whose office entailed looking after | |
1800 |
þegnes þearfe, swylce þy dogore | Whatever a thane on the road in those days |
heaþoliðende habban scoldon. | Might need or require. It was noble courtesy. | |
Reste hine þa rumheort. Reced hliuade, | That great heart rested. The hall towered, | |
geap 7 goldfah. Gæst inne swæf, | Gold-shingled and gabled, and the guest slept in it | |
oþ þæt hrefn blaca, heofones wynne | Until the black raven with raucous glee | |
169v |
bliðheort bodode. | Đa com beorht scacan; |
Announced heavens joy, and a hurry of brightness |
scaþan onetton. | Overran the shadows. Warriors rose quickly, | |
Wæron æþelingas eft to leodum | Impatient to be off: their own country | |
fuse to farenne. Wolde feor þanon, | Was beckoning the nobles; and the bold voyager | |
cuma collenferhð, ceoles neosan. | Longed to be aboard his distant boat. | |
1810 |
Heht þa, se hearda, Hrunting beran | Then that stalwart fighter ordered Hrunting |
sunu Ecglafes, heht his sweord niman, | To be brought to Unferth, and bade Unferth | |
leoflic iren. Sægde him þæs leanes þanc, | Take the sword and thanked him for lending it. | |
cwæð, he þone guðwine godne tealde. | He said he had found it a friend in battle | |
wigcræftigne. Nales wordum log | And a powerful help; he put no blame | |
1815 |
meces ecge. Þæt wæs modig secg. | On the blades cutting edge. He was a considerate man. |
7 þa, siðfrome, searwum gearwe, | And there the warriors stood in their war-gear, | |
wigend wæron. Eode weorð Denum, | Eager to go, while their honored lord | |
æþeling to yppan, þær se oþer wæs. | Approached the platform where the other sat. | |
Helle hildedeor Hroðgar grette. | The undaunted hero addressed Hrothgar. | |
{ 27 } .XXVII. | ||
1820 |
Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes: | Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow, spoke: |
Nu we sæliðend secgan wyllað | Now we who crossed the wide sea | |
feorran cumene, þæt we fundiaþ | Have to inform you that we feel a desire | |
Higelac secan. Wæron her tela | To return to Hygelac. Here we have been welcomed | |
willum bewenede. Þu us wel dohtest. | And thoroughly entertain. You have treated us well. | |
1825 |
Gif ic þonne on eorþan owihte mæg | If there is any favor on earth I can perform |
þinre modlufan maran tilian, | Beyond deeds of arms I have done already, | |
gumena dryhten, ðonne ic gyt dyde | Anything that would merit your affections more, | |
guðgeweorca, ic beo gearo sona. | I shall act, my lord, with alacrity. | |
170r |
Gif ic þæt ge|fricge ofer floda begang, | If ever I hear from across the ocean |
1830 |
þæt þec ymbsittend egesan þywað, | That people on your borders are threatening battle |
swa þec hetende hwilum dydon, | As attackers have done from time to time, | |
ic ðe þusenda þegna bringe, | I shall land with a thousand thanes at my back | |
hæleþa to helpe. Ic on Higelace wat | To help your cause. Hygelac may be young | |
Geata dryhten, þeah ðe he geong sy | To rule a nation, but this much I know | |
1835 |
folces hyrde, þæt he mec fremman wile | About the king of the Geats: he will come to my aid |
weordum 7 worcum, þæt ic þe wel herige |
And want to support me by word and action | |
7 þe to geoce garholt bere, | In your hour of need, when honor dictates | |
mægenes fultum, þær ðe bið manna þearf. | That I raise a hedge of spears around you. | |
Gif him þonne Hreþric to hofum Geata | Then if Hrethric should think about traveling | |
1840 |
geþingeð þeodnes bearn, he mæg þær fela | As a kings son to the court of the Geats, |
freonda findan. Feorcyþðe beoð | He will find many friend. Foreign places | |
selran gesohte þæm þe him selfa deah. |
Yield more to one who is himself worth meeting. | |
Hroðgar maþelode him on andsware: | Hrothgar spoke and answered him: | |
Þe þa wordcwydas wigtig Drihten | The Lord in his wisdom sent you those words | |
1845 |
on sefan sende. Ne hyrde ic snotorlicor | And they came from the heart. I have never heard |
on swa geongum feore guman þingian. | So young a man make truer observations. | |
Þu eart mægenes strang 7 on mode frod, | You are strong in body and mature in mind, | |
wis wordcwida. Wen ic talige: | Impressive in speech. If it should come to pass | |
gif þæt gegangeð þæt ðe gar nymeð, | That Hrethels descendant dies beneath a spear, | |
1850 |
hild heorugrimme Hreþles eaferan, | If deadly battle or the sword blade or disease |
adl oþðe iren ealdor ðinne, | Fells the prince who guards your people | |
folces hyrde, 7 þu þin feorh hafast, | And you are still alive, I firmly believe | |
170v |
þæt þe |Sæ-Geatas selran næbban | The seafaring Geats wont find a man |
to geceosenne cyning ænigne | Worthier of acclaim as their king and defender | |
1855 |
hordweard hæleþa, gyf þu healdan wylt | Than you, if only you would undertake |
maga rice. Me þin modsefa | The lordship of your homeland. My liking for you | |
licað leng swa wel, leofa Beowulf. | Deepens with time, dear Beowulf. | |
Hafast þu gefered þæt þam folcum sceal, | What you have done is to draw two peoples, | |
Geata leodum 7 Gar-Denum, | The Geat nation and us neighboring Danes, | |
1860 |
sib gemænum, 7 sacu restan, | Into shared peace and a pact of friendship |
inwitniþas, þe hie ær drugon; |
In spite of hatreds we have harbored in the past. | |
wesan, þenden ic wealde widan rices, | For as long as I rule this far-flung land | |
maþmas gemæne, manig oþerne | Treasures will change hands and each side will treat | |
godum gegrettan ofer ganotes bæð. | The other with gifts; across the gannets bath | |
1865 |
Sceal hringnaca ofer heaþu bringan | Over the broad sea, whorled prows will bring |
lac 7 luftacen. Ic þa leode wat | Presents and tokens. I know your people | |
ge wið feond ge wið freond fæste geworhte, | Are beyond reproach in every respect, | |
æghwæs untæle ealde wisan. |
Steadfast in the old way with friend or foe. | |
Đa git him eorla hleo. inne gesealde, | Then the earls defender furnished the hero | |
1870 |
mago Healfdenes, maþmas twelfe. | With twelve treasures and told him to set out, |
Het inne mid þæm lacum leode swæse | Sail with those gifts safely home | |
secean on gesyntum, snude eft cuman. | To the people he loved, but to return promptly. | |
Gecyste þa, cyning æþelum god, | And so the good and gray-haired Dane, | |
þeoden Scyldinga, ðegn betstan | That high-born king, kissed Beowulf | |
1875 |
7 be healse genam. Hruron him tearas | And embraced his neck, then broke down |
blondenfeaxum. Him wæs bega wen, | In sudden tears. Two forebodings | |
171r |
ealdum in|frodum oþres swiðor, | Disturbed him in his wisdom, but one was stronger: |
þæt hie seoððan na geseon moston, | Nevermore would they meet each other | |
modige on meþle. Wæs him se man to þon leof | Face to face. And such was his affection | |
1880 |
þæt he þone breostwylm forberan ne mehte. | That he could not help being overcome: |
Ac him on hreþre hygebendum fæst | His fondness for the man was so deep-founded, | |
æfter deorum men dyrne langað | It warmed his heart and wound the heartstrings | |
beorn wið blode. Him Beowulf þanan, | Tight in his breast. The embrace ended | |
guðrinc goldwlanc, græsmoldan træd, | And Beowulf, glorious in his gold regalia, | |
1885 |
since hremig. Sægenga bad | Stepped on the green earth. Straining at anchor |
agedfrean, se þe on ancre rad. | And ready for boarding, his boat awaited him. | |
Þa wæs on gange gifu Hroðgares | So they went on their journey, and Hrothgars generosity | |
oft geæhted. Þæt wæs an cyning, | Was praised repeatedly. He was a peerless king | |
æghwæs orleahtre, oþ þæt hine yldo benam | Until old age sapped his strength and did him | |
1890 |
mægenes wynnum, se þe oft manegum scod. | Mortal harm, as it has done so many. |
{ 28 } .XXVIII. | ||
CWOM þa to flode fela modigra | Down to the waves then, dressed in the web | |
hægstealdra. Hringnet bæron | Of their chain-mail and war-shirts the young men marched | |
locene leoðosyrcan. Landweard onfand | In high spirits. The coast-guard spied them, | |
eftsið eorla, swa he ær dyde. | Thanes setting forth, the same as before. | |
1895 |
No he mid hearme of hliðes nosan | His salute this time from the top of the cliff |
171v |
| giestas grette, ac him togeanes rad, | Was far from unmannerly; he galloped to meet them |
cwæð þæt wilcuman Wedera leodum | And as they took ship in their shinning gear, | |
scaþan scirhame to scipe foron. | He said how welcome they would be in Geatland. | |
Þa wæs on sande sægeap naca | Then the broad hull was beached on the sand | |
1900 |
hladen herewædum, hringedstefna, | To be cargoed with treasure, horses and war-gear. |
mearum 7 maðmum. Mæst hlifade | The curved prow motioned; the mast stood high | |
ofer Hroðgares hordgestreonum. | Above Hrothgars riches in the loaded hold. | |
He þæm batwearde bunden golde | The guard who had watched the boat was given | |
swurd gesealde, þæt he syðþan wæs | A sword with gold fittings and in future days | |
1905 |
on meodubence maþma þy weorþre, | That present would make him a respected man |
yrfelafe. Gewat him on nacan | At his place on the mead-bench. Then the keel plunged | |
drefan deop wæter. Dena land ofgeaf. | And shook in the sea; and they sailed from Denmark. | |
Þa wæs be mæste merehrægla sum, | Right away the mast was rigged with its sea-shawl; | |
segl sale fæst. Sundwudu þunede. | Sail ropes were tightened, timbers drummed | |
1910 |
No þær wegflotan wind ofer yðum | And stiff winds kept the wave-crosser |
siðes getwæfde. Sægenga for, | Skimming ahead; as she heaved forward, | |
fleat famigheals forð ofer yðe, | Her foamy neck was fleet and buoyant, | |
bundenstefna ofer brimstreamas, | A lapped prow loping over currents, | |
þæt hie Geata clifu ongitan meahton, | Until finally the Geats caught sight of coastline | |
1915 |
cuþe næssas. Ceol up geþrang | And familiar cliffs. The keel reared up, |
lyftgeswenced. On lande stod. | Wind lifted it home, it hit on the land. | |
172r |
Hraþe wæs æt | holme hyðweard geara, | The harbor guard came hurrying out To the rolling water: |
se þe ær lange tid leofra manna | Long and hard, on the lookout for those friends, | |
fus æt faroðe feor wlatode. | By the water he had waited and watched afar. | |
1920 |
Sælde to sande sidfæþme scip |
With the anchor cables, he moored their craft |
oncearbendum fæst, þy læs hym yþa ðrym | Right where it had beached, in case a backwash | |
wudu wynsuman forwrecan meahte. | Might catch the hull and carry it away. | |
Het þa up beran æþelinga gestreon, | Then he ordered the princes treasure-trove | |
frætwe 7 fætgold. Næs him feor þanon |
To be carried ashore. It was a short step | |
1925 |
to gesecanne sinces bryttan, | From there to where Hrethels son and heir, |
Higelac Hreþling, þær æt ham wunað | Hygelac the gold-giver, makes his home | |
selfa mid gesiðum sæwealle neah. | On a secure cliff, in the company of retainers. | |
Bold wæs betlic, bregorof cyning, | The building was magnificent, the king majestic, | |
heahealle in. Hygd swiðe geong, | Ensconced in his hall; and although Hygd, his queen, | |
1930 |
wis welþungen, þeah ðe wintra lyt | Was young, a few short years at court, |
under burhlocan gebiden hæbbe, | Her mind was thoughtful and her manners sure. | |
Hæreþes dohtor. Næs hio hnah swa þeah, | Haereths daughter behaved generously | |
ne to gneað gifa Geata leodum, | And stinted nothing when she distributed | |
maþmgestreona. Mod Þryðo wæg, | Bounty to the Geats. Great Queen Modthryth | |
1935 |
fremu folces cwen, firen ondrysne. | Perpetrated terrible wrongs. |
Nænig þæt dorste deor geneþan, | If any retainer ever made bold | |
swæsra gesiða, nefne sinfrea, | To look her in the face, if an eye not her lords | |
þæt hire an dæges eagum starede. | Stared at her directly during daylight, | |
172v |
Ac him wælbende | weotode tealde | The outcome was sealed: he was bound |
1940 |
handgewriþene; hraþe seoþðan wæs, | In hand-tightened shackles, racked, tortured |
æfter mundgripe mece geþinged, | Until doom was announced death by the sword, | |
þæt hit sceadenmæl scyran moste, | Slash of blade, blood gush and death qualms | |
cwealmbealu cyðan. Ne bið swylc cwenlic þeaw | In an evil display. Even a queen | |
idese to efnanne, þeah ðe hio ænlicu sy, | Outstanding in beauty must not overstep like that. | |
1945 |
þætte freoðuwebbe feores onsæce | A queen should weave peace, not punish the innocent |
æfter ligetorne leofne mannan. | With loss of life for imagined insults. | |
Huru þæt on hoh snod Hemninges mæg. | But Hemmings kinsman put a halt to her ways | |
Ealodrincende oðer sædan, | And drinkers round the table had another tale: | |
þæt hio leodbealewa læs gefremede, | She was less of a bane to peoples lives, | |
1950 |
inwitniða, syððan ærest wearð | Less cruel-minded, after she was married |
gyfen goldhroden geongum cempan, | To the brave Offa, a bride arrayed | |
æðelum diore, syððan hio Offan flet | In her gold finery, given away | |
ofer fealone flod be fæder lare | By a caring father, ferried to her young prince | |
siðe gesohte. Đær hio syððan well | Over dim seas. In days to come | |
1955 |
in gumstole, gode mære, | She would grace the throne and grow famous |
lifgesceafta lifigende breac, | For her good deeds and conduct of life, | |
hiold heahlufan wið hæleþa brego, | Her high devotion to the hero king | |
ealles moncynnes mine gefræge | Who was the best king, it has been said, | |
þæs selestan bi sæm tweonum, | Between the two seas or anywhere else | |
173r |
eormencynnes. Forðam Offa | wæs | On the face of the earth. Offa was honored |
geofum 7 guðum, garcene man, | Far and wide for his generous ways, | |
wide geweorðod. Wisdome heold | His fighting spirit and his far-seeing | |
eðel sinne. Þonon geomor woc | Defense of his homeland; from him there sprang Eomer, | |
hæleðum to helpe, Heminges mæg, | Garmunds grandson, kinsman of Hemming, | |
1965 |
nefa Garmundes, niða cræftig. | His warriors mainstay and master of the field. |
{ 29 } .XXIX. | ||
GEwat him ða se hearda mid his hondscole | Heroic Beowulf and his band of men | |
sylf æfter sande sæwong tredan, | Crossed the wide strand, striding along | |
wide waroðas. Woruldcandel scan, | The sandy foreshore; the sun shone, | |
sigel suðan fus. Hi sið drugon, | The worlds candle warmed them from the south | |
1970 |
elne geeodon, to ðæs ðe eorla hleo, | As they hastened to where, as they had heard, |
bonan Ongenþeoes burgum in innan, | The young king, Ongentheows killer | |
geongne guðcyning godne gefrunon | And his peoples protector, was dispensing rings | |
hringas dælan. Higelace wæs | Inside his building. Beowulfs return | |
sið Beowulfes snude gecyðed, | Was reported to Hygelac as soon as possible, | |
1975 |
þæt ðær on worðig wigendra hleo, | News that the captain was now in the enclosure, |
lindgestealla, lifigende cwom, | His battle-brother back from the fray | |
heaðolaces hal to hofe gongan. | Alive and well, walking back to the hall. | |
Hraðe wæs gerymed, swa se rica bebead, | Room was quickly made, on the kings orders, | |
feðegestum flet innanweard. | And the troops filed across the cleared floor. | |
1980 |
Gesæt þa wið sylfne, se ða sæcce genæs, | After Hygelac had offered greetings |
173v |
mæg wið mæge, | syððan mandryhten | To his loyal thane in lofty speech, |
þurh hleoðorcwyde holdne gegrette, | He and his kinsman, that hale survivor, | |
meaglum wordum. Meoduscencum hwearf | Sat face to face. Haereths daughter | |
geond þæt herereced Hæreðes dohtor, | Moved about with the mead-jug in her hand, | |
1985 |
lufode ða leode, liðwæge bær | Taking care of the company, filling the cups |
hænum to handa. Higelac ongan | That warriors held out. Then Hygelac began | |
sinne geseldan in sele þam hean | To put courteous questions to his old comrade | |
fægre fricgcean, hyne fyrwet bræc, | In the high hall. He hankered to know | |
hwylce Sæ-Geata siðas wæron. | Every tale the Sea-Geats had to tell. | |
1990 |
Hu lomp eow on lade, leofa Biowulf, | How did you fare on your foreign voyage, |
þa ðu færinga feorr gehogodest | Dear Beowulf, when you abruptly decided | |
sæcce secean ofer sealt wæter, | To sail away across the salt water | |
hilde to Hiorote? Ac ðu Hroðgare | And fight at Heorot? Did you help Hrothgar | |
widcuðne wean wihte gebettest, | Much in the end? Could you ease the prince | |
1995 |
mærum ðeodne? Ic ðæs modceare | Of his well-known troubles? Your undertaking |
sorhwylmum seað, siðe ne truwode | Cast my spirits down, I dreaded the outcome | |
leofes mannes. Ic ðe lange bæd, | Of your expedition and pleaded with you | |
þæt ðu þone wælgæst wihte ne grette, | Long and hard to leave the killer be, | |
lete Suð-Dene sylfe geweorðan | Let the South-Danes settle their own | |
2000 |
guðe wið Grendel. Gode ic þanc secge, | Blood-feud with Grendel. So God be thanked |
þæs ðe ic ðe gesundne geseon moste. |
I am granted this sight of you, safe and sound. | |
Biowulf maðelode, bearn Ecgðioes: | Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow, spoke: | |
174r |
| Þæt is undyrne, dryhten Higelac, | What happened, lord Hygelac, is hardly a secret |
micel gemeting monegum fira, | Any more among men in this world | |
2005 |
hwylc earfoðhwil uncer Grendles | Myself and Grendel coming to grips |
wearð on ðam wange þær he worna fela | On the very spot where he visited destruction | |
Sige-Scyldingum sorge gefremede, | On the Victory-Shieldings and violated | |
yrmðe to aldre. Ic ðæt eall gewræc, | Life and limb, losses I avenged | |
swa læs gylpan þearf Grendeles maga | So no earthly offspring of Grendels | |
2010 |
yfel ofer eorðan uhthlem þone, | Need ever boast of that bout before dawn, |
se ðe lengest leofað laðan cynnes, | No matter know long the last of his evil | |
fyrene bifongen. Ic ðær furðum cwom |
Family survives. When I first landed | |
to ðam hringsele Hroðgar gretan. | I hastened to the ring-hall and saluted Hrothgar. | |
Sona me se mæra mago Healfdenes, | Once he had discovered why I had come | |
2015 |
syððan he modsefan minne cuðe, | The son of Halfdane sent me immediately |
wið his sylfes sunu setl getæhte. | To sit with his own sons on the bench. | |
Weorod wæs on wynne. Ne seah ic widan feorh | It was a happy gathering. In my whole life | |
under heofones hwealf healsittendra | I have never seen mead enjoyed more | |
medudream maran. Hwilum mæru cwen, | In any hall on earth. Sometimes the queen | |
2020 |
friðusibb folca, flet eall geondhwearf, | Herself appeared, peace-pledge between nations, |
bædde byre geonge. Oft hio beahwriðan | To hearten the young ones and hand out | |
174v |
secge | sealde, ær hie to setle geong. | A torque to a warrior, then take her place. |
Hwilum for duguðe dohtor Hroðgares | Sometimes Hrothgars daughter distributed | |
eorlum on ende ealuwæge bær. | Ale to older ranks, in order on the benches: | |
2025 |
Þa ic Freaware fletsittende | I heard the company call her Freawaru |
nemnan hyrde, þær hio nægled sinc | As she made her rounds, presenting men | |
hæleðum sealde. Sio gehaten is, | With the gem-studded bowl, young bride-to-be | |
geong goldhroden, gladum suna Frodan. | To the gracious Ingeld, in her gold-rimmed attire. | |
Hafað þæs geworden wine Scyldinga, | The friend of the Shieldings favors her betrothal: | |
2030 |
rices hyrde, 7 þæt ræd talað, | The guardian of the kingdom sees good in it |
þæt he mid ðy wife wælfæhða dæl | And hoped this woman will heal old wounds | |
sæcca gesette. Oft seldan hwær | And grievous feuds. But generally the spear | |
æfter leodhryre lytle hwile | Is prompt to retaliate when a prince is killed, | |
bongar bugeð, þeah seo bryd duge. | No matter how admirable the bride may be. | |
2035 |
Mæg þæs þonne ofþyncan ðeodne Heaðo-Beardna | Think how the Heathobards will be bound to feel, |
7 þegna gehwam þara leoda, | Their lord, Ingeld, and his loyal thanes, | |
þonne he mid fæmnan on flett gæð: |
When he walks in with that woman to the feast: | |
dryhtbearn Dena duguða, biwenede, | Danes are at the table, being entertained, | |
on him gladiað gomelra lafe, | Honored guest in glittering regalia, | |
2040 |
heard 7 hringmæl Heaða-Bearna gestreon, | Burnished ring-mail that was their hosts birthright, |
þenden hie ðam wæpnum wealdan moston. | Looted when the Heathobards could no longer wield | |
{ 30 } [.XXX.] | ||
Oð ðæt hie forlæddan to ðam lindplegan | Their weapons in the shield-clash, when they went down | |
swæse gesiðas ond hyra sylfra feorh. | With their beloved comrades and forfeited their lives. | |
175r |
Þonne cwið æt beore, se ðe beah | gesyhð, | Then an old spearman will speak while they are drinking, |
2045 |
eald æscwiga, se ðe eall geman | Having glimpsed some heirloom that brings alive |
garcwealm gumena. Him bið grim sefa, | Memories of the massacre; his mood will darken | |
onginneð geomormod geongan cempan | And heart-stricken, in the stress of his emotion, | |
þurh hreðra gehygd higes cunnian, | He will begin to test a young-mans temper | |
wigbealu weccean, 7 þæt word acwyð: |
And stir up trouble, starting like this: | |
2050 |
Meaht ðu, min wine, mece gecnawan, | Now, my friend, dont you recognize |
þone þin fæder to gefeohte bær, | Your fathers sword, his favorite weapon, | |
under heregriman hindeman siðe, | Then one he wore when he went out in his war-mask | |
dyre iren. Þær hyne Dene slogon, | To face the Danes on that final day? | |
weoldon wælstowe, syððan wiðergyld læg, | After Wethergeld died and his men were doomed | |
2055 |
æfter hæleþa hryre, hwate Scyldungas. | The Shieldings quickly took the field, |
Nu her þara banena byre nathwylces, | And now heres the son of one or other | |
frætwum hremig, on flet gæð, | Of those same killers coming through our hall | |
morðres gylpeð, 7 þone maðþum byreð | Overbearing us, mouthing boasts, | |
þone þe ðu mid rihte rædan sceoldest. |
And rigged in armor that by right is yours. | |
2060 |
Manað swa 7 myndgað mæla gehwylce | And so he keeps on, recalling and accusing, |
sarum wordum, oð ðæt sæl cymeð | Working things up with bitter words | |
þæt se fæmnan þegn fore fæder dædum | Until one of the ladys retainers lies | |
æfter billes bite
blodfag swefeð, | Spattered in blood, split open | |
ealdres scyldig. Him se oðer þonan | On his fathers account. The killer knows | |
175v |
losað |lifigende, con him land geare. | The lie of the land and escaped with his life. |
Þonne bioð brocene on ba healfe | Then on both sides the oath-bound lords | |
aðsweord eorla. Syððan Ingelde | Will break the peace, a passionate hate | |
weallað wælniðas 7 him wiflufan | Will build up in Ingeld and love for his bride | |
æfter cearwælmum colran weorðað. | Will falter in him as the feud rankles. | |
2070 |
Þy ic Heaðo-Bearna hyldo ne telge, | I therefore suspect the good faith of the Heathobards, |
dryhtsibbe dæl Denum unfæcne, | The truth of their friendship and the trustworthiness | |
freondscipe fæstne. Ic sceal forð sprecan | Of their alliance with the Danes. But now, my lord, | |
gen ymbe Grendel, þæt ðu geare cunne, | I shall carry on with my account of Grendel, | |
sinces brytta, to hwan syððan wearð | The whole story of everything that happened | |
2075 |
hondræs hæleða. Syððan heofones gim | In the hand-to-hand fight. After heavens gem |
glad ofer grundas, gæst yrre cwom, | Had gone mildly to earth, that maddened spirit, | |
eatol æfengrom user neosan, | The terror of those twilights, came to attack us | |
ðær we gesunde sæl weardodon. | Where we stood guard, still safe inside the hall. | |
Þær wæs Hondscio hilde onsæge | There deadly violence came down on Handscio | |
2080 |
feorhbealu fægum He fyrmest læg, | And he fell as fate ordained, the first to perish, |
gyrded cempa. Him Grendel wearð, | Rigged out for the combat. A comrade from our ranks | |
mærum maguþegne, to muðbonan; |
Had come to grief in Grendels maw: | |
leofes mannes lic eall forswealg. | He ate up the entire body. | |
No ðy ær ut ða gen idelhende | There was blood on his teeth, he was bloated and furious, | |
2085 |
bona blodigtoð, bealewa gemyndig, | All roused up, yet still unready |
of ðam goldsele gongan wolde. | To leave the hall empty-handed; | |
Ac he mægnes rof min costode, | Renowned for his might, he matched himself against me, | |
176r |
| grapode geareofolm. Glof hangode |
Wildly reaching. He had this roomy pouch, |
sid 7 syllic, searobendum fæst. | A strange accoutrement, intricately strung | |
2090 |
Sio wæs orðoncum eall gegyrwed | And hung at the ready, a rare patchwork |
deofles cræftum 7 dracan fellum. | Of devilishly fitting dragon-skins. | |
He mec þær on innan unsynnigne, | I had done him no wrong, yet the raging demon | |
dior dædfruma gedon wolde | Wanted to cram me and many another | |
manigra sumne. Hyt ne mihte swa, | Into this bag but it was not to be | |
2095 |
syððan ic on yrre upprihte astod. | Once I got to my feet in a blind fury. |
To lang ys to reccenne hu ic ðam leodsceaðan | It would take too long to tell how I repaid | |
yfla gehwylces hondlean forgeald. | The terror of the land for every life he took | |
Þær ic, þeoden min, þine leode | And so won credit for you, my king, | |
weorðode weorcum. He on weg losade | And for all your people. And although he got away | |
2100 |
lytle hwile, lifwynna breac. | To enjoy lifes sweetness for a while longer, |
Hwæþre him sio swiðre swaðe weardade | His right hand stayed behind him in Heorot, | |
hand on Hiorte, 7 he hean ðonan, | Evidence of his miserable overthrow | |
modes geomor, meregrund gefeoll. | As he dived into murk on the mere bottom. | |
Me þone wælræs wine Scildunga | I got lavish rewards from the lord of the Danes | |
2105 |
fættan golde fela leanode, | For my part in the battle, beaten gold |
manegum maðmum, syððan mergen com, | And much else, once morning came | |
7 we to symble geseten hæfdon. | And we took our places at the banquet table. | |
176v |
Þær wæs gidd 7 gleo. Gomela| Scilding |
There was singing and excitement: an old reciter, |
felafricgende, feorran rehte. | A carrier of stories, recalled the early days. | |
2110 |
Hwilum hildedeor hearpan wynne | At times some hero made the timbered harp |
gomelwudu grette; hwilum gyd awræc, | Tremble with sweetness, or related true | |
soð 7 sarlic; hwilum syllic spell. | And tragic happenings; at times the king | |
Rehte æfter rihte rumheort cyning. | Gave the proper turn to some fantastic tale, | |
Hwilum eft ongan, eldo gebunden, | Or a battle-scarred veteran, bowed with age, | |
2115 |
gomel guðwiga, gioguðe cwiðan, | Would begin to remember the martial deeds |
hildestrengo. Hreðer inne weoll, | Of his youth and prime and be overcome | |
þonne he, wintrum frod, worn gemunde. | As the past welled up in his wintry heart. | |
Swa we þær inne andlangne dæg |
We were happy there the whole day long | |
niode naman, oð ðæt niht becwom, | And enjoyed our time until another night | |
2120 |
oðer to yldum. Þa wæs eft hraðe | Descended upon us. Then suddenly |
gearo gyrnwræce Grendeles modor. | The vehement mother avenged her son | |
Siðode sorhfull; sunu deað fornam, | And wrought destruction. Death had robbed her; | |
wighete Wedra. Wif unhyre | Geats had slain Grendel, so his ghastly dam | |
hyre bearn gewræc, beorn acwealde | Struck back and with bare-faced defiance | |
2125 |
ellenlice. Þær wæs Æschere, | Laid a man low. Thus life departed |
frodan fyrnwitan feorh uðgenge. | From the sage Aeschere, an elder wise in council. | |
Noðer hy hine ne moston, syððan mergen cwom, | But afterwards, on the morning following, | |
deaðwerigne Denia leode | The Danes could not burn the dead body | |
bronde forbærnan, ne on bel hladan | Nor lay the remains of the man they loved | |
177r |
leofne mannan. |Hio þæt lic ætbær | On his funeral pyre. She had fled with the corpse |
feondes fæðme under firgenstream. | And taken refuge beneath torrents on the mountain. | |
þæt wæs Hroðgare hreowa tornost | It was a hard blow for Hrothgar to bear, | |
þara þe leodfruman lange begeate. | Harder than any he had undergone before. | |
Þa se ðeoden mec
ðine life | And so the heartsore king besought me | |
2135 |
healsode hreohmod, þæt ic on holma geþring | In your royal name to take my chances |
eorlscipe efnde, ealdre geneðde, | Underwater, to win glory | |
mærðo fremede. He me mede gehet. | And prove my worth. He promised me rewards. | |
Ic ða ðæs wælmes, þe is wide cuð, | Hence, as is well known, I went to my encounter | |
grimme gryrelicne
grundhyrde fond. | With the terror-monger at the bottom of the lake. | |
2140 |
Þær unc hwile wæs hand gemæne. | For a while it was hand-to-hand between us, |
Holm heolfre weoll, 7 ic heafde becearf | Then blood went curdling along the currents | |
in ðam grundsele Grendeles modor | And I beheaded Grendels mother in the hall | |
eacnum ecgum. Unsofte þonan | With a mighty sword. I barely managed | |
feorh oðferede. Næs ic fæge þa gyt. | To escape with my life; my time had not yet come. | |
2145 |
Ac me eorla hleo
eft gesealde | But Halfdanes heir, the shelter of those earls, |
maðma menigeo, maga Healfdenes. |
Again endowed me with gifts in abundance. | |
{ 31 } XXXI | ||
Swa se ðeodkyning þeawum lyfde. | Thus the king acted with due custom. | |
Nealles ic ðam leanum forloren hæfde, | I was paid and recompensed completely, | |
177v |
mægnes mede, ac he me |maðmas geaf, | Given full measure and the freedom to choose |
2150 |
sunu Healfdenes, on minne sylfes dom. | From Hrothgars treasures by Hrothgar himself. |
Đa ic ðe, beorncyning, bringan wylle, | These, King Hygelac, I am happy to present | |
estum geywan. Gen is eall æt ðe | To you as gifts. It is still upon your grace | |
lissa gelong. Ic lyt hafo | That all favor depends. I have few kinsman | |
heafodmaga nefne, Hygelac, ðec. |
Who are close, my king, except for your kind self. | |
2155 |
Het ða in beran eafor heafodsegn, | Then he ordered the boar-framed standard to be brought, |
heaðosteapne helm, hare byrnan, | The battle-topping helmet, the mail-shirt gray as hoar-frost | |
guðsweord geatolic. Gyd æfter wræc. | And the precious war-sword; and proceeded with his speech. | |
Me ðis hildesceorp Hroðgar sealde, | When Hrothgar presented this war-gear to me | |
snotra fengel. Sume worde het, | He instructed, my lord, to give you some account | |
2160 |
þæt ic his ærest ðe est gesægde; |
Of why it signifies his special favor. |
cwæð þæt hyt hæfde Hiorogar cyning, | He said it had belonged to his older brother, | |
leod Scyldunga lange hwile. | King Heorogar, who had long kept it, | |
No ðy ær suna sinum syllan wolde, |
But that Heorogar had never bequeathed it | |
hwatum Heorowearde, þeah he him hold wære, | To his son Heoroweard, that worthy scion, | |
2165 |
breostgewædu. Bruc ealles well. |
Loyal as he was. Enjoy it well. |
Hyrde ic þæt þam frætwum feower mearas | I heard four horses were handed over next. | |
lungre gelice last weardode, | Beowulf bestowed four bay steeds | |
æppelfealuwe. He him est geteah | To go with the armor, swift gallopers, | |
178r |
meara 7 maðma. Swa sceal | mæg don, | All alike. So ought a kinsman act, |
2170 |
nealles inwitnet oðrum bregdon, | Instead of plotting and planning in secret |
dyrnum cræfte deað renian |
To bring people to grief, or conspiring to arrange | |
hondgesteallan. Hygelace wæs | The death of comrades. The warrior king | |
niða heardum nefa swyðe hold, | Was uncle to Beowulf and honored by his nephew: | |
7 gehwæðer oðrum hroþra gemyndig. | Each was concerned for the others good. | |
2175 |
Hyrde ic þæt he ðone healsbeah Hygde gesealde, | I heard he presented Hygd with a gorget, |
wrætlicne wundurmaððum ðone þe him Wealhðeo geaf, | The priceless torque that the princes daughter, | |
ðeodnes dohtor, þrio wicg somod | Wealhtheow, had given him; and three horses, | |
swancor 7 sadolbeorht. Hyre syððan wæs | Supple creatures, brilliantly saddled. | |
æfter beahðege brost geweorðod. | The bright necklace would be luminous on Hygds breast. | |
2180 |
Swa bealdode, bearn Ecgðeowes, | Thus Beowulf bore himself with valor; |
guma guðum cuð, godum dædum. | He was formidable in battle yet behaved with honor | |
Dreah æfter dome, nealles druncne slog | And took no advantage: never cut down | |
heorðgeneatas. Næs him hreoh sefa, | A comrade who was drunk, kept his temper | |
ac he mancynnes, mæste cræfte, | And, warrior that he was, watched and controlled | |
2185 |
ginfæstan gife, þe him God sealde, | His God-sent strength and his outstanding |
heold hildedeor. Hean wæs lange | Natural powers. He had been poorly regarded | |
swa hyne Geata bearn godne ne tealdon, | For a long time, was taken by the Geats | |
ne hyne on medobence micles wyrðne | For less than he was worth: and their lord too | |
178v |
| drihten wereda gedon wolde. | Had never much esteemed him in the mead-hall. |
2190 |
Swyðe sægdon, þæt he sleac wære, | They firmly believed that he lacked force, |
æðeling unfrom. Edwenden cwom | That the prince was a weakling; but presently | |
tireadigum menn torna gehwylces. | Every affront to his deserving was reversed. | |
Het ða eorla hleo in gefetian, | The battle-famed king, bulwark of his earls, | |
heaðorof cyning, Hreðles lafe, | Ordered a gold-chased heirloom of Hrethels | |
2195 |
golde gegyrede. Næs mid Geatum ða | To be brought in; it was the best example |
sincmaðþum selra on sweordes had. | Of a gem-studded sword in the Geat treasury. | |
Þæt he on Biowulfes bearm alegde, | This he laid on Beowulfs lap | |
7 him gesealde seofan þusendo, | And then rewarded him with land as well, | |
bold 7 bregostol. Him wæs bam samod | Seven thousand hides, and a hall and a throne. | |
2200 |
on ðam leodscipe lond gecynde, | Both owned land by birth in that country, |
eard eðelriht, oðrum swiðor | Ancestral ground; but the greater right | |
side rice, þam ðær selra wæs. | And sway were inherited by the higher born. | |
Eft þæt geiode ufaran dogrum | A lot was to happen in later days | |
hildehlæmmum, syððan Hygelac læg, | In the fury of battle. Hygelac fell | |
2205 |
7 Hearede hildemeceas | And the shelter of Heardreds shield proved useless |
under bordhreoðan to bonan wurdon, | Against the fierce aggression of the Shylfings: | |
ða hyne gesohtan on sigeþeode, | Ruthless swordsmen, seasoned campaigners, | |
hearde hildefrecan, Heaðo-Scilfingas, | They came against him and his conquering nation, | |
niða genægdan nefan Hererices, | And with cruel force cut him down | |
179r |
þæt syððan | Beowulfe brade rice | So that afterwards The wide kingdom |
on hand gehwearf. He geheold tela | Reverted to Beowulf. He ruled it well | |
fiftig wintra, wæs ða frod cyning, | For fifty winters, grew old and wise | |
eald eþelweard, oð ðæt on ongan | As warden of the land Until one began | |
deorcum nihtum draca ricsian, | To dominate the dark, a dragon on the prowl | |
2215 |
se ðe on heaðohlæwe hord beweotode, | From the steep vaults of a stone-roofed barrow |
stanbeorh stearcne. Stig under læg |
Where he guarded a hoard; there was a hidden passage, | |
eldum uncuð. Þær on innan giong | Unknown to men, but someone managed | |
niða nathwylc, nyddæl gefeng | To enter by it and interfere | |
hæðnum horde, hondgewriþen dæl, | With the heathen trove. He had handled and removed | |
2220 | since fahne. He þæt syððan beget | A gem-studded goblet; it gained him nothing, |
þeah ðe he slæpende. besyred hæfde | Though with a thiefs wiles he had outwitted | |
þeofes cræfte, þæt sie ðiod onfand, | The sleeping dragon; that drove him into rage, | |
bufolc beornes, þæt he gebolgen wæs. | As the people of that country would soon discover. | |
{ 32 } XXXII | ||
Nealles wæs geweoldum wyrmhorda cræft, | The intruder who broached the dragons treasure | |
2225 |
sylfes willum, se ðe him sare gesceod, | And moved him to wrath had never meant to. |
ac for þreanedlan þeof nathwylces | But out of great distress some thief, | |
hæleða bearna heteswengeas fleoh; |
Was fleeing the hateful blows of sons of heroes; | |
ðær wæs þearfa, 7 ðær inne weall, | There was desperation there, and inside the cave | |
secg synbysig, sona onwacede, | The sin-troubled man immediately weakened | |
2230 |
þæt gean ðam gyste gryrebroga stod. | As fearsome terror came upon the guest. |
179v |
Hwæðre fyrensceapen| [atolan wyrme | However the fugitive |
wræcmon ætwand him wæs wroht sceapen | Escaped the horrid reptile (an accusation had been made against him), | |
fus on feðe þa hyne] se fær begeat. | Being fleet of gait when danger confronted him. | |
Note: Verse 2231 (MS 179v) in chapter 32 is Klaebers (p. 208) hypothetical restoration of the missing words at the beginning of BL 182v. | ||
Sincfæt sohte þær wæs swylcra fela | He made for the treasure-chalice. At that, there was so much | |
in ðam eorðsele ærgestreona, | Ancient treasure in the earth-hall | |
swa hy on geardagum gumena nathwylc, | Such as in former days some one of men, | |
2235 |
eormenlafe æþelan cynnes, | The great remnants of a noble race, |
þanchycgende þær gehydde, | Being thoughtful, had there hidden | |
deore maðmas. Ealle hie deað fornam | Precious jewels. Death had taken them all | |
ærran mælum, 7 si an ða gen | In times gone by. And the only one still left, | |
leoda duguðe, se ðær lengest hwearf, | Of the flower of the people, who there longest went about, | |
2240 |
weard winegeomor, wende þæs yldan, | The watchman mourning his friends, could look forward to nothing |
þæt he lytel fæc longgestreona | But the same fate for himself: he foresaw that his joy | |
brucan moste. Beorh eallgearo | In the treasure would be brief. A newly constructed | |
wunode on wonge wæteryðum neah, | Barrow stood waiting, on a wide headland | |
niwe be næsse, nearocræftum fæst. | Close to the waves, its entryway secured. | |
2245 |
Þær on innan bær eorlgestreona | Into it the keeper of the hoard had carried |
hringa hyrde handwyrðne dæl, | All the goods and golden ware | |
fættan goldes. Fea worda cwæð: | Worth preserving. His words were few: | |
Heald þu nu, hruse, nu hæleð ne mostan, | Now, earth, hold what earls once held | |
eorla æhta. Hwæt, hyt ær on ðe | And heroes can no more; it was mined from you first | |
2250 |
gode begeaton. Guðdeað fornam, | By honorable men. My own people |
feorhbeale frecne, fyrena gehwylcne, | Have been ruined in war; one by one | |
leoda minra, þa meðe þis ofgeaf. | They went down to death, looked their last | |
180r |
Gesawon seledreamas. | Nah, hwa sweord wege | On sweet life in the hall. I am left with nobody |
oððe forð sele fæted wæge, | To bear a sword or burnish plated goblets, | |
2255 |
dryncfæt deore. Duguð ellor seoc. | Put a sheen on the cup. The companies have departed. |
Sceal se hearda helm hyrstedgolde | The hard helmet, hasped with gold, | |
fætum befeallen. Feormynd swefað, | Will be stripped of its hoops; and the helmet-shiner | |
þa ðe beadogriman bywan sceoldon. | Who should polish the metal of the war-mask sleeps; | |
Ge swylce seo herepad, sio æt hilde gebad | The coat of mail that came through all fights, | |
2260 |
ofer borda gebræc bite irena, | Through shield-collapse and cut of sword, |
brosnað æfter beorne. Ne mæg byrnan hring | Decays with the warrior. Now may webbed mail | |
æfter wigfruman wide feran, | Range far and wide on a warlords back | |
hæleðum be healfe. Næs hearpan wyn, | Beside his mustered troops. No trembling harp, | |
gomen gleobeames, ne god hafoc | No tuned timber, no tumbling hawk | |
2265 |
geond sæl swingeð, ne se swifta mearh | Swerving through the hall, no swift horse |
burhstede beateð. Bealocwealm hafað | Pawing the courtyard. pillage and slaughter | |
fela feorhcynna forð onsended. |
Have emptied the earth of entire peoples. | |
Swa giomormod giohðo mænde | And so he mourned as he moved about the world, | |
an æfter eallum, unbliðe hwearf |
Deserted and alone, lamenting his unhappiness | |
2270 |
dæges 7 nihtes, oð ðæt deaðes wylm | Day and night, until deaths flood |
hran æt heortan. Hordwynne fond, | Brimmed up in his heart. Then an old harrower of the dark | |
eald uhtsceaða, opene standan, | Happened to find the hoard open, | |
se ðe, byrnende, biorgas seceð. | The burning one who hunts out barrows, | |
Nacod niðdraca nihtes fleogeð, | The slick-skinned dragon, threatening the night sky | |
2275 |
fyre befangen. Hyne foldbuend, | With streamers of fire. People on the farms |
180v |
| swiðe drædað. He gesecean sceall | Are in dread of him. He is driven to hunt out |
hearm on hrusan, þær he hæðen gold | Hoards under ground, to guard heathen gold | |
warað wintrum frod. Ne byð him wihte ðy sel. | Through age-long vigils, though to little avail. | |
Swa se ðeodsceaða þreo hund wintra | For three centuries, this scourge of the people | |
2280 |
heold on hrusan hordærna sum, | Had stood guard on that stoutly protected |
eacencræftig, oð ðæt hyne an abealch, | Underground treasury, until the intruder | |
mon on mode. Mandryhtne bær | Unleashed its fury; he hurried to his lord | |
fæted wæge, frioðowære bæd | With the gold-plated cup and made his plea | |
hlaford sinne. Đa wæs hord rasod, | To be reinstated. Then the vault was rifled, | |
2285 |
onboren beaga hord. Bene getiðad | The ring-hoard robbed, and the wretched man |
feasceaftum men. Frea sceawode | Had his request granted. His master gazed | |
fira fyrngeweorc. forman siðe. | On that find from the past for the first time. | |
Þa se wyrm onwoc, wroht wæs geniwad. | When the dragon awoke, trouble flared again. | |
Stonc ða æfter stane, stearcheort onfand | He rippled down the rock, writhing with anger | |
2290 |
feondes fotlast. He to forð gestop | When he saw the footprints of the prowler who had stolen |
dyrnan cræfte dracan heafde neah. | Too close to his dreaming head. | |
Swa mæg unfæge eaðe gedigan | So may a man not marked by fate | |
wean 7 wræcsið se ðe Waldendes | Easily escape exile and woe | |
hyldo gehealdeþ. Hordweard sohte | By the grace of God. The hoard-guardian | |
2295 |
georne æfter grunde, wolde guman findan, | Scorched the ground as he scoured and hunted |
þone þe him on sweofote sare geteode. | For the trespasser who had troubled his sleep. | |
181r |
Hat 7 hreohmod, | hlæw oft ymbehwearf | Hot and savage, he kept circling and circling |
ealne utanweardne. Ne ðær ænig mon | The outside of the mound. No man appeared | |
on þam westenne, hwæðre hilde gefeh, | In that desert waste, but he worked himself up | |
2300 |
beaduweorces. Hwilum on beorh æthwearf, | By imagining battle; then back in hed go |
sincfæt sohte. He þæt sona onfand, | In search of the cup, only to discover | |
ðæt hæfde gumena sum goldes gefandod, | Signs that someone had stumbled upon | |
heahgestreona. Hordweard onbad | The golden treasures. The guardian of the mound, | |
earfoðlice, oð ðæt æfen cwom. | The hoard-watcher, waited for the gloaming | |
2305 |
Wæs ða gebolgen beorges hyrde, | With fierce impatience; his pent-up fury |
wolde se laða lige forgyldan | At the loss of the vessel made him long to hit back | |
drincfæt dyre. Þa wæs dæg sceacen | And lash out in flames. Then, to his delight, | |
wyrme on willan. No on wealle læg, | The day waned and he could wait no longer | |
bidan wolde, ac mid bæle for, | Behind the wall, but hurtled forth | |
2310 |
fyre gefysed. Wæs se fruma egeslic | In a fiery blaze. The first to suffer |
leodum on lande, swa hyt lungre wearð | Were the people on the land, but before long | |
on hyra sincgifan sare geendod. | It was their treasure-giver who would come to grief. | |
{ 33 } XXXIII | ||
ĐA se gæst ongan gledum spiwan, | The dragon began to belch out flames | |
beorht hofu bærnan. Bryneleoma stod | And burn bright homesteads; there was a hot glow | |
2315 |
eldum on andan. No ðær aht cwices | That scared everyone, for the vile sky-winger |
181v |
lað lyftfloga læfan |wolde. | Would leave nothing alive in his wake. |
Wæs þæs wyrmes wig wide gesyne, | Everywhere the havoc he wrought was in evidence. | |
nearofages nið nean 7 feorran, | Far and near, the Geat nation | |
hu se guðsceaða Geata leode | Bore the brunt of his brutal assaults | |
2320 |
hatode 7 hynde. Hord eft gesceat, | And virulent hate. Then back to the hoard |
dryhtsele dyrnne ær dæges hwile. | He would dart before daybreak, to hide in his den. | |
Hæfde landwara lige befangen, | He had swinged the land, swathed it in flame, | |
bæle 7 bronde. Beorges getruwode, | In fire and burning, and now he felt secure | |
wiges 7 wealles. Him seo wen geleah. | In the vaults of his burrow; but his trust was unavailing. | |
2325 |
Þa wæs Biowulfe broga gecyðed | Then Beowulf was given bad news, |
snude to soðe, þæt his sylfes ham, | A hard truth: his own home, | |
bolda selest, brynewylmum mealt, | The best of buildings, had been burnt to a cinder, | |
gifstol Geata. Þæt ðam godan wæs | The throne-room of the Geats. It threw the hero | |
hreow on hreðre, hygesorga mæst. | Into deep anguish and darkened his mood: | |
2330 |
Wende se wisa þæt he Wealdende | The wise man thought he must have thwarted |
ofer ealde riht ecean Dryhtne | Ancient ordinance of the eternal Lord, | |
bitre gebulge. Breost innan weoll | Broken His commandment. His mind was in turmoil, | |
þeostrum geþoncum, swa him geþywe ne wæs. | Unaccustomed anxiety and gloom | |
Hæfde ligdraca leoda fæsten, | Confused his brain; the fire-dragon | |
2335 |
ealond utan, eorðweard ðone | Had razed the coastal region and reduced |
gledum forgrunden. Him ðæs guðkyning, | Forts and earthworks to dust and ashes, | |
Wedera þioden, wræce leornode. | So the war-king planned and plotted his revenge. | |
Heht him þa gewyrcean, wigendra hleo, | The warriors protector, prince of the hall-troop, | |
eallirenne, eorla dryhten, | Ordered a marvelous all-iron shield | |
182r |
wigbord wrætlic. | Wisse he gearwe | From his smithy works. He well knew |
þæt him holtwudu helpan ne meahte, | That linden boards would let him down | |
lind wið lige. Sceolde liþenddaga, | And timber burn. After many trials, | |
æþeling ærgod, ende gebidan | He was destined to face the end of his days | |
worulde lifes, 7 se wyrm somod, | In this mortal world; as was the dragon, | |
2345 |
þeah ðe hordwelan heolde lange. | For all his leasehold on the treasure. |
Oferhogode ða hringa fengel | Yet the prince of the rings was too proud | |
þæt he þone widflogan weorode gesohte | To line up with a large army | |
sidan herge. No he him þam sæcce ondred, | Against the sky-plague. He had scant regard | |
ne him þæs wyrmes wig for wiht dyde, | For the dragon as a threat, no dread at all | |
2350 |
eafoð 7 ellen, forðon he ær fela | Of its courage or strength, for he had kept going |
nearo neðende niða gedigde, | Often in the past, through perils and ordeals | |
hildehlemma, syððan he Hroðgares |
Of every sort, after he had purged | |
sigoreadig secg, sele fælsode, | Hrothgars hall, triumphed in Heorot | |
7 æt guðe forgrap Grendeles mægum, | And beaten Grendel. He outgrappled the monster | |
2355 |
laðan cynnes. No þæt læsest wæs | And his evil kin. One of his cruelest |
hondgemota, þær mon Hygelac sloh, | Hand-to-hand encounters had happened | |
syððan Geata cyning, guðe ræsum, | When Hygelac, king of the Geats, was killed | |
freawine folca, Freslondum on, | In Friesland: the peoples friend and lord, | |
Hreðles eafora, hiorodryncum swealt, | Hrethels son, slaked a sword blades | |
2360 |
bille gebeaten. Þonan Biowulf com | Thirst for blood. But Beowulfs prodigious |
sylfes cræfte, sundnytte dreah. | Gifts as a swimmer guaranteed his safety: | |
182v |
Hæfde him on earme | ealra þritig | He arrived at the shore, shouldering thirty |
hildegeatwa, þa he to holme giong. | Battle-dresses, the booty he had won. | |
Nealles Hetware hremge þorfton |
There was little for the Hetware to be happy about | |
2365 |
feðewiges, þe him foran ongean | As they shielded their faces and fighting on the ground |
linde bæron. Lyt eft becwom | Began in earnest. With Beowulf against them, | |
fram þam hildfrecan hames niosan. | Few could hope to return home. | |
Oferswam ða sioleða bigong sunu Ecgðeowes, | Across the wide sea, desolate and alone, | |
earm anhaga eft to leodum. | The son of Ecgtheow swam back to his people. | |
2370 |
Þær him Hygd gebead hord 7 rice, | There Hygd offered him throne and authority |
beagas 7 bregostol. Bearne ne truwode, | As lord of the ring-hoard: with Hygelac dead, | |
þæt he wið ælfylcum eþelstolas | She had no belief in her sons ability | |
healdan cuðe. Đa wæs Hygelac dead. | To defend their homeland against foreign invaders. | |
No ðy ær feasceafte findan meahton | Yet there was no way the weakened nation | |
2375 |
æt ðam æðelinge ænige ðinga, | Could get Beowulf to give in and agree |
þæt he Heardrede hlaford wære, | To be elevated over Heardred as his lord | |
oððe þone cynedom ciosan wolde. | Or to undertake the office of kingship. | |
Hwæðre he him on folce freondlarum heold, | But he did provide support for the prince, | |
estum mid are, oð ðæt he yldra wearð, | Honored and minded him until he matured | |
2380 |
Weder-Geatum weold. Hyne wræcmæcgas | As the ruler of Geatland. Then over sea-roads |
ofer sæ sohtan, suna Ohteres. | Exiles arrived, sons of Ohthere. | |
Hæfdon hy forhealden helm Scylfinga, | They had rebelled against the best of all | |
þone selestan sæcyninga | The sea-kings in Sweden, the one who held sway | |
þara ðe ðe in Swiorice sinc brytnade, | In the Shylfing nation, their renowned prince, | |
183r |
mærne |þeoden. Him þæt to mearce wearð. | Lord of the mead-hall. That marked the end |
He þær orfeorme feorhwunde hleat, | For Hygelacs son: his hospitality | |
sweordes swengum, sunu Hygelaces. | Was mortally rewarded with wounds from a sword. | |
7 him eft gewat Ongenðioes bearn | Heardred lay slaughtered and Onela returned | |
hames niosan, syððan Heardred læg. | To the land of Sweden, leaving Beowulf | |
2390 |
Let ðone bregostol Biowulf healdan, | To ascend the throne, to sit in majesty |
Geatum wealdan. Þæt wæs god cyning. | And rule over the Geats. He was a good king. | |
{ 34 } XXXIV. | ||
SE ðæs leodhryres lean gemunde. | In days to come, he contrived to avenge | |
Uferan dogrum Eadgilse wearð | The fall of his prince; he befriended Eadgils | |
feasceaftum freond. Folce gestepte | When Eadgils was friendless, aiding his cause | |
2395 |
ofer sæ side sunu Ohteres, | With weapons and warriors over the wide sea, |
wigum 7 wæpnum. Þæt he gewræc syððan | Sending him men. The feud was settled | |
cealdum cearsiðum, cyning ealdre bineat. | On a comfortless campaign when he killed Onela. | |
Swa he niða gehwane genesen hæfde, | And so the son of Ecgtheow had survived | |
sliðra geslyhta, sunu Ecgðiowes, | Every extreme, excelling himself | |
2400 |
ellenweorca, oð ðone anne dæg, | In daring and in danger, until the day arrived |
þe he wið þam wyrme gewegan sceolde. | When he had to come face to face with the dragon. | |
Gewat þa, twelfa sum, torne gebolgen, | The lord of the Geats took eleven comrades | |
dryhten Geata, dracan sceawian. | And went in a rage to reconnoiter. | |
Hæfde þa gefrunen hwanan sio fæhð aras, | By then he had discovered the cause of the affliction | |
183v |
bealonið biorna. Him to bearme |cwom |
Being visited on the people. The precious cup |
maðþumfæt mære, þurh ðæs meldan hond. | Had come to him from the hand of the finder, | |
Se wæs on ðam ðreate þreotteoða secg, | The one who had started all this strife | |
se ðæs orleges or onstealde, | And was now added as a thirteenth to their number. | |
hæft hygegiomor. Sceolde hean ðonon | They press-ganged and compelled this poor creature | |
2410 |
wong wisian. He ofer willan giong | To be their guide. Against his will |
to ðæs ðe he eorðsele anne wisse, | He led them to the earth-vault he alone knew, | |
hlæw under hrusan holmwylme neh, | An underground barrow near the sea-billows | |
yðgewinne. Se wæs innan full | And heaving waves, heaped inside | |
wrætta 7 wira. Weard unhiore, | With exquisite metalwork. The one who stood guard | |
2415 |
gearo guðfreca goldmaðmas heold, | Was dangerous and watchful, warden of that trove |
eald under eorðan. Næs þæt yðe ceap, | Buried under earth: no easy bargain | |
to gegangenne gumena ænigum. | Would be made in that place by any man. | |
Gesæt ða on næsse niðheard cyning, | The veteran king sat down on the cliff-top. | |
þenden hælo abead heorðgeneatum, | He wished good luck to the Geats who had shared | |
2420 |
goldwine Geata. Him wæs geomor sefa, | His hearth and his gold. He was sad at heart, |
wæfre 7 wælfus. Wyrd ungemete neah | Unsettled yet ready, sensing his own death. | |
se ðone gomelan gretan sceolde, | His fate hovered near, unknowable but certain: | |
secean sawle hord, sundur gedælan | It would soon claim his coffered soul, | |
lif wið lice. No þon lange wæs | Part life from limb. Before long | |
2425 |
feorh æþelinges flæsce bewunden. | The princes spirit would spin free from his body. |
Biowulf maþelade, bearn Ecgðeowes: | Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow, spoke: | |
Fela ic on gioguðe guðræsa genæs, | Many a skirmish I survived when I was young | |
orleghwila. Ic þæt eall gemon. | And many times of war; I remember them well. | |
184r |
| Ic wæs syfanwintre þa mec sinca baldor, | At seven, I was fostered out by my father, |
2430 |
freawine folca, æt minum fæder genam. | Left in the charge of my peoples lord. |
Heold mec 7 hæfde Hreðel cyning, | King Hrethel kept me and took care of me, | |
geaf me sinc 7 symbel, sibbe gemunde; |
Was open-handed, behaved like a kinsman. | |
næs ic him to life laðra owihte | While I was his ward, he treated me no worse | |
beorn in burgum, þonne his bearna hwylc, | As a wee one about the place than one of his own boys, | |
2435 |
Herebeald 7 Hæðcyn oððe Hygelac min. | Herebeald and Haethcyn, or my own Hygelac. |
Wæs þam yldestan ungedefelice | For the eldest, Herebeald, an unexpected | |
mæges dædum morþorbed stred, | Deathbed was laid out, through a brothers doing, | |
syððan hyne Hæðcyn of hornbogan, | When Haethcyn bent his horn-tipped bow | |
his freawine flane geswencte, | And loosed the arrow that destroyed his life. | |
2440 |
miste mercelses 7 his mæg ofscet, | He shot wide and buried a shaft |
broðor oðerne blodigan gare. | In the flesh and blood of his own brother. | |
Þæt wæs feohleas gefeoht, fyrenum gesyngad, | That offence was beyond redress, a wrong footing | |
hreðre hygemeðe Sceolde hwæðre swa þeah | Of the hearts affections; for who could avenge | |
æðeling unwrecen ealdres linnan. | The princes life or pay his death-price? | |
2445 |
Swa bið geomorlic gomelum ceorle | It was like the misery felt by an old man |
to gebidanne þæt his byre ride | Who has lived to see his sons body | |
giong on galgan. Þonne he gyd wrece, | Swing on the gallows. He begins to keen | |
sarigne sang, þonne his sunu hangað | And weep for his boy, watching the raven | |
hrefne to hroðre, 7 he him helpan ne mæg, | Gloat where he hangs: he can be of no help. | |
2450 |
eald 7 infrod ænige gefremman. | The wisdom of age is worthless to him. |
Symble bið gemyndgad morna gehwylce, | Morning after morning, he wakes to remember | |
184v |
| eaforan ellorsið. Oðres ne gymeð | That his child is gone; he has no interest |
to gebidanne burgum in innan | In living on until another heir | |
yrfeweardas, þonne se an hafað | Is born in the hall, now that his first-born | |
2455 |
þurh deaðes nyd dæda gefondad. | Has entered deaths dominion forever. |
Gesyhð sorhcearig on his suna bure | He gazes sorrowfully at his sons dwelling, | |
winsele westne, windge reste | The banquet hall bereft of all delight, | |
reote berofene. Ridend swefað, | The windswept hearthstone; the horsemen are sleeping, | |
hæleð in hoðman. Nis þær hearpan sweg, | The warriors underground; what was is no more. | |
2460 |
gomen in geardum, swylce ðær iu wæron. |
No tunes from the harp, no cheer raised in the yard. |
{ 35 } XXXV | ||
GEwiteð þonne on sealman, sorhleoð gæleð, | Alone with his longing, he lies down on his bed | |
an æfter anum. Þuhte him eall to rum, | And sings a lament; everything seems too large, | |
wongas 7 wicstede. Swa Wedra helm | The farmsteads and the fields. Such was the feeling | |
æfter Herebealde heortan sorge, | Of loss endured by the lord of the Geats | |
2465 |
weallinde, wæg. Wihte ne meahte | After Herebealds death. He was hopelessly placed |
on ðam feorhbonan fæghðe gebetan. | To set to rights the wrong committed, | |
No ðy ær he þone heaðorinc hatian ne meahte | Could not punish the killer in accordance of the law | |
laðum dædum, þeah him leof ne wæs. | Of the blood-feud, although he felt no love for him. | |
He ða mid þære sorhge, þe him sio sar belamp, | Heartsore, wearied, he turned away | |
2470 |
gumdream ofgeaf, Godes leoht geceas. | From lifes joys, chose Gods light |
Eaferum læfde, swa deð eadig mon, | And departed, leaving buildings and lands | |
lond 7 leodbyrig, þa he of life gewat. | To his sons, as a man of substance will. | |
185r |
Þa |
wæs synn 7 sacu Sweona 7 Geata | Then over the wide seas Swedes and Geats |
ofer wid wæter wroht gemæne, | Battled and feuded and fought without quarter. | |
2475 |
herenið hearda, syððan Hreðel swealt, | Hostilities broke out when Hrethel died. |
oððe him Ongenðeowes eaferan wæran | Ongentheows sons were unrelenting, | |
frome fyrdhwate. Freode ne woldon | Refusing to make peace, campaigning violently | |
ofer heafo healdan, ac ymb Hreosna-Beorh | From coast to coast, constantly setting up | |
eatolne inwitscear oft gefremedon. | Terrible ambushes around Hreasnshill. | |
2480 |
Þæt mægwine mine gewræcan, | My own kith and kin avenged |
fæhðe 7 fyrene, swa hyt gefræge wæs, | These evil events, as everybody knows, | |
þeah ðe oðer his ealdre gebohte | But the price was high: one of them paid | |
heardan ceape. Hæðcynne wearð, | With his life. Heathcyn, lord of the Geats, | |
Geata dryhtne guð onsæge. | Met his fate there and fell in battle. | |
2485 |
Þa ic on morgne gefrægn mæg oðerne | Then, as I have heard, Hygelacs sword |
billes ecgum on bonan stælan, | Was raised in the morning against Ongentheow, | |
þær Ongenþeow Eofores niosað. | His brothers killer. When Eofor cleft | |
Guðhelm toglad, gomela Scylfing | The old Swedes helmet, halved it open, | |
hreas heaþoblac. Hond gemunde | He fell, death-pale: his feud-calloused hand | |
2490 |
fæhðo genoge, feorhsweng ne ofteah. | Could not stave off the fatal stroke. |
Ic him þa maðmas, þe he me sealde, | The treasures that Hygelac lavished on me | |
geald æt guðe, swa me gifeðe wæs, | I paid for as I fought, as fortune allowed me, | |
leohtan sweorde. He me lond forgeaf, | With my glittering sword. He gave me land | |
eard, eðelwyn. Næs him ænig þearf, | And the security land brings, so he had no call | |
2495 |
þæt he to Gifðum oððe to Gar-Denum | To go looking for some lesser champion, |
oððe in Swiorice secean þurfe | Some mercenary among the Gifthas | |
185v |
| wyrsan wigfrecan, weorðe gecypan. | Or the Spear-Danes or the men of Sweden. |
Symle ic him on feðan beforan wolde, | I marched ahead of him, always there | |
ana on orde, 7 swa to aldre sceall | At the front of the line; and I shall fight like that | |
2500 |
sæcce fremman, þenden þis sweord þolað. | For as long as I live, as long as this sword |
Þæt mec ær 7 sið oft gelæste, | Shall last, which has stood me in good stead | |
syððan ic for dugeðum Dæghrefne wearð | Late and soon, ever since I killed | |
to handbonan, Huga cempan. | Dayraven the Frank in front of the two armies. | |
Nalles he ða frætwe Frescyninge, | He brought back no looted breastplate | |
2505 |
breostweorðunge bringan moste, | To the Frisian king, but fell in battle, |
ac in cempan gecrong cumbles hyrde, | Their standard-bearer, high-born and brave. | |
æþeling on elne. Ne wæs ecg bona, | No sword blade sent him to his death, | |
ac him hildegrap heortan wylmas, | My bare hands stilled his heartbeats | |
banhus gebræc. Nu sceall billes ecg, | And wrecked the bone-house. Now blade and hand, | |
2510 |
hond 7 heard sweord ymb hord wigan. |
Sword and sword-stroke, will assay the hoard. |
Beowulf maðelode, beotwordum spræc | Beowulf spoke, made a formal boast | |
niehstan siðe: Ic geneðde fela | For the last time: I risked my life | |
guða on geogoðe; gyt ic wylle, | Often when I was young. Now I am old, | |
frod folces weard fæhðe secan, | But as king of this people I shall pursue this fight | |
2515 |
mærðum fremman, gif mec se mansceaða | For the glory of winning, if the evil one will only |
of eorðsele ut geseceð. |
Abandon his earth-fort and face me in the open. | |
Gegrette ða gumena gehwylcne, | Then he addressed each dear companion | |
hwate helmberend hindeman siðe, | One final time, those fighters in their helmets, | |
swæse gesiðas: Nolde ic sweord beran, | Resolute and high-born: I would rather not | |
186r |
wæpen to wyrme, |gif ic wiste hu | Use a weapon if I knew another way |
wið ðam aglæcean elles meahte | To grapple with the dragon and make good my boast | |
gylpe wiðgripan, swa ic gio wið Grendle dyde. | As I did against Grendel in days gone by. | |
Ac ic ðær heaðufyres hates wene, | But I shall be meeting molten venom | |
reðes 7 hattres; forðon ic me on hafu | In the fire he breaths, so I go forth | |
2525 |
bord 7 byrnan. Nelle ic beorges weard | In mail-shirt and shield. I wont shift a foot |
oferfleon fotes trem, ac unc sceal |
When I meet the cave-guard: what occurs on the wall | |
weorðan æt wealle swa unc wyrd geteoð, | Between the two of us will turn out as fate, | |
Metod manna gehwæs. Ic eom on mode from | Overseer of men, decides. I am resolved. | |
þæt ic wið þone guðflogan gylp ofersitte. | I scorn further words against this sky-born foe. | |
2530 |
Gebide ge on beorge byrnum werede, | Men at arms, remain here on the barrow, |
secgas on searwum, hwæðer sel mæge | Safe in your armor, to see which one of us | |
æfter wælræse wunde gedygan | Is better in the end at bearing wounds | |
uncer twega. Nis þæt eower sið, | In a deadly fray. This fight is not yours, | |
ne gemet mannes, nefne min anes. |
Nor is it up to any man except me | |
2535 |
Wat he wið aglæcean eofoðo dæle, | To measure his strength against the monster |
eorlscype efne. Ic mid elne sceall | Or to prove his worth. I shall win the gold | |
gold gegangan, oððe guð nimeð, | By my courage, or else mortal combat, | |
feorhbealu frecne frean eowerne. |
Doom of battle, will bear your lord away. | |
Aras ða bi ronde, rof oretta, | Then he drew himself up beside his shield. | |
2540 |
heard under helme, hiorosercean bær | The fabled warrior in his war-shirt and helmet |
under stancleofu, strengo getruwode | Trusted in his own strength entirely | |
anes mannes. Ne bið swylc earges sið! |
And went under the crag. No coward path. | |
186v |
Geseah ða be wealle, |se ðe worna fela, | Hard by the rock-face that hale veteran, |
gumcystum god, guða gedigde, | A good man who had gone repeatedly | |
2545 |
hildehlemma, þonne hnitan feðan |
Into combat and danger and come through, |
stodan stanbogan, stream ut þonan | Saw a stone arch and a gushing stream | |
brecan of beorge. Wæs þære burnan wælm | That burst from the barrow, blazing and wafting | |
heaðofyrum hat, ne meahte horde neah, | A deadly heat. It would be hard to survive | |
unbyrnende, ænige hwile | Unscathed near the hoard, to hold firm | |
2550 |
deop gedygan, for dracan lege. | Against the dragon in those flaming depths. |
Let ða of breostum, ða he gebolgen wæs, | Then he gave a shout. The lord of the Geats | |
Weder-Geata leod word ut faran; |
Unburdened his breast and broke out | |
stearcheort styrmde. Stefn in becom, | In a storm of anger. Under gray stone | |
heaðotorht hlynnan under harne stan. | His voice challenged and resounded clearly. | |
2555 |
Hete wæs onhrered, hordweard oncniow | Heat was ignited. The hoard-guard recognized |
mannes reorde. Næs ðær mara fyrst | A human voice, the time was over | |
freode to friclan. From ærest cwom | For peace and parleying. Pouring forth | |
oruð aglæcean ut of stane, | In a hot battle-fume, the breath of the monster | |
hat hildeswat. Hruse dynede. | Burst from the rock. There was a rumble underground. | |
2560 |
Biorn under beorge bordrand onswaf | Down there in the barrow, Beowulf the warrior |
wið ðam gryregieste Geata dryhten. | Lifted his shield: the outlandish thing | |
Đa wæs hringbogan heorte gefysed | Writhed and convulsed and viciously | |
sæcce to seceanne. Sweord ær gebræd | Turned on the king, whose keen-edged-sword, | |
god guðcyning, gomele lafe, | And heirloom inherited by ancient right, | |
2565 |
ecgum ungleaw. Æghwæðrum wæs | Was already in his hand. Roused to a fury, |
187r |
bealohycgendra | broga fram oðrum. | Each antagonist struck terror in the other. |
Stiðmod gestod wið steapne rond, | Unyielding, the lord of his people loomed | |
winia bealdor, ða se wyrm gebeah | By his tall shield, sure of his ground, | |
snude tosomne. He on searwum bad. | While the serpent looped and unleashed itself. | |
2570 |
Gewat ða byrnende gebogen scriðan | Swaddled in flames, it came gliding and flexing |
to gescipe scyndan. Scyld wel gebearg | And racing toward its fate. Yet his shield defended | |
life 7 lice læssan hwile | The renowned leaders life and limb | |
mærum þeodne þonne his myne sohte, | For a shorter time than he meant it to: | |
ðær he þy fyrste forman dogore | That final day was the first time | |
2575 |
wealdan moste, swa him wyrd ne gescraf | When Beowulf fought and fate denied him |
hreð æt hilde. Hond up abræd | Glory in battle. So the king of the Geats | |
Geata dryhten, gryrefahne sloh |
Raised his hand and struck hard | |
Incgelafe, þæt sio ecg gewac, | At the enameled scales, but hardly cut through: | |
brun on bane, bat unswiðor | The blade flashed and slashed yet the blow | |
2580 |
þonne his ðiodcyning þearfe hæfde, | Was far less powerful than the hard-pressed king |
bysigum gebæded. Þa wæs beorges weard | Had need of at the moment. The hoard-keeper | |
æfter heaðuswenge on hreoum mode. | Went into a spasm and spouted deadly flames: | |
Wearp wælfyre; wide sprungon | When he felt the stroke, battle-fire | |
hildeleoman. Hreðsigora ne gealp | Billowed and spewed. Beowulf was foiled | |
2585 |
goldwine Geata. Guðbill geswac, | Of a glorious victory. The glittering sword, |
nacod æt niðe, swa hyt no sceolde, | Infallible before that day, | |
iren ærgod. Ne wæs þæt eðe sið, | Failed when he unsheathed it, as it never should have. | |
þæt se mæra maga Ecgðeowes | For the son of Ecgtheow, it was no easy thing | |
grundwong þone ofgyfan wolde. | To have to give ground like that and go | |
2590 |
Sceolde willan wic eardian | Unwillingly to inhabit another home |
187v |
elles hwergen, swa | sceal æghwylc mon | In a place beyond; so every man must yield |
alætan lændagas. Næs ða long to ðon, | The leasehold of his days. Before long | |
þæt ða aglæcean hy eft gemetton. | The fierce contenders clashed again. | |
Hyrte hyne hordweard, hreðer æðme weoll, | The hoard-guard took heart, inhaled and swelled up | |
2595 |
niwan stefne. Nearo ðrowode, | And got a new wind; he who had once ruled |
fyre befongen, se ðe ær folce weold. | Was furled in fire and had to face the worst. | |
Nealles him on heape handgesteallan, | No help or backing was to be had then | |
æðelinga bearn, ymbe gestodon | From his high-born comrades; that hand-picked troop | |
hildecystum, ac hy on holt bugon, | Broke ranks and ran for their lives | |
2600 |
ealdre burgan. Hiora in anum weoll | To the safety of the wood. But within one heart |
sefa wið sorgum. Sibb æfre ne mæg | Sorrow welled up: in a man of worth | |
wiht onwendan, þam ðe wel þenceð. | The claims of kinship cannot be denied. | |
{ 36 } XXXVI | ||
WIGlaf wæs haten, Weoxstanes sunu, | His name was Wiglaf, a son of Weohstans, | |
leoflic lindwiga, leod Scylfinga, | A well-regarded Shylfing warrior | |
2605 |
mæg Ælfheres. Geseah his mondryhten | Related to Aelfhere. When he saw his lord |
under heregriman hat þrowian. | Tormented by the heat of his scalding helmet, | |
Gemunde ða ða are þe he him ær forgeaf, | He remember the bountiful gifts he bestowed on him, | |
wicstede weligne Wægmundinga, | How well he lived among the Waegmundings, | |
folcrihta gehwylc, swa his fæder ahte. | The freehold he inherited from his father before him. | |
2610 |
Ne mihte ða forhabban, hond rond gefeng, | He could not hold back: one hand brandished |
geolwe linde, gomelswyrd geteah. | The yellow-timbered shield, the other drew his sword | |
Þæt wæs mid eldum Eanmundes laf. | An ancient blade that was said to have belonged | |
188r |
| Suna Ohtere þam æt sæcce wearð | To Eanmund, the son of Ohthere, the one |
wræcca wineleasum, Weohstan se bana, | Weohstan had slain when he was in exile without friends. | |
2615 |
meces ecgum, 7 his magum ætbær | He carried the arms to the victims kinfolk, |
brunfagne helm, hringde byrnan, | The burnished helmet, the webbed chain-mail | |
ealdsweord etonisc. Þæt him Onela forgeaf, | And that relic of the giants. But Onela retuned | |
his gædelinges guðgewædu, | The weapons to him, rewarded Weohstan | |
fyrdsearo fuslic. No ymbe ða fæhðe spræc, | With Eanmunds war-gear. He ignored the blood-feud, | |
2620 |
þeah ðe he his broðor bearn abredwade. | The fact that Eanmund was his brothers son. |
He frætwe geheold fela missera, | Weohstan kept that war-gear for a lifetime, | |
bill 7 byrnan, oð ðæt his byre mihte | The sword and the mail-shirt, until it was the sons turn | |
eorlscipe efnan swa his ærfæder. | To follow his father and perform his part. | |
Geaf him ða mid Geatum guðgewæda, | Then, in old age, at the end of his days | |
2625 |
æghwæs unrim, þa he of ealdre gewat, | Among the Weather-Geats, he bequeathed to Wiglaf |
frod on forðweg. Þa wæs forma sið | Innumerable weapons. And now the youth | |
geongan cempan, þæt he guðe ræs | Was to enter the line of battle with his lord, | |
mid his freodryhtne fremman sceolde. | His first time to be tested as a fighter. | |
Ne gemealt him, se modsefa, ne his mægenes laf | His spirit did not break and the ancestral blade | |
2630 |
gewac æt wige. Þa se wyrm onfand, | Would keep its edge, as the dragon discovered |
syððan hie togædre gegan hæfdon. | As soon as they came together in combat. | |
Wiglaf maðelode, wordrihta fela | Sad at heart, addressing his companions, | |
sægde gesiðum. Him wæs sefa geomor. | Wiglaf spoke wise and fluent words: | |
188v |
Ic ðæt |mæl geman, þær we medu þegun, | I remember that time when the mead was flowing, |
2635 |
þonne we geheton ussum hlaforde | How we pledged loyalty to our lord in the hall, |
in biorsele, ðe us ðas beagas geaf, | Promised our ring-giver we would be worth our price, | |
þæt we him ða guðgetawa gyldan woldon, | Make good the gift of the war-gear, | |
gif him þyslicu þearf gelumpe, | Those swords and helmets, as and when | |
helmas 7 heard sweord. Đe he usic on herge geceas | His need required it. He picked us out | |
2640 |
to ðyssum siðfate sylfes willum. | From the army deliberately, honored us and judged us |
Onmunde usic mærða, 7 me þas maðmas geaf, | Fit for this action, made me these lavish gifts | |
þe he usic garwigend gode tealde, | And all because he considered us the best | |
hwate helmberend, þeah ðe hlaford us | Of his arms-bearing thanes. And now, although | |
þis ellenweorc ana aðohte | He wanted this challenge to be the one hed face | |
2645 |
to gefremmanne, folces hyrde, | By himself alone the shepherd of our land, |
forðan he manna mæst mærða gefremede, | A man unequalled in the quest for glory | |
dæda dollicra. Nu is se dæg cumen | And a name for daring now the day has come | |
þæt ure mandryhten mægenes behofað | When this lord we serve needs sound men | |
godra guðrinca. Wutun gongan to | To give him their support. Let us go to him, | |
2650 |
helpan hildfruman, þenden hyt sy, | Help our leader through the hot flame |
gledegesa grim. God wat on mec | And dread of the fire. As God is my witness, | |
þæt me is micle leofre, þæt minne lichaman | I would rather my body were robbed in the same | |
mid minne goldgyfan gled fæðmie. | Burning blaze as my gold-givers body | |
Ne þynceð me gerysne, þæt we rondas beren | Than go back home bearing arms. | |
2655 |
eft to earde, nemne we æror mægen | That is unthinkable, unless we have first |
189A (197)r |
fane gefyllan, | feorh ealgian | Slain the foe and defended the life |
Wedra ðeodnes. Ic wat geare, | Of the prince of the Weather-Geats. I well know | |
þæt næron ealdgewyrht, þæt he ana scyle | That things he has done for us deserve better. | |
Geata duguðe gnorn þrowian, | Should he alone be left exposed | |
2660 |
gesigan æt sæcce. Urum sceal sweord 7 helm, | To fall in battle? We must bond together, |
byrne 7 byrduscrud bam gemæne. |
Shield and helmet, mail-shirt and sword. | |
Wod þa þurh þone wælrec, wigheafolan bær | Then he waded the dangerous slaughter-smoke and went | |
frean on fultum. Fea worda cwæð: | Under arms to his lord, saying only: | |
Leofa Biowulf, læst eall tela, | Go on, dear Beowulf, do everything | |
2665 |
swa ðu on geoguðfeore geara gecwæde, | You said you would when you were still young |
þæt ðu ne alæte be ðe lifigendum | And vowed you would never let your name and fame | |
dom gedreosan. Scealt nu dædum rof, | Be dimmed while you lived. Your deeds are famous | |
æðeling anhydig, ealle mægene, | So stay resolute, my lord, defend your life now | |
feorh ealgian. Ic ðe fullæstu. |
With the whole of your strength. I shall stand by you. | |
2670 |
Æfter ðam wordum wyrm yrre cwom, | After those words, a wildness rose |
atol inwitgæst oðre siðe, | In the dragon again and drove it to attack, | |
fyrwylmum fah fionda niosian |
Heaving up fire, hunting for enemies, | |
laðra manna. Ligyðum for, | The humans it loathed. Flames lapped the shield, | |
born bord wið rond. Byrne ne meahte | Charred it to the boss, and the body armor | |
2675 |
geongum garwigan geoce gefremman, | On the young warrior was useless to him. |
ac se maga geonga under his mæges scyld | But Wiglaf did well under the wide rim | |
elne geeode, þa his agen wæs | Beowulf shared with him once his own had shattered | |
gledum forgrunden. Þa gen guðcyning | In sparks and ashes. Inspired again | |
miht gemunde, mægenstrengo sloh | By the thought of glory, the war-king threw | |
2680 |
hildebille, þæt hyt on heafolan stod | His whole strength behind a sword-stroke |
niþe genyded. Nægling forbærst, | And connected with the skull. And Naegling snapped. | |
geswac æt sæcce sweord Biowulfes | Beowulfs ancient iron-gray sword | |
189A (197)v |
| gomol 7 grægmæl. Him þæt gifeðe ne wæs, | Let him down in the fight. It was never his fortune |
þæt him irenna ecge mihton | To be helped in combat by the cutting-edge | |
2685 |
helpan æt hilde. Wæs sio hond to strong, | Of weapons made of iron. When he yielded a sword, |
se ðe meca gehwane mine gefræge | No matter how blooded and hard-edged the blade | |
swenge ofersohte. Þonne he to sæcce bær | His hand was too strong, the stroke he dealt | |
wæpen wundum heard; næs him wihte ðe sel. | (I have heard) would ruin it. He could reap no advantage. | |
Þa wæs þeodsceaða þriddan siðe, | Then the bane of that people, the fire-breathing dragon, | |
2690 |
frecne fyrdraca fæhða gemyndig, | Was mad to attack for a third time. |
ræsde on ðone rofan, þa him rum ageald, | When a chance came, he caught the hero | |
hat 7 heaðogrim, heals ealne ymbefeng | In a rush of flame and clamped sharp fangs | |
biteran banum. He geblodegod wearð | Into his neck. Beowulfs body | |
sawuldriore. Swat yðum weoll. | Ran wet with his life-blood: it came welling out. | |
{ 37 } XXXVII | ||
2695 |
ĐA ic æt þearfe gefrægn þeodcyninges | Next thing, they say, the noble son of Weohstan |
andlongne eorl ellen cyðan, | Saw the king in danger at his side | |
cræft 7 cenðu, swa him gecynde wæs. | And displayed his inborn bravery and strength. | |
Ne hedde he þæs heafolan, ac sio hand gebarn | He left the head alone, but his fighting hand | |
modiges mannes, þær he his mægenes healp, | Was burned when he came to his kinsmans aid. | |
2700 |
þæt he þone niðgæst nioðor hwene sloh, | He lunged at the enemy lower down |
secg on searwum, þæt ðæt sweord gedeaf, | So that his decorated sword sank into its belly | |
fah 7 fæted; þæt ðæt fyr ongon | And the flames grew weaker. Once again the king | |
sweðrian syððan. Þa gen sylf cyning | Gathered his strength and drew a stabbing knife | |
geweold his gewitte, wællseaxe gebræd | He carried on his belt, sharpened for battle. | |
2705 |
biter 7 beaduscearp, þæt he on byrnan wæg. | He stuck it deep into the dragons flank. |
189r |
Forwrat Wedra | helm wyrm on middan. | Beowulf dealt it a deadly wound. |
Feond gefyldan, ferh ellen wræc, | They had killed the enemy, courage quelled his life; | |
7 hi hyne þa begen abroten hæfdon, | That pair of kinsmen, partners in nobility, | |
sibæðelingas. Swylc sceolde secg wesan, | Had destroyed the foe. So every man should act, | |
2710 |
þegn æt ðearfe. Þæt ðam þeodne wæs | Be at hand when needed; but now, for the king, |
siðas sigehwile sylfes dædum | This would be the last of his many labors | |
worlde geweorces. Đa sio wund ongon, | And triumphs in the world. Then the wound | |
þe him se eorðdraca ær geworhte, | Dealt by the ground-burner earlier began | |
swelan 7 swellan. He þæt sona onfand | To scald and swell; Beowulf discovered | |
2715 |
þæt him on breostum bealonið weoll, | Deadly poison suppurating inside him, |
attor on innan. Đa se æðeling giong, | Surges of nausea, and so, in his wisdom, | |
þæt he bi wealle wishycgende | The prince realized his state and struggled | |
gesæt on sesse. Seah on enta geweorc | Towards a seat on the rampart. He steadied his gaze | |
hu ða stanbogan stapulum fæste | On those gigantic stones, saw how the earthwork | |
2720 |
ece eorðreced innan healden. | Was braced with arches built over columns. |
Hyne þa mid handa heorodreorigne, | And now that thane unequalled for goodness | |
þeoden mærne, þegn ungemete till | With his own hands washed his lords wounds, | |
winedryhten his wætere gelafede, | Swabbed the weary prince with water, | |
hilde sædne, 7 his helm onspeon. | Bathed him clean, unbuckled his helmet. | |
2725 |
Biowulf maþelode. He ofer benne spræc, | Beowulf spoke: in spite of his wounds, |
wunde wælbleate. Wisse he gearwe | Mortal wounds, he still spoke | |
þæt he dæghwila gedrogen hæfde, | For he well knew his days in the world | |
eorðan wynne. Đa wæs eall sceacen | Had been lived out to the end: his allotted time | |
dogorgerimes, deað ungemete neah: | Was drawing to a close, death was very near. | |
2730 |
Nu ic suna minum syllan wolde | Now is the time when I would have wanted |
guðgewædu, þær me gifeðe swa | To bestow this armor on my own son, | |
189v |
ænig yrfe|weard æfter wurde | Had it been my fortune to have fathered an heir |
lice gelenge. Ic ðas leode heold | And live on in his flesh. For fifty years | |
fiftig wintra. Næs se folccyning | I ruled this nation. No king | |
2735 |
ymbesittendra ænig ðara | Of any neighboring clan would dare |
þe mec guðwinum gretan dorste, | Face me with troops, none had the power | |
egesan ðeon. Ic on earde bad | To intimidate me. I took what came, | |
mælgesceafta, heold min tela, | Cared for and stood by things in my keeping, | |
ne sohte searoniðas, ne me swor fela | Never fomented quarrels, never | |
2740 |
aða on unriht. Ic ðæs ealles mæg | Swore to a lie. All this consoles me, |
feorhbennum seoc, gefean habban, | Doomed as I am and sickening for death; | |
forðam me witan ne ðearf Waldend fira | Because of my right way, the Ruler of Mankind | |
morðorbealo maga, þonne min sceaceð | Need never blame me when the breath leaves my body | |
lif of lice. Nu ðu lungre geong | For murder of kinsmen. Go now quickly, | |
2745 |
hord sceawian under harne stan, | Dearest Wiglaf, under the gray stone |
Wiglaf leofa. Nu se wyrm ligeð, | Where the dragon is laid out, lost to his treasure; | |
swefeð sare wund, since bereafod. | Hurry to feast your eyes on the hoard. | |
Bio nu on ofoste, þæt ic ærwelan, | Away you go: I want to examine | |
goldæht ongite, gearo sceawige | That ancient gold, gaze my fill | |
2750 |
swegle searogimmas, þæt ic ðy seft mæge | On those garnered jewels; my going will be easier |
æfter maððumwelan min alætan | For having seen the treasure, a less troubled letting-go | |
lif 7 leodscipe, þone ic longe heold. |
Of the life and lordship I have long maintained. | |
{ 38 } XXXVIII | ||
ĐA ic snude gefrægn sunu Wihstanes, | And so, I have heard, the son of Wihstan | |
æfter wordcwydum wundum dryhtne, | Quickly obeyed the command of his languishing | |
2755 |
hyran heaðosiocum, hringnet beran, | War-weary lord; he went in his chain-mail |
brogdne beadusercean, under beorges hrof. | Under the rock-piled roof of the barrow, | |
Geseah ða sigehreðig, þa he bi sesse geong, | Exulting in his triumph, and saw beyond the seat | |
190r |
magoþegn | modig, maððumsigla fealo, | A treasure-trove of astonishing richness, |
gold glitinian grunde getenge, | Wall-hangings that were a wonder to behold, | |
2760 |
wundur on wealle, 7 þæs wyrmes denn, | Glittering gold spread across the ground, |
ealdes uhtflogan, orcas stondan, | The old dawn-scorching serpents den | |
fyrnmanna fatu feormendlease, | Packed with goblets and vessels of the past, | |
hyrstum behrorene. Þær wæs helm monig | Tarnished and corroding. Rusty helmets | |
eald 7 omig, earmbeaga fela | All eaten away. Armbands everywhere, | |
2765 |
searwum gesæled. Sinc eaðe mæg, | Artfully wrought. How easily treasure |
gold on grunde, gumcynnes gehwone | Buried in the ground, gold hidden | |
oferhigian, hyde se ðe wylle. | However skillfully, can escape from any man! | |
Swylce he siomian geseah segn eallgylden, | And he saw too a standard, entirely of gold, | |
heah ofer horde, hondwundra mæst, | Hanging high over the hoard, | |
2770 |
gelocen leoðocræftum. Of ðam leoman stod, | A masterpiece of filigree; it glowed with light |
þæt he þone grundwong ongitan meahte, | So he could make out the ground at his feet | |
wræce giondwlitan: næs ðæs wyrmes þær |
And inspect the valuables. Of the dragon there was no | |
onsyn ænig, ac hyne ecg fornam. | Remaining sign: the sword had dispatched him. | |
Đa ic on hlæwe gefrægn hord reafian, | Then, the story goes, in the mound, this one man | |
2775 |
eald enta geweorc anne mannan. | Plundered the hoard, the old work of giants, |
Him on bearm hlodon bunan 7 discas. | laded upon his bosom flagons and plates, | |
Sylfes dome segn eac genom, | Anything he wanted; and took the standard also, | |
beacna beorhtost. Bill ær gescod |
Most brilliant of banners. Already the blade | |
ecg wæs iren ealdhlafordes - |
Of the old kings sharp killing-sword | |
2780 |
þam ðara maðma mundbora wæs | Had done its worst: the one who had for long |
longe hwile. Ligegesan wæg | Minded the hoard, hovering over gold, | |
hatne for horde, hioroweallende | Unleashing fire, surging forth | |
190v |
middelnihtum, | oð þæt he morðre swealt. | Midnight after midnight, had been mown down. |
Ar wæs on ofoste, eftsiðes georn, | Wiglaf went quickly, keen to get back, | |
2785 |
frætwum gefyrðred. Hyne fyrwet bræc, | Excited by the treasure. Anxiety weighed |
hwæðer collenferð cwicne gemette | On his brave heart he was hoping he would find | |
in ðam wongstede, Wedra þeoden | The leader of the Geats alive where he had left him | |
ellensiocne, þær he hine ær forlet. | Helpless, earlier, on the open ground. | |
He ða mid þam maðmum mærne þioden, | So he came to the place, carrying the treasure, | |
2790 |
dryhten sinne, driorigne fand, | And found his lord bleeding profusely, |
ealdres æt ende. He hine eft ongon | His life at an end: again he began | |
wæteres weorpan, oð þæt wordes ord | To swab his body. The beginnings of an utterance | |
breosthord þurhbræc. | Broke out from the kings breast-cage. | |
Gomel on giogoðe gold sceawode. | The old lord gazed sadly at the gold. | |
2795 |
Ic ðara frætwa Frean ealles ðanc, | To the everlasting Lord of All, |
Wuldurcyninge wordum secge, | To the King of Glory, I give thanks | |
ecum Dryhtne, þe ic her on starie, | That I beheld this treasure here in front of me, | |
þæs ðe ic moste minum leodum | That I have been allowed to leave my people | |
ær swyltdæge swylc gestrynan. | So well endowed on the day I die. | |
2800 |
Nu ic on maðma hord minne bebohte | Now that I have bartered my last breath |
frode feorhlege. Fremmað gena | To own this fortune, it is up to you | |
leoda þearfe. Ne mæg ic her leng wesan. | To look after their needs. I can hold out no longer. | |
Hatað heaðomære hlæw gewyrcean | Order my troop to construct a barrow | |
beorhtne æfter bæle, æt brimes nosan. | On a headland on the coast, after my pyre has cooled. | |
2805 |
Se scel to gemyndum minum leodum | It will loom in the horizon at Hronesness |
heah hlifian on hrones næsse, | And be a reminder among my people | |
þæt hit sæliðend syððan hatan | So that in coming times crews under sail | |
Biowulfes Biorh, ða ðe brentingas | Will call it Beowulfs barrow, as they steer | |
191r |
ofer | floda genipu feorran drifað. |
Ships across the wide and shrouded waters. |
2810 |
Dyde him of healse hring gyldenne, | Then the king in his great-heartedness unclasped |
þioden þristhydig, þegne gesealde, | The collar of gold from his neck and gave it | |
geongum garwigan, goldfahne helm, | To the young thane, telling him to use | |
beah 7 byrnan, het hyne brucan well: | It and the war shirt and the gilded helmet well. | |
Þu eart endelaf usses cynnes, | You are the last of us, the only one left | |
2815 |
Wægmundinga. Ealle wyrd forspeoft | Of the Waegmundings. Fate swept us away, |
mine magas to metodsceafte, | Sent my whole brave high-born clan | |
eorlas on elne. Ic him æfter sceal. |
To their final doom. Now I must follow them. | |
Þæt wæs þam gomelan gingæste word | That was the warriors last word | |
breostgehygdum, ær he bæl cure, | He had no more to confide. The furious heat | |
2820 |
hate heaðowylmas. Him of hwæðre gewat | Of the pyre would assail him. His soul fled from his breast |
sawol secean soðfæstra dom. | To its destined place among the steadfast ones. | |
{ 39 } [XXXIX] | ||
Đa wæs gegongen guman unfrodum | It was hard then on the young hero, | |
earfoðlice, þæt he on eorðan geseah | Having to watch the one he held so dear | |
þone leofestan lifes æt ende | There on the ground, going through | |
2825 |
bleate gebæran. Bona swylce læg, | His death agony. The dragon from underearth, |
egeslic eorðdraca ealdre bereafod, | His nightmarish destroyer, lay destroyed as well, | |
bealwe gebæded. Beahhordum leng | Utterly without life. No longer would his snake folds | |
wyrm wohbogen wealdan ne moste, | Ply themselves to safeguard hidden gold. | |
ac him irenna ecga fornamon, | Hard-edged blades, hammered out | |
2830 |
hearde heaðoscearde homera lafe, | And keenly filed, had finished him |
þæt se widfloga, wundum stille, | So that the sky-roamer lay there rigid, | |
hreas on hrusan hordærne neah. | Brought low beside the treasure-lodge. | |
191v |
Nalles | æfter lyfte lacende hwearf | Never again would he glitter and glide |
middelnihtum, maðmæhta wlonc, | And show himself off in midnight air, | |
2835 |
ansyn ywde, ac he eorðan gefeoll | Exulting in his riches: he fell to earth |
for ðæs hildfruman hondgeweorce. | Through the battle-strength in Beowulfs arm. | |
Huru þæt on lande lyt manna ðah | There were few, indeed, as far as I have heard, | |
mægenagendra, mine gefræge, | Big and brave as they may have been, | |
þeah ðe he dæda gehwæs dyrstig wære, | Few who would have held out if they had had to face | |
2840 |
þæt he wið attorsceaðan oreðe geræsde, | The outpourings of that poison-breather |
oððe hringsele hondum styrede, | Or gone foraging on the ring-hall floor | |
gif he wæccende weard onfunde | And found the deep barrow-dweller | |
buon on beorge. Biowulfe wearð | On guard and awake. The treasure had been won, | |
dryhtmaðma dæl, deaðe forgolden. | Bought and paid for by Beowulfs death. | |
2845 |
Hæfde æghwæðre ende gefered | Both had reached the end of the road |
lænan lifes. Næs ða lang to ðon, | Through the life they had been lent. Before long | |
þæt ða hildlatan holt ofgefan, | The battle-dodgers abandoned the wood, | |
tydre treowlogan, tyne ætsomne, | The ones who had let down their lord earlier, | |
ða ne dorston ær dareðum lacan | The tail-turners, ten of them together. | |
2850 |
on hyra mandryhtnes miclan þearfe. | When he needed them the most, they had made off. |
Ac hy scamiende scyldas bæran, | Now they were ashamed and came behind shields, | |
guðgewædu, þær se gomela læg. | In their battle-outfits, to where the old man lay. | |
Wlitan on Wilaf. He gewergad sæt, | They watched Wiglaf, sitting worn out, | |
feðecempa frean eaxlum neah. | A comrade shoulder to shoulder with his lord, | |
2855 |
Wehte hyne wætre - him wiht ne speow. | Trying in vain to bring him round with water. |
Ne meahte he on eorðan, ðeah he uðe wel, | Much as he wanted to, there was no way | |
on ðam frumgare feorh gehealdan, | He could preserve his lords life on earth | |
ne ðæs Wealdendes wiht oncirran. | Or alter in the least the Almightys will. | |
192r |
Wolde dom | Godes dædum rædan | What God judged right would rule what happened |
2860 |
gumena gehwylcum, swa he nu gen deð. | To every man, as it does to this day. |
Þa wæs æt ðam geongum grim andswaru |
Then a stern rebuke was bound to come | |
eðbegete, þam ðe ær his elne forleas. | From the young warrior to the ones who had been cowards. | |
Wiglaf maðelode, Weohstanes sunu, | Wiglaf, son of Weohstan, spoke | |
sec sarigferð. Seah on unleofe: | Disdainfully and in disappointment: | |
2865 |
Þæt, la, mæg secgan se ðe wyle soð specan, | Anyone ready to admit the truth |
þæt se mondryhten, se eow ða maðmas geaf, | Will surely realize the lord of men | |
eoredgeatwe, þe ge þær on standað, | Who showered you with gifts and gave you the armor | |
þonne he on ealubence oft gesealde | You are standing in when he would distribute | |
healsittendum, helm 7 byrnan, | Helmets and mail-shirts to men on the mead-benches, | |
2870 |
þeoden his þegnum swylce he þrydlicost | A prince treating his thanes in hall |
ower feor oððe neah findan meahte, | To the best he could find, far or near | |
þæt he genunga guðgewædu | Was throwing weapons uselessly away. | |
wraðe forwurpe, ða hyne wig beget. | It would be a sad waste when the war broke out. | |
Nealles folccyning fyrdgesteallum |
Beowulf had little cause to brag | |
2875 |
gylpan þorfte; hwæðre him God uðe, | About his armed guard; yet God who ordains |
sigora Waldend, þæt he hyne sylfne gewræc, | Who wins or loses allowed him to strike | |
ana mid ecge, þa him wæs elnes þearf. | With his own blade when bravery was needed. | |
Ic him lifwraðe lytle meahte | There was little I could do to protect his life | |
ætgifan æt guðe, 7 ongan swa þeah | In the heat of the fray, yet I found new strength | |
2880 |
ofer min gemet mæges helpan. | Welling up when I went to help him. |
Symle wæs þy sæmra þonne ic sweorde drep, | Then my sword connected and the deadly assaults | |
ferhðgeniðlan, fyr unswiðor | Of our foe grew weaker, the fire coursed | |
weoll of gewitte. wergendra to lyt | Less strongly from his head. But when the worst happened | |
192v |
þrong ymbe þeoden, þa hyne sio | þrag becwom. | Too few rallied around the prince. |
2885 |
Hu sceal sincþego 7 swyrdgifu, | So it is goodbye now to all you know and love |
eall eðelwyn eowrum cynne, | On your home-ground, the open-handedness, | |
lufen alicgean. Londrihtes mot | The giving of war-swords. Every one of you | |
þære mægburge monna æghwylc | With freeholds of land, our whole nation, | |
idel hweorfan, syððan æðelingas | Will be dispossessed, once princes from beyond | |
2890 |
feorran gefricgean fleam eowerne, | Get tidings of how you turned and fled |
domleasan dæd. Deað bið sella | And disgraced yourselves. A warrior will sooner | |
eorla gehwylcum þonne edwitlif. |
Die than live a life of shame. | |
{ 40 } XL | ||
Heht ða þæt heaðoweorc to hagan biodan, | Then he ordered the outcome of the fight to be reported | |
up ofer ecgclif, þær þæt eorlweorod | To those camped on the ridge, that crowd of retainers | |
2895 |
morgenlongne dæg modgiomor sæt, | Who had sat all morning, sad at heart, |
bordhæbbende, bega on wenum, | Shield-bearers wondering about | |
endedogores 7 eftcymes | The man they loved: would this day be his last | |
leofes monnes. Lyt swigode | Or would he return. He told the truth | |
niwra spella, se ðe næs gerad, | And did not balk, the rider who bore | |
2900 |
ac he soðlice sægde ofer ealle: | News to the cliff-top. He addressed them all: |
Nu is wilgeofa Wedra leoda, | Now the peoples pride and love, | |
dryhten Geata, deaðbedde fæst, | The lord of the Geats, is laid on his deathbed, | |
wunað wælreste wyrmes dædum. | Brought down by the dragons attack. | |
Him on efn ligeð ealdorgewinna | Beside him lies the bane of his life, | |
2905 |
siexbennum seoc. Sweorde ne meahte | Dead from knife-wounds. There was no way |
on ðam aglæcean ænige þinga | Beowulf could manage to get the better | |
wunde gewyrcean. Wiglaf siteð | Of the monster with his sword. Wiglaf sits | |
ofer Biowulfe, byre Wihstanes, | At Beowulfs side, the son of Wihstan, | |
eorl ofer oðrum unlifigendum, | The living warrior watching by the dead, | |
193r |
healdeð higemæðum | heafodwearde | Keeping weary vigil, holding a wake |
leofes 7 laðes. Nu ys leodum wen | For the loved and the loathed. Now war is looming | |
orleghwile syððan underne | Over our nation, soon it will be known | |
Froncum 7 Frysum, fyll cyninges | To Franks and Frisians, far and wide, | |
wide weorðeð. Wæs sio wroht scepen | That the king is gone. Hostility has been great | |
2915 |
heard wið Hugas, syððan Higelac cwom | Among the Franks since Hygelac sailed forth |
faran flotherge on Fresna land. | At the head of a war-fleet into Friesland: | |
Þær hyne Hetware hilde gehnægdon, | There the Hetware harried and attacked | |
elne geeodon mid ofermægene, | And overwhelmed him with great odds. | |
þæt se byrnwiga bugan sceolde. | The leader in his war-gear was laid low, | |
2920 |
Feoll on feðan. Nalles frætwe geaf, | Fell amongst followers; that lord did not favor |
ealdor dugoðe Us wæs a syððan | His company with spoils. The Merovingian king | |
Merewioingas milts ungyfeðe. | Has been an enemy to us ever since. | |
Ne ic te Sweoðeode sibbe oððe treowe | Nor do I expect peace of pact-keeping | |
wihte ne wene, ac wæs wide cuð | Of any sort from the Swedes. Remember: | |
2925 |
þætte Ongenðio ealdre besnyðede | At Ravenswood, Ongentheow |
Hæðcen Hreþling wið Hrefnawudu, | Slaughtered Haethcyn, Hrethels son, | |
þa for onmedlan ærest gesohton | When the Geat people in their arrogance | |
Geata leode Guð-Scilfingas. | First attacked the fierce Shylfings. | |
Sona him se froda fæder Ohtheres, | The return blow was quickly struck | |
2930 |
eald 7 egesfull, hondslyht ageaf, | By Ohtheres father. Old and terrible, |
abreot brimwisan, bryd aheorde, | He felled the sea-king and saved his own | |
gomela iomeowlan golde berofene, | Aged wife, the mother of Onela | |
Onelan modor 7 Ohtheres. | And of Ohthere, bereft of her gold rings. | |
7 ða folgode feorhgeniðlan, | Then he kept hard on the heels of the foe | |
2935 |
oð ðæt hi oðeodon
earfoðlice, | And drove them, leaderless, lucky to get away, |
in Hrefnesholt hlafordlease. | In a desperate route to Ravenswood. | |
Besæt ða sinherge sweorda lafe, | His army surrounded the weary remnant | |
193v |
wundum werge. |Wean oft gehet | Where they nursed their wounds; all through the night |
earmre teohhe ondlonge niht, | He howled threats at those huddled survivors, | |
2940 |
cwæð, he on mergenne meces ecgum | Promises to axe their bodies open |
getan wolde sum on galgtreowum |
When dawn broke, dangle them from gallows | |
feðan to gamene. Frofor eft gelamp | To feed the birds. But at first light | |
sarigmodum somod ærdæge, | When their spirits were lowest, relief arrived. | |
syððan hie Hygelaces horn 7 byman | They heard the sound of Hygelacs horn, | |
2945 |
gealdor ongeaton, þa se goda com | His trumpet calling as he came to find them, |
leoda dugoðe on last faran. | The hero in pursuit, at hand with troops. | |
{ 41 } XLI. | ||
Wæs sio swatswaðu Swona 7 Geata, | The bloody swathe that Swedes and Geats | |
wælræs weora, wide gesyne. | Cut through each other was everywhere. | |
Hu ða folc mid him fæhðe towehton! |
No one could miss their murderous feuding. | |
2950 |
Gewat him ða se goda mid his gædelingum, | Then the old man made his move, |
frod, felageomor, fæsten secean. | Pulled back, barred his people in: | |
Eorl Ongenþio ufor oncirde, | Ongentheow withdrew to higher ground. | |
hæfde Higelaces hilde gefrunen, | Hygelacs pride and prowess as a fighter | |
wlonces wigcræft. Wiðres ne truwode, | Were known to the earl; he had no confidence | |
2955 |
þæt he sæmannum onsacan mihte, | That he could hold out against that horde of seamen, |
heaðoliðendum hord forstandan, | Defend wife and the ones he loved | |
bearn 7 bryde. Beah eft þonan | From the shock of the attack. He retreated for shelter | |
eald under eorðweall. Þa wæs æht boden | Behind the earth wall. Then Hygelac swooped | |
Sweona leodum, segn Higelace. | On the Swedes at bay, his banners swarmed | |
2960 |
Freoðowong þone ford ofereodon, | Into their refuge, the Geat forces |
syððan Hreðlingas to hagan þrungon. | Drove forward to destroy the camp. | |
Þær wearð Ongenðiow ecgum, sweordum, | There in his gray hairs, Ongentheow | |
blondenfexa on bid wrecen, | Was cornered, ringed around with swords. | |
þæt se þeodcyning ðafian sceolde | And it came to pass that the kings fate | |
194r |
Eafores | anne dom. Hyne yrringa | Was in Eofors hands, and in his alone. |
Wulf Wonreðing wæpne geræhte, | Wulf, son of Wonred, went for him in anger, | |
þæt him for swenge swat ædrum sprong | Split him open so that blood came spurting | |
forð under fexe. Næs he forht swa ðeh, | From under his hair. The old hero | |
gomela Scilfing, ac forgeald hraðe | Still did not flinch, but parried fast, | |
2970 |
wyrsan wrixle wælhlem þone, | Hit back with a harder stroke: |
syððan ðeodcyning þyder oncirde. | The king turned and took him on. | |
Ne meahte se snella sunu Wonredes | Then Wonreds son, the brave Wulf, | |
ealdum ceorle hondslyht giofan, | Could land no blow against the aged lord. | |
ac he him on heafde helm ær gescer, | Ongentheow divided his helmet | |
2975 |
þæt he blode fah bugan sceolde. | So that he buckled and bowed his bloodied head |
Feoll on foldan. Næs he fæge þa git, | And dropped to the ground. But his doom held off. | |
ac he hyne gewyrpte, þeah ðe him wund hrine. | Though he was cut deep, he recovered again. | |
Let se hearda Higelaces þegn | With his brother down, the undaunted Eofor, | |
brade mece þa his broðor læg |
Hygelacs thane, hefted his sword | |
2980 |
ealdsweord eotonisc entiscne helm | And smashed murderously at the massive helmet |
brecan ofer bordweal. Đa gebeah cyning, | Past the lifted shield. And the king collapsed, | |
folces hyrde wæs in feorh dropen. | The shepherd of people was sheared of life. | |
Đa wæron monige þe his mæg wriðon, | Many then hurried to help Wulf, | |
ricone arærdon, ða him gerymed wearð, | Bandaged and lifted him, now that they were left | |
2985 |
þæt hie wælstowe wealdan moston. | Masters of the blood-soaked battleground. |
Þenden reafode rinc oðerne, | One warrior stripped the other, | |
nam on Ongenðio irenbyrnan, | Looted Ongentheows iron mail-coat, | |
heard swyrd hilted, 7 his helm somod. | His hard sword-hilt, his helmet too, | |
Hares hyrste Higelace bær. | And carried the armor to King Hygelac; | |
2990 |
He ðam frætwum feng 7 him fægre gehet | He accepted the prize, promised fairly |
194v |
leana mid | leodum, 7 gelæste swa. | That reward would come, and kept his word. |
Geald þone guðræs, Geata dryhten, | For their bravery in action, when they arrived home | |
Hreðles eafora, þa he to ham becom, | Eofor and Wulf were overloaded | |
Iofore 7 Wulfe mid ofermaðmum. | By Hrethels son, Hygelac the Geat, | |
2995 |
Sealde hiora gehwæðrum hund þusenda | With gifts of land and linked rings |
landes 7 locenra beaga ne ðorfte him | That were worth a fortune. They had won glory, | |
ða lean oðwitan mon on middangearde | So there was no gainsaying his generosity. | |
syððan hie ða maran mærða geslogon. | And he gave Eofor his only daughter | |
7 ða Iofore forgeaf angan dohtor, | To bide at home with him, an honor and a bond. | |
3000 |
hamweorðunge, hyldo to wedde. | So this bad blood between us and the Swedes, |
Þæt ys sio fæhðo 7 se feondscipe, | This vicious feud, I am convinced, | |
wælnið wera, ðæs ðe ic wen hafo, | Is bound to revive; they will cross our borders | |
þe us seceað to Sweona leoda, | And attack in force once they find out | |
syððan hie gefricgeað frean userne | That Beowulf is dead. In days gone by | |
3005 |
ealdorleasne, þone ðe ær geheold | When our warriors fell and we were undefended |
wið hettendum hord 7 rice, | He kept our coffers and our kingdoms safe. | |
æfter hæleða hryre, hwate Scildingas, | After the fall of heroes he ruled the valiant Scyldings, | |
folcred fremede, oððe furður gen | He accomplished the good of his people. And even further yet | |
eorlscipe efnde. Me is ofost betost, | practised valor. For me it is best for us to hurry | |
3010 |
þæt we þeodcyning þær sceawian, | And there look upon our powerful king, |
7 þone gebringan, þe us beagas geaf, | And launch him who gave us ring-presents | |
on adfære. Ne scel anes hwæt | On the funeral path. Nor shall any single thing alone | |
meltan mid þam modigan, ac þær is maðma hord, | melt with the bold prince, but there is a hoard of treasures, | |
gold unrime, grimme geceapod, | Gold unnumbered, gruesomely purchased ; | |
3015 |
7 nu æt siðestan sylfes feore | And now at last with his own life |
beagas gebohte. Þa sceall brond fretan, | he has bought the rings which the fire shall devour, | |
195r |
æled þeccean, | nalles eorl wegan | the flame cover, and no earl at all wear |
maððum to gemyndum, ne mægð scyne | the treasure for a memorial, nor fair maiden | |
habban on healse hringweorðunge, | have the dignity of rings upon her neck ; | |
3020 |
ac sceal, geomormod, golde bereafod, | but, sad of mood, despoiled of gold, |
oft, nalles æne, elland tredan. | they shall often, not once alone, tread foreign lands, | |
Nu se herewisa hleahtor alegde | Now that their leaders laugh is silenced, | |
gamen 7 gleodream. Forðon sceall gar wesan | His mirth and joyful merriment quenched. Many a spear | |
monig morgenceald, mundum bewunden, | Dawn-cold to the touch will be taken down | |
3025 |
hæfen on handa; nalles hearpan sweg | And waved on high; the melody of the harp |
wigend weccean, ac se wonna hrefn, | Wont waken warriors, but the raven winging | |
fus ofer fægum, fela reordian, | Darkly over the doomed will say a lot, | |
earne secgan hu him æt æte speow, | To the eagle about how he prospered at eating, | |
þenden he wið wulf wæl reafode. |
While he with the wolf was wasting the slain. | |
3030 |
Swa se secg hwata secggende wæs | Such was the drift of the dire report |
laðra spella. He ne leag fela | That gallant man delivered. He got little wrong | |
wyrda ne worda. Weorod eall aras. | In what he told and predicted. The whole troop | |
Eodon unbliðe under earna næs, | Rose in tears, then took their way | |
wollenteare, wundur sceawian. | To the uncanny scene under Earnaness. | |
3035 |
Fundon ða on sande sawulleasne, | There, on the sand, where his soul had left him, |
hlimbed healdan, þone þe him hringas geaf | They found him at rest, their ring-giver | |
ærran mælum. Þa wæs endedæg | From days gone by. The great man | |
godum gegongen, þæt se guðcyning, | Had breathed his last. Beowulf the King | |
Wedra þeoden, wundordeaðe swealt. | Had indeed met with a marvelous death. | |
3040 |
Ær hi þær gesegan syllicran wiht, | But what they saw first was far stranger: |
wyrm on wonge wiðerræhtes þær, | The serpent on the ground, gruesome and vile, | |
laðne licgean. Wæs se legdraca | Lying facing him. The fire-dragon | |
195v |
grimlic gryregist |gledum beswæled. | Was scaresomely burnt, scorched all colors. |
Se wæs fiftiges fotgemearces | From head to tail, his entire length | |
3045 |
lang on legere. Lyftwynne heold | Was fifty feet. He had shimmered forth |
nihtes hwilum, nyðer eft gewat | On the night air once, then winged back | |
dennes niosian. Wæs ða deaðe fæst, | Down to his den; but death owned him now, | |
hæfde eorðscrafa ende genyttod. | He would never enter his earth-gallery again. | |
Him big stodan bunan 7 orcas, | Beside him stood pitchers and piled-up dishes, | |
3050 |
discas lagon 7 dyre swyrd, | Silent flagons, precious swords |
omige, þurhetone, swa hie wið eorðan fæðm | Eaten through with rust, ranged as they had been | |
þusend wintra þær eardodon. | While they waited their thousand winters underground. | |
Þonne wæs þæt yrfe, eacencræftig, | That huge cache, gold inherited | |
iumonna gold, galdre bewunden, | From an ancient race, was under a spell | |
3055 |
þæt ðam hringsele hrinan ne moste, | Which meant no one was ever permitted |
gumena ænig, nefne God sylfa, | To enter the king-hall unless God himself, | |
sigora Soðcyning sealde þam ðe he wolde | Mankinds Keeper, True King of Triumphs, | |
He is manna gehyld hord openian, | Allowed some person pleasing him | |
efne swa hwylcum manna swa him gemet ðuhte. | And in his eyes worthy to open the hoard. | |
{ 42 } XLII. | ||
3060 |
Þa wæs gesyne þæt se sið ne ðah | What came about brought to nothing |
þam ðe unrihte inne gehydde | The hopes of the one who had wrongly hidden | |
wræce under wealle. Weard ær ofsloh | Riches under the rock face. First the dragon slew | |
feara sumne. Þa sio fæhð gewearð | That man among men, who in turn made fierce amends | |
gewrecen wraðlice. Wundur hwar þonne | And settled the feud. Famous for his deeds | |
3065 |
eorl ellenrof ende gefere | A warrior may be, but it remains a mystery |
lifgesceafta, þonne leng ne mæg, | Where his life will end, when he may no longer | |
mon mid his mægum, meduseld buan. | Dwell in the mead-hall among his own. | |
196r |
Swa wæs Biowulfe, | þa he biorges weard | So it was with Beowulf, when he faced the cruelty |
sohte, searoniðas. Seolfa ne cuðe | And cunning of the mound-guard. He himself was ignorant | |
3070 |
þurh hwæt his worulde gedal weorðan sceolde. | Of how his departure from the world would happen. |
Swa hit oð domes dæg diope benemdon | The high-born chiefs who had buried the treasure | |
þeodnas mære, þa ðæt þær dydon, | Declared it until doomsday so accursed | |
þæt se secg wære synnum scildig, | That whoever robbed it would be guilty of wrong | |
hergum geheaðerod, hellbendum fæst, | And grimly punished for his transgression, | |
3075 |
wommum gewitnad, se ðone wong strude. | Hasped in hell-bonds in heathen shrines. |
Næs he goldhwæte, gearwor hæfde | Yet Beowulfs gaze at the gold treasure | |
Agendes est ær gesceawod. | When he first saw it had not been selfish. | |
Wiglaf maðelode, Wihstanes sunu: | Wiglaf, son of Wihstan, spoke: | |
Oft sceall eorl monig, anes willan, | Often when one man follows his own will | |
3080 |
wræc adreogan, swa us geworden is. | Many are hurt. This happened to us. |
Ne meahton we gelæran leofne þeoden, | Nothing we advised could ever convince | |
rices hyrde, ræd ænigne, | The prince we loved, our lands guardian, | |
þæt he ne grette goldweard þone, | Not to vex the custodian of the gold, | |
lete hyne licgean þær he longe wæs, | Let him lie where he was long accustomed, | |
3085 |
wicum wunian oð woruldende. | Lurk there under the earth until the end of the world. |
Heold on heahgesceap. Hord ys gesceawod, | He held to his high destiny. The hoard is laid bare, | |
grimme gegongen. Þæt gifeðe wæs | But at a grave cost; it was too cruel a fate | |
to swið þe ðone þyder ontyhte. | That forced the king to that encounter. | |
Ic wæs þær inne 7 þæt eall geondseh, | I have been inside and seen everything | |
3090 |
recedes geatwa, þa me gerymed wæs, | Amassed in the vault. I managed to enter |
nealles swæslice sið alyfed, | Although no great welcome awaited me | |
inn under eorðweall. Ic on ofoste gefeng | Under the earth wall. I quickly gathered up | |
micle mid mundum, mægenbyrðenne | A huge pile of the priceless treasures | |
196v |
hordgestreona, hider | ut ætbær | Handpicked from the hoard and carried them here |
3095 |
cyninge minum. Cwico wæs þa gena, | Where the king could see them. He was still himself, |
wis 7 gewittig. Worn eall gespræc, | Alive, aware, and in spite of his weakness | |
gomol on gehðo, 7 eowic gretan het, | He had many requests. He wanted me to greet you | |
bæd þæt ge geworhton æfter wines dædum | And order the building of a barrow that would crown | |
in bælstede beorh þone hean, | The site of his pyre, serve as his memorial, | |
3100 |
micelne 7 mærne, swa he manna wæs | In a commanding position, since of all men |
wigend weorðfullost wide geond eorðan, | To have lived and thriven and lorded it on earth | |
þenden he burhwelan brucan moste. | His worth and due as a warrior were the greatest. | |
Uton nu efstan oðre siðe | Now let us again go quickly | |
seon 7 secean on searogeþræc | And feast our eyes on that amazing fortune | |
3105 |
wundur under wealle. Ic eow wisige, | Heaped under the wall. I will show the way |
þæt ge genoge neon sceawiað | And take you close to those coffers packed with rings | |
beagas 7 brad gold. Sie sio bær gearo, | And bars of gold. Let a bier be made | |
ædre geæfned, þonne we ut cymen, | And got ready quickly when we come out | |
7 þonne geferian frean userne, | And then let us bring the body of our lord, | |
3110 |
leofne mannan, þær he longe sceal | The man we loved, to where he will lodge |
on ðæs Waldendes wære geþolian. |
For a long time in the care of the Almighty. | |
Het ða gebeodan, byre Wihstanes, | Then Wihstans son, stalwart to the end, | |
hæle hildedior, hæleða monegum | Had orders given to owners of dwellings, | |
boldagendra, þæt hie bælwudu | Many people of importance in the land, | |
3115 |
feorran feredon, folcagende | To fetch wood from far and wide |
godum togenes: Nu sceal gled fretan | For the good mans pyre. Now shall flame consume | |
weaxan wonna leg wigena strengel, | Our leader in battle, the blaze darken | |
þone ðe oft gebad isernscure, | Round him who stood his ground in the steel-hail, | |
þonne stræla storm, strengum gebæded, | When the arrow-storm shot from bowstrings | |
3120 |
scoc ofer scildweall. Sceft nytte heold, | Pelted from the shield-wall. The shaft hit home. |
fæðergearwum fus, flane fulleode. |
Feather-fledged, it finned the barb in flight. | |
Huru se snotra sunu Wihstanes | Next the wise son of Wihstan | |
198r |
acigde of corðre | cyniges þegnas, | Called from among the kings thanes |
syfone tosomne, þa selestan. | A group of seven: he selected the best | |
3125 |
Eode eahta sum under inwithrof. | And entered with them, the eighth of their number, |
Hilderinc sum on handa bær | Under the God-cursed roof; one raised | |
æledleoman. se ðe on orde geong. | A lighted torch and led the way. | |
Næs ða on hlytme, hwa þæt hord strude, | No lots were cast for who should loot the hoard | |
syððan orwearde ænigne dæl | For it was obvious to them that every bit of it | |
3130 |
secgas gesegon on sele wunian, | Lay unprotected within the vault, |
læne licgan. Lyt ænig mearn | There for the taking. It was no trouble | |
þæt hi ofostlice ut geferedon | To hurry to work and haul out | |
dyre maðmas. Dracan ec scufun, | The priceless store. They pitched the dragon | |
wyrm ofer weallclif, leton weg niman, | Over the cliff top, let tides flow | |
3135 |
flod fæðmian frætwa hyrde. | And backwash take the treasure-minder. |
Þæt wæs wundengold on wæn hladen, | Then coiled gold was loaded on a cart | |
æghwæs unrim, æþelinge boren, | In great abundance, and the gray-haired leader, | |
harum hilde, to hrones næsse. | The prince of his bier, born to Hronesness. | |
{ 43 } XLIII | ||
Him ða gegiredan, Geata leode, | The Geat people built a pyre for Beowulf, | |
3140 |
ad on eorðan unwaclicne, | Stacked and decked it until it stood four-square, |
helmum behongen, hildebordum, | Hung with helmets, heavy war-shields | |
beorhtum byrnum, swa he bena wæs. | And shining armor, just as he had ordered. | |
Alegdon ða tomiddes mærne þeoden, | Then his warriors laid him in the middle of it, | |
hæleð hiofende, hlaford leofne. | Mourning a lord far-famed and beloved. | |
3145 |
Ongunnon þa on beorge bælfyra mæst, | On a height they kindled the hugest of all |
wigend weccan. Wudurec astah, | Funeral fires; fumes of wood smoke | |
sweart ofer swioðole, swogende let, |
Billowed darkly up, the blaze roared | |
wope bewunden. Windblond gelæg, | And drowned out their weeping, wind died down | |
oð þæt he ða banhus gebrocen hæfde |
And flames wrought havoc in the hot bone-house, | |
3150 |
hat on hreðre. Higum unrote | Burning it to the core. They were disconsolate |
modceare mændon, mondryhtnes cwealm. | And wailed aloud for their lords decease. | |
198v |
Swylce giomorgyd |Geatisc anmeowle, | A Geat woman too sang out in grief: |
næs bliðheorte, bundenheorde, | With hair bound up, she unburdened herself | |
sang sorgcearig sælðe geneahhe | Of her worst fears, a wild litany | |
3155 |
þæt hio hyre heregængas hearde ondrede, | Of nightmare and lament: her nation invaded, |
wælfylla worn, werudes egesan, | Enemies on the rampage, bodies in piles, | |
hyðo 7 hæftnyd. Heofon rece swealg. | Slavery and abasement. Heaven swallowed the smoke. | |
Geworhton ða Wedra leode | Then the Geat people began to construct | |
hlæo on hoe, se wæs heah 7 brad, | A mound on a headland, high and imposing, | |
3160 |
wægliðendum wide gesyne, | A marker that sailors could see from far away, |
7 betimbredon on tyn dagum, | And in ten days they had done the work. | |
beadurofes becn, bronda lafe. | It was their heros memorial; what remained from fire | |
Wealle beworhton, swa hyt weorðlicost | They housed inside it, behind a wall | |
foresnotre men findan mihton. | As worthy of him as their workmanship could make it. | |
3165 |
Hi on beorg dydon beg 7 siglu, | And they buried torques in the barrow, and jewels |
eall swylce hyrsta, swylce on horde ær | And a trove of such things as trespassing men | |
niðhedige men genumen hæfdon. | Had once dared to drag from the hoard. | |
Forleton eorla gestreon eorðan healdan, | They let the ground keep that ancestral treasure, | |
gold on greote, þær hit nu gen lifað | Gold under gravel, gone to earth, | |
3170 |
eldum swa unnyt swa hyt æror wæs. | As useless to men now as it ever was. |
Þa ymbe hlæw riodan, hildedeore | Then twelve warriors rode around the tomb, | |
æþelinga bearn, ealra twelfa, | Chieftains sons, champions in battle, | |
woldon care cwiðan, kyning mænan, | All of them distraught, chanting in dirges, | |
wordgyd wrecan, 7 ymb wer sprecan. | Mourning his loss as a man and a king. | |
3175 |
Eahtodan eorlscipe 7 his ellenweorc | They extolled his heroic exploits |
duguðum demdon, swa hit gedefe bið | And gave thanks for his greatness; which was the proper thing, | |
þæt mon his winedryhten wordum herge, | For a man should praise a prince whom he holds dear | |
ferhðum freoge, þonne he forð scile | And cherish his memory when that moment comes | |
of lichaman læded weorðan. | When he has to be convoyed from his bodily home. | |
3180 |
Swa begnornodon Geata leode | So the Geat people, his hearth companions, |
hlafordes hryre, heorðgeneatas. | Sorrowed for the lord who had been laid low. | |
Cwædon þæt he wære wyruldcyning, | They said that of all the kings upon the earth | |
manna mildust 7 monðwærust, | He was the man most gracious and fair-minded, | |
leodum liðost, 7 lofgeornost. | Kindest to his people and keenest to win fame. |
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Deus vult ! | Þeedrich ( Inscriptio electronica : Theedrich@harbornet.com ) |
Dies immutationis recentissimæ : die Jovis, 2017 Jan 12 |